Newspaper Page Text
TillS' Lookatyourtongue! Ifit’sc, ated, your stomach is bad, your liver out of order. Ayer’s Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dyspepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. All druveists. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then nso BUCKINGHAM'S DYE W6l„ CT.., .J„ B. P 4 c . „ h. Kidneys, Liver i and Bowels ("leanses the System „ nLOS^-ffHES^ OVERCOMES l/rf& 1 TS BEiiE FICIAL tf ftCTS ' Buy the genuine mamt and by (aurrnia|Tg,Syrvp(s fOR SAU 6Y Ait DRU66iSri PBK.I SOc PtS Wtie. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 & 3.50 SHOES “■'££ girth $4 to $6 compared/- —\ with other makes, f’ liulor*<‘d by over * 1,000,000 wearers, [a he genuine have W. L. | / v uuglas* name and price tinned on bottom. T 1 substitute claimed to bejL.,". v| 5 good. Your vjk houid keep them— lot. we will send a in receipt of price. State ' kind of eather. size, and width, plain or cap toe. Catalogue D free. ? ” W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mas. ELY’S CREAM BALM Cures CATARRH. It if placed into the nostril e, spreads over the membranei and is absorbed. Relief is im mediate. It is not drying, does not produce sneezing. Druggists, 50 cts. or by mail. ELY 8R05..56 Warren St.,N.Y. Dtf.BaECPCQUGIfSYW Cures a Cough or Col i at once, N Conquers Croup without fail. Is the best for Bronchitis, Grippe, Hoarseness, Whooping-Cough, and for the cure of Consumption. Mothers preise it. Doctors prescribe it. . Small doses : quick, sure results. SAFE FOR AIL LUNG'TROUBIE CARTER'S INK Is what the largest and best school systems use. TLIC U/nWnCDCIII Electric Soi-sors Sharpener, lilt TtUrdltHrUL A perfect little gem for every lady’s work basket. Sharpens the dnllest scis sors in from five to ten seconds an 1 never fails. A child eight years old can ns .it Warranted for live years; try it. Price 25c. by mail. Aeents wanted. Address all communications to A. M. tIKEV. P. O Box lk3. Newark, N. J. STEADY INCOME. WSSfiWsiKE No capita! required AddrtM I. wIN AGKN(m, Rutherford, N. J. Pontage appreciated. PENSIONS Writ, Out. 07*'BILL, PuUe AfnFWklUagtOl. S.ff eyewater] PI SO ’s CURE FOR* 25 CtS. i „ CURES WHERE All ELSE FAILS. I Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold by druggists, J CONSUMPTION! WIS PUB UN 'ON 23—47 Christmas Presents • GIVEN • AWAY. • LIKE FINDING MONEY. The use of the Endless Chain Starch Book in the purchase of•• Red Cross’* and "Hubinger's Best” atafch, makes it just like finding money. Mhy, for only Sc you are enabled to pet one large 10c package of “ Red Cross ’ starch, one large 10c package of “ Hubinger’s Best" starch, with the two Shakespeare panels, printed in twelve beautiful colors, or one Twentieth Cen tury Girl Calendar, embossed in gold. Ask your grocer for this starch and Obtain the beautiful Christmas presents free. FROM THE DEVIL’S JESTBOOK. Beside the sewing table, chained and bent, , They stitch for the lady, tyrannous and proud— For her wedding gown, for them a shroud; They stitch and stitch, but never mend the rent Torn in life’s golden curtains. Glad Youth went, And left them alone with Time; anff now if bowed With burdens they should sob ana cry aloud— Wondering, the rich would look from their content. And so this glimmering life at last re cedes In unknown, endless depths beyond recall; And what’s the worth of all our an cient creeds, If here at the end of ages this is all — A white face floating in the whirling ball, A dead face plashing in the river reeds? —Edwin Markham. DESPERADO SOLDIERS. Forty-Two Bakers, Hatfields, and Whites Enlist for Philippines. Peace reigns in the mountains of Clay county, Kentucky, for the fight ing men of the famous Baker family, I knowing themselves overpowered, beaten and outnumbered, resolving not to stand and be killed nor to sue for peace with the Howards, have enlisted in the United States army. The fight ing strength of the Baker family is gone; the boys have joined Company M, of the new Thirty-first United States volunteer infantry, and are now at San Francisco waiting to go aboard the transports bound to Manila. Forty of the most famous of the Kentucky fighters—Bakers, Hatfields and Whites —are in Company M. The Whites, of Company M, although re lated to the Whites of the Howard family, are friends of the Bakers and related to them through marriage, and are exiled with them through fear—if the word can be used in connection with these men —of extermination. The boys are marching to war, but they vow to return when the two years of service in the Philippines is over, and one of them, a corporal, says when they do they wall rally and there will be left no Howard in all Kentucky. The thirty-first regiment, under Colonel Pettit, was recruited at Fort Thomas, in the highlands, back of Newport, Ky. When the call for troops to suppress the rebellion in the Philip pines came and recruiting of the new Thirty-first began, a blue-eyed, hand some mountaineer, armed with a re volver, came and announced his inten tion of enlisting. He was examined And accepted. He was Bob Baker, one of the nerviest men and one of the best shots in the mountains, and every body in the Kentucky hills can shoot. Within a week he was joined by a dozen of his brothers and kinsmen, and when the regiment moved, on August 18, there were 42 of the clan enrolled in Company M, and peace was assured in Clay county for the next two years at least. Of these 42 every one is a crack shot, but they long for their pistols and will not be reconciled with a Krag-Jorgensen. A few days ago, when the company was on the rifle range, Bob Baker, shooting over 100 yards, scored 96 out of a possible 100, and, when his lieu tenant congratulated him on his marksmanship, he said: “That ain’t nothin’. If I only had my .45 Win chester I reckon I could shoot some.’’ The Baker and White boys of Com pany M, as they clambered—for the first time in their lives —into the sleepers that were to carry them to San Francisco, and gazed for the last time in two y-ears, perhaps forever, at the Kentucky hills, went hopefully. One of them, talking to his lieutenant just as the train moved, said; “We’ll come back, and when we do them fellows had better watch out.” Outnumbered and driven from home, the spirit of the feudists still held strong in the mountain lads. They de clare the Bakers are not whipped and that they will revenge themselves yet. They sa’d they cannot hope to contend with the Howards unless they secure allies, an 1 they hint that the Philpots —one of the strongest clans in the mountain country—are friendly to the Bakers, and that if the Philpots ever come out openly against the Howards the fued will end in the extermination of the Howard and the Griffin-Morris families. The Philpot and Griffin- Morris clans have been at war for five years. —Chicago Tribune. WOMEN. Green—lt is said that at the death of Hetty Green f1,000,000 of her fortune will be divided among 100 distant con nections. Deland—Mrs. Deland, the Boston novelist, is a football enthusiast like rher husband, the Harvard coach, and i SURE Get Your Pension DOUBLE <5- QUICK! 25 CTS :s a regular spectator at all the Cam bridge games. Platt—Mrs. Thomas C. Platt is de- as a most unostentatious wo maiy'tali, matronly, with dark hair, verjpng on gray. She wears little though she is the owner of .-'Jine famous diamonds. ■ Lechmere —Lady Lechmere is prob ably an easy first among contempor ary lady Nimrods. She is now hunt ing big game in Somaliland, with” her husband, whom she accompanies in his daily expeditions. Bedford —The duchess of Bedford is a great cat fancier. She owns the fin est Siamese cats in the world, is an active member of the Ladies’ Kennel association, and at the last cat and dog show held by the L. K, A. at Holland House presented two fine silver models of kittens as prizes specially designed by- her Grace. Modjeska—Mme. Modjeska, the ac tress, is one of the few people who can do two entirely opposite things at the same moment. She will sit upon the stage apparently writing a letter that causes her the greatest grief and agony —the tears running down her pheeks and the sobs shaking her whole frame i —and on the paper that lies before her she draws funny caricatures of per sons she knows. A CHISEL IN HIS HAND. Remarkable Discovery Made By Means of the X-Rays. One of the most remarkable incidents in the annals of surgery was brought to light yesterday by the aid of the X-rays, says the Baltimore Sun. About 11 weeks ago a machinist, em ployed at the shops of the Geiser Man ufacturing company, at Waynesboro, Pa., was found lying unconscious at the side of the machine he had been operating. Tnere was a cut across the bridge of his nose, another below the chin, and still another on one of his legs. The machine had contained two steel chisels, each five and a half inches long, one inch wide and one-quarter inch thick. One of the chisels was found lying on the floor near the ma chine, but, although a diligent search was made, the other chisel could not be found. The injured man was given medical attention at his home and later was brought to Baltimore and taken to 4t. Joseph’s hospital, on North Caroline street. He was treated in one of the wards, and after several weeks me wounds healed. About three weeks ago the patient began to complain of a stiffness in the muscles of the neck, and a later partial paralysis of some of the nerves of the face and neck de veloped. The conclusion was reached that there was some foreign substance in the wound, and it was decided that the patient should be photographed by the X-rays. Yesterday an attendant at the hos pital took the patient to the state nor mal school, the physical laboratory of which has one of the finest X-rays equipments in the country. Prof. Wil liam C. A. Hammel, of the chair of physics, placed the patient under the action of the rays and by means of the fluoroscope located the lost chisel in the patient’s face and throat. The tool, when it flew from the machine, must have struck on the bridge of the man's nose sharp and foremost, and, taking a downward course, penetrated the bones, flesh and muscles until it reached almost to the vertebrae. After locating the chisel, Professor Hamel made a radiograph of the face and head of the patient. The radio graph shows the skull and the bones of the face, and distinctly shows (he chisel. The upper end of the tool is shown just where the bony structure of the nose begins, and can be traced along its entire length almost to the verte brae. The picture is so distinct that the rounded edges of the chisel can be plainly distinguished. The chisel, in its course, not only narrowly missed the jugular vein, but came within a shori distance of sever ing the base of the tongue. The patient, before the accident, was a strong, robust man, but he has now become greatly emaciated on account of his inability to swallow food. He also experiences great difficulty in ar ticulating, and it is with difficulty that he can make himself understood, it is expected that an operation will be performed within a few days to re move the chisel. SENATOR HAYWARD STILL LIVES. Nebraska City, Nov. 18.—Senator Hayward’s condition has shown marked improvement during the past 24 hours. Last night the patient’s pulse was normal and his general con dition good. Still More Counterfeiting. The Secret Service linn just unenrthed an other hand of counterfeiters and secured a quantity of bogus hills, which are clev. erly executed. Things of great vaiue are always selected for imitation, notably lios tetter’s Stomach Bitters, which lias many imitators nut tiu equal. fot disorders like Indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation. Mrs. Wallace Drought died at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. S. Drought, near Waukesha, aged 44 years. Mr. Winslow', Sooth I no Since for children teething softens the sum*. reduce, inflamma tion, aUajs pain, cores wind colic. 25c a bottle. At Oakfield Miss Marlon Short and Alvin Balsam of Byron were married. 1 never used so quick a cure as F’iso’s Core for Consumption.—J. B. Palmer, Box 1171, Beattie, Wash , Nov. 25, 1805. At Whitewater John F. Batch, an old resident, fell dead in front of his house. THE ETERNAL LOVE. In every human love. Love lives, God of the Apostles’ Word; Rooted in Paradise, it gives Life still to new life stirred. Though wisdom nor great faith be mine The mountain’s weight to move, Still let me hear that song divine, The world’s deep hymn of love. Who never in the loved one's eyes Has seen life grow divine Is blinded by care's earthly prize, Nor sees Heaven's pure love shine. For Wisdom’s proudest work shall fall. Earth’s crumble to decay; Love’s triumph far exceedeth all— It lives in endless day. —Mrs. Andrew Beattie in N. Y. Ob server. • 4. First-Class Sewing Machines for #l4. a 5. For those who are accustomed to send ing away from home for tlieir goods it is of the greatest importance to know “the character and reliability of the establish ment selling goods to families from cata logues. The great emporium of the John M. Smyth Cos., located at 150 to l(it< West Madison street. Chicago, has been estab lished for it third of a century, and has furnished over half a million homes in Chicago and vicinity alone. This firm enjoys the confidence of the public by its many years of fair dealing. It issues an immense illustrated catalogue that should be in every family, as it describes and gives the price of every article required for household use. A sample of the ex traordinary values offered by this firm is shown in the illustration of the "Melba” sewing machine in another column of this paper for $14.25. This is one of the best dewing machines over offered to the pub ic*, and yet it is but a sample of the thousand and one useful articles illus trated and described in the beautiful eat alogue of the John M. Smyth Company. J. J. Fry, general manager of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, has resigned. It is said President Ban will succeed Fry as general manager. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury, as incr ''. v will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never he used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is tea fold to the good yon can pos sibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Pure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Cos., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous sur faces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure bo sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J, Cheney A Cos. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottlo. Hail’s Family Pills are the best. The steamer St. Paul, from New York, pased near Hurst Castle, South ampton. Wednesday evening and Sig nor Marconi, who is a passenger, tele graphed from her when 45 miles out side the Needles, to Totland Bay, that all was well. What Do tho Childt*:*n Drink*? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you tried the new food drink called GRAINOV It is delicious and nourish ing, and takes the place of coffee. ’The more Grain-O you give the children the more health you distribute through their systems. (iruin-O is made of pure grains, and wlicu properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee, hut costs about as much. All grocers sell it. 15c and 25c. The transports Senator and Ben Mohr sailed for Manila from San Fran cisco Thursday with the forty-fifth in fantry on board. To Cure a Cold in One Dny Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. Investigation in London shows the grounds for apprehension of a war be twen Russia and the allied China and Janpan to be very slight. Lane’s Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. in order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 and SOc. At Stevens Point Hotel McGregor was sold by A. J. White of Battle Creek to H. C. Billingsley of Chicago. Attend the Oshkosh Business Col lege and School of Shorthand and Typewriting. BEST IN EVERYTHING! Business Practice in liook keeping and Shorthand from start to finish. Educates practically and supplies busi ness houses with competent assistants. Established Sept, i, 1867. No Vacations. For Catalogue address W. W. Daggett, Oshkosh, Wis. The Ashland Press says that George P. Rossman (rep.) of that city has for mally announced his candidacy for congress. Coughing Leads to Consumption! Kemp’s Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and gut a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; deluys arc dangerous. At Prairie du Chief), Gus Kiser and Miss Martha Topel cif Buffalo, N. Y„ were married. “He That Any Good Would Win’ Should have good health. ’Pure, rich blood is the first requisite. Hood’s Sarsa parilla, by giving good blood and good health, has helped many a man to success, besides giving strength and courage to <womin <who, before taking it, could net even see any good in life to <win. SalteitMLllMa CL T GAVE little bought to nay health,” writes Mrs. Wm. V. I Bkll, 230 N. Walnut St., Canton, 0., to Mrs. Pink ham, “until I found myself unable to attend to my household duties. “I had had my days of not feeling well and my monthly THOUGHT LESS WOMEN Vegetable Compound that I made up .--g.-. my mind to try it. I was troubled with falling of the womb, had sharp pains in ovaries, leucorrhceaand painful menses. 1 was so weak and diaay that I would ,I TJKK ■ often have severe fainting spells. I took in till several bottles of Lydia E. fLgSt Pinkham’s \ egetable Compound p*£pWl ± and Blood Purifier and used the \ Sanative' Wash, and am now in t good health. I wish others jd&Z; to know of the wonderful good it has done me, and £ fimMM have many friends taking it V j now. Will always give your medicine the highest praise. ” T. i> ■"'*'•%/£/ ;Si. Mrs. A. Toi.uE,' 1946 Hil- /Hnt-BiJj’vW V * ton St., Philadelphia, Pa., / [ writes: / Af \\ X S( ••Dkar Mrs. Pinkham— /if 4 LLv\ 1 V I was very thin and my / ((. • friends thought 1 was in cpn- f Kw \ vHK . sumption. Had continual. I \xUk headaches, backache and falling of womb, and my eyes ijpEffiSc** iflV were affected. Every one ' \*M noticed how poorly I looked P’S { /• and I was advised to take fl'ifsl ml ‘ Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- y table Compound. One bottle *% i relieved’ me, and after tak- ing eight bottles am now a healthy woman; have gained in weight 95 pounds pounds, and everyone asks what makes me so stout.” . I ivs: At St. i-iouis, Anthony Joseph Ditt nieir, first sergeant of the marine corps, who served on the cruiser Brooklyn when Cervcra’s fleet was de stroyed at Santiago, gave himself up for murder committed in St. Louis in 1894. Dittmeir killed his boss with a blow, in self defense, he says, and fearing arrest enlisted in the navy un der the name of Dittmayer and served with distinction until recently dis charged. Try Grain-O! Try Graln-O! Ask your Grocer to-day to show yon a package of Git.VIN O. the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without injury ns well as the adult. All who try it like it. GRAIN-O lias that rich seal browu of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach re ceives it without distress, l/i the price of coffee. 15c and 25c per package. Sold by all grocers. Fred Guion of St. Paul shot and killed James Miller during a quarrel Wednesday while under the influence of liquor. SWANSON’S “5 DROPS" is the sun of the sick room. It has saved the pub lic, in less than five years, more money than the national debt of this country, when you measure the value of health re stored, suffering humanity relieved of its agonies and diseases. Money which oili er wise would have been expended in fun erals, donors and drug bills, loss of labor, etc., and relieved sutiering Immunity of at least 10,000,000 .years of excruciating pain and agony. ’This is more than can be said of any or all other remedies or electrical appliances of any kind. If you have never used it, do not fail to send "for at least a trial bottle. SWANSON S “5 DROPS" never fails to cure. It has cured and is curing mil lions of people afflicted with ACUTE and CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. SCI V|’ ICA, NEURALGIA. ASTHMA, L\ GRIPPE and CATARRH of all kinds. “> DROPS” has never failed to cure these diseases, when used as directed. It will cure you. 'Try it. Price of large sized bottle $ TOO, sent on receipt of price, charges prepaid; 25 cent sample bottle so it free, on receipt of 10 cents to pay fot mailing. Agents wanted. SWAN SON’S RHEUMATIC CURE COM I’ANY, No. 164 Lake street, Chicago. 111, The crew of the Gloucester fishing schooner Ethel D. Jacobs lost in Dun nane Bay on the west coast of Ireland. Oct. 25, was landed in Boston from tip* Cunarder Ultonia, from Liverpool. iOHNMSp'IIi €9. ***** u,~ MAIL ORDER d}) . cTfl (Bwest madison % HOUSE <sr J4^'\cHICAGO $14.25 i f,, , Machine on Earth Wiv r • jkfc '-i- g'-.ytyVe. . - ■/w* At fho Price, $14.25 for Our H “MELBA’' Sowing Machino. BB £ *■ r ] \ JjA hh(h-arm, high-grade machine equai En I'/ij % !f; ;i"J t< what other* HD' auk iiig S2T>.(JO to Jjclr.oo m Bgyj/'i xV for. (iuaranteed by uk lor 20 years from date of purfhape, agninnt any imperfee* 1} p| A“7 tion in material or workmanship. The ij \ vjv aland In made of the be*t Iron anvl in laV'jj Mf**** l ***. nicely proportioned. The cabinet work fl & ,w f M ‘ r f pc * hhd in furninhed in your choice Mr >— of antique,oak or walnut. It lihh ven “ ’ - 'drawers all handnornHy carved and with - IAI \ V I _ ~tr ni. kel plated rlnu pull*. The nirchan- AgZXj;)' k “ l con *truction '•qual to that of i- v M i, \ f/* uny "*chlne rtqardloH* of price. All V*. j|’ working part* aro of the beat oihom. v '3R • *—**. nered tool *u*l, I'voiy bon ring perfectly ' i,in Tii Y** fitted and adjusted ho to make the —**-*-***• jw running qualities flu- lightest, m. at per i mu a. . . feet and nearest noiAeless of. y machino ruado. This Jjwinir 'Machine lias nil tho la tost improvement*. It makr* a perfect anvl uni* farm I.OLK M I rCH, and will do the host work on odher the light **( rriij*iit k or h< uvii and chitus ho wing over hoh ms and rough olaeos with, ut skipping tdltche-. A toll st of neAt at re I attachment*, nicely iiickolplnted and ancloeed in a Fmnd.*oni( ~ .j niurU4 , U% n S ,^ s < IS? a c ; ,m ! llc fr assortment of accessories ai.d book of Instruction I tJK.MIS>riI;IJ hkEE with each rn hiri**. 60 DAYS TRIM Weshlpti.i-mni'lilner.O.n. subject to approval, on receipt of two J 1 niML.. dollars. If. nn examination you arc con vineoil that wo are ,-;mn - yotiy->or.v/on * r.rire, pay tin- halanuf and fr*i<Li.eliarq* liun liy 7 M 1_: the machino. If not*atidUd at any time withiuflOdaytFeiifl (ho machine |/I jito* hack touh at our expen*e and wo will refund the full purchase price ..Aw 1 TMAMMtffH ■r.jAiumiriviviukoiw r-m IISfLOGUE wrrtWiltriw^Tr. suffering, and a good leal of backache, but I thought all women had these things and did not complain. “1 had doctorad for some time, but no medicine seemed to help me, and my physician thought it best for me to go to the hospital for local treatment. I had read and heard so much of your John Hayalip, a horse •-ai-v.. Kansas City, shot his wife throng heart and mortally wouiraed Chai Berry, an ice-wagon driver, and Mai. Mitchell, aged 29. The tragedy oc curred at the woman’s house. Mrs. Hnyslip had deserted her husband for Berry. FIK '’•'rmanontly Cured. Noflt-Hor nnrrons, I 1 1 O ness after lint ilay* use of Or. Kline's liicnl Nerve Restorer. Send for I'RKK ss trial nottl-i ami treatise. I>r. It 11. Klln., 931 Arcli St rapt, Philadelphia, Pa. Kenosha water commissioners decid ed to put in anew pump at the water works at a cost of |15,000. A 58-plcce china tea set free to ladiua for selling teas mid coffees. Ten stores in Mil waukee for twenty years Reference, any bank here. Write for particulars to I). Dick son & Cos., Milwaukee, Wis. Charles T. Burgess was married to Miss M. Isabella Carr at the residence of Mrs. Phillips in Rolling Prairie. NO MORE GRIPS New Line Now Open to the Public. Take the C. C. C. Mouse to Certain Relief With out a (Jrip or Gripe I are ioc Get Passage at Any Drug Store. No more grips. Russian or auy other ki ml. Is the verdict of the traveling public who have mown tired after ycara of ex perience with the grips gripes of pit! form mid liiutl purgatives. To open the bowels naturally, easily, without disagreeable feelings or results, bus been the problem before modern sci ence, wlil< ii has been solved in Casearets Candy Cathartic. Casearets are the Ideal laxative, harm less, purely vegetable, mild yet positive. They make the liver lively, prevent sour stomach, purify the blood, regulate the bowels perfectly. They cure constipation. We want you to believe this, as It Is the truth, baelied by ail absolute g.minuter. If I'asearets do not cure any rise of constlpation, purchase tnone> will be refunded. Go buy and try Casearets today. It’s what they do, not what we say they do, that proves their merit. All druggists, 10c, 25c, or ,10c, or mailed for price. Send for booklet and free sample. Address Sterling Remedy Cos., Chicago, Montreal, Can.; or New York. 'rid* Ih iin* <’am(’aki*:t midet. I Kvory tahl*i of the only ucniilue h a sen ret m Imutk ilh* iiiagl** i<‘tt<*ra ' hook at (he laWlei before | you huy, and hew u of fraud*, liiiitalloiiM aiid Miilull. idea. ccc w; iff" which is listed at lowest wholesale prices Ij everything to eat wear and use,is furnish. I d on receipt of only 10? to partly pay f5A 0 5 tB *.V >r expressage and ■ evidence ciTjof good faith the 10? is allowed on firs', amounting to *l9? or above. < ar Ql_6_ur MOwthly" oaocctiY~pfficrpitf HtitW