Newspaper Page Text
r t p r ‘ I j ,b ' ♦ ] ' " J££n' % • f # && ottneai ■ Wisconsin U yncrustri .<’• o. HIMLEY.JTBLISHKR. X >TI( E TO (ONTRIHI TO Am i ou.'H'.'jic.vTiu.Ns t‘> this paper siiimid addivsnni to the >\ ima: .■> \■ io on’kin Ai>vkktikkk. Waticno. Wis. i*ntl stteh :is are for publication shout. oocir the ,-eal as well as the assumed name. No anonymous communications "’ill Ih‘ printed in this pap *v. unless a•• • •ompanied by the real name, which nav or ma ■ not he printed aeeoriiinfr t< the wish of the writer. All communications for publication s', aid reach u-> by Tuesday evening l to ■sure a pItUM in the currant issue. • 'inn limitations receivedafterthat will 1 ave to go over until the following week. AHEXO ( AMI* No. w, ,\, eels every Saturday evening, at the gan A McDonald Hall, at 7: op. m. siting neighbors are cordially invit t '. . .*ll. Johns. M. J. Dickinson. V. C. Clerk. C. & N. W. R’y. Cako. Arrive mixed train... .4:50 p. m. Leave mixed train .. .. T>: 15 p m. * Arrive passenger.. ..7:45 p. tn. t Leave passenger.. . .8:15 p. m. fWednesdays. V. H. Johns, Agent. COUNTY OFFICERS. E. 0. Woodbury, Sheriff. I’. Shay, Clerk. A. E. Himi.Ey, Treasurer. B. McGinley, Clerk of Court. .J. F. Hooper, District A tty. W. W. Waite* Register of Deeds. R. A. Edgar, Sup't of Schools. M. S. Barker, . * Judge. P. E, Cook, Surveyor. Wm. Vaneile, Coroner. COUNTY BOARD. W. E. Wehh, Town of Crandon, W. MclnNik. Town of CaVour, P. Shay, Clerk. OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF CAVOUR. \V. MCIJfNIS Chairman B. McGinley Supervisor E. F. Carter H. W. Stewart Clerk .1 as. Stevenson Treasurer P. Hoffman Assessor . .1. Dickinson Justice ilt’scH “ H. W. STEWART “ John Cari.son Constable. SCHOOL OFFICERS. TOWN Of CAVOUR. E. F. Carter Pres. •AT.CHON MoEACHIN Vice Pres, id. w. Stewart Sec. Post-Office. .Mail arrives at 4;5(1p. m. Mail closes at 5:0O p. in. Office hours from 7:HO a. m. to -Mo p. ni. Sundays froiufckoO a. iu. to PL :;i a. m. V. H. Johns, P. M. M. J. Dickinson, Deputy. C. 11. IIAIUiY. Physician and Surjeon, \ by wiiv given prompt attention. MINOQI'A, VILAS CO Wife. SUBSCRIBE FOR THK Advertiser. BELLE CITY Wagon co.. RACINE, WIS. ONE HORSE FARM WAGON, DAIRY WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, LIGHT SPRING WAGONS. If you wish the . . . BEST WORK, for the . . . LOWEST PRICE, write for descriptive circular and terms j County Board Proceedings. Adjourned Annual Meeting. 8 a. m., Jan. 5, 1899. (Continued from last week.) Disbursements. I’d. treas. town of Cmndon delin quent returns. +O.OO : I’d. treas. town of favour delin i quent returny j I’d. treas. town fk Urtmdon school fund mHq/ed. 104.57 I’d. Marshall A- I Islay llaitk jail bond and int.. 1070,00 I’d. Cos. officers salaries. Feb, ‘9B to Sept. "OS. 2t99.i>8 i I’d. county orders. 8<>12.91 I’d. Jurors certified toe. 055.58 i I’d. witness 132. W l’j|. illegal certificates with int.. .MEKr. I’d. illegal certificates cancelled. 353.08 ; I’d. state treas, interest on special loan. 115.55 j I’d. treas. town of <hi gan taxes on co. lands. 1+3.80 I’d. treas. town of Sohoettke taxes I oil co. lands. 102.83 ; I’d. Putts. town of Eagle River p iles on eo lands. 12.47 j U*. yeas, town of (‘rttndoil drain- fund. 7111.+.1 'T’JI. treas. town of favour drain* Hgefitud. +08.( >8 l‘d. for posting notices of tax sale, l.ofl I’d. miscellaneous bills hh per statement, 03.28 Certificates handed county clerk for deed. 1317.70 i J’ersonal property tax not col lected. 24.09 | Delinquent jsdl short and not col lected? +.85 ] Land n*c advertised or sold. 00.55 Tax ,n hand .lan. 2. 1858.1, 22 IK 1.45 | ( ash on hand and ih bunk. 1918.18 ntr -r ] 840306.33 Respectfully submitted, fetate of Wisconsin, I Forest County. \ Sf *‘ I, A. E. Himley, Trearurer of Forest County, Wisconsin, do hereby certify that tjm foregoing is a true and just acdmint of all! monies received in this office, time, j from February IH, 1898, to Jnn u ary 2nd, 1 H 99, I A. E. HiMIEY, Cos. (To be continued.) v -> / If you are in need of Leitar Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, j Business Curds or anything in the Stationary lino remember 1 that we do such work at the “Ad vertiser” Office promptly, and neatly, at rock-bottom price#: | Satisfaction guaranteed or money j refunded. Give us a trial. 1 1 .Lff l J_ Have you subscribed for the “Advertiser”! If not you ought • to. It is only $1.50 yt>4r, \VABEXO. FOREST COUNTY. WISCONSIN. THURSDAY, FEB. 23. 1899. LOCAL LOOK’. Joe Grattan l:elpi-d H. W. Swan log a lew days last week. Charley Switzer transacted business in the vidage Saturday. E. F. Carter was in the village Monday. Iluseh Bros, intend starting their mill in about a We i k. County Board met Tuesday, at the county seat. Pat Corcoran was in town on Sunday last. Charley Swenson spent sever al days of last weeek in the vil uge. Mr. and Mrs. Shirm and niece visited with the Moore family Sunday. Mr. Manning returned to his home at Soldiers Grove, Mon day. August Ilusoh has just pur chased an elegant piano for his wife. Mrs. Fred Culver and daughter Ethel visited at Lakewood over Sunday. Herbert Wade was somewhat under the weather the forepart the week. f Chairman Mclnnis returned to his homo at Armstrong Creek Friday morning. T. W. Wade did carpnter work for Fagan & McDonald a few days of last week. Victor Johnson returned from his trip to Stiles Wednesday ev ening. Frank Moser, of Reedsville, this state, is in the village taking orders for cigars. Thos. Wade, Doc. Naylor and Goodwin Johnson have been busy this week putting up a supply of ice for Fagan & McDonald. Billy Chilson departed Mon day for Gillett, where he may decide to locate. We are sorry to see you go, Billy. Barney McGinley lias sold his logs to Rusch Bros. He had in the neighborhood of 109,000 ft. of fine pine. Schmidt <£ Stork are clearing up their mill site, which makes quite an improvement to thoir plant, besides thereby getting a much better view of the village. ‘ ~ I Fagan <& McDonald have just put down a good, hard Wood floor hi their hull and later on are go *ng to re-model and fix up the the entire building. Just received Ht the Hotel Wabeno stand, a choice lot of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also Beef-Tea and anew, healthful, non-intoxicating, hot driuk calletl MCHKEE. Gust Nordvall left hero Mon day evening for his home in Rockford, 111,, where he will spend the summer. He intends moving here mith his family next fall. Mr. Ilollnuui, of Shr.wano whs in town Tue-dan. Earue.-u Shampayn • is work ing at the Ex -hange, John Carlson is helping Chus. Swenson cut cedar. John Schmitt was iu in from il e siding Tuesday. Joo Graft in assisted Dock Rennett Tuesday. Next comes the dreaded month of March. The snow nearly all gone and the roads are commencing to get muddy. Remember Woodmen, Camp meets Saturday night at Fagan & McDonald’s Hall. L. J. Newald, the dealer was in our burg on busi ness yesterday. Wm. Conklin, of Shawano was j in the village on business Tues day, returning on the special the following morning. t ! Mrs. Paul Newman and Mrs. Thos. Moore and daughter Mad gie drove out the Swan home| Sunday. The loggers are hustling in their logs now for all they are Worth foi fear thal there will i soori be a break up. Have you seen the engaving on Tom’s bar-room mirror; that’s some of Goodwin Johnson’s ar tistic work and if yon ever Wan! any sign painting done Johnson is the man you want to see. It is said that when John Jacob Astor was once rongratu lated for his wealth he repied by j pointing to the bonds and maps! of property, at the same time in- j quiring, “Would you like to man- : ago these matters for your bed and board y" The man demurred. “Sir," continued the rich man, “it is all that 1 can get." Erick O. Morstad. of Witten burg, who is conducting a mis sionary s dioo! out at the Chip ewa Indian settlement about lit I east of here came iu Tuesday afternoon and leaves for his homo at Wittenburg this evening to spend a few days with his fain ily. Mr. Morstad has now mas tered theVhipewa language and is doing some excellent work for the “red man of the forest.’’ Daniel Graham, the enterpris ing real estate dealer, of. Eagle Rivor, who is now acting as private Secretary during the session of the legislature, for Senator Riordan at Mndisn, came up from the capitol city one day I**4 Week to look over Homeland and timber in this locullity and j while in town paid the Advertis er office a very pleasant call. Mr. Graham it geat deal of confidence in the future of North ern Wisconsin and say# it is only a matter of time Whhn this part of the stab* Wiilf be settled; he also spoke very highly of the land and timber in this vicinity and predicted a bright and pros perous future for our booming village tit Wabeno. Correspondence: V ft Armstrong Creek. John Duiiivan returned firm Crandon Monday. Miss Lara DeLano returned from Bsookside Tlturs- lay. Billy Tracy and Mike Fitz ; gibbons returned from Crandon Tuesday. Frank Page, of Marine!tee is visiting Scofield & Arnold's camps of the Popple River.. Wm. Kiernuu, of Green Bay came in on the log train Mon day. H. W. Stewart *• ade a trip to Crandon Monday, returning Tints day a. m. A. M. Murphy, of Green Bay is visintng the camps here this | week. Mr. Foster, of the Foster I Lumber Company of favour j was in town Tuesday. j Chairman Melunis drove to VVabeno Wednesday, returning | Friday. Advertise in the Advertiser! Barney McGinley was in tar Tuesday. Wanted: In Forest County sc, • MID actual settlers. Doc. Naylor is halting logs for Schmidt & Stork. Thos. Wade left on*the special yesterday for Shawano <n busi ness. Fred Schmidt look in the sights at Lakewood yesterday, returning in the evening. Thos. Moore left for Pe Pore yesterday to visit his father who is quite low. Herbert Harris will tend bar during Tom's ab sence. John Hughes lost a valuable horse yustordey, it dropped dead in the road Heart descUSo is supposed to have been the trouble. To bad, John, The local band under the lead ership of Prof. Songlaub treated our village to seme tine music n gain Sunday. They arc pro grossing wonderfully. A public wrestling match took place last Saturday night at Fagan & McDonald’# Hall, be tween Goodwin Johnson and John Carlson. V. H Johns was chosen referee, M. J. Dickinson acted as second for Carlson, Doe. Naylor as second for Johnson and Thos. Wade a# ti me-keejn+r The rules observed wery: catch ja# catch can, three points down ! and three minutes time between I each round, The first round re suited in favor of Carlson, sec* ! ond and third rounds in favo.t of *o Johnson, wi.Vop<m Johnson wtls declared the winner, After the above match Was over a purse was gotten up for n match between Earnest Hhnm payne end Charley Klntty, of which both rounds resulted in favpi* of Shampayne. VOL. I. NO. 28. Soo Line. TIME TAIiI.K. Cav nr. EAST HOUND. I’Acifii - Kxprsx 3:oti n. m. Mixed Train 9:15 n. m. WEST HOUND. I’iieifie Express l*>: + 3 a. in. Mixed Train 4:00 p. ni. W. .1. JONES. Agent. Officers of the Town of Crandoif. W. E. Webb Cbairamu H. Routlier Superviw 1 O. F. Johnson ' 1 T. .J Kane Cle at Henry Poppy Treasurer John Waite Assessor Wm. Busch. G. 11. Bailey *’• y E. Cook Justiic W. A. Wescott ’• V C. T. H. Riggs “ ./ ) J. Masbaum 1 * -—- jr — r - - ■ . n .. School Officers. TOW v O F CRANDON. S. Wilcox I-res. Jos. Houle * Vic*'-Pres. F. W. MarqUirdt b>. C. Q. HIMLEY, Notary Public WABEXO. WISCONSIN. Stop At— Hotel Wabeno T. F. MOdfit. S'lioprienr. Sample Roam Connection. wahiono. (. .. ,\vis. 1) ' First-Class, ''k J. W. PINCH, Physician and Sareeo ay, lett. wis. Special nttention paid to c oi.+ a'otig the Klondyke Division of the C. & N. W. ir.y line. When in need os- Farm, Draft or Driving Horses GO TO y L. J. NFWALD The Reliable Horse Dealer. OII.I.KTT, WISCONSIN, ■■—■l" Ml . Exchange Hotel. T. yV. WADb & SON, Props. -A LNo UK \ Mills IN Wines, Liquors. Cigars & Etc, WAIIKNO, WiscoNsi' , < Blrkle, \ Tonsorial Artist, Workmanship First-Class/ I Hafrouttlntf shaving and sham* j poolnj? don in the l>eat muntvpr. Shop in Hotel Wabona