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• igs <9 ■*’ ■■ / /** •*. * ✓ ♦ 111 iffll:i If lt"L 11*51 111' I r (1, HIM l.lllfl'l' BUSH Mi. XOTU’E TO COXTRIIIL'TORS Am, Commi'.xi, ations to this paper ( Mould Ik- addressed to the Noriiikhn oxsis Auvkhtiskh. Walmo. Wis.. i ad -u h as are for publication should • ear the val us well as the assumed - lame. Xo anonymous communications ■ ill be printed in this paper, unless ac companied by the reu' name, which ’■H i' or may not be printed according to ■; he wish of the writer. All e i rieiuni.Mlioipi for publication 4 T >ald renc-i us by Tuesday evening to sure L*nlaes in the currant issue. ■ inmunieHtions received after that will ive to go oyer until the follow'!*- eek. AREXO CAM i’. No. lilbt. .M. \Y. A. eets on the first, and third -Saturday ening of eueh month, at the Fagan -V ellonald Hall, at 7:30 p. m. Visiting •ehhors are cordially invited. .'. 11. Johns, (!. V. ('. ('Jerk. C. Sc N, W. R’y. Local Time Card. A ,'ive mixed train.. ..4: “><) p. m. f ,<> ve mixed train.. . 5:15 p m. j • vrive passenger.. . .7:45 p. m. 11 ,, ave passenger... .8; 15 p, m. f \V ( dnesdays. V. H. Johns, Agent. VOI NTY OFFICERS. E, £>. Woodbi'hy, Sheriff. P, Shay, Clerk. A. F. Himi.ey, Treasurer. B. McGinley, Clerk of Court. J. F. Hooper, District Att’y. W. W. Waite, Register of Deeds. R. A. Edgar, Sup't of Schools. M. S. Barker, Judge. E. F. Cook, Surveyor. Wm. Vanzile, Coroner. COFNTY BOARD. W. E. Webb, Town of Crandon, W. Mclnnis, Town of Cavour, P. Shay, Clerk. OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF CAVOUR. Vi’. Me: \ t xis Chairman 15. McGinijey.. ..Supervisor E. F. Carter H. W. Stewart Clerk ,|as. Stevenson Treasurer 1 \ Hoffman Assessor .V. J. Dickinson Justice Arq, J'rscii “ H. Y.h ‘ tew art “ .! .tin C akilson Constable. SCHOOL OFFICERS, town Of CAVOUR. r. i aktbh.. ~, Pi'os, Al.. KON McEachin Vice Pres. . W. Stewakt Sec. Post-Office, •i arrives at }'• m ... ;i; closes Y HI p- UI. Ofttce hours from 7iBh a, m. to B:iX> p, m. Sun s from a, m. to 10: So a, m, V. H, Johns, P. M. (i. . hadhy. Physician and Surgeon, 1 Caiis by wire given prompt uttenti^ * MINOQUA, VILAS CO.* *,WLS. *• ..J—L. SUBSCRIBE k FOR THE _ * Advertiser. Chi Ison Mote! Fonreily John House. WM. CHI L; OX. PROP. G Hell - Wisconsin. 1 ini Iding Re-nuadded, C ood Accommodations, Sample Id on In (tonne tion. .ii jry list. State of Wisconsin, Circuit Court, Forest County. List of Petit Jurors Drawn for March Term A. I). 1899: Peter Hoffman, Wabeno, Cad. Eaton, North Crandon, Joseph Bush, “ . “ John Jackson, “ “ Allen Bull, Cavour, Frank Fisher, North Crandon, Charges Wescott, “ “ W. E. Fessenden, “ “ Mike Fitzgibbons, Armstrong Creek, John Rouck, Cavour, Tlios. Walker, North Crandon, Tony Fritz, Wa’pv-ic, Jerome Ford, Crandon, Janies Aird, “ Geo. H. Bailey, “ Wallace Ramsdell, “ M. J. Dickinson, Wabeno, R. Weedy, North Crandon, Herman Masbaum, “ “ Frank Vogel, Wabeno, John Carlson, “ Emmett Bennett, “ Martin Woouruft', North Crandon, Henry Potter, Crandon, W. C. Erwin, Cavour, Wm. Traynor, Wabeno, H. W. Stewart, Armstrong Creek John McHale, Sr., North ('ran rion, Henry Walker, Crandon, Herman Krouser, North Crandon j Louis Bishop, Armstrong Creek, An nr. Wainnlwoski, PeiicauLake, Thos Moore. Wabeno, M. M. Ross, Crandon, Frank Lrenari, North Crandon, Henry Reanier, North Crandon. Qftice of | Clerk of the Circuit court, - ss. Forest County, Wisconsin. J I, B. McCinley, Clerk of said Court, by John McGuire. Deputy, do hereby certify that on this Hist. day of February A. D. U YU, in the presence of H. D. Duteher. W. Mclnnis and J. W. Hawes, Special Commissioners for Forest County, I drew from the names furnished by the Spe j ciai Commissioners for said j County the foregoing named persons, to serve as Petit Jurors at the March A, D. 1*99, term of said Court. B. McCinley, Clerk, By John McGuire, Deputy, We, the undersigned Special Commissioners, for Forest Coun ty, do hereby certify that the drawing of the aforesaid Jury took place in our presence at the office of the Clerk of said Court, according to the provisions of Chapter 17b, Laws of 1897, on the Hist, day of February A. D. 1*99. H. D. DUTc-HEufSEAL. | Special Ah MclNNis ! Seae. • Com mi J. W. Hawes [Seal. \ sioners. WABENO. FOREST ('OI'NTV. WISCOXSJX, THFHSHAV, MARCH. I). IIIIHI. BELLE CITY Wagon co. p BACi?'~, v.:3. . .4. - , : .y ,-V .. o::e horse wagon, DAIRY WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, LIGHT SPRING WAGONS. If you wish the . . . BEST WORK, for the ... LOWEST PRICE, write for descriptive circular and terms LOCAL LOGIC. Miss Emma Shinn is working at the Hotel wabeno. Mesdames Johns and Newman visited at the siding yesterday. Rusch Bros, have gut ii\ marly 11J,000,000 feet of logs. Jerry Hughes hauled wood l'or the Advertiser I ehas. Shirm hauled wood for the real estate uftiee Friday. Miss Briggs is visiting with Mrs. Johns to-day. Andy Bonnet spent Sunday in town. Land agent Newburg, of Rock ford ill., was inthe village yester . day. Tom champagne visited with his brother Earnest of this place several days last week. j Miss Katie Hughes is visiting with her friend Miss Madgie Moore this week. \vm. Kreuger went dpwn tp Reedsvillo Tuesday to spend the spring and summ ‘rat that place. wm. Sidenstickop h-(,s charge of Schmidt & Stork's mill during j Mr. Schmidt’s absence. H.nHarris and Miekie Moore drove out to Fred Morey’s Tues dgy evening. The M. w- A. Avijl hold their next meeting u week from Satur ■ day night. Be sure to :it,t *n 1 tli > minitrc.l show a week from Saturday night at McDonald and Kagan's hall. A. J. Tiilleit and ooodwin John con hauled s ay. (last fur Landlord Moore's ice-hou-e M aiday and Tuesday. The Band boys have moved their head-quarters into Fagan & McDonald's, Hall where they hereafter hold their meetings. Mis.-. Josie and winnie Bra bank, who have been working at the Hotel wabeno for some time departed Saturday for their home at Coleman. ' Andrew Huetel received a tele gram Friday announcing the sail H*ws of the death of his mother it Seymour. Mr. and Mrs. Hue tel left on the evening train. No. 303 A. A BILL TO ATTACH IUNUK 11 TO FOREST <WNTY. Introduced in Ihe Assembly by Hjn. jjftn M:Grecr. T,■•!', certain territory from On-dda county and to attach the same to Forest county, and to dot itch certain territory m m Vilas epunty :.nd to at tach the same to Forest coun ty, and to divide tlie entire territory w thin said Forest county into sever, owns. Ti e people of the slate of Wis consin, represented in senate and assembly-do e: act as fol fows; Section l. The following territory now embraced in the county of Onaidu is hereby detatehed from said county and attached to and made a part of the county of Forest, to-wit: Township number tliirty-tise in ranges nine, ten and eleven east, and townships num ber thirty-six. thirty-seven, thirty eight and thirty- nine in range num i her eleven east. See. The following territory now i embraced in the county of Vilas is here- Jby detatched from said county and at i ta 'bed to and made a part of the coun ty of Forest, to-wit: Townships nuui l>er forty, forty-one and forty-two in range number eleven easy See. :t. Tlie territory of Forest coun ty, as here') - ,'constituted shall he di- vidt-d into the following towns, to-wit: Town a* Sehoepke shall consi st of town ship numt*r thirty-five of ranges nine, ten. eleven Hiid twelve east: town of Monico shall consist of townships num ber thirty-six and thirty-seven, in ranges n onber eleven and twelve east: town ut Gagan shall consist of town ships number thirty-eight, thirty-nine forty. forty-one and forty-two. in ranges number eleven and twelve east: town of Crandon shall consist of town ships nui her thirty-four, thirty dive and thirty-six. in ranges thirteen and fourrteen east: town of North Crandon shall consist of townships number thirty-seven, tlil’ty-eight. thirty-nine fertv imp forty-one. iri ranges number thirteen and fourteen east: town of Wabeno shall consist of tov.ushipsnuir.* her thirty-four and thirty-live, in ranges nvn her fifteen and sixteen eiuitj tov. no : auour shall consist of tpwn-. ships number number thirty-six and thirty-seven, in ranges fifteen and six teen east. Sec. 4. The annual town meeting of the >atd towns for the year IH!' shall be held as follows: In the towp of Sho-pke at the school house jn the vil lage of Pelican. located in township thirty-five (if range eleven east: in the town of Mcmico. at the school house in t;.e village of Monjeo. located in town ;hip thirty-six of range eleven ea t: in the town or Bayun, at the school house in the village of Three hakes 1 .eated in township thirty-eight of rangy e leren east: in the tov,n of Ornndon, at the Mchool house in the villuge of < ran, don. located in township thirty-six of range thirteen east: in the town of North Crandon. at the school house in the village of North Crandon. located in township thirty-seven of range thir teen east: in the town of " aheno, at the schifol house in tho village of Wa hyno. located in township thirty-four of range fifteen east: in the town of i avour. at the school house in the vil lage of Armstrong Creek, located in township thirty-seven of range sixteen east. See. •’>. The provisions of chapter TH of tiie la vs .f IHKS shall Is' in full force and apply to the territory hereby de tached from Oneida and Vilas counties, as well as alt other territory within the f h igiidernus of said Foistst eouuiy. as her -by constituted. See. ti. All ats and parts o acts < on‘Fading with the provisions of -this a‘t :re hereby re - Fed. See. 7. This act shall take effect and ; le in dree from and a'ter its passage and publication. Minstrel Shew ■ AT Rigan St. ftcD-ffsty’s Hall, SAT. MARCH 18.181)8. Nsyior & Jenson, Prop, dies. Swilzerwas cm on oi r streets yesterday. Philip Bt r < r was laid up w th tlie la grippe the for >p; rt o the week. Have you subscribed for the “Advertiser": If not you ought to. It is only $1.50 per year. Miss Bowen, of Gillett is n the village visiting her si ter Miss Minnie. Rev. Scheyor will hold ser vices liere on Monday eveii'ng, the 13|h. Earnest Newman left here Saturday evening for Giilott to spend the Sabbath, returning Tuesday evening. Herbert wield transact s! bus iness at Cuuour, Armstrong creek and tfaiusaukoe last week, returning Saturday, Fred Schmidt left here Tues? day evening with his pet pony, for his home at west !< ncl to be gone for severe i weeks, w. all ail miss you, Fred. In anot! er column we print the bill recently introduced in the legislature by Assembly am 1 Mc- Greer, of Anti go, regarding For est county, Uen’l Land Agent Pi /rcecame up on the special yest<Tduy ac companii'fl V)y several land-seek ers, wlio likf> all others 11 ml come here, are well pleased with th<> lands in this vi unity and certainly make no mistake when they purchase land hero, Dr. Jolm 11. Pawley, of Anligo wlio was here a short time ago looking over our village lias de cided to locate here, on or about the iirst of April. l)r. Diwiey is one of leading J’hy.-J --cians . nil we congratulate our selves on getting a man who stun :s so high in the ia and cal profession as he does, to b.-eome one of our townsman, Miss Sophie L >ury employs an exceeding communicative oi 1 ol oj'ed man to attend to odd jobs about her studio nosy and then, and his sayings have become proverbial among Miss Loury’s familiars, He came to work not long ugo very full of the goings on of a young man he knew, who was in love, “But what Is love, unclo'f" asked Miss Loury. Uncle wagged his head wisely. “Miss Sophie." lie said solemn ly, “love is dizziness, unizzness and inattention to business." And really I don't know of any definition more concise, complete and altogether adequate than .that. Ex. . VOL. 1. S\). H’j. Sjo Line, V TIME TAItI.K. jB < ay air. FAST IIOFNiI. Pacific r press .:t:tirtu. m Mixed Train ■ . ai:l. n. in, ' WiTST HOP NT). Pa ifie !-'vpiK’ss.. , 12:43 u Mixed 'lYniu 1:0 )p, 114. B \V. J. ,l<> NFS. A Tent. '^a| Officers ofrnc Town of gB Crasdor, jB 4v T . E. Webb ("; irmt hi. Rea liar Lll ervisor (>. F, .loins m “ f T. .1 Kan a ..Ckl'k Henry Poppy Trea.surci a John Waite As ; m 04 Wm. Rusuh “ G. H. Bailey “ # } F. E. Cook us :cu >V. A. Wescott C. T. H. Rigg5.,....,...,,‘8® J. Musbumu “ School Oiiicerr. v J TOWN Of CUAN’DON. U S. Wilcox 1 ro, and Jos. Houle . Vifv-Pri s, ..-^1 A W. Manpiardt. Sec. C. 0. HIMLEY, Notary Public WABENO, WISCONSIN.; :<j Stop At— Hotel Wabeno i T. F. M9CRE, the; ri r ft t Samplj rtoom 1.. Confiecndn. WAIH4NO Wfs First-Class. J. Physician and $417 yd. , (iII,LETT. Sp i:; lai ten! ii p 'id to C I 'w he DiyisioinH ~ In- 1 ' ' / i Wlun ai rselcii gf* Farm, gr Driving HWifcS (U> to /a L. J. NEWALD J. The Reliable H-rse Dul&r. Ol hhKT r, WlseojfSlNg Exchange Hotel; | T. VV, WADE & SON, Procq, Ahs;> OKA I,Kits 1N- Wires, M Liquors, Cigars & Etc. WAHKNO. WIHCONSIX, Emil Birkle, , Tonsorial Artist, Workmanship First-Class. Haircut ting shaving and sham l pooing done in the blygt ‘V -U nner. Sh<ii,i'H P*rf)T~l Y.’ulk au, .