For Scratches and Gre
Wire Fence Cuts, t, g
and Moulders, Sf-
Contracted and . .
Sandcraek' cjERTHA
Can ker.-l MM|rn|n „ n . M||^M . rf . rT „
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L,r / r No. l Bia<*LE HORSE BOOK
V <*~ \ f I All about Horse*-•.Cuinapo Smsf TkiUk, with ow
Ik/ \ 74 tllttSUrtSaMi; * standard work Frier, 50 Cents.
Jll k \ Kfnea. 2—BIOOLE BBRRY BOOK
/ * \ All about growing Small Fruits—read and lern how ;
f 4. 1 contains . icoloinl tile-like teprariuctumsof amending
I J varieties tad 100 other Illustration* Frier, Jo Cent*.
1 VATS T ' I about poultry ih. beat 1 -outtrv Book In ealatenee .
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tk ': i it 1 ■ '.WglMillffilllißlsSMMgßSalll
aflr '
• ■ I Vine: . ,
any ONI: ..f ’tie RIGliU' I’"OKS.
5 '1 'l''' -.a • v ,■< u-m, i. ArfSS#isig
' t dou AR I 11 1
I '*> " JtM WNAI
f* •*~v : 1 ■•:
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W* — frf,
fs Cho&i
i "* ——
rupted FARM WAGON,
If you wish the . . .
for the . . .
write for descriptive circular
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in >
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10, Forest County, Wis.,
Dry Goods,
osALßira n
Dry Goods,
—= i———-
Norttiem Wisconsin JMv.
M>ewvw^aMvvrvw.^ lw wWjawa—a— m
— ...
titiltrti l every Amdir M .VMwa
fMt County, Wta.
/-> 1 ——-
Editor and Proprletom
Sabneription H .90 per year la advaa**, ha
pic ooyCss frog
Admiral Dewey will arrive in New
York Sept. 29.
General Gurero and 30 other Domin
ican filibusters were captured by the
American military authorities at
GererW Jiminez, aspirant to the
presidency of Santo Domingo, was ar
rested" at Clenfuegoa, Cuba, by Captain
Stamper, of he United Sufe.es army.
President Shurman, of the Philippine
commission, has telegraphed the state
department that he will go to hiß home
at Ithica, N. Y., and there will await
Secretary Root will; modify ex-
Secretary Alger's order V) thaiUGener
al Miles will have equdft control with
the Secretary of War ov|r the'|nspec
tor-General’s office. ■
The adjutant genet <>.s received . a
cablegram from GeneraMß.'ooke, at
Havana, reporting the deafc at. Santiago
of Fritz Bonnef, a citiztft on August
13, of yellow fever. m
Ten more regiments arßn be raised,
one —the forty-fifth—to iW’ecruited at
Fort Snelllng. These wiißtterea.se the
army to over 95,000. jv
A cablegram from Ponce states that
Porto Rico will be plunged in poverty
for two years as a result ftf the recent
Major Hoff, chief surgeon in Porto
Rico, characterizes the of
the island as “physical* degenerate”
and expres *es grave itlo®>ts as to the
health of American Jrns>s.
The president is said to have ileter
mlned not to recall General^Otis from
the supreme command in the Philip
pines. If he asks to be relieved, Gen
eral Lawton will be assigned as his
Dr. Grandla, Porto Rican commis
sioner to the United States, Jhrges
President McKinley to help the frorto
Ricans by establishing free tmieffwlth
the island, extending the time fey the
payment of debts and allowing the
Island to negotiate a loan. j
In a speech dt vered at the aeeret
session of the cartes, General fan do
contended that Spain made a air long
blunder in surrendering Cuba. fcWit.ff
200,000 Spanish sol&iers in the
he says, the war could have be>A<pro
longed until better peace terms’ were
Chicago September wheat, 71 %@
cents. 4
Minneapolis cigarmakers are likely
to strike^
Northern New York had severe for
est fires. 5
Ex-Secretary Alger declared that ho
Is out of politics.
Members of the ClogM familv will
organize a bank in New York.
The beef trust raised prices here to
undersell Australia in England.
Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., hei in
vented anew type of locomotive.
At Oregon, 111., 200 people were poi
soned by drinking picnic lemonade.
It is reported that Lord Kitchener
is planning to come to this country.
The hide and leather trust has been
organized with a capital of $36,000,000
Ambassador White says that great
good was accomplished at the peace
The total Issue of gold certificates to
date in exchange for gold coin is
Amlel Koenig, who invented a snow
deetroylng machine, was badly hurt by
an explosion.
Twenty couples were Joined by the
wedded-whlle-you-wait met hoi in St.
Joseph. Mich.
In New York William Neufeldt was
identified aa the murderer Of Mrs.
Nathan Kronman.
Henry M. Rector, governor of Arkan
sas during the civil war, died at the
age of 83 years.
A lone bandit In California attempt
ed to hold up a train and was baUy
•rounded and captured.
In a trolley car collision In Philadel
phia five persons were fatally hurt and
many others injured.
Forcet fires are burning near Sar
anac! Lake, N. Y. Upward of 2/100
acres are in flames.
W. W. St on h|the postoffle* clerk who
pained a reputation for deciphering
bad addresses indeed.
Surgeon Fairfax Irwin has belli or
dered to Oportißto study the situation
regarding the l Jlbonlc plague.
The ChicagoJfclck makers’ strike w
lost, the strljf jM returning to work e
lage numberiXis morning.
The natlonaFnventlon ef colt'''
women, in CSUdrugo. ended in a 11 1,1
row oveg the el KcUon of officers. ' r ‘
B Gen. Brtioke Stas ordered the re ’’f s
Jlmlnef, the San IV' r 1,1
1 rested at Cle..
;■><*. hint
IBBHHBI- .- Milton t< in "'
’ .million an
mils', approach
Wmmsm' ■ ■ ;: arunont ■ ! “
aMHHHjW. 1' ' ;; i. v ■
HgHHi.':. •• • ,( t i v ,
||Hg||Hl 1K n he-.- -1
- ■<' < ti iv..- -h.
■Hure for von."
Hv To be Continue*!
will dot yefbe removed.
It has been proposed to sand liuO
boys and girli, to Paris to-assist in :he
unveiling of sue Lafayette Monument.
The magniflcUnt San Fillpe hotel, at
Albuquerque, N. M., built in 18*4 at a
oast of *103,000, was burne.l to the
Mrs. George A. Kingsbury, who has
cueu ner husband, the theatrical man
ager, for a separation, has been denied
Five hundred feet of trolley wire of
the Egypt Electric Street Railway com
pany of Cairo, 111., was cut down and
carried away
Five women wajp attacked within
24 hours at LittleTtock, Ark., and it is
believed one negro was guilty of all
the crimes.
William Goebel, democratic candi
date for governor of Kentucky, was
overcome by heat while making nis
initial speech.
Friends of Senator Jones of Arkan
sas say that he will not retire from the
chairmanship of the democratic na
tional committee.
Dr. Hiram W. Thomas, pastor of the
People’s church Chicago, and Miss
Vandelia Varnum, the well-known
lecturer were married.
The Toledo centennial commission
has elected ex-Secretary of State Dan
iel J. Ryan of Columbus director gen
eral of the Ohio centennial.
Forest fires in Jefferson county, New
York, are raging, and more than 1,000
acres of timber land and pasture have
been devastated since Sunday.
A hailstorm passed two miles east of
Oaks, N. D., destroying all the standing
grain in a strip about two miles wide
and extending east to Forman.
Argo won the decisive race for
twenty-foot yachts at Oshkosh. Night
ingale, of Minnetonka, defeats Flying
Fox in the seventeen-foot class.
A. B. Mclntyre of Michigan is organ
izing anti-trust leagues in counties in
Indiana, he being one of a score or
more farmers who are working on this
The commissioner of pensions re
ports that the civil war pension rolls
are decreasing. A small balance re
mains from the appropriation of *l4O,
Oonaul Poster, at Chefoo, reports
that American trade with China is in
creasing rapidly. Japan is the most
formidable competitor of the United
Two Denver policemen were killed
by a soldier from Port Logan. They
were pursuing the soldier and two
boisterous companions. The murdere
got away.
Albert Myers of New Philadelphia,
Ohio, shot his wife through the heart,
shot and wounded Miss lib Oordrey,
aunt of the dead woman, sijd then com
mitted suicide.
Richard Croker on his return from
Europe gave out an interview favoring
Bryan for renomination. His change
cf attitude has caused much surprise
among democrats.
The lowa democratic convention
adopted an anti-impanelist and anti
trust platform. The Chicago plat
form was Indorsed, but there was no
mention of silver.
At Bridgeport, Conn., the jury of in
quest into the cause of tbs recent trol
ley accident by whichlSthirty people
were killed, indicted the motom jo for
criminal carelessness
M’nister Huntepad vises the state de
partment from Guatemala of the ex
tension of yie time for presenting the
bonds which Guatemala is retiring un
til October 31 next.
The democrats of lowa, in their state
convemttbs, adopted resolutions indors
ing Bryan and the Chicago platform,
and coming out against imperialism.
English alliance and trusts.
At Little Rock, Ark., five brutal as
saults' by a negro on white women oc
curred. Three suepecta have been ar
rested and. if the right man i* identi
fied, a lynching is extremely probable.
Elder Jensen of the Mormon church
spoke for two hours on the common of
Boston and later declared that it was
none of the business of the country or
of congress how many wives a Mormon
Antl-lmperialisrts In the republican
party are discussing the advisability
of putting an independant presidential
ticket in the field next year In opposi
tion to the regular republican candi
dates. .
““The twelfth convention of the
Bohemian Slavonical Benefit associa
tion opened at Detroit. There afre
about 11,000 lumbers of the association
in the United States representing#!Bs
The German embassy has received
from Baron Sternberg the full repprt
of the Samoan commission and the
draft of the proposed convention by
which the treaty of Berlin will be
The monthly statement of the col
lections of internal revenue shows
that during tjo month of July th^total
collections wore $28,12i287, a net in
crease as compared with July, 1.889,
of *20,802. . • e 1 j
: ■ Aa an outgrowth of a voltticnce fV
:li .tween the Gagette and thefiriency
ot e two demoemilc papers of at vul
"ei a, Frank C. Cnlley. safes
of ; and wlltor of theDDa n a hun -
arrested on a charge ding, were
id-key sort.
alcu yy H w Boyle ountenance#
of en-gj Colo > jj a - been nous smiles
on aoc. rst sree* r simpllc
ity. It lga if 7 ?ms markable that,
with so -a abatti 60118 <onditions under
which to he safc-crackers who
adorned t during th,
(0 s did to effect a part a Non
of the natloifs wealth.
The watch system was completely
changed and reorganised und*r Mr.
Folger. .An elaborate electricil alarm
system was dkc force ■# f
Win, has issued * cihdUr4% whtoti ha*
charges the presbytery^
with making a pauper Mm by re
fusing to grant him a transfer to the
Winnebag presbytery.
The Phoenix Bridge company of
Phoenixville, Pa., has received the con- 1
tract to build the great Fiiiuyii via
duct in Japan. The viadndc Jqrto be of
steel, of five spans, and at out J,OOO feet
in length and 100 feet high. -
Acting Secretary of the Navy Allen
has invited Miss Florence Beckman
Bailey of New York, granddaughter of
Rear Admiral Theodoras Bailey, to
christen the new torpedoboat Bailey,
now budding at Morris Heights.
William Robbins instructor of man
ual training in the schools of Passaic,
N. J., shot and instantly killed his
brother, Ralph Robbins, aged 16, while
■ hunting in the Adirondacks. He mds
i took the red sweater worn by Ralph for
i a deer.
A check for *158,282, signed by Nor
nmn B, Ream and Robert T. Lincoln,
as execbtori of the estate of George M.
Pullman, was paid into the county
court at Chicago, to cancel the lien
against the estate under theinheritanee
tax law.
The Texas farmers’ alliance before
adjourning its annual meeting at Bas- .
set, Texas, unanimously adopted a
resolutioqjrfavoring the deportation to
Africa bymhe federal government at
public expßvee of every negro in the
United StaKft
The UnitßftStates minister at Cara
cas reports Incomplete defeat for the
insurgents at' Ix>s Andes, . Venezuela,
in ’a battle t/fai lasted eighteen hourE.
The loss to the insurgents wfis 800
killed and wounded, and that of the
government 300.
In Chicago Mrs. Henrikka Bnatsch,
prominent in the Christian Catholic
church, otherwise known as VZion”
church, of whfch Dr. John Alexander
Dowie is at the head, was fined *IOO
and costs for practicing medicine with
out a license. i
At Hermann, Mo*, the win* and dis
tilling plant of the Stonshill Wine
company, valued at $260,00t -has been
seized by the government antttfce pres
ident of the company and on are
under arrest, charged with gvsding
the revenue tax?
Dr. W. W. Bprgin, a dentist oif Rich
mond, Ky., naVrowly escaped death by
poisoning. He bought a watermellon
which tasted hitter, and was found to
contain strydhnftjle. The poison had
been placed in the melon by the grower
to catch thieves.
■ Payne’s Phosphate % fli
....Baking Powder*^®!
Try Payne’s Extract* Kin
Payne’s Liquid Bluing 1U
I am a farmer located ih-.t Stony Brook, one of the
districts in this State, and was bothi ced with malaria for y<ofl§§jj
so I could not work, an i was always very co stiptted as nHSI
years I had malaria so bad in the spring, when engaged in BE
that I could domothing but shake. I must have taken
of quinine pills besides do’er s of other remedies, but
any permanent benefit. Last fall, in peach time, I had a mosH
attack of chilis and then c mmenced to lake Ripans Tabulcsßg
friend’s advice, and the first box made me all right and Ijflj
been without them since, i take one Tabule each
and sometimes when I (eel more fnaUfUstinHy exhausted
a day. Thev kept mv sweet) mid
have not Jiad the least touch of malaria nor
commented using them. I know also that I steep bctHHHH|
more refreshed than lormeriv- 1 don’t know how
Rip.infi labules will help, but I do know thev will c hHH
I u.ts and I wo: Id not be without
honestly consider them the cheapest-priced medicine .BIBBS
they ure also the most beneficial and the most
I m Jweni v-seven years of age and have worked harSHBH
most farmers, both earlv and late and in all
and 1 have never eujoved such good health as I have sinßfffjlS
lact, my neighbors have all remarked my improved
said. “ Sav. Jem. what are vou doing to look so heaiyßHßHj
VV KD.-A "a..- •f■ . I 11l HUa.VI .111 n. I l*-n. 111. TlifJ ‘•"BHBBli
f 7 on egfv# relief. Not* tfc* K I P‘A*N*fl I'm-, fib** MT-ri'UW*.
• -r * wntsor t velve j. .k. m f r i-. . ut, may h- .—.i it any <iruK •*orw
if t-Mln.‘i|i* wll i !<■ mai li-l omr. atl!roaa for 3 cenu, forwarded lo lb*
%> Spruce ft.. >e* York. j v v
an —
and ®A
a i
eigf. 1
ot b 1
ar.d> I
of th. |
of It
v ith \A
The M
out ■
emrty q
his Jab, I
—■ ■ -
Why suffer ufk Piles,
anaEczema 1 ■BIBB
by usiyo §
. .nmrdiate'relief mod cured in a I
It is a scientific preparation
tory Skin Diseases, S'veroa.
Ulcers, Fever Sores, Weak, Inf
Granulated Eyes, Blind, etching
mg Piles, and all Eruptions,
,11th wonderftil success
chance. " v jj#' ■-
VaseusL QB4KHU, jHHM
Dr. A. B. Seely. & t'HlillS
I rereived a
at lowa 1-ark, Texas, to uae tor idles 1 ■■■>
medicine 1 have c-r used au 1 have
tiling I couid get hold of. /
I Intended to lie operafOan tor
at Vernon, Texas but saw yhradv.
vour ointment received It two da\
time set for the operation, and it h
much I concluded to give up the
give the Wmtcrgreen Ointment aeli
worked wond rs so far and I thins iWWB
wtu cure me. fpP mM2
My igiwels move regular now, bat h*railr.flHE
vour Olutment had to take pills or
the time. Send me amftber box by return
“STfe-Dere*. |
Ask*your Druggist for Dr.jpkelye’s Wi|B|
green Ointment and insist that he get
you er send 95 cents to
receive a box by return nM|PL But
druggist first. M|
Dr. 1 8. Seeiyil 61, ■
Manufacturing Chemiataj Mß
Household Rerecdi
Itoemer’s Headache
Cure Headache *d H
in 15 minutes. „ ?, j
Chocolate Constabs 1 -*A
Cure Constipation, Im9
Dizziness, Torpid
iousness. They tflßii
nor nauseate^£&^|^^^g
Conner's ( oat/h
Stops that
and Cures BronchiflHSij
Colds, and all Branchi^^g
The above Remedies are tbviHi
druggists, jnd they are
guarantee *iem, or will be
1 eceipt of price. f||j|