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r .. ■ i rtf r lis - | *y<h* 4 <5- • - ,4 W-. - k - * 'O J V^|^b , ' , %- “ T 4 $ G. Hill LEY. PUBLISHER. v -’i' E TO ION TIM! TORS. A:.: '. i.-mcmcatioxs to this pnpe-' rA:-:t; .! In- .'uULv.scd f< tile Xi’HTIIERX <>n.:n ADVi'KTtsiiK. Wa'.K'no. Wis.. *■'>'’ v.i L -is are for publication .should Vai- the real as well ;ls the assumed inn:.'. No anonymouscommuii‘rations .viii he printed in this paper, unless ac companied. by the real name, which may or may not be printed aecordinjj to the wish of the writer. Ail coinmmv.entkms for publication should reach us by Tuesday e'.vniny to insure a place in the currant issue. 1 ommuaieations received after that vs ill have to (jo over until the following 1 w#ck. C. Sc N. W. R’y. ms. nn > a—n oil Local Time Card. Arrive mixed train .... 4:50 p. hi. Leave mixed train... .5:15 p tn. tArrive passenger 7:15 p. m. +Leave passenger.... s: 15 p. m. t Wednesday >. V. H. Johns, Agent. COUNTY OFFICERS, E. 0. Woodbury, .Sheriff. P. Shay, Clerk. A. E. Hi.Mley, Treasurer. B. McGinley, Clerk of Court. J. F. Hooper, District Att'y. W. W. Waite, Register of Deeds. R. A. Edgar, Sup't of Schools. M. S. Barker, .fudge. F. E. Cook, Surveyor. Wm. Vakzile, Coroner. COrXTY BOARD. W. E. V, ebb, Town of Crandon, W. Mclnxis, Town of Cavour, P. Shay, Cieur. OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF CAVOUR. W. Mclnni.s Cilairmau 15. McGinley Supervisor E. F. Carter “ I!. W. Stewart Clerk J as, Stevenson... Treasurer P: HeFFM.v N Assessor M. J. Dickinson Justice Aug. Rusch “ 4. W. Stewart “ John Cdßi.soN Constable. SCHOOL CFFICEgS. I o\VN Of CAVOUR. [•! i’. Carter Pres. :\L ‘E At NilN VicO-PIVS. w. : -tew.uit. ~, Sec. Post-Office. M . ... .ives at 4:50 p. m. M b c isos at 5:00 p. m. 0.:! • • hours fro.ii 7:3t a. m. to i p. m. Sa:i 1 lys from ' , :U<d u. m. to U): */■ I fl. ill. V . H. Johns, I*. M.‘ \ M. .J- Dickinson, D putv. (1. n. HARDY, ■ P'lysician and Surfcon, Calls by 'vire given prompt attention. L . MINOQUA, K i rVILAS C'O WIS. I Emil Birkle, m}\jnso i \ a \ Artist, It K H - A. G. Manson Mill-wnght and Builder, Plans and Estimates Fur nished. Can also Locate Mill-sites for Parties Desiring the Same. Best of Refer, lives Furnised. W A RENO. WIS. Prize Masquerade Ball. A Grand Masquerade Bull will be given by tlieWabonoCor net Band at Pagan's Hall, on Saturday evening, Jan. 2d, h DO. Prizes will be given to the best Lady and Gentlemen, and also to the best Comic Lady and Gentleman. Invitation is ex tended to all. Committee. County Board Proceedings.' AxXCAT. Mketixg. 1808. (Continued from last week.) Nov. 2;;, 1808. Amt. Amt. Xo. Name. Nature. CTd Ail'd. 1 25 r \V. A TVeseoit ean rass-$ $ inp board. 1.00 153 r 154 r TV. A. TVescatt justce fees. 4.35 W. A. Weseott report, ■ V> / TV. E. Fessenden sheriif / fees. 19.04 2.02 155 r TV. A. Weseott justice fees. 3.75 3.50 W. A. Weseott report. (1. Hoppensetz witness fees. 1.31* Rosa Hoppensetz. •• " 1.21* Mrs" Ang. (label " " 1.39 \V. E. Fessenden sheriff J fees. ' - 13 1555, r W. Hill sheriff fees. 104.00 73.80 ISO r W. A. Weseott justice fees. 3.91 \V. A. Weseott report, W. Hill sheriff fees. 35.24 19.52 150 1 ... r W. A. Wcs.-ott justice fees. 40.00 31.05 AT . A. Weseott report, vXinard Labes witness fees. 23.03 . Hih sheriff fees. 48.02 15; r TV. A. Weseott justice fees. 10.82 9.TS TV. . V.'eseott import. L'eo. Hart witness fees. 2.51 l)nvi< ! Houelc •* " 1.4 7 Cbas. Milieu ** 1,5-5 'l’hos. Duffy *• " >3 Daa. TVhybrew " " 1.39 TV. E. sheriff fees. \ f 9. SO 0.3.5 158 r W. A. TVescott justice fees. 1.44 1.00 TV. A. Weseott report. TV. Hill sheriff fees. 2.85 1.25 159 r v. A. weseott justice fee. 1.49 1.0 ) v. A. TpTycott report. v. . lUcl sheriff fees. 2.85 1.25 101 r FjseV-ooli justice fees* 22.27 21.39 F. E. Cook report. John Pego witness fees. s.o'* Levi Pego “ 5.00 Michigan John ” " 0.08 John Pejjo interperter. 1.00 1 )r. w. w. walker wit. fees. 2.90 .ionn l’ego “ “ 5.00 Leri I’ego ‘ “ 5.00 Mieliingan John ~ “ P/ O.fis : (has Rail - ” •*>.' Mrs. ( has. Rail “ ** 5.00! Albert Uerhke ** " 5.00 j Ad. Stevenson “ “ 5.84 w. Me!nnis ” “ 5.75 > Chas. Carlson " “ 5.84 John Dullivan ** " 5.04 Matt. Robinson “ “ 5.84 Jack Shields “ " 5.84 John Hiller ** “ 5.84 Swanson ” “ 5.84 s->nn “ “ 5.84 > *V rn. Hill sheriff fees. 90.54 \f, E. Fessenden sheriff Jil.rn/ tt’ABENO, WISCONSIN. THURSDAY, JAN. 26. 18515). 162 r F. E. Cook inquest, 20.80 F. E. Cook report. Jos. I). Raymond juror fees. 2.12 Louis Hi shop •• •• 2.12 Henry walker 2.12 Jas. Stevenson •• >• 2.13 f-Teter Jenson •• •• 5,12 Michigan John witness fees. 2.7:2 Th'.„. MeClnrey “ •• 2.10 Chas. Carlson •• 2.0S Albert Garkbe •• “ 2.08 Joe Hnttise •• •• 2. 08 John Thunder •• •• 2. 08 Levi Pego •• 2.0.8 Wallace l’emna / •• 2,08 John Pego inter Jfuter. 2.08 Dave Tyra John Dullivan constable fees. 4.74 163 r-Thos. Millen justice fee, 3.05 1.00 Thos. Millen rnport. Milton StoUkerdp y sheriff. 7.37 1.35 104 r Thos. Millen vuslice fee. 3.05 1.0.i Thos. Millen Report-, w. E. Fessenden sheriff sees. 2.27 -VA2S (To be continued.) LOCAL LOGIC. —Barney MoGinley was in from camp Saturday eve. --E. F. Carter was up from the Siding Monday. —H. W. Swan and Fred Morey are busy hauling logs. —Barney Met!: nley aad crow are busy these days hauling logs. * —A. F. Rusch and O. H. Song laub went to Marshfield Tuesday evening, on business —Mrs. Paul Newman spout the Sabbath with her her parents at Cillett. If you want a good time, be right on deck at the Masquerade ball next Saturday night. - Schmiut & Stork report hav ing gotten in one half million fi. of logs. - Schmidt & Stork are setting up their mill outfit in their now bidding this week. It is a dandy. -iM. D. Jones and A. J. Dillett came up from the siding for a few lours Sunday. —Our loggers feel jubilant over the show that foil Sunday night and Monday: here* being about a foot of snow in the woods. Rusch Bros, n >w have one half million foot of logs in and expect to get iu about three ami a half million more. —Mr. La Grippe is in the vil lage these days visiting his many enemies. He has failed to call on the Advertiser as yet. —lt is rumored that another mil! is soon to be located down t Bowman’s Siding. We hop.* it is a fact. —Herbert Wade has the u gency for a Menominee sickness and accidont insurance company. If you do not Carry <1 J)0 iicy you, had better cail around and see him. —*M. J, Dickinson and Fred Schmidt drove out to Roberts Lake last week and spent a few days with Johnson Bros., bring ing back with them a whole lot of nice plokeral, the largest one weighing 14 pounds. 11l John* son returned with thorn. —Norman •Johnson" wis see on our streets one day last week. - G. G. Job list n d'd some fin sign 1 Minting at the Hotel Wr beno yesterday. ---Hotel Wabenoil'itis latest im provements, and rates as low as low as the lowest. Joe Grattan has begm working for Schmidt & Stork. Advertise in the Advertiser! Have you subscribed for the “Advertiser": If not you ought to. It is only $1.50 per year. - Miss Bowen visited her par esis at Gillell Saturday. The Advertiser desires a wide-awake tvrrospondeut in ev ery neighboring town and l iilago. If your town is not represented write us for particulars at on v. C. E.. Dunn was at his chair at-the- Exchange• Saturday and ; Sunday. - R iv. Father Schoyer, of Stiles held services hero Tues day evening and- Wednesday morning. M : ss Shirm spent. Sun-lav with Mrs. T. F. M ■ re and'fam ily. Business Locals published in the Vdvertiser a only 5 coats per line for the luv.t insertion, and only 3 cents per line f reu :h subsqnoat insoortioa. This is just one-hii f the uat u price'. Ratos for advertising in rule km wn on application lotl.el’.Jj —C. S. Pierce arrived hero on the special-Wedu-:41 vy morning, and r 'turned in the ovonin •, making Ids usual trip to Wabeno. He was accompanied by several parties, who are looking over the timber adjoining this place. - A party was gotten up last Wednesday evening to arpr: o our uo ■ inad.iting Station Agent, V. H. J lins. It certainly w a success both as a surprise on Via. an .s to the timeJind. A kinds f rofroshm mts weve : >r. ed by Mr. and Mrs. Johns to all. Music was well rendered py Messrs. Harris and C mklin. Everybody says it was one cf the best socials of the season. If you are in need of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelop- •., Business Cards or anyth’i.g j: the Stationary 1 i-><■* re .ember that w - lo such w >rkattl.e “Ad vertiser" Office promptly, an 1 neatly, at rack-bottom prices; Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Give us a trial. While we are writing up these locals our old uccomu lutin '' barber, Emil is rigging up his barber sh >p in the Hotel Wabono where he Wili always b" ready to attend to his cu -.tomers. For lirstclass work he needs no rac* ormno.illation as be iiuw Worked in some of the largest cities in this country and also on tli other side of the Atlantic. Give him a eui! and be convinced. See his “ad in another column of this puj>e)\ Harried, Last .Saturday morning, at Giliett, Oconto County, tlii* st ;te, Dr. E. S. Nay lee to Mis Johns, Jusiiih. Riorda : ilhciating. Ti e bride is one o the most popular young young adies of Gilietl, and a siller <• mr obliging Station Ggont a: his place, a-nd the gi\) >mds th well known Veterinary Surgeon, orm rly of R'o a, but now in the ompioy of the Rusch Lum ber Company here. They ur i'iv. and here t n the evening train Monday and were duly seranad 'd by tile village baud, aft 01 which a social ball was given it. their honor at the Exchange Hotel, where they are t presen staying. The Advertiser join their many friends in wishing for thorn a happy and prosperou journey through life. Pretty stormy to-d>y. Chas. Townsend returned t this place Tuas lay evening. Bennett came up Iron Ciintonviiie 1 riday. * Mr. Notvburu'h, the C. it. N W. j4t nd \ gen ol Raekfor 1, U W is in tic) viil; go yt-sterday ::n lad y. M. J. Dickinson aid H. S Harris have hold down lb - st - Lion this we *k, Agent Johns b ing also vi .dim of L,- g ipp W. C. Brat • and bv >ther, < '.Vc..l Bond were iu town yester day. While here they i aide • pleasant call at the Advertiser of fi -e. ' Our ri tder : will p.oa , - ex cu. • the Advertiser for lie in on day late thus we -fi, as ..he Ed'to was tea 1 ing school the pa' few days, the t • a-hor, M'ssß m en b ang a victim of the la grip po. Armstrong Crei Mr.s. I*. tJiv.iy returned I>V lay from Gre ai Bay. Mrs. J’cliT Jenson visit© ’ Cavour friends Thursday. John Pego was quite bad! hurl Saturday. Win. 11..11 an ! Miss Ad ■ An unson of Popple Hlvor dtlo me 1 w -ra in town Thursday. Mrs. Amuu.ou mid Mr . Hall of Popple settlement wa in town Monday. P. Shay and W. “.Vldnni won 4 to Crandon 1 Monday on county business. Jam *s Shay took the liinito I Saturday night for Minnoipolis, from whora ho will go to hi. homo at Sioux City, lowa. Mrs. Thou. Kingston and son, of Marinette is visiting her hu; band'at Sr attold & Arnolds'* camp. —Wm. Kiornan, son of J. Kiernatt, of Green Itny i visit ing relatives here. He has just returned from Texas. \ OL. 1 NO. 24. Sco Line. TIME TAIiLE. Cavour. east round. •'acifie‘Express 3:06 11. tn. Train 9:15 a. :n. WEST ROUND. ■ a ifio Express 1.7:43 u. m ' iixeil Train 4:00 pi ’n. \V. J. .loNES. t reat. Ofiicerd of t’ie Town of €ra:::hn. •V. E. Webb Gi:airm: n I. R > mi or Siipervis ol ). F. Johns m “ J Kune Clerk ’enr.v Poppy Treasurer John Waite Ass 'ssoi ,Vm. Rus di “ h H. Dai lay ‘ ,1 * E. Cool: Justice V. A. Wos'ott “ \ T. 11. Riggs “ * 1. M tsbautn. • **„" Sc’jool Officers. T >WN O C CRANDON. a. S. WHeox res. ios. Houlo Viee-Pres, A W. Marqu irlt Scs. 1 Q. IIP!LEY, Motary Public W ‘ BKXO. WiS-^YSri 3 top A '-- 'Lstel W .ib 3no T. F. A 33fUE, R rip-' j' jr faTb Inn .'7 p'AR'T.'D \ !•-. First-Class. J. W. PIN CM, Pdysiifc Hi 3d.'.. : hi. .i r -’ r rv,n tiff.i ij -.j. . 1 i , l\ i. S)K'-.fial aUcution pud to ci 1 ;; along tho Klondyko Division of tho 0. & N. W. R’y line. when in need of-’ Firm, Qrjlt > r, W: Driving il.vrs.'s (JO TO L. J. NEWALD | Tii2 r aiitfjrse Q.alsr. , ■ ILt/iTT, WISCONSIN*. Exch ings r. V/. WADc 3i SON. ProoS. AL4)DEALERS IN Wines, Liquors, Cigars & Etc, WARKNO, W LsooNSl N. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE J Advertiser, I $1.50 Pvr Year, | In Advance.