... Iji i|.PCCffo€C*. _.. Ajjjji '. i l.• -to to's jrw ’ titai •ti to th<* ;: itf'ii tx At.v nristvti. Watx-n . Wis.. Tl<] XV*t aj are fur publivatiov, silt iit Id bltef the r<*r.l as well as tin* assumed *' ; u-aojayntotis eom&mrncntions in this paper, unless ac compi'Tio'i!. hv tin* real name, which raa^V 51:1 v • ,u '* I ’ , ‘ Pointed according to thct\ij3i of the writer. AlrcTnuumicalioU' fm' publication should.ivach uij hy Tuesday ev. niny to insure t) place in tin *ummt issue. * ominugicHtions receive dM'o *r that will have to rrn over until the following week. v ' IVAHKNo CAMI\ No. 0113, M. \V. A. Meets on the first and third Friday nveniup' of each month at Thomas Mo.) re’s 11 all/at. 7:30 p, m. Visit; fig neighbors are cordially invited. V. H. .John's. C. p. m. I W South Bound. # Passenger *:3O u. m. (Mixed train 4:20 p. in. f>\euaesduy and Friday only. ||!| *V. H. Johns. Agent. /county OFFICERS. I m , _ E. O. Woodbury, Sheriff. ii.G. Martin, Under-Sheriff. ( ?!\ Shay, * Clerk. A. E. Htm ley, Treasurer, •it. McGinley. Clerk of Court. I |j| F. Hooper, District Atfy. W. W. Waite, Register of Deeds. R: A. Edgar, Snp’t of Schools. M. S. Barker, Judge. *F. E. Cook, Surveyor. ■ Wm. Vanzile, Coroner. COUNTY BOARD. TANARUS, J. Fane, Town of Crandon, j *W. MuTnnis. Town of Cavour, P. Shay, Clerk. OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF; CAVOUR. ss*" * ' —L*—— I j|§' ' r W. Mclnnis Chairman 11. McGinley Supervisor Wm. TrayUor “ H. W. Stewart ....., .... Cletk J as. 1 Stevenson ... .(Treasurer P. Hoffman Assessor! 0. G. Hi.Mf.EY Justice : O. H. Senglaub “ H. W. Stewart........ “ E. S. Naylor Constable' ‘Chah. Swanson- {Vy. v_ _____ SCHOOL OFFICERS. TOWN Off CAVOCR. \\ G. HIMLEYy.*. Pr. S. Malchon McEaCHIN Vice-Pres. H. W. ..'Stewako’ Sec. Post-Oiiice. Ma*iarrives- at. . ;. , .2:25 p. ni. Mail clones at..... •. I-' Office hours from 7:oo'a. m. to •LOO p, m ? . Sundays ! K)u rn to Y> 11. V. H .IcVtnsrs, M. 4MI. J. DicklNSONy Deputy. I'lSSlllUlllllWMililitW S. 11. DADDY. Wd#' and Surgeon. * • Gall* bf' given prompt uCTwition. MljN'udp, VtLAS CO. ■!. H. DAWLEY. PisysUian and Surgeon, Calls by wire given prompt attention. ANTIGO; WIS. H. DREIER, Attorney at Law, Fire and Life Insurance. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Shawano, Wis. J. H. Dei am a ter, —Dealer in General Merchandise, Goods Sold Cheap. Give us a trial and he convinced. Laona, - Wis. Emii Birkle, Tonsoriai Artist, Workmanship First-Class. Haircutting shaving and sham pooing done in the best manner. Shop in Hotel Wabeno. m John Hughes, =G U i DE= For Hunting and Fishing Parties. WILL MEET PARTIES AT DEPOT; IF NOTIFIED IN ADVANCE. Resort on Birch Lake, one-mile from Laona Station. 'Yahi.no * Win. PETER HOFFMAN Contractor and Builder. Architectural Designs and Esti mates made we all kinds of Buildings, with or without Material. Lathing and Shingling a Specialty. Satisfaction Guarantted. W ABEND, WIS. PATENTS-Hi- ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice- in “ Inventive Age ” h B Book “How to obtain Patents” jf {|| ut-i rSp Charges mndrraU. No foe till patent is secured. Letters strictly confidential. Address, E. G. SICGERS, Paient Lrwyer, Washington, D.C. For Sale! Two Cub Bears, three months! old) very tame and fond of play, j Call on or address*. Hotel Wa-1 beno, Wabeno, Wis. For Sale! A 2*7 horse power Birdsall Skid gyioirvoi and croud its neW. USol i about one year. Will sell foi cash or take lumber in exchange. Schmidt & Stork. Wabeno* Wis. ______ FOR SALE -A g>od, heavy Jogging team, with ]*air of har- WABENO, FOBESt BOUNTY, WISCONSIN; THUPiSDAVIOOt. VX 1099, County Boara Proceedings. Special Meeting. (Continued.) Crandon, Wis., Aug. 4, JO. 1 o'clock p. m. The report of the following j committee: A. E. Himley, Coun-‘ ty Treasurer, P. Shay, County Clerk and J. F. Hooper, District. Attorney, was adopted. . I For the purpose of effecting a settlement between the Northern Land Cos., plaintifi, Forest coun ty, A. E. Himley, treasurer of. said county and P. Shay, county clerk of said county, defendeiits. Lydia Gibbs, plaintiff, Forest county, A. E. Himley, treasurer of said coontyaudP. Shay, coun ty clerk of said county, defend ants. The Upham & Russell Cos. and John F . Cutting, plaintiff, Forest county, A. E. Himley, treasurer of said county and P. Shay, county clerk ol said coun ty, defendants. The Germania ! Land and Loan Co.,'!plaintiff, : Forest county, A. E. Himley, I treasurer of said county and P. Slniy, county,clerk of said eoun | ty, defendants. The following named persons, A. E. Himley, county treasurer, P. Shay, county clerk and J. F. Hooper, district attorney in and for said county, acting under the provisions of section 1 10 G, roj port to the county board as fol lows: Ist. That there is reason able'*cause to belie vo that the tax es assessed again! t he above nam ed plaintiffs arc illegal and un just. 2nd. That in order to ef fect a compromise with the ü bove named parties plaintiffs, they have accepted the following proposition from the above nam ed plaintiffs. Ist. That Lydia Gibbs, plain tiff, pay fifty cents on the one doll tr, on the face of the certifi cates on all lands located in ; range eleven, [ll] and seventy cents on the one on the face of certificates, on all lands located in all ranges, in said county, east of range eleven [ll], ; for the taxes of the year of 189 b and sale of 1.897, in all amounting to the sum of— , and that the i plaintiff recover from the defend-1 ant county, the sum of thirty i dollars, costs in said action. 2nd That the Northern Land Cos., plaintiff, pay a* a jimt and. reasonable proportion oni.-, tax es for the year 1890, sale of P 97, forty-live’ cents on the one dol lar on the face of the certiticats, on all lands located in range [ll ], | and sixty-five cents on the one •dollar on the fac,i of th* certifi cates, on all land.-, fix ated in all ranges, in the county of Forest, east of range eleven, in all a mounting to the sum of , ami j that the plaintiff receive from the i defendant, county?*thirty dollars, j in said action ffrd. That the Upham Rus sell (Jo., pay as a reasonable and just proportion of its taxes, for the year 189 b, sale of 1897. fifty cents on the one dollar, on the face of the certificates, all lands located in range eleven [ll] and ! Jjjventy cent on the bae dollar. l ob the face of certificates, on all lands located in all ranges iu said county, oast of rangeTleven [ll] in all amounting to the stun of cover from the defendant county, thirty dollars, costs in ; aid ac ton. o O' X * (To be continued. ) -iinymw "dtlii * i LOCAL LOGIC. Engineer McGinley returned from Kuukaunu Friday. Toni Moore’s new buggy shed is now complete. Dr. Wood, Physician and Bur geon, Wabeno, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Grebe arrived from Milwaukee Wednesday. Dock Bennett came up on the special. m Chas. Swanson sundayed in our village. Dr. Pinch, of Gillett made a professional call here yesterday. W. C. Bratz, of W st Bend came up on the special. 0. A. Newburg. of Rockford, 111., did business in towm Wed nesday, Foreman Reeves departed for his home at Marinette yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Firs. O. H. Benglaub are visiting relatives and friends at Manitowoc, their former home, G. G. Johnson and Hugh Dailey went to Marinette to re main over Sunday. 0. S. Pierce came up from Mil waukee ou the special, and re turned on the same train. B. Royer, the veterinay sur igeonof Shawano did business j at wabeno Tuesday. Mesdamev Burmin and Hiutz * imah returned homo yesterday from Corinth, where they had been visiting then parents for some weeks. 'OBITUARY* Thomas W. Wade died a( his home in this village last e vening, at after u brief # ill ness of four days, at the age of 47 years. The deceased with his family moved to this village from Mari nette County, a little more than a, year ago, an 1 tdaoe tha-i time has ha i charge of tin Exchange Hotel mid app, really has been quite prosperous. Of nu aceom* udating and genial disposition, j he naturally formed many strong. ties of friendship, which thus j early broken are Bourses of keen j regret. The deceased leaves a wife, one sou, Herbert, aged 2, and three (laughers, Mrs. Clarence j Kelsey, Miss. Mamie, aged 18 and littie Babe, aged V, years, and ft large number of friends to mourn hi Mui loss. * "imp vj Nudetinate arrangements have j at thL writing been made for the : funeral, but it is probable that the remains will be laid to rest] in the Forest HillCemetary near! this place, on Saturday. The sorrow-stricken fartiily i have the sympathy of the entire I community. Correspondence: Crandon. John Anderson is building a house on his farm. Crandon now has a full Hedged traveling library. George Conway has returned from Chicago Ward WescoH is aasistingFtvd Andrews cruising for a few weeks. Mrs. Dan Dickinson, of Three Lakes is here visiting her sister Mrs. S. A. Gifford, Mrs. L. M. Harks, of Menaslm was here last week and organiz ed a Royal Neighbor camp. M. D. Bennett, of Michigan, who has been visiting friends at the Park has returned. Rev. Norton lias returned from Ashland, where he went to attend the Presbyterian Bynod. w, L. vvaite has purchased two of the Beauregard lots adjoining his hotel. Prospects are that lie wilt erect a barn on the same. Messrs. Fryer and Shoemaker of Hebron this state are visiting with the wileox family and im proving their health by taking in the hunting season. Wanted: From Id to 20 good wood-choppers to clear land and cut cord wood. Terms liberal. Apply to Chas. Swifter, Carter, Wis, Notice. Now is the t ime to secure your fall and winter footwear, and if in need of anything of that - sort you can save money by calling and examining M, J. Dickinson,s stock of goods, as he just receiv ed a full line of rubbers, over shoes and tnackanaw sucks. ■aw 'iiiia.Mr’^' l, A**igtpiwa^iMwawpwr NEW LOTS IN NLW TOWNS. Merchants, Doctors* Lawyers and all cim of profession, business or trade, who are look ing to a''bunge of location, will find it to their umterial ndvant* gge to 'cave i : r*u' new loe- lions aL-oae of the new towns on tin* lines now being constructed by the Chicago & Ncut! Western Railway. They are in sections of the country that hnv'B hitherto been without adequate railroad and proper market facilites The aurromnling country is! enormously rich, and •'!* towns I are all bound to be thrifty and pronperouK. Any of them will prove u sure money maker for speculation or business location.' ' These town are all owned and managed by the Railroad Com pany, ami the oj ’iph.MjJiirw still in’evail a *. ~n indue; im-ut to sej.i lement, For yrir-As t

t‘id 1I:1'R y. ifr WEST bound. Fit If ;' Litniu- 1 ... I',‘:*l3 a. in. I* cal I:SS a. in, Agent.. o:ficers o. the Town of Crandon. . i\ J. uvane Chuirmiwi B. B. Booth .Supervisor John Ravelie “ Wm. Turk Clerk Hunry Poppy Treasure: John Krurnrn Aasesso# F. E. Cook Jv.Tico L. W. Bliss . “ C. T. H. Riggs •• B. L. Whybr.vv “ Joseph Houle Const üblo Joseph PomoH ...... “ G. H. Bailey ?■ || School Officers. TOWN Off CAMION. L. B. Wih-ox . 1 1' *s, B. Whvbrew Vic -Pivs, F. W. M;vrquardt Sec, Q. G. HIMLEY, Notary Public WABENO: \V I Stop At— . Hotel Wabeno . T. F. MOCFE, Prcprietoi’ Sample Roam in Connection. wabeno wis F ffst-Class. J. W. PINCH, Physician and Surgeon. (jlllktv. wis, B fax dal attention paid to calls along i lie Kioiidyk(* Division u : the t\ &N. \V. R'y line. ---'•-*- ■<**+• ■■■ •-• e* • - mi* Exchange Hotel, T. W. WADE & SON, Prop3. M, iDEALERS IN- Wines. Liquors, Cigars & £tc, WABENO WISCONSIN Chilson Hotel Formerly John House. \\ .i.i’IIIjSON. PROPi Gillett - Wisconsin*, Building lie -modelod, G-ood Accommodations, Bampb Room In Conneetioir. SUBSCRIBE LOU THE Advertiser. $1.50 Per Year. 4 i fc - * U'Mf ,* s In Advance