Newspaper Page Text
Arj. (njv t v,, ••twwM t ■■ tyndo\ KinisKU. Wslieno. \VI-.. ’e for publication should as well as the assumed tmymouscommuuh at e r.s 3 in this paper. unless ae tfco real Sanfe, which ijt Imprinted tto< ordinp to ieatiftn.T'Tur publicat ioji evening to ft iw^fhe':'turrart issue.' received after that will | have, to ,gr> over until the following-1 week. wahrxo Camp. n. am. m. \v. a. Meets on the first and Third Friday evening of each month, at Thomas Moore*s : i3all. at TtOO p, m. Visiting ueigliis>rs are cordially invited V.. 11. .Tonvs. C. HiMt.KV, V V, g C. t'lerk. C.&N. W. R*y. * " Mr Local Time Caro. North Bound. ' .. a. in. Mixed train:... .u. .Vy .2:25 p. m. South, jiouND. fPasseij|fM\k'. ..: 8:50 a. m. Mixed train 4:20 p. m. t Wednesday and Friday only. V. H. Johns, Agent. COUNTY OFFICERS, E. f O' Woodbury, Sheriff. FI IG. Martin, Under-Sheriff. P Shay, Clerk. Ai E. Himley, Treasurer. B. McCfci.KY, Clerk of Court. I. r F. Hooper, District Att y. W. W. Waite!. Register of Deeds. R. A. EOgar, Sup’t of Schools. M. S. Barker, Judge. 'E* E. 1 Cook, Surveyor. Wm. Coroner. ft- c IBL’■>*/„ . \ _ m COUNTY BOARD. I&yj| .* —- L r. f J. K WE, Town of CTaudon, Town of Cavour, Clerk. OFFICERS OF IKE TOWN OF |f' j/ CAVOUK. W.'MolnNis ;.. .Chairman McG in LEY Supervisor *WM. . . • ■ ■ “ H. W. Stewart .Clerk Jas. Stevenson ... : .Treasure* P. HO ppm an Assessor C. G. Himley Justice IK H, SenglaUß “ W-. Stewart. : “ jfs S. Nay10r ...... •'Constable • t’i as. Swanson OFFICERS. o£ Jfri i. Himlby ............ Pres. if AIX'FfON MlVEachin Vice-Pros. w. \V. Stewart Bee. | Post-Off^e. 11a ii arrive- at P* m * Mail closes a + .'4:0.) ] ’ .*l. ' Office hours froto 7:Bb a. r to S:3O p. iu Sundays fromb;3o a. mi to 10: ho a. ra. V r . H. Johns. P. M M. J. Dickinson. D< puty. u, : —• £ 0. H. HADPY, Physician* and Surgeon, Calls by Wi> -.- given prompt * attention MINOQCA, v„. A sa>,.| -T SB* A . .Vi t s-b- MMKfeg i ofv. ITBLiSHER. **>WABENO, FOREST CO TWTISU.iY. ACUI’ST 31. all J. H. DAWLEY, T S Physician and Surgeon, Calls by wire given prompt at: \tion. v * i ANTIGO, ' • WIS. jf H. G. DKEIER, Attorney at Law, Fire and Life Insurance. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Shawano, Wis. M 1 iiiiin "Milii urii-rimTiiiin mi m—m Ml mi Emil Birkle. t Tonsoria! Artist, Workmanship First-Class. Haircutting shaving and sham pooing done in the best manner. Shop in Hotel Wabeno. John Hughes, =GUIDE= For Hunting and Fishing Parties. WILL MEET PARTIES AT DEPOT. IF NOTIFIED IN ADVANCE. Resort on Birch Lake, ore-mile from Laoiia Station. Wabrxo * wis. VETER HOFFMAN, Contractor and Builder. Architectural Designs and Esti mates made on all kinds of Buildings, with or without Material. Lathing and Shingling a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. WABENO, WIS. Ni >TICE. Notice is hereby given that, it is the intention of the County Board of Supervisors, of Forest County, Wisconsin, to offer for sale to the highest bidder, on the 4th, day of September, A. D. 1*99, at 2 o’clock p. m., all tax certificates held by said county, in Town si lips Thirty-five (35) to Forty-two (42) inclusive, in Range Eleven (11); also Township ty-five (35), in Ranges Nine (9) and Ten (10) find also those held in the plat of the village of Wall. The Board reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. P. SHAY, County Clerk, Forest County, Wisconsin. . For Sale. A2j horse power Birdsall Engine, as fforfd as hew, used about one year. Will sell for cash or take lumber in exchange. .St iMTHT & Stork. Wabeno; Wis. ; For Sale. Two Cub Bears, three months [old, very tame and fond of play, kj Mon or address, Hotel Wa beno, Wabwno, Wis. I Auv ertAg in the Am ertiseh LOCAL LOGIC. Talbert Prickett returned from Suring Monday. See new ti card in another column. G. P. Bennett, of Cllntonville is looking laud in this vicinity. The special now also makes regular trips to Laona. Thomas Wade is transacting business at Adelstein this week. % A. F. Ruscli has been doing business down the line ibis week. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Ruscli left for Marshfield Tuesday evening to visit parents and relatives. Mesdames Burgan and Hintz man are visiting relatives and friends at Corinth and vicinity. Born: To Mr, and Mrs. Brigham Saturday last a bouncing baby girl. . Mrs. Paul Newman returned from Gillett, where she had been visiting her parents. Clerk Campbell has charge of Dickinson's store during the lat % ters absence. -r-US* Wanted: At the Hotel Wane no, 400 men to unload “Schooners.” Mrs. Ed Moore left last even ing for Pratt Junction, where she will visit her sister Mrs. John Rice. Julius Prinslow, of the firm of A. J. Ricker & Cos., of Clinton villo transacted business here yesterday. Engineer McGinley and two of the train crews spent Sunday at Kaukauna, returning Monday morning. The State Fait- will be held at Milwaukee September 11 to 15th inclusive. Half fare rates will be given on oil railroads. A little baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Small Monday. Mr. Small says he is going to make a -hocmaker, out of him. Otto Kowalka"left hero Satur day evening for his home at Kaukauna where he will visit, payouts a few days, after which he will return to his duties as principal of one of the word schools at Fon du Lac. M. J. Dickinson, Miss McDon ald, A. J. Johnson and family and Norman Johnson and fatuiiv went to Lakewood Monday fa a weeks camping on Archibald, Bass and other lakes in the vi cinity. They will be joined at Lake wood bv Mi- and Mrs. waterman, of Ellis Junction. First come first served; so, march up and pay for the Adver tiser a year ahead. This will -Se cure that good little paper and the Farm Journal, for the the balance of IK)9 and all of 19 o. 1901, 19 i-j and 1903, nearly five years, without any further pay. Shull We herr from you Within one week? v Barney McGinley is transact ing business at Gillett to-day. Gen'l Lana Agent Pierce came up on the special Friday. Laud Agent Bratzdid business here yesterday. Dr. L. N. Wood, Physician and Surgeon. Dr. Lewis dop ed fr an here for parts unknown Saturday. Miss Boehm returned Saturday from Shawano. Ed Buell is working at the Ex change. Victor Johnson is assisting at the Hefei Wabeno. wm. Brigham is building a buggy shed for Torn Moore. it is now a. settled fact that our town will-have a drug store. Mrs. Frank Boehm is visiting with the Boehm family. Herbert Harris lias returned and taken charge of of railroad pump and water tank. Mrs. Cowsert is her visiting her husband, who is a brakes man on one of the work trains. Mrs. Katzenmeyer, of Shawano is visiting her daughter Mrs. Boehm. Chief Engineer Roundsville was up from Kaukauna yester day. It will pay you to read the no tices found in this paperalso note articles for sale. Mr. Morey, of Illinois, a cousin of our townsman Fred Morey, is here looking up land and a mill site. FOR SALE A good, heavy logging team, with pair of har nesses good as new. For par ticulars call at the Advertiser office. Notice. To the pedesteinick public: M. J. Dickinson has just received a large supply of line shoes, j (black and tan), also a larg e as j sort..ini ut af fine cruising shoes, at a low figure. He will com mence a bargain sale of small sized holies* slippers to-day and continue the balance of the week. It will pay you to call ami examine them as they will be.sold far below cost until sold. A GREAT OFFER. By special arrangement made with the publishers of the Farm Journal we are enabled to oiler that paper to every subscriber, who puyg for the Northern WISCONSIN Ain Efc TIBER one year ahead, for only $1.50, both ] pup'*r,s for the price of our- only; j lour paper one year and the Farm Journal from now to Ik-cejnber, j 1903, m arly 5 years. The Fa am i Journal i an old established j paper, enjoying great popularity, j one of the best and most useful farm papers published. Jflf’This offei should bd ac ! ceptdd without delay. Correspoißejicei V T Crandom Walter Waite is laying hard wood floors in the hotel. Miss Bernice Taylor, of North Crandon is visiting friends here. John Anderson lias commenced building anew house on his farm. A. E. Himloy has purchased Frank Cook's farm. The woodman have let the con tract to side and paint their hall. Miss Hattie Vanzile, of Clinton ville is visiting friends in the village. Dave Bouck, Cad Eaton ami Dr. Baker are camping at Stone Lake. Mrs. williams, who has been here visiting her sister Mrs. w. A. wescott has returned to her home at Oconto. w. R, webb will assist Goo, Bailey to move the wood shed at the court house, James Aird ami family will move to Antigo where they will run a boarding house, CARTERS SIDING. Andy Beimelt was in from his ranch Thursday. E. F. Martin went to ‘’amp bellsport on Friday. E, F, Carter is building an ad dition to his barn, Dave Bov, ’man and Louis Roll man are out cruising, Mrs, Dare Bowman was a \va beno visitoi one day last week, Charles Switzer retui non from Clintonville Friday. Jim Gilmore is busy clearing his lot preparatory to building his home. Mr. and Mi s. Carter transacted business at wabono yesterday. Another carload of machinery arrived for the Miner Bros’ mill. John Schmidt roturnned on Thursday from a business trip through tne low* r purl, ol the stale. Wanted: In Forest Gouhty 50, 900 actual settlers. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore exist* i.sting between Eugene F. (Jar t r and Charles M. Switzer, un der the firm, name and style of Carter A- Switzer at Oarlcr* j Siding, Wis,. is this day dissolv ed by mutual consent. All ac counts due the said said firm are to he paid to Charles M. Switzer, and all Mabilites should be pre sented to him for payment Dated Wabeno, Wis., Aug. 30, 1999. Eugene F. Carter, Charles M. VOL. 2. NO. ,3. Soo Line. -■!!J lik , v TIME TAULVyf- Cavour. *' v >■ t-' EAST HOUND. Atlantic Limited :t;< n . nv* k 'ral ts’p. , Bl WEST HOUND. I*. -ifie i united 12:43 a. m. lj “ ::1 a. m, 0. Simpkins, Agent, Officers of the Town of Cranion. T. J. Kane Chainuah B. S. Booth Supervisor John Ravollo “ Wm. Turk Clefh Henry Popp.v Treasurer John Ki'uunn Assessor F. E. Cook Justice L. W. Bliss . . “ C. T. H. Riggs S. L. Whybrew “ Joseph Houle Constable Joseph Pomes “ G. H. Bailey “ Scliojl Officers. TOWN Ofi ('RANDOM. L. S. Wilcox Pres: S. .1. Whybrew Vice-Pros; F. W. Marquardt Sec- C. G. iiIMLEY, Notary Public WABENO, WISCONSIN, Stop AG® Hotel Wabeno T. F. /'OCRt Proprietor; Sample ftooita in Connection. WAHBNO WIS. First-Class. J. vV. PINCH, Physician and Surgeon. GILLKTT, WJSi Special attend ion paid to calls along the Klondyke Division of the C. iV N. W. li’y line. Exchange Hotel. T. W. WADE & SON, Props. ALSO DEALERS IN Wines, Liquors. Cigars & Etc. WAHfiXo, WISCONSIN. ■ ■■■■! ! KI Chilscn Hotel Formerly John House; WM.CUILSON. PROD. Giilett - Wisconsin; 1 luiklitig R‘‘-ui<Kleled, Good Acrmitinodnlions, Sain pi i doom In ' touucrtion; ■i.ii. ■ A..j jii SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Advertiser. ■*! * $1.50 Per Year In Advance' • m