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AW4 Pili<§ l- 00 *. *t yourself! Is your face corered with pimples? Your skin rough and blotchy? It’s your liver! Ayer s Pills are liver pills. They cure cona|ipation, biliousness, and dyspepsiC 25c. All druggists. !>> f“b! st^ < ' he or beard beautiful mini# i ..Si 1 . ? Then use PKINGHAM’S DYE “ —UGai9T, on R. p, hall A Cos. Nashua, hp h. Send your name and address on a postal, and we will send you our 156- page illustrated catalogue free. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CH. >BO Winchester Avenue, New Haven, Conn. I N^sal ICATARRH Xln alike etag there C ° c 6&\ J!Uo# afcoulil be deuliness. yd M lib’s. Cream Balm and heals t HlMßased membranr. gbv , '!’c.| drives w V in the head 1 - oiueads >e !. i•. •!. Keiefisim- aiLre I; is md drying—does sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug- Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BRQiHEItS, 5G Warren Street, New York. Carters ink . None so good, but it costs no more thaD the poorest. INSOMNIA “I hare been CASt’AHKTS for Insomnia, with which I have been afflicted for over uven ty years, and I can say that Cascarets have given me more relief than any other reme dy I nave ever tried. I shall certainly recom mend them to my friends as being ail they are represented." Taos. Gillaro, Elgin,lll. candy •y 1 J CATHARTIC TRADE MARK RIAiATfRCD Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Ho Sickvji. Weaken, i.r Gripe. 2,* We. WCURE CONSTIPATION. ... IGa*<tv (n-npany, 4 hlraeo, Mnntrful, \r* York. ..16 tfnrn Pif* Sold and guaranteed by all drug llU* I U*DAU gists to Cl T KG Tobacco Habit. V ‘OHDJH let' !s4 -166 ■ QUALITY the STARTING POINT: 1 PRICE THE CLIMAX. Cj ze , larger than 44 inches chest measure will cost fi.oo extra. Send for our special cloth ing booklet of samples. It It free. py-OW MAMMOTH CATALOGUE jr 5t “ d h ‘?^ estVholesale prices everything to eat, wear and use, is <lhed on receipt of only lOc. to partly pay post ggjMjCexpiessage, and as evidence of good faith— allowed on first purchase amounting to laifiKpr above. |gss Is Nae Pride, Dirt’s Nae ißCommon Sense Die* the Use } ■polio | MESSAGE FROM ABOVE. j ‘'O’er the Atlantic Comes the roir of the ship guns— The English-speaking ship guns— I Telling the ’Latin race,’ frantic and old, I Telling all Russia; gigantic and "lj roung, I Telling the feudal boy-kaiser ro mantic, ' 1 What the Spanish Armada by How ard was told: What the winds to the salt seas forever have sung. Telling uk, powers: ‘lne ocean is ours, Together we pull. Nelson and Farragut, Rodney and Hull.’ “r"~ *’- _ aciflc Comes the roar of the ship guns— The English-speaking ship guns— Singeing the beard of the don at Ma nila As Drake at Cadiz three centuries .’ agone. Drake’s message frctn Dewey: ‘We sank their flotilla In spite of their forts! As you did, ■’ we've done! The ocean is ours, The ocean is ours, Together we pull, Nelson ahd Farragut, Rodney and .uiU.’ ” —Bellamy Storer. Two Bidders. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Franklyn had got tired of life in the country. “Don’t you think, dear,’’ said Mrs. Franklyn, “it would be well enough for us to return to the city?” “Yes, I do,” said Mr. Franklyn. Miss Julia Lesiardi, Mrs. Franklyn's pretty 18-year-old sister, clapped her hands. “Good!” cried she. “Now I shall have some sort of a chance at morning concerts and the opera again.” And house hunting commenced in good earnest. But it flagged "after the first edge of enthusiastic enterprise was worn off. None of the houses suited exactly. “1 don’t care,” sobbed Mrs. Franklyn. “It was all Laurence's fault, taking this horrid, damp hole.” Miss Lesiardi wa3 just^making up her mind to another season of frogs, damp kitchen ahd fresh gggs at eight cents apiece, when Been Came exultantly back from the evening. “Oh, Julia,” she cried, “I’ve seen the sweetest little gem of a house!” “Been house hunting, eh?” said Miss Lesiardi, who had got the tea ready. The thirteenth “help” had gone off in a huff that morning. “Well, no, not exactly house hunting, you know, but I saw the bill, and I went in. The neighborhood delightful, the park handy—” “And the rent?” eagerly demanded Miss Lesiardi, with eyes like blue moons. “Only SI,BOO a year,” “Oh!” said Julia. “But isn’t that a great deal?” “Not when you consider the price of houses in general. I’ll go Ivack to morrow and but, mi ad, it’s a secret. I don’t want Laurence to know that I baVe taken any trouble.” Vrs. Franklyn retired to bed whan 1 * ©ur BTo. <55. The illustration represents a high grade all woo* Kersey Cloth Over coat—in quality and price without a peer. It i6 made with double stitched overlapped seams, raw edges, heavy fine velvet collar, lined throughout with highly finished extra fine quality farmers’ satin, deep facing of own goods, two cutside pockets end ticket pocket with flaps, two inside breast pockets, tailored in the correct fashion for autumn and winter dress wear. There is a great deal of clothing being advertised mostly made in eastern tene ment factories at starvation wages, which means dishonestly made. It Is our policy to serve the pub ic honestly and give them Just vt hat they should have at the lowest living cost. No underpaid labor is employed in making our clothing; the result is we gei the highest class work. We want your business and offer you goods and prices that in justice to yourself you cannot afford to pass without at least investigating. It costs you nothing to try us. We’ll send you one of these special value coats on receipt of fi.oo, balance C. O. D., or if cash in full accompanies the order and the coat is found not as represented or sat isfactory, send it back to us and your money will be refunded by next mail after the coat reaches us. Ask your banker, any express company or mercantile agency regarding our responsibility. Col ors are navy blue, seal m ■■ ■■ brown or black. State Ml m ■I color wanted. Sizes ii 34 to 44 chest meas- mM ■ B ure. Price The wearer of one of these ele gant Over coats will enjoy the distinction of being dressed in the latest fashion. There’s a sense of satisfac tion in wearing perfect fitting gar ments. her husband came home. Miss Lesi ardi..however, was up to pour his tea. “Well, Julia,” aaad Mr. Fianklyn, triumphantly, “I’ve found the house we want” Julia looked up with almost a scored expression on her face. “You haven’t taken It, Laurence?” “No, but I shall tomorrow.” “I wouidn 1 uo anything without con sulting Bee,” pleaded Julia. “I shall give her a pleasant sur prise,” said Mr. Franklyn, buttering a muffin. “Remember, Ju, this is be tween you and me." Early next morning Mr. Franklyr. went to New York. Bee followed the next train, while Miss Lesiardi breath lessly awaited the crisis. Mrs Franklyn returned rather earl ier than her sister had expected her. with a bright, flushed face. “Well?” said Julia breathlessly. “I’ve agreed to pay $2,000 a year for it,” said Mrs. Franklyn. “Two thousand!” echoed Miss Lesi ardi. “I thought it was only $1,800.” “Well, so it was, but there’s another party, it seems, anxious to secure the house, and” — “Oh, nonsense!” exclaimed Julia. “That’s only the professional land lady’s ruse.” “Oh, but it Is true,” persisted Bee, “for I saw his hat on the sideboard, and I caught a glimpse of his legs walking about in the upper story to see if the paint was in g-ood order on the second floor, so I said I’d give her $2,000.” “And suppose the other party—who I dare say,.was the plumber or gas fitter or perhaps the carpenter, come to see about repairs—should offer $2,500?” “He won’t,” , said Bee confidently. “The house .isn’t worth that.” “But I really think. Bee darling, you’d better speak to Laurence.” “So I will,” said Bee, “ this evening. He will- see that his wife is something more than a dead letter in the family, but I want you to go and see the house this afternoon, Julia.” The level rays of the soft April sun set were shining into the pretty .tttle double drawing room of the house on Millard square as Bee led her sister exultantly into it. “Just look at those marble mantles,” she said, “and the pattern of the cor nices, and the pierglasses and the gas fixtures go with the house, and—” “Oh, I beg your pardon, ma'am, I’m sure!” saia a falcon nosed, elderly lady, who advanced, bearing with her smell of dyed bombazine. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but —” ‘You have not let the house?” “Yes, ma'am, I have. A poor lone widow like me has her own interests to look to, and the gentleman offered f2,500 a year if I’d sign the papers at once, which,” with a reflective look at her pocket handkerchief, “I did.” Mrs. Franklyn rose in great indigna tion, her voice raising accordingly. “I really think,” said she, “I should he justified in placing this matter in the hands of thb lawyers, and —” “Why, Bee, my darling.” “Laurence!” The folding doors slid back and Mrs. Franklyn found herself vis-a-vis with her husband. “Here’s the gent himself,” said the ancient female. “Which he can ex plain.” “You never have taken this house. Laurence?” almost shrieked Mrs Franklyn. “Yes, I have, my dear.” “But I offered two thousand for it! ’’j “And I have signed a three years; lease at $2,500,” said the husband somewhat sheepishly. Miss Lesiardi burst out laughing. “So,” said she, “your profounl secrecy has cost you just SSOO per an num.” “Never mind, Bee.” said Mr. Frnrk- Iyn, soothingly. “It’s a gem of aho ise anyway, and we’ll be as happy as the day is long in it. I only wish I had confided in you about it.” “And I wi-wi-wish I hadn’t been so obstinate and hateful,” whimpered Bee. “Come,” said Miss Leaiardl, "let’s make haste, or we shall lose the 7 50 way train,”—New York News, THE BOERS AS FIGHTERS. * Some Engagements Where They Prov ed Their Prowess. It is usual, I know, for military men to sneer at the generalship, or want of it, which, as they alloca, was respons ible for the Majuba disaster—these critics are wise after-the event. It Is forgotten that the Boers met other officers that Gen. Colley at Brunkhorst Spruit in a number of fights about Pretoria, Potchestroom, and other villages, and that in no case were our men and military leaders able to stand up to the enemy. At Durban, in Natal, in 1848, we got the worst of it, as we did at Doornkop, where English officers of the orninary type com manded. The only military success which English officers can claim In a good many encounters with the Boerß is the battle of Boomplaats, fought In 1848, between a-tlllery and flint-lock guns. It is. therefore, nonsense to take refuge behind the lack of gener alship of our leaders. If such factors as courage and leadership ao not come into the controversy, except to a very limited extent, in what direction must we look for the explanation of our defeats? At I.alng's Neck the action began by our guns dropping a few shells Into the Boe. lines, and, as admitted by the Boers themselves, the small loss they suffered from this fire —Oen. Joubert eras nearly hit by a splinter of a shell —induced them to think seriously of abandoning the position. They were about to leave when the. attack by a small number of mounted Infantry and by a few companies of Col. Deane's regiment was made. Only one of our men reached the Boer lines, the others being stopped a short distance away; and, as they were unsupported, these were driven back down the hill. Re sult: 190 killed and wounded on the British side, against twenty-four Boers soled and wounded. At Ingogo, fought a few days afterwards, a force of about 300 two guns were stopped on a small ilateau, and, after an action lasting iml day, our men, with the two guns, were withdrawn during the night, leaving dead and wounded on the ground. The Boers also left the field at night. At this fight the Boers crept up to within sixty yards of our guns. They lost seventeen killed and wounded, while our loss was 142 killed and wounded. A force of about 600 infantry set out for the summit of Majuba hill on the nigh: of Feb. 26. 1881. There were about 550 combatants. After leav ing some companies on the road about 400 men reached the summit, and were disposed in various positions about the rim of the mountain. The first shots were fired about 6 o’clock, and the combat went on uninterruptedly for hours. In the final stages the main body of the Boers crept to Within forty yards and for a considerable time fusiladed our troops at this dis tance. Many of the men fell In the subsequent fight; but when the fight ing was over, at 1 o'clock, our casual ties were 280 killed and wounded, while the Boers lost one killed and four wounded. At Bronkhorst we lost 120 men killed and wounded within ten minutes, the Boers losing one. In the Jameson raid our losses were about 100 killed and wounded, ■ the Boers having five killed and wounded in the actual fighting. It is usually maintained that these Transvaal fights were fought at a dis advantage, and that our men were in each case vastly outnumbered. If we accept the Boer accounts, our forces were not outnumbered. At Majuba they say they had about 400 men. Bui even assuming that there were as many as 1,000 Boers, the result is still extremely unsatisfactory.—African Re view. HOW THEY ENDURE HEAT. Men Suffer Less at a Dry High Tem perature Than When it is Moist. How *he men employed In iron foundries, steamship boiler rooms, blast furnaces and other torrid places stand the terrible heat is a mystery to all but the initiated, says the Savan nah News. In the melting room of the United States Mint at Philadelphia, the thermometer usually indicates 106 degrees, in gas works 118 degrees, while In steamships the firemen some times have to endure 140 degrees of neat. In all these places the men Wear very little clothing, and un doubtedly suffer from the exposure, but not so much as a person might suppose. The explanation of this fact Is that ithese men are not reached by the ih timidity. They are working in plates where the artificial heat is so Intense as to drive out the humidity, and 118 degrees of heat in a pure dry air Is not felt so much as amixture of R 0 degrees of heat and 80 per cent, of humidity that tells on people and sorely tries their vitality. The humidity is the moisture in the air. When it is very intense it pre vents the perspiration from passing out through the pores of the skin, and Its pressure on the flesh is very exhaust ing and the confinement of the perspi ration -exceedingly unhealthy. Al though people do not know it, they would be cooler while sitting be side a red hot stove than they would be in the street on any hot mid summer day. A GOOD SUBSTITUTE. An old Hot Springs colored woman went to the pastor of her church to complain of her husband, who she said "*‘wuz a low-down, wu’th less, triflin’ niggah.’ After listening to a long re cital of the delinquencies of her neglectful and her efforts to correct him, the minister said, "Hab yo’ eber tried heapin’ coals of fire upon his head?” “No,” was the reply; “but I’s tried hot water.” —Arkansaw Thomas Cat. Still More Connlerfeitfng. The Secret Service hss jut-t unearthed an ollicr hand of counterfeiter* and secured a quantity of bogus bills, wide h are very clev. erly executed. Things of great va'ue are alaays -elected for imitation, notably Hon ttier’s Stomach Bitters, which lias many imitators out no equals for disorders like indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation. At Manila the mayor of Imua has dis appeared. It is supposed that he has joined the rebels on the promise, of re ceiving a generalship. Important Information for Men and | ffomenirr For those who sre accustomed to send ing away from home for their goods it is ef the greatest Importance to know tb" character and reliability of the estab lishments w iling goods to families from catalogues. The great eni|*rium of the John fl. located at 150 to ICO West Madison street, Chicago, his been establishes for a third of a century, and has furnished over a half a million homes in Chicago and vicinity alone. This firm enjoy the confidence of the public by its many years of fair dealing. It issues an illustrated' cata logue that should be in every family, as It de. cribe* aifi gives the price of evry article requirl# for household use. A sample of thp extraordinary values of fered by tbitAflrm is shown in the illus tration of lie gentlemen’s overcoats in another colbran of this paper. Those gar ments are Indeed wonderful values, and yet they sample of tbe thousand and one illustrated and the John lie 111 n Wnten CaiiUalUt. urer and Philanthropist. Among the leaders of the progressive element for which the midle west is famous, Mr. John 0. Hubinger, of Keo kuk, In., reigns without a peer. As a manufacturer, ns an enterprising cap italist and as a philanthropist his fame has spread over many states, and his financial enterprises have developed many obscure towns into progressive, thrifty and wide-awake cities. Mr, Hubinger, although but 47 years of age, can look back upon scores of com mercial victories, each one of which has benefited mankind, for his liberality is ns bountiful as his business sagacity is marvelous. 1 * ■ lie was born in New Or leans, La., his parents being of French and German origin. When he was four years old, his family removed to Ken tucky, in which state young Hubinger received a public school education. Al most before reaching man's estate he secured patents on a number of val uable mechnnical inventions, thereby laying the foundation of his present fortune. By inclination and force of circum stances his attention was early direct ed to the manufacture of starch by im proved processes, and in the course of time he became the head of a concern having an annual business of million* of dollars. But genuine ambition never quite satisfied with existing con ditions, works ever toward perfection, and after years of painstaking study and research Mr. Hubinger has made a JOHN C. HUBINGER. discovery, which he considers the crowning event of his wonderful cureer, anti which is embodied in a new article of commerce, known as Red Cross Starch (Red Cross trade mark.) lie is planning to distribute millions of packages of this starch to the hwusewives of America, at a merely price to the consumer, in order to make its merits known without de lay. Thus, for but 5 cents two large 10e packages of Red Cross Starch may hod, together with two magnificent Shakespearean views printed in 12 beautiful colors, or a Twentieth Cen tury Girl Calendar; or for only 20 cents 10 packages of the starch nnd the entire series of eight Shakespearean views and one Twentieth Century Girl Calendar —views alone easily worth SI.OO. Watch this paper for future premium announcements, of which every lady will certainly want to take advantage. While .Mr. lluliinger will devote his best energies to the manufacture of this new untl wonderful starch, he will rot retire from the various financial enterprises in which he is interested street railways, electric lighting plants nnd the Missisjsppi Valley Telephone Cos., with I(l, Cut) 1< If phone subscribers in Minneapolis uni! SI. l’uul- nor will his augmented activity interfere with his social obligations and exercise of the splendid hospitality which he dis penses at liis palatini Keokuk home. Mr. llubiiiger's family, consisting of himself, wife and four children, Is the pivot around which his activity re vo'ves, and while fond of promoting great enterprises, he is still fonder of his home circle, where he spends every moment of time nut taken up by busi ness or public cares. PARCELS POST FDR CUBA. Negotiations are now In progress for a parcels post convention between Cuba and France. The convention, if it is agTeed to, will be modeled upon those now In existence between the United States and South American countries, and the convention between the United States and Germany. Di rector General of Posts Kathbone, as the head of the Cuban postal service, is carrying on the negotiations on the part of the Island, and there have also been conferences in regard to the mat tor between Postmaster-General Smith and the German Envoy, Mr. Mumm von Schwarzenstlen, signed a conven tion between the United States and Germany. The convention will go In to operation October 1, and will in augurate a postal service by means of which articles of merchandise may bo exchanged between the two countries, provided the packages do not optod 11 pounds in weight. The fwxitage rate from the United States is fixed at !2 cents for each pound or fraction of a i*otind. 44 Necessity is the Mother of Invention.” U'mM the necessity for 4 reliable blood purifier and lonic that brought into exist ence Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is a highly concentrated extract prepared by a com. bination, proportion and process peculiar to itself and giving to Hood’s Sarsapa rilla unequalled curative power. SaXiah<vdltct Lir 11 1 ■ Mta i- in. l the hat quarter of a Hubl’iger lias been the peer of all oth ers and to-day is placing on tht market the finest laundry starch eve- offered the public under our new and original method. Ask your grocer for a coupon book which will enable you to get the first two large 10-ccnt packages of his new starch. RED CROSS, TRADE MARK brand, also two of the children's Shaks pearc pictures painted in twelve beauti ful colors as natural as life, or tha Twentieth Century Girl Calendar, all absolutely free. All grocers are authorized to give ten large packages of RED CROSS STARCH, with twenty of the Shaks peare pictures or ten of the Twentieth Century Girl Calendars, to the first five purchasers of the Endless Starch Chain Book. This is one of the grandest offers over made to Introduce the RED CROSS laundry starch, J. C. Uniting er’s latest Invention. Prsiuent Cannon of the Chase Na tional bank, New York, says the northwest did more than any other sec tion to bring about the present, pros perous condition of the country. Mr.. Wlimiow . Sooth inq Syrup for children tfrMlmiff R(.fu*aH iii jrums (•tltiCßJi in Mamma, tiou, ulla.tft paid,cures wiml colic. 25c a bottle- Two cases of yellow fever are re ported among the troaos at Havana. Write for circular of Spencerian Busi ness and Shorthand College, Milwaukee. The governuent will manufacture Us own powder. Attend the Oshkosh Business Col lege and school of Shorthand and Typewriting. BEST IN EVERYTHING! Hus,ness Practice in Book keeping and Shorthand from start to finish. Educates practically and supplies busi ness houses with competent assistant*. Established Sept, i, 1867. No Vacations. For Catalogue address W. W. Daggett, Oshkosh, Wit. t It is rumored that a committee of leading German manufacturers la being formed for tho purpose of pre venting German participation in the Paris exposition of 1900. Hall’h turrit Cure Is tak*n intornally. Prico 75 ceuts. Greeley’s camp in theoretic was found by Lieut. Peary just as it was left six teen years ago. 1 know Hint iny life vu saved l>y I'iso’s C ure for CuiKumptlon.—John A. Miller, Au Sable, Michigan, April 21, 1895. Prof. Campbell of Lick observatory discovered that. Polaris, the north star, Is a triple system. Mrs. Col. Richardson SAVED BY MRS. PINKHAA^. (.LITTER TO MKS. NNKUA* J .jL “You have saved my life, wW J me from the brink of the grave and I wish to thank you. Aboutpff,. teen months ago 1 was a total wreck, ’ physically. I had been troubled with leucorrlmsa for some time, but had given hardly any attention to the trouble. “At last inflammation of the womb and ovaries resulted and then I buf fered agonies, had to glv up my pro fession (musician md p'ano jilayer), was confined to my bed ;i , 1 life became a terrible crow. My husband sum mon'd the best physicians, but tlieir Tom fit v . !>.it tewijKirary ni best. I believe 1 bonld have contracted the morphine b.ibllnn<!> r their < are, if my common ,sense Jud not intervened. “Onedayrayhiu.lisincli’itk the ad* verti' ement of your lvt.i <! ; id im mediately bought me at :M ' :!. Hood the pain in my ovaries '.vi gone, lam I now weil, strong am! robust, walk, ride a wheel, and feel like n girl in her teens. I would not be without Lydia E. Pinkham’* Vegetable Compound; it is like wat* rof life to me. J am very gratefully and sincerely your well wisher, and 1 heartily rcc< nmend your remedies. 1 hope Some poor creature may be helped to health by n ailing my story.”—Mbs! Con. E. I J . RicuAunaoK, RMiaiu.ANDgn, Wis. W. L. DOUGLAS 53&53.50 SHOES “T?<" g Worth (4 to $6 compared with other makos. Tnrforird by over 1,4,00,000 wear nr*. , ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES \ THR URN' INK W. L. m* Bad price aUmprd on hollo*. * Take no substitute claimed to be an ic<*hl. I,argent makers of mu! aboes In the worwWiYour dealer nhould keep M not. wr will *end you * a pair on receipt of price. State kind of leather, at in and width, Alain or cap too < AtAlOftlie l> Frrl. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton. Mass. Rt-'lUQinniJ” 1 " nvmiMßW, IJbliOlwll w H.iiineiou, n.G Prosecutes Claims. ■ Lt PHivitml BxAmtrar r H i’sntiion RurtHtu, SI Sjrraincivil war, laanjudiuwtina Haim* ttj ilium I AflipC Th" Porlodleal Moallily Iti'viilalnr LcuiLOi never fails: convince viiiir.-clf; writer for free box. NKW VOKKI iKMII'ALtuJ Ho* 70. Milwaukee, Win. Jg PJSO’S CURE FOR < ITS - CUHIS WHIKUIL HSi iAILS-H Usuch Byrup. TmimGoimL Uee 1 HoM by dnmtau, I CONSUMPTION wis pub union 25 Cts