Newspaper Page Text
OFFIFKIJS. Sheriff. SBRihay, Clerk. BIE. HiMIEY, Treasurer. Wli. McGinley, Clerk of Court. IJ. F. Hooper, District Att'y. W. W. Waite, Register of Deeds. , U. A. Edgar, Sup’t of Schools. >M. S. Barker, Judge. ••F. E. Cook, Surveyor. Wti. Vanzile, Coroner. pOUNTY BOARD. W. J£. Webb, Town of Craudon, \V. Molnnib, Town of Cavour, P. Shay, * Clerk. OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF CAVOUR. W. Mclnnis Chairman B. McGinley Supervisor E. F. Carter “ H. W. Stewart Clerk Jas. Stevenson Treasurer P. HoFFmaN Assessor M. J. DrCKXNSON Justice Aug. Rubch " H. W. Stewart. " John Carlson Constable. SCHOOL OFFICERS. TOWN oat CAVOUR. E. F., Carter Pres. MalcHon McEaohin Vice-Pres. if. W. Stewart Sec. Post-Office. * Mail arrives ’at 4:po p. m. Mail closes at 6:00 p. m. Office hours froiui*7:3o a. m. to M:3O p. m. Sundays from 8:30 a. m. to 10: 30 a. m. V. H. Johns, P. M. M. J. Dickinson, Deputy. 0. H. HADDY, Physician and Surgeon, Calls by wire piven prompt attention. MINOQUA, VILAS CO WIS. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Advertiser. l’ t' J>. It!. ' 1"" h - 111 • Kins, Agent. DI.'AWIN; .11 ■ KY is herd>y given that tin* tlu* regular term of cir- HHeourt for Forest County, to at the Court House, in Hflßvillage of Crandon, Forest HHnty, Wisconsin, on the second |M\sday of March, 1599, (being ■ 14th, day of March, 1899), |Hi be drawn in the presence of We special Jury Commissioners, B.' the Clerk of the Circuit Court, ■t his office in the Court House, In the village of Crandon, Forest Wisconsin, on the 21st. clay of February, 1899, at 10 o'- clock, in the forenoon of said day. Dated this nth, day of Feb- ! ruary, 1899. B. McGiNLEY, Clerk of Circuit Court, John McGuire, Deputy Clerk of Circuit Court. County Board Proceedings. Adjourned Annual Meeting. (Continued from last week.) 8 a. in., Jan. 5, 1899. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment and called to order by W. E. Webb, chairman. All mem bers present. The following report was a dopted, all members voting 'aye. ’ To the Cos Board of Supervisors, (• i itlemeh:-Your committee to whom Were referred the reports of the several county officers beg leave to report that Wo have pared all duplicate county orders, court and jury certificates and have counted all tax certificates and find them to agree with tire stub book and report of said of ficers, and herewith return to you said duplicates, with county or ders, court and jury certificates, that they maybe destroyed in ac cordance with sections 687 and 688 of the Revised Statutes. Said Vouchers were then burn ed in the presence of the board. Cleric of jhe, Court’s an- NjBKPORT. To thtiHoj/ Board of Super visors, of Forest County, State of Wisconsin: Gentlemen:-I respect!uily sub mit my annual official report for the year ending December ill st, 1898. . Court certificates to jurors. £430.08 Cortrt certificates to witnesses. 132.40 Court certificates to reporter, 20.u0 Court certificates to sheriff. 14.2<L Court certificates to Clerk of Court. 21. Court certificates to N. \V. reporter. 24.00 Court certificates to jurors C,, 145.40 *787.98 J. W. Hawes, Clerk of Court, County Treasurer’s annaul. Report. To tho Honorable Board of Supervisors, of Forest County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen:-In accordance with the requirements of law, I have the honor to submit herewith n certified statement of received and disbursed Joy ltie, as county treasurer, i p >, lb9B, to January 2, 1899. A. E. HIMI.KY, Cos. TreaS. Receipts. Thft certificate* an hand last set' j A tletnent, £335^.22 #**, UMCN uHsomstjti SlWertiger WABENO. FOREST COI'NTY, WISCONSIN. THURSDAY, FEB. Hi. 189!). Kec'd from treas, town of (.Van don cash, SI 23.09' Hec'd from treas. town of Cran don Cos. orders. 47.07 Heed from treas. town of Cran- t don delinquent roll. 5039.(w Hee'd from treas. town of favour delinquent roll. 1509.43 Hee'd from treas. town of favour cash. ’ 888.88 Hee'd from treas. town of favour Cos. orders. j 719.17 Kec'd from state treas. drainage fund. . , 1200.06 Hee'd from state \tresis, acct. I special loan. 2000.00 Hee'd from 00. clerk and redemp tion fees. 175.50' Hdc'd from advertising fees. 226.40 Hee'd from redemption and inst. not cHlled for. 8.43 Kec'd from redemption and deer licence. 84.00 Hee'd from clerk of court, J. W. Hawes suit tax. 20.00 Hec'd from W. A. Wescort justice of peace fines, l.oo'l Hee'd from sale of Hec'd from fees, advt. on delinquent, roll, 244.90 Hee'd from fees, ir et. and advt. on tax certificates. 1458.10 Rec'd from clerk town of favour monies found on pers >ns of two men killed in traij wreck 11- 17-97. at Armstrong Creek. 4.80 Hec'd from sale of revenue scamps* 3.30 Hec'd from E. O. Woodbury for sewer pipe. ? .25 ——A $40365.33 (To be continued.) LOCAL LOOK. -Milder weather again. / Mrs. V. H. Johns spent Satur day at Gillett. Mr. Rollman, of Shawano was in town one day last week. ' Neil McArthur has purchased a brand new fur coat. Herbert Harris is working for Schmidt & Stork this week in : place of Victor Johnuon, Norman Joliuson spent tho forepart of the week in town. Dock Bennett came up Tues day from Clintonyi lie. Miss Shinn spoilt the Sabbath with Mrs. Moore and family. I Miss Morey is buffering with the la grippe. Fred Schmidt returned from his visit to West Bend Wednos ■T day. Rusch came back from Li/vour Thursday evening. He it was a lonjar and cold ride. Joo Ben ke attended the M. W. A. dance, at Suring Friday Ipiglit. They report l good time. T. W. Wade, Doc. Naylor and Goodwin Johnson are hauling Crystal blocks frohi Range Line Lake for Landlord Moore this week. I f‘- Hod. Taylor, editor of the State Journal, is about to receive the ap|K>intmont as an assistant in the treasurary department ut Wafthington. Mr, Dickinson left here Mon day morning for Eagle River, where he will vLit his family for a few weeks. He went via. of Oavonr and Gagan; Billy Chilwm , taking bun aa far aw Mud Lake. BELLE CITY Wagon co. ' RACINE, WI3. ONE HORSE FARM V/AGON, DAIRY WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, LIGHT SPRING WAGONS. If you wish tho . . . BEST WORK, for the . . . LOWEST PRICE. writ© for descriptive circular and terms Did y< u get a valentine. Miss Morey came in to attend the hall Monday evening. John Duquette was in town one day last week. Mickie Moore is assisting his brother Thomas in tho Hotel. Miss Mamie Wade is another victim of the la grippe. sick list the past week. Mrs. Thomas Wade is quite sick with the grippe. Messrs. Schmidt and Switzer were up from the siding Satur urday evening. L. J. NeWald, the enterprising horse dealer, of Gillett was in town on business Saturday. Fred Peterson, of Gillett was in town Thursday. He drove back on Friday. Suporuisur McGinley was in town Monday evening to attend the Woodmen dance. Victor Johnson left last Thurs day for Stiles; later we arc stfrry to learn that his father died a day or two after his arrival homo. Mr. Manning, Land Agent for tho North-western, for crawford county and vicinity was Iti the village yesterday, Schmidt & Stork are setting up and putting into operation their new mill this week and if mild weather continues will com mence sawing in a few days. - j dht received ut the Hotel Wabeno stand, a Choice lot of Wines. Liquors and Cigars, also Beef-Tau and a n*w, healthful, non-intoxicating, hot drink cjalled NO-SKEE. Ruscli Rros. purchased two splendid, heavy logging teams last Week, of L. J. Newald, of Gillett. Rusch Bros, are doing an enormous logging business this year, and will commence sawing again in a few weeks. Cos. Sup’t, Kdgar, of Armstrong Creek was in the village Monday and Monday on his official visit to our school. He came up from Milwaukee, where he had been to attend the Superintendents' convention. He went back Via !of cavour, N. Johnson taking I him up to the Uat* Correspondence: Armstrong Creek. P. Shay went to Milwaukee Monday. C. F. Ball has sold his team to H. D Her. H. C. Cess was in town Thurs day. W. Melnnis returned from Crandon Thursday. O. Nelson, of Peshtigo was in town Thursday last. Ad. Stevenson made a trip to Iron Mountain, Mich., Friday. Ed Amusson, of Popple River settlement was in town Saturday last. A man was bi’ought in from Scofield's camp Tuesday night with a broken shoulder. Phil Helms, of Popple River settlement was in town Sunday last. C. F. Brown and W. Brecken ridge, of Brown & Stroups mill Were in town Sunday after sup plies. R. A. Edgar, Cos. Hup't, left Monday for Milwaukee to a.tend the County Superintendents' Con vention, which was held on the 7-8-9 and 10th. Mrs. George Tillsburg, of St. Paul came in on the limited Mon day to spend the bal'ince of the Winter with her husbund, who is running the hoisting engine for the Murphy Lumber Com pany. chairman Melnnis, of Arm strong Creek came into town yesterday afternoon. He rode in oil a p%. The Advertiser can introduces you and your business to the public quicker, cheaper and bet ter than any other known medi um. The members of WabeUo Camp No. 6113, Modern Woodman of America, gave a ball at tho Ho tel Wabetio last Monday night, for the benefit of new Cutup, which was just organized. The dance was under tin l supervision of a committee consisting of Mosers. Scott, Dillett und Krieck and whenweinforn you that they Nold in the neighborhood of 60 tickets you tnay well think that the attendance was accordingly and that the enjoyment derived therefrom was equally as great. It is rumored that a bill Is a bout to be introduced in tho legis lature to create anew county, said county to be named .Stark, in honor of Joshua Stark, the noted Milwaukee lawyer, with the county seat at Tomahawk-. William Bradley is the projector and it is Understood that his present plan is to take a portion of Marathon county end give to Lincoln; then take ten towfis from the north end of Lincoln and eleven towns from tho west end of Oneida county to make the new county of Stark. YOL. 1, NO. 27. Soo Line. TIME TABLE. Favour. EAST BOUND. Pacific Express 3:06 a. m. Mixed Train 9:15 a. m. WEST BOUND. Pacific Express 12:43 a. m. Mixed Trail) 4:00 p. m. W. .1. JONES, Affent. Officers of the Town (*< Crandon. W. E. Webb Chairman H. Reanier Supervisor O. F. Johnson “ T. J Kane Clerk Henry Poppy Treasurer John Waite Assessor Win. Rusch “ G. H. Bailey *• F. E. Cook Justice W. A. Wescott '... “ C. T. H. Riggs J. Musbaum “ J School Officers. TOWN Of CUANDON. ■ L. S. Wilcox 1 Jos. Houle Vicc-Pr^Bi F. W. Mimpmrdl C. G. HIMLEY, Notary Public WABENO, WISCONSIN. Stop At— j Hotel Wabenl T. F. MOORE. Proprietor Sample Room in Conrect on. A WABENO \\m First-Class. 1 J. W. PINCH, Physician and Surgeon. GILLETT, WIS. Special attention paid to calls along the Klondykb Division of the C. & N. W. R'y line. When in need of-* Farm, Draft erf Driving Horse^ GO TO L. J. NEWALD The Reliable Horse Dealer. <:II,LETT, VVI S< <INS! N, Exchange Hotel.- T. W. WADE & SON, Props. J -ALSO DEALERS IN- I Wines. 1 Liquors. i Cigars & Etc. W A BEND. WI S< '(lN' si S Emil Birkle, Tonsorial ArtisJ Workmanship First-ClasJ Hoifoutting tdtavintf and shii pooing done iinhe best muMM Shop in Hotel WuWml