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Official County Paper. iSter; S:SBMHfMMK isgbi ia.tSiaa|ft| 1jaf.T..... ■ ■ t>.x BiJKt*a oardi, not noeedlng fir. *4.o*. lagstfArerti mm t■ at toga] rates. njenf* maarted with no ipoolfiad Ua wSI h publtttfd until ordered ont, and ohargnl fee tt w'rdtugiT. All bill* payable quarterly. DIRECTORY. ‘ bti bounty Officers. roahtyjadge 0. W. Obitm t SbrrlffJßi.. J. W. WHITI t CoafifyCterk Wm. Bbindon I, ConntjPKfeaenrer A. T. FOBTUN Deed. Wm. Hutchiboh Clerk (Jltie Court H. 0. Goslino IRA 8. Okiffin JountjfMlierintcndent Howard Millkb Jujtveyor.. -.. tf*^ 1 ■ S turner kKUw 1 'UairTßart Board of Huli^rvleor*... ALtf~lfilT I Poor Couiiuixalonci wfl■■■<.■ J. .Et'i ..TO*- { Buperlnbeudent lusane AMFiuu. '.F|W!;.*. | m —m CITY OVFICJTO& j ■■■■■ ■ f: * S AiNoseor -- - Sri?airr--i ifw oMHPu 4 Folic*Justice Ip-iiry Bennett fustlAJi B. 8. McMlchael Geo. W. Stimble: Solstablai l A. I* Busteii j- a. 8. Neleon Society directory. LODGE a. V. & A. M. NO. 84.- J doers the First and Third Wednesdays oil iacl itnb. Ilall lu Williams’ block. \JjjP%VA LODGE, I. 0. 0. F -MEETS KT- T bight In Wllllame’ block. YlitfQl’A ENCAMPMENT. I. O. O. F., NO. f H: * Meet* every Monday evening. A‘"ol9st ORDER OF I NI tED WORKMEN and third Tuesdays of each Aonth. Ch T-UER OF CHOSEN FRIENDS.—MELTS l iMwTuc and fourth Haturdays of each mth. LEGION OF HONOR.—MEETS eeoanduud fourth Tuesdays of each m'th. A Lfc low.ue POST, O. A. R.-MEETS * i V fffsf XL, evening of each month, in iV. B. & Sail. • IK(£TV LODGE. DAUGHTERS OK RE It. I'uwlL li Ist null third Mon *?Pf• e-. M-.: P. T | \rimEitN vYogi)MK.Y of America, nox iii 1 uni, nmi-ts Friday night of each week. V mayua uhiptkr; o“E."s:7 sniffrs V second Tuesday of each month In Masonic hall. j ’l/’IROQUA CHAPTER. R. A . %.. V ev ,^jr-^c, Pn|Jh -WadneaUaj pf \V#M RE I ft. 1- CE EtSo# i ?T alternate f< - ■ ’-■ ''.rnoons. it’ C. T. U. MEETS ALTERNATE TTJJES TT • days at 3p. m. m a I 1 O. O. T LODGE.-MEF/PB ONfcuSRV < 1 • Wednesday evening, in AUUlnee MU. '| ’HE VIHOQUA COUNCIL, NO. 129, A. P. A , A meets at Alliance hall every Tuesday night. 7:30 o’clock. \; rfroyi/i if or. m.-meets on every 1 .Ytonday.cyeuiug Ui AlUauoo hall, at 7:30. '•■► CIItTRCII DIItKCTORY. iVIETHODIST EPISCOPAL.—SERVICES AT jyl* 10:8o a. m. and 7:30 p m. each Sabbath. Nnnday school at 12 m. Prayer meetings pa, Thuxdday iey<U)totl< .//im , : e'-'.Pt CUUhcii-SEtiviCKS, ! V. iat 19:80! ai til* ud 7:30 p. m. each Sabbath. Sunday school at 12 in. . ... > — .... .a*. I ... i ■—'. rtaURCU CHRIST.—PRE.\CHIJJ6 EV- V ery SiiuJAy At logio a. m. and In the oven- . Ingm Sunday school ui v ao a. m. oon j oi and NU,ti,W WthCAN MOT RERAN CHUltok-"')! t at 8 o’clock, .j,,,, , I L-„ ' 4.,,.., )>.:; U trsiMKaW CARDS. J HP. PROCTORy ATTORNEY AND ’ , Coun-elor, Viroqna, Wls. Wt]l piAutlq* In all’Courts of the stale. Special'>tt£Dtl9P , givep to Collec?l„tn. r *d CILBAUOM A LARBCN, AT^OR^fits. _ bpeidal a teutlon given to vofMotlonsi Of ■'o Iti re gnaon Block, second floor. Yds. Jackson BH.BAUOH. John S- Lab’ion- Ctpii* near residence. 1 bl’k E. Lysne’s hotrf. < A P. ¥'P’ > POJBIOUJi Jy. 'add Bußf-op! A graduate ot Keokuk, . IP dloal College, out iX l,t> best of Us-klnrl tic. Ihe United fclutea. AHnaUs promptly attend-, sd, day or night. T.dtcst and most approved , tpeilioda of ’ ' omvt la Ca.ffou>^r,k., f ,. Vjjmkjua. Wis. r W E. MORLEY, M. D-. PHYRICrtAN X . and hurgiMii,,,V.iii’dSft, VV i. Ottcs over Craig ,v t’o s dnig l store, on west side of ball* j Atl calls attended promptly day or night. M. SidiF.ssoN. ('has. H. Trowbridge, UUWENSON V3L H . l S^ Bf ?T < yft CE -,IIXI p I'iivsicians AySWiinjlNs, yn*iu.i.'Yl:(, (’nils in <•!iy or ( ('(rnfry*' attonded Olllce over Cruig b s d'jfc H JOHN tl Insuni <•(* ;m i lu*:i! KsUile A jitney.\ Iroqua. OMiro in Willi. ims blocw, sefomi Hour. t’ERNON CO. COURT-REGULAR v Grins <u jlin flystj TAWsWiy of oaci* imniiH! :it till' fouVf bouse troth !t to I’d. m, ami LuvioSipm. u ‘D\ O. MAIIGNr.T? " ) , t ~j :,, u County Jwdge. r *li J i’LA‘ ? ili *“ H<> i ’ a. J. SPTTIX, M.r. \s. M. TBOWBWDa*, M-P- j DBS. SUTTLE ft TROWBRIDGE. • <* > ,if ' Pr. late lOHident phyplcUn and 01:0. U. CHAMBERS, HD hi Crown and Bridge Work, .Metal Plates and ail other bncivtu-e >4 debt si work ffone la the latest an’d most linprovod manner. , BaMs (aettou guaranteed. f Otfloe fn Tbwner’s blook. ,VUiUODAi . <f Jw ■ wkSl TITW J. H. Chase. 4* DENTIST. —-TtU.i i i> c l Office over Chandler*N \ Vlroqua.* St ° re * :!<■ it t i Wla. c. w. iinkv'ib. n o. Ki'ah6nby. CRAVES dt*MAH JNEYi Attorneys & Co’insellors at Law practice tn all Courts. MAncy Loaned on Ileal Estate. Collections Promp tly AttyndsdAU. , |rn r s Office over fee ** ot YrrpquSt V VIKOgUA, WIS. • "ffi"! VRt.i’tiv* wp] CAN DO anything In Line pf piAljjQlihftNO.J PLAI^oMm’W PRINTING.... ’ Reslaura^lioar&g. MRS. L. ietWlfelsl Is now located In her new building, acorng ■ floor, and is prepared tc fumiak taapf'M'tdtt or week. Lunches • Tved at tßiijbaE *A tAW*, Suppers furuDbel lor baud' gjapmate par ties. Accommodations for 7S couples. kakery> 50L>’WgQP g I | Om to Bridge Works, W -*£- H. TWMBWSOI, Mprgtort< —— rv4pWi_7K*Acr-ri_ji=?E:— Stool bridges, Z/ri/ssojj Sled XJubeo for Sub-Structures, Culyerii, Arches, etc., ot any diameter or length. CENSOR. VOL. XLIII.—NO. 30. Royal makes the food pure, wholesome aud delicious. POWDER m Absolutely Pure: I • | ■i * 9 J • ® 1 (F.VAL DAKisn powers co.. sew York. / { )rjCuttj4r 014 obl lints.- * V 1 • If only a part of u wood lot is out off, anew set of trees will be exposed to the winds, and many of the trees will tilt tstrfiluf dn t]ieln. ! f The ( best way Is to cut the first year all trees- -mat- tHT tops, and the year after clear off all but the younger and vigorousArr*®, which In a Djifst .thus thUyied #t'l soon grow, up n"i|d fiiv'the entire space with tufa mauy|trc3 a*4t is imffirqblc tQ growt r W. h\UjfiDEMANN, ' H . LINDEMANN, ; P*l<i£nt. ' Jp Cashier. S Bank of Viroqua. (State BAKK-Capltal 60,00.00. l ,j Lindemann & Rusk, Props. United States bonds. Inland iml foreign exchange, gold, eilver and nnourrent money 1 bought aud uold. Certificates of deposit laued payable on demand, to draw Interest It left rix montbSqjj . j) . it., Bcsincss Honrs, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Collectloneand banking buxlneee promptly Attended to and Yrndt' Abo,s made on day of i ollcoMun.; c 1 • 1 B. Jt^ecine, ID enlist, • o VIROQUA. • Wl*. ne "' * rvl,n ■>” | 7'l :* ■ J , Orqwm aad Bridge work. Motai OKA all tther branches c-t Dental work ta the latest improved manner. We guarantee work. Orno* at DbvxaiUr’BLoos.* ’’ 4)! : F*. I barney, • If. I>. H. J-U-4 1 ii Ifl, VIROQUA. WI3. | FINK DENTAL WORK. i I'.ne listing, Urdgp. tlrrvaTi lies*’'lrA'l Plat l ■ Work. Sr-orlal fiOotinoft given */ correcting Irregularities and urcsorrapon of tlte natural tfJDth. Twobty fmir years ptailreM V’xperl'np'e an l Uudy. Doutal Farlors Uilcrrick Block* C. H. MINSK ALL, Jit isi m ViraquA, Wla, Loßo,CoHocti Pensions, PATENTS. far- l lfllcn tn IR.V S. OHIFFIN, Attorney at Law. IRA i LIFE, AND TORNADO INBUHANOE. , ’ 1 Oaneral Collecting Agency- Loan* Negotiated VuicquA, Wj*. " • : , . . •; N. MERCHANT TAILOR, ' * ' FINE CUSTOM WORK li SBECIAIiTI. • Perfect Fit Gnnrunteed.t VIROQUA, WISCONSIN. , , Shirt Waists? . LU 9 ~r * lr i ii i .'S ►• v ! o '!l* * . Do xve do this clasS’of work? Of course ipc .do !i, Do wo ptlll buttons of( and rip them in any way ? We guess not' Family Washings? Why, vrfsl irer'dp’ of work, smd yfc it fight, too. .We neVcf_hjue at tdc&— v at us. Just Try Us! vrßoduA sfeAiHr J LAUNDRY :N. Coe & Son, M ‘ * . —PROPRIETORS OF J4O THE?' ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ! NEW HARNESS 1 fSHOP for spring work, now is the time to plaos order. We know we can supply r°'"“ t b 3 joo'l 38 n wriHu® m~ General Toral Surrenders JJi Further Resis!ance. Unconditional Cnpitulation Wastlße of t(iate;'l.cft|wrWis(gjMßCri-(y^i!rt Prisoicr-. Spain, Santiago is on-s. The cniiitulatiofP%f the city enme at noon Thursday. WRe United States land troops under m 4=* and Shatter had completely tf|e beleaguered Simnish strong >■ 1d,.4Ml Sampson’s fleet was lineil up ready throw its terribly destructive shells cmiit into tlie liet rt of tlae doomed town, tnierr exieiltieu to the Siianiards had ex iiin il 1„. iiLoLf,.p *.[.[. i.i'.i--*. commissioners to arrange terms of sur render. Shatter wired Toral’s request to Washington, where the Spa^irWropo| dij|linbs afid i t'J r nEntjffuit Yw npjiii ‘tfmiTfW ahWat me considereilii The conference at the White House about ten min -aiPMlß4i'*s£# fir .Ukthe dispatch was framed. In this dispatch (Jenernl Shaf ler was instructed to carry out the or ders last sent hint—namely, to secure the ' 1 ; Mx 4 A\ * .JfVfjKctO *Vii/ wane Ibetxoq ,’VI OES' UAT, JOSE TORAL. 1 surrender of 81111(1020 by noou, ur. to re -1 new the nttircU ujlori’Wb'fiby:' ,v f 4 ifi&i' patchf to Oiuicrnl SlmfteF* - Wi(?ilm5 ,> mni iiotilg-’fl'oyql 4lisl Hie must render unconditionally, without,. JlMsthen Hfcrley was sent witlifrt a •fCb-’ fiiinutcs of 12 o'cloidt qq/ni. Then there was nearly two ‘’Wftifs** of anxious waiting bcfokpdltc lne\f/i yqis feJ * chived iiiupjiiucipg Santiago's fnU,TVid that Uje' Sp.-fiiish general had to quif-'bn condition that lie and his men bf* allowed to return 1o SidiyA*. 'l'fPhY'sC rw, V. ‘ : ,|J aaw .atdtpobaltd Iv xotih i swoilot **i! mid yd S>Jixan si p u Eiig ooiJibooo lpTbrb 4wa Ol ‘wORtS- ' /) j.’jl p-Cv llltftS O'* t H ,7lt)! i*7 IwMIIU MCCCt ; VBbM • / ) mi y*ym niM M J“* , * i **" jg J f j> o.iiJHjqa on ,H>>bn n PIGNCIPC T ‘ _ / s / J )/-/. , ,i w V'iXTA*i. , t -qo mo not 1 q find "" ' -J i>* liinil n ’S-8 v >rr7T^L, ) i, i iUdmosJtri JuUH ''i.#' s '' , #i • -s.-a-tlA** 1 -jfeTOP f Ullllßlft ffilHH MW? J"' 11 .. 1 • O ’I ry'] 4 'inn|ipFlflOj} > ? yCl.tJtou n\ nd“ jt (-.’x a I t * '‘jt **~ Vjwffni 's r ) & jput’T II M J ,**i | ~ ’ -i, !(•? C .** * Is* if to l loitux n!. ; aid In jdudWTP Tnstof . :lv J miii n..|*x mlw .lolff (oos now jqmirt tramuvt 7J..701 oml I•• • *► lAf.IfTII ail Vlllllll to Itot illi-Xtltlt 7 -l| HE tTffA.” ■Uwf/M. (uvvq cir M 5 OBO.'IW . . - r* *■ '•tt*ruiß.,jViW3ft,*}KJ ,fW..)](*{-AJMWWRR -AWf-t ' jitani% ( ,iU"IJhR..V'J,, .whs. tharefore’hailed itsjti JSifypl, had been informally uCciiled a*t the con tt'rence between' the PresKtcnrand Secre-' .tsry ot Wflr ’Aailiefc , lli ,l tKe 3py’, 1 1u ihe| ri-wnt v,f7llie l ’cffi'thVcf i tit fWe l, &arfWlrtl’ l ' I KI ,*cjl the prisoners to Spaihi' !, PlfA t\ , l!l Accordingly be done as la st possible \yky of dasif’Sißgootatiiu ;S|iAttl!irda.!4vhSl would .plberwis*. be su SRg*ti#vn|itJsßS-: upon US. pi vmiß The ancient i Ij; uoyy in, possession of'flic victo’rin'id AjmTicau iir tny under Gens. Miles atSd Sliaftcr. ’l’ht* operations of the three’iveeks leading up to the snrrcnder'aW Tittr Hf* in terest. e(,}en. Nstart(>r*s arilVM 'off ’ Santiago June 20. and June 2.'! they were safely landed at liniquirb—Thc advance illicit Sautiaga bcgiiq im*hi|Ai>'*” 2-F' Jnragttn \\u captured, mob nenff’sumi" diir ocqtjrred tliv gqilani rtf *the Spaniards i)t ia Vi’.jhc lars a?(f .royjjli .Ayuf.-^Sl^nt r ( Sb itla,' and dune ft his adyineq. was wirfiin thrt'c'hili^'!t’of‘Santiago. Jhune 30 Caney was taken, and Jn!y 1 aim _ w f f‘t’ 1 ( i ,iu c% n J‘-’!)f’!^uU ,; 'o/ri’ n fr. winch resulted* in tne capture of *>au dban aVm Hte-’driV^mfMitfVfe ‘spail iarte from their outer TSit*’ , o < ( > ' i (sW’nfertt.’ ..July, <1 Gen. Shatter dwwiwided the sur render .ufidhtt /‘iJF, >4mV / ‘the* iln4liidib/hsi euipbnsqu.g , oft V<*’* yecn s Vtt v v fr..n } Santiago i was arntW. hlch wa t fft*a3(! to' Jiily O n iW #•- Q° che lust, 'named tlAt’e'UiWfet TWrtsedJlW^f'Hit?tfiiriAl H surrender, jind the city, .rtitb 11 rCM'tuoreements fame up, the irivcbtillOtiV'f'Mfbrl ami a second demand for srfWW#A* * ent. July 13 ox-ertTireg tWre irratte by JIW Spnuvdk gsißvUtl ffi*rktad3aigsß>MsM fa toK-'Cr ;fst ftic amysUgg Md'hvUfl hoPn of *Tuly. J-4., of the h<u>eless|¥'&s r 4>f fwi tor Geiu Td*W tSW army. 3 r " , ‘ '* v ,(Tj T ‘T * T>l,i '’ ...The southeastern line drawn from AscrrmterirTTn'Ttic SMtth to Sagtwia.B the horfßOOrf, „fm* ! fV.tll'D itUidesi 4’l> proyince. the forts,nnii jle-intWafia-Ktuiid. rvQj'oral's army, about Lj.(X)I) Rtrong. rmve jmssisl into our ,is>&Aqs ! (j l qp t „ l ’3Pht;fe remain in the. *vM5: .‘h-£ r^ <jjt , ?v j- ,r" ‘-f a|i jf M 'iLDO'* yi*gpt* * _ L_3La*r_ y >ll > 1 * mhK and /i f lillfiiiiiV a .TN mm MM imißSWi r— ■ t i | - ~i >**&*"**. >9W. wt 'k mUfiliM.7 ~, M.rptiWbh SMF*|WrlM|l’>lA VttiivKi fifth [ MiutritikiHtto Trtloift7.gif uRi-'tdHihitr firfflef Wiivb-if ■r*'htsttloiW4* kmio | of! Il|>iltliiitioßaiibtrb t,ii(iiV mc ihi* drtugnr ! nSirtil’s sstay o+iß’ibe Bhs WWklt v bfie itovilf-l e ,Uan*i- Hfl MiPW te*Vft>k|KwJi*E I PtilW? it; ts the bii'inipjt garViSon Santiago with ‘rtiftifnw Vv’eyy'eiliirt will” W’th(filh4d ’*Wf'tWT'Rfili' ! in tor tih'ft'r a ltd' Mor^*W##ifflfaljl#‘tjW!tf^l-s!' t1 1t Irill bri w rnnitc* b<r ffirt(n‘ tfiat tills important O'isnJt hltib#6b n*JiiCited ’<vJth- NCttoirql'|la geuwnt 'M'DMWiPtWWIWiUf *-kd ciWii. UurJo< of :FWRt> r tk4VbF Binall, hiire, ilbOut 2,0,01) wounded and sick in hnsfifha?/' 1 ’ I’ke ffpjttftn.fiis vnri StSfereij mhell more geveWJfJ* I #* tHcift^ili(l , fßf’ l Vlieir snjlori^'b* di<' l| et*'l killed or drowned, sekerul hundred of their Soldiers killed, wntht rikrtfftft iwil’bw>iiave Ohxl >ln tht* .Xbbj,also,* mailer flirtcongrat -11 !|*tif)h <n Ar><>Vqrqmtut proposes ;to f f, T t'W’ftf^tieH'Ss4ltffft ! l5 r 4irts emWied oilr n rlilVtt gtlnPWfj-hdftftf W G Wftha f ter' a ilj lriji * fiwnj* Jiofh*ngwMt*!l :Wrd ytihnltders'. ‘Tljiey’JniO'e itttnnM Over- Vv j: ttlt* i|IK (dwt > have * 00l Jy- over c<Ai)efl|tk‘‘;*tnWP'li&v]©oitcda tu .'fearful 'Rff*tJW'lbeievnc, Olid' f' I JBWW w KFte. V*rO >3 J r l*’i icrtl nn‘ entirely un usp<l. nns nirea<ly provoked ti e nwTliV ! !*■ ■ * wwu TlJtMm- °v IntCiOT fiatunik now test if v .with equal enttftkia'Mh Td MW'uilitSimeelit .fjtlll ’uth qlhlfitite It Vrte AmerV (■aiiMSihltwWjn V ssnsJtn*| tun umlovc j liJ 'l.l IIHoIJ-' l' • T( j Whmmr* at , <*7<l '■ m j VfX' The Norwegian stciUJigr.Llyllef arrived '!if Kingston. Jtiiwiiwi' u-tvti-e of itdt(f<la UlijWqt^dStf ! 1*1(86 'didjfd*fli'*dM)dpdrflidnftfftl'lft’ VeWraT' rt'jwy ’Mhftk 3#drWt "tbdvisoiHeAynW’tlitlt'sW was iH(!tttt*t"OiA fd I 'itinions de9trtiAd' ! ffif .fj'iri't TtoßThhF'iWiajf ttw*Gj4MT‘ i^Sifi 1 "VfA' a IH>■W:Wfotbmiwu* of. ir>< irinnniKMK) lin ’ y I V**/i ;1 if,q^VVdSM%'fi°<4 ,^,f * VUVJCT. '#4tnt; ffLi4dk*a bra'l-e art, there. SidOC liVr>N> iV. iM''d]^ii J rAii ’aVs lo tile 'effect itJord IHmao.)upt*]iOdi,htifcrttiirty tin* Uni ted S ates will demand of S]aii( as a price ot pc see. The Spanish-*eiwdron while iinx.ib Wf'WfmsW'iAlie B*wtilfopiißMy "stir iWtfflf (ftFMifpWdlTdlWtifttoliM d3dMMs • iikiUj’ woifiefl that destruction SB*' 1 TiVtpd Anfmenii rmwes vvyujil,!* pief 'bys Htddtf wayj^d^pity, tAjm” of the ofiicials :yi; jflcpqpii to the 'Slt'w hat the Spanish, fiTiring UtecaMwCv, it/'lHq fleet iiTfR? tiana bejug uti-, 1110 s*fffiiHfsth oces tp,’, de stroy omAred* tb r hHtr a t>* fsike'tbil arlßWiOe'dif'i-keiiplng, with complete the wreijjcot* the sqhafl iWhy'l "I'll 1 11 ' * ■'■"**" *cm yf Js.itWtteii out tlmt the vi ssels xyilj ‘ mlff.TS aTtc^*the "cSronihal boon struck. ... pom| / ani tns wUifjg . Iti t/restkd mi ATkji F'igntCibTVWt*i iflrtAbjgoß Sffiftmsi a\i imtatH.laiVi7AG iprjWetrAßi'iri’aniiOuYyv tetpe*- 1 fcloAl.** InV(-!f(j *- * <l° V- <tw VTJ v I Vpartnioyt sent telegraphic 'th.'C.pttist, nf British ColuinWi to investi w*et *■ ep< t was ||ijt* ise wafbrs, waiting siiisni - mi VIROQUA, WISCONSIN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1898. • -T* CllßtpK * BVBffi 1 ’ " 1 •’ 1 12 1 "I'D '*• ~M'r'7JiHtiri |W-:x.d 7 •*■ - > t •* < v.iiliM v*-<t American Army toCanpin til* Mount ulnS wf Hiistcro Cuba] ■ ' ril< T L*)iiGft Cr, vi-.; foA'jpif' XMlioitSv the United Htiitofn (mops iipk ekusird'A’ rtitjjiffll’ehriq'^iy'ipAHji'xflairtr .whiifi this uitijiuhld .to.Xul-.' Jpw After Fsintirtgnnhod .eetl tnhett* TVie on ('y w'duiuib iii ,to,ithe ..lifiialsHioab of Hie vietorkiws orruy that hnS'i .*li exposol 'Co the seofirgC., J 0: 'ventmg a spread of the disease harq boon tna.le, hud. a fwtt of ihe (it*o<-rrtm Ts ,The retention UjjJ^,‘ until .langr-r of infeetiim has passed. Gwt* Sternlidcg, Rnrgeptr ffenmaj Of the army, recouitpcttlief) fh'al JUi'e ,t bty U' the cod! inonntAtn districts in th* east ern part of Grftni, and his advice will probably b(> (,wed. . il/ :.,n —e-nl j. ■•. > .-S-.W-i CO TANARUS& MfIXHY TO HIJiK FUKKTS, . ■, ... <i Ml •-/ l.*e* ~ if ■I-. * Anituunitlon for t)ni:ed. Stages YVor t., . Hiiips _I KXpenaivc. lw in ,: l.icnt.' ■(•'otßiivatidet' Siicyet's, li cohnnafid* ing ih't' i liiTe.l States collier Caesar, tells some interesting facts In eonn|tion with the recent naval bfliJh‘.nfk>tWUMig'>. Gun ncr Api'lg4’v of the.. Brooklyn told.him that when- the VmcnYn tried tb rntn *the Brookly-ri th^'.|ft‘Udf ! fire.T’iß'-t'bdl Rf 38$.' Ujient'kr. iu. ,Wnich the cngajiement lastl jumnnnitdou costing RBl,ooo.’' itl’Hik con- ‘ sfsted of thincb. Cf* d-iiK'h, lihd .dW .lqaiuu*! sla-lls. The slt. which did the most 1 , execution 1 vas one 8-inchf j)ie which'"rajtfd i the Yucayvi fore aisl-a; I, and kihed in its passage ekrhty Srortilsrdpl '* TS-lhy^’ 1 vVejjqn dui.fMgiUful sfxecu-i t10u.,11 .. VI. t , .n......... it. ~t l.’.n-htuvi ! Ikm ’ ttiij, *“*■ r*W—frf'*-**- , 71 ■ b**lT<w BCHI.BY WAS' <D. '’ rtl vluLf* ii*l • • lUil Hw Iki s;i tf * ficclnreci He Would Fliow the CriS ;riii tfeeilsDß. W. HrOokirn; (vim hnoone’Of' the foHVaM ‘Hilt, Cerrcra’S. sifips. iiintl was stieuiding, .uly " ( h few fhet \hav when- a Sfllfi! *1 ttttii’ The' jL’UUh ilcNeil saw it* tv lottor tifilit the 5 ■sWt q'f .with otwn .miiikfi .fioc ii)si**eJk>inb Comuio .UcH’e 'S<chHu< vn* (vn the iTtlrins^fill. ~liy> ~ 'hjgil V #nb’ ilh;r.l him ; sjyv: “I vvilat that ship. L liavlf NOOdtihse ottcdnl and pleflty 'of WOb'dWoiijl'oiUThis'L’.HUd’lll havq lier. rt I vhae. ihhr (to, ’Bpllitk?’ 't’,l.| *: 'ill'll ili 11. ~ • 1| HMfil'l. '.el ; t/f ' o|, ■/; tf -.>itt ■.**•*- |< • ill ji >** It' il\ SAYS Hie BEfiAN Tbit IIATTLK. •I r li *;u i'.i i *I*Y * ’• ■ '*■! ij .j i)r j i,, t. n{ \ ,| i (i ,i 11 *- : Augustus KeUar of New,-arks .ot Lilnw He Firetl Flnrf. “ 1 ! “ Kefl'a'fV.f.^evVhy^.jN 1 . f.fofo. 'vjf Hie ; ginitU'rs nWasd the battileship iu*> litHnin. in-n letter to W* F.roriiet', (>haHAs' cht-iifirt' thbilKtlticfion .vT ! .1 J * J’, V< h t> first shot.iii>trie naval battle at;Santiago. ,’Q'owjard the end of the .LftUle, he writes, when it was seen tha i f, ( lh^ 1 Wikniya was alifpist .lefeate.b the saTlbrV fii J.ijt txi nfa sera test’d , 0,11 ,que o* (lie wefisti [a W tors, ”Ki io. tlie MHilie'.W When tile tn ny a rd Ay h*' fti) Toil t.h'p ’lflitijt if, ] H,rßo ru 1 0 1 Ihe Tyir.eaym ,t tiiiiring; it. ■to nieces mid .setling (iie vruslfl on tii*". * or ’ if. e-a ■•„ i i*. ■ naw ; arflshHat7Cr^es?mi|.bc.L *'t Brofii. off, fbrugiVis, c*wW*i .rutport. that baatdrkudß.tJaei Course'of eoiistTHTetioti,’ tm i well nk tjil\> |others nJrt'pljJi' Jmt‘ I'iseji, dfßHMrtstl. i Xlie Spauitmls . a brave resistance, mi. 1 the 'cn( H.„ aWlla AniiTicßn sV>is w ere toot at rnet. ,n ‘ ..!■ C - ' ' I > > -s, Nuke Seaiiy fot the Iswd* ,i Brooklyn's r.sw'ilfy'dot-k fit ujivif yard is ho mg* made ready to receive the battleship lowa. The lowa is to hare its bottom cleaned nr.d/wHt hake, removed from its armor a, big Sjianiidi vyhigii, ini)iediledi itself there .luring Uo recoat ‘nitvh 1 tiglrt off SitbF'.go. . cl V 1 M‘| . cure for Fever.;; M ,V.vr.k physk-Un.makes tho.sug-, i fit'll job that a building be fitted up neAt ( Santiago and 'Fooled by fp Wr j Hti *|/ y .t< fl( 1(f • * ( *(, ./ • it ti n ,iM v > AV i 4 •* *■ v 1 * y ,fi /; jfio \,t\y O’l nIU '-gilH XLiaHH I C't g••••*! I b> 'c’b'.cKlfe . h T^rl ,a • J-fr'y • iu ' y- ; ~Hi'jrL % % * <r l IBr.'i lidHHflui t^*iii*JhP, o X\*s( r TVAW n Tli 'S( !ta'*RUer uaiiMi (to> obaroiiTor sol* PMilt I umunitl n. and when a sh“ll Inmi Samp ti*ou‘- fli-i t,tMruffe :i ttilv7to oiMUThityak Mown t \tfl Zt d4IV v 01. 7i*.n:< |k>w* the freeling, point. This is said lu ; Le rfactieol. Iroft i*pk,, *CTirA might be vvr,,light this way. t W ill Court Martial Monet, j j/ A iJispAleh fri>n; Captain ConeraT Au -BiisiA' states fbnLvldf. Mmn^'vi ilf s bO'cifiirt lartkilcdL-vC dcacriaig hie. Couaucud and*. oinKto Maqila. . , . j L X 1 • I —•— l '• ■! 1 •' ' ’ * ' jjO \ Con Save Cruiser Colon. L _ Tfir wreckers have l>een inspectffig Vhe r stmkpn Spanish cruiser Colon > nnd oh, thny a4e dbl*Hlo'^ti* , 'tTk‘ i filift*. * 1 Nf)KfTT T&tS%F T^' BIG NAVAL BATTLE. Ship the First to fee ) tlintnrc from Funtiago Hai- I Pr—Hot Itunninir l>uel with the : mo erlcaus’ Heroic Work. Description by Evans. \ jN' lO E*wa was the first ship AuLaeß-ibe fleet coming from the Santiago harbor. Somebody ou the bridge jdKnjtgjU '‘Yyiyjt's that black thing cotu iWc£t]of '|ll‘fli;k-bor?’’ A moment later rffltrlotnt wtlwaTgeneral quarters and the signal was hoisted that the enemy’s ships UwMrcyyiißito opL A gun was tired to at- Itptfo v ßpo of the fleet at 0:33 a. m. “Fightingfiob” Evans’ account of the battle os told in the cabin of the r!‘ft' r fXF :l indent of the Associated s h intifcitd? interesting. He said: “At the time ‘general quarters’ was liijumdgd tfie euriiie bell rang full speed HjxlJko helm to starboard and fntiowa erossed the bows of the Infanta Teresa,-the first ship out. As the jtr. j **“ . Spiihisk aifinllaf swmig to'llie West ward, the Ifi-incl* Mr*lts txwu'the ftrfnawl ffttfet ,s*.tlW-laffß pct)V'* jtt*-ikv him,tu in, •<iht bow and the sight was a spectaclet. A,4 tfi'A *tjdAdY(itV't’:>Hft' s oitt ni'cotunih. uie beaMifullftr spnoi-d tts to difrtiiuce “'“LfP&WJta, W r t’WjS- Weed to Hiirteen Knots, it was aupcrl), “The I'iWft 1 frfitn'tliiiilrtrihti.itit liefif ifli'.V aiemly.fiie U'taii ,la l- iieave gnus, bending 1" Teresti ou net- starboard now anu hoping fb i*M)lwiie*bf‘*ihb)fn.nh(*>Mthk." Tti' Bte WaiOjwti, the,Ml’f'bVtT- 1 "fib"tit, Brooljtyu find Te\as were doing excellent work wijt'flea’ty'gil'Hs. *‘' 4, i lu *lu -w.vwjjriltort *llllOO,Oll time*‘flie'-eVit'c it,, —-rf ■■.,, ',.,.1 ' ■ 1 od i aoilO ~u**dl ovo.Wlfl’.tßiArT.B’ltESHip IO)VA. mysXhli>s , ’tfh'fe<rflll oTonr oftT,e l.aM.or ArtimiWiltKit e tl*k'4i fly* lfn isMisitA? ( '%v *i4 O W-<'rw ij wMcnud class /..hip on iccpunt of, their, <n '“’•' ’ ,m ,vl,i,r, ' u * S' ,!T ’| “Thei range>ft|' this-hhiii* was &>(> ysmls i lmuK'uiauMV put iiaru to the star ! lWsfiird' ! !titdl , th<' oiitltv < WttH*i>aM l bMndsfflb' nOMWit i.gfio tliqiiitfanaa na: The helm was then Quickly Blxift*il !tk‘l lprr¥ r HY?iI tfl? ,, SWfl?\ieti? to xne stern or the | TVj-ekti Imaiubetfwtotfi' hemkttfp ftotf AJIjH IO UIW nt full speed ahead. A tjprfcct toritonP'iMrVWlN'Wilil' tlle ’Miofm' passed • over tli<-> amdkct.-tfk*:*tni supers! ruct are passed,rtil'tjUi’it'Ulttvjfiout.tUitttf --i£i*rt tn nhaartdibefisib Wdfi |4ssbdith*.mMr-tlit ,i eoff ,ifcec,i nu bursting oil the berth deck, doing . <**sidt¥aW HHbi*W TW MHif "flit;!, igfcatlt* .water line within t'ejffytfjaifj- lU |.*a .'Hill too ' ’'liunri was now obviously Impossible to •Wty irtlJHtf’OM* lr*!WfW bflilfw ditlJtJrrttMtl* illu 1 ' ItMVic'a hell*., *li put .to,the starboard and she ran on a '<sifir£e J pSf’Sllet' with tTrt : dftoniK Being a 1 whaistJofwtfwnAh ii irant* t tq'uomHv,' at "fiiitfrp,.battery, ineludutg the rapid fipo in’aSi T>rt , 'Hie' , 'The pwnlslisnt'nbanm* terrific. ifilAny. ijJ and b- ■ inch ; >verc,f9<;|V;to c^' ajc- inside p| . her ind sniolte'came out threach her haicltet! I Tit , e!v'e*fft4fi t'hcdm'ffoni'thP Imta,- t*h‘rced..i*iei,Atniir4te Uquendp at, ■Uie t 'wwißiWi' sw^n*? 1 . ua, J. ot V'’S aft;; 1 1 in Oquendo seemed to stop her en ■jHiies ffci| WUhtMtfcttt WMI t(*>lM>*Pwdy,,lmf ' stif''/i|iin ediately resumed her -pgad .fth/i drew ahead of the lowa and csrrte under the terrific im- of the Oregon .Wiwrfs: ! oai lM ‘ ,Jn ‘ ,aw “At this riouwmMho nlouifc of ’bmprdo were discovered fn the star- IxeJUi! qdtfrWk'WUliltaHonnfllW.RtiHls. 'PttV tcvft, m tbtttu, h'i'b ~" f“k‘st -lli# Abril atrociflijsi Htiiallii idrpedm lljjSlt?ane^b^cJf; RV^ng ,n: sbefl within a few feet o£ niy head, t 'WahY'to WyeP4H!fi? i Offf<*Pr-tß<dger< ‘Tfiaf : lijtjffi 1 (hap has got a ’ot of cheek.’ Uod . fwWsJiouted back, ‘She shoots rery well, W n'tfMfiVsMiA ti^rttitt'fng ! eWlkers,*' sjiittirjf shotd an ilno indthta mi<h<“r. ■ was tlh'ilfbVg *- s t at and then at a torpedo boat Aud ■fot}u*g 'lWf'WWrfVcr Sht-stfWt. *’THt" l <tasl!tlrt .jdtt'oiwttjj not wl*stDy*al "j-r'iv .puwh v o- IMi'fff ibe meantime the \ iz.enya was slowly wirigiatsuth ol* th* J loiMA Midi ■ii*'the s!.a.#).j£'Hiflsr'a'lni-iiltt'S u i>nt *ivo,an<' take between the two.ships. The i '“ViitcaTa tired raiiidly but wildly, not. oiw i l4 *i4te frW'W fisV* WW thrift?'Vur* rows jn ttte l&Wf' .fhrjtdmd the* Imvadftc wtrte * ipulrf tlie ■nutria*.H’dire Mytln rre*en. and the <iw*<JinK i*4 .emuny’s cqhnnn. were a to>■ lieadtng . ‘fir'the tMJh'-lW ifl'fiSfilV 'rtVeT *S*?, ufiAsi gwf/I oivgi iioralkU lhtii i XWs w’WM 1 M^tAse. and in a few njouieuts the Spanish cruis lWa** *H tlaWv*/ afid 'Hiilfie rocks WiUl'tiMtlr.stoWrJi down, tha.!Tartsfc , • el I crews- of tlie enemy sr snips M*s #o;dlw nui*-- -,v Th," i rtiraldinientt' !■* UtVfv f4ft Aii^ir,sa,tf",, ’ Oregon, w ’th her sma Jk wW‘dH ffifedC’dlh’SVrf*so ffifitfg attention to the Yincaya. Tb 4 TerFla 1 find rbe O'scndo wcae in fiarne*; terc.. Just .ivreaty. njiautee |du?r fiit w 4 Vhi Hny Trilfutea kf#r* he first hofSttf tbtr 1 put her helpt to pert with a treat burst of j dame Trots tho after part of the this wi ] sliiVvly for the racks nf Aeerroilc fc.s, tvlWe she fotind hot !dst testing place. -’'d-l ! *“ l! was apparent that the.lowa mnM Mint pwaohty: catch Ilia Cristobal Orton ttm! that lia- tievgou (uni Itwliana undoubtedly woiulfl, grid ap t l*.*! L]pt Nitov York was also ontjWil, I (le^dejl ? tl]a,t.ihe cttUa.ol hli- s’liouM be ansiyered iuid aUerrtiou given to ti*- fw'olvo or fifteen nuuflced Sptinhih' ’offt-efs nmV me'ii who li.ifi’ strjk It their f-otoi-s. I therotiir,' li' for the wreck of fhe"Ylaa-a^ni ! m biifninj; fnr!-’ oufly fore nml aft. When I wits In ns far as tlie depik. of,water would admit,-1 low ered, till my,kwvtS iul gout-them lAt tnnii to life of tUp? bioo, who were bejng drowned by (iorvns or rousted ou the decks, j soon dist>jf\ereJ that tlifi insurgent Ciihans ftom the shore wei-fi shbbtTng‘on itfAn WU) \ycK> Strug gling tli the w-nteP 1 afft¥' 'Hnf iiig siirreiV dercl to u. I immediately’'pat a stdtl to this* .ri at.i'o s<* J “My l)*t atows wvirkcd- mnnCnUy mat suceeedvd ip navjHg many ot tlut wounded fi-.juu lhc bvruXug, t ski[>. .</oe tiwa wU.. w ill l>c rvcouijnemjf-d.fpt', pfoJlHttiuU yJiWßberwi up tji" mile of the Vj7.eavn and s.\ve4 tfirfd, inen'fro'rn' Iniihiihg to deaf,i. As l knew, the tfid Hriff ! fwo slifips wrecked had Mitt been -fistti-d by any of*ofiriVes sels I ran down to thetn. I s fomid tl.e Gloncvster nwtU. Admital CwtviM and a nupiliea i*£.Jus vfilcatrs xlioa-rd ami uiso a large uumbvx of vouinloU, some in i frightfuiy ijiap)gil,cvfj|ljtipv>. ,Mj|ny pris* oners hud ji'ClJ Jiilk*,4 oa *lpV, by lire or the Cubans, ityo Ha( qll I nd I FbqtfWted (’apt. Cotton to go hi and ike ‘Off <!if creti-s'o’f tiie’TnfaiitA .Maria Alntlvantd Otjnendo and y liiiilnijrbti the Harvard bail ffW prison ers aboufil,. a great nquab:-* Of 'C:Cu> tvotui'liHl, l ii-b d.iii-t i-.ia J- .*• •>! '■ ‘T.’or, fctmragi!.nii JiWi, Qwre i no imr. ulty.W hisfory to tbiujictaoit of Uro Spau ,mi n(hinral, lie submiUe/1 to ill/- for tunes of wnf wiiVji grace (hat procluiiiiihj a thoronghhre.l.** '* ■ , . Gitfit.'Evinift'irt' lritAflsiA^'ftrbtid of big 1 ■ship l and imr-men. " Tlie f-nviC fifed' 31 12-lrvoh # 48 X-itudv ’ddflfh, l.lltk) j fbs'ound and 120 1-pound BbOtßUunaci h Tfie,; officers, of tint Vimaya sald iflniyi simpj.y cfliilfi Wild, their at *h® Hns.oJj aycinirit of the pyuml in upon them _ •wttli Wiit’oi a tie fife hefee, and bipod from thc'dihtd .-itid tt'onnd'e.i 6a deck. Ktagrrfi'nts of bodies floated in this along tl*- gun decks. Every instant the effick o£ exploding shells told of new ImTOc. One of the 12-inch shells from the lowa a torpedo In the Vizcaya’s bow, ifbk.wing twenty-one men against tht- deck above and dropping them dead and man* ’gli-d into the fii-C Which at ohee slatted ■ Uelow. ..pi.,i ■■ •., , i:■ ; -■■;■-.■■ • ,; TELLS HIS STOfiY^ Lieutenant Hobson's Accontit of tliC Siaking pf the JTei-Hinac. f. iThe .itgtiirji, of • Naval Gone strsgtor Uiclimond I*. IloVisoa, of Merrimac faule.'m his ship, the flagship Npw Yoyk, aras niarlted liy wild enthusiasm. As ILob- .ton isaf .ftpcfe.piojte .aanong diia messmates , fi6 J ibid flie of his espeiieaee, his luAi-kclpiii escape and his iinprisopmouf Lin Mbhrd WisflK ' , "W JitiVb ’fliirti'-ihree days in ft HJtfttiislr : pHsittiisnriT IlhYishn, “and the more i thiirfc 'ataiut it the nnlrc marvelous sdetus that ii’P'ato’hliVff.' ' “It asidi*int S'Kj'(Aatok'ln tht*'fiirtttiiit^ it'lti'ji ,the,;.Mvfrinuu' ontered'She tttfrddr tchrtiin/d, pnd (Uvuntsi ig wilder the guns’ of r Alv;rro ( b'afit|o ri f'i|p stillness ,o( death preVhlled. H.JVUf .§p, (lark Jln*‘, a,, could 'see ,tlie plimned to‘drop otir starboard anclfor at ‘a rtfefit of tire chapnbl, rsir ’^nglriW'SrtiVT'theii' swing* the .iis-rtiinne: iftrouttd; sihltitig h^r : directly iJHTvta-tllo ebosMifKi tlnd -*l >*i ■> >. -Ihi v "Qliis plan was adhered to. but eirram*' 4tatt4es it^ > e,^^(.ipn,. Mnpossi, Ido.t \> heh the Jierninac poked her nose jutfj Uk; .■hptm^Nint l ttvmtiri*?. Tne Idwidiy-ypnoneci ‘"WtAr* firAkefi- %f the ’shitili oij ihwmtitiiniat aflprT>hetii¥if fis fridn itheig|iore I,made,he* out'ft picket }>Pf} \ ?,hiCfnw "ipwnup under the'stern f ITie u4,ficoi|,siw;or*l shuttr front aehdt: seeded ,io be guas. WfVriliiaVcs Holder ,wns W a/ l>y Thnt is wfiy tlie collier,;w#* iib’t’kuwk h'epiviss the”Mia < tihel,' ‘ not nbj;. <vit:tiK>h<*r. We then floand thAt the Merrima* would not anrwter'td the'helm hhd T.ore. coiui>etlcd to make the Itest of -.tlie rdtuatier. ,:i run,up the channel was veryejcit- P;g. The jc-ket boat, bad given the alarm* mid in h nnidjenj the {fnjis.vt the Uie, (tuinuiilo, and the .?h.ore battftie*! were tfiniP'd fipon idl. Submar ine niinek tmd ‘t.irpedoPs Wbre aW'ex ploded about n, addliig to the etfeffethbfif. 'h'bu mines di<l no do mage, although we conJd hear rumbling and totikt teel the 'Wlip' trcioHe. “We tf-erc runoing without lights and Aiy t|io <|a'rknpps stjved, us from utter Ue* structidn.' When the spjp, tyas,jn the dfr sired position find wfi found thiit the Jud der t\ws gotTq I rallOd the ruen yu deck., Wliiie tltev were laittiehfhg the catamaran J loitched off Hu explosives.' 1 At the'same tiiomept two torpMoes fired by the Reiha i •Xtemyles struck,the Aivrriuia.camkiships. 2 gtuiot spy vvht'tlwr our uwn eridnsives or the Spanish torpedoes,did the work* but ‘the’Alerrifnac ’was liftc'tput ef the w;*te 4nslt4kubst renf asunder. A* spe, settled, ifpwa We'ktfarfihltfd bVeriloard ami Jut away the catamaran. A .great cheer wept up frnfii the iwrtl and warships rii the TiuU of/ thfis eij|*ier " fotmderw}, •the *SphnlSfi ..thinkin* UiwMerriuiaecWds an Htneftean r ,j m*,i ••’)•* on hue •. .-..1.. 1 ' “Wi- a,tj| fipficd to get oufe.of the harhor -e'd tkl- cs ( tamaru4V ,Upt tide was ..tHHW’d a'ml,da t y!jght Pmiuijps fiph strug gling irf* the water, . Tbep ,for ihg ,first ‘irfitt/'lihe'TrAiiViaids saw. us. pud a boat ,frOmiu|re fterrta ’Woicb’rfWi ’piblce'd us up. ftjjthfjU ’".as shortly after 5 o’clock in the niortnng, asid wr trad : tti the Wafer more tU*Ui un boure ; H> were- taken gshnrc bjj, the Mercedes nmf later I *-ere uent. *> Myrts CiawUf. i In Morro (Ynaaie vg, wctf, ) cot^t I bd. Jh ,<teU at the- Hinhrr side jif the, W W thore . .jt*Uells i attf rtte*bolteiftrey maile 3 Wfeen ‘fPeV Stracki btif I jbdpiff Vofb' WHatiouAf thegnftirda rlint Hb *ftts|lg'dld , ewmdt-rabmditLiMAgejAit * tAts bothWrtl ment, XIr t tbidtritii eotlsel. ryttmsvd.t# sths l trti*apm*vi r Vf- , ,a; *‘ ,<J V' 4hf/’ x< '^ lf ’ np “ °* f- 111 '"- Hobson waa gb fected nfter much parleying between Gen, fitifl? <W at -first •ribt'*wiHittg' tV'htrfid' oV'er 1 the’ Anterjeam* tdrasintUarfitimber Of Spaniel pdiwiMßht^von* ,ti -•■dnq ’■ ..iL ; B.VBV tIJ T —lJlht United VtiHcs Vpstoflficc tn Cuba, *rte*' fi?yV 1 ’teystoffice ,in I Clibs' 'Vi;ft'’fie<*h t*#HiWished* fit iHftiijiun, gud iurcsjuipped for doing the business Of a of i*wAK*<-tnnitn i iMd:’ " At taUftwl. 1 rte/pflice.of Jtewm | eoaUinin* WO ia caifi and several valaw | bit pi.gfci,**. ESTABLISHED 1865. ALL OVER THE STATE TT"V" Ti“" r “ . „ „ ITEMS OF INTEREST IN BADGER DOM. '4'Jl<*+i lO Jp ><i t" iM ll —> J< t.* if * ’V* ill j ♦oartg Olrl Confesses o the Crime of inml-OldcAt Convk't Is Read-Kan* taiTiUe Mdi kil'.i J in MinursoU - Fatality ut Foyd. i vl .j < Revenge of a Punished Girl, Lydia Berger, a TS-j i eAr-Mtl‘ is Tri' 'Jitil. having • t <wifessis4 Id too eriw.s <*tf. sl,ie t loft, her mw, on a farm north of Milwaukee, ana went 'tb toNVn to Witness the hHtHKku pit 1 punt Of the; carnival t.Wtffathu.i Sire was out late that night, ami thi; uo\t $)? ljef father whipped her for staying a Way without htS fieHmfcfdOtr. She s'oWuht re veiign by aettibg See to the lrtlleoiUngo In which I her lived. It whs burned. loHlm fcrhund. A ni'igliLo'r gave the 'f’lniiny sh 'l 4 " toi. ondAlltNneJrt list- the girl 'set tre W the Louse ofjliwr UeanfaeUit. Uet, moth er ordered h or harness a team of bok"set=, wdileh were ito’mpbPn'My 'qranefed ii n (aim; beVwKltjp 10 the Wisconsin LijUgfi lWj CVjinptuijj. , The,girl ' Vi :nt i", loft and set the barn on fire, which, with' Rf.Vfy-tivo'-fbns of hay; wtt* twViMred tojthe ground. •'i'LlwAtiri says ske'set tine to; to havyg W' 11 e*‘ VV, hep father for whipping her. .I| .< ■ , 1 ■*' i;y. ui.’ • M •• i Wisconsin,,Mew IvjJl'V , M A Lakefield (Minn.) ''Special says: On J<op NHtrth’h fartfr.-Mk fttihst srtttthwieyt of town, while George Ralph, v£ Woln t ' o,lu ;:}''ss?# m b ’ K:r , sagvdle, VI is., were preparing a pound Phirrjie f dynamite to‘Movin' it weft theb were digging,iv.eaplyflevL .Ralph whs. lit r erilly blown to.pieces, parts of his body .being’fbtfHtf kiVor fer/j- piu : (4 ifrnni ’ wYiW 1 the accident happened, Wuoderltaiith hud both feet and right b.Aad.hjowu off, but Hvied aii| The, was the result of carelessness, the men haying been engaged* pofuntrfig the sit-ns 1 -; mtte #>to the can with n spike wWfl *L ■Mnilodeu. —— , At any Tears Convict, James Croak, the oldest prisoner in tin; WtsenuWii penitentiary: is dead, lie was SO years old and nearly half his life had been fpeut within the inuluios of the gloomy prison. He was the tirst to be hnried iii the now prison cemetery. The old man had boon in the hospital for yegrs. l-'or tin most part he enjoyed good health, hut at intervals lie would get it into his head that be was going to die and insist upon having a priest sel l lor, The priest would come and talk to him and then lie would get wolf. He used to' spend his time playing checkers. Tone lmd soft cued his features ami reliuetl his face. Killed by a Train. A westbound Wisconsin Central passen ger trrtlu struck and killed Peter Pinter near Boyd. The tea hi was nvntiii g full speed. The body tvtis Igifll.v uiauithul aml ~tbe man was dead when the physician ar rived. He lived at Stalifey and leaves wife and children.'j ft ;tr *1 i. and State Items of Interest, Mr. and Mrs. ton'll Nicholson, n( Jfoii roe. celebrated riieiv golden wedding aid-' eersarj-., ■j v . . Rev,.Hr. \V. I>. Thomas e| l#t <}nm is the new president of (Pile College, Gul<*rfl!r. **’ * '"" * 1). M. Howlands, cashier of the Hank of Cambria, and Miss Kutum. Havis were married at . Cambria. L to*) ‘lijn-ifT , 'eC I 1 '• • ' Kdward Fanning, a Kenosha hoy who has been at Sidti’ey. Neb., fell under an engine and lost an arm. 'PUg J. li. Ifealy LuiJjiws .Cotupany, of Njeepali, hits jnadc, ,au assignment, A*- sett, sloi4sft;’liabilities, $*28,060. IFhe Ttcptiblil-nti cVihTenfioti from the Tenth Conttresskwial rilstritx wits tallied by the committee to jneej at lime Late, Aug. in. Moses K. 'VC'ilfinntX has been appointed postmaster at fA>x- Lake, Ilhdge County. which was relegated an .July 1 to the ’fourth clogs. , , ll‘ ') ~1 i Atfi I* l 4>. I ijt ‘‘t< ,('Paries Norton, of Hartford, died of a snnhtmlre wpilpilf vfortc'’iltig at er Lake. He was unmarried and about 55 tears old. , . , , • a~j ~ Appleton has taken the- lira! steps to ward tiic iuuldjng. eLm Imipt pubJje lj r: lirarv by accepting the gift. of a valuable (doie of real 'estate. Michael iPiyns, aged H), was convicted titlJanesVflledt tile pirceny of a bjcyvjp, and was sePleneed to jlw iiplustriiy siljpol for hoys ‘for fire jWts. '' 1 Charles Ashley, son of (7c..rge A-'ds.v, rf- JattettVWTe. whs I vrffWhitdif'Ju" j*Ae light .SanfiagO: He PnlfSfPd with a NoWfi 'Adam*, Mass., eorofiiiny. He ist 25'y*eiitC old. ' C(il. ! *i T. BafWer, of FMn Claire. ftuttV.T antltij ofutluc etmgnk*i omit ■ reintw i r tthi.'lA >6 issued a.rvuii lor fch> Jbrp'ilriiofm ereiirti> ihstrift,gonvcntgjH to be itehlAnet. 14,at 1,11 P'roSIJV. .~! ; . .j.. ft. . ■' August LueUgerodtg clerk of the I'ineh Honfee,.at liij^ieiirn, Anns m.wbfiitaliy shot. ] in the lfg by .[. C. J jpnry, t>f Milwaukee.; Henry was snowing off a Revolver when jiycmtfttritly ’dfsenarg vJ. ... A(rs. Elizabeth Abrams, died ip Uw tu>pn of N’ekimi, is lie < elebratcd per niiii - tietn birthday a few liioiitns ago. She suit) Per* who died In 1884, settled in dVihtietnao County in 1850 tJov.‘ScliVifield hits offered a rewan) Af s2<Hi for the arrest andheomPrion of the murderers ot Mary Selden; of I'epih Coitft- 1 ♦y. who was .killed June Id, The eotinfy has offered a similar reward. An order was issued at Washington establishing money order service n't the fnHowiiig \Vjs<om>iu postotheeju Afmn. lfcmset.t, <>ritou, Clark A.IHIsi. UihlmviUe, Glendora, M i til in, Teryill uud W-tlJiam* Lajk ,Fire hi the Ha'is at Hwin" tUntaged it badly and r'hhed Stock', god tools owpi and tiy Hugh Kdivarijs. 'There is no inutfance. tSTiTIc going to the fire the hopk and tsidder Tnn'k enpsired and N. ‘t'Tedlsh was seriously hurt. I ..Ed ward Casey, the engineer at IV Mr plfint. In rtshkdslj, ,wift pc t(hoi on the charge of murder, tlie eproner’s jury having fcniitd that the boy NJorrls met Ids death by being k ifh a ejl.b in his hands. During the inquisition of ffie coroner's* iory'ft sounnvhiM dfaniaftc tuciAuit was Lrongpt to iibr; J A ts.v; naravd JosejA S.trtisser. tectilivd thitt h>* was, die first to ryatii tly. ipjin-ed, bto 'H side, affer Tie h- j fatten. Hi; askevl fil nbn c-:k-'; nJVn fit fl , offer a sHcrtt tfrno, ‘Vab.” - 'TTi's was Uie last word tlie young striker said 'I if in-v he tiffed. • •-, * .!•• * • '*’ “•* ; * * 7, Cen. K.-S. Tttta'ck’bfiV fWifj-fifip fV> f“on!i vTu r*ic fcom dbxaevff. N. V.'.’ \¥h\Hh Tie'de'’ 1 lHer.-d an address at the semi-eententifiti Of Hotis-t College. dVWle*tfiWre the de >gfeo of LL. IK wi ivnfctreil upon liitrt. JftneayiUc. ka fbroe ntvnut riantigm LieoV. L. T. Jtk bardsig) the Xwcmieth Jgfantry Cf rhi’ regular array, r.jeut. F. XI. Greene of the dnnhoat Moatgoraevt nil 1 .William <| 4 ordvi>. ,;f. the, .L'aitcii ;Ha tea nrst Infantry bqnd. , ■. j a jfttl f tr: l%k of it ifi, ; t miivcriity.'fias'stjfrtt.iffto' gr, ‘ffiVun iooAuoae • ft,. Went across take ( sfcirfirArf'iutf, through tne chain or lakes and thy Ya bara ItiTdr'ftnd atl to the- firisgfskfiij.f.* "rte l uit* and riratcui Hvimte bfis corttiriffcd "tlie nominajj'tb yf .Xmvid XX -Jones t d.e TlriftM States’. of tM AVesteru I lH*firtct 'Yisconsitt, t i( 1 flbTtlieb Itr-rg, a pjeaeer-.'Uid ptntm twl ttifistea o|l UcroW, was dcui mt,* Hstera. TTe had fits of insanity and it is thenght ihht’Hc' (frbwrievr'b'fm.-.-lf. iMfipii Singer anVt MeLeeA of La C’ropAC't'Otfchi..] ofra bomb thf tle;v found ufi^i^ttxfed''fib* 'd T^t ri*e "used fog iJTiUurtk tt JMltr UrHHWlft:*- hfe|.iffd lUtl' tiK thundhJ apfictrcrdhirtWl dfhw 'i^t* off am) Singr’*r flrfie'w4i' with powder, su that he is tempo rarily sightless, though the doctors think hi* ttyw will fc* *vet) Official) City* Pa*jeri 1 !,M ° wiMliiiisc ,l i 1 '♦*! t tli J <> : ■ /\ ▲Xdu KurM wr ■' . I'Kijltml IHHII! >l. m>*t |>n Job Printing { T*l IIV iM n| m! yl'l-<g|ltl4| V 4. 111 HEQKPTLY RXBCUTZB Kill Intjv t* i* IV MM , Ul I*i LrtTlt •!.'* Hl',l If: In a AM Satisfactory Manner. Carl n<ornn.‘ iTyea’nt. ifrAWntaf tyhllO tiiUhin.ff ismr'AUewu*.:■ . . m.i.n . Ttie Kepntdicnn Assiwldv oonVeiiitiofli, [ in 'Vinnobiuro Uottiity vritl be held at Osk*-t ■Was,, Ana.. " ’ ,r. . 1 ahe new 1 tells stoninw Apollo Mo. 1 was launebed at Kill'onrfi. The new tuwt J iWt 'over r>M: •“ 1 • ,'O.M tl 7 J Okl'lltl It#.: alrSi iSeKsstsaniSebioss. wifo of ,a rvur til Uterelta nt s Of.I h*t nilt, Midi., wwnkiUW ' .try the ears'at. w l.andlord Tremout i Jlptel, (tslikAMf.'KaV't<rt4*'shion a eritfO Of tie Wfl hf W4W<* A-W *f ro*t n the'wed; / hff the baHieshtitMatw, .a..... M , ~,.v t Rts AtiiitV an Al'Wrfr ivrurein ■Hv^ ink' at lyioit, tori n VMt iW Off MVwC tta.k ht*r llfi- by hattiwlie' in her roem ' * t V !,; ' Melntmrtt''of dbsernt*|o3li‘ ymrs Mid, ,^V t tiudierai L'lUsb'truonh janis usa] 4it'd au ’"hour later, lie leaves a wife and familyi' ’ " jThi* lmli:wp .h\ 4J Ifapids sre" •fKiriiiK for a bitr nsedleioo. dance. TJio • wiU for nt't'tif 'n' l n felv. and I Italians wffl'igijS&V' ‘eritlß-ee. .nra-. o-o -M 1 trikmias Si ,etj t. a Ira tup vlie xijiblied.AV ib AirtmiAlien of Stevvnd I'oint of a wateis and hilt. eVftV by \VebT< | it tirand ltapiik, iutithc State prisnniftirii iWi|e year. in. * is t. v.*-ot i and. Kui|te of ( ai,’ iOto -o* ti'oiupmi.r.iji . J'iUe<\alh \\ ievoiisin infdmTy;' rohiinittf'd ide'l'y 1 Muto'/ina. havih* V^\" tvwh v '• vh() |4 il<rr healths fr|l o< ■* -•••- do jeliner Ti. t v e:il;e‘of Wloit.'iSnu of the I£ev. T. I>. I’e.-vke. tins been sward Mb'Mue t ?.H-itnl^^lradoV'^' fpjhe ; .>! ; A'l|tr. ; Rl . ff/jne story-writini; wH,esU. There were ~o'er 1 (HHI ivUhertsbttS vi tf in ts.n M Uhit* Uey,: lupimf iliiitfkweU wifii U rj-n {Vo* ff>i take a posbjn-ad'nafe Course in Vi uni .mti sttyt tftvtii. •At.bbtt' 'lii.*rt' : m' l eVntreH' v,V '■ thi j*V ivllkhlWilUVtinsllOjt it'JMtH. odj 11 'Jh.,S, I'ocHvftl, ,waVf4r,ffvfeitwt‘ llseirie ltoiit Mauupieturing Coinpany, half* aA'ejitell tf ft • mWfitf' fir IB: . M-$. Jtiilvket dlvautied tit{ meet awl other fast boats. The kofpe V* 1 'lilti'iiiiiy at Atahi tt.woe rhtfde rft-htnnffffy aehitrtmfont. 'Ktb ward \V, Kelly .was .nupomivil astfiKiicui Atf /rtUfd,,WW}mV<Vf., awl slow eoileeijons wl'to the cause. All 'ffevb'Hltti-s •**> J. 11. Hen hr, *IM W rtr ■ hlVtk ft* Nrtli> dno diH twd a. UuuU'r yaM'linl.Ml'ettah, inadt a vottjntarj; ...nvsiKinntjnt. miming f l .1. as assignee. IhV ttsiAus ate phteetl at Sip,oso iamt wM> ltnbdttie at. 'tsvspltki : / tfllesiatlf; H'KfO tthUAhWßt of ttilth, failure. . 01. >|t. ‘l •;*'. Iw, .p IJHtin. 1.10 1 lie crushing of Admiral f ervera s Meet bus 7nM*a r.etfW inrVfiVet J, 'tii’tt,e 'FiiTfirteM • inarhot. Wspi.t uiliyssalM* ainiit thr. Ivsat. . uepotiatnrg some large pur liases at Mn flijetl a. ! Itiii bW *f C*d/‘*. HUH SW feet. oh giind litiuid'i-iOoiu klaiutatto hrm*. The, M , ~, , At Superior, I.izxie Sedwiek, a.colored faiiim? mt iibt It witkcii orlt.ikti'ina tldih' neck and out the jugular vein. The v. n an \k-Uw WWP'WMWSWfcdWKJ- h- Hf ” Sf. Muiy'soli(u)iir!btfkiiusd|uit(iiMelh'*)osj skk fifVf W'WWAWW'S,...|JI‘.p.e. a S ;,I ^./4)r^/ , mVfuV r . m-r viljo. now of liaiosnurc. ill.; linn nojruu iliv.trt<<“ |^toiafftilttst ‘ttatebushitdip, Tnptjit'tipnUm.M *illfim( tf*'ilium‘ (} 1♦ s # tna s lents ■rt f* t-tw it allw<r i I in IA g 1 1 1 hitlurt.V| i kvww-wy sV. iwssi KiKVUouii NV.i 1 1, , . i ‘ oin *v w.ilf * f -m Jo t t s u\ snap occtirrcHJ at, tin* Arynplon llo tel tlfim!"M4'•fMlff-If'Vi'WHWsi' tu a lialbbiteed hi. vind .Itis eiialfl mmsinid in Py ii [wiol ball, it seems thatfmd trying' to pick il light all afternoon with 111. Other'tieetrjl.ltif'itf tlHOnhWn lltfll tPiAHy’ l Vihimrilded,.. ibtUi tueii,Wno'e.SUsv}iliiny .tint ,- liffU' hrceij v tifl ,1/ff tm ii I pO.fl hail aifiT severely injured. .As'iVWtt 5 nfH'M'AHtVft sfnW" injrt * !ai®Jsltl'iiybKliM ? 'i!tUi liigJawt* t .!H!|ii ,i'tit|yh)fj mi ll( i,ln|, jd* ,, i.jwvWM- • Stuinder niarried.a ilnugliter of Cotiey s wmw.' i\t?f w k.<i mLi ■ • sot .ii nldru'firjj>‘HMillei’ .irt*iw •. anil AjV*tg*n ‘'and k, . AVT.Ite a letter }> his wife telling her that wftfmW Ti(‘ : •wmwp rw ■ 'kv P**l t ’* ■Mit'vff Pll.f 111 *♦<!. if Tl* f ■ * f ytth A <lf iiwihwiviiiUttf mitW * s .wm* j <sK^^sft4^SiF^viasl- rtf.' hhigVh ** of | will loti <) Jut oMI iMwktowUii s*S rWf -. : f!s sw. n ()jvj pHM t* ns Ifiri.T as ;t irtfiiis fist \*Onl t!u* siU‘ of 11 1 *riikiii I - WfS 1 Hb.hVVi'WW'i Wiftr;,. . Ti.e Milwanket Carnival Association win: i*"itV WWW't.ff 1 Vlid jsaj t' lo!ituijiki na . IpMil.ih'dlmiiaiHown-i! ■pis' rent •dfttit'‘cW fiiW*WMV|MW l‘.sr. J -ymi<tin. w^f <■ itswto•twaf aii;d.ii> tin* Hmti ■ ■Jty'r.tmHWkMh wU/hW $. j :nir in Soitfomnor, itt linn? it uiij tlifTtihii* ya I isrtniiir *uW*b *M l iw*4y*no fml mot WW H.wnrita, ISafmoWftfWiN*iH&>WA er, reported that lie had Kil 1 < <1 a man at ui„ l.fciM/iiVMV HAiWAm"Hf‘fnw-'c-Ny.' going to the premises. K<lW*te|t*rJ • •MflM/tfelAl • lf, v v inrtv, was found near Tin' rojid in front lif'Vi'A* mip 'MtolC*flhM 1 iH• '>¥ ! *>H " Hi-fiil l/mmi'di *ml .hit-'*lrii> blt'dinn .ulwl.. hafl Wi,J.,Ky.v ite.'!b'lltVyr‘ > -i story is that \\ coster oiiiiw* to Ilia . 1 ; l>cMpke vwis v:*' t*d into W'^PtWii o?W hy. Ls'iipke objected to lo r going, viiilii Webster ami words fallowed. \V<t>- Kt< ihcn wont nuwy s '’°" . . and with a Kiin and commenced shooting , „}Ar ftf'¥;' tW<*‘ lMW* "wont not/ivftlta .dnif|..tvikh nyj*tb bvehsiib .MftfsftJftfr Vl" JL r sJ'&.-HUfa sirtnhe.] \\ ohstor. ktinny' 1 tui. .tfilm VtiftktilM in&Wftwtffr.VAt <VW thjM< *fl fH n*ro(T *>F Hlio#fcr,ifitW/i *,AV>'Vlt*? 1 r ftH'ttJ.ft n V*dni lanMilt* smith of the State hospital at IJsb jH*h. mm* IrttlV'" jnjiwt'itonimtoi *UiJm **rfl fie • f>hi iu*rt.iCkrtaai<*i yntffo mMrrwii. **“<>*Vfloi^K )YW irrupting to uro off jtouto |>owd<r m uw'fi'p.l m, wwk wh N#*. #.<*.-'■■lilt tarf.)W4M#M>jln*f'l(*> donly exploded. itijurjux lnni very V'vcre )y. " i in* rmWifo WHW 1 ’Ak.W V*ie eye completely ruiipHalss v lit .Hoi Vh.- < li^nit'W , /or|<JaiiMW -hfctb.j' M Vt i *m* p4->" <U'ttr. r FW tTiTia praying on flu* Ti-t^r, and tiiHlinu u Innk- i tier intttj| v ,Jfi n |ttK''iti l .t f *#< *>*¥■ tfvHitwnl pushed the pin la r inly her throat. Au WMiotAs '’emtd's 41 hr. Uniool, aoiimM odl J*df vol MljitWtun tit:ad. Jjjer < l W'ji4 fWdiKWWW'feo r living three nnlcs southeast of ■h lilUV'j *IW .4tr r tM4tWA° ' Ullse VifioflUaK ksiwmiid to the <frjrvu*e flliuir^f4ti^f^ klt&’oflWm tltiS lip.ihjiri. j#4Utoot 1i>o( La slJs (Unit J ' iVsiw, 1/WiljßJ: .ikofl/ti ,*riWW'“. attempted to make her two ybU i4j,<jpyir)h.v'4frW;,4 t iH' |, ’eh atflf fo j>or//(A| ,o| anvfafc strrtf.i rnffttist'" 1 ‘Jiutf," lot jisi aoh.iifl hitJ, oh odw moiuJ.o U iLunTi lanr<* jmn|HMi from a ]>aflften /I WSf n njDll * ns: at hjh-oI neaf^tfl*- ° 'arWti ♦‘Hon^KrTirr*nr<i v# hT uri. Ha in WW lm MthfWHy ,t> ! Wiititiolwit k -*Jt-‘M**q* ■Ti>>><lt in as - to|od the window aWt*lfttWit*'bdV' 1 ieavinahi* hut, coat nud vi t behind. A posse of officers is in pursuit. Clarke bag been tcateueed to VVaupun for larcapf. .