Newspaper Page Text
>' U ;i '&? G. HJMLEWI BLISHER. NOVICE TO CONTRIBUTORS. Am. '• 'n.MMrxk'ATioNM to this puper should bt* addressed to the \Vis< ipnmx Advkktiskk. W abeno. Wiw.. and sai'h as are for publication should bear the real as well as the assumed name. No anonymous communications will lie printed ill this paper, unless ac companied by the real name, which may or may not be printed according 1 to the wish of the writer. All communications for publication 1 s lould reach us by Tuesday evening to | insure a placa in the currant issue.' < 'ommunicationx received after that will have to on over until the following week. C. & N. W. R’y. ■*r>i*i <i'ia-:uroa>ot>K(tßn Local Time Cakd. Arrive mixed train. ..4:50 p. m. Leave mixed train.. . .5:15 p. m. tArrive passenger... .7:15 p. m. fLeave passenger.. . .8:15 p. m. f Wednesdays. V. H. Johns, Agent. COUNTY OFFICERS. | E. 0. Woodbury, Sheriff. P. Shay, Clerk. I A. E. Eimley, Treasurer. B. McGinley, Clerk of Court, j J. F. Hooper, District Att’y. i W. W. Waite, Register of Deeds. R. A. Edgar, Sup’t of Schools. M. S. Barker, Judge. F. E. Cook, Surveyor. Wm. Vanzile, Coroner. COUNTY BOA HO. W. E. Webb, Town of Crandon, W. Mclnnis, Town of Oavour, P. Shay, Clerk. OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF I CAVOUR. W. MdNNis Chairman B. McG in ley Su pervisar E. F. Carter “ H. W. Stewart Cierk Jas. Stevenson Treasurer P. Hoffman Assessor M. J. Dickinson Justice Aug. Rusch " H. W. Stewart 14 John Carlson Constable. SCHOOL OFFICERS. TOWN Ot‘ CAVOUR. E. F. Carter Pres. .. ai.chon MeEACHIN’ Vice-Pres, ti. W. Stewart Sec. I'ost-Cfiice. Mail arrives at 4:50 p. in. Mail closes at 5:00 p. m. Office hours from 7:80 a. in. to s;80 ]). m. Sundays from H:80 a. m. to 10: Li> a. in. V. H. Johns, P. M. M. J. Dickinson, Deputy. (i. h. HAimv, Physician and Surgeon. Call* by wire given prompt attention. MINOQUA, VILAS CO WIS. Valley House, F. D. CULVER. Proc. w ahkno "4s. Good accomodations. Reasonable rates. Give us a csli. County Board Proceedings. Annual Meeting. 1898. (Continued from last week.) Nov. 23,'1898. Amt. Amt. No. Name. Nature. (I'd Ail'd. 133 r $ $ 134 r Wm. Ilill working pris oders. <17.20 d's'l'd. 13.-, r 135 L rW. 11 ili, shyvi tV fees. ill.lilt 07.20 13ii r Crandod\J)rintitig Cos., prining Cos. board pro ceedings. 28.00 20.50 137 r Crandon I'rint ng’ Cos.. printing. 35.50 30.50 138 r Crandon Printing Cos.. printing. 65.20 13!) r Crandon Printing Cos.. printing deli) iquent. list. <521.45 140 r (fjjiydon Printing Cos.. ** 1510.05 141 of peace. 3.54 Thos. Millen report. W. E. Fessenden sheriff fees. 8.75 3.50 14:.’ r Thos. Millen Justice of peace. 2.43 d's’l'd. ! Thos. Millen report. W. E. Fessenden sheriff fees, 8.15 5.30 143 r John Masbaum justice, returned. 114 r Joim .Masbaum justice. ret®ofed. 145 r A J 140 r -I. Masbaum justice fees. 52.14 •• " •• report. Jas. Rowan witness fees. ’ 22.48 (’has. /eizon " “ 20.28 C. F. Ball - •• 0.14 Wm* Hill " " 7.30 Frank Hill “ “ 1.83 W. Mclnnis “ •* 2.08 H. W. Stewart ” ** G #2.08 Kate Stromheck ** nV 0.1 0 j Jaw. (Stevenson *• ” 2.68 tV. Hill sheriff fees, 101.00 07.45 Thos.*Mitten justice foes. 4.15 3.00 117 r J. Masbaum justice fees. 2.53 d'sld •• •• report. tV. E. Fessenden sheriff fees. 20.15 dsl and. 14S r. 140 r John MasbauC/ustsee fees. 8.18 ds 1 <l. John Masbaum report. Ed. Renniei’witness fees. .83 Nellie Gibbs “ .83 \ Sam. tVhybrew “ “ .83 tV. E Fes'd'W sh'r'ft' fee. 16.21 1 „ ~,, A. Shollman Dpy. Mar. 17.10 1 ’ 150 r J. Masbaum justice fees. 0.57 4.3') John Mashimm report, Jfidson Helsel juror fees. 1.1" ,5Vm. Fordham " " 1.12: ' tV. H. Fordham •• " 1.12 Jas. Lyons. Jr. " “ 1.12 John ' •• •* 1.12 Frank Stoliker “ ” 1.12 tV. E. Fessenden sheriff fees. 4.66 1.20 151 r John Masha mil jtistie fees. 12.21* 5.6'1 ij>l/>hu Masbaum 1 report. 1 ,< ird juror fees. 2.00 fS\ at. Murphy “ ” 2.00 W. 11. Fordham. Jr. *• ** 2.00 Win. Fordham •• •* 2.00 tV in. Shoult/. " " 2.00 John Kr'nn " " 2.00 tVin. Fordham digging grave. 2.50 2.00 John Krum dig'bg grave. 2.50 2.00 Sain. tVhybrew team ill body i<> grrtve. 3-yA /i sTd. J. Masbanm eolfin Ixix.'\).oo 1.00 John Kruse helying to bury •Kirpse. .50 d's'l'd. Earnest tjeseott helying to bury corpse.* .4o d’s'l'd. John Masiiaum 1 ending grave yard to sea In wly buried. 1.00 and s'l and. Geo. Hart witness fees. 2.00 tf. Ilill -heriff fees. 0.72 J (To be continued.) xx J The Advertiser Can introduce ymi and your business to the public quicker, cheaper awl bet ter thrn any other known uiedi i dm WABENO, WISCONSIN. THURSDAY, JAN. 10. 13!)!). A. Q. Man son Millwright £tnd Builder, Plans and Estimates Fur nished. Can also Locate Mill-sites for Parties Desiring the Same. Best of References Furnised. tVAHEXO. tv IS. LOCAL LOGIC. Charlie Townsend went to Crandon Friday, on business. Neil McArthur was in the vil lage Tuesday. David Mouiitoure, ofJMountain was in i<|.> t illage Friday and Sau . ay. M. 1). Jones was in the village Sunday. Victor Johnson is working for Schmidt A Stork. Wm. Chilson is quite sick with an attack of the la grippe this week. Frank Vogel has again begun work after having.been laid up six weeks with a a broken leg. Clerk of Court* McGinley left for Crandon Friday, to look aft er his office. i Dr. Briggs, of Oconto Falls was in the village from Saturday lilt Monday evening doing dental work. Wm. Kreuger, who has been visiting relatives at Reedsville, this state, returned here Mon- • day. Be sure to attend the Prize Masquurade Bull, by the local band at Fagan’s Hall, Jan. 28, 1899. Dr. E. S. Nayler, of Gillett is being employed by Rusch Bros. The Doctor is a Veterinary Sur geon and comes well recommend ed and it is hoped that he will decide to locate lysrc*. John McGuire left here Friday last for tho county seat to take charge as Deputy for ! Clerk of Court McGinley. It is good 'ap pointment as John is account dat ing and well qualified to fill the position. Here is the very best of success, Jack. A sleigh-load of residents from our village took a sleigh ride out to pay their respects to Mr. and Mrs. Shinn and niece mit Sunday evening. All report a good time. See A. G. Munson's “ad" in another Column of this paper. If you are in need of any work a long that line it will pay you to call oh him. He nomos well rec ommeded and is reliable. H. S. Harris, who entered t in* station at this place some two months ago as A student, In pro gressing remarkably fast under Ihe instruct ion rtf Station Agent Johns, who in advancing him’as rapidly a# jva*ibla and we pre dict that at an early dab* he will have bis trade down "pat.” Prize Masquerade Bail. A Grand Masquerade Bal ; will be given by the Wubeno Cor net Band at Fagan’s Hall, or Saturday evening, Jan. 2k, 1899. Prizes will be given to the besi Lady and Gentlemen, and also to the best Comic Lady and Gentleman. Invitation is ex tended to all. Committee. ‘ * John Trainer Was in town Sun and. y. Miss Maw rale Wade commenced attending school Monday. Clerk of Court McGinley re turned Tuesday from Crandon and Antigo, bringing with him a | team which he will use in log ging. The skating season'of Wabono was opened up last Tuesday | evening, with a skating party on' Range Line Luke. Rev. Father Seheyor, of Stiff's will hold services at the school house at this place, Jan. 24, (Tuesday) Remember the date. I m. j. Dickinson went down the line yesterday morning, return ing in the.evening. T. W. Wade and m. j. Dickin son drove out to Roberts Lake Friday, returning Saturday. A'surprise partv Was given last FridayeVening in honor of Miss. Minnie Boweil, our village teacher, at the school house. Re freshments were served to which all did ampin justice. A largo crowd was present und an ele gant time was the result. An M. W. of A. Camp was or ganiJJedHlere lust Monday lnorn ingait the band boys' drilling rooms, under the suporvision of Deputy Head Caunsul Joseph Campbell, of Cecil, with the fol lowing members: V. H. Johns, O. H. Songlaub, M. J. Dickinson, Peter Hoffman, jC. C. llimley, David Bowman. H. W. Swan, Victor Johnson, >! .;(* Oiinger, Fred Cutver, Wm. Won delborn, O. W. Scott, A.hi. Dil lett, John Gayheart, August Kriek, 1 M. J. Grattan, M. D. Jones, Phil. Barber, Dr. E. S. | Nayler G. G. Johnson, Frank i Vogel and A. C. Miller. Dr. J. W. Pinch, the reliable Camp Physician of Gillett was up Tuesday evening to ex amine the boys for admission in to the new camp hero. The following officers were duly elected to be installed at the next meeting: V. H. Johns. Venerable Consul, Petri* Hoffman, Worthy Adviser, ('. G. Himley, Excellent Bunker, M. J. Dickinson, Clerk, Wm. Wendelborn, Escort, Victor Johnson. Watchman, John Gayheart, Sentry. Barney McGinley, Frod Sch midt, Jas. M Kitrick, A. L. Bur, gan and Norman aud A1 Johnson are-memera of otlier camp*, hut undoubtedly will join here a*. soon as this eganp is in running i , orncr Correspondence: Armstrong Creek. John iviernan came up fror Green Bay Tuesduy. H. W. Stewart returned Wed nesday from Crandon.. Fred Spooler, of Green Bay is visiting his friend Elhrridgt Murphy. Mr. James Shay, of Siouz City. lowa is visiting his brother P. Slmy. Pat Ewans of Murphy Lum ber Co’s camp was in town Sun day. ■ V Mr. & Mrs. W. Berkhiml ol Popple River settlement was in town Saturday. Mrs. P. Shay, James Shay am’ Mary Soderberg drove out to Seofiyld A Arnold Luudxn* cutups Friday. Frank Page, was in town Fri day looking after the interests of the Scofield A Arnold Lum ber Cos. James Shay and Mrs. P. Shu,* went to Crandon Thursday morn ing, returning in the evening. P. Shay returned with them. Oscar Steel and May Soderberg drove out to Popple River settle ment Saturday to uttond the dance. Joe Shoultz and wife, Wm. Jones and sister-in-law Lora Deljam* and Rob’t Brooks attend ed the dance at Popple River settlement Saturday eve. James Stevenson took a load out to the dance and oyster sup- Satnrduy evening: uianug them were: Mi’s. J. Stevenson, Miss Mary Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bishop and John Kiernan. All report a good time. Gillett. Miss Bertha Bowen and sister Hnzcl spent Sunday in Gillett. Dr. Dineli Was busy lust week attending la grippe patients. Bob Tillman lias gone to tff * woods with his team for J. W. Pinch. Jos. Mcff'hier and G. H. Sohn are slowly recovering from an attack of lie- la grip|><*. Don't forget to bent Gillett Friday night, if you mask you will v. hi first prize. Miss Margaret Fftony had the misfortune of losing her watch, Tuesday, while going to her school; finder will he rewarded by returning same. L. J. Newuld, our horse<leafin is busy these days at Gillett and Shawano. If you want a driver or a draft horse come and exam ine them. Huns * Lucky's colts becaim unmanageable Tuesday and ran away, throwing Mr Lucky out and cutting u severe gash in his head. No great damage done to the team. VOL 1 NO. 23. Soo Line. TIME TABLE. Favour. EAST BOUND. ‘ai-ific Express 5:06 a. in. Mixed Train '*:ls a. in. WEST 80l Nil. I’acifie Express 12:43 a. in. Mixed Train 4:00 p. m. W. J. JONES. A.eent. Officers of t!ie Town of Crandon. )V. E. Webb Chairman ti. Rcanier Supervisor ). F. Johns ni " I'. ■) Kane (kerk Henry Poppy Treasurer lolin Waite Assessor Wm. Ruseh “ G. H. Bailey “ F. E. C(K>k Justice V\ r . A. Wes -ott “ C. T. H. Riggs " I. Masbaum “ School Officers. •.. Y - * TOWN O f CRANDON. L. S. Wilcox I res.** .los. Houle Vio'-Pros. F. W. Marqunr U See. - C. Ci. hl WLEY, Notary Public WARE NO. WISCONSIN, •wMivaoiWM v.,uau M .wm a,u StOp Hotel v¥ab?no T. F. MBDRE. Propri t •, Sample Room In ConnecJan. AVAIIENO WIS, First-Class. J. W. PINCH, Physician and Sun-eon. GILLETT, • \V!. ! . Special attention paid to c ills <4 along th(> Klondyke Division of the C. A N. W. R’y line. -4 When in need of i Draft or Driving’ Hors 35 % UO TO L. J. NEYVALD The Reliable Horse Dealer. OILLETT, WISCONSIN, Exchange Hotel. / T. W. WADE & SON. Prop* ALSO DEALERS IN Wines. Liquors, Cigars & Etc, wahkxo. Wisconsin. *“~""*—“* 11 - SUBSCRIBE | KOI! THE : Advertiser, si.s<> Per Year, In Ad vanes.