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VERNON COUNTY CENSOR O. G. Munson, Publisher. VIROQUA, • • WISCONSIN. HUSBANDS IN WAITING. Why should any woman be without s husband when by the expenditure of a small amount of money she can be put In the way of having one or many? At least the experience of a Chicago woman goes to show that potential husband:: are waiting on every other corner ready to be gathered in by any ente’-'trisii.g lady who happens along, says the Indianapolis Star. “All a woman has to do,” sne says, "is to Join a matrimonial agency.” adding. ”1 am a member of three myself and a life member of one.” She is a mem ber of three because her fastidious taste let.ds her to become easily dis satisfied with the prizes she secures, and her sudden appearance in the limelight is due to the fact that she acquired several without the preliral* t.ary of getting divorced from any, and the fourth one in number for the year 1910 was unkipd enough to enter a protest. It is not, of course, advisable to follow the course of the Chicago woman in taking husbands simultan eously; It is well to be off with the old love before being on with the new, at least legally; but the Chicago wom an's experience goes to show that men are not the elusive creatures that some suppose, but that more or less eligible specimens are within the reach of any lonely lady willing to take a moderate amount of trouble and to expend a small sum in postage stamps. In short, women who wish to marry and have been unable to do so because of the apparent shyness of men nearest at hand should cheer up. There has been nothing more sen sational In the history of aviation than the circumstances of the flight of John B. Moissant from Belmont Park to the Statue of Liberty and back, says the New York Sun. There never was a melodrama or a fiction that contained any more improbability than this story of the flhlcago strip ling, who, after smashing his own aeroplane and apparently losing bis chance to enter the race, bought a new machine for an excessive price In a bargain made over a telephone with a disabled pilot of the air, lumped Into it, soared up above a vast assemblage of people at the last mo ment, held his way straight over the roofs of a populous city, driving the engine at top speed, reached bis goal, rounded it and sped back two thou sand feet In the air to snatch the rich prize from the hand of the man whom everybody believed to be the victor. The hobbles of the rich collectors are sometimes as silly as those of the street boy. A French banker who died recently left a collection of 63,000 cigar bands, each differing In r ime particular from the others. These bad cost him ilfty years of smoking, aud had been arranged systematical ly in a number of specially construct ed cabinets. None of his children shared bis taste, so it was decided to sell the bands. When put up to auc tion the collection which had entailed the expenditure of so much time and money realized twenty francs. The children would have preferred fifty years of cigars. The boss potato raiser of this coun try Is our old friend Secretary Wil son. He is so tired of those chuuks of soggy something or other that come on the table that he has set his ex peris to raising 30,000 varieties of spuds In the hope that out of the whole mess he will be able to flud one \ •on which the guarantee of mealy can tie written. The secretary is in the way of becoming the greatest bene factor of the age. Sixteen battleships of the Atlantic fleet are off for the other side, and will present their visiting cards at a number of ports bordering on the English Channel. As their mission Is a peaceful one. they will be welcome wherever they go. The jacktes will enjoy this personally conducted tour of Undo Sam’s, and the navy wtll profit by the experience of cruising Id foreign waters, A man In Washington lighted a cigar while holding a bag of gunpow der in his band, lie shared the usual fate of the man who persists In spite •of warning and experience In looking for a gas leak with a naked light. When fools prepare the train of -events It Is generally the expected which happens. An American opera singer In deny leg her reported engagement to a title volunteered the Information that she had met a number of an d aud that, taken Individually and collec tively. “they are not worth a ding ’’ Her emphasis was almost mascullns If the promised penny postage will reduce the number of picture post -cards that flow in on one every time a friend leaves town, then let us have It and at once. In Pittsburg a woman is suing for divorce because her husband has not had a beth for six months. Pittsburg is a particularly bad i ace in which to go unbathed for so long. They used to say that when war Is -made too bloody It must cease. What they meant was perhaps too blood.’ expensive. One of the Newport bunch wears SIOO silk stockings, Guaranteed? SOLON TESTIFIES IN LORIMEfI CASE /tobert E. Wilson Makes Expla nation at Inquiry. /ACK-POT STORY IS DENIED dlinois Representative Before Senate Bub-Committee Declares He Voted For Senator at Dying Sher iff's Request. Washington. Chairman Burrows it the senate committee on priv ileges and elections, announces that the case of Senator William Lorimer will be submitted to the senate before the Christmas recess. The announcement was made at the conclusion of the testimony of Robert E. Wilson of mirniis, the alleged dis tributor of the ‘‘jack-pot” of the last Blinds legislature. Wilson, after be ing much sought after, followed the footsteps of hU predecessor on the witness stand —Lee O’Neil Browne— Robert E. Wilson. A y entering a general denial to all the charges that he personally profited by the election of Lorimer to the senate, or that he gave out the “jack-pot" money In S9OO packages to White, Ltnk, Beckemeyer and the other southern Illinois "Jack-potters." Memory Is Bad. Mr. Wilson's testimony was marked by the disclosure that his memory is dull on many points and sharp on only a few main pertinently personal Is sues. He remembered clearly that he made- no offer of money to any mem ber of the Illinois legislature In a St Louis hotel bathroom. He remem bered also clearly that he had no knowledge that a United Slates com mittee was in Chicago on Investigation bent, and that his services as a wit ness were badly needed. His absence from Chicago at that time was unpre meditated and wholly separate from a desire to avoid testifying. Oh 'riff’s Request on Deathbed. Mr. >Vtlson‘g memory was clear as well that he voted for Mr. Lorimer finally because of the dying Injunc tion of former Sheriff Thomas Barrett of Chicago to do Lorimer a favor If It ever lay In his power. Barrett died five years ago. Wilson admitted that he had been In St. Louis on July 15. 1909, the occasion of the notorious bathroom incident, and thought that perhaps he had gone Into the bathroom with M. A. Shepard. But he had forgotten all about what ho had talked to Shepard about. “Our conversation was so Immateri al that 1 do not remember what It was about." RICH GIRL WEDS CHAUFFEUR. Couple Elope and Keep Wedding Se cret for Several Weeks. Washington The elopement of Miss Blanche Malone, daugh ter of Lee L. Malone, a wealthy coal operator of Fairmont. W. Va., aud A1 Sanders of Baltimore, who w-as for a time a chauffeur for the Malone fam ily, was disclosed when friends of the couple received announcements that their wedding bad taken place Oct. 29 last. Miss Malone was a student at the Mount Vernon Seminary in this city. WORLD FAMOUS SAVANT DIES. Prof. Charles Otis Whitman, Noted Zoologist. Succumbs to Pneumonia. Chicago.—Prof. Charles Otis Whit man head of the department of zool ogy at tbo University of Chicago ! since 1892, and known as one of the greatest American biologists, died of pneumonia at his residence in this city. Exposure last Wednesday in feeding the many pigeons which he kept for the purpose of his investigations brought on the attack. Makes New Aviation Record. Memphis, Tenn. —Rene Barrier made j t new world's record here Wednesday j when he flew 16 miles at the rat© of j almost 88 miles an hour. Rich Recluse Dies In Incendiary Fire. Caldwell. O. —Mrs. Minerva Wil liams. eighty-five, a recluse, was j bgrned to death In a fir© that oon sumed her home near here Wednes day. Mrs Williams, it was rumored, had $5,000 in currency concealed In the house, and it Is believed thieves robbed her and set fire to the house. Sam Langford Whips Harris. Boston. —Two rounds were sufficient for Sam Langford, middleweight cham pion, to put Morris Harris, the New York heavyweight, to slumberland la the feature bout at the Armory A. A Tuesday night. Fire Threatens Town. Menominee, Mich. —Fire Tuesday al most totally destroyed the plant of the Letsen & Ht-nes Brewing oom pony, entailing a loss of about $75,- OCO, covered by Insurance. For a time the enure town was threatened. U. S. PLACES DUVEEIi FRAUDS AT $5,000,000 Collector Lceb Charges Art Dealer* Have Broken All Records in Custom Swindles. New York. —Collector Loeb makes the announcement hat Duveen Broth ers, the great art and antique deal ers, are indebted to the United States governmnt $5,000,000. This vast sum represents the cus toms duties out of which the govern ment has been defrauded by the Du veens telnce they established their fa mous house 'twenty years ago. The amount was arrived at by the govern ment experts, who have been compar ing the book, values of the firm with Invoiced values sworn to on articles entered at the New York custom house. The amount claimed does not represent the value of the Imports, but the actual amount out of which it is alleged the wealthy Englishmen have swindled this government in tariff duties. Careful comparisons have been made with the consular Invoices filed by the noted firm with the customs authorities over a period of years and the private invoices kept In the company’s books. At the time of the raid and seizure of the store all of the books and other records of the company were taken by the government authorities, who since then have been working on the com parisons. They declare that the frauds they have discovered exceed those of any of a similar character ever perpe trated. John B. Stanchfleld, attorney for the Duveens both tn the civil and criminal actions pending against them, has in stituted negotiations with officials of the treasury department and depart ment of justice at Washington to com promise the cases against his clients, one condition of which is that the crim inal proceedings against them shall be stepped upon the payment erf a large sum of money by them. DRAFT NEW WATER POWER PLAN National Conservation Committee Hope to Form Agreeable Policy. Washington. A plan to bring together the opposing advocates of federal regulation of water power and those who stand for state regula tion, on a water power policy upon which both can agree, is being consid ered by the executive committee of the National Conservation association, of which Gifford Plnchot Is presi dent. Tha object of the plan, which was drafted by Philip P. Wells, counsel for the association, who as former law of ficer of the forest service had a large share In devising the system of water power regulation in national forests, is to afford a water power platform on which both sides of the controversy may unite to protect the public Inter-* ests and at the same time encourage the development of many millions of horse power now going to waste in the mountain streams of the far west and the great rivers of the central end eastern parts of the country. EVANSVILLE HAS BIG BLAZE. Largest Independent Cigar Factory In Country Burns, Loss $1,000,000. Evansville, Ind. Flr destroyed the Fendrich cigar factory, the largest independent cigar factory In the world, and several other business buildings on Main and First streets. The losses will run over one million dollars, partly covered by Insurance. The fire originated in the cigar factory and was caused by a gas explosion. Thomas N. Beldelman, a wealthy real estate man nnd broker, after visiting the fire went to nls office, a block away, and fell dead from heart disease, brought on by excitement The guests of the St. George Hotel, a half block away, escaped in their night clothes. SNOW BREAKS KANSAS DROUGHT Missouri, Nebraska and Southern Illi nois Also Visited by Storm. Kansas City, Mo.—The first gen eral snow of the season began falling through Missouri. Kansas and Nebraska. In Missouri the storm ex tends as far east as Sedalia and in Kansas nearly to the Colorado line. On the north snow has fallen at Lin coln. Neb In parts of central and western Kansas a drought of three months was broken by rain. Later the drizzle ’ which had been falling turned to snow O-er most of this territory the mercury is falling. “FIGHTING TEACHER” WEDS. Annie Kelley, Who Evaded Judgment for Whipping Pupil, Is Married. Champaign. 111. Miss Annie KeL ley of Tolono who fought for years in it** courts to evade a judg ment for whipping a pupil, was tnar ried in Chicago to Clarence DiUavou. also of Tolono. whose admiration for her fighting qualities ripened into love. Mrs. Dillavou has quit school teaching forever, but she witl live tn Tolono. The couple was given an ovation on their return. Shearer Gets Life Term. Mason City, la —Protesting his in nocence John 8. Shearer was Wednes day denied anew trial and was sen tenced by Judge Kelley to imprison ment for life. Labor Head la Slain. San Francisco -In a riot between 300 union and nonunion workmen Wednesday Domingo Navarro, presi dent of the Ship-scalers’ union, was shot aud killed by Augustino Navare leo, a nonunionist. A number of others were badly beaten. Boston Club Is Sold. Boston. The Boston National league club, which has been owned In Pittsburg, was Monday transferred to James J. Phelan, a Boston banker, who represents a syndicate of local men. Sonoma Girl Fetches $20,000. Boston.—Miss Lotta Crabtree, the | famous retired actress, Monday sold the noted brown trotting horse. Sono < ma Girl. 2:O4V*, to George G. Moor* lof S>. Claire. Mich. The sale pric* > was close to $20,000. Ml EDDY DIES HEAD OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH SUCCUMBS TO OLD AGE. END IS PEACEFUL AND QUIET Body Lies In State at Boston Home — None but Intimates view Re mains—Leaves Estate Valued at $1,500,000. Boston. —After an illness of two days Mrs. Baker Eddy, founder and; head of the Christian Science church, passed away at her home at Chestnut Hill. Mrs. Eddy was ninety years old. The end came so quietly and peace fully that Mrs. Eddy's most Intimate followers who stood at ’her bedside thought she had fallen Into a calm sleep. The last written words of the mother of the Christian Science church, penned as a message to her disciples, were "God Is My Life.” Body Lies In State. The body now lies in state In the large room on the grand floor of her home. Only the leaders In the church were permitted to take a last look at her face. Mrs. Eddy had been indisposed about nlna days. She was in slon of all her faculties until the very end. It is reported that her death fol lowed a slight cold contracted on one of her daily drives through the V . J&k. ' S ' ' v/ Mrs. Baker Eddy. grounds of her Chestnut Hill home. It is believed her drive of Thursday might have aggravated the cold she caught a little over a week ago. The extent to which Mrs. Eddy had car ried her idea of personal suppression In regard to the Christian Science church Is shown In the fact that she was never Inside the new Christian Science church on Falmouth street In this city. It Is also probable that she never saw the edifice. About her at the time of death came were persons who have been Intimate hold for the past pnveri.l years: Cal ly associated with unr in her house vin A. Frye. Laura E. Sargent, Mrs. Ella S. Rrthvon of Colorado. Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson, her correspond ing secretary; William R. Rathvon of Kansas City. No Physician Was In Attendance. No physician was in attendance ut the bedside of Mrs. Eddy. While no one of those present, all oi whom were devoted students, realized just when death had come, It was believed bv them and so stated that Mrs. Eddy had spent her final moments in the body In a spiritual communing with God. fighting against death according to the principles which she had her self set forth In the Bible of the Christian Science religion, her book. “Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures." Those surrounding her themselves prayed unceasingly. Mrs. Eddy left no final message, due, It is said, to her last efforts In following out her own doctrine. Health Officer issues Certificate. After Mrs. Eddy’s death came those about her set themselves to do the necessary duties. A telephone call was put in for Dr. George L. West, the medical examiner of Newton Cen ter, whose presence was required un der the law. as Mrs. Eddy had not had medical attendance. Doctor West immediately responded and after ma king his examinations of the body, pronounced that death was due to "natural causes’’ and issued the cus tomary certificate. Chairman Albert Farlow stated that the great body of Christian Scientists had received tho news of Mi's. Eddy's death with the greatest calmness, her death is regarded, he declared, as the passing of their founder,!their parior emeritus, and of a great leader Up-to-Date Advertising. Sweet are the uses of advertise ment! A firm of Hungarian lottery touts now embellish their circulars with the proud boast: “The famous Dr. Crlppen our cllrttt In 1907,” and a fac-simile Is given of his letter or dering four quarter tickets "tn odd numbers.” —London Truth, A Usual Exception. “Do you know of any exception to the rale that birds of a feather flock together?" “Yes. Raven locks with crow s feet." To Church on a Traction Engine. Jim Nixon went to church last Sun day on his steam threshing traction engine. Jim said he had got good and derned tired of taking to the ditch with hts horse and wngon ev ery time he met one of those dod blasted automobiles, and thought he would ride down the road lit a rig they couldn't jar.—Hedge Corners (Mass.) Herald. Of course, there is no such thing as the bigger half, yet most people want BAR UNSKILLED ALIUN LABOR. REPORT URGES Commission on Immigration Asks Con gress to Consider Question as Economic One. Washington.—Sentimental consider ations in resi.iCting immigration should be waived in lieu of the economic problems arising from ad verse effects on wage- and living con ditions which the large number of aliens have had in recent years by their entry into basic industries, ac cording to the final report of the Im migration commission transmitted to congress. The commission unani mously urges the restriction of un skilled labor immigration. The conclusion of the commission is that the present Immigration from Europe is due chiefly to economic causes, but Is not an absolute eco nomic necessity any longer, aud that as a rule those who now eome over do so to better their conditions rather than to escape Intolerable conditions at home. “This fact," the report says, “should largely modify the natural incentive to treat the Immigration movement from the standpoint of sentiment and permit its consideration primarily as an economic problem.” m he commission then presents a number of plans for limiting immigra tion, among them being a reading an£ writing test, which is the one favored by a majority as the most feasible single test of all. The commission finds that the large number of aliens who have gone into several basic industries in recent years have affected adversely wages and living conditions, and it unani mously recommends the restriction of the coming of unskilled labor. Sev eral proposed plans for bringing about the desired restriction are set forth. Efforts to exclude all British East Indians are urged through an agree ment with Great Britain ;tbe continu ance of the present Chinese exclusion laws Is recommended, as well as the regulation of Japanese and Korean immigration by the existing arrange ment. so long as it is effective. LONDON WRECK INJURES FORTY. Clerks on Way to Their Office* Suffer in Accident. London.—Forty persons were seri ously injured, a number of them fatally, in a collision on the London Northwestern railroad at Willensden Junction. The second section of a crain from Watford plowed into the first sec tion, which was standing at the Juno tion. The train was occupied chiefly by clerks who were coming in to their offices in the city. The three rear coaches of the standing train were wrecked. Many persons suffered broken arms and legs and there were several fractured skulls. In many in stances the victims were ro pinned beneath the wreckage that there was difficulty In extricating them. RAIN THREATENS ALL FRANCE. Practically Every Stream In the Coun try Is Out of Its Banks. Paris. —Torrential • downpours con tinued throughout France and the flood situation hourly grew more serious. Practically every strean In the country Is out of Its banks. Hundreds of villages are being sur rounded by the waters and are being provisioned by soldiers with boats. Immense damage hat been caused In the valley of the Loire by the break ing of the dike near Nantes. The wa ter flooded farms and villages. The floods also invaded the lower quarters of Nantes. The Rhone is again rising at the rate of two inches an hour, overflowing its banks and driving the people of the neighborhood to the hills. The railroad lines are cut at many places and malls are being delivered In boats. INFANTS CREMATED IN HOME. Two Children Burn to Death While Mother Is Absent on Errand. Chicago. A fire tragedy that cost the lives of two small chil dren occurred in Irving Park, the small son and daughter of Thomas Cuthbert being burned to death in their parents' home in the few min utes during which their mother was absent on an errand The blaze spread o two adjoining cottages, and for a time threatened a number of homes, b tt was checked The property loss was 67,500. ALTON ENGINEERS VOTL STRIKE. Ballot I* Concluded and 95 ,->er Cent. Favor Walkout. Bloomington, ill. —Balloting among Chicago & Alton engineers, which has been In progress for three weeks, is concluded, the result being 95 per cent. )n favor of a strike and 5 per cent, opposed. Engineer Peter Chris tian of this city, chairman of the Brotherhood committee, goes to Chi cago next Saturday with the ballots. Blow at Tariff on Cattle. Washington.—The first effort made In the present session of the house to have a change made in the tariff law was by the introduction Wednesday by Representative Sulzer of New York of a bill “to repeal the duty on meats and cattle.” Mr*. James McKinney Dead. Washington.—Mrs. James McKin ney. the wife of Congressman James McKinney of the Fourteenth district of lUinoiß. died here Wednesday of paralysis. Twelve Hurt In Wreck. Hammond. Ind. —In a head-on colli sion between two freight trains at North Hay-len, 20 miles south of Ham mond on me Indiana Harbor railroad. Tuesday, twelve trainmen were in jured. Th trains were practically de molished. The property loss will reach $150,000. Congressman Swope Dies. Washington —John A. Swope, repre sentative from Pennsylvania In the Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth con gresses, died here Tuesday. BATHTUB TRUST HIT. Thirty-Two Firms and 16 Individuals Indict.'d for Conspiiacy. Detroit, Mich. —The anti-monopoly campaign of Attorney General Wiek ersham shifted to Detroit this week with the result that indict ments were returned by the federal grand jury against 16 firms and 32‘ individuals alleged to have secured, control of 85 per cent, of the annual! output of enamel ironware, batntubs, sinks, lavatories etc., in the United! States. Against each firm and each individ ual there are two indictments, con taining six and four counts respec tively, under the Sherman anti-trust law, charging in substance that the defendants control 85 per cent, of the; output of enameled Iron ware. tubs,j sinks, lavatories, etc., and that they* have conspired to restrain trade and) fix prices. It is alleged that the con spiracy was formed at Mount Clemens. Mich., last April and the criminal cases grew out of a civil suit brought In the federal cour* at Baltimore. The two indictments against each defendant contain six and four counts respectively and charge that the de fendants, controlling 85 per cent, of the annual output, combined to re strain the trade of manufacturers and of jobbers of plumbing supplies by re fusing to sell to jobbers handing the goods of so-called independents, by the fixing of re-sale prices, by the dl-i vision of the United States into eleven zones and refusing to sell to jobbers who would not maintain the re-sale prices established by the alleged agreement of the defendants. It is charged that the effect of these re-sale prices is to make the price of the articles manufactured by the com bination the same throughout the United States, and to eliminate the competition of jobbers as well as of manufacturers. The indictments charge also that the defendants compelled the jobbers to enter into uniform contracts and that all the defendants refused to sell to any jobber unless he would sign such a contract. The defendants will be required to appear at once in the United States court here and give bonds for their appearance. EAST IN GRASP OF SNOWSTORM. Traffic Is Impeded—Much Suffering Among New Yor* 's Poor. New York. —Greater New York and the surrounding country Is en shrouded with a blanket of snow, varying in depth from five to eight inches, impeding traffic of all kinds. The storm, which had all the char acteristics of a baby buzzard, orig inated in Tennessee and came northl over Kentucky. After giving promise! of going to the St. Lawrence it swept) over the eastern country to the Atj lantlc coast. It took in Pennsylvania, New Jersey Delaware, New York, Connecticut and the center of it was given as Norfolk Va. It varied from a couple of feel in Tennessee to six or eight Inches in) other places. Canton, >7. Y., reports a tempera. Pare of 12 degrees below zero. WENDLING GIVEN LIFE TERM ,Jury Finds Louisville Man Guilty oi Killing Alma Kellner. Louisville, Ky.—Joseph Wendling was found guilty by a Jury oi the murder of eight-year-old Alms Kellner and his punishment fixed at life imprisonment. “I either killed the little girl or I didn't,” said Wendling. “They should either send me to the electric chair or set me free." Witnesses testified, however, that Wendling, then janitor at St. John’s Catholic church, w-as seen In the edi fice on the morning Alma Kellner went there to mass on December 8, 1909. The.child was never seen again and montus later charred parts ot her body were found beneath the church music room. DIETZ FAMILY TRIAL BEGINS Cameron Dam Defenders Are Ar -signed In Haywood Circuit Court. Hayward, Wis.—The case of John Dietz, his wife. Hattie Dietz, and son, Leslie Dietz, came up before Judgs Wickham in the circuit court. They pleaded not guilty to the charge of killing Deputy Sheriff Oscar Harp October 8 last. Attorneys for the defense filed affi davit of prejudice against Judge Wickham and all of the other judges in Wisconsin except those in the First and Thirteenth districts. Judge Wickham accepted the affi davit In so far as It related to him self and ordered It filed. Sheriff Held Without Ball. Cairo, 111. —The inquest over the remains of Night Sergeant Wilford French, who was killed Satur day night by Ab Bankston of Pulaski county, v r concluded and the jury held Ban) cjn without bail for wilful murder. Bankston Is in the Springfield. 111., Jail. The feeling against him is very strong here. Cute Off Man’e Nose. Muncie. Ind —ln a quarrel over $1 92, which Charles Conway said William Meyers, aged sixty-three, a well-to-dc contractor, owed him. Conway Tues day stabbed the elder man 11 times, cutting off Meyer’s nose and fatally In juring him. Thornton Wins Louisiana Toga. Baton Rouge, La. —Judge J. R. Them | t on of Alexandria was Tuesday elected by the Louisiana general assembly United States senator to succeed the ’.Ata Seator McEnery. Fleet Officer* Dinner Guest*. Brest. France—Admiral Auven gave a farewell dinner to Rear Ad • miral Howard, commanding the fourti I division of the American Atlantic ! fleet, and the captains of the battle i ships, on board the Marseillaise Mon i day. S Jlllvan Knock* Out Stewart. New York,—Jack ("Twin") Sulllrat knocked out Jim Stewart twice In th* i fourth round of their ten-round sea ; slon at the Maiathon A. C. Mondaj i night. BADGER NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD Madison.—One hundred ministers ’nd churcl workers are attend ing the first Wisconsin int.rdenom Inational conference, which met in the Young Mens Christian ascoriatioa hall at the state university Dr. VY. Hulburt of Wauwatosa presided at the opening session and addresses of welcom > were made by Dean E. A. Birge of the university. Secretary of State . A. Frear : and Rev. Vernon S. Phillips of the First Baptist church of Madison. Dr. C. E. Dinn of Mad ison presided at the second session. Or. C. E. Bacon of Chicago, secretary of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ of America, urged a union of churches in religious work. Madison. —A resolution was intro duced at the student conference asking that Professor Dennis, chair man of the new committee on studei.t interests, be t barred from future meet ings. The resolution was a surprise and was tabled after much discussion. The movement to oust Professor Den nis is a result of his statement that self-government here is a “silly af fair.” Since his appointment as head of the committee Professor Dennis has aimed to get through a number of measures which have not been looked upon with favor by the stu dents. 9 Milwaukee.—By a peculiar coinci dence two sheriffs from different parts of the state entered the police station at the sam- for the same man. One was fro t Milton Junction and the other from Fond du Lac. They came to Milwaukee for Fred Demencher, twenty-three years of age, who is charged with horse stealing. Demencher was taken back to Fond du Lac and after the outcome of his case there he will be turned over to the authorities in Milton Junction. Madisdn. —Commissioner of Bank ing M. C. Bergh issued charters authorizing two state banks with com bined capital of $75,000. The Mer chants' and Farmers' State bank of Milwaukee, F. C. Fisher, president, and E. C. Kambe, cashier, has a capLal of $65,000. The bank of Wil son, at Wilson, St. Croix county, has a capital ef $10,000; W. C. Ribenock, president, and J. G. Bakeda, cashier. Chippewa Falls. —The $20,000 dam age suit of Albert Phillips against Chippewa Lumber and Boom com pany. the C., M. & St. P. railroad, the C. St. P. M. & O. railroad and the Wisconsin Central railway companies has occupied the attentiijn of circuit court entirely the past week and came to an abrupt end when the three rail way companies agreed to compromise the suit for $2,500. Waukesha.—William Riess, whe escaped during the saloon figh. at Pewaukee, in which Paul Lehr was killed by Marshal Hugh Stroud, has been captured and Is being held un der SSOO bond for malicious destruc tion of property. Riess was taken bj Deputy Sheriff Elmer Harris while in his cottage at Pewaukee lake and was arranged before Judge Armin ir municipal court. Madison.—Petitions have been for warded to Senator La Folletts at Washington asking that ht nominate William A. Devine, now as sistart postmaster of Madison, to b postmaster in place of Judge E. W Keyes, deceased. Mr. Devine h si been president of the local civil service board 11 years and has beej In the postal service 25 years. Hayward.—Charles Peterson, for mer sherilf of Sawyer county, whe was one of the first officials who at tempted to arrest John ,F. Dietz, died In St. Joseph’s hospital. His wife is critically ill with tuberculosis. Peter son resigned the office of sheriff in 1904 on account of his inability to capture Dietz. Richland Center. —Arthur Mousau, aged fifteen years, was accidental ly shot In the leg hy James Foreman, aged fifteen years. The boys were standing a few feet apart when a shotgun in the hands of the Fore man boy accidentally exploded. Racine. —The office of superintend ent of Mound cemetery is to be taken out of politics as the* common council decided that a commission shall he appointed to take charge ol affairs at the cemetery and elect the superintendent. La Crosse. —J. H. Hale, arrested in Minneapolis, was brought back to La Crosse charged with passing a forget cieck for S7O on A. Schultz, proprie tor of the Burlington hotel. Depere.—The State Bank of Depert has purchased a building site and wil! erect a modern banking house. Madison. —The common council fixed the rate of taxation at mills and adopted a budget car rying an appropriation of $537,008.50, Receipts from licenses and other sources are estimated at $50,000, and there Is to be raised by general tax ation $487,008.50. The rate as one half higher than last year. New Richmond. —Along the line of practical work that is being done in the agricultural tourr-e, which is a special feature of the curriculum of the New Richmond High school, students are taught the use of the Babcock milk test and are testing milch cows oi farmers in this vi cinity. Stoughton. The Stoughton Ski club will discuss the proposition to build a steel ski slide, to be the largest in the world. It will probably cost $1,500. The club has over 100 ; members, among them Governor Dav idson. Oconomowoc. The Waukesha County Medical society elected these officers here: President. Dr. J H. Voje: vice-president Dr. Noble Waukesha; secretary and treasurer ■Dr. Davies, Waukesha- censor, Dr. H |A. Peters, Oconomowce. Dr. M. R Wilkinson was elected’vielegafe to th ! state convention and Dr. D. A. Hadlej alternate Kecosha.—District Attorney Ba I ker protests against Governor Da | ridson’s pardoning Charles Loescher a Kenosha man now serving ten yeart in Waupun for a statutory offense i Loescher was sent up a year ago.