Newspaper Page Text
jtfortljent fektcmsin'StSstiL: c HIMI.KV, PDBLISHER. NOTH IJpro CONTRIBUTORS. -■ - ' .-r Am, Oimminications to this paper should \k- to the Nortiirkn AY.sctixW aXkrtiskb, Wabeno. Wis.. hnd such as are for publication should bear the real as well as the assumed name. No anonymous commuiiiciitions "'ill be printed in this paper, unless ac companied by tho real name, which may or may not be printed according to the wish of the writer. All communications for publication should reach us by Tuesday evening - to insure a place in the currant issue. Communications received after that will have to go over until the following week. WABENO CAMP, No. 0113, M. W. A. Meets on the first and third Friday 'evening of each month, at Thomas Moore's Hall, at 7:30 p. m. Visiting neighbors are cordially invited. V. H. Jobss, 0. G. HimleV, V. C. Clerk. C. & N. W. R’y. Local Time Card. North Bound. tPassenger 7:42 a. m. Mixed train 2:23 p. m. C- South Bound. fPassenger 8:50 a. in. Mixed train 4:20 p. m. t Wednesday and Friday only. V.-H. Johns, Agent. COUNTY OFFICERS. E. 0. Woodbury, Sheriff. H. G. Martin, Under-Sheriff. P. Shay, Clerk. A. E. Himley, Treasurer. B. McGinley, Clerk.of Court. T. F. Hooper, District Att'y. W. W. Waite, Register of Deeds. R. A. Edgar, Sup't of Schools. M. S. Barker, judge. F. E. Cook, Surveyor. Wm. Vanzile, Coroner. COUNTY BOARD. I . , - “. _ T. J. Kane, Town of Crandon, W. MclnniS, Town of Cavour, P. Shay, Clerk. OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF CAVOUR. * • i " W. McINNIS ..Chairman B. McGinley Supervisor Wm. Tray nor “ H. W. Stew art Clerk Jas. Stevenson. . . ..Treasurer P. Hoffman Assessor ,C. G. Himley —Justice 0. H. Senglaub ........ “ H. W. Stewart........ “ ,E. S. Naylor Constable C&as. Swanson “ . I SCHOOL OFFICERS j# . Oi CAVOUK. ( ' * '* C. G. Himley.... Pros. Malchon McEachin Vice-Pres. H. W. Stewart Sec. Post Office. Mail al'Hves at 2:2a p. h. Mail closes at...... . .4 00 p. m. Office -hours from 7:00 a. m to p. in. from 8.00 a, m. to Y. ii I)it kinm-n. l>. i h. ' ' ' IflßHcinn ani Surgeon. ■HH. , . f’ WINOQUA. Warn co. .wib. J. H.DAWLEY, Physician and Surgeon, Calls by wire given prompt attention. ANTIGO, - WIS. H. (*. DRKIKR, Attorney at Law, Fire and Life Insurance. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Shawano, Wife; Emil Birkle, Tonsorial Artist, Workmanship First-Class. Haircutting shaving and sham pooing done in the best manner. Shop in Hotel Wabeno. John Hughes, -GUIDE- For Hunting and Fishing Parties. WILL MEET PARTIES AT DEPOT, IF NOTIFIED IN ADVANCE. Resort on Birch Lake; one-mile from Laona Station. Wabeno * Wis. J. H. Delamater, —Dealer in— General Merchandise. Goods Sold Cheap. Give us a trial and be convinced. Laona, - Wis. PETER HOFFMAN, Contractor and Builder. Architectural P signs and Esti mates made on all kinds of Buildings, with or without Material. Lathing and Shingling a Specialty. Sat isfaction Guaranteed. WABENO. WIS. For Sale! Two Cub Bears, three months old, very tame and fond of play. Call on or address, Hotel Wa - beno. Wabeno, Wis. A GREAT OFFER. By special arrangement made with the publishers of the Farm Journal we are enabled to offer that paper to every subscriber, who pays for the Northern Wisconsin Advertiser bne year ahead, for orily *1.50. both papers for the price of ours only: our paper one year and the Farm Journal from now to December, 1903, nearly 5 years The {'arm Journal is an old established pap*r, enjoying great popularity, one of the best £nd most useful farm papers published,. jsgTThis offer should be ac cepted without delay WABENO. FOREST COUNTY. WISCONSIN. THURSDAY, OCT. 4. 18!l. LOCAL LOOK'. The boarding cars left today. Circuit Court adjourned Thurs day evening. Mrs. E- F. Carter also paid the town a visit. Peter Hoffman, is still working at the town hall. Miss Grace Moorey, done some shopping in town yesterday. Emil Bii'ekle is on the sick list we hope a speedy recovery. Victor Johnson started work ing for Tom Moore last week: Joe. Wentz?*} Rusch's scaler started for Stratford yesterday. Miss Florry McCabe, left for her home at Tigerton yesterday. Mr. Leonard Zahn left for his home at Rbedsvillet Thursday last. The men Serving as jurors from this place arrived here safe ly Friday last. Mrs: Frank Carter of Carters Siding done some shopping in town Saturday. • Mr. John Shawano of the In dian settlbmeiß was in town Sat urday afternoon. John Weinert left for the Sid ing last Monday to do some mas on work for Martin. Emil Birklo the barber return ed Friday morning from his visit at Janesville with his family. Mr. Joseph left for his home at West Bend, last Friday where he intends to seek employ ment. Herman Schroedcr canie up from Gillett, last Monday and he intends working for Tom MooVe, this winter. • 1. e Mrs. John Gerhardt, left lust Wednesday morning with the special to visit with friends and relatives at Harton, Wis. Henry Hempel, started work ing for Tom Moore last week. He will hold the ribbons over one of his new teams. O. H. Senglaubs new house Is nearly completed. ( And we unite in wishing him happiness in his new home. Miss Benke, left Thursday last for her home at West Bend, after spending the summer months with her sister Mrs. Win Sfiiden sticker. FOR SALE—-A good, heavy logging team, with pair Of har nesses good as new. For par ticulars cab nl the Advertiser office ’ / •) v *t Tom Moore rjscieved two'teams last Saturday from Newald the ShaWano horse ’dealer Mr Moore, is going to do some log ging this Winter. j oto Mqore s hew shed is going up as rapidly to erect a wood structure Tom will soon be. seen, pushing his buggies in out of the weather. A * * V* . 1 . i. • , . Th<* ivoi A Bichardiort, house is being rapidly .pushed jby thfi contractor and his aiffny of assistants he expects to move lAtO his new building soon. Wo s.mdorsiHnd IT. P. Harris, has become a sharpshooU r. He is a cracker jack at a Hat in tie air or a rogster at ti e fair wh n a man gets to be a good h-t then he is supposed to join the eh p shooters at Manila. How is ii Herb. The present coid weather, has suggested to the editor the ide , that a little tire wood Would he a very acceptiahle thing. Should any of our delinquent subserib >rs have an over supply of sail ar i cle, we would lie pleased to have them Civil around. Clerk of the Court Harney McGinley? reached home saMy from Crandoit, Saturday {Jvehinj:. He reports having a good but very busy time. He will imme diately assume his former duties us a civil engineer in charge < f this division. We lire all glad to see Barney again. Any person or persons destre ing too borrow a gun. Will do Well to call at our office and re cieve full particulars regarding the loaning and returning of same. A {though We haye no guns of our own to lend we Will cheer fully tell you where to apply. John Waite iind John -Anderson both of Crandon have completed the Setting of the telephone posts between Crandon: and thife place. As the stringing of the telephone wire is being rapidly pushed for ward. We hope to be able to hold telephone communications witli the good people of Crandon in the near future. E. O. Stolicker, whose trial ended in the circuit court at Cran don. Thursday evening Was found guilty of “Manslaughter” in the third degree by the jury and sentenced by Judge Goodland to a term of two years and six months imprisonment, at hard labor, in the state prison at Wau pan; the first day to be solitary confinement. The prosiciition was conducted by District At torney Hooper assisted by Sam uel Shan, both of Crandon, and the defence was represented by Attorney Walker, of Rhinelander and Attorney Eghei t Wyman of Crandon. Correspondence: Crandon. Court is over and now people can go to w-ork G. V FT Riggs, is putting a stone foundation under his house. E. O. Woodbury is back after taking E. Stolicker to Waupon, to serve two and one half year at hard labor. Mrs. Milton StolikeV, has re turned lo her home in Pennsil vania. Mrs. S. A. Gifford visited in Clintonville for a f<*w days lust week The depot, at North Brandon, was burgularized and a suit of clothes for w\ Vanzi) was taken along with all the money in the drawer and the operators over coat. S. A. Gifford drove out to Pel ican, Monday to bring in bis wife. w\ L. waite will build a hew j barn on his hotel property inj the near future Robt A Edgar of Armstrong Creek, is in town this week . # Messrs. Dresser hd given i their residence anew cent of j Belle City Ctothesßach, Th most useful clothe rack over invented. Can be used for four different purposes : Ist, to stand ou floor in an upright posi tion rs shown in cut. When so placed this rack has a dryiug capacity of 45 feet, -nd, to set up against the waif by the use of two hooks. Wheil so placed it takes tip very little room and has the same dry ing capacity. 3rd, it can bo used for a natrack when closed 4th, when closed in a circle it can be Used for a baby yard. Jor t his purpose alone tho rack is worth its money. sth, it is very useful to place in a semi-circle before the stove so as to prevent children from nearing the fire when left alone in a room. The rack is made or light, dry basswood and must Ira seen to be appreciated. If once in a house hold, it will never be dispensed with. 4 q Zlt a J? ante<l J n nvr H * M * an(i county. U rite at once for particulars and territory to T. C. WAPEWITZ, Racine, Wis. Br- ■•; -K * W is: RACE:-, w:3. / r ohH HORSE 1 ’AI.Y/AGON~ DAIRY WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, LIGHT SPRING WAGONS. If you wich Liao . . . BEST WORK. for the . . . LOWEST PRICE, Write for doiicriptivo circular and terms For Sale! A 25 horse power Birdkall Skid Engine, as good as new, used 1 , about one year Will sell for cash or take lumber in exchange. K HMi t)T & Stork Wabeno, Wis. If you are in need of Letter .Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards or anything in the Stationary line Vemrnibor that we do such work at the “Ad vbriiser” Office promptly, and neatly, at rock bottom prices. Satisfaet ion guaranteed or money refunded Give us a trial. Advertise in the AdvhutlkKr. Fresh bologna utM. J. Dick msori’H, also hams, bacon, etc. He carries a full line of munit ions of all softs and calibers. Tf you deed ammunition of any sort call and examine hi 4 * s*-. l<- and if in need of clothing it will pay you to examine Ids samples and learn j his low prices on same First come first served; So march up and pay for the Adver | tiser a year ahead This will se j Cure that good litt le paper and I the Farm Journal, for the the* balance of 1H99 and nil of 1900, ! 1901, 1902 and 1903, nearly five years without any further pay i Shall we hear from yon within one week v M J. Dickinson, has juiit re I eieved anew supply of axes saws ! and othffr mi fid ware alfo build j ing paper Cal* and ask hr* kce] ! his ahres which he is soiling at } 'osl *' v9| } ,v V*or. *o in vest i VOL. a NO. It. Soo Line. TIME TABLE. Cavour, JASV HOUND. At 1 in tic i/mited 3:05 n m’ L wal in,..,.,.., lt:H p. m, WEST BOUND. 1,-1 1 ' lit, ,1 >.... 15:43 a. in. b a. nii V‘. ( . Simpkins. Agent, Officers of the Town of Crandon. and ■* Chairman ’• booth Supervisor John RaVelle “ Giu i’m-h- , , .clerk Henry Poppy- Treasure! John h’rumm., Assessor F. K. Cook lustier L. W. Bliss “ C. TANARUS, IF Riggs “ S. L. Wliybrew *< Joseph Houle Constable Joseph Pomes “ G. H. Bailey “ School Officers. TOWN Of CRANDON. L. S. Wilcox Pres: S. ,). Why brow Vice-Pros; F. W. Marqinvhlt Sec: C. (i. HIMLEY, Notary Public VVABKNO, WISCONSIN; Stop At tStSI Mote! Wabeno T. F. MOC&C, Proprietor f . Sample Room In Connection. WAIIKNO wis First-Class. J. W. PINCH, Physician and Surgeon, (iILLETT, WIS. Spec ial iiUentioii jiaid to <‘alls along the Klotidvke Division ei the C. N. VV\ Ry line. Exchange Hotel T. W. WADF & SON. Props U SO DEALERS IN Wines. Liquors. Cigars & Etc, WAIIKNO. Wise oNsiN. Chilson Motel Formerly John House WM.CHILSON. PHOE Gillett Wisconsin Building Re modeled, Good Ae< otntno<lat ions. Sample Room In ( onneetiori. ... SUBSCRIBE FOR TIIF Advertiser. Fer Vear. In Advance