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VERY FIERCE STORM Over Twenty Vessels Sunk or Driven Ashore. HINES’ BOATS ARE WRECKED The Schooners Galatea and Nirvana Bound for Washburn for Lumber are Wrecked Near Grand Marais, Michigan. One of the worst storms ever experienced on the Great Lakes raged last Thursday and Friday, and reports indicate that over twenty vessels were either sunk, driven on the rocks, or disabled during the fierce gale, Two of j the Hines lumber carriers bound j for Washburn are badly wrecked near Grand Marias. The following is a list of the! vessels lost during the storm: Barges Nirvana and Galatea, wrecked near Grand Marais, j Lake Superior. fe Barge Tasmania, sunk on Lake Brie. Barges Ashland and Tasmania broke loose from the steamer I Bulgaria near Lake Harbor, Michigan and one or both barges lost. Barge Mautenese foundered near Erie, Pennsylvania. Barge Minnedosa, lost with all hands, on Lake Huron. Barge Emma L. Neilson, dri ven ashore in Presque Isle Har bor. • j • Barge D. P. Rhodes, driven j ashore near Cheboygan, Michi- j gan. Steamer Joseph S. Fay, went to pieces near Roger City, Michi- ! gan. Tug Frank Perry sunk off Boot Island, Lake Erie. Steamer Sarah E. Sheldon, wrecked near Lorain, Ohio. Barge Kingfisher. w r recked near Lorain, Ohio. Barge Golden Age, blown | ashore in Lake St. Claire. Barge Yukon, sunk near Ash tabula. Tug Cygnet, destroyed near Cheboygan, Michigan. Barge Glen Cuyler, wrecked near Menomonie, Michigan. Tug Irene, sunk near same place. Barge Kate Lyons, ashore near Holland, Michigan. Barge Lydia, ashore near Manistee, Michigan. Tug Walter MvAcaff, sunk near Cleveland. Missing Barges Alta and Al ger, lumber laden, having broken loose from their steamer Marie, near Marquette. ‘‘A cold or cough nearly always produces constipation —the water all auns to the eves, nose and throat insteak sf passing cut of the systsms through the liver and kidneys. For the want of moisture the bowels be come dry a*.d hard.” Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar is the orig inal Laxative Cough Syrup. It meets and corrects the above condi tion. by acting as a pleasant cathar tic on the bowels —expels all colds irom the system and cures all coughs, croup, whooping cough. La- Griype, brondhits, etc. Sold by Sweet's West End Pharmacy. Whs In Poor Health for Years. Ira W. Kelley, of Mansfield, Pa. writes # ‘l was in poor health for two years, suffering from kidney and bladder trouble, and spent consider able money consulting physicians without obtaining any marked bene fit, but was cured by Foley’s Kidney Cure, and I desire to add my testi mony that it may be the cause of restoring the health of others.” Re use substitute* Frost & Spies. If you are troubled with dizzy spells, headache, indigestion, con stipation, Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will make you well and keep you well. If it fails, get your money back. Thats fair. 35 cents, Pox Bros. Common Council Proceed ings. (Continued from page 2.) Gilbert Urunnis ” “ 200 Jolm Hanson flushing sewers 10 00 Wash Elec LAP Cos, Tights, May 417 60 “ •• “ “ “ June 415 60 “ July 441 60 Fox Bros medicine to poor 11 60 M M Sweet 8 65 G I Carson groceries Evenson 2 86 Frank Tetzner meat Mrs. Krouse 1 00 Margeret Haronis care of diptherie 5 CO W M Tomkins legal service. W W case 250 00 L H Lien services as assessor 150 00 Geo F Morgan expenses to Madison tax cases 28 08 B Ungrodt hardware 47 1< Louis C. Wielar.d tiling 16 10 Washburn Hardward Cos, hardware.... 1185 News & Itemizer. printing 39 95 Jones Printing Cos. 48 50 Nelson Hose Cos. No 2 Cudmore fire.. 14 00 Hose co. No. 3 “ “ ... 16 00 Ilose Cos No. 1 “ “ ... 500 Hook & Ladder Cos “ “ .... 14 00 Thos Kelly blowing fire wksitles 4 00 Jacobs-McDonold Cos. cedar posts for cemetary 7 50 Geo. Bouchey, assisting dog catcher... 1 75 Wisconsin Telephone Cos. tel. rent 6 95 Leonard Brinker, poundmaster 10 78 Baylield County Telephone Cos. toll 30 Frost & Spies medicine 90 R A Bering, incidentals 8 5!) Morgan <fc Axelberg, insurance toon h 67 50 Hawks assisting dog catcher 2 25 CSt P M & O Ry Cos, freight 1 61 Q W Frost, incidentals 1 15 1- rost & Spies “ 60 Hugo C Nelson surveying ; 27 50 It was moved and seconded that fc the council adjourn until September 9ih, 19U5, at 8:00 o'clock p. m. Motion carried. R: A. Hbring, City Clerk. Pursuant to adjournment the com mon council of the city of Washburn met at the office of the city clerk Oct. 10th. 1905, and was called to order by President M. M. Sweet at 8:30 o’clock P. M. Present—Goddard, Stevens, O’Sul livan. Ungrodt, Dunn, Lamoreaux, j Nelson, Stockstad, Dukelow, Olson, Calder, Sw et —13. Absent —Mon net te. Minutes ot previous meeting were read and upon motion duly approved. ! Mayor Irish takes the chair. The following ordinance was read: ! An Ordinance. Providing for the funding of the judgment indebtedness of the city of Washburn, into five percent, twenty year bonds. WheheaS, There are due and unpaid valid judgments, against the city of Washburn, in the county of Bayfield, and State of Wisconsin, aggregating Forty-on t Thousand Dollars, ($41,000), and, Whereas. In tlie judgment of the common council of said city, such judgments cannot be paid by current taxation, and here as, The city of Waslburn desires to fund said judgments into bonds of said city, therefore the common council of said city of Washburn, do ordain as follows: Section 1. All the judgments against the ciry of Washburn unpaid at the time of the is suance of the bonds herein provided for, are hereby ordered to be funded into one series of bonds, according to the authority conferred upon cities by chapter 311 of the Laws of ! Wisconsin, for the year 1905, which said chap- j ter is entitled “i\n Act amending section 925- J 133, of the statutes of 1898, as subsequently amended, for the funding and refunding of city debts,” and which said act was approved June 7, 1905, and published June 7, 1905, which | said bonds shall be known and designated as j •‘Funding bonds of the City ol Washburn, i State of Wisconsin,” and to accomplish this [ object, The mayor and clerk of said city, be | and hereby are directed To cause to be print led, bonds of the said city of Washburn, in i the form hereinafter set forth, j Section 2. The total amount of bonds to j be issued, shall be of the face value of Forty j Thousand Dollars ($40,000), The denomination thereof shall be SIOOO.OU each, The time when sa ! d bonds shall be due and payable, shall be twenty years from the date \\ hich said bonds bear, but at the option of | the city, it may pay two (2) of said bonds at i the end of each year, beginning with the I bond numbered one, and paying them con j seeutively according to their numbers, until all said bonds are paid, and the place of pay ment of the principal and interest shall be Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, located at the city of Chicago. Illinois, and the rate of interest shall be five per cent per annum. Section 3. Said b >nds shall bear interest at the rate as aforesaid, of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually' on the first days of May and November in each year. Section 4. Coupons for such interest and for each payment thereof, numbered consecu tively in order of payment tor each bond, shall be attached to said bond,in which shall be stated the date, the same is payable, where pa3 r able, and the amount thereof, and contain such obligation and be in such form as is usual and necessary, as follows: FORM OF COUPON. ’ $ Coupon No $2,100 The City of Washburn, in the State of Wis consin. will pay the bearer Twenty-five dol lars at Illinois Trust and Savings Bank in the city of Chicago, Illinois on the first day of A. D being six months inlercst on funding bond No Mayor. City Clerk. Section 5. Each of said bonds shall be numbered from one to forty inclusive, as they are issued, and shall be signed by the mayor and countersigned by the clerk of the said city of Washburn, and each shall be sealed with the corporate seal of said city, and such coupon attached thereto shall be signed by the mayor and the clerk of said city, Section 6. The mayor and the clerk of said city are hereby authorized to negotiate said bonds in the following manner: Said bonds shall be advertised for sale in two local pa pers in the city of Washburn, and in such other papers as they may .select, and such notice shall recite that sealed bids will be re ceived on a day and hour to be by them fix ed, for the whole or any part of said bonds, and said mayor and clerk shall sell said bonds to the highest and best responsible bidder therefor, but at not less than par, and accrued interest, and shall deposit all moneys received therefrom with the Citv Treasurer of the city of Washburn, as a fund for the payment of said judgments, and thereupon said City Treasurer shall imme diately pay all such judgments, aj*d all sur- plus, if any, by premium upon said bonds, shall remain in the general fund of the said City of Washburn, Section 7. There shall he and hcrebv is lev ied upon the taxable property of the city of Washburn, a direct annual tax sufficient to oav the interest theron, as it falls due, and to pay and discharge the principal thereof within twenty years from the time of the issue of said bonds. Sections. The bonds hereinafter referred to shall be in form substantially as follows: FORM OF BOND. No $! 000.00 Foiled States of America, City of Washburn Bayfield County, State of Wisconsin. FUNDING BOND. Know ail Men by These Presents. That the city of Washburn, in the county of Bay field and State of Wisconsin, acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the bearer, One Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars in gold coin of the United States of America, at the present standard of weight and fine ness, for value received twenty years from the date hereof, at Illinois Trust and Savings Bank in the city of Chicago. Illinois, with interest thereon at the ra-e of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, in like gold coin, on the first days of May and November in each year at the said Illinois Trust and Savings Bank in the city of Chicago, Illinois, upon presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally become due. The city of Washburn may at its option, at the end ot each year, pay ,two (2) of this series of bonds, beginning with number one and paying them consecutively in the order of their numbers, until all are paid. This bond is issued by the common coun cil of the said ity of Washburn, for the pur pose ofpayingthe valid unpaid judgment indebtedness against the said city of Wash burn. and under and by virtue of. and in full compliance and conformity with the pro visions of chapter 311 of the Laws of Wiscon sin, for the year 1905, which said chapter is entitled “An Act amending section 925-133, of the statutes of 1898. as subsequently amend ed, fur the funding and refunding of city debts,” and which said a„t was approved June 7,1905 and published June, 7, 1905, and under, pursuant to and in all respects in full conformity with the provisions of an or dinance adopted by a vote in favor of the (Continued to page 6.) Did You Ever Stop . To Think of the Great Risk you are taking when you carry no W , \ lire Insurance .. We Represent twenty-eight of the Leading companies and can Insure your dwelling and household goods at a trifling cost. L. N. CLAUSEN- Made in the Golden Sunlight j Don't forget r Graham Crackers ’ Butter Thin Biscuit L Social Tea Biscuit V Lemon Snaps J It is conceded by the highest authorities that the soda cracker contains the life-giving elements of wheat in the best proportions. This being so, then U need a Biscuit must at once take first place as the food of the world —a soda cracker, but such a soda cracker! Made by exact science in sunny bakeries so light, bright and clean, that they are a revelation. The flour is tested; the purity of the water is absolutely assured; the very air is filtered, —why even the temperature and moisture of the atmosphere is accurately regulated. The sponge is kneaded by polished paddles, not by hand. Indeed, Uneeds Biscuit are only touched once, and then by a pretty girl, from the time the flour leaves the bag until the beautiful package is placed on your table. You ask why all this work, all this care in the making of a soda cracker? Because the soda cracker is the best of all food and U needs Biscuit is the most wonderful of all soda crackers. And with all of it the price is only a package. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Excursions. Personally conducted, excursion to Los Angeles and San Francis o. The Omaha will sell tickets for the above at rate of SIBO.OO for return trip to include sleeping car, fares, meals en route in dinning cars and dinning stations four davs at hotO !at Los Angeles and three days at I St. Francis Hotei in San Francisco, i This trip will route over North ; western line to Omaha and from Omaha to Denver over to Union i Pacific,thence D. & R. G. to Colora do Springs to Salt Lake, thence San Pedro. Los Angeles and Salt Lake Ry. to Los Angeles’ Sothern Paci fic to Santa Barbara, to Monterey and San Francisco, returning via Southern Pacific, Ogden and Union Pacific. Various side trips have been arranged and will be in charge of an experienced manager. The trip is of twenty days duration and j includes a day at Denver and one at Colorado Springs with* visit to Manitou and Garden of the Gods and other points of interest Please call upon Omaha ticket agent, M. C. Lincoln for further in formation. 2). J. 3LaXonbe CHIROPODIST AND EXPERT SHOE FITTER LaLonde’s Cash Shoe House ASHLAND. WISCONSIN C . O. SOWDER, INSURANCE AGENCY. if General Insurance. # Special Attention Given to Insurance cr Farm Buildings. Rates Reasonable. Office at Bayfield County Bank, Washburn, Wis. Wi 0 DAVIDSON’S 0 (fg Great Shoe Store. : Z Fall and Winter Shoes* It will do you good to see the elegant line <§f ; new fall and winter styles in shoes that have just bee* received at our store. We have them ready for your inspection. A Line of Felt Shoes Have also just been received and they certain'] j are worthy of mention. They are just the thiiif for anyone troubled with 4 ‘COLD FEET” and yoi should make your selection whila is complete. Our Prices are Always the Lowest O. DAVIDSON. turnouts ... tn , ♦ LIVERY In the City at C. L. Willey’s Stables