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C. 0. II Dll TV. PUBLISHER. NOTICE TO CONTRIHUTORS. Al.I. CnMMI’NIL'ATIOXS to this papei should lx- addressed to the North kun Wisconsin Advkktiskh. Wabeno. Wis.. and swell as are for publication should bear the real as well as the assumed name. No anonymous communications will he printed in this paper, unless ac companied by the real name, which may or may not be printed r .cording to . the wish of the writer. All communications for publication should reach us by Tuesday evening' to insure a placa in the currant issue. Communications received after that will liave to go over until the following week. WAHKNO ( AMI*. No. 0113. \l. W. A. Meets on the first and third Saturday evening of each month, at the Kagan & McDonald Hall, at 7:30 p. in. Visiting neighbors are cordially invited. V. 11. Johns. C. (i., V. C. Clerk. C. & N. W. R’y. Local Time Card. rrive mixed train.. . .4:.">() p. m. I. 'ave mixed train.... 5:15 p m. i Arrive passenger.... 7:45 p. m. tLeave passenger... > :17> p. m. fV/ednesdays. V. H. Johns, Agent. COUNTY OFFICERS. E. O. Woodbury, Sheriff. P. Shay, Clerk. A. E. Himley, Treasurer. 11 McGinley, Clerk of Court. .T. F. Hooper, District Att’y. W. W. Waite, Register of Deeds. R. A. Edgar, Sup't of Schools. M. S. Barker, Judge. F. E. Cook, * Surveyor. WM. VanZILK, Coroner. COUNTY BOARD. W. E. Webb, Town of Cratidon, W. Mclnnls, Town of CaVour, P. Shay, Clerk. OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF CAVOUR. )W. M( Tnnis Chairman il McGinley Supervisor E. F. Carter “ H. W. Stewart Clerk Jab. Stevenson Treasurer P. Hoffman Assessor M. J. Dickinson.. Justice l Aug. Rusch “ I H. W. Stewart “ ’ John Carlson Constable. SCHOOL OFFICERS. TOWN Of CAVOtJR. E. F. Carter Pres. Ma! chon McEachin Vice-Pres. rl. W. Stewart .Sec. Post-Office. Mail arrives at....... 4jSO p. m. Mail closes at >sloo p. m. Ofilce hours from 7:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Sundays from 8:30 a. m. to 10! 30 a. m. V. H. Johns, P. M. M. J. Dickinson, Deputy. (i. H. HAI)Y, Physician and Surgeon, Calls by wire given prompt u tterttltiii. minqqua, VILAS C 0...: WIS. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE | Chilson Hotel Formerly John House. WM. CHILSON. PROP. GlJlett - Wisconsin. Building Re-modeled, Good Accommodations, Sample Room In Connection. BELLE CITY Wagon co. V7E3. ONE HORSE FARM WAGON, DAIRY WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, LIGHT SPRING WAGONS. If you wish the . . . BEST WORK, for the . . . LOWEST PRICE, write for descriptive circular and terms County Board Proceedings. AdjOTTrned Annual Meeting. 8 a. m., Jan. 1, 1890. (Continued.) P. Shay, Cos. Clerk of Forest County, Wis. County Clerk's Annual Report. To the Board of Supervisors: .1 herewith present you a statement showing the amount of money received and disbursed by me, as county clerk, from February 16, 189s to January 2, 1899. P. S^?Y, in account with Foresf*County. To amount of cash on hand last settlement. Feb. irt. 18‘iH. f10.*8.r2.1 Amount of rcdenipt. reed.. 3040..Til reed, on advertising'. 1(4.'. ,f l •• redemption and deed fees. fs.a.A *4.:rtO.S4 Credit. lly amount of tax cert i Jluates sur rendered. *0 tf.T4AS.IO Hy amount paid co. treas. ort advertising. 104.20 II,V amount paid eo. treas. on re demptions and deed fees, Tit.Ol) My amount paid co. treas. under sec. 1110 M.. M3 @1040.71 To cash on hand to balance. 740.1 1 * ■*** n-i •4.380.84 County Cleric's Report of Fees Received. To the Cos why Board of Super visors: Gentlemen:- I herewith report to you the amount of fees collected by me and paid oVor to the county treasurer, since February 16th, 1898 to January 2nd, 1699i 8180. 20. CotKTY Clark'S IviSpoßT Vit hfcK SEc. 1116 B. To the Boafd of Supervisees I flentlemen:* i herewith present you with list Of Certlfleatos, sale of 1892, ujjon which the redemp jtion money ha* been paid to the WABENO. FOREST COUNTY. WISCONSIN. THURSDAY, .MARCH. 16. |W. county treasurer, as provided by Sec. 1168 B. No. :im i.isi No. 784 jO 3.2 No. 78T> $8.43 County Clerk's Repout of old Orders. To the Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: In accordance with Sec. 688, of the Revised Statutes, I herewith present you with a list of county orders, remaining in the county clerk's oltice, for two years and upwards. No. Date. Name. Nature. N Amt. 3380 'O3 Nov. 13 A. Kreuger wit. fees. 2.03 3300 ■'..■> Nov. 13 ,1. Smith wit. fees. 2.03 4002 *O6 May 10 It. Curtiss *> - 1.23 4011 “ •• Knrnk Sawyer wit. fees, .83 4010 'O6 May lIN Kaine Tnnhey wit. ftes. .83 4308 *O6 dune 10 K. Korndrof wit. fee*, 2.28 4300 ‘O6 .lune 10 Carl I loser wit fee. 2.20 4310 Carl Kemplewit. fee. 2.20 County Cleric's Report of Orders Drawn on the Soldier’s Relikf FrjT>. .lames Meuiin...Ss .s.V>.oo .1. W. Ha ves 0.00 11. D. Dutcher. O.on A. Smith O.on $73.00 State of Wisconsin, t Forest County. \ ' ’ I, P. Shay, county clerk of Forest county, Wisconsin, do lmreby affirm that the foregoing is a true tind Just account at all moneys received and disbursed by me, as county clerk, fro 1 ’ February 16th, 189s to January 2nd, 1899. /->P. Shay, co. clerk. Subscribed, ami sworn to be fore mb this 2nd day of January, 1899. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, that w. E. webh, otir chairman be and he is hereby allowed the sum of ten dollars as a oonspensation for extra work done in the last year, and the clerk is hereby authorized to draw an order in said amount in his favor. sf (To be continued, Minstrel Show -AT Fagan & McDonald’s Hall, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 25, 1899. Admission: Adults 2.1 cts. Children 15 ets. EVERYBODY COME. Naylor & Johnson. Props. ■—Just received at the Hotel Wabeno stand, a choice lot of Wlneg, Liquors and Cigars, also Beef-Tea arid anew, healthful, lion dhtojficati rig, hot drink cm lied tfOSfcfcE. \ Advertise in fb* Advertiser! LOCAL LOGIC. Dock Bennett returned from Clintonville Monday. Roadmaster Costloy was in the village Monday. Emmett Bennett was in town Sunday. L. J. New aid, of Gillett was in town on business yesterday. M. D. Jones came up from the Siding yesterday. John Carlson is putting in cedar for Rusch Bros. Land Agent Manning came up on the special yesterday. Messrs. Switzer and Bowman were in town yesterday. Rev. Sheyer held services here Tuesday evening and Wed nesday morning. E. Raddant, the Shawano Breweryman didbusinees in town Tuesday. O. H. Senglaub left for Mani towoc Saturday evening for a few days visit. Norman Johnson Was in from the trading post the later part of the week. Clerk of Court McGinley Went to Crandon Thursday evening to attend circuit court. Herbert Harris is tending bar at the Hotel Wabeno stand dur- Landlord Moore's absence, O. W. Scott left her > Tuesday evening for his home near West Bend, on business. Mr. Scott is talking of selling his farm down there and then to invest in prop erty here. Our burg was visited last Fri day with a severe snow-storm ac companied by thunder and light ening, which certainly Was the queerest storm that we ever have witnessed. Tin- Minstrel Show which Was advertised to take place next Saturday haw been postponed a nether week, the same occurs on March 21th. See "ad” in anoth er column of this paper. Mw-srs. Hoffman, Dickinson, Moore, Traynor, Carlson, Vogel, Bennett and Frits, who W ire drawn to serve as jurors from this place, started for the county seat Monday morning Via, of Ca vour, Goodwin Johnson taking them up about two miles. C. E. Dunn, who has been run ning a barber shop at the Ex change Hotel for some months * departed Tuesday for Sufing, where he is going into the same business. Mr. Dunn is a tirst ! class barber and We Wish him success in his undertaking. G. P, Dickinson and son Den ton, of Eagle River, father ahd brother of our enterprising trier -1 chant, M. J arrived here FVida,V Via, of Devour. It was a hard mid tiresome trip and were well tired odt on reaching hers. They Will take charge of the store while Merton is awuf- Correspondence: Gillett. H. Anderson and family are visiting in Chicago this week. Born To Mr. and Mrs. J. Melchoir on Saturday, a bounc ing bab.v boy. City Mayor Wescott, of Shaw ano Sundayed in Giliett, guest at the Chilson House. Teachers' examination will he held at the Gillett high school (Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 17, 18 and 19, conducted by Sup’t A. M. Boyce. K. H. Greenthal, our promi nent druggist, had the misfor tune of losing a valuabe neck-tie during the commotion at the Chilson House Monday night. He says he had a narrow es : ca pe. | Elsinore camp 1297, M. W. A. will give an Easter dance at their hall in Gillett Monday e veiling, April .'!rd. Music will be furnished by Nygard's Orches tra. M. J. Greenthal and. Fred Peterson will mauuge the affair: supper will be ser al attbeChil* soli House at o'clock. A special invitation to neighboring camps. Wm. Peterman, a bachelor a bout 48 years of age, was found dead in his three miles from here by F. Bahnke, who reported it to the authorities. A coroner's inquest was hold by Justice Finnegan and Dr. Pinch Wednesday. The jury decided that ihc unfortunate died from exposure: he. was hurried from the German Lutheran church Hew liicky officiating. Descased leaves a sister and brother in Gillett and a brother in Bril lion, who Was here to attend the funeral. Dr. Briggs, the old reliabP dentist, will be at the Exchange again on April 4th. See notice, Notice. I will be at the Exchange Hotel, at Wabeno, Wis., on Tees* i day, April 4th, 1899, prepared; to do all kin Is of derm! work. Dr. Fred W. Briggs, < Jconto Falls, Wis. 1 I). D. Bath rick, of Chicago, Treasurer of the Silver Lake Outing Association, whs in tlffi village Tuesday looking after; business connected with Ins of ffice. This Outing Association Consisting of a club of thirty members have purchased a tract of 4ou acres of valuable In sections 24, 91 and 26 adjoin ing the beautiful Silver Lake, seVcn miles front here, blit will be only one and one-half mile from the next Siatlon north of here, when the foad is extend ed. Th*'.v have it lirto Cottage and intend builtti ng several nioVC the coiAingf summer, Which will make it one of the nicest Summer Ito sortg in the country. It is pTob abe that the entire club Will be Up for a short outing expedition dtit> ing th<-y> -sc m. VOL. I. NO. 31. Soo Line. time tahi.k. tuf. :;-l Cavour, East hoi nd. s ' and Pacific Express .3:00 Mixed I rain • .0:13 nl WEST HOUND. : Pari fir Express lfiillfl Mixed Train l:O0^H W. .1. JONES. Ajjfli Officers of 1 lie To\WI Crandon. w. sup^H (>. F. lolinsun WH| I’oj'iy Tj-BH •Mm Waite \HH| < F 11. I >ail'*y ■§| l' 1 . E. Cook .MB W. A. Wescott .!■ C. T. H. Riggs .). Mashamn “ School Officers. A TOWN Of UKANOO®|| L. S. Wilcox Jos. Houle .Vice PiVs. F. W. Marquardt.. Sink !■ ■ v C. G. HIMLEY, Notary Public WABENO. WISCONSIN. Stop At— Hotel Wabeno T. f. MOCRE.' Prcpric or tjunpls Room lA^taion. tv A ME.NO. .... "Is, First-Class. 4 j. w. pinch; Physician and j#teon. GILLETT. I WIS. lit # S(> cial oliculi.,ll along the lv!ondyjß4)ivisioh ‘ of the ('. & S. When in nefcl oi- Farni, Draft x r *- mil Driving Hordes go to jtß L. J. NEWALD The Reliable Horse Dealer. GILLETT, \\ IStN&SIN, Exchange Hotel T. W. WADE A SON, Props, ml f v* A I,SO DKAI.KIH IN Wines. | Liquors. jt Cigars^ & Etc. WVIIENO, u'l8( o.N'Hiy, Emil Birki3j TcHSOrial Ar^Jß Workmanship First CligJ Ilniivuitihg shaVing and pooljig done in the I test •gMaMTili'l Wahent* Wf . m