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/ IV*f L # \ v <*+ \^B * A.j ifli Illf^i f} Cl If LsCfWs%tAl *pi 4 ,• | c%#53 (’. 0. HIMLEY, FIBLISHKR. X >TI‘ K TO CONTRIHCWHS. Am, Communications to this p:iper should >* addressed to tlu> Kokthmx Wisconsin Advkrtiskb. Wabeno. W s.. tmd such us Hiv for publication should heuv the real us well as the assumed name. N'o anonymous conitnuriications will be printed in this on per. unless ac companied by the real name, which may or may nut he printed according to the wish of the writer. \ll corn nnnications for publication should reach u•. by Tuesday evening to insure a plaeu in the currant issue. (■ ommunieatior.s receive! 1 after that will have to go over until the following week. \YA%;:.\<> CAMP. Xo. (ill3. M. W. Meets every Saturday evening, at the Pagan A McDonald Hall, at 7::;0 p r.\ Visiting neighb -s are cordially invit • and. \ . H. .1 dins. M. .1. Hekinsun, V. Clerk. C. & N. W. R’y. Local Time Cakd. and rrive mixed train.. . .4:50 p. m. L ave mixed train... .5:15 p re. t Vrrive passenger.. . .7:45 p. m. f Leave passenger.. ..8:15 p. m. t Wednesdays. V. H. Johns, Agent. COUNTY OFFICERS. E. O. Woodbury, Sheriff. P. Shay, Clerk. A. E. Himley, Treasurer. B. McGinley, Clerk of Court. J. F. Hooper, District Att’y. W. W. Waite, Register of Deeds. R. A. Edgaii, Sup't of Scliools. M. S. Bahker, Judge. F. E. Cook, Surveyor. Wm. Vanzile. • Coroner. COUNTY BOARD. W. E. Webb, Town of Crandon, W. MclnNis, Town of Cavou P. Shay, Clerk. OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF CAVOUift. W. MeiNNis Chairman B. Met’in eev Supervisor E. P. Carter H. W. StewakT Clerk s ,lns. Stevenson Treasurer p. Hoffman Assessor :.i. J. Dk.'vinson Justice Aug. Busch “ H W. FTEWART “ Jotr Cauj.son Constable. SCHOOL OFFICERS. TOWN Of CAVOUK. E. F. Carter Pres. ,j a I.'FION McEachin Vice-Pres. \v. Stewart Sec. Post-Office. ............ mu Mail arrives at 4a>o p. m. Mail closes at 0:00 p. m. hours from 7:8o a. m. to ► : :;o p. m. San l ys from b:ik> a. ru. to 10: :o a, m. V. JL Johns, P. M. . M. J. Dickinson, Deputy. *. H. HADItY, Pi.ysician aid Surgeon, Uail* by wire given prompt attention. 4 MIKOQUA, VILAH CO WIS - SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Advertiser, BELLE CITY \AMgon co.. RACINE, Wl3. ONE HORSE FARM WAGON, DAIRY WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, LIGHT SPRING WAGONS. If you wish the . . . BEST WORK, for the . . . LOWEST PRICE, write for descriptive circular and terms JI'RY LIST. State of Wisconsin, Circuit Court, Forest County. List of Petit Jurors Drawn for March Term A. D. hs{Hl: Peter Hoffman, Wabeno, Cad. Eaton, North Crandon, Joseph Bush, “ “ John Jackson, “ “ Allen Bull, Cavour, Frank Fisher, North Crandon, Charles Wescott, “ “ W. E. Fessenden, “ “ Mike Fitziribbons, Armstrong Creek, John Rouek, jO Cavour, Thos. Walker,North Crandon, Tony Fritz, Wabeno, Jerome Ford, Crandon, James Aird, “ Geo. H. Bailey, “ Wallace Ramsdell, “ M. J. Dickinson, Wabeno, R. Weedy, North Crandon, Herman Masbatun, “ “ Frank Vogel, Wabeno, John Carlson, “ Emmett Bennett. “ Martin Woodruff, North Crandon, Henry Potter, Crandon, W. C. Erwin, CaVonr, Wm. Traynor, Wabeno, H. W. Stetvurt, Armstrong Creek John Mcliaie, Cran don, Henry Walker, Crandon, Herman Krouser, North Crandon Louis Bishop, Armstrong Creek, Aug. Walenlwoski, Pelican Lake, Thos. Moore, Wabeno, M. M. Ross, Crandon, Frank Brenard, North Crandon, Henry Reanier, North Crandon. Office of j Clerk of the Circuit court, ss. Forest County, Wisconsin. I I, B. McGinley, Clerk of said ConD, by John McGuire, DeputVSio hereby certify that on thistllst. day of February A. D. IKK), iu the presence of H. D. Dutcher, \V. Mclnnis and J. W. Hawes, Sjiecial Commissioners for Forest County, I drew from the names furnished by the Spe cial Commissioners for said County the foregoing named persons, to serve as Petit Jurors at the March A. D. IH9O, term o said Court. P B. McGiKT.Ai Clark, By John McGumfe, Deputy, We, the undersigned Si*?eia Commis doners, for Forest Conn ty, do hereby certify that the drawing of the aforesaid Jury WABENO. FOREST ( 01 M V. WISCONSIN. Till RSIIAY, MARCH. 2. IJKMI. took place in our presence at the office of the Clei k of said Court, according to the provisions if Chapter 178, Laws of 1897, on the 21st. day of February A. 1). 1899. H. D. Dutjher[Seal. : l Special W. Mclnnis j Seal, j > Conunis J. W. Hawes [Seal.] 1 siontys. LOCAL LOGIC. Thos. wade s Ida team to L. J. Newald, of Giliett. E. F. carter was seen on our streets Friday. Schmidt it Stork started up their • ill Friday last and are now running full blast. Mr. Johnson, of Stiles a broth er of Victor came here last week and is working for John Hughes. See the Jury List for the March term of circuit court in another column of this paper. A1 Johnson came in from the Trading Post Monday bringing in with him a load of fish. He went back Tuesday. Thos. wade bought a nice log ging team of L. J. Newald, the hustling horse dealer of Giliett, last week. They are dandies. Supervisor McGinley attended the meetng of Town Board at Armstrong Friday, returning Saturday. Thos. Moore returned from his trip to De Pere Saturday e vening. He says his father is still quite low. John Hughes purchased a nofcher horse of L. J. Newald in place of the one he had the misfortune of losing recent ly. It makes a good team. Norman Johnson was in town Sunday. Johnson Bros, are now located With their trading post down near Lily Lake and we are pleased to hear of their good success. wm. wendelbom left here last Thursday for west Bend to visit his relatives for a few days. He returned Monday and reports that they have no snow down there, but are having cold weather. Frank Etulers, ofßrillion. this state was in the village last week visiting his brother William. Mr. hinders has just disposed of his hardware store at that place and is looking up another lo cation. j A. C. Weber, of Shawano, Man ager of the real estate depart ment of the Shawano Abstract Company was here last Week looking over some of their lands in this Vicinity. They have con siderable land in this county aud are doing a land-oftico business. win. Conklin hus sold his house ■ ud lot on Forest Avenue to G. A. Russell, whom we understand is going to finish the building in the spring und Mr. Conklin hsw lecided to leave for Idaho in the •ourse of a few months aud if he ikes the country will remain there. Chilson Hotel Formerly John House. WM.CHILSON. PROP. Giliett - Wisconsin. Bi.hding Re-modeled, Good ' oe< mmodations, Sample Room In Connection. M. D. Jones Sundayed in the village. Thomas wade returned from Giliett Friday evening. Mr. Roliman ca. e up from Suring Saturday. Charley Switzer came up from the Siding Friday evening. Pat Bowlin was in town one day last week. Andy Bennett was in the vil lage Monday evening, chas, Shirm was in town Fri day, A, J, Dillott assisted A, e, weber in looking land this week. Dock Bennet left for Clinton vilie Friday and returned yesterday, David Bowman was in town yesterday, G. A, Russell has been laid up with the rheumatism the past few days, Earnest champagne returned from Giliett Monday, where he had been to deliver Thos, wade's team, • Sheriff Woodbury, of crandon wmh in the village yesterday serving l summons on jurors for the approaching term of court, wo imd quite a severe snow storm Saturday and Sunday last and now have about two feet of snow, which pleases the loggers and lumbermen very much. Ruscli Bros, V, H, Johns and H, Hu rris have just completed a telephone line from the depot to the Rusch Bros, store and boarding house, Vvhieh makes “hello" communications for them very convenient, win, (hilsott formerly bar tender for Thomas Moore, at the Hotel Wabono at this place has taken charge of the ChilHon Hotel, formerly John House, at Gillett and gone into business for himself, Mr, Cliiison is an hon est and accommodating young man and has remodeled and re* furnisisl the building throughout and also put in a sample room, Give him a trial an lbe convin ced, also see his “ad" ill this paper. Hero is succos, Billy, Assemblyman McGroer, of An* tigo has introduced a bill in the legislature relating to Forest county. The bill is known as No. yOH A. and if passed returns to Forest county Range 11, which was detatched ii; iso7, and further provides for making seven towns out of the wholo territory of Forest county, we have not as yet seen a copy of the Dili, but will try to procure a Copy so as to be able to print the bill in full in our next issue, Correspondence: Ci andon. w. E. webb is hauling logs i the mill fore. J. Osborne. we are plesod to learn tir Mrs. Addle Waite who has h.v and vngerousiy ill >s on the <r.iin. Barker & Ford are enjoying ; rushing business with their la tel and liverv. Himley & woodbury put u their next summers supply of in last week; it's a line crop. P. Shay left for Armstron creek Friday evening to speii Sunday with his family. Max Sells, one of Floronn county's leading Attorneys, wa in town on business last Thurs day. The Indians wore made happ last week by receiving a- s.ippl.-. of Hour and pork from the gov ernment. Egbert wyman, of Madison who spent a few days in tow renewing old nquaintances re | turned home last week wednos day. District Attorney Hooper drov to Three Lakes last we *k on bus in >ss. His son Austin, who just arrived from California accom panied him. The M. w. A. mask bail in honor of Washington's birthdaj was a success. Misses Myrlk Mountain and Ella Helm were a warded prizes for ladle..’ co turaes and James and uiyiU Ramsdell for gentlemen's cos tumes. Armstrong Creek. Cos. Sup't R. A. Edgar r. inn ed Monday from Milwaukee. John Kieman, of Grec t B y came in on the local Tuesday. Miss Lora D Lano is visitin friends at. Eng; •.dine, Mich. J unes Stevenson is busy haul ing ice. Miss Ida Soderberg is assisting Mrs. w. M"lnuis. w. Reese spent a few hours in town Sunday. Miss Mary Soderberg spent ; few days at Popple River set tle ment. Henry Amnnson, of Popple River settlement was in town Sunday. wm. Garnider, traveling man for the Armour Packing corn pMly was in town Monday. G. w. Jones, of Appleton drov out to Brown & Stroup’s mil's Monday, returning Tuesday. Mr. Mason drove him out. Charley Bull. Jr., spent Sun day with his parents, returning to Rhinelander Sunday night, where he is attending school, VOL. !. : It. Sjo Line. time taim.k. CV.vo ir. east nor xi). ’ai-i'ii' a;ia; ;i Ii \e<l TAiin 0:15 n. >n. WHs,’ no ,\o. ’* if ii’ Kveiv-is 12:43 u m. M xed Tvnln ten p. p . IN. -I. .ION US. A-vtt. Officers of Hie Town of , Crandon. V. E. * Webb Cl aim n L Re trier Supervisor ). F. Johns >n A J Kane Clerk enry Pop|>v '''roasurt r iohn Waite Ass w. i Vm. Unsch * 1. H. Bailey “ A F. Cook '.Justice V. A. Wes *ott “ FT. H. Riggs ’ I. Mast>amu ** . - Sj School Officers. TOWN Of CRANDON. J. 14. Wil' >x I-rev. ■ os. Houle Vice-Pro^ A W. Manpnr L S: -. 7. (i. HIMLEY, ) Notary Public \Y (BKNO. WISCONSIN. •*-**' - .v _ ~ - - .“>top A:*"* Hotel Wabuno T. ?. MO*;RE, Proof ft o • Sample Roori !n Cosj ’.'■'.foil. V’ARKXO T.. \Mp. First-Class. J. W. FINCH, * PAysicim and Surged;). ULLETT. V/r. Special attention paid to c dis along the Llondyke Division of Re C. & X. VV. tfy line. Whju ill need A- Draft or Driving H >r£3<l iU) TO’ P f L. J. NEWALD i The Reliable H arse Dealer. 1 : I I.I.KTT, WIHCDXJii vl Exchange Hotel. , T. W. WADE & SON. Proo. I \l/>o DKAI.IUIS IN Wines, Liquors, Cigars & Etc, •VAim.VO. WISCONsiV Emil Birkle, Tonsorial Artist, Workmanship First-Class.] i laircutting slmving and shjfl '• >" ug doin' in tb<. host matflg s hp in Hotel WahnnoH