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To the Point. A certain Eastern company, that some time ago was anxious to uurchase a silver-lead mine, found itself in a state of uncertainty. What seemed to be a really attractive mine was found to be In the market, and negotiations for its purchase were entered upon. The result of these negotiations is re ported by the Spokane Miner and Elec trician. As the ore assayed well, and every thing looked propitious, a mining ex pert was sent to examine the mine. His report was favorable, in fact, it was too favorable. He eertilied that the ore was there In large quantities, and that it was extremely valuable. His unqualified praise aroused the sus picion of the would-be purchasers. If the mine was indeed so valuable, why was the price so low? The company determined to investigate more closely. At this point a well-known mining man of Sjtokane recommended that a certain rough-and-ready genius, a man wlio had graduated from no college, should be sent to look at the mine. “lou can depend on his judgment,” said the mining man, “and he will tell you nothing but the truth. You had better trust to his report, which, in all probability, will be short and very much io the point.” The ml vie was followed, and the event showed the wisdom of the ad viser. As he had predicted, the report was short and full of pith. It read sub stantially as follows: “Dear Sirs—l have made an examina tion of the ‘Cliff Dweller’ mine, and re port that the ore is there as ripresinted, that it assays high, that it is there in plenty, hut to get your supplies in and your ore out you will need a pack-tliraiu 01 bald agles.” The mine was* rejected on the ground of inaccessibility. The Reason. The reason that the chainless bicycle is not so well known as the other kind is that it travels in cog.—Chicago Trib une. No man is better pleaseu with the progress of civil service reform than the fellow who knows lie cannot get an of fice. Next to getting a tiling yourself nothing is co pleasant as to sea some one else turned down. America’s Greatest Medicine CiKkatkst, Because flood's Sarsaparilla does what all other medicines fail to do. As an instance of its peculiar and unusual curative power, consider the most insidious disease, and the disease which taints the blood of most people, producing incalculable suffering to many, while in others it is a latent fire liable to burst into activity and produce untold misery on the least provocation. Scrofula is the only ailment to which the human family is subject, of which the above sweeping statement can honestly be made. Now, a medi cine that can meet this common enemy of mankind and repeatedly effect the wonderful cures Hood’s Sarsaparilla has,—clearly has the right to the title of America’s Greatest Medicine. Hood’s parilla Is sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. HnnH’e L)i|| c act harmoniously with lIUUU t ill’s Hood’s Sarsaparilla. 25c. Established 1780. I Baker’s it 1 1 | Chocolate, i— 1 "* a ‘ t celebrated for more v, jSfxi than a century as a !> delicious, nutritious, and flesh-forming beverage, has our well-known jfg i|j.|y|ra Yellow Label Ifi } ||i on the front of every Uj tf \ package, and our \ I ; j trade-mark,“La Belle J Chocolatiere,”on the £ NONE OTHER OENIUNE. r MADE ONLY BV l WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. ! WHEAT. 40 cts. a Bushel. Wttli SaUer's now crea tloiis in spring Wheat to be sown before April ‘45- yoti ran raise wheat at 40c ;t hushrUntl make money, flow? Why,Salter*- Mar vel Wheat hat* a record of 50 bit 4. per acre in lowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Min* nesota, Mich., Inch. etc. OATS. 209 Bus Per Acre. Salzer's Silver Mine Oats still leads tlie world, with a record riLht here in Wisconsin or 431 bushel* per r ,cre In ISIMJ, What more do you wish? Don’t this beat all? You see, Salzer’s Seeds are bred up to blfj yields! (9400 in gold we pay for name of our new Oat wonder). BARLEY. I 73 Bus. Per Acre. •Ino. Hrelder, Mlshlcott, Wls., grew, in 1890. 173 hus.of salzer’s Sliver King Harley from one meas ured ‘acre, sworn to by llve witnesses. That's Im mense. but you see Sal zer’s Seeds are bred to produce! That’s why you j;ct such big yields. CORN. 2<iO bus. per acre- that’, wonderful. Well. Halier', seeds are bred to yield*! POTATOES. 1,607 Bus. PerAore. We know you tran’t be lieve it it’s too biff! But salzer's seeds are bred to GRASSES. largest growers of fresh, live (irsMueu nnd Clover Seeds In the world hence our seeds are ic imrmnteed. \ oil can l*ct on oui rlover and Oras*Seeds mowing! nd such yields O tons of VEGETABLES. Finest, earliest to lie had. Our W Isconsin Seed can’t he l*rtt. Why buy your seeds in stores when for less money you can buy them delivered free of us? 3A pkj;**. Earliest Vegeta bles 191.00, postpaid. For 10c Stamp (C.N.) ( and THIS NOTICK we will send you It Rare 1 arm seed Sample* and our (.rent lAIt )1 SEKD HOOK. ITScid thlsno -1 lee along. JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO., (C.N.) LA CKOSSE, WIS. IN 3 OR 4 YEARS AN INDEPENDENCE IS ASSURED, B 1 f you Hike up your homo in' WESTERS CANA DA, tho land of plenty. vtr Illustrated juin plilets, Kivint; experience of farmers who have txi ctnue wealthy in growing wheat, rej-orts of dele gates, ete., and full in form* uon as to railway rates, can be had on application to De; ariineiH Interior. Ottawa, Canada, or to C J Broughton. 1523 Monadnoek Hulldlng.Chl eaco 111.; T. O. Currie. Stevens Point, \\ tscoiisin; \i y \f climes. No. I MtTrill lilock, Detroit, Mich n'u Caven. Had Aw, Mich., or James Grieve, Reed City, Mich.; N. lUrtholoincw. >w. s Moines, lowa D. H. Murphy, Stratford. lowa. ’ Agents for the Got eminent of Canada. "Uj CUHtS WMIHt Ail ELSE MILS. □ Best < ough Syrup. rasteaGood. Use g| M In time. ■*! hr druggist-. El i i.i in i mi l raff ODIET ON THE SODFACE. Warlike Spirit of the People Has Some* what Subsided. TALK IS NOW LISS HOSTILE. Verdict of the Naval Board Is Pa tient y Awaited. Two Weeks May Elapse Hefore Official Reports Are Made on the Maine Disaster —Belli tjc rent Congressmen Claim the Silence Is Ominous- Mean time Uncle Sam Will IJe Prepared for War. The naval court of inquiry in the case of the ill-fated battleship Maine is pro ceeding as a court martial and keeping its proceedings to itself. The Secretary of the Navy says that lie has no informa tion not given to the public, ti nt he knows nothing of (lie character of the evidence taken, or the opinions or conclusions of the hoard of inquiry. What is more to the point, Secretary Long intimates that lie docs not expect to know anything about how the Maine was destroyed until the hoard of inquiry makes its report, which may lie not for two or three weeks. With such positive assertions from Secre tary Long, there can be nothing hut spec ulation in Washington as to what the ver dict will lie. There is plenty of specula tion and little of it is now in line with the accident theory. In the absence of exciting news from Havana there has been a noticeable cessa tion of the war talk in Washington. The conservative attitude of the President has reflected in Congress, and members who first would listen to nettling but war are now disposed to wait patiently for the actual decision by the court of inquiry. Members of Congress, says a Washington correspondent, are gradually coming to see that events are moving fast enough JIAHTOI.OMK MASSO, I'IIESIDKNT OF CUBA. without any assistance on their part, and that if an outside explosion is proved and an indemnity demanded Spain would nearly certainly refuse it and thus justify the President in interfering active!' to preserve peace in Cuba. It is said at both the State and Navy Departments 'flat there is no disposition to delay the publi cation of the finding of the board, but it is more than hinted that in all probability the board will merely present the facts and say that they are too vague to make a positive declaration one way or the oth er. That contingency will produce new com plications, and it is probably this which lias induced the President to say positive ly that there is no immediate prospect of any war between this country and Spain, for if the board of inquiry is not able to reach a positive finding it will be exceed ingly and i lit cult for the State Department to formulate any kind of a demand upon Spain. The President will not precipitate the country in a war unless the facts are such ns to justify him in the eyes of au overwhelming majority of the people. He evidently realizes, however, the strained relations between the two countries and the active possibility if not probability of a dispute arising which could only be set tled by a show of force on the part of this country. The President’s desire for and belief in peace has not interfered in any way with the orders issued to the army and navy to put the armed forces of the country into a condition for active service. It is dis tinctively announced that this is the ounce of prevention rather than the pound of cure and that the preparations will con tinue until all possibility of actual war lias been disposed of. So far as the general public is concern ed the war scare has subsided, for the present at least. There may be more ex citement when the report of the court of inquiry on the Maine disaster is received, but it may not be easy to stir the country up again. Besides, it is now pretty well understood that it is going to take a long RECOVERING BODIES FROM TIIK MAINE BY MEANS OF ROPES time to get at the facts. Secretary Long received a letter from one of the officers at Havana, in which the statement was made that so far the result of the investi gations made by the divers within the wreck has been rather unsatisfactory. The writer explains that the water of Havana harbor is so foul the divers can not see their way about and have to de pend upon tile sense of touch. It is un derstood the writer of the letter was rath er pessimistic as to the outlook for getting at the actual facts. At best it is going to take time to ascer tain the truth, and the country will have need of all its stock of patience. The court of imiuiry will return to Havana to be present after the wrecking opera tions have been started. Although no official news concerning the movements of the court has been received, the authori ties think the court w ill need at least two weeks, and perhaps a much longer time, for completion of its work. This inquiry, the conservatives say, is too important to be rushed through. Too much depends upon its results. XJost serious is the re sponsibility which the members of this court have assumed. As high-minded offi cers they are naturally eager to acquit themselves with credit. The issue of war or peace between nations may depend upon their verdict, and this is no trifling matter to be rushed through in haste. All the investigation the court has so far l>eon able to make in Havana was of a purely preliminary character. The members will now have to carefully and patiently watch the wrecking operations for further evi dence. Secretary does not profess to be lieve in the accident theory as he did for several days after the Maine was blown up. Other members of the cabinet be lieve, as does Secretary Long, that the ship was blown up by design. The ex perts in the navy also believe this, or uow profess to believe it. but they will await facts before expressing positive opinions. Method in the Silence. It may be truthfully asserted, however, says a well-informed Washington corre spondent. that nine out of every teu mem bers of Congress believe there is a deep significance in the seemingly dilatory tac tics of the administration in regard to the disaster. They believe that President McKinley and the members of his cabinet are not so much in the dark regarding the information secured by the court of in quiry ns is indicated bv the official bulle tins, nuJ that there is method in the si lence. Many of the members are convinc BOARD OF INQUIRY EXAMINING A WOUNDED MARINE. ed that the President is playing for time and that every minute is being utilized to make preparations for war. Other members believe that the President lias received word from the court of inquiry that the explosion was an accident and that he is taking measures to have it ap pear that the court is making a most ex haustive and deliberate investigation in order that no cry may be raised that a snap verdict was returned. At the Navy Department the impression was giveii out that Secretary Long was greatly disappointed at the word which came from Ivey West that the board of inquiry would not he able to report for several weeks. Secretary Long had ex pected all along that the report would he in before this time. He said that he did not think the President would be content to wait so long and that an intimation to this effect had been sent to Key West. The men. Lets of Congress, however, are skeptical of the assertion that the Presi dent is no wiser than the public, and many insist that every bit of important testi mony is sent to him in cipher dispatches almost as soon as it is presented to the hoard of inquiry. It is believed by some that Spain is pre paring the way to contest any tinding that the battleship was blown tip by acci dent. With the wreck sinking deeper and deeper into the mud of the harbor, it may be difficult to prove any assertion to the contrary. It has been asserted by Span iards that there were mines in the harbor, and there has been no denial until Senor du Bose made the unotticia! assertion Sat urday. Shortly after Blanco became cap tain general of Cuba there were reports from Havana of explosions in the harbor which excited people, but were explained as caused by experimenting with explo sives in the harbor, where Spanish officers were planting mines and torpedoes. It has never been denied that Havana was protected by these modern defenses. The denial nt this time is looked upon us the beginning of more diplomatic maneuvers by Spain to delay and escape the responsi bility for blowing up the Maine. Excitement la Abated. Everywhere in Washington abatement of unrest and excitement of the past fort night is noticeable and it is now quite evi dent that the administration has settled down to the belief that the naval board of inquiry will not conclude its work and be ready to report for two or three weeks, and that in the meantime the Government and people can only wait as patiently as may be for the verdict. The action Monday of Senator Hale and Representative Bouteile, chairmen, re spectively, of the Senate and House com mittees on naval affairs, in pigeonholing the recommendation of Acting Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt for legislative au thority to enlist at once 1,500 additional seamen deprived Senators and Represent atives of an opportunity to discuss the sit uation growing out of the Maine disaster. Naval preparations go on as before, but the diplomatic policy of the administra tion with regard to the Cuban question is held in abeyance. Those close to the President say that he is less apprehersive of the consequences of the disaster than he was a week ago. These represent Mc- Kinley as being inclined to think that the warlike spirit of the people which broke out so fiercely upon receipt of news that the Maine had been destroyed is subsiding somewhat. That the disaster to the Maine has up set completely the President's Cuban pol icy is indicated by the fact that the time lias already arrived when the ultimatum of the administration was to have been sent to Spain. It was generally under stood the Sagasta ministry would not he permitted to postpone beyond March its reply to the demands made upon it by Woodford, but the President knows no more now officially as to whether Wood ford's mission is to meet with success or failure than he did when the minister for- warded Sagasta’s first reply to his note of :'ust ructions. EIGHT-HOUR LAW IS UPHELD. Important Supreme Court Decision on a Case Appealed from Utah. In the Supreme Court at Washington tin opinion was handed down in the case of E. F. Holden vs. the sheriff of Salt Lake County, Utah, upholding the con stitutionality of the territorial law fixing a day's work in smelters and mines in the territory at eight hours. Mr. Holden was arrested for violating the law and was sentenced to imprison ment. He brought the ease to the Su preme Court in an effort to secure a writ of error on the ground that the law was unconstitutional in that it was calculated to deprive a citizen of life or property without due process of law. The eourt held that such was not the ease, but that the law was an exercise of the State's police powers. Justice Br< wn said in passing upon the ease that it was not the intention of the court to pass generally upon the eonstito tionality of eight-hour laws, but that in so far as State laws were exerted for the protectioi of the lives, the health or the morals of a community there could be no doubt of their propriety or of their constitutionality. There could be no doubt of the exceptional and unhealthful char acter of work in smelters or mines, be cause of bad air, high tempersttire and uoxior-- gases, and heuee the •visdoui of the State legislation. The decision of the Supreme Court of Utah was affirmed in tliis opinion. RATE IS CUT $36. War Begins Between American Roads and Canadian I’ucific. Thirty-six dollars was clipped from the passenger rate of all lines between Chi cago and Seattle uud other north Pacific coast points Monday morning. The rate hereafter will be |31.50. Up to that day the authorized charge was $07.50 on the same class of transportation. On unlim ited transportation it hnd boon as high as $81.50. The cut. therefore, is one of more than 50 per cent. No higher charge will be put into effect until the warfare between the American lines and the Canadian Pacific is settled, either by amicable agreement or the back ing down of one or the other interest. Prospects for yet lower charges are ex ceedingly bright, for American line* are determined to make the tight a bitter one and the Canadian Pacific shows no signs of weakening. -1 he rate of $31.50 will be applied through Omaha, Kansas City and other Missouri river gateways, as well as through St. Paul. Through Missouri river cities, however, single tickets will lie sold on the rebate plan, purchasers be ing obliged to deposit the regular rate, $67.50, with the agent who sells the tick ets. At Seattle, $36 will be refunded to them. Three or more persons traveling together may secure their tickets via the Missouri river gateways at the fiat rate of $31.50. Through St. Paul all tickets will be sold at the flat rate of $31.50. CANNOT INSPECT MEAT. Federal Officers Deprived of Their Power by u Decision in Court. By a decision handed down by the Unit ed States District Court at Kansas City, Mo., by Judge John P Rogers at Fort Smith, Ark., the entire system of Govern ment inspection of meat was declared un constitutional. The opinion of the jurist is to the effect that Congress has no au thority to ereat • the office of meat inspec tor and to place such an official in the packing houses in the United States to examine the product before it is packed and shipped or delivered for consumption. The opinion was handed down in the case of a man named Harry Boyer, who was indicted by the Federal grand jury on the charge of attempting to bribe a Government meat inspector. Boyer is foreman, in the fresh meat department of the Jacob Hold Packing Company. The court holds that Congress exceeded its power in creating the office of meat in spector and that even if Boyer had at tempted to bribe such an official he could not be held as an offender. His act, the court decided, was not a crime against TYPICAL SPANISH SOLDIER IN' HAVANA. the Government. Under this decision the packers of this country may disregard the meat inspection statutes with impunity. Harry Boyer was indicted by the Fed eral grand jury in November, 1807, on three counts, charging him with offering at three different times sums of money and regular salaries to assistant meat in spectors if they would allow employes of the packing house to carry away con demned carcasses, ostensibly to the offal tank. Boyer desired, it was charged, to use the carcasses of lumpy-jaw stock in bologna sausage. The inspectors swore out affidavits before United States Dis trict Attorney Walker to the effect that they had been offered the bribes. Boyer’s attorney demurred to the hidictment on the ground that the carcasses which were inspected were not subjects of interstate commerce, and thnt, therefore, the Gov ernment had no right to impose police reg ulations at the imekiug houses. Told in a Few Dines. George Rucker, aged 12, sou of I. C. Rucker of Paint Lick, Ky., was caught in the shafting of liis father’s rolling mill and killed. Count Esterliazy, speaking of the Zola trial, predicts that “the streets of Paris will be strewn with 100,000 dead before this miserable business is brought to a conclusion.” Johnnie Siiumons, a 9-year-old boy, was bathing in the Comal river, at New Braunfels, Tex., when he got beyond his depth and was drowned. Ilis body was recovered. In the forest fires th oughout the State f South Carolina during the past few uays several persons have perished and more than 1,000,000 acres of forests and fields ha o been devastated. The Paris court has just handed down a decision favoring the heirs in the contest over the will of the late Dr. Evans, the celebrated millionaire dentist, who died recently in the French capital. For the fourth time Gov. Hastings of Pennsylvania has respited Frank Joir grass, the Lawrence County (Pa.) mur derer. the last time in deference to request of Assistant Secretary of State Day. The remains of James E. Berry, the late ‘ millionaire tramp,” who died at Paducah, Ky., have been shipped to a wealthy brother in Gloversville, N. Y. He had gained a wide reputation by squandering SIOO,OOO in less than eigh teen months. When he died, in January, there wns no money found upon his per son. and his friends declined to claim the body until a few days ago. A Tom Thumb Train. A “Tom Thumb” train, so-called be cause it is supposed to be the smallest In the world, is to Ik' exhibited at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition at Oma ha. It was constructed by a young man, who, without any technical train ing, made all the patterns, did all the easting, and put together the whole train with his own hands. The engine weighs 450 pounds. Its length, with tender, is 6 feet 7V> inches; the size ot the cylinder is Da by 2% inches. The driving wheels are 8 inches in diameter, and yet the locomotive hauls six ob servation cars, in each of which two children can be comfortably seated. i liesc cars are 41 inches long and 14 inches wide, and covered after the fashion of the ordinary observation car. The entire train, consisting of engine, tender, four observation cars, one box car and a caboose, is but 29 feet in length. Six gallons of water In the tender tank and live in the boiler will furnish steam to propel It for two hours. Coal is banled and shoveled .out of the tender In the orthodox man ner. In faet, the little engine Is com plete in miniature in every detail. In stead of oil in the headlight a small electric battery in the engine un der the eal’-seat furnishes an luean descent light, which is described as sparkling from the pilot like the dia mond in a hotel clerk’s shirt front, — Pittsburg Dispatch. THE DOCTOR'S FRIGHT. It \\ us Almost Sufficient to Convince Him that Mb. Hair Stood Erect. A well-known physician of Massachu setts, whose science Is thoroughly mod ern, lately had an experience which gave him anew Interest in the time honored belief that the hair sometimes “stands erect” on occasions of fright. He had accepted an invitation to pass two weeks of a much-needed vacation with some friends who were hunting in the wilds of New Brunswick. While there he went out one afternoon, arm ed only with his cane, for a walk In the woods, and managed, without actu ally losing the path, to wander so far from the camp that it was dark before he could get back. He was groping along on his return, feeling his way with his cane, at an unknown distance from the camp, when he heard, apparently but two or three feet in front of him, a frightful yell, and then saw as distinctly as ne wished to see, even in the gloom, the head, and especially the mouth and teeth, of a wild animal, which he knew to be a lynx. The creature occupied the path, and the doctor lmd had expe rience enough In hunting to know that a lynx across the path of an unarmed man Is a serious mattr. The doctor was undoubtedly scared, and he had reason to he. A strange sensation of extreme coldness went all over him, and especially seemed to af fect the top of his head, which, foi that matter, Is not well provided with hair. But he did with calmness the only thing that there was to do. He drew back a step, and began beating the bushes ahead of him violently with his cane. The lynx, snarling ferociously, back ed into the bushes at the side of the path, and the doctor advanced, still striking before him with his cane. Ho knew that tiie lynx might leap upon him, and that if it did, it would proba bly bo all over with him; but the lynx did not jump. Snarling still, it kept in the bushes, while the doctor steadily advanced. He could see the animal’s horrible mouth open as he passed it; once past, the doctor turned about and kept backing away, beating the bushes. When he got so far along that he felt safe again, he faced about and took ac count of himself. He was all right, hut he still felt that terrible cold at the top of his head. “Well,” lie said to himself, “I have got out of it very well, with only the loss of my cap; but I shall take a hor rible cold getting back to camp iu this tight air bareheaded.” He pressed on, feeling his way, and it lust reached the comfortable camp tire, finding his companions eonsidera oly exercised about him. He made iaste to relate his adventure. “And after all,” he ended, “all the aarm that came to me was the loss of my cap, and probably a cold caught for the want of it.” “You lost your cap?” said one of the hunters. They looked significantly at one another and at the doctor. “Yes.” “Then what’s that you have on your head?” The doctor put up his hand. There was his cap, just where it belonged! The hunters burst into a roar of laugh ter, while the doctor stood before the fire with his hand held at the top of his head, and a puzzled expression on bis face. “Well, that Is strange!” he said. “The top of my head was as cold as if a block of ice had lain on it.” One of th. hunters paused in his laughter long enough to say, “That’s what the lynx did. Your hair was on end, and it held your cap up and let the cold air in around your scalp.” The doctor does not accept this ex planation in its entirety, especially in view of what he scientifically calls the feeble dynamic capability of the hair on top of his head; but fie is convinced that great excitement, due to the sense of bodily peril, may result in a sensa tion of extreme coldness in the region of the scalp. And this coldness, he is led to believe, when experienced by others, may have given rise to the pop ular notion of the Hair standing on end during fright. Sixteen thousand dollars is the rec ord price paid for a cablegram, that price having been paid for a message sent, by Mr. Hcnuiker Heaton to Aus tralia in behalf of tHe British Parlia ment. Reuter’s account of the mur derer Deemiug’s trial, 4,000 words, cost SB,OOO. An 1,800 word dispatch from London to Argentina cost $7,500. The most expensive private message so far is that sent by the King of Italy to the Duke of Abruzzi at Rio Janeiro, in forming him of tlie death of his father, the late D’’ke of Aosta, which cost $2,970. News for the Whee’men. The League of American Wheelmen numbers nearly 2,000 below the 100,000 mark within the last few weeks. In spite ef this startling diminution, the maximum of health may be attained by those who use the comforting and thorough tonic, Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, which pro motes digestion, regularity of the bowels, tad counteracts kidney trouble. He Played a Thinking Part. Raggs—What do you do when you get home at an early iiour in the morning and find that you have left your night key in your other trousers? Jaggs—Oh, I don't do much. I sim ply press the button and my wife does the rest. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children’s Home in New Y'ork, cure Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teeth ing Disorders, mow and regulate the Bowels and destroy Worms. Over 10,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all druggists,2sc. Sample FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. The United States Government De partment of Agriculture has a hospital for the treatment of sick plants. In It investigation goes on of the diseases which affect vegetable nature and the discovery of remedies for them. The work will be of benefit to farmers and flower growers. Coughing Lea Is to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dan gerous. The mosaics in the Church of St. Mark, in Venice, are the finest in the world. They cover 40,000 square feet of the upper walls, ceilings and cupolas, and are all laid on a gold ground. A copy of the new edition of Miss Par loa's Choice Receipts will be ent post paid to any of our readers who will make application by postal card or note to IN al ter Baker & Cos., Limited, Dorchester, Mass. Ki id words are good, but good deeds are better. ALABASTINE ALA BAST INK IS WHAT? Alabastine U a durable and natural coat ing for walla and ceilings, entirely different from all kaleoinine preparations, made ready fo? ttse la white or twelve beautiful tints by the simple addition of water (latest make being adapted to mix with cold water), put up In dry powder form, la 5 pound packages. >ith full directions on every package. WHAT AKEEALSOSIISESf Kalaomlaes are cheap temporary prepara tions manufactured from chalk*, oAay*. P’-'-D INTRODUCED SCHUR2. But It Was Not Such an Introduction uh the Statesman Wanted. Carl Sehurz’s appearance as a Citi zens Union orator recalled to a friend of the late Eugene Field a r i esperleaice that Mr. Schurz had in cf mpaigning a dozen years or more, says the New York Sun. Mr. Schurz was making speeches In the West for the Republi can party at that time, and Eugene I'ield was detailed by the Chicago pa per with which he was connected to accompany Mr. Schurz on the spell binding expedition and send dispatch es to his paper describing it. When Mr. Schurz reached a small town in Michigan half an hour before the time set for the meeting no com mittee met him at the train. Mr. Schurz and-Mr. Field found their way to the hall, where a motley crowd had collect ed to hear the speaker. Everything was perfectly regular about the meeting except that no one had been selected to introduce the speaker. Mr. Schurz and Mr. Field walked up on the platform and were greeted with a loud cheer. Mr. Schurz didn’t intend to lose an opportunity to speak simply be use there was no one to introduce him. Turning to Mr. Field, he said: “Field, L's getting late and I’m anx ious to go ahead. Xo one snows you here, so just get up and introduce me. You needn’t say much of anything. Just toil them that I am Mr. Schurz and that I’m going to talk to them.” Mr. Field unrolled himself to his full height, and, ambling to the front of the platform, said in a very husky voice: “Ladles nnd shentlemens. i regrod dot I haf such a sore throat dot I cau not address dis evenings. I am very sorry alretty for dis disappointment. Howefer, I am more dan blessed to tell you dot I haf with me my young yournalistic trend'd Mr. Eugene Field, of Chicago, und lie vlll now speak to you aloud steel rails.” When Field began this Introduction Mr. Schurz’s expression was puzzled, and when he concluded It the speaker of the evening looked angry. Despite Mr. Schurz’s preliminary explanation that he really was Mr. Schurz, the peo ple who heard him on that occasion liave been divided in opinion as to whether the speaker was Schurz or Field. A BOON FOR SUFFERERS. A Remedy Which Has Cured More than 1,000,000 People. “5 Drops” is the aame of a powerful remedy which is guaranteed to cure rheumatism, neuralgia, catarrh, asth ma, la grippe and kindred ailments. The company is •entirely safe in making the guarantee, because every month they receive thousands of grateful let ters from those who were sufferers, but have never received oue complaint. The effect of “5 Drops” is felt at once. James Williams of Regent, 111., writes on Nov. 12, 1897: “My wife has been suffering two years with rheumatism. She used about one bottle of ‘5 Drops,’ and can now go without h°r crutches.” To more extensively advertise the mer its of this remedy the producers will for the next thirty days send out 100,- 000 of their sample bottles of this posi tive cure for 25 cents a bottle by mail prepaid. Large bottle, 300 doses, 81 (for thirty days 3 bottles $2.50). Those suffering should write to the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company, 167-109 Dearborn street, Chicago, 111., and take advantage of this generous offer. This company is reliable and promptly fill every order. Ancient Extravagance. The great display of jewels by women of fashion on both sides of the ocean has been severely criticised, even by those who could well afford to wear them if they desired to. Rut if the precedent of history furnishes any jus tification of this fashion, the jewel wearers of ti e present day are thor oughly justified. According to Pliny, Lollia Paulina, the wife of Caligula, wore on her head, arms, ueek, hands and waist, pea is and emeralds to the value of one million six hundred and eighty thousand dollars. Faustina had a ring worth two hundred thousand dollars. Domitia had one worth three hundred thousand dollars, and Kae sonia had a bracelet worth four hun dred thousand dollars. Seneca be wails that one pearl In each ear no longer suffices to adorn a woman; they must have three, the weight of which ought to be insupportable to them. There were women of ancient Rome whose sole occupation was the heal ing of the ears of the belles who had torn or otherwise injured the lobes with the weight of their pendants. Pop •'aca’s ear-rings were worth seven hun dred and fifty thousand dollars, and Caesar’s wife, Calpurnia, had a pair valued at twice that sum. Marie de Medici had a dress made for the cere mony of the baptism of her children which was trimmed with thirty-two thousand pearls and three thousand diamonds, and at the last moment she found it was so heavy she could not wear it, and had to get another. But men led in the splendor of the middle ages, and Philip the Good, of Burgundy, ofteu wore jewels valued at two hundred thousand dollars. When he walked along the streets the people climbed over each other to look at him. The Duke of Buckingham wore a suit at the Court of St. James which cost four hundred thousand dollars. The dress of the nobles during the middle ages was literally covered with gold and precious stones. —San Francisco Chronicle. A Bright Bird. The cuckoo is as likely to steal its nest as to make it, but this fact does not take from the point of the following pun, quoted from “Short Stories:” A young Englishman being asked at dinner whether he would have some blrd’s-nest pudding, said, turning to his hostess, “Ah! yes, bird’s-nest pudding, and what kind of a bird may have made it?” “Oh, it was the cook who made It,” was her prompt reply. Dane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cure* sick headache. Price 25 and 50c. Better than Tonic. Timkins—Blowitt lost 130 pounds of flesh while training for his last fight. Simkins—Get out! What are you trying to give me? Timkins— That's straight goods; his wife eloped with one of his trainers. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bronao yuinlne Tablets. AO DnugMi refund tbe money If ftl falls to cure. 25c. Do daily and hourly your duty; do it patiently and thoroughly. Do it as it presents itself; do it at the moment, and let it be its own reward. We must snatch the present moment, and employ it well. waiting, etc., are stuck on the wall with de caying animal glne. Alabastine is a cement, which goes through a process of setting, hardens with age. can he recoated and re decorate. from time to time, without hav ing to was/ and scrape off Its old coats b*' fore renewing. CAUTION. Consumers In buying Alabastine abould see that the goods are In packages and prop erly labeled. If any dealer tells yon tba. be can sell you the tame thing as Alabastlae, or something just as good, be either la net A VIGOROUS BATTUE. From the A etc Era, Weeea 'burg. Ind. The following is a statement of facts by a veteran of the late war. X'o comrade will need further proof than their friend’s own words, as here given. . Squire John Castor, of Newpoint, Ind.. is the narrator, and an honest, respected citizen he is. too. He said: “1 have been troubled with rheumatism in all my joints ever since I went to the war. It was brought on by my exposure there. It came on me gradually, and, kept getting worse until I was unable to do any u ork. I tried several physicians, but they did me I llniif (i. AOMT to i Vo good. They said my trouble was rheu matism resulting in disease of the heart. Mid that there was uo cure for it. Never theless I had lived and fought the disease for thirty years,, and did not intend to die, simply because they said I must, so I hunted up some remedit-s for myself, and finally happened on I)r. Williams’ Fink 1 ills for Fale Feople. I asked some of my neighbors about the medicine, for it had been used by several persons in the community, and they recommended it very highly. I procured a box. The pills helped me right away, and I continued taking them. I commenced taking them last fall, and finished the sixth box a few months ago. I am not bothered with the rheumatism now—the medicine has cured me. I can most certainly recommend Dr. Williams’ Fills. These pills are not only good for rheu matism, but are valuable for any disease that arises from impoverished, or bad blood. They do not act on the bowels. A L'i icklErcl in Prison. In the reminiscences of his prison life, Michael Davitt, who was a jiolit ical prisoner in England for years, de scribes with pathetic affection a little pet which shared his cell during part of his term. “I was remitted to Portland Prison on February 3, 1881,” he says. “Short ly afterward, through the kindness of the governor, a young blackuird came into my possession. For some months I relieved the tedium of my solitude by efforts to win the confidence of my comp nion, with the happiest results. He would stand upon my breast as I lay in bed in the morning, and awaken me from sleep. He would perch upon the edge of my plate and share my porridge. Ilis familiarity was such that upon showing him a small piece of slate-pencil, and then placing it in my waistcoat, he would immediately ab stract it. “He would perch upon the edge of my slate as it was adjusted between my knees, and watching the course of the pencil as 1 wrote, would make the most amusing efforts to peck the marks from the slate. lie would fetch and carry as faithfully as any well-trained dog. “Toward evening he would resort to liis perch, the post of the iron bedstead, and (here remain silent and still, till the dawning of another day, when his chirrup would again be heard, like the voice of nature, before the herald of civilization, the clang of the prison bell at five o’clock.” To his dear little companion Davitt dedicated the volume he wrote after his release. The dedication ran as fol lows: “To the memory of the little confiding friend whose playful moods and loving familiarity helped to cheer the solitude of a convict cell: “To my pet blackbird, ‘Joe,’ these prison jottings are affectionately dedi cated.” His Cloven Breath. She was a bride of only three short months, but she had her troubles and naturally made a confidante of her mother. “Mj r dear child,” said the mother, “if you would have neither eyes nor ears when your husband comes home late from the club you might be happier.” “Perhaps so,” answered the young wife, with an air of weariness, “but what am I to do with my nose? ’ How’s This: We offer One Hundred Dollars Re wi j-d for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cu -ed by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toleuo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last is years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions aud finan cially able to carry out any obligation made by their Arm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. IVatdlng, Ktnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Green Corn Pudding;. Grate four dozen ears of sweet corn. Add from one and a Half pints to one quart of milk, according to the juiciness of the corn. Add four well-beaten eggs, half a cup each of flour and butter, a tablespoonful of sugar and salt to the taste. Butter an earthen baking-dish, pour in the batter and bake in a hot oven two hours. Eat hot with plenty of fresh, sweet butter. There Is a Class of People Who are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores anew preparation called GRAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without dis tress, and but few can tell it from cof fee. It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may drink It with great benefit 15c. and 25c. per package. Try f& Ask for GRAIN-O. Just a Way They Have. Miss Cutting—Good morning, Mr. Softleigh; you are not looking well this morning. Softleigi Do. Ib god ad awful code id by head, ad ab all broge ul). Miss Cutting—lndeed! Strange thing about colds, ,su't it? Softleigh —\\ had do you bean? Mis3 Cutting Why, they always seem to settle in the weakest place. Silence Preferred. Mrs. Wederly—l-ook at this crayon portrait of mamma that she sent me to day. Isn't it a speaking likeness? Mr. Wederly—Well, I should hope not. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, A powder to shake into your shoes, ft cures Corns and Bunions, Chilblains, Swollen, Nervous, Damp, Sweating, Smarting. Hot and Collous Feet. At all druggists’ and shoe stores, 25c. ASK TO-DAY. Sample FREE. Address Allen S Olmsted. Leßoy. N. Y. A Gentle Reminder. “There is a great deal of religion mixed up with nature,” said the young minister who was making a social call; we find a sermon in every blade of grass.” “Quite true.” replied the young lady, “and you have no doubt, noticed that grass, as a rule, is cut very short.” Mrs. Winslow’s Soothiso Srurr for CbUdrmi teething: gottena the sums. reduces inflammation, allay* pair*. cur*< .jd oolic. 2f> cents a t>ttle posted or Is trying to deceive you. offering something that b has bought cheap and Is trying to sell on Alahastine’s demands, prob ably without realizing the damage that It will-be to you to get a poor kalsomlne prep aration on your walla. A few dealers have tried to build up a de mand on a kalsomine that la pet up in a loosely packed four-pound package, which they bey by the pound for four pounds, and try to sell for a Rve-pound package, the same as a package of Alabastiut.. islst on having Alabastine In packages and properly labeled, and you will get satisfactory result* and beautiful walla. NO KI.ONIVYKK FOR ME! Thus says E. Walters. Le Raysr!!!®, I'a., who grew (sworn to) 252 bushels Salzer's corn per acre. That means 25,- 200 bushels on 100 acres at 30 cents a bushel, equals $7,500. That is better than a prospective gold mine. Salzer pays S4OO in gold for best name for his 17-inch corn and oats prodigy. Y'ou can win. Seed potatoes only $1.50 a barrel. Send This Notice und lOCts. in Stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Cos., LaCrosse, Wls., and get free their seed catalogue and eleven new farm seed samples, in cluding above corn and oats, surely worth $lO, to get a start. c.n. Birds as Insecticides. Birds are nature’s great check on the excess of insects, and keep the balance l)etween plants and insis t life. Ten thousand caterpillars, if has been esti mated, could destroy every blade of grass on an acre of cultivated ground. In thirty dgys from the time it is hatched, an ordinary caterpillar in creases 10,000 times in bulk, and the food it lives and grows on is vegetable. The insect population of a siugie cherry tree Infested with aphides was calculated by a prominent entomologist at no lt .vs than 12.000.000. The bird population of cultivated country dis tricts has been estimated from 700 to 1,000 per square mile. This is small compared with the number of insects, yet as each bird consumes hundreds of insects every day, the latter are pre vented from becoming the scourge they would be but for their feat heivC enemies. Greatest Ivory Market. Antwerp recently has become the principal ivory market of the world. It has surpassed Liverpool for nearly two years in the amount of imports. This change of center is due to the fact that, while all the tusks from cen tral tropical Africa were formerly ear ried to Zanzibar and thence to Bom bay and Liverpool, a bug part of the trade lias’uow been diverted down the Congo to the Belgian steamers, and they land the product at Antwerp. Beware the March Wind t Escape the rigors of the winds this month bv going South over the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. This line has a perfect through-car service from cities of the North to all winter resorts in Georgia, Florida, along the Gulf Coast, in Texas, Mexico and California. The Florida Chautauqua now in session at DeFuniak Springs; six weeks with the best lecturers and entertainers, in a cli mate which is simply perfect. Very low rates for round trip tickets, on sale daily. Homeseekers’ Excursions on the first and third Tuesday. Tickets at about half rates. For full particulars write to C. F. At more, G. P. A., Louisville Ky., or J. K. Ridgely, N. W. I*. A., Chicago, 111. The Wrong Way Around. In the extreme soutn of France, where earthquakes are not unfamiliar, the people are of a sort who do not per mit any imputation on their personal bravery. “I should tiling,” said a Parisian, “that you would l>e terribly frightened when the earthquakes come.” “Sir,” said the southerner, "j’ou forget that it is the earth that quakes—not we!” Au Englishman has just completed a journey of 1,(100 miles on a motor car through England and Scotland. He was five weeks traveling, and used 114 gallons of oil, which made his traveling cost him I*4 cents a mile. I believe Fiso’s Cure is the only medi cine that will cure consumption.—Anna M Ross, Williamsport, Fa., Nov. 12, ’95. lie that calls a man ungrateful, sums up all the evils that a man can be guilty of.—Swift. He said his back was broken by LAMESACK. but A all his strength came back by uso of Sf. Jacobs Dili |ttp onpthono,' ■ r MW w V nw 188 builds up, restores, CURES. CANDY M f. JP CATHARTIC jt MSfew CURE CONSTIPATION 25c 50c DRyccisTS Burr.7H.niM. Prle-. 1. 10 ' vn * Send for iMg., ftw No AMfl.rny Frl.c, with c.rtal.a. luipa, .... A. good .. Mil. for I5 Catalogue of all our tyl<i. thud. .|,ron und leader., FA. good ull. tor |w. ELKHART CAVBIAUK AA UAKAEOS ABU. CO. IV. . PKATT, Secy, KUtHAHT. INI*. YOU WILL REALIZE THAT “THEY LIVE WELL WHO LIVE CLEAN LY,” IF YOU USE SAPOLIO POTATOES^ LargCßt Weed I*ol A 1 O growers In A n.ei let. Tke "Itirßl Now- Yorker** glvct BALZCK'B EARLIEST yield of 4bu.b.l* ir ar*. Prices dirt cheap. Onr jr-at BUD MODS, 11 Fora Hcd Sample*, wort* I'D.o gnu atari, or lOr. aad tl-lt aolleo. JOH3I A. BAL3M HfcfcD CO. .Latroaae. NU. (1.6. J WAGON A better Scale for freight paid less money than has ever been offered. Mf. 9 ■ ■> Jones of Sj I P \ Binghamton, N. Y. W fin HU DCEffiC Flower P° with h world wide |to Kb mJB LJr reputano; I t, k ' -w fr , r to „,, J A MBS J- H. (|RK(,OH". ‘flN.Marblehead.Ma**. Life! Life! Life! Cutler** C arbotat* of lodine I’ocket Inhaler. Guaranteed to core CATAHKH and Hronchltle. All C. ag/rUt* By mali fl.oo Address W. H SMITH H CO., Proper Buffalo. N. V. Young LadlMs£T^ ty. can make $lO per r*pre-entini u*. The school mistreh* car do so 'iiiia lea rare chance Addr* THE CAN SELLA l 0., 88 Gtrtke ML, < kl* ago. 111. PENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. JOHN W MORRIS, WASHINGTON D a tat* Principal Exaaiaer u 1 Pwaaioa Bareaa. I jrra. ia laat war. Lsa4ja4jtatift dam* *Mj W ANT A CHANGE. How many women are saying, “Oh, I want a change In my wall decorations; I am tired of wall paper.” How many dealers are aay ir.g. • >h, wbat a nuisance the wall paper business has become; bow much time and Investment ft takes and how little the prof it!” How many painters and decorators who have lent their Influence to push for ward the wall paper craze now find their occupation gone. To all such we would say. Use, sell and advocate the durable celd WAter Alabastine. Alabastine cab be used on either platt'.ed for internal and external use. CVHKS AND PREVENTS Colds, Coughs, Sort Throat. Influenza. Bronchitic, Pneuironla, Swelling of the folnts, Lumbago. Inflammations. ■"fKKKSSi: >’fAO*CHE. TOOTHACHE. ASIHMA. DIFFICULT BREATHING. ,{ ‘*Uef Is Sure Cure fop „ j “*“• M'niin.. Drills,. I‘alns In tbo Hack. Chest or l imb*. It whs the First and Is the Only l\\i\ RE\IKI)V rae'appiicaUon 1 * ' ° r A halt to a irasp sinful n Ul: atuiublrr ol warn. w,u hi a tr A minutes cure Cramps spasms. Sour mmS Heartburn. Nrrvousiia. SleoriremiOrtTs ok Headaoks Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Flatulency and all Inter nal pains. There Is not a r ui.-aul agent In the world that will rure lever ami Ague i -vt all other malarious Blltan. ami other fevers, aid it by KAIIWAY’a Hi u'S quicker as II Vli WAY’S HEADY RELIEF Fifty Cents per Itottle. Sold hv Druggists. KADWAY & CO . 55 Kim Street, New Y,“s £ DO YOU 1 ((Touch 1 ■ DON'T DELAY I (take:* _s ■ KEMPSI Ibalsaml It Cures Colda. Coufht. Sore Throat. Crovp. Influ enza Wkoopxng Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption it. first otagos, and a sure relief .n advanced stagca. Uoo at one#. You will see the excellent effect after takinf the first dose. Sold by dealers everywhere. 26c and 60c Per Bottle. ikjgsjg slicker] WILL KEEP YOU DRY. | Don t be fooled with a mackintosh or r abber coat. If you want a coat tha will keep you dry in the hard *t storm buy the Fish Brandi jAJ, Slicker. If not for sale In your to vn, write for catalogue to I TOVVLP Boston, Mass 1‘ iWB? ® FOR 14 CENTS Wo wish to sain 1.'4),000 new cua ->a torner*. and h#tu# offer 1 r her. 13 Day Radish, 100 1 FkR. Itarly Spring Turnip, Ido 1 K-irlient Red Beet, 10c ]' l " IliHinarck Cucumber, 10c i 1 ** Uueen V ictoiia Lettuce, 180 l •• Kl. tljjkn Melon, lk }?*l ** Jumbo Giant Onion, 16c H.tfJHg# 3 " Brilliant Kiowex Seeds, 16c Worth SI.OO, for 14 cento. W ■ Above 10 pkgo. worth $1 00, we will mj mail you free, together with our gjf irreat Plant anti Seed i'ataloaue fy/ AH u P° n receiot of this notice and 14c. ill PS Postage. We inrite your trade and tS know when you once try Salzor’o II Wm. Hoed*you will never get alone with out them. Polhioph at m 1.60 WSKSHS* tt Hbl. Catalog alone 6c No.i' N. JOHN A. 8 iL/ kU HLKH CO., I.A tKORSI, W|S. PKKiTim' limHicmpr KviHi'kimui. rKfcb ygBWBk I* BF® ’ ns dirt VE.SU R 9 h * ot AQd aCCU^^RiMBi imro, brut. 1.000.000 ex _ a. Beautiful Illustrated I'ntalogue fr 1 #*. IL 11. Mil- JU WA V, Usekford, UL , niunrn MW NUN and ay town hgffllUl-.1l without the use of the knife. Book U free. Or. J. O. LYON 4 0., 4 urlln* llle. 111. St'(mDf EYEWATER The 9 Klondike ■ If you are interested and wish to post yourself about the Gold Fields of the Yukon Valley, when to go and how to get there, write for a Descriptive Folder and Map of Alaska. It will be sent free upon application to T. A. GRADY, Ex cursion Manager C. B. & Q. R. R., 211 Clark Street, Chicago. • CURE YOHRSELFT I •>' Hig <4 /i, r unnatural lurbargea, Inflama.atluiu. rritatiuna or ulceration, J ' mucoo. nuMinw. I'aialeaa. aud not utrin , K*nt or poiaonoua. bald bj DrantlU, or sent In plain wrapper, by elpre*., prepaid, for y or 3 bottle.; 12.75. Circular aent on rrquait. C. N. V, No. 10 -98 WHEN WRITINO TO ABVERTISOB PLEASE SAY " jh uw tae advertlwßtsl la tbia paper. walla, wood celling*, brick or canvas. Ia absolutely fireproof In Its nature, la durable, aud any one can brush It on. Alabastlne la sold by druggists and paint dealers every where. Ask your dealer for card of tint*. TO DEALERS. Do not bny a law suit or an Injunction with cheap Ualsomlnea, which are all Imita tions of Alabastlne. Dealers assume tba risk of a suit for damages b selling an In fringement. Alabastlne Company own tha right, covered by letters patent, to make and sell wall coatings adapted to ba mUed with cold water.