Newspaper Page Text
•/i orthcrit, EDracwi n c > m f :■' 1-X V O 4’ 4 if V i VV' --V % wAr 'kt I C. (1. mMLEV.M'BLISHER. XvK’U’B TO CONTRIBUTORS. Am ••< Nit ations to this paper s '.ulil he adaivssed to the Xortiikrs Wisconsin Akvkrtihkr. Wabeno. Wis.. nd such us arc for publication should h ■tr the real as well as the "assumed name. No an wivtnouscommunications uill be printed in this paper, unless ae (Oiupanied by the real name, which ay or may not Ik- printed according to the wish of the writer. All communications for publication should reach us by Tuesday evening to insure a plana in the currant issue. ' mi muni cations received after that will have to gn over until the following week. C. Sc N. W. R’y. Local Time Card. Arrive mixed train.... 4:50 p. m. Leave mixed train.. . .5:15 p tn. tArrive passenger.. ..7:45 p. m. f Leave passenger... .8:15 p. m. t Wednesdays. V. H. Johns, Agent. COUNTY OFFICERS. E. 0. Woodbury, Sheriff. P. Shay, Clerk. A. E. Himley, Treasurer. 11. McGinley, Clerk of Court. J. P. Hooper, District Att'y. W. W. Waite, Register of Deeds. R. A. Edgar, Sup't of Schools. M. S. Barker, Judge. P. E. Cook, Surveyor. Wm. Vanzile, Coroner. COUNTY BOARD. W. E. Webb, Town of Crandon, W. Mclnnis, Town of Cavour,! P. Shay, Clerk. OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF CAVOUR. W. Mclnnis Chairman ! 5. McGinley Supervisor E. P. Carter “ H. W. Stewart Clerk J as. Stevenson Treasurer p. Hoffman Assessor M. .T. Dickinson Justice Aug. Ruseh ►• • • “ H. W. Stewart “ .John Carlson Constable. SCHOOL OFFICERS. I'OWN Of CAVOUR. E. P. Carter Pres. < ton McEachin Vice-Pres. j;. w Stewart Sec. Post-Office. ■ hr' arrives at 4:5< p. til. Mail c’u ;s-‘S at 5:00 p. m. Oiilee hours from 7:Uo a. in. to • . ::.o j,. in. Sundays from B:3** a. m. to 10: i a. m. V. H. Johns, P. M. M. J. Dickinson, Deputy. (i. H. HAOISY, • Physician and Surgeon, Calls by wire given prompt attention. MINOQUA, VILAS CO WIS - Emil Birkle, Tonsorial Artist, Workmanship First-Class. Haircutting shaving and sham pooing done in the best manner. I . r Shop in Hotel Wabeno. A. Q. Manson Millwright and Builder, Plans and Estimates Fur nished. Can also Locate Mill-sites for Parties Desiring the Same. Rest of References Furnised. WABEXO. WIS. County Board Proceedings. Annual Meeting. 1898. (Continued from last week.) Nov. 23, 1898. Amt. Amt. No. Name. Nature. <Td Ail'd. 164 * 4 r Thus. .Milieu justice t $ fees. a. 14 Thus. Millen report. W. E. Fessenden sheriff fees. 4.45 4.20 Hi.") r Dr. \V. \V. Walber sional services. 25.00 166 r Thos. Millen justice fees, not eon. 1(57 W. .1. Xeu printing board proceedings. 28.00 20.50 108 r M. S Barker mdse.. 10.39 1459 r W. E. Fessenden boarding prisoners. 17.14 170 r .1. Burghund looking for ” A. Johnson's body. 8.00 2.5 b 171 r J. A. Silver lime, lath. brick Jt , 14.20 172 W. Ritter work on fur nace. 27.00 18.00 173 W. Hill board'g prisoners. .50 174 r. 175 r Geo. Hart finding A. John son's dead 1 'ud.v. 170 r Milton going to Three Lalhrjfor Ed. Keanier. 177 r If. Fessenden for blankets. 2.50 178 r Wm. Lord assisting in ■ burial of A. Johnson. 170 r S. J Why brew "team work. 3.50 180 r F. W. Marquardt planting trees in court house, park. 35.00 | 181 r Toi\V/ Crandon hosp'l fee. 80.00 182 r I*. bffgv mdse for court bouse. 10.75 183 r.las. Kandsell work at court house help plastering. 4.82 is i r John Bradley work court house. 7.80 185 r wm. Vanzile work on court house. 17.50 ISO r Samuel Shaw expense as distrkitattorney. 30.35 j 150'.., rlill sheriff fees. 5.00 2.50 \ 187 r Unj/vHiizile comm, ou paper. 8.45 188 r J. A. Silver work on base ment. . 150.00 Iso r Wm. Mills pump with force cylinder. 10.50 190 r W. Mclnnis hoard meeting. miles- -c and com. w6rk, 40.80 101 r W. E. Webb com. work. £j)ii/l meeting and mileage, 28.74 >X>rth. Wis. Advertiser s ji*/>lishing election notices. 130.00 103 r Nor. Wis. Ad. printing. 220.40 | 104 r Thos. Millen justiee fees, noth'ng. Thos. Millen report. Milton Sioliker deputy sheriff. 11.37 205 r Thos. Millen justice fees, not con. 190 r.lohn Mashaum inquest. 6.oodVl'd. On uiotiou the rejiorts of the County officers were left over until the st-isond day of January, 1899. /7 On moti<JiiA)oard adjourned un j til Jan. 2, 1599, at 9 a. in. P. Shay, Cos. Clerk. . Have you subscribed for the “Advertiser": If not you ought to. It is only *1.50 per year. If you are in need of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards or anything in the Stationary line remember that we do such work at the*'Ad vertiser" Office promptly, and neatly, at rock-bottom prices: Satisfaction guaranteed or money "p funded. Give us a trial. WABENO, WISCONSIN. THURSDAY, FEB. 1899. LOCAL LOOIC. The la grippe patients are a gain able to be around. 0. H. Senglaub returned from Marshfield Saturday evening. Barney McGinley was in from camp Monday. John Schmitt came up from the siding Tuesday. Charley Shinn hauled wood to town Monday. Norman Johnson came in from the trading post Monday. John Hughes and crew are busy hauling logs. Messrs. Murphy and Miller were in town Snnday. Have you seen Tom Moore's new cutter? It's a dandy. This kind of weather is hard on the wood piles. 28 degrees Fahr. below zero here Tuesday. How 7 is that for v -Winter weather? V John Beil, who is cooking at the Ruseh Bros, camp, came in for the ball Saturday night. Mrs. Charley Wettstineis visit ing her parents in the southern part of the state. Miss Minnie Bowen took charge of her school again Mon day. M. J. Dickinson and Thos. Moore wen* out for a cutter ride Tuesday after-...>.1. A. F. Ruseh returned Monday from his trip to Marsh field. Barber Dunn is now 7 to be found at his chair at the Ex change Hotel every day in the week. Mr. Harris, of Neceedah, this state, is in the village looking over some of R. Connor's land and limber. Dr. E, S. Nayler and G. G. Johnson are hauling ice from Range Line Lake forT. W. Wade this week. It is 18 inches thick and clear as a crystal. I Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Haessly of Theresa, and Mr. and Mrs. | Schmatz, of Elmore uie visiting ! with Mr. and Mrs. Schmitt, down at the siding. —Just received at the Hofcel Wabeno stand, a choice lot of : Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also ! Beef-Tea and anew, healthful, non-intoxicating, hot drink calk and NO-SKEE. First Tramp—“Dere'a only jos' one fault ter find wid all de jobs II ever tackled." Second Tramp— “Wot's that?/ First Tramps “Do work aliens becomes monotonous after about j t’ree minutes." —Every German in our village is r-*questod to be at the Hotel Wabeno, Sunday next at 4 p. m. to attend a meeting to* start a German Singing Society and e lect officers. Committee. M. D. Jones and A. J. Dillett spent the Sabbath in the village. Andy Bennett was up on the speciei yesterday. Charley Town:send left for his home at Clintonville yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Manson and son Wallace left Tuesday evening for Marinette. Mrs. A. J. Dillett left on the special for the southern part of the state. Dock Bennett returned Tues day evening from Clintonville, where he had been to spend Sun day with his family. Gon'l Land Agt Pierce accom banud by Sup't Hartley, Road master Costley and Chas, Town-1 send were up on the special yes terday afternoon, District Attorney Hooper of Crandon has just received the appointment of United States Court Commissioner for this j district. Mr. Hooper is well qualified for the position and we wish him success. After all the Senatorial dead lock was broken, Joseph V. Quur les, of Milwaukee being elected Monday, on the 93rd ballot. Mr, I Quarles is an able man and Wis | consul will be represented in the i Senate with Messrs. Spooner and ; Quarles, A surprise party was given Thursday evening last in honor of T. W. Wade's birthday, at the Exchange Hotel. There w r us a good sociable crowd present to whom refreshments were amply served and “we all had a splen-1 did time", is the verdict of all | that were present. The saloon stand formerly j owned by McGuire & Fagan his j again opened up to the patron age of the public Under the name of Fagan & McDonald, Mr, Me ■ Donald having purohas • 1 John! McGuire's interest, Herbert Wade is tending bar for them, They have a nice, fresh stock of goods on hand and will be pleas ed to have you call around and see them, Here is success to the new firm, The masquerade ball given by the Wabeno Cornet Band, at j Fagan's Hall last Saturday night was a grand success Tin* music | wa furnished by their own band and was excellent The Ju Iges, Messrs. Hoffman and Richardson awarded the prizes as follows: Best Lady, Miss Minnie Bowen; best Gentleman, Herbert Harris; best comic Lady, Mrs. A. L. Burgan; best comic Gentleman, V. H. Johns. L. E. Zahn: who has been clerking for the Busch Bros/ Lumber Company for sometime, has resigned his position, which took effect yesterday, and he leaves here this evening for Reedsville, where he has been engaged us book-keeper for a Lumber Company at that place,* We are sorry to see Leu go, but pleased to see him promoted. His position as clerk has been tilled by A1 Richardson, of Maui , fOVOT. Correspondence: Armstrong Creek. Frank Page went to Marinette Friday. John Kiernan and son Will left Wednesday for Green Bay. Wm. Judge, of Florence was in town Sunday. George O’Connor, of Crandon was in town Sunday. H. Opperhein, of Green Buy was in town Saturday and Sun day. Mr. Burns of Cavour was here last week scaling logs for J. D. Raymond. Mrs. E. Amunsonand daughter took the east bound train for Neenah, where they will visit friends until spring. Mrs. Thos. Kingston returned to Murrinette Sunday morning after spending a few weeks here with friends. Mrs. J. D. Raymond end fam ily, Mt. Pleasant, Mich.., arrived at this place Thursday to make it their home. They will o-vupy the John Dullivari house. Gillett. George Sohr was at Wabeno Friday. F. J. has handled the razor during the barber's illness. Mrs. Watts has been visiting in Oconto Falls the past Week. Judge Riordun was a' the coun ty seat last week oil business. Cold weather is raging hero, ranging from 20 to 2<> below zero. We understand that John Bucklin and family are going to move out of town. A. Zahn sold a team to Ruseh Bros, of Wabeno last week, con sideration 8200. Wm. Young, our barber is slowly recovering from a severe; attack of the la grippe. Joe Melchior is able to be oul again, having suffered with pnou- j monia. L. J. Newuld received another carload of horses for his barns at Gillett und Shawano. Miss Feeney, our primary leacher has seen nothing of her watch as yet A liberal reward wiil be given finder. Don't forget the dance Feb. 13 This will be the last dance until Easter and a good time is guar anteed to all who attend, H. J. Watts, our horse trainer had a narrow escajie one day last week; his horses became un manageable and nearly throwing Mr. Whitts under the rig. Elsinore Camp No. 1297, M. W T . A. will give a Masquerade Ball Feb. 13th 1899, Three val uable prizes will bo given, 1 to best lady costume, 1 so best gent costume and one to most • •nrwic costume. VOL ! XO. 25. Soo Line. TIME TABLE. ('avour. EAST BOUND. i’neifie Expretss 3:o<> n. m. Mixed Train ' :15 , u. Ai WEST BOUND. Facifle Express !2;43 h. in. Mixed Train L K) p. m. W. J. JONES. .Went. Officers of tiie Town of Crandor. la Njbfo 'A* W. E. Webb.. H. Reanier Supervisor O. F. Johns ti T. J Kane Clerk Henry Poppy Treasurer John Waite Assessor Wm. Ruseh G. H. Bailey F. E. Cook Justice W. A. Weseott “ C. T. H. Riggs “ J. Masha um “ School Officers. TOWN O : l'l(\\DON. L. S. Will- >x I ivs. Jos. Honk* Vi v-Pr. ,s. F. W. Mtmiu:\rJt S<'o. - M C. Q. HIMLEY, Notary Public WAHKNO. WISOOX^IN. Stop A Hotel Wabeno T. F. ‘MOOftL, i rorrieior. Sample Room ’n Co,iiiectk.i. WAHKNO Wl.s^i Flrst-Cfasv Hl———H—i• - ...wjuww-.vo'*<-*>.•• J. VV. PfNCti, r Physician and Surgeon. UILLETT. WIS. Sj* vial attention pan! i ca 1 ! - alot\>? tlif* Kloii'l.vl<<* Division of tho (A X. W. U'y lino. When in r.eel of- Farm, Draft < r Driving Horses (10 TO L. J. NEWALD The Reliable Horse Dealer. OIKKKTT, WISCONSIN, vmmmmmmmmmmmrnm ■ i , mm m Exchange Hotel. T. W. WADE & SON. Props. AI-So DKAI.KKS 1 \ Wines. Liquors. Cigars & Etc. WAHKNO. WISCONSIN. SUBSCRIBE J a FOR THK Advertiser, . $1.50 Per Year, In Advance.