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'* - y s/ N/ v / Ai V > '->,>' . '-'v- W V ~-,,,- \> {■ „ v. v A ■ V ■NyA/'r-v''' \; C. G. HIMLEY, PUBLISHER. -3 P-NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS. ; ,-’ su, < osiiirMCATiosH to this paper ®“v n * be U!!jJres„o<l to the No-; • .:v.y. r*>'o> si.v 'Apvertivt.k. Wabeno. Wis.. ' and vn-h as are for publication should 1k: i" the real as well as the assumed Uauje. No anonymous cotntnunieat'<m:- V> ill be printed in this paper, unless ac companied by the real name, which •nay or u*ay not be printed according to the wish oiß On. ii'i'* 1 2? "* All <. >:attnmientio-is for rsuhlication yiouhl regth us by Tuesday evening to insure a plaea in the currant issue. Communications received after that will have to go over until the folio -,vi ■■ week. J “jt. . < v ——— ('AMP. No. ml::. M. IV. A. Meets on the first and third Friday, evening of each month, at. Th Moore's Hall, at p. m. Visitin, neighbors are cordially Invited. V. If. Johns. t'. (!. Jlimi.kv. : V. 0. ( ierk. C. 6 N. W. R’y. Local Time Card. North Bound. tPassenger 7:!- a. r . Mixed train '2:23 m. South Bound. f Passenger .he 50 a. ; . Mixed train 4:20 p. n . and Friday only; V. H. Johns, Agent. COUNTY OFFICERS. E. 0. Woodhi hy, Sheriff. 5 11. G. Martin, Under-Shorif. P. Shay, Ci< . . A. E. HimleY, Treasurer. B. McGinley, Clerk of C; mi. ■ J. F. Hooper, District Att’y. W. W. Waite, Register of Deeds. R. A. Edgar, Sup't of Schools. M. S. Barker, Judge. F. E; Cook, Surveyor. \Ym. Vanzile, Coroi;-. .. COUNTY BOARD. ,!. Kane, T ra < W. Mclnnih, Town of Car our P. SHAY, Clerk. OFFICERS OF TaETGWI' OL I W CAVOUR. W. MCXnnis Chairmm B. McGinley Supefvism Wm. Tkaynor “ H. W. Stewart Ch-vl Jas. Stevenson Treasure P. Hoffman Assess..- C. G. Himley.Justice O. H. Senglaub “ H. W: Stewart..:. ... “ E. vS. Naylor Const abb Chas. Swanson “ SCHOOL OFFICERS. " TOWN Of CAVOUR; C. G. HiMLEY Pros. Malcßon McEachiN Vice-Pros. H. tV. Stewart Sec. Post-Office. Mail arrives at 2£5 p. m. Mail closes at i. .4.-00 p. m. Office hours from 7:00 a; m. V 8:00 p. m. Sundays from :i :00 a. m. to 1-: bOnoon. V. H. Johns, P- M. M. J. I)icKin>on, Deputy. r' | u-jj mus DETEIJ HOFFMAN, Contractor ari Baillcr. Architectural Designs and : mates made on all kinds of Bulletin ‘>ut Mutoiul. Lathing ahd SMrgiiug ? Specialty. Satisfaction G Jbranteed wabeno. Wis iff. J. DICKINSON V/ABENO, WIS. - DEALLR IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Footwear, Hardware, Lumbermen’s Supplies. ' lay, Flour and Fee do Patronize- Hotel Laona JOHN MCDONALD. Prop. Sample room in connection. Good Aeoomadafcions. '.AON A- WIN. J. Hi Dal a raster, Dealer in— ; General Merchandise* Goods Sold Cheap. Hive us a trial and be convinced: laona, - Wis. T If BAAV I p\ ?> • 11. 1/FV M IjJLJ 1 . Physician and Surgeon, Calif by wire given prompt attention. YNTIGO, - AVIS. KATE HUGHES A BIG)., BEATERS in General Merchandise, LAY. FLOUR AND FEED FOOTS AND SHOES. Give us a eall. ’.AON A, * wis. H, G. Drkier. Attorney at Law Fire and Life Insurance. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Siiawano, Wis; Notice FOUND—At my place at Car er, Wisconsin, a sorrel India’ Amy, about four years old, witl whitd face. Owner can havt v. me by proving property, pay mg expenses fof keeping sane :nd for this notice. Chas. Newgomh, Carter, Wis. Advertise in the Advertiser. WABENO. FOREST COCNTY. WISCONSIN. Till USDAY, DEC. 7. 1899. LOCAL LOGIC. Dr. Wood. Physician and Sur geon, Wabeno. Wis. Clots. Townsend returned here from Clintonviite Wednesday. A. J. Ricker of (Tntonviile was in town Wednesday. Talbert Prickett is in from camp to-day. Mr. Knox of the Indiana Lum ber Company is in town to-day. Joe Milrol has returned and is working for Schmidt & Stork. Engineer McGinley laid out a spur for the railroad company near Lakewood Wednesday. Dr. Briggs, the dentist will bo at the Hotel Wabenoj on Tuesday Deeembe 12tli, 1599. Miss Nellie Magaum, of Black Creek is work in:: at the Hotel Wabeno. Fred Schmidt, of the firm of Schmidt & Stork looked after business here Wednesday. • Land Agent Brain, of west Bend did business here Wednes day last. H. A. wegner, proprietor of the City meat market returned from down the line yesterday. Earnest Newman, of Gillett, formerly of this place shook hands with friends here yester day. Victor Johnson spent Tuesday at Gillett: while there he attend ed a party and says he had a : good time, Mrs. John Magaum of Gillett and her friend Miss Anna Van* denberg of K ukatma visited at the Hotel wabeno Tuesday. Foreman Fagan of the Suring section passed through here on his way home from Laona yes terday. James Murphy, who spent the summer and fall in Illinois has returned and is working for Fred Morey. C. S. Pierce made Ins usual trip to this village yesterday and while here did considerable business. County Superintendent R. A. Edgar, of Armstrong Creek paid an official visit to our school last week. Wm. J. Wagstalf, the Oshkosh .umber dealer was in the Village looking after his logging injteresi ;t this point ysO,-relay. A dance will be given by Mr. nd MVs. Thomas Moore at the Hotel Wabeno Saturday night, n honor of the marriage of Mer on J. Dickinson and Miss Win lie B. McDonald. Everybody s Cordially invited. Among the most important tatters to come Before Congress liis winter are the Nicaraguan :anal and Pacific cable projects* Both are deserving of the earliest ■onsidei rtion of all palmitic legislators. Call <>n Dr. Briggs at Hotel Wabeuo, Tuesday, Dec. 1-th. Gluts. Switaer was up from Carter Tuesday. Clias. Swanson went to Laorta to work for Barney McGinley. C. G. Hi at ley did business at Carter Tuesday. Sheriff woodbury and Court Commissioner wescott both of Craadon ttrrived here to day to look over some land. Farm Journal for the balance of 189'J and all of 11)00,. 1001, 1002 ana 1900, nearly five years, to every subscriber who will pay one year in advance for the Ad vertiser. No better farm paper than the Farm Journal. This offer is only made to a limited number the first who come for ward. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN M. J. Dickinson lias just re ceived an adequate supply of fresh oysters bologna and etc. He keeps a full line of winter footwear and undorwafe. Call and examine same. Ho also has a full supply of taper joints and stove pipes of all sorts, also a supply of lamps. Married, At Menominee, Michigan on Friday, December sth, Mr. Mer ton J. Dickinson to Miss Wini fred B. McDonald. The bride is a daughter of Paul McDonald of Oconto, this state and is a popu lar loader in social circle:; of that city,’and the groom is an accom modating and prosperous Mer chant and one of the most promi nent young business-men in this village. The happy couple arrived here from Oconto on the morning train Wednesday and at present are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson, the bride’s sister and brother-in-law. On the e vcuing of their arrival they were pleasantly s* rounded by the VYa beuo Cornet Band and a royal time was had by all. A ball will also be given in their honor by Mr. and Mrs Thomas Moore at the Hotel Wabeno Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson will ho at home to their friends after January Ist 1900, • The Advertiser joins their host of friends in wishing for them a happy and prosperous voyage through thd journey of life. At the meeting of the, M. W. of A. Camp Friday evening the fol fowing officers were elected for the ensuing year. The camp in tends giving a public installation of officer:, January sth lOOOt V. H. Johns, Consul, H. S. Harris, Adviser, G. G. Johnson, Bunker) Peter Hoffman, Clerk, John Gayhart, Esdort, Adam Strohm, Watchman, P. Barber, Sentry, wm> Baker, Manager "> years, Dr. L. N. wood, Physician, C. G. Himley, Del agate, Chas. Swanson, Alternate. This Paper Farm Joiirnnl One Year 5 Years —a PAY UP AND GET BOTH PAPERS AT PRICE OF ONE We want to got 5:0 subscrib ers to oar pap. rby New Years, and are going to do it if we can: we therefore o ntinue our ar rangement with the Farm Jour nal by which we can send the Advertiser and the Farm Journal 5 years, both for £1.50 And tv. make the same offer to all old subscribers who will pay all ar rearages and tine year in ad vance. You know what this paper is and the Farm Journal is a gem practical, progressive a clean, honest, useful paper full oi gumption, full of sunshine, with an immense circulation among the best people everywhere. YOU OUGHT TO TAKE IT. FOR SALE. A 25 horse power! Jirdsul 1 Ski Engine, as good as new, us, about one year. Will sell for cash or take lumber in exchange. Schmidt & Stork. Wabono, Wis. FOR SALE. One Cub Bear, live months old, very tame and fond of play. Call on or address, Hotel Wa beno, Wabono, Wis. In 'another column of this pa per note advertisement of Kate Hughes & B*'o, They have just started a general store at L u m: and would be pleased to receive your patronage. They have a new stock of goods and it wil pay you to call on them, get their prices and examine their goods. They will use you right. Try them. If you are in need of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Business Curds or anything in the Stationary line remember that wo do such work at the ‘ ‘ Ad vertiser” Ofii o' promptly, and neatly, at rock-bottom prio r. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, Givens a trial. Correspondenc: Laona i John Delamiter has Hi board ers at his boarding house. J. H. Delamater trarsactod business at wabeno today. Mrs. Roket is visiting her sis ter at Green Bay. Antone Kolcet is working for the R. Connor Cos. McGuire & Traynor now have their saloon complete and are running full blast. A pleasant party was given by Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes in the new store that they are budding Mr. watson of MaiiitoWoc came up Tuesday with a crew of J-’ men and who have commenced building camps, after which they Will go to logging directly. YOU. 2, NO. t 7. Soa Line. TIME TABLE, t avour. EAST BOUND. A ;;1; Li ! u t b ' p. iu WEST BOUND. ■ 111. C. c. Sim kins. Agent. Oiiicers Aide Town of Crandon. L J- - no Clmirman hS. N >s. \ .. , S ; teh or John RaVoile. “ Yin. i'urk Clerk lenry F. ; y Treasurer >.■!n •vra.i.iii.. Assessor F. E. Cook. Justice L. W. Miss “ C. T. if. Rigg “ h L. Vv'hyl ■ .'w “ Jossp Houle., Constable Joseph Pom -s " H. H. Bailey *.* Sclaol Officers. TOWN 0 2 CRANDON. L. S. Wil >x . l-resi •• J. Why'cew Vice-Pres. F./W. Manjvi rdt Sect C. G. Hhi .LEY, Not Try -üblic WA BUXfUVHCONSIN, Stop At— Hotel Wabeno T. Fi AIOCRE. Proprietor Sample Hoorn In Connection. i u is First-Class. J. W. FasCM, Physician and Surgeon. GILUETT, A IS; Sp rial at; ill in p id to calls along the (vlondyke Division of the C. & N. W. R’y line. Chllson Hotel Formerly Jo in House. Wjf.CHiLSON. PRO Pi Guktt - Wisconsin, Building Rc-modo]od, Good Accommodations, Sample Room In Connection; Emil Birkle, Tonscri&i Artist, Workmanship First-Class, Haircutting shriving ‘me sham pooing done in the best manner; (Shop in Hotel Wabeno.): SUBSCRIBE FOP rnilLi *Uh iit o Advertiser. $1.50 Per Y ear, In Advance