Newspaper Page Text
.(’. (!. HIMLEY. PUBLISHER. '* *? W'rtt %TO CONTRIBUTORS. Co.V .S!"3H<'ATIOX> 4 tUis j.-v.vV V ;uWc!>sjk.-.d {•**tl!‘ N->;. ' f A in’ Auvvr.'nsKH. Whl>eno. Wis.. dnd BucVns arc for pcl>ttcr,tlo v u*<hoiild £*!* this , ;■> ;:s w i•■■! hauie. No aisoHviuons cosnmimimtinns will bo printed in this pip, , auk- ; sie e impanjcd by the real nai:; nhUh may or may not be printed uee< Alin:, to the wish of the writer. i All; a- pu" ica'. ion should reach us by evening to , insure a place in the currant .ue. >' oinipjunications received after ihat'will have to go over until the following.! week. M'AUEKO CAMP, No. 0113, M. W. A. : Meets on the first an;l third Friday ] 'evening of each month. ;it Th ■ :::;s ' Mixfcv's Hall, at 7:3;) p. m. Visiting neighbors are cordially invited. V. H. Juijxp. C. G. llimi. V. C. Clerk. G C, &H. W. R’y. Local Time Card. - North Bound. fPassenger 7:42 a. m. ! Mixed train 2:25 p. m. South Bound. t Passenger 8:50 a. m. Mixed train 4:20 p. m. f Wednesday and Friday only, k V. H. Johns, Agent. ’ COUNTY OFFICEIIS. BT'O. WoobBURY, Sheriff, -H. G. Martin, Under-Sheri;/. P. Shay, Clerk. A. E. Himley, Traasur. r. I B. McGINLEY, Cleric of Court. J. F. Hooper, Distri ; 2 :,"y. W. W. Waite, Register of Deeds.; R. A. Edgar, Sup't of Schools. M. S. Barker, Judge. F. E. Cook, Surveyor, Wm. Vanzile, Coroner. COUNTY BOARD. T. J. Kane. Town of Civ a Jon, W. McINNIS, Town of Crv • ..r, P. Shay, Ca rk. I OFFICERS OF TKE TOWN OF CAVOUR. W. Mclnnt.4 Chair*> an B. McGikeey ....... Supervisor Wm. Traynok “ H. W. Stewart Clerk Jas. Stevenson Treasurer r> . Hoffman Assessor 'C. G. Himley .Justice 0. H. Senglaub “ H. W. Stewaf ‘ 3. S. Naylor .Constable Chas. Swanson “ SCHOOL OFFICERS. town o£ CAVot r. C. G. ILx e'• ........... Pi. . • >n IvlcEac HlN.Yire-L", ~.i. H. W. STBWAKT Sec. aK ■ - nr. t icsFOaice. ■ Mail arrives at...... .2:23 p. mi lose: 1 . .4:' o • ft nine hjjurl from 7:00 a. m. to 8:00 f a. an to 12: ’X) IWtft '' k f.IL j'JUN P. M. M. .T.. brCKINSON, . mm— MgMii. laiT g—r H' TT IT A V At. 1 1. ***nUO 1 t PhvsfctaflLip.c Surgeon, Cnlist l,v IfHe'tgtven pr owl* :• ' v ;7 \. i VILAS GO , WTb J. H. DAVVLEV. Physician and Surgeon, Calls by wire givemprompt attention. ANTiGO, - WIS. H. <l. DEEIEB, Attorney at Law, Fire and Life Insurance. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Shawano, Wis. —W* r; vaa?yi<vawwa— f*vrip*waw— Emil Birkle, Tonsorial Artist, Workmanship First-Class. Haircutting shaving and sham pooing done in the best manner. Shop in Hotel vYabeno. John Hughes, -GUIDE- For !!ntt::?sT arid Ffslilng Parties. WILL MEET PARTIES AT DEPOT, IF NOTIFIED IN ADVA;g:E. lioaort on 85m.1i Lalre, one-mile from Laona Station. Wa’:eso * Wis. R’jrrsr-r - rr.v ■. .t, g• •: v=nrvgv.. , rir mt/ 1 awl >a -<crma J. H. Delamater, —Dealer in— G: Werdiandice, Goods Sold Cheap. Give us a trial and be convinced. Lsaca, - Wis. PETUIt HOFFMAN, Contractor and Builder. Architectural Designs and Esti niat 'S made on all kinds of Buildings, with or without Material. Lathing and Shingling a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. WAI SNO, WIS. meTt n IMS' as* DESIGNS U fc t __ JU Li W OETAi'.ED Aov.ce as to patentability F ! r^E n Er B .otkc ia “Inventive Ajfe’’ tiJLf • c?a Hj Boult “llow to obtain Patents” g £_ „Tk-H duxr<jc* mnfamtr. No fee tin patent is secured. Letters strictly confident!:*!. Address, E. G. SIGCEtiS, Pat’nl 1.-rwjcr. ’'.ishingion, 6. C. * *• A . 4 ft it fi r AAA fi e ri l A. a a a a . * W -t 1: Prom 10 to 20 good v d-T: ppers to clear land and cut cordwood. Terms liberal. ■ arter, Wis. For SaSel Two Cub Bears, three months old, very tain rn 1 fond of play . Call on or address, Hotel Wa bero, Wub ad, Wis. For Sale! | A25 horse power Birdsall Skid | En/ine< ;;s good as new, used about one year. W ill sell for taka urnb t in exchaogc. WABENO. FOREST COFNTY, WISCONSIN. THFRSDAY, NOV. 1899. County Board Proceedings. Special Meeting. Crandon, M r is., Sept. 25, 1899. 10 o'clock p. m. County board of Forest county met pursuant to call and called to order by T. J. Kano, chairman, j All members present. The clerk i ben read the following call. Armstrong Creek, Wis. Sept. 15, 1899. j To P. Shay, Cos. Clerk of Forest Cos. Wis. I Sir: — We respectful' y/ lie quest you to call a special meet ing of tne county board of Forest county for Monday, Sept. 25th, at 10 o'clock a. m M for the pur pose of taking into consideration the selling of all lands in ranges nine [9,] ten [lo] and eleven [ll,] now owned by said county, and such as hereafter may become county lands in said ranges, and for such other business as may legally come before the county board'll t said meeting. In pursuance of which the county clerk issued the following call for a special meeting; To the Chairman, Town of . In pursuance of a written re quest signed by a majority of the members of the County Board of Supervisors, of Forest County, Wis. You are hereby notified that a special meeting of said board will be held at the court house, in the village of Crandon, in said coun ty, on the 25th, day of 1899, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon, for the purpose of taking into consideration the question of selling all lands in ranges nine [9,] ten [lo] and eleven [ll,] j now owned by Forest county, ’ and such as may hereafter be come county lands and such! other business as may come be- 1 fore the county board at such time. ; , . / ! - , On motion board adjourned un til 1 p. m. 1 p. m.J Board met pursuant to adjournment and called to or der by T. J. Kane, chairman. All members present. The following resolutions word presented and on motion adopted I all members voting “aye.” Resoved, By the board of fiu qervisors of Forest county, that said county sells all ti t* land? h id by said county on tax deed, and all lauds tb it shall sabse quently oe held by said county, on tax deeds that are situate in the following numbered town/ ships: thirty-five [35,] thirty-six [Bo,] thirty-seven [37,] thirty eight [3B,] thirty-nine [B9,] forty [id,] forty-one and forty-two (42) north, and ranges nine (9.) ten (10) and eleven (11) east, said lauds to bo sold at $7,90 for each and every description?! provided 511 lands are conveyed at the same Time and to the same parties. Pursuant to a resolution, duly adopted and for value received the county board of supervisors of Forest county, Wisconsin, j hereby gives to the Land and Loan Cos., a corporation of Mer rill, Wis., the oxeluisive option of purchasing at any time within <SO days from the date hereof foi seventeen and one-half cents pel acre all - the lands held by said Forest county, on tax deed and situate hi townships number, 85, 36, 87, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 of ranges 9, 10 and 11 east. (To be continued.) “A / LOCAL LOUIE. Mrs. Wade and daughter Mamie returned, here Thursday. Pat Corcoran is busy shipping cordwood to Chicago markets. Chas. Shirm is hauling wood to town to-day. Engineer McGinley is working at Kaukuana this week. Peter Hoffman transacted bus iness at Carter to-day. Mrs. Bowman is in the village to-day. Dr. Wood, Physician and Sur geon, Wabeno, Wis. Miss Mary Masbaum, of North Crandon arrived here Wednesday to visit her brother Herman. Moore Bros, have commenced logging, having about 15 men at work in the woods. Mr: and Mrs. O. H. Senglaub returned from their Manitowoc trip last week. Louis and John Mu mm came up from near Br'llian and have gone to work for Rusch Bros. Ye editor transacted business in the southern part of the state the past week. Gen'l Land Pierce, of Mil waukee sold real estate at this place Wednesday. OoL Bennett of Chicago is in the villagxs and is out looking land with land agent Richard soli to-day. Conductor PresgraVe has re sumed his position as conductor on this branch. we are all glad to see you ngjuii, Pres. H. A. Wegner lias completed hit, building and opened a meat mar ket.. He undarstands the bnsi-1 ness, patronize him. Mrs. Moore and daughter M d giej who have boon visiting rela tives at Foil du Lac, vetbrnod home to day. It is expected that the tele phone line between Crandon and here will he complete by Satur day. The line is now O. K. be tween Laona and herd. AH Woodmen of this Camp who have not paid their assessment for October must do so on or be fore Saturday mam us they must then go forward to head camp. First come first served? so march up and pay for the Adver tiser a fear ahead. This will se- I cure ting, good little paper and 'the Farm Journal, for ih<* the balance of 1809 and all of 1900, 1901. 1902 and 1903? nearly five : years* without any further pay. | Shall we hear from you within ; one week? Correspondence: Crandon. Grand Chief Templar Clarke of the I. O. G. T. gave a lecture at the court house Tuesday to a largo audience. Messrs. Boyington and Fas binder were hauling oats and po tatoes from A. IC. Himley'\s farm Monday. Elmer Himley, a brother of A, E. Himley, who has been visiting here for some \weks returned to to his home at London, this state, B.tlu. Fred Schmidt came up from West Bend yesterday, to look af ter the linn's mill and lumber business. He was accompanied by Mr. Pick, who will take in the hunting season. __ Notice. Now is the time to secure your fall and winter footwear, and if in need of anything of that sort you can save money Ip calling and examining M. J. Dickinson,s Stock of goods, as lit' just receiv ed a full line of rubbers, over shoes and tnac'kr.uuw socks. A GREAT OFFER, By special arrangement made | With the publishers of the FARM Journal we are enabled to offer i that paper to every subscriber, who pay* for the Northern ; Wisconsin Advertiser one : year ahead, for only 81.50, both ! papers for the price of ours only: our paper one year a lid the Farm Journal from now to December, 1908, nearly 5 years. The Farm JoDrNal is an old established paper, enjoying givut popularity, one of the best and most Useful farm papers published. J - This offer should be ac cepted without delay.' NEW LOTS IN NEW ■ TOWNS. Merchants, Doctors, Lawyers and all classes of profession, business or trade, who ure look in*, to a change of location, will find it to their material advant ago to secure their new location at one of the new towns On the lines ndw being constrncU'd by the Chicago North-Western Railway. They are in sections of the country that have hitherto been without adequate railroad and [Toper market facilites. The surrounding country is enormously rich, ami the towns are all bound to be thrifty and prosperous. Any of them will prove a sure money maker for speculation or business location. These town are all owned and managed bv tha Railroad Corn puny, and the orlginal^low prides still prevail as an ihdacetnpnt i<> settlement. For prices-uikl particulars up ply to, .1 F CLEVELANIk Land Commissioner, Chicago A: North-'Western Kail way Company. Chicago. VOL. 2. No. 12. Soo Line. TIME TAHLE. < avour. EAST BOUND. Atlunt'. Limited a. in' Local 11:18 p. m. WEST HOUND. Pacific Limited m:; a . in. fo°oal l:'>8 a. in. . (A C. SiMruixs, Agent. Officers of the Town of Crandon. T. J. Kano Chairman B. S. 800th... Supervisor John Ravelin “ Wm. Turk .Clerk Henry Poppy Treasurer J<>hn Krumm Agsessof F. E. Cook Justice L. W. Bliss “ G T. ,li. Rig-rs “ S. L. Whybrew “ Joseph Houle Constable Joseph Pomes " G lli Bailey “ School Officers. TO.vN (!■;' GRANDOX. L. S. Wilcox I res. S. J. Whylnvw Vice-Fres F. W. JVlarqinrdt Sec. C. G. HIMLEY, Notary Public Wabeno. Wisconsin, Stop Hotel Wabeno T. F. MOCRE, Proprietor Scdple Room !n Connection. WAItKXO win Pint-Class. J. W. PINCH, Physician and Surgeon. WILLETT. • WIS, Sjx c ial attention paid to calls mlom'/ Hio K lon dyke Division of iho V, & N. W. ll’y line. - *— - -• . -■*.MIWIWMM— Chi I son Hotel Form liy John House. WM.CHILSON. mn\ Giliett - Wisconsin- Btt i I ding 11< * - modi dod, f Jood Accommodations, Sample Hoom In Connection. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Advertiser. I $1.50 Per Year, In Advance, Exchange Hotel. T. W. WaOE & SOfi, Props. M>.so tiF.Af.KP:: iti Wines. Liquors/ Cigars & Etc. v\.\i’,E\o. wisc(\s-r>