Newspaper Page Text
C. 0 HIMLEY. PUBLISHER. ' -NOTjVE'TO CONTRIBUTORS. An. ( ( jj*Mi’sK'Aiioifs to this paper tayrtiid i? iktilressed to the Xortiikkx Ativkrtiskr, AVabeno. Wis.. its are for publication should Ijear tile real ns well ar the assumed |w. No anonymousconunnnieatiotis will be printed in this paper. Unless ne colnpanie', by the real name, which ,may or may not be printed according b) the vish of the writer. All communications for publication should ie:><;h us by Tuesday evening' to insure a placu in the currant issue. Communication.'! received after that will . have to go over until the following week. WABENO CAMP. No. 6113, M. W. A. Meets on the first and third Friday evening of each month, at Thomas Moore's Hall, at 7:30 p. m. Visiting neigbl>ors are cordially invited. V. 11. Jonxs, C. Cr. Himley. V. C. Clerk. I C. &N. w. R’y* Lc cae Tims Oahd. North Bound. fPjp*^ s tiger 7:42 it. m. AlfxL*tttsrain * .2:25 p. m. South Bound. Mixed train ... .'t 4:20 p. m. ■ fWednesday and Friday only. V. H. Johns, Agent. COUNTY OFFICERS. *E. O. Woodbury, Sheriff. H. G. Martin, Under-Sheriff. P. Shay, Clerk. A. E. Himley, Treasurer. B. McGinley, Clerk.of Court. J. F. Hooper, District Atfy. W. W. Waite, Register of Deeds. R. A. Edgar, Sup't of Schools. M. S. Barker, Judge. F. E. Cook. Surveyor. Wm. Yanzile, Coroner. COUNTY BOARD. T. J. Kane, Town of Crandon, W* Mclnnis, Town of Cavour, lf P. Shay, Clerk. OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF CAVOUR. W. Mclnnis Chairman B. McGinley Supervisor Wm. Traynok “ H. W. Stewart Clerk Jas. Stevenson Treasurer P. Hoffman Assessor C. G. Himley ..: Just ice O. II Seng laud “ H. W r . Stewart “ E. S. Naylor Constable 'Chas. Swanson SCHOOi OFFICERS. TOWN Oil CAVOUR. ‘C. G. Himley Pros. Malchon McEacrin Vice Pres. H. W. Stewart : ■ • Sec. Post Office. Mail arrives . ... p. m. Mail c '.-.V at 4:00 p.m. Oftlt" hR ' ’ L’.l to 8:00 p. m. . . Sundays from |sj&o a. m. to 12: bo noon. ~ < : > V.. H. i. r 4-,p. M. .... J. D:< . ■*i*"'" (U;f|K : \DUY. Physician ana Surseoo, Calls by Wire given /prompt ' A abolition, v' . , MIN‘>QCA. wis. J. H. DAWLEY, Physician and Surgeon, Calls by wire given prompt attention. ANTIGO, WIS. m— *■x. ,iin arnr it- ■* H. (x. DREIER, Attorney at Law, Fire and Life Insurance. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Shawano, Wis. Emil BirkSe, Tonsoriai Artist, Workmanship First-Class. Haircutting shaving and sham pooing done in the best manner. Shop in Hotel Wabeno. J. H. Delamater, —Dealer in-—- General Merchandise. Goods Sold Cheap. Give us a trial and be convinced. Laona. - Wis. John Hughes, =GUIDE= For Hunting uni Fishing Parties. WILL MEET PARTIES AT DEPOT, IF NOTIFIED IN ADVANCE. Resort on Birch Lake, one-mile from Laona Station. 0 Wabeno * Wis. WCWUMW i.MmswtswfMM m PETER HOFFMAN, Contractor and Builder. Architectural Designs and Esti mates made on all kinds of Buildings, with or without Material. Lathing and Shingling a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. WABENO, WIS. Advertise in the Advertiser. For Sale! Two CuV) Bears, three mouths old, very tame and fond of play. Call on or address, Hotel Wa beno, Wabeno, Wis. For Sale! A 25 horse power Birdsall Skid Engine, as good as new, used about one year. Will sell for cash or take lumber in exchange. Schmidt & Stork. Wabeno, Wis. First come first served; so march np ami pay for the Adver tise? R year ahead. This will se cure that good little paper and the Fa’in Journal, for the the [balance of lrt99 and all of 1900, 1901, 1902 and 1903, nearly five years, without any further pay ♦Shall we hear from you within lone week? WABENO- FOREST COUNTY. WISCONSIN. THURSDAY, OCT. 12, 1 Bon. ’ | County Board Proceedings. Special Mekting. Crandon, Wis., Aug. 4, 1899. 10 o’clock a. m. Special meeting of the county board of supervisors, of Forest county. Board called to order by P. Shay, county clerk, and adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m., for want of a quorum. Ip. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment and called to or der by- T. J. Kano, chairman. All members present. The clerk read a Cali for a special Armstrong Creek, Wis. July, 28, 1899. To P. Shay, Cos. Clerk, Crandon, Wis. Sir:— We respectfully re quest you to call a meeting of the county board for Tuesday, Aug. 4, lsou, at iO o'clock a, m,, the purpose of closing up a settle ment pending in the circuit court of Forest county, and for such other business as may legally come before the board at saicb meeting. T. J. Kane, W. Mclnnis. In pursuance of which the clerk issued the following call for a special meeting. To the Chairman, Town of : In pursuance of a written re quest, signed by a majority of all members of the county board of supervisors, of Forest county, Wis., you are hereby notified that there w ill be a special meet ing of said board at the county i clerk’s office, in the village of Crandon, on the 4th day*of Aug ust, 1899, at 10 o'clock a. In., for the purpose of closing up a settle ment of taxes now pending in the circuit court; of Forest comity,, and such other business as may legally come before the board at said meeting. P. Shay, Cos. Clerk, Forest Cos., Wis. The county board do ordian a?> follows: For the purpose of selling and conveying and transferring all tax certificates held and owned by the county oiTForesi, r*t less than their face value, in ranges nine, [9j ten [ 10J and eleven, [ll] Oneida county, and for the pur pose of selling, conveying and transferring ail tax certificates, held and owed by said county in + he plat, of the village of Wall, Forest county, at less than their face v alues. It is hereby order ed and directed by the board of said county, that the county clerk of said county give notice of the intention of*said board, by publi cation for four successive Weeks, in some new&paper published in the english language, in the said county. In compliance with the above order said tax certificates will be sold at public auction, in the of* fice of tiie treasurer of said coun ty. in the court house) iii the vil lage of Crandon, in said county, on the 4th day of September, A: D. 189li, at 2 o'clock in the ai- ] ternoon. The right is reserved ' 1 to'eject any and all bids made t on said tax certificates. o | , / j-o’ (To be continued.) LOCAL LOGIC. Earnest: Martin was up from Carter Tuesday. Charles Switzer of Carter was in tovvn Saturday. Conductor Presgrave is taking a few days lay-off. W. E. Miner transacted bus’- nes.s here one day this week. Engineer McGinley went to Kaukauna yesterday afternoon. Dr. Wood, Physician and Sur geon, Wabeno, Wis. Landlord Moore did business at Gillett Saturday. Herman Swan and Joe Grattan hauled wood to town Tuesday. Jack McGuire visited at Carter Wednesday. A. F. Ruscli is doing business down the line. Roadmaster Oostley was up the line Saturday. F. O. Ruscli came back from Shawano to-day. Mrs. Bowman was up from Carter yesterday. John McDonald was seen on i our streets to-day. John ltavell was over from North Crandon Tuesday. E. F. Carter and fcrev have j the new depot at Laona nearly! /• • ■ i tinimiuu. The Advertiser boy returned from his trip in the southern part of the state Saturday. Two of Rus'cH tea ms strayed a way but were found at Carter Tuesday. They had been as far down as Lakewood. FOR SALE—A good, heavy logging team, with pair of har nesses g<sod anew. For par-. call at the Advertiser office. Moore Bros, have purchased two good, heavy teams and in tend to commence lodging Mon day. Supervisors McGinley and Travnor were at Carter laying out a town road yesterday. David Bowman ,ono of Carter’s enterprising business bum trans acted business in this village on Tuesday. M. J. Dickinson, one of our successful merchants returned from his business trip to Chicago yesterday lboi ding. The Woodman Camp at this pl'iee has leafed the upper story of Christ Sclunoll’s building, on Cavour Avenue and Christ is busy converting the same into a spacious hall. C. G. Himley was at Cart* r yesterday 1 and made arrange hnents with Charles Switzer for j lots for the new school house j I which the School Board is about Ho build at trial place. The J school *’iil be located about half way between the station and j Miner Bros. mill. Undoi -Sheriff Martin of bran don returned to day. John Carlson has begun siding his house. Victor Johnson is assisting at the Moore stand. Louis RollmuUi of Suring was here the forepart of the week. willie Earnest is again working at the Exchange Hotel. Miss Emma Schirm is working at the Hotel wabeno. Mr. Sargent, of Stratford is in the village to-day. M. J. Dickinson is victim of neuralgia. Herbert Harris is somewhat under the weather this week. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Tony Fritz, on Tuesday, an 11 1 tt. baby *1 ' * girl. Dock Bennett, who has bei u cruising near Suring the past week returned to-days O. H. Senglaub moved into his new home on Oconto Street Sat urday. Mrs. Edward Moore returned from her visit to Pratt Junction last week. John Delamater luid family moved to Laona Tuesday, where Mr. Delamater is in business. See his “ad” in another column; Phillip Barber and family will leave here tomorrow morining for a two weeks visit with friends at Barton, this state. Miss Jennie Lyons and her sister Mary came up from Shaw ano Friday. Miss Jennie is cook ing at the Exchange Hotel. Wanted: From lo to 20 good wood-choppers to clear land and out cord wood. Terms liberal. Apply to Chas. Carter, Wis. Contractor Holfmatl is pro gressing nicely with the town hall, but has been delayed some* what in waiting for some of the murerial. Mike StefeMug, who has been working in the southern part of the state, came back yesterday. He will work for Schmidt & Stoi'k. Chas. Switzer has already sold seven lots in his plat at carter, and he says it will not be difficult to sell many more. It is very : prosperous looking village. General Land Agent Pierce, of ! Milwaukee transacted business lat this place yesterday, Mr. j | Pierce cm soil you any amount of good hardwood lands and as land is rapidily advancing in value in this county it is wi-te to make your now. The Deerfield News is the name of anew paper, Which has just been estublislw cl at Deerfled,! | Dane Cos .; aiulwaich seeks some iof the public pat’onage It is 1 quarto ncaUv qirinted and well 1 filled with local news. N’els Hoi ; man, the President of the village lis the editor. Here is success to the new paper. yi VOL. 2. NO. 0. Soo Line. TIME TABLE. favour. east BOUND. it 1 untie Limited 3:o*, H . m* ; boeal 11:18 p. m. WEST ROUND. I'aeifie. Limited 13:43 lt , n bocal 4:38 a . m. t. U. Simpkins. Agent. Officers of the Town of Crandon. T. J. Kane Chairman B. S. Booth Supervisor John Ravelle “ Wm. Turk Clerk Henry Poppy Treasurer John Krumm Assessor F. E. Cook Justice T W. Bliss “ C. T. H. Riggs •• S. L. Why brew “ Joseph Houle Constable Joseph Pomes “ G. H. Bailey “ . School Officers. TOWN Oil CRANDON. L. S. WilcoX Pres: S. J. Whybrew Vico-Pres. F. W. Marquirdt Sec; C. Q. HIMLEY, Notary Public WABENO. WISCONSIN. Stop At Hotel Wabeno T. F. MOURE. Piooiietor Sample Room !ti Connection. WABENO WIS First-Class. It i J. W. PINCH, Physician and Surgeon. GILLETT, WIS; Special attention paid to calls along the Klondykc Division of the C. A N. W. li'y line. Exchange Hotel; T. W. WADE & SON. Props. ALSO DEALERS IX Wines. Liquors, Cigars & Etc, \VA ItENO, WISCONSIN _ __ . _ if Chilson Hotel Formerly John House. \v >1:(’ll ILSON. PROF; Gillett - Wisconsin- Building Re modeled, U (mx i Accotniiiod ations, Bam pie Room In Connection. . . ■. „ ~ ■*** ■—— mm* * SUBSCRIBE FOB THE Advertiser, i Per Yea^