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tUtos of Interest - .o- Local © W. A. Loveland has returned to Minneapolis. Deputy Sheriff Boutin has been on the sick list a few days. Miss Rae Huloert. of Mason, visit ed in the city over Sunday. John Love is having his residence on east fifth street newly painted. The large steamer Wells loaded grain at the elevator Monday, deal ing ror Buffalo. Mrs. George Jameson was here from Pratt visiting with friends during the week. Phil Tice left the first of the week for Iron River to work for the Hines, people at that place. Basun Lodge. I. O. G. T.. held a basket social at the Holt building last Saturday evening. Andrew Arntson has been appoint ed local collector for tae Metropoli tan Insurance Company. District Attorney Morris, of Iron River, was in the city Saturday at tending to legal matters. Mayor Irish was in Milwaukee on business the first of the week. He returned home Tuesday. Martin Gessel, of Drummond, visited with his brother Lester in this city a part of the week. Paul Milberg and family expect to leave soon for Duluth where they will make their future home. Mrs. Thomas L. Dukelow returned Saturday from Superior where she has bean visiting for a few days. A. Picotv. has moved into the rooms in the < rear of the candy kitchen, in the Meehan budding. Mrs. Paul Weed, of Ashland, visit ed with her parents in this city a number of days during the week. The steamer City of Naples dis charged acargoof coral at the North western Fuel company’s dock Mon day. E. Summerfield has gone to Hines where he will cook in the camps at that place during the coming winter months. Quite a number of people took advantage of the fine weather last week by taking their dinners on the bay shore. George F. Morgan and John Walsh transacted business at Hay ward and Cable the latter part of last week. Mrs. 0. W. Layton is expected; here Sunday from Chicago, and will visit in the city with her husband for a few days. J. E. Jones is having a private office partitioned off in the post office building, oesides making num-j erous other improvements, Attorney A. W, McLeod was at j Chippewa Falls the first of the week looking after matter of business in circuit court for that county. Miss Ford, a sister of Mrs. T. C. McWilliams, expects to leave for her home in Boston in a few days, after visiting in this city for some time. Mrs. Anton Holman was here from Bayfield during the week visiting with her husband who has a position with the Hines people in this citv. Miss Helen Preston expects to leave the latter part of the week for her home in Minneapolis, after spending the summer in Washburn. A number of the employees of the Hines people in this city have been transferred to the plant of the com pany at Iron River during the week- J. A. Sheridan is putting a con crete foundation under his building near the Bayfield County Bank. He is also puttiug in a cement sidewalk. Mrs. James Powderlv left the first of the week for the West to join her husband who has been out in that part of the country for the past year. Undersheriff Severson left Satur day evening for Oshkosh with Andrew Verge, of Iron River, who had been committed to the Insane asylum. The ladies of Pochahontas tribe gave a necktie party at their hall on Thursday evening. Over one hun dred were present and had a splen did time. ‘•Si” Walsworth a well known character around Ashland and Washburn was struct by a switch engine at Hurley Tuesday evening and was killed. Mrs. Thomas Lafffin and daughter Margaret left Saturday for Cameron Juntcion where they will visit for a snort time before leaving for their home in the south. Mrs. Fen Riley and children re turned to their home in the west the first of the week after visiting for some time with her relatives and iriends in this city. William Landriant, a prosperous farmer of the southern part of the town of Washburn, was in the city tne first of the week looking after matters of business. Andrew Rockstad has resigned his position at the Washburn Steam Landry and has accepted a position with the Atlantic Manufacturing company, at Barksdale. D. M. Maxc.v and wife and Mrs. C. B. Simpson accompanied Captaiu B. L. Simmons, of the yacht Lady Ruffles, to Duluth last Saturday, returning the next day. Monday was Yom Ivippur. the Jewish day of atonement, the most so omn occasion in the whole Jewish calendar. The day was appropriate ly observed in every Jewish home in the city. C'bas. Anderson is here from Washington, D. C. visiting in the city with his parents for a couple of week. Chaij, has a good position with the government in the war de partment. Captain Turgeon, of Ashland, was in the city the first of the week call ing on old acquaintances prior to his having for his new home in Califor nia. He expects to leave next Thursday. Ed. Williams expects to lay ce ment walks around his entire build ing, the Arcade corner. Ed. be lieves in makihg permanent improve ments and he has confidence in the future of the city. John Klemee, who was arrested some time ago on the charge of ab taining money and property under false pretenses, waived examination in Municipal courlSaturday and was bound over to the circuit court. “Your Neigbors Wife’’ will be at the Opera House Tuesday evening October 17th with a first class band and orchestra, don’t miss the big street parade, free band concert in front of Sweet’s West End Phar macy at noon. Dave McHenry, a colored gentle man employed as piano player at Donohue's saloon, was arrested Fri day on the charge of cruelty to ani mals. the complaint was made by C. L. Willey, whose horse McHenry aoused. Upon a settlement of the damages and costs in the case the fellow was released. F. J. Meeham will commence the building of cement walks in front of all his Duildings in the two blocks where the curbing is constructed. The Ashland Tile Cos. will do the work. Mr. Meeham is to be com mended for his enterprise. Perman ent improvements of this nature add greatly to the appearance of the city. We are in receipt of the prelimin ary announcement of the meeting of the Northwestern w.sconsin Teachers’ Association, to be held at Chippewa Falls, Oct. 20-21. Among the prominent men who are to lake part in the piogram are Dr. Samuel G. Smith of St, Paul, President 0. R. Van Hise of the University, Pres. R. H. Halsey of the Oshkosh Nor mal, Superintendent Carrol D, Pease of Milwaukee and Henry E. Legler. Secretary of Wisconsin Free Library Commission. You ought to see ‘‘Your Neigh bors Wife” at the Opera House Tuesday night. Watch for the band concert in front of Sweet’s West End Pharmacy. Get your seats early remember last show you had a hard time getting seats, order early Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. DeWitt & Cos. of Chicago discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for Piles. For blind, bleeding, itch ing and protruding pilas, eczema, cuts, ourns. bruises and all skin diseases De Witt’s Salve has no equal. This has given rise to num erous worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWut’s the genuine. Sold by Sweet’s West End Pharmacy. To the Public The grocers and butchers of the city of Washburn wish to anuounce to their customers that after the 10tb day of Oct., 1905, no credit will be extended to any customer whatever, but all sales will be strictly upon the cash basis, and that all special order taking or soliciting trade be abolished. This resolution is m tde by the merchants, not only for their own benefit, but for the benefit of those customers who are good pay. It stands to reason that when large amounts of money are lost every year through bad accounts, as is always the case under the credit system, which has become an evil to this community, the honest custom er who pays his debts has to bear a part, at least, of the loss sustained through bad debts. It is earnestly hoped that the customers of the grocery stores and meat markets will experience no inconvenience in the change that will be made. It is thought that after things are ad justed and the customers become ac customed to cash payments, they will find that it will not only be con venient, but save them money. S. E. Swanson, F. Tetzner, Larson Bros., * Nelson & Cos. Geo. Anderson, Raarup Bros., G. I. Carson, D. W. Corning, Washburn Co-Operative Grocery store. Cbas. Peterson, Manager. Congregational Church Service Regular services as usual. Morning worship with preaching by thq pastor at 10 30. 12:00 —Sunday School. 7100 —Christian Endeavor. 7:45 —Evening st-t Vice. The evening service will be under the supervision of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the Church, who have secured Mrs. Whitelaw, of Ashland, as speaker for the evening. Mrs. Whitelaw is a returned mis sionary to Japan and will tell us of her o,vn experience, about the work for women in heathen lands. At this time the ‘thank offering’’ will be gathered in, the proceeds of which will be sent to Miss Chitten den at Ing Hok, China, to a ; d her in building her boarding school for girls. A generous response is looked for. There will be special music by the choir ana by the mail quartete. A general invitation is extended to all. Come whether you believe in missions or not. the service will be interestirg and helpful. The Creamery The prospects for a creamery are growing brighter every day. Mr. Loveland, who has the matter in charge, is very much encouraged and expects soon to have the full amount subscribed. Over $2,500 has already been pledged. It is the intention to either buy or build a suitable building this winter, install the necessary machinery, and have everything in shape to begin busi ness next spring. This is an in dustry which is badly needed in Washburn and it is hoped that the plans so well begun will be carried to a successful conclusion. THE WEAL PL A CE THE PRATT H OT EE SIBBALD BROS,, PROPS. WHEN YOU W ANT TO GO FISHING OR HUNTING THERE IS NO BETTER PLACE TO GO IN THE STATF THAN PRATT. Our Hotel is Located on the Hill Above the Depot and is only One-half Mile from Best Fishing Streams. We Invite Washburn People . Best of Accomodations. Hi .Name # m We want to convince you that we know the business Of Candy Making and if you will send us your name we will send you a sample package by mail of our choice candy-. After you have once tried our candies you will not buy elsewhere. When at Ashland come and inspect our plant. Address, NEEDHAM’S, Ashland. SK2" DEW ENGLAND STORE. THE DAYLIGHT STORE. Fall Stock now Complete We are done with Summer and its wearables—All our time, thought and energy is now directed toward the fresh Fall .and winter Merchandise—we can only mention a few of the new arrivals. As an Introductory Sale We will offer for the week beginning Monday morning, October 9th. 40 pieces of fleeced fllanneletts, a good 8c to 10c quality X [ for per yard O2C Dress Goods. The new showing of gown stuffs is worthy of your attention. To encourage a look—we give for one week a discount of 10 per cent on every yard of Black and Colored dress goods in the house. 1 A P er eent discount on ‘Knit Top” JL V and mercerized underskirts. RUGS! RUGS! RUGS! Big and Little, we are not given to strong statements, but we do hesitate to sax that we have the finest selection of Rugs in Northern Wisconsin. Beautiful designs and. colorings. . Sizes 27 x 60, 36x 72, 41 x7,}, 6x9,81x10} and 9x 12. Velvets, Brussels Axministers and Moquettes. Bkuikets and Comforts at 10 per cent discount. We wish tot-hank the Ladies of Washburn for the patronage given us in the past and and hope for a share of this falls business. Best goods possible for the smallest amount o! moneA is our motto. GEO. A. SPAREING, KNIGHT BLOCK. ASHLAND, WIS AN ENEMY OF DIRT Dirt will quickly vanish from any clothing or laundry brought to our place and will be delivered to you CLEAN. We have one of the best equiped steam laundries in Northern Wisconsin and can do your work right. X&e Wdjhbtfm Steam l_adDdry. GO TO Carson’s FOR Fresh Groceries, Fresh, Bread Staple and Canned Gbods. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. The Best Teas and Coffee in the City. I DIVIDE MY PROFITS. For Chickens We hi/ a Complete Stock of Single and Double Barrel and Repeating Shot GunrS. Also Factory Loaded Shells for all Guns. If you are looking for “BIG GAME" take one of our Rifles with you. any caliber. 22 32 Special 30-30 303 32-40 35 30 U. S. A. 33 38-55 We have ammunition for all of them. See our Canvass Coats and Pants, the Largest Assortment in the City. JlardWdfe Qo. Wall Paper! To Be Ciosed Out The largest and best selected stock of Wall Paper* in Northern Wisconsin, to be closed out at FACTORY PRICES and less. A Great Money Saver For You! If you do not want to paper now, buy for your spring House Cleaning as you will never again have such an opportunity to get paper at these prices. A Few Prices Quoted Mere: 12c papers now 5c per double roll 20c “ “ 7c “ 25c “ 9c 35c tfi ,s 17c J. W. CLARKE, Estate, ASHLAND, - - - WISCONSIN If Seeking a Location For Factories of Any Kind Address the Commercial Club, Washburn, Wis 2000 yds Outing Flannels in short lengths and full pieces an 8c quality for, per yd The new Coats and Furs are Here — 1 A per cent discount on every Coat„ X V Skirt, Cravanette coat or Fur in the house for one week. | A per cent discount on if oisery and. X V Underwear—we carry the famous Munsing Union Suits for men, women and children. | P er cent discount on Table Liner. X V and Napkins.