Newspaper Page Text
ifv ** ijj in ’ I > lyuiiHii Wisconsin • -o'-m* - ini'i.v-,'.;.,! ■ i tin' \•.yj ::. \v ; ,’ Mich ns iiv ( . for [mWicutiim r,.ir.!o the rcai a-, we as the uxauuee No axionj -s:tF>n> • will l.e printed in this paper. unless sie l <‘<unp:niie(l by the real n nie. wliid: ■ iuh.v or nun not‘. a printed according te K the wish ii the B I'All'oni for publieation should res eh u ay Tuesday evening to / ‘ usury a phu-a iu the currant issue. ' ouimuniciitions received after that will >’■ have to go over until the following sieek. W A MONO I’. No. cli:i. .M. \V. A. Meets on ti e ar*,t and third Saturday evening of eai-; month, sit. the I'agan , lelkma tl . .■ , a p. ill. Visit ill; J e.ighbovs are cordially invited. H. .lollt-.S. ( . (L i.Itil.KV. V. V. Clerk. *• * C. &N. W. R’y. Loca c Time Caki>. . mve mi i in....4the p. to. ave mixed Ir.tin.. .. *>:ir p il. ■ *rrivo j . n.• •• 7:p. ... • ' ieava passenger.. . .Aia p. m. 1 . r edncsuays. V. 11. Johns, Agent. COUNTY OFFICERS. E 0. Woo; ;r my, S eric. E Shay, Clerk. A. 3. Him ley, Treasurer. B. \lcGinle y, Clerk of Court. J. A Hooinm, Listriet Ally. W. W. Waite, Register of D skis. R. A. EDO AH, El'.p't of Schools. M. 4. Bakkt: Judge. F. E. CCOKj iSi iVeycr. Wit. VaX/.TLE, ('otonar. COUNTY BOARD. t W. E. Webb, To m oi. Ci-tudo I W. MoTnnis. T >wl .of i VOUI . P. Ehay, Ckerl, OFFICER CF T dIOWK 01 CAVOiiR. W. M L < air • 8. Met in> •. fir rvl- E. F. C aateu “ H. W. ■ JAS. '• te at s • sure; P. Ec.LEMAN A- essor. Ivi. J. r.ottuwo kusiiee Ai'o. Ft .;ch ' '* fct L. ? , I TIT AKT “ BSjt;:; s o . . . * .sib e. i ‘OO L •■Vi-iCEi b. * TOW Oil OAVOUK. E. ' . S jm;i: Pres. • . .." 1 i'.ACniN Vi<v-Pl- 8. i-i. w. Si e vVAHT See. & Pvat-uftice. r> -f ■ - --^Hnwr’-wrvji Audi arrives el 1 ;">( p. m. . itlii iGseS at . ..0.00 p. 111. OIL. e hours from 1 410 a. m. to s, ; ;:o p. m. - Sun k .', s from > a. in. to lb: > a. m. V. H. Johns, P. M. I>J. J. Dickinson, Deputy. MBWimflti**** s .**. i im immm ii. H. IIADDV, Physician and Surgeon, fi Calls by wire {given prompt TV * attention. Mil's OQUA. VILAS cq. r ,: WIS. SUBSCRIBE W . • Vt>H THE I : Advertiser., R blisher. ELECTION NOTICE. Oik..e of Counts Clerk, Cratuk n. Wis., March ib, TO THE ELECTORS'OK FOREST COI XT l:- ‘‘ee is hereby a judicial .l,'-: > i is t >be held in the several towns rid election precinet ; in th.o c - u.nlv of I>' •font, n the 4, i .kiy of April, 1 .r\ ui. which the ollieers ram 1 below ire io be ch;>s • u Tire mm ■. of the candidnt >s for e .eh oil <> to bo voted for, whose nominations have been certified to the efti-e, are given oppositthe tit: >of the office and uni the; ppr >],r' .ie ppr -1 v .a oil >r design''Con, each in its po.-.ier column, and the questions submitti'd to a vot > are stated below: INFORMATION TO VOTERS. The following instructions are given for the infer.nation an l guidon •< of voters: A\\ ter, upon entering the polling place ami giving his name and residence, will receive a ballot from the b ilLot cl rk, which must li v > endors *d ther x>n the names or initi. Rs . ' ballot clerks, and no other ballot can be used. Upon receiving his ballot the vot t must retire alone to a booth oreoavurtuion*, ucl pr- ‘pare ti e same for voting. A ballot clerk may inform the voter as to the proper manner of marking a ballot, bat he mu u not Aviso or indicate in any manner, whom to vote for. The voter if lie w s sixes to vote for all the candidates nominated bv anv , is •xouid eke a cross mark, X, under the party designation printed at the tc ]oftl <i ballet in tl c square made for that purpose. -\ allot so mar l : and, and having no other mark, will be counted for all the Candida: '. of that par.y iu the column underneath, unless t’>M mnues oi some of the candidates have b erased, or a cross-mark b-> pi .• >d opposit * the name or names of candidates in uno: -r •olumn, and will be counted for all names written in lieu of one era sod. It the voter wishes to v>t * for some of the candidates .• a if. rent political parties, he should make a cross-mark, .v, after th 1 nun f ei-h candidate he desires vote for. If h- wishes it vote for ap< rson tor a certain offic ' whose name is not on the billot, lie m tst write th * name in the blank spac >uu I >:• th pi hL .'d name of the candidate for the office. The ballot should not be marked iu any oil er imr ner. If the buliot be spoiled, it mu -t be i-e lUrnetl t . the ballot, clerk, who must issue another in its stead, but not in nv than three hi ali t > any one voter. Five minutes' li is allowed in booth to mark ballot. Un thyui bellots or memorandu. :to a .sis the voter m i.airking his ballot can be taken into tin 00-ih. to and may be used to copy from. The b tllo* must not be shown so that any per •>nca n see how ii Ins b -on nr ;■ Ac !b , the \ i After it is marked, it should be added so that the in: ide cannot be seen, but so that the printed in lorscinenis ..n 1 s!"n,Mir ■ < die ballot clerks on the out ide may be seen. Then the voter shout l pis, out of die b > >ih or ■in irtm >at, giv > hi, imi qiector, in charge of the ballot box, hand his ballot to be placed in the bo:;, an pass ou fta * vot in : >. A vot u- wao and la • tc o presiding i fticer that he is unable to real, or that by reaso lof p i,ysL il lisib ity he is ;n tbi >: > m irk ids :> .11 >: •- n , ! V ,. , , . uce of one or two electon officers in marking the same, to be chosen by the voter; and if he de L, •, th ahe i, tot'illy hi! id lie >u. , be assisted by any person chosen by him from am tag the legal voters of the eoauty. The p esidin r offi -er may administer do ■•, n m his din ’ret;on, as to such person's disability. The p irty de dgu lions an 1 can L t tie i for the d' r>r m: >:H •. ix ;l i-e ue fodows- FOR JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT. For the term con mencing on the first Monday in January A. D. UK >. Xante of Candidate. Business or Voe-ation. Reside me. Party or Political Principal Represente I. JOHN 11. CAESODAY, Justice of Supreme Court, No. bad E. Gdm n Si.., Madison, Wis. A Non-Partisan Jedmi-’rv FOR JUSTICE OP THE SUI REME COURT. For the term ending on the first H u l y in Jenuar> A. I). lv)0L > . Name of Candidate. Business or Vocx Resi4euce. Party or Political Principl Represented. TOSHU:-'. ERIC DODGE, Justice oi Supreme Court, X’ a 4 >t* Jelfer ,on St,, Milwaukee, Wi.... A Non-P.xrtisan Judi-iary. HOFFMAN A KRIECK CoMih ctori ai.d BiiiUers. Vr ’ ::e '. co" 1 Designs And Ebi unites .M and ( > All Kinds Of Buildings, with or without M..terni. L hi \ ..d Hl.iugiinr A Specialty. Sat' f ctio.i tin renteec 1 . WABK. O, ■ Wl‘ hilson Hotel Ft:; ly Jolii* House. W ti.CHILSON. PROP. Giilctt - Wisconsi,.. Building Re-modeled, Good Accommodations, Sample Room In Connection. LOCAL LOGIC. M. J. Dickinson returued from his trip to Crandon and Eagle River Tuesday. Supervisors McGinloy and Car ter left for Armstrong Oeek Monday to attend a meeting of the Town Board. Last Wednesday Tims, Moore and family received the sad Hews uniiouncinfif the death >f Mr. Moore's father at De Pore.. ■li -kip left o.n the *'V* ning to at tend the fUnextib WABESO. FOREST COEXTY. WISCONSIN. THFItSOAV, MARCH 30. 18K>. P. SHAY, County Clerk, Fo.ast County, Wis. BELLS CITY Wagon co..i fBI W rig-gsr.. •• .z~v. j raci::a, v;:3. _ l c:;e horse far;,i y/acon^ DAIRY WACONS, DELIVERY V/AGONS, LIGHT SPRING WAGONS. If you wish tho . . . BEST WORK, for the . . . LOWEST PRICE, write for descriptive circular and terms Mrs. Carter was in the village calling oil friends Tuesday. Mike Ollinger left Saturday for his home at West Bend. Pat Bowlin returned front his visit to the southern part of the state Tuesday evening. . Victor Johnson went to Stiles Saturday fox’ a few days Halt with relatives. Aug. Krieck and Earnest Che in pltgne tire Working at the -.uiixxg this week. Neil McArthur is spending a few days with the boys in the village. Notice. 1 will be at t .s• Ex •J:.u]'o Hotel, at Wabeno, VVis., o : Tue - duy, April ith, ' DU, prepared to dual: !:in is of donal w rk. Dr. Fred W. Bri x~'.s, Oconto Fails, VVis. Lift vv :>r again! Oh s. Switzer w;.. in the* v:l -’nge ester .1" v. L:m■’ Agent Li-it/, of W • .t Bond was in the village. yester d y i-’o .iu'r lifter Vs real estate ) ..ah* A Ur.-I John . of (lillott, ti brother of V. H. John and Mrs. Naylor visited with liis brother and sister here Monday. Join Beil, who has been eoolc iug at the Kusch Bros ( 'amp this winter departed yos'ter hiy for liis home at C'orninth, this state. / bred S hmidt, oi the lirin of Schmidt (V: Stork, of West Bond and Wabend waH in the village yesterday lookin'' after the firm's lumbering interests. Hi*return-* Hi hoitie last night. Just received at the Hotel Waheno stand, a choice lbt of Wlfai s Liquor* and Cigars, also Beef-Tea and anew, healthful, non-intoxicating, hut *lnul< cals and X') : SK RK. * '1- . Adwi Next Tuesday i.-> e <•. t:ou day. (’has. Shinn kaulcxl i< town yesterday. If. w. Swan wiss ■ n on ur sin ets y ml ardn ~ Mi >s K "tie Hugh w ing at the Ho ei Wao") . T. W. Wad - was m tl e sic’ - list tiie forepart of the we.-... John Hughes was i tnw.i ra - ter iay. Dock Bennett return**d from Cliatonvilaa Monday. Mrs. .Tone-i mid vn, v, :.'e and son of M. D. Jon sof :Ixlft ...ce, arrived here from limn; Fii day last and have commenced to cwcupy the dwelling er --ted by Mr. Jones on Forest A vena*. The Minstrel Show by tho Naylor & Johnson Troop at Fay -1 an A: McDonald's Hall was well gotten up and was a good success as far as the show was concerned, but were sorry to s< o so small an atten lanc ’. \v > under stand that We will be treated t< another show a week front Sat urday night. After the snow a sparrittjf match wat indulged in between Earnest Champagne and Fkl. Buie Ixoth of whom di l some excellent work, showing that they had considerable ex perience in using the gloves, ihg: VOL. 1. NO. m. Soo Line. TIME TABLE. Ca vour. east not M>. ;d;H l*acifiu Express 3:00 u. m. Mixed Train ti. m. nvest nor nix j I'lieifu* Express i";4:i a. m. Mixed Train 4:o© p. iu. " • <b •!< *N t.'s. Ajjent. Officers of tlie Town of Crandon. W. E. Webb Chairman H. Ileanier Supervisor O. F. Johnson “ T. J Kane C>rk Henry Poppy Tnatsuroi John Waite Assessor Win. Uusfh “ (1. 11. Bailey “ F. E Ceok I ustice W. A. Wes -ott ■‘hi C. T. 11. Riggs “ .1. Mashaum “ 1 School Office- :.:'' i. r TOWN Of OItANDOV. li. S. Wii<’ ■; ! ns. Jos. Horn*’ Cme-V'res. F. W. Ahirquavdl Sec. C. (1. hl/r.LEY, Notary Public, W A BE NO. WISTBSm'/ A. A .J OIOP y'i Hotel 'Wabinz ■JU, ;4a T. F. Snr 1 2 Sootn n Connection. waih; o ...wis, F; -St-CIaSS. J. vV. I ;NC il PFyMJiii UI dIjETT. ' wh; ci:u nib iiliaiPj' id tm calls ai mg the l<loady vision of die ('. ik X’. W. ll'y line. Waien *ll nei<j of* Farm, Draft or Driving Hprszfi GO TO I L. J. NEWALD/ Ths Reiiibla ibrse foabi/y OIIA.KTT, WISTOXKIN. Exchange hotel. T. W. WADE & SON. Props. A l/SO I>KA I.KIt.S IX * Wines, Liquors, Cigars & Etc, WAHKNO. WISCOXSIV Emil Biride, \ r Tonsorial Artl^ Workmanship First-Cla^ Haii'ciittixig shaving ain * pooing done in t Vj>. aae.ij