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NEWS OF THE WORLD. WAR NOTES. The high taxes on Cuban railroads are being mueh discussed in Havana. Tile Feast of the Virgin of El Coble was celebrated at El Cobre, near San tiago, Cuba. More than 25 per cent, of General MacArthur’s troops in Luzon are re ported sick. The transport senator has arrived at Manila. Gov. Lind, at San Francisco, of ficially welcomes the thirteenth regi ment. Active preparations to send home the remaining volunteers are under way at Manila. There have been enlisted for the 10 regiments in the Philippine islands 13,010 men. President McKinley and Senator Beveridge are said to disagree as to the Philippines. The mayor of Imus. Luzon, uas dis appeared, and it is supposed that he has joined the revolutionists. Gen. Otis, it Is reported, will be given another chance in the Philip pines before he is censured or removed. The Filipinos have recently attacked a number of small American posts, but in every case have been driven away. Enough relief supplies have been re ceived at San Juan, Porto Rico, to keep the distribution officers busy for weeks. Admiral Dewey told a correspondent that he still believed the Filipinos more capable of self-government than the Cubans. Disorder has broken out in some parts of Porto Rico as a result of the hurricane suffering, but it is easily suppressed. Albert J. Adams of Belvidere, 111., who had charge of the organization of military branches of the Y. M. C. A. in Cuba, died at Havana of yellow fe ver. The war department has ordered the organization of two negro regiments for service in the Philippines. The field officers will be white, the company officers colored. At a banquet at Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, in honor of Gen. Maximo Gomez an orator referred to him as ranking among the patrots of history as "a savior of men.” The cabinet has under eonsideration a plan of local government for Porto Rico, which, it is said, will give the Porto Ricans almost the entire control of their municipal nffairs. Extensive new barracks are in the course of construction at. Morro castle, Santiago de Cuba. There Is not a single case of yellow fever among the United States troops at Santiago. Admiral Sampson is to be ordered to duty as commandant of the Boston navyyard, ami will be succeeded as commander In chief of the north At lantic squadron by Rear Admiral Far quhar. Unless there is material improve ment In the health of Admiral Wat son. who commands the naval forces at Manila, he may be relieved. In which event it is reported that Admiral Remey will be assigned to the com mand. The Cuban national League and the Cuban national party have offered to Gualberto Gomes and Gen. Maximo Game/. I lie joint presidency. The of fer has bean declined by Gualberto Gomez, who says he wishes to keep his independence. Capt. N. Mayo Dyer, one of the heroes of Manila, and commander of the cruiser Baltimore in the memorable conflict of May 1. IS9B, was honored by Baltimore. Residences and, busi ness houses were gav with bunting the streets were jammed with people wearing “Dyer buttons’’ and "Dyer badges" during the entire day, and all the ships in the harbor, regardless of nationality, were decked in his honor. President McKinley lias sent word that he cannot attend the Dewey cele bration. Admiral Dewey sends word that he will reach New York Sept. 28. If Admiral llowlson. who is now on the way to New York on the cruiser Chicago, should arrive before the cele bration he would outrank Admiral Sampson and would be commander of the entire fleet. The immigration bureau decided that the exclusion act barred the Olympia’s Chinamen front taking part in the parade unless bonds were given for them. The contribu tions to the Dewey home so far amount to $1,550. Encouraging reports arc arriving at the department from sev eral large cities, where popular sub scriptions have been opened, and it Is expected that the fund will he ma terially increased before the admiral's arrival. DOMESTIC. Chicago Sepember wheat. 70\o. Lieut. Peary returned from the far north. Miss Julia Oent Grant's trousseau is overdue. George W. Gay is dead at Grand Rapids, Mich. , The New York nubile schools opened with 400.000 pupils. •Major Newton Walker, aged 00, died at Lewiston, 111. IX B. Murdock, a retired merchant of Pittsburg, is dead at Queenstown. The beef trust has branched out into the sale of butter, eggs and poultry. President McKinley intimates that he will visit Minnesota about Oct. 14. Fishermen off New Rochelle killed a *.ian-eatlng shark weighing 650 pounds. A boom is promised on the Messam brla iron range in northern Wiscon sin. The season of the wetrtern baseball league ended. Indianapolis won the pennant. A trolley company and/ the town authorities are having a lively contest for possession of the streets of Dover, Del. Senator Foraker of Ohio has written a letter in which he declares against imperialism. A mob of Albany, N. Y., wanted to lynch two negroes for assaulting a white girl. A minister of Scotch Plains, N. J., preached against the costumes worn by bicycle racers. Inspector Myrendorff, of the interior department, who was suspended, will be reinstated. Henry M. Alexander, a prominent Princeton graduate and lawyer, is dead in New York. Ex-Gov. Altgelt refused to attend the Chicago trust conference, saying it was “a trust love feast.” Judge Melancthon Wade Oliver of Cincinnati died suddenly at Twin Lakes, Wis. He was 75 years old. Daniel Woo’f ' T ""' York left his widow and each of his six children sl. Charitable institutions get $50,000. “Anse” Hatfield, 'r-- '- of the fac tion which has been warring with the McCoys in Kentucky, has been ar rested. , Nellie Howard of Binghamton, New York, trusted to the Scriptural injunc tion to anoint and died of a lung dis ease. Michael Duffy, who was one of the New York aldermen of 1894, has filed a petition in bankruptcy. Liabilities, $303,670. Twelve members of the mob who whipped Postmaster Crum at Peck, Fla., have been held to the federal court for trial. The funeral of J. B. Eustis was at the deceased’s late residence in Newport. The remains were interred in Louis ville, Ky. Mrs. Paul Gilmore, wife of the actor, died suddenly at Dubuque of heart fail ure. She is survived by two babies 2 days old. Harper Bros, announce that the price of Harpers Magazine will here after be 25 cents, Instead of 35 cents, as heretofore. Young Criffo, the once famous Aus tralian pugilist, is dying in an insane asylum where he was sent a few months ago. Officials of the government fear a combination of Central and South American countries against the United States. Mrs. Deborah A. Briggs, whose hus band was a partner of Edgar Allan Poe in the publishing business, died alt the age of 94 in New York. A. Hamilton, Ohio, firm has shipped to Yokohama for the Japanese govern ment equipment for one of the finest paper mills in the world. John McCarthy of Brooklyn says that there war no basis for the report that he had purchased the famous rac ing stallion, Joe Patehen. W. J. Calhoun confirms the report of his purpose to resign from the inter state commerce commission and enter upon the practice of law in Chicago. A $5,000 mausoleum has been erected over the grave of Thomas O’Donnell in Rahway, N. J., by an unknown woman whose life he saved eleven years ago. Charles Bauman of Chicago, who formerly conducted a mercantile busi ness in Dallas, Tex., filed a petition in bankruptcy. Liabilities $53,000, no assets. Four Mrs. Suttons, each claiming to be the widow of William IT. Sutton, who died in Alaska, have filed claims to his estate. Three of thorn reside in Chicago. , The executive committee of the Western i'nion Telepraph Company have recommended the declaration of the regular quarterly dividend of I*4 per cent. The national encampment Sons of Veterans has elected Asa W. Jones of Yoni stown commander in chief and A. 1,. .Iter of Des Moines, senior viee eommender. A coal train on the Delaware, Lacka wanna it Western dashed into the rear end of a freight train at Nayaug, Pa., kiling Joseph Parry and Patrick Mul len. hrakemen. Chief Justice Charles H. Roberts is dead at Westminster, Md., aged 57 years. He was a democratic member of t lie forty-fourth and forty-fifth congresses. Dr. Nehmla Nickerson of Meriden. Conn., says that in his practice he ad ministers chloroform to end the suf fering of patients who are ill. beyond the hope of recovery. Former Gov. Wtn. J. Stone, of Mis souri. acting chairman of the national democratic committee, will make five speeches in ,o’iv‘uckv for the regular democratic ticket. In Chicago Martin J. Wiley, an en gineer, was shot by his wife. He died shortly afterward. The woman's life had been made miserable by the ill treatment of her husband. Henry Vickers, a well-to-do mer chant and farmer doing business in the country five miles from Valdosta. Ga., was assasinated for his money. Three negroes have been arrested. Mayor Jones of Toledo, now an in dependent candidate for governor of Ohio, has issued an address in which he scores both political parties, saying that they cannot live without bosses. Warren L. Aborn. well known In racing circles, and at one time owner of a fast string of horses, was suffo cated in n Chicago fire that destroyed a livery stable over which he lived. George M. Valentine, the defaulting hank cashier of Perth Amboy, sued hdward Murks, said to be a partner of Phil Dai.v at Long Branch* for $10.0(10 alleged to have been lost at roulette. It Is said that another efTort will be made to bring the national organiza tion of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers into the ranks of the international order of railway men. Dr. Richard H. Cunningham, of Col umbia university, asserts that he can bring the dead to life when death has been caused by an shock. His method Is the Injection of a serum into the veins. He claims than the heart does not altogether cease to beat, a fibrillar motion continuing for some time after the ordinary beat ceases. Chicago union lathers were locked out by the bosses. Asa result, the work on many buildings is at a stand still, and before the warfare is over other building trades may be involved. The armor for the battleship Wis consin, in course of construction at the Union Iron Works, Is now arriv ing, but the vessel will not be turned over to the government until next spring. Jack Casey, an Australian now in the Frisco prison, has stated that How ard, the Australian plunger, paid him $5,000 on condition that he would kill Millionaire Green of Colorado. He did not keep his contract. The St. Louis exposition, which marks the beginning of the fall festi vals, has opened its 16th successive annual exhibition with the finest dis play and the most striking features ever offered here for inspection. Pittsburgers interested in the pro posed bridge structural iron and steel combine, which is being promoted by J. Gifford Ladd of New York, to be capitalized at $65,000,000, are confident that the deal will go through soon. Burch, of Copake, N. Y., has bought from Frank Rogash, Miss Irma, a fast young pacer by Atlantic City, for $5,- 000. The mare has no record, but has gone a mile in 2:07, and will be en tered in the fast classes next year. At Louisville the man arested by the detectives two weeks ago, suspected of being James V. Dunham, the sex teplet murderer if Santa Clara county, Cal., was identified as Chris F. Nether feld, of Warren, O. He was released. In San Francisco Judge Carroll granted 15 days further stay of execu tion to Mrs. Cordelia Botkin, the con victed murderess of 'Mrs. John P. Dun ning. The bill of exceptions in the case has been filed, but not yet set tled. It is thought when congress as sembles resolutions will be intro duced in both branches demanding that the government withdraw from partic ipation in the Paris exposition on ac count of the verdict in the Dreyfus case. Mrs. Mary Gallagher, of Port Perry, Pa., poisoned herself and her three children with laudanum. Mrs. Galla gher and her baby died, but two daugh ters, aged 5 and 7 years, will probably recover. Motive for the crime is not known. Officials regard the Venezuelan situa tion as critical. The cruiser Detroit is due at Laguayra, and as that point it only two hours from Carraeas no ap prehension is felt that any American interest will suffer by the disturb ance. At Washington the great council of the Improved Order of Red Men opened witli a reception to the delegates and visitors, of whom there are about 1,000 in the city. There w n re 155 delegates representing nearly every state and territory in the union. The stockholders of the Illinois Tele phone and Telepraph company voted an issue of $5,000,000 of 4V4 per cent. 30-year gold bonds, and an increase in .the capital stock of from $250,000 to $5,000,000. Four more directors were elected, making a board of seven. The price of anthracite coal will be higher in Chicago the coming winter than in a number of years before, ac cording to local dealers. The present price. $6.25, is nearly $1 higher than last winter’s highest figure, and an ad vance to $7 is almost a certainty. El!hu Root, secretary of war, is like ly to be the administration's candidate for the republican nomination for vice president. President McKinley has favored the renomination of his run ning mate but Mr. Hobi-t's health will probably prevent him from again ac cepting office. Secretary Root has written the gov ernors of the several states notifying them of the appointment of a Porto Rican relief committee, of which Cor nelius N. Rliss is chairman. He says the urgent necessity of feeding the great numbers of destitute people in Porto Rico still continues. The steamer Antarctic, which left Helsingborg, Sweden, May 25. was spoken off The Skaw, the northern ex tremity of Jutland, Denmark, on its re turn from its search along the north east coast of Greenland for Professor Andree. It reported that no trace had been found of the missing aeronaut. Saturday afternoon there occurred at Naco, Ariz., a shooting affray which has already caused the death of one American cowboy and a Mexican guard and the wounding of several others, and ultimately in delivering over to the Mexican authorities of four American citizens, who will be tried for murder. Ex-Gov. Altgeld may not go to Ken tucky to make speeches against Wm. Goebel, the regular democratic candi date for governor. He said that while he had received invitations to visit the blue grass state in the inter est of the anti-Goebel ticket he had not made up his mind to accept them. Cramp’s ship building yards re sumed operations, after having been closed from Sept. 1. when wo-it was stopped at the plant. Charles S. Cramp announced that the action was taken in order -to give the veterans at tending the Grand Army encamp ment an opportunity of Inspecting the yards. Massachusetts •.'rchibitionists have nominated the following state ticket: Governor. John W. Baer. Medford; lieutenant governor. James H. Roberts, Cambridge; secretary of state, John B. Lewis. Reading: treasurer. Herbert B. Griflln. Winthop: auditor, Franklin A. Palmer. Stockbrldge; attorney gen eral. Sidney Porley, Salem. Peter Pearson, an Oklahoma man, has invented a system of wireless teleg raphy, which he claims is perfectly successful. Some time last week Pearson says he sent a message to his agent in a town 60 miles away. He later received a copy of the message by letter through the postoffice exactly as he sent it, including a mistake in the sending. When Mayor Harrison returns from his vacation he will put himself at the head of a movement which is expected by the democracy of Chicago to lend the next nationel convention of that party in that city. A non-partisan organiza tion of democratic leaders and busi ness men will probably be formed to get subscriptions. A fund of $50,000 will be aimed at. Baron Fava, the Italian ambassa dor, had an interview with Acting Secretary Adee respecting the inquiry which is making into the killing of the five Italians at Tallulah, La., last sum mer. He was informed that the state department had not yet received the detailed report of the Louisiana authorities upon this subject, and it was intimated that the matter might be referred to congress. The reports of two physicians at Key West to the state board of health yes terday show tha* there are nine eases of yellow fever and one death at that place. The situation at Miama re mains the same, and ,he panic threat ened at Port Tampa has subsided. Several persons who were exposed have been carefully isolated, but the period of incubation has expired and there is no fear of them developing a case of yellow fever. FOREIGN. Paris newspapers urge that Dreyfus be pardoned. President Andrade of Venezuela has formed anew cabinet. New York Hebrews planned to boy cott the Paris exposition. Anew judiciary system has been put in operation in Porto Rico. The revolution in Venezuela is grow ing stronger and the government weaker. Rain has improved the crop outlook in western India and fears of a famine have been removed. The Foureau-Lamy mission, com posed of Frenchmen, has been an nihilated by African natives. President Kruger has revived a law which might enable him to seize the outlanders’ cniies in the event of war. The present week is expected to be an important one in determining the question of peace or war in south Africa. Fishermen say codfishing on the Labrador coast is poor and that the fishing this year has been almost a failure. General Jiminez, on arriving at Santo Domingo, declares that he will not be president until elected by the people. Several offers have been made to Genera] Jiminez to furnish gold for re deeming the paper money of Santo Domingo. By the action of New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria in adopt ing addresses to the queen upon the subject, the Australian confederation is assured. At Oporto there has been one more death from the plague but the condi tion is unchanged. Dr. Irving, an American, pronounces the plague to be a mild form. The court-martial at Rennes, France, found Captain Dreyfus guilty of trea son and sentenced him to 10 years’ im prisonment but his immediate pardon is looked for. The press of almost the whole worid condemns the verdict. The dossier of the Rennes, France. Bar association, of which he was a member, paid a tribute to the mem ory of Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll, at the opening of the September term of the circuit court in the form of lauda tory resolutions. Walter Wellman underwent a surgi cal operation at London for straighten ing his rignt leg. which was seriously injured during his recent arctic trip. Another operation is necessary, but the attending surgeons say they ex pect to save the leg, and that Mr. Wellman will be able to return to America in three weeks. Hostile foreign criticism of the Dreyfus verdict has angered the French people, and the Paris press takes up the threats to boycott the exposi tion and plainly tells the world its ab sence will be welcome. The Drey fus court-martial signed a recommen dation for mercy, the object being to eliminate the degradation feature of the punishment. The London Times, in an evidently inspired article, intimates that Great Britain will make fresh demands on the Transvaal Republic, as follows: 1. The Boer givernment will be ex pected to pay expenses of recent ne gotiations. including dispatch of troops to the Cape. 2. Great Britain’s su zerainity must be acknowledged in plainer terms. 3. The Transvaal must give assurances that no fresh claims for independence shall be made in the future. British cabinet did not send a war ultimatum to the Trans vaal, and the volksraad at Pretoria de cided to await further diplomatic cor respondence. A SCANDAL. Who said wa'd twist the liou's fail? That scandal we disown: Such action we should much bewail— An insult to the throne. We always wish the lion well. We love to hear his roar, While Yankee "nthems lofty swell— Unite from shore to shore. Of beasts he is the royal king. He knows there's naught to fear; His praises all the people sing. And all the nations hear. Let factions strive: on such a thing Good Uncle Sam will frown— A quill plucked from our eagle's wing Shall write the scandal down! —Edward William Duteher. IT’S UP TO CONGRESS SCHURMAN GIVES OUT STATE MENT ON PHILIPPINES. HOW TO END THE WAR Government for the Islands Should Be Established and as Much Liberty as Possible Given the Natives—'Many Tribes and Many Languages—Solu tion of Problem. Ithaca, Sept. 14.—President Schur man Wednesday gave out the follow ing statement to the Associated Press on the Philippine affairs: “It requires some effort to realize the vastness of the aichipelago, which extends in a triangular form from Formosa to Borneo and Celebes, through sixteen degrees of latitude. The multiplicity and heterogeneous nature of the tribes is something as tounding. Over six:ty different lan guages are spoken in the archipelago and the majority of the tribes are small, half a dozen of each having not over a quarter of a million members. The languages of these people are as distinct from one another as French is from Spanish or Italian so that the speech of any one tribe is unintelligible to its neighbors. These tribes are all civilized and chris tianized, but small uncivilized tribes inhabit the mountains in Luzon and form a large part of the population of Mindanano. It is the Tagalos who in habit some of the provinces about Ma nila, who are resisting the authorities of the United States. The other civilized Filipinos are neu tral, except where they are coerced by armed bands of Taga los. It would be incorrect to assume, however, that these tribes are allies of ours. Indeed, they are not without suspicion of the white race. But they are men of intelligence and property, and the masses when not stirred up by the Tagalos recognize the advantage to them of American sovereignty and so many remain neutral. The insur rection, though serious enough as our experience has proven, is not a na tional uprising. Indeed, there is no Philippine nation. There is a multi farious collection of tribes having only this in common, that they belong to the Malay race. The inhabitants of the archipelago no more constitute a nation than the inhabitants of the continent of Europe do. The United States having assumed by treaty of peace with Spain, sov ereignty over the archipelago became responsible for the maintenance o* peace and order. This is an obligation which the intelligent Filipinos expect us to fulfill. In taking the Philippines we annexed a great responsibility. The fact that the responsibility is heavier than most people supposed it would be is no excuse for failure to discharge it. I repeat that the Philip pine question is essentially a question of national honor and obligation.” In reply to an inquiry whether any thing is now left but to fight it out President Schurman said: “In my opinion much good could be done by a declaration on the part of congress that form of government is to be established in the islands or better still, let congress establish a government for the Philippines and have it put in force in all parts and among all tribes hostile to the united States. This will serve several pur poses. It would distinguish between our friends and enemies and treat the former according to their deserts. It would also give our enemies a demon stration of free government on the American plan. I have called atten tion to the fact that a government which is well adapted to one tribe may need considerable modification to be available for another.” Asked about the capacity of the Fili pino peoples to govern themselves, Sehurman replied they had no experi ence in self-government except in municipal affairs, and even this was subject tej the control of the Spanish authorities. President Sehurman seemed firm in the conviction that some form of home rule for each of. the tribes under the watchful supervi sion of the general government at Ma nila was the solution of the problem. IRISH LACE AGAIN. There is a pretty use of an Irish lace fichu on a gown of pale green tserge, and, by the way, this new serge is very nice in delicate colors. The basque is made with a rounded yoke of finely tucked turquoise blue mousseline de sole, and about this lies the flat fichu collar. It is caught in front with a gold buckle, and one end of, the fichu escapes from this to trim the front of the basque with a tiny cascade. The basque is very short in front, with smart coat tails that are lined with turquoise blue. The long skirt is trim med simply with bands of cloth, imi tating scallops. Truly. English gowns sound very simple in the description, but in the tailor-made costumes es pecially there is wonderful skill in the cut. Ther° seems little new to record of coat and jacket suits, save that in Lon don the short jacket seems to be bet ter liked than the bolero. Pique revers are often worn with serge Jackets, and with pique stocks to match. These look fresh and are easily add ed to a costume. The English sailor hat is small and very smart looking. It is probably the same sbape as is worn in America, but it is different from the French sailor. The latter has a rather broad, curled brim and a crown lower in front than behind.— New York Tribune. STAGES OF DREYFUS CASE.. c Important events itibhe Dreyfus case and the dates on’ which they occurred are as follows: P 4., Oct. 15. —Arrest or Qajjtain Dreyfus on the ctyhrge oJi treason. Dec. 22. — He is cpndejfened to degrada tion frodjßfct army and to lifelong fflßpisonment. 1&5. Jan. 4.— Dreyfus is publicly degraded. Nearly two years elapse, during which Dreyfus is on Devil’s Island. Then, in the fall of 1896,- the first mut terings of the approaching storm are heard. M. Castelin raises a question in the chamber of deputies, and Colonel Picquart pursues his investiga tions at the war office untH he is sent out of the way to Africa. P ' 1897. , In July M. Scheurer-Kestner telle his colleagues in the French senate that he is convinced of Dreyfus’ ijmocence. There are more rumblings, uhtll, on Nov. 16.—Mathieu Dreyfus publicly ac cuses Esterhazy of being the author of the bor dereau. Nov. 28. —The Figaro publishes Ester hazy’s to Mme. de Boulancy, showing the similarity In the handwrit ing with that of the bor dereau. Dec. 4. —Interpellation in the chamber. General Billot, minister of war, declares “on his soul and conscience” that Drey fus has been justly and legally condemned. 1898. Jan. 11.—Esterhazy Is acquitted by a court-martial. Jan. 13.—Zola publishes his famous letter to the president of the republic. Colonel Picquart Is ar rested. Feb. 18.—In the course of M. Zola’s trial Colonel Picquart de clares that there is at least one forged document in the secret dossier communi cated to the first court martial. Feb. 23. —Zola Is sentenced to a year’s imprisonment and a fine of 3,000 francs (about $600). June 14. —Fall of the Meline cabinet. June 28.—Formation of the Brisson cabinet, with M. Cavaig nac as minister of war. July B—M. Cavaignac makes his dec elaration of Dreyfus’ guilt, based on Colonel Henry’s forged document. July 9. —Colonel Picquart writes to M. Brisson, offering to prove the document cited M. Cavaignac to be a forgery. July 19. —M. Zola, having been again condemned by the Ver sailles court, leaves France. Aug. 30. —Colonel Henry arrested for forgery. He confesses. Aug. 31. —Henry commits suicide. Resignation of General de Boisdeffre, chief of the general staff. Sept. 3. —Resignation of M. Cavaignac. Sept. s.—Letter from Mme. Dreyfus to the minister of justice, ap pealing for revision. Sept. 6. —General Zurlinden appointed minister of war. Sept. 17. —Revision decided on in prin ciple. Sept. 18.—Resignation of General Zur linden. Sept. 26.—Revision referred to the court of cassation. Oct. 25.—General Chanoine, new min ister of war, gives up his portfolio at a sitting oMhe Chamber, inducing the fall of the Brisson cabinet. Oct. 31. Dupuy cabinet formed with M. de Freycinet as minis ter of war. / 1899. ‘V • V Feb. 10.—Extension of the Dreyfus investigation, with a view to revision, to the entire court of cassation. May 6. M. de Freycinet resigns as minister of war and is sue- j eeeded by M. Krantz. M June Court of cassation in favor of revision and fers the Dreyfus Guiana for France. June 12.—Dupuv cabinet resigns. June 22. —Waldeck-Roiisseau formed, with General de Galliffet as minister of war. ; July I.—Captain Dreyfus arrives at Bennes. Aug. 7.—Second court-maruai begun. Sept. 9.—Dreyfus again declared guilty and sentenced to iO years’ imprisonment. CHOWCHOW. One peck of tomatoes, green half peck onions, whole mixed spices, vrhite wine vinegar. At night take and wash tomatoes well, slice a layer of tomatoes and one of onions with salt on each layer, into a large dish, until the dish is heaped up, then put on a plate, or cover smaller than the dish, with a weight of some kind, and leave all night. In the morning wash well in cold water, put on stove in fettles half full. Take half cupful of whole spice, tie up in muslin or cheesecloth and place in the center of the tomatoes in each kettle; do not quite cover with vinegar, boil slow and well, a little sugar in each kettle to suit taste. Do not let burn. This will keep for years if well corked; put in glass bottles. — Boston Globe. The Hoo Hoos voted yesterday after noon to hold their next annual conven tion at Dallas, Tex., Oct 9. 1900. Capt. George W. of Lake St. Charles, La., was el*jted>|nark of the universe.