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_ mSm wm& at .yourself! Is your face ' :^M e f ed with pimples? You skin -ujpn ancLblotchy? It’s your , ver! HHF s 1 ■ are liver pills, They BB constipation, biliousness, and 25c. All druggist,. J? 11 ? or heard :• beautiiu: lIOKINGKAM'S DYE ; I*"* 87 '° e"" H **-L_A Cos. Nashua. N. M. ( ■ggpWi ■Hk UN ■ WO j|g| Excellent Combination^ mBMl",' pleasant method and beneficial of ’the well known remedy, 'mamr <,ir Figs, manufactured by the Fig Syrup Cos., illustrate of obtaining tbe liquid laxa ipies of plants known to be _ laxaf iv, and preseii'ing torm m. t n -hmit.- Ii r to tin- • •••,., it ept str, > n-n lava -v ■ tmi'.ly. $*'Q?RW'.-72!^0 o Ms. l" 1 ' 1 ' end level's miptlv . : .i y one bab'tuai ■ i ■.111..11 p. r- Its pelf, ! fi.-i ■ i,. 111 from BRgSgg|WjeotH>ntibl.- . at,.l sub its aetiny on the ki ineys, _bowels, wi’hou! weakening iting them, make it the ideal 9!aHv process ~f maunfaeUir.ny ties as tht y are to the nt themed i pua dtirs ~f t lie are obtained from senna and romatie plants, by a method HHBH 1 to the Cai.ifoknia Km Syrup HHB ly. In order I.> yet its bene!., 'a! jSKXijH. ‘nd to avoid imitation-. ;,!• a-e fisjoK' rrthe full name of 1 lie ( . ai.panv Uie front of aen pa a. me. HBKfqrnia. fig SYRUP CO. UK FRANCISCO, CAL Vtt ' lJC KY NEW YORK. N V. ■■■HBiby aU nr ni - I'n,, a . ; , - PKLsity o! Notre Dame t Notre dame, Indiana. IF JIIDRSES Id Classics, Letters, Keo. It Mill History, Journalism, Art, 8c 1- K v tarmac;-. Law, Civil, Mechanical f JrieaA Kngiiieerini*, Architecture. sij gh Preparatory ami Commercial m * Free to ail Students who have com- I• a'studies required for admission into f or or Senior Year, of any of the Col ’•ttnws. Kent. Moderate charge to stu- preparit.u f,, r Collegiate of Candidates for the Ec wn! state will be received at special 1 feurd's Hall, for boys umler 13 years, A> lilfe completeness of it- equipments. Free. A<l<lr**a ** f ‘ { i>resi<,cMt * union Worth $4 to |6 coOipareo with other makes. n Indorsed by over nBH ft 1,000,000 wearers. jMjHJ&Mr tI all LEATHER? All STYI FS Tilt I.KM in kw " 1.. n>, f Take no substitute flat* il to he as f id. Lareeet mire Sp a. of 13 and •8.50 sl l >'■ - world. A'eur dealer-te n'Skiep them—lf ti'-t. ■• -cud van ■ s, apalron receipt of price, sufe ■■[■leMlcr. sire and wlillh. plain < r cap toe. catalogue 1) Free. BHHBdOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton. Mass. gMpr 1e s s Shave. Convenient. -‘. r j 1 ■'■ ■ ’ ■ti" , i- R ■ -tc t - It< U. r 17. cut-. ■ .'Hi •!'■ Is-ard fr. -u < -i Hpi -i-an ‘ ■ <:• ti ■ fliJtsrjtifg'ret-M- • without lii-vn; wise - '''• 'hilt, or -top grnaTti of the heard. V\fl”- . emit , .mu; I. ii shaves, v'i’ l hy mail, Mir. mfs, CO.. tltttli M . HER SWEETHEART. The man I love? Well, rather small; ÜBut statupfe doesn’t count at all); He's a dear! Hair-as golden as the sun; Fair as you e’er looked upon; Eyes of blue, and full of fun. And good cheer. only man I knov Who can touch my heartstrings so y“ Tenderly; When he’s with me all is bright, Every shadow turns to li&ht; If he’s absent, life’s a blight Then, to me. Strange to say, 1 love him best , When in overalls he’s dressed. For his play; I am just as proud of him If his purse is rather slim, M For he’s sweet, and neat, and m Every day. jf He’s the idol of my heart, 9 (And my secret I’ll impart M Just for fun)! In my love he holds high rank, Without ham earth would be a blank; He’s two years old: his name is Frank; He’s my son. —Colorado Springs Gazette. On the Soil. ‘.They were married—heaven knows why, as with so many iof them—and went to live on Vance# island, a long, fertile strip in the rdpr, three miles wide. There 'were n$ other- inhabit ants, and the niils on" the river banks shnt away away all sound of outer life. He had been raised in the country, but she was a town lass, and the gas lamps afid bustle of the seaport had got into her blood. Perhaps she never loved him; anyway she was not happy. She was an industrious wench. The tiny ! ||. r a-roomed cottage he had built was Kept scrupulously neat, and she helped hfin in jjballiekls, when, with htr sleeves railed Jmck from her round brown Arms and it cows breakfast, as they mil the wide straw farmers’ hats in Nejk Brunswick, on- her dark hair, he thought her a proper woman enough, with her lithe, strong figure and her gleaming eye, but never told her so. By and by she seldom talked and grew restless on the days when they put off in their rowboat to deliver eggs and butter to tlie-river steamboats. He did not notice hotv eagerly she scanned the dress of the women passengers nor how the captain kept an eye on all her movements. Fall came, tinting the landscape like a splendid sunset, and the red and yel low trees rustled in the windy sunshine of October days. Then he sprained his ankle andthad to bide at his doorstep, while she took the boat and rowed out to the steamer for the trade. She seemed to be gone longer than neces sary, he thought. Perhaps she was driving a hard bargdln. She was shrewd, and he was lucky to have her. He wished she would liven up a bit, though, and not long so much for the town and shops. What did a wife need in town except a market for her wares? But women wore all odd. He was right in his surmise. She had raised the price of th.4)uuer and eggs and brought home a few extra cents. So on the following days, when she delayed her return several minutes, he was not. impatient. But when the next time for the steamer to pass came and the minutes lengthened Into quar ters, then hours, he grew disturbed and hobbled to the beach. She pulled a good, strong oar for a town lass, C>ut her father was a sailor, so It came natural for her to manage a boat. The river was a treacherous flow of water, but her boat was easy to pull, and she had not far to go. It was strange he could see her. Perhaps she had gone around to the sand beaoh. The rowan trees were there, and she had a fancy for decking up the house with them. He thought ,it somewhat cruel as well as profitless to rob the birds of their winter food, but she laughed at that. He would best go home, he thought, and put the potatoes on for dinner. It was the lass’ work, but she had gone to do his, so turn about was fair. He was so honest! At the close of day still there was no sign of her, and he tried again to walk to the shore, but the in jured ankle would not stand the strain, and he was forced to sit and wait. Night came, but she did not return. On his hands and knees he crawled to the beach and called her name loudly, with a harsh breaking in his voice. The cries echoed back mockingly. The moon wient down behind jyie hills and left him groping in the dusky starlight,. His hands were torn aid his knees bruised by the jagged stones as he dragged himself, but he took no heed, calling out for the woman, whom for the first ticne he realized ill a dumb, heavy way he loved. At dawn, peering out eagerly, he saw his boat ashore some distance up the island. His heart beats quickened, and something warm and tender flashed through him. How be had missed her! Poor lass! Perhaps she, too. missed her hocoe folk. Well, the work was nearly done, and frost would soon bind the river, and then he would drive her to the town and take her to the fair; yea. and buy her a warm, red hood and ftd Heaven Will Give mm” Never Neglect f|atide Like* Kuo ROBERT DOWNING Tells the Secret of Mis Great En durance. _ ’ v j Robert Downing, the Tragedian. Robert Downing was recently interviewed by the press on the subject of his splendid health. Mr. Downing promptly ami em phatically gave the whole credit of his splen did physical condition to I’e-ru-ua, say lug: "I find it a preventive against all sudden Summer ills that swoop upon one in changing climates and water. “It is the finest traveling companion and safeguard against malarial influences. To sum it up, Peru un has done me more good than any tonic 1 have ever taken." Healthy mucous membranes protect the body against the heat of summer and the cold of winter. Pe-ru-na Is sure to bring heattli to the mucous membranes of the whole body. Write for a copy of Dr. Hartman's latest book, entitled "Summer Catarrh.” Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus. O. Remember that cholera morbus, chol era infantum, summer complaint, bilious colic, diarrhoea and dysentery are each aud all catarrh of the bowels. Catarrh it the only coirect name for these affec tions. Pe-ru-na is an absolute spi-c.flc for these ailments. w hi h are so common in summer. Dr. Hartman, in a practice of over forty years, never lost a single case of chol-ra Infantum, dysentery, diar-h tea. or cholera morbus, aud his only remedy was Peru-na. Those desir ing further particulars should <end for a free copy of “Summer Catarrh." Ad dress Dr Hartman. Columbus, uhlo. ribbons. He laughed out loud as tie dragged himself to the house, thinking of her pleasure. She must have re turned some time back. The boat was well up on the beach where hours ago had been the tide. She was heme and doubtless wondering where he was. She had staid out to give him a bit of a fright and had slipped in when he had gone to search for her, dear lass! He reached the cottage. The door stood open, staring vacantly at him, the Are was out, and the gusty wind had scattered the light pine ash like powder. She was not there. Doubt grew in his heart as slowly he dragged himself Lack to the shore —to the boat. Was she dead? A jitter ness gnawed him. Hungrily he gazed at the waves which had taken her from him. He mumbled like an old man rowoed, as tears splashed his face. At last he reached the boat. In the bottom was a piece of cedar chip tied to her handkerchief. Leaping at it fiercely, he grasped it with shaking hand. Then he rolled up his eyes, his fingers fumbling with the knot, his lips drawn white. -Scrawled on the chip with a pencil was a message; “I’ve gone for good. You were kind, but I could aot abide you or the country, l’veigone with one as will take me all over the world." With his mouth working intensely he started to drag himself back. His brain was flying high up and down again. Darting lights played before his eyes. The whirling ground leaped away from him. Crawling on, he reached the door, where down on all fours, like a dog, he flung up his head and looked around the rooms wildly. Everything in them spoke with a trum pet voice of her. He let his head fall on the sill. Then a groan came heav ily from his lips, and he was calm. The next week anew captain came on the river steamer. The birds flying across the river on their way to the south <aw a woman, dressed gaudily and in vulgar fashion, making her way from the landing 'o the little house on Vance's island. At the door a gaunt man watched her With a dazed stumbling he walked forth a little way to meet her. “I have come back after these years, ’ she said, looking up to the little home, which, small and poor as it was,seemed to hold out hope of peace to her. But he said nothing, only staring at her with eyes in which burned a faint spark. Once he shivered at the croak 'ing notes in her voice. Into the house she followed him dog gedly. She picked up heir duties where she had left them years before, touching a chair here and moving something there. She took a broom and fell to sweeping feverishly, until she flung it down contemptuously and sank into a chair with a gasp. He had watched her silently with aiow burning eyes. “Why don’t you speak?” she cried. Her rising voice was hard and crack ing. There was a flaunt on her lips. Her hands on her hips conveyed an in solence of boldnene. ,“I have come back to you in kind ness," she said, her tones going higher and her voice growing more rasping. "I know the worth of a woman like ms. When my captain died, I could have had many a fair chance, but I thought of you, and somehow I wanted to come here. ' Aren't you going to make up?” she ctie< angrily. "Why don't you speak?" she screamed. "How dare yon treat me like—like”—She paused and then laughed with her brazen notes. .• Btit the dancing lights were in his brain again and befotv hi* eye* and around him a boiling flame that roared The room was whirling. He saw 1t all streaked with fierce color. the floor, the chairs, the fiat stove."the utensils of tin, and among them her face, the lips leering, the eyes staring. Sraggerging to hte feet, he groped with his arvns. His hands clutched at some thing soft and warm that yielded under his contracting fingers. They closed tightly gripping hard to stop the whirl ing o-f the earth. The flame shot jp madly, and, blinded in the dark, he tell, lying stretched on the floor. • * • ' Years later, the upper end of the island set.led. pity still endured among the people for the lonely man who lived on the lower end. They told strangers touching ;here of the young wife whom he had ne\ er seen from the day she ran away wtyh the captain of the river ste&mermnd he was left to his solitude. No one Knew the whole until a young farmer went to ask aid of the old man at harvesting. No response com ing to his knocks, he entered. The old man was half kneel ing against a chair, his dead eyes thrust out of their sockets. lleforo hint, where the planks of the floor were torn up. were lying the hones and skull of a woman.—New York Press. CATCHY SONG OF RIOTERS. The Carmagnole, which the thous ands c/f rioters sang in Paris Sunday night, is a French song and dance of the revolutionary era. It greatly con tributed to exasperate the people against Louis XVI. and Marie Asitoin nette, who were lampooned In It as Monsieur and Madame Veto. The mobs in the streets during the revolutionary era danced to the music of the song amid the wildest egithusiasm, which was equally displayed In the theaters and on the battle field when it was played by the military bands. It was suppressed by Bonaparte after the es tablishment of the consulate. The name is said to have originated from the waistcoat worn by the Marseilles men who took a conspicuous part in the insurrection of August 10, 1792, the song appearing soon afterward; but the name of its author remained un known. The song’s name was also ap plied to the costume of the terrorists, to the most violent Jacobins and to the soldiers of the republic. The waist coat thus called is said to have origi nated in Carmagnole, near Turin, It aly. The first stanza of the song, in French, will give an idea of the catchy jingle. It is as follows; Madame Veto avait promis, Madame Veto avait promis, De faire egorger tout Paris, De faire egorger tout Paris! Mats le coup a manque! Grace a nos cannonniers. Dansons la carmagnole! Vive le son, vlve le son! Dansons la carmagnole! Vive le son, du canon! An English translation of the en tire song, which, of course, lacks the French jingle and rhyme, is as fol lows: Madame Veto had promised Madame Veto had promised, To have cut the throats of all Paris, To have cut the throats of all Paris, But the blow' did fail, Thanks to our gunners. Let us dance the carmagnole! Long live the sound, long live the sound! Let us dance the carmagnole! Long live the sound of the cannon! Monsieur Veto had promised To be faithful to his country, But he has failed therein, liet us give no quarter, Let us dance the carmagnole! Long live the sound, long live the sound! Let us dance the carmagnole! Long live the sound of the cannon! Antoinette had decreed To make us fall on our backs, But her blow did fail; Her own nose was broken. Let us dance the carmagnole, etc. Her husband thought he was victor, He did not know our valor; Get out, Louis, you big blockhead, From the Temple to the Tower. Let us dance the carmagnole, etc. The Swiss guards had promised They would Are upon our friends; It caused her sore heartache To see herself dishonored. Let us dance the carmagnole, etc. The patriot counts among his friend., Ail the honost people of the land. But they will hold out All by the sound of the cannon. Let us dance the carmagnole, etc. Aristocracy counts as its friends All the royalists in Paris, But they will support you As real cowards do. Let us dance the carmagnole, etc. The horse guards also had promised To sta.,l by thel* country, And they failed pot to respond To the sound, to the sound of the 1 cannon. \ Let us dance tiyi carmagnole, etc. Friends, let us eLr be united, Let us not fesrur foes; If they come us We will make thßb skip. Let us dance tbJcarmagnole, etcf Yes, a breei'hlessl man 1 am In spite of tire fronds of the /ffi. \ Long live the mtti' of Bs*;' \ The Bretons and Ar,At(gnole, etc. I Let us dance the 1 J ne above that thl i It is evident from tfcve largely losl I words of the song iVgnlflcaace, buf their special political Be Parisians. ] the tune still catches t> —yrom Clara In Mabel—l had a letter (id she was to London in which she sat be presented at court. \ girl will bo Ellen.—l hope the poort acquitted.—Tit-Bits. \ ioo me of HOLD. MY HAND. lerour-w >" H * ■ F snd ,* l*rl thy ■ God, will hold ' thy n, ag hand, saying unto thee. Fear not; 1 help thee.—ls. 41:13. When heavy clouds o’ers-;irea.l nty sky, And on the path I travel by There falls no cheering ray of light, And I must by faith, not sight, Then, Father hold my hand. Though heavily my burden press, I will not live and trust Thee less; When steeper grows my weary way, Help me to follow’ and obey. And closer -hold my hand. Or, If some time sun should shine. And brighter, days be mine;-' If 1 with joy should’iWr my head, And smile to And the Shadows tied, Still, Father, hold mfc band. —Anna G. Holt in N. Y. Observer. GRACE. How much, preventing God, how much I owe To the defenses thou hast ’round me set; Example, custom, fear, occasion slow- These scorned bondmen were my parapet, I dare not peek over this parapet. To gauge with glance the roaring gulf below, The depths of sin to which I had de scended, Had not these me against myself de fended. - Emerson. PRUNES AND RICE SERVED TO GETHER. Boil some rice in milk until it is quite tender. Meanwhile cook half a pound of prunes, which have soaked all night. Grease a pie dish, and put a layer of the rice la it. Stone the prunes and sweeten to taste. Put a layer of prunes on the rice, and so on till the dish is full. Scatter a little sugar over the top, and bake the pud ding till a golden color on the top. The same recipe may be used for dried apples or apricots with excellent re sults. Serve hot. —Boston Globe. SHORTENING NAMES. The question of anew and shorter name for the automobile seems to be attracting more attention than the one of anew and shorter name for the country. —Topeka Journal. CLOSE ENOUGH, TOO. James—Did you ever come into close relationship with poverty? Tom —Well, I’ve got as far as my “uncle" several times.—Spare Mo ments. AND NOW SHE DIDN'T WANT TO. “Mamma and l are not on speaking terms.” "How disli rasing!" “Sh'’ toM Harry that I trimmed all toy own hats before we were married." - Answers. .Maitre Labor!, of counsel for Drey fus, Is somewhat nervous, it is re ported. over the bad impression which may be caused in the minda of those who have the adjudication of the case, by the hard and unsympathetic feat ures of the accused. These little things do, Indeed, have a great effect in France, but one would suppose from the publicity given to Dreyfus’ treat ment on Devil's Island that he would have an admittedly good excuse for looking rather sour. Maud—Are you going to return the poor fellow’s ring? Florence (who has just broken he.* engagement I—l haven’t decided. I suppose he’ll propose to you now. and 1 thought I’d just hand It over to you to save bother.—Spare Moments. The New Torpedo. A Swede linn Invented one operated by In t I*l We rays of light, which enables it to ex plode at will. In like manner Hostetler's Stomach Hitters compters all stomach trou bles. When a sufferer front constipation, dyspepsis or liver complaint takes the Bit. ters lie is sure of a cure A private lb: ton ue Stamp covers the neck of the bulUe. SURELY AN IMPOSTER. Fttddy—That fellow who has been hanging around here for the last week or two has been arrested as a confi dence man. Duddy—So? Fuddy—Yes; he gave hluftelf dead away. He claimed that he was from Kentucky, you know, but he refused an Invitation to drink 1.-'* night A policeman was caJTed in at once. It wa a clear cajff' of Imposture. Bos ton Transcript/ A FJNE SCHOOL. 'llf Btf Othkohm ulmtlon for mi old saying t!mt "ffnilnn, Thcrg*t a mail's door Ijiil once” or wm- 1 k..oi*t effThat „ta,e wlitTir?: tolV nicely 'Ut i lie doing* of lli O.ldf *7, l*ine* colleen at Uie present Hind. 22*i'VrJ in CSC ling b.frHjes*. a greater,*/! of wt.tei, liM been spent 4u Ushkoah, Fcl everytSbig pos*i%. U, U-SrFof t|„, . '-W‘Htion and U an adep In '*rt oTbtynffitrghS* knowledge to other*. W , collegTraiiU second t none II the'and and during the many years ol r’fT e i " •*?* prodm-gd ll.ou sands of business men and woipeu who arc today loldmg very responsible pualtlona In almost every town one may go into. , At the present time Prof. Daggett is of ~ fering a life scholarship in Ids eouege av tin; ■ l low pries of ISO, n sum no one can afford it. time k ’ il '* ° ne or>|,orluul, > io * Hfi/-' Pretty r ' won’t be any thing left nut* to do but to organize a sjst. ,. Him- * You Never Miss the " \, Till the Well Runs Dry^ IF. never realise the value of health until it is gene. When old lime strength and vigor are ‘Wanting, purify the blood by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla; soon re stored appetite, i perfect digestion, steady nerves and even temper noil! prove if is bringing,back the gkrw of perfect health. The Peace Society or Copenhagen had succeeded on March 31 in collect ing 300,000 signatures lo an appeal r or disarmament. Shake Into Your Shoes Alien's Foot-Ease, a powder lor the hx-t It cures paintut, swollen, smarting, nervous feet and instantly takes the si mg out of corns and bunions. It’s tlie greatest comfort dis covery Of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy, it is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching foot. Try it to-do t/ Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. I!\ mail lor 25c, in stamps. Trial package HfK.K. Address. Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, V. Y. "I see villainy in your face,” said a judge to a -prisoner. “May It please your honor," said t.ho latter, “that is a personal reflection."— Metropolitan. Write for circular of Spencerian Busi ness and Shorthand College, Milwaukee. Miss Lydia Harriet Golden and W. J. Ryan were married at Appleton. , _ - i'. 1 I’iso’s Cure for Consumption has saved mo large doctor bills —C. 1,, linker, 4’J3d Keguut Sk)., Philadelphia, Ps., Dee. 8, ’US,. At Brllllon John King of Kasson died of paralysis. He was 42 years old. CITO Permanently Cured. No fits or n-'rvous -110 ness after first day’6 use of Dr. klina'a Great Nerve Restorer. Semi tor-Fit HU )f.OO trial bottle and treatise. Dr. It 11. Ullue, Ltd., I*3l Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Members of the Gould family will organize a bank in New York. tlnll's Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure. Priciis cent*. The beef trust raised prices her® to undersoil Australia in England. Mrs. VVlesion 's 800 rii iNotivnur for children teething notions ttie gums, reduces liiflamma. tlou, allay- pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle- Peter McDonald, an employee of the H. WilbeCk company, Marinette, lost bis left haml in an edger. - had health that IWTAK-S will not lii-in-m. S -ml r, ,-cnts lo Ito.ll ns ('ln-ailcßl Oca, New York, for 10 -amplcs and l.flm toatiMioalala. Ex-Beereinry Alger declared that ho Is out of politics. What a Little Faith Did FOR MRS. ROCKWELL. [LETTKS TO US. I*l Nil 11AM Hiy*b(,lMM] •‘I was a great sufferer tvom weakness and had imptw.v*>W‘ < _fypwTflo'to attend to my household duties. I had tried every thin;* and many doctors, but found no relict. ‘‘My sister advised me to try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, which 1 did; before using ull of one bottle 1 ft*lt better. I kept on with it and to my great surprise I mu cured. AH who miller from female complaints should give it a trial.”—Miu.’ llocK wii.r., 1209 S. Division St., (Juand Rapids, Mich. From a (i/ntrful Newark Woman. “When I wrote to> you I was very sick, had not been well for two years. The doctors did not scout to help me, and one said 1 could not live three months. 1 bad womb trouble, falling, ulcers, kidney and bladder Thero seemed to be such a drawing! and burning pain in my bowels that In could not rest anywhere. After usisg Lydia E. Philrliam’B Vegetable Com pound and Sanative Wash and follow ing your advice, 1 feel well again and stronger than ever. My bowels feel as if they had been made over new. With many thanks for your help, i remain, L. U., 74 Ann. Ht., Nkwakk, N. J.” Ely’s Cream Balm QUICKLY CURES HAY FEVERO# Druggist*, SO Ct. . —mßk Attend the Oshkosh Business Col lege and School of. Shorthand a"'" Typewriting. .„ t <*. best in iiVi:s<yni:* c, Practice At 11 , he ran ,lfk Shorthani: d^, m hi*|R. % Educates priu.thrally itnc v nosH boil aes with com peter, t M Established Sept, f, fifty. No Vacations. For Catalogue address k * W. Vv. Daggett, : \(>*hk</H/i, I VI*. PENSIONS -H :; WrtWOsst. VTfPVgLI. P*m:A*eat.Wiihiiftoa, D.O - TU " l ’r r l , I "t |C '‘ l Monthly K.-milntAr Lnuikdi 0.-vor fot!- convince yourself: writ foffreeboi. kM\ WIIIK ( III.Wit .it | **o 70. Mllwsuh. t, Wl*. 'VIS PUB UJpMN ~ 2jk-3ft