WJ w* TO ircX'Tßlßl'Ti’i;
m. ■ J
|| Ai
fporA. -sod to the iXoir irr.nx
I 'Vise; rxjlj Auvertipkh, Ujibimo, Wi.,..
|*>re for pabi’fe R ,.,ml
-e&I •• well ft ; . y.e *ao nnu-1
| /ume. Xoii'onymouf. eotai'iiube:iq.qv.f.
' will •••* pApa in ti'Upapc-, tin:.
jCoin; the real rai -. \h
jEay or inny not be printed aoeordjny to
the w*Esb of the writer.'
Aoyp:Kimiiie;itions fear publication
sho uYSi reach u . by ihusduy eveuimr t >
insure ajplacd in the cumuli Issue.
Com muui<atidas reared after that will
havetogo over until the follov injr
WA#llN T 0 CAMP, No. 5H3, M. AV. A.
Meets on the first anil chird Friday
evening of each mouth, at 'iiiomas
Moore's Hall, at 7:9') p. m. Visiting
neighbors are cordially invited.
vV. 11. Jojixs. S C. (5. lli.wi.kv.
C. & N. V .'
Local Time/ jSkitp.
ftieave mixed imj^.. .4::k) r>. . i.
,u, y ■ . .7:45 a. m.
S?Hsg< T. . . ■■: 1
Hj aim! Friday .only,
W V,, V. H. Johns, Agent.
E. O. Woodbury, Sheriff.
K. G. Martin, Under-Sheriff.
I s . SiiV Clerk;
*A. E. '|Ly, Treasurer,
fa. McGinlEy, Clerk of Court.
Vd. PMIooi’ER, District Att’y.
%. jp. Waite, Register of Deeds.
*&*• .vlEdoar, Sup't of Schools.'
j£j. S. Barker, * Judge.
E\ E. Cook,- Surveyor.
JWm. Vanzilk, Coroner.
'V \:
|k Mclnnis. Town of Cavour.
BfiCers or-
Br'Mt.'CtNis / Chairman
■IMcG {jNEJET Supervisor'
r WM. Traynor 14
H. W. Stewart Gierk
Jas. Stevenson Treasurer
P. Hoffman Assessor
IfekG. Himley.. Justic"
||£R||H[ Y! •
11l '
L ILEY Pres.
Malchon McEachin Vice-Pros.
H. W. Stewart Sec.
Mail arrives at .2:25 p. in.
Mail closes at........ .4:05 p. ni.
Office hours from 7:l!'> a. tb. to
b:3O j>. m.
/jbundavs tromtcßo ... td. to 10:
>m. m '
V. H. Jchnj. P. M.
M. J. Dickinson, Deputy.
mmmmmw ■ ■■ m i l, " B '
\sft. li. HARRY.
Physician and Surgeon,
Calls by wire given p" r.ipf
V *
WABiiNO. i'ORiV"" 1 :V. ,'Sj >i ' 'ViISIAV. U -• 2 . iV-.
pfesiciar. and Surgeon,
• Cr.Us ypre giv ", prompt
'\Henth >u.
4XTIG \v;s.
H. . DRKim
I " ; 1
Attorney at Law,
Fire and Life Insurance.
Money to Loan on Real Estate.
Shawano, Wis.
1 ' ' V ■ . .. V- i.v . i
Em 13 Birkle,
Tonsorial Artist,
'Awkmanship First-Class.
Haircutting shaving and sham
pooing done in the best manner.
Shop in Hotel Wabeno.
Physician and Surgeon,
Prompt attention paid to calls
along the C. & N. W
Railway Lint',
Office in Fritz residence.
■■iwfwrniiiwiwi ii—nwwaiia>j.ww it t-nctr* siMwuwKwunaii
John Hughes,
For Hantinsr and Fishing Parties.
Resort on Birch Lake, one-mile
from Laona Station.
W.vbeno * Wis.
Contractor and Builder.
Architectural Designs and Esti
mates made oil all kinds of
Buildings, with or without
Lathing and Shingling a
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
County Board Proceedings.
Special Meeting.
Crahdon, Wis., July 10, 1899.
(Continued from last week.)
To the County Board of Super
Gentlemen: YoUr commit
tee to ;\h?Ai were refored the
bills herewith presented would
respectfully report that, we have
examined the'tame and would j
recommend the allowance and!
dis-allcwance of the same asap- j
pears on said bills.
Amt. Amt.
No. Name. Nature. Cl'm'ii. Ail'd.
.Vj Jobh Maximum justice
fees. $2.73 82.73
John Maslmuru ju rice report,
j ffn, liord sheriff fees. 0 ‘.)7 ..t)7
*"9 E. O. YYoodbury IxAnlinsf
bprls| m, 573:00 i‘15.00
Cl C. JJNliitnley justic* fees., 3.5') VV)
*t. Ilimley jitstiee report.
John Carlson sheriff :bes. 2.20 2.20
Ic? (, Ilitnle; printi ig, .'*). 10 iu.lo
}(/.: Geo llailcj *w*cl work. 8.00 91ft
jOt Loui, Bishop sheriff fees. ’SgO 7.80
•'R* M. S. Harken Cos: JndfrefeesW.'OO 5.00
M. S. Barber Cos. .Judpe re
port, laid over.
| fit! P. Shay Paid express and re
; Cord jig' deed;. .’.so 8.80
: W. JA( kley emtinjt Wood. 13.50 13.50
08 C. (I. Himley printing and
j stationary, 56.15 36.15
: COM. H. Barker Cos. Judge fees 10.0 no.oo
M. S. Barker Cos, Judge report.
j R. C. Mountain jurot- fees, 1,62 162
A.,\V. Johnson ' " “ 1.62 1.62
W. Ramsdell “ •• 1.62 1,62
i John Waite •* •• 1.62 1.62
V M uirt fee 1 . ' 1 LO.OO
A' ■ H. Barker court report j
13. \<). Woodbury sheriff
fees,, 70,11 70.11
W. 13. Webb witness foes. 1.62 1.62
Ch.as. WesV >tt “ 2.46 2.4(5
Zeph Frasoy •• ** 3.48 3.46
Win. Fordlana ’* “ 2.40 2.46
Sam. Whybre:.' • “ 2. U 5 2.46
71 jM. S. Barker Cos. fee, l? 38 3.90
M. S. Barker Cos. Judge grport,
11. Ci. Martin sheriff' fees.
W. A. Weseott vht.'Yee*.• >* -\c .87
John Kernan ’■ 5.01 6.07
72 T. J. Kane board meeting
and committee work, 19.92 P> 9.2
73 W. Mclnnis board meting
and coiuinittee work. 25.20 85.80
On motion board adjourned
j sine die. <o.
P. Shay, Cos. Clerk.
Fred Morey is hauling lumber
this week.
Fred Stork returned to West
Bend Saturday evening.
Mrs. Fagen returned to hoi
home at Suring yesterday.
Mrs. Paul NeV man is visiting
relatives at Gillatt.
L. J. Newald came up from
Gillet-t yesterday.
T. Guller of Clintonville was
here Wednesday.
Wm. Campbell is clerking at
M. J. Dickinson's store.
The mixed train made \rs first
trip to Laona Monday.
Chets. Townsend came up from
Cl inton vi lie yesterday.
Dock Bennett returned on the
Miss Boehm is visiting friends
at Shawano.,
Fred Morey shipped a carload j
of cord wood last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hintzman’s
child who has been sick the past
week is 011 the road to recovery.
H. S. Harris who has been
working at Clintbnville came
back here yesterday.
Mrs. John De lame ter and s<m
are visiting friends and relatives
at 'rtiwa.
gr . gHp
The Rusch Bro.-. mill has not
been running the past week on
account of necessary repairs.
Mrs. Brigham's little child
is quite ill with the summer coin
plain 1.
' '
Mrs. Dm ochia euim up Wed
nesday to visit her husband who
is engineer on the excavator. ,
Dave Frcndonburg attended
the ball at Ku ring Saturday night,
; eeturnirg Monday
It is rumored that u drugstore
will soon be started herb.
Herbert Wado lias purchased
an organ.
.Thus. Moore transacted busi
ness down the line yesterday.
Assessor Hoffman is painting
his house.
Al. Johnson has finished paint
ing M. J. Dickinson’s store.
Call at Dickinson's-and see his
shoe sale.
Mr. Rodabaugh with a crew of
men are clearing land for Indiana
Lumber Co's, mili site.
will Anger went to Marinette
Tuesday to visit his mother, who
is very ill.
Wm. Wendelborn has been suf
fering with rheumatism the past
Antoni' Koket built .a ware
house for the Northwestern at
Supervisor Traynor attended
Town Board meeting at Arm
strong Creek Saturday.
John Bucklin has taken Geo.
Presgrave's place as conductor,
while the latter takes a vacation.
T. w. wade has dug a well at his
hotel. It 18 feet deep. He was
assisted by Ed Buell and E. A.
Chairman Mclnnis came down
! from Crystal Lake Monday ev
ening, returning the following
| morning. He reports the now
county road nearing completion.
Mr. and Mrs. Howell and little
j daughter, of Mabton, Washington
| visited with Mr. and Mrs. Johns
last week. -Mr. Howell is the
station agent for the Northern
Pacific at Mabton and a newlunv
of Mr. Johns, whom he had not
seen for eleven years.
Mr. and Mrs. Siedensticker
gave a party to t heir many friends
in the villagd last Saturday even
ing, Dancing was indulged in
until 2 o'clock, after which the
participants dispersed to their
1 respective homes, all having had
a good time.
The Farm Journal is chuck full
of gumption and has the largest
circulation of any farm paper in
the world. It is good every
where. We offer it for a short,
time as a prize to advance-paying
subscribers to the “Advertiser"
a year ahead and tha
nai for the balance of IH99and all
of 1900, 1901, 1902 and 19011, near
ly live years, all for the price of
our paper alone.*
To the pedosternick public: |
M. J. Dickinson has just received
a large supply of tine shoos, j
(black and tan), also a large as i
soli ment af tine cruising shoes, |
at n lov; figure He will com - j
menee u bargain Sale of small :
siz'd ladies' slippcws to-day and
continue it the balance of the
week, it will pay you to cull and
examine them us they will Isjsold
mr beiow cost until sold.
■ ►
! Correspondences
Mr,, and Mrs. Frank Hiil mov
ed to North Crandon Tuesda .
Si Hawes has a side-walk ar-
CrosS lits lots. 1
Miss Mao Oornegev returned
to Pelican Tuesday.
Everybody is getting ready
for coilrt and frost.
Dr. walker, of North Crandon
was in town Monday on profes
sional business.
Hiram Fessenden, of Pino
Lake did business in town Sat
Bailey & Vanzile have begun
painting the North Crandon
school house.
L. tv. Bliss is much improved
in health. He is able to be out
and around town.
The banquet yiveu by the
Christian Endeavor at the resi
dence of ltov. Norton passed off
very plensantloy.
B. S. Booth is putting in cross
ings and culverts and (tiling i.>
the cavities on Lake Avenue
this week, which is much need
Advertise in the Advertiser.
C. S. Pierce was hero yostoi -
• Wanted: At the Hotel
Wabeno, -100 men to unload
Doe. Naylor has up from 'Gil
let.t Saturday. He is now selling
horses for Jos. Laev, of Mil
waukee. If you need a team call
on Doe.
Notice is hereby given that,
it is the intention of the County
Board of Supervisors, of Forest
County, Wisconsin, to offer for
sale to the highest bidder, on the
Ith. day of September, A. 1).
1899, at 2 o'clock p. m., all tax
certificates held by said county,
in Townships Thirty five (85) to
Forty-two (42) inclusive, in Range
Eleven (11). also Township Tliir
ty live (83), in Ranges Nine (9)
and Ten (lb) and also flio <■ hold
in the plat of the village o; Wall.
The Board reserves the right
to reject any. and all Li<l>
P. SHAY, County Clerk,
Forest County, Wisconsin.
For Sale.
Two Cub Bears, three months
old, very tame, and fond of play
Call on or address, Hotel Wu
beno, Wabeno, Wis. \
For Sale.
A 25 hoTso power Bird sail
Engine, as go<xl ns new, used
about one year. Will -ell for
cash or take lumber in exchange,
Schmidt A Stork.-
Wabeno, Wis.
V6g. 2.m £
k o*;v .Si?..
■grStJ 'Mlifetl'ili.ii m'iii uit
v'avo,.. '
; v '-a, ,' . "llflßm
if AST BorND.
Atbir.: LiuiUod 1,. m
bAul U:i' i p. ta, *
la )C 1 mi vd ~18:43 a. m.lB
bocal ~.. p SB a. ni.
U Simpkins, Agent, ’ *
Officers of the Town of
T. J.Kane Chairman
B. b. 800 1) Ihipervisol
John Ravelie “
Wm. Turk Clerk
Heitry Poj ■!>% Tre;isurer
John Kvmmu \ss ■ sot
F. :0. Coos Justice
L. W. Bliss “ 1
C. T. H. Riggs
S. L. Whybrew “
J osoph Houle Cimst able
Josejth Pomes “
(i. 11, BaiUy “
School Officers.
L. S. Wilcox .Pres,
s. .1 Whybrew Vico Pres.
C. \V. Marijuardl... . .... Hoc.
Notary Public ,-
Stop y-'kll—*^
Hotel. Wabeno
T . F. HOC RE. Yoprlcior
Sample staondn Ccunectior*.
wabeno, wit*.
J, w. PINCH,"*
Physician and Suttceou,
Special attcnlion paid to c.tlls
along the ixiondyko Division
• f the C. Si N. W. li'v line. ;
Exchanj c ;rioiei,
T. V/. WADE & SON, ProB?.
& Etc, .' !■
Chi Ison Hotel
Formerly John House.
Gillett - Wisconsin-
Building ltc>-in yd‘led, -
*!.od Acoonjlno4ii'ior ft.
Sample Room to ('onnectponl t
POii THE ,
S', jtjWUj
va AdyanctK