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/- - - .v|%iHl jwJhSvPIISIII ('• & HIM LEY, PUBLISHER. NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS. Ai.i. Commit: ic.vtions to this paper shoull ho a:lo.:'e.ssod .to the Nauru:.ux Wiscoxmx Adveist: x:i:. Waheno, Wis.. Hiid such ms ure for puoiico ion should bear the real as well as the assumed name. No anonymous i :ns will be printed in this paper, unless ac companied by the real name, which may or may not be printed arcording to the wish of the writer. All communications for publication Should reach us by Tuesday evening - t. insure a plaea in the currant issue. Communication* received a ."ter that will have to yo 0.-er until the follow in. week. WABENO CAMP, No. 6113, M. IV. A. Meets on the first and third FrHtn evening of each month, at Thom a Moore's Hall at 7:33 p. m. Visitin', neighbors are cordially invited. V. 11. Johns. C. (1., V. C. Clerk. C. 8c N. W. R’y. Local Time Card. North Bound. fPa.s ;enger 7:42 a. i: Mixed train 2:23 p. i. South Bound. fPas.-onger 6:30 a. n Mixed train 4:2> * p i. fWednesday and Friday only. V. H. Johns, Agent. COUNTY OFFICERS. E. O. Woo: • hy, Sheri H. G. Martin*, Under-Sheri P. Shay, Clerk A. E. Himley, Treasure: B. McGinley, Cl or]-: of Com J. F. Hooper, District Att’j W. W. Waite, Begister of Deeds jR. A- M. S. IfARKER, Judge P. E. Coon, Survey* VV M. Vanzile, Coroii COUNTY BOARD. T. J. Kane, Town of Cr; ndo W. % ts, Town of Ca i J . Sa y, Cler: OFFICERSGF UiSTGWN C. CAVOUft. W. i Iclnnis Ckair... B. McGinley Super vis Wm. Tray nor “ H. W. Stev.auT Cler' Jas. Stevenson Treasure P. Hoffman Af < C. G. Himley Justi 0. H. Senglajb “ H. W. Stewart “ E. S. Naylor Consul ■ Chas. Swanson igi frf . rv -;r *2 TOWN Oi' CAV OUR. t C. G. Him ey Pr< MalchON McEachlN Yice-Pre; JE£. W. Stewart E Pjst-Ofiice. Mail arrives at 2:25 p. j Mail closes -it 4:00 p. 1. Oliioe hours from 7 :G0 a. in. t 3:00 p. m. , Se. ; froi :00 1. 90 noon. . V. H. Johns. P. M. BWEHa HOFFMAr, w C.nluXisr aid C. ilJer. tiytufn] Ddsifjns and Lst-- tnates made on all kinds of K* Buildings, with or without |t Material. L thing ciud Shingling a Specialty. i Satisfaction (iiMirauteed. Wabeno. WIS^ M. J. DICKINSON WABENO. WIS. ft*- < • r*n iw UunLuiv it* Dry Gcods, Groceries, Clothing, Footwear, Hardware, Lumbermen’s Supplies. Hay, Flour and Feed. .'aVmze- Hotel Leona- JOHN MCDONALD, f-rop / Sample room in connection. Good Accomadations. VON A- WIS J. H. Delamater, —Dealer in— General Merchandise, Goods Sold Cheap, ive us a trial and be convinced. -aesa, - WL. T. 11. DAWLEY, Physician and Surgeon, Calls by wire given prompt attention. -NTIGO, - WIS. lATE HIIOHEte & BRO. -DEALERS IX- Geieral Merchandise, LAY. FLOUR AND FEED BOOTS AND SHOES. Give us a call. AON A. * WIS. H. G. DREIER, Attorney at Law Fire and Life Insurance, loney to Loan on Real Estate Shawano, Wis. FOR SALE. A 27) horse power Birdsall Ski •iTgjyfc rrfVwT fl-fiS rtW lift bout one year. Will sell fo .sh or take lumber in exchang Sen idt & Stork. Wabeno, Wis. Vi :tor Johnson returned frot tiles Tuesday and went on t oaona. B. MeGinley returned frot .is Antigo trip yesterday an went to his camp near Laona. WABENO, FOREST COUNTY, WISCONSIN. T ÜBSDAY, DEC. 28, 1899. This Paper Farm Joui nai One Year 5 Years PAY UP AND GET BOTH PAPERS AT PRICE OF ONE We want to get 300 subscrib ers to our paper by New Years, nd are going to do it if we can we therefore continue our ar -ingement with the Farm Jour bl by which we can send the Advertiser and the Farm Journa’ > years, both for si. 3o And we nuke the same offer to all old subscribers who will pay all ar rearages and one year in ad vance. You know what this paper i: nd the Farm Journal is a gem xractical, progressive—a clean, lonest, useful paper—full o rumption, full of sunshine, wit’ n immense circulation amon* he best people everywhere. cOU OUGHT TO TAKE IT. County Board Proceedings. Annual Meeting. Crandon, Wis., Nov. 14, 1899. 10 a. in. Board met pursuan o law and was called to order b T. J. Kane, All mem oers present. The assessor’s report of roa state sold the last year was lui oefore the board for their edr, sideration. On motion board ad journed until 1:30 p. m. 1:80 p. m. Board met pur 'Unnt to adjournment and caile. uO order by T. J. Kane, chairman. Aii members present. Bilis iilec with the clerk were presented, .aid on motion were referred tc the iinancial committee. On motion board adjourned un ul JO o'clock a. m. to-morrow, Nov. 15, 1899. 10 a. m., Nov. 15, 1899. Boaru met pursuant to adjournment aim railed, to order by T. Si Kane, . uuirmun. Ah members present. Tne following resolutions weiv presentea and on motion were a aopted, ail members voting ■‘aye.” Resolved, That the entire . em estate and personal property .a Forest county be ana tliem.UK is dereby valued and assessed a. me total sum of $2,0Uu,0U0.00, aid that the relative value of ai. die. taxable property in each town in said county is hereby de termine-1, assessed and a the following I }^-wit: down of Cavour, 8 620,000,0 down of Crundon, 1,180,000,0 Total value, 2,000,000.0. (To ijecontinued.) v - Farm Journal for the balanc >f 1890 and all of 1000, 1901 '902 and 1909) nearly five years > every subscriber who will pa; ne y ear in advance for the Ad artiser. No better farm papei lian the Farm Journal. Thi Jer ir only made to a limits umber—the first who come for curd. Dock Bennett, the cruiser re a rued from Clintonville yestei lay. John Delamater was down Iron Laona Wednesday LOCAL LOGIC. We wish all our readers and patrons a prosperous 1900. Dr. Wood, Physician and Sur geon, Wabeno, Wis. One of the young ladies of this village was recently presented with a diamond ring? Fred Larson, a represenativt jf the Times-Herald cf Cliicagx was in the village over Sunday. Ie was the guest of Mr. Boehm. Principal A. A. Alvord and N. Burse of Gillett on Mrs. Moore and Kate vvalsli at he Hotel wabeno on Christmas. Miss Walsh closed hot 1 school i-iday and departed for hei lome at Rhinelander to spend ter vaention, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson return id from their trip to Oconto ant Sagje River yesterday. LittK 2)ott a sister of Merton's camx up with them. Mr. and Mrs Ed Moore spenl Ihristmns with relatives and riends at Green Bay. Ed cam; lack Tuesday. The dance given by the* Bam Joys at the Hotel wabeno Mon 'ay night was well attended and uccessful throughout. Musi ,vas furnished by the band and vas excellent. Mr. Bryan has provoked a .torm by his interference in tin Nebraska Senatorial contest ii oehalf of Mr. Allen and against Editor Hitchcock. About the .irno Mr. Hitchcock’s paper opens ire, Mr. Bryan will wish that In aad taken that Senatorial plum limself. The entertainment ;it the .jcliool House Christmas eve was a decided success and largely at ended. The programme arran g'd by Miss walsh was well gotten up and the pupils went througt their various part splendidly, dhe tree was w r ell loaded which made many littiA hearts feel du ighted. The teacher and pupiit ’eserve much credit for then .access. SALOON AND HOTEL. Milas waterman, of Ellis Jet. a short time ago purchased twe -Ots of the Railroad company ai baonu and has now completed 1. mat building on the same, tin building being 18 x2O and wol ut up. He has made applicat ioi .or licence and will go into the ciloon business directly. H< .vill handle the Menominee Brew ’ng"Company'* beer and us soon ■s possible in the spring that Company will erect a first class, ‘ommodions two story hotel, vhich will bn run in connection /ith this saloon and by Mr. „atei man. The Menominee Cos. s a wealthy < dneern and un oubtedly will put up building yjual to any in this part of the late. A. J. Johnson of this vil age will shortly move his family o Laona and take charge of die uloon for the winter. Thes< >eople are well and favorably nown in this community and we ,visit t iietf enterprise awarded by unlimited success. Mileage of the Chi cago & North= —...... nx-wt WCMCi ll MH way System Which will be in Operation or January Ist, !9 )0. During the Season, of 189i new lines on the North-Western Railway System Will have beov constructed and put in operation is follows: CHICAGO & NORTH WEST ERN RAILWAY (Proper; NEW" LINES: From Kirkman, la., to ixarlitn, la (>.3 From Burt, la., to San born, Minn .... 92.7 From Wall Lake to Mon dumin, and Boyer, la., to Denison, 1a.... -9. It From Sanborn, Minn., to Vesta, Minn 29. 9 From Mankato, Minn.. to New Ui;u, Minn.... 24.0 t From Wabeno, Wis., to end of Track (3.28 miles beyond Laima)., 11.9i TOTAL C. & N. W. R’Y (Proper) 2 Ml: .lIICAGO ST. PAUL MI.'U.K VPOLIS & OMAHA RAILWAY •NEW LINK:-*: From Mandeliu, Minn., to Fairmont., Minn.. .. From Bingham Bake Minn., to Jeffers, Minn IB.R< TOTAL C. AT. p. >M. & O. RY IM.A jRAND TOTAL NEW LINES 29‘.tl There are other lines unde, construction, but it is not expo 1 xl that they will be operated b January Ist, 1900. SUMMARY: The addition of the above 298. 52 will make the total approxi nato mileage of the C. &N. W. N’Y System January Ist, i f is follow's: J. & N. W. Ky (proper) 5.127.”1 J. ST. P. M. &0. Rv .. 1.517.7 F. E. & M. R. R. and S. C. &P. R. R... 1,407.17 TOTAL Mileage of the North-Western System H,2711.01 TANARUS, A, Richardson transacted >u.siness at the county seat th 'orepart of the Week, NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to lh< public that after January Ist 1900, the PoSt-Oftico will be lo cated at the Advertiser Office. V. H. Johns, Postmaster. Carter Mrs, David Bowman is now iblo 1o be around again, Gugust Jiimnar and wife re* turned home Friday last. J, P, Schmidt and his two chil dren went to Cambellsport to upend Chrlsnms, The biggest, load of logs that has been hauled toE, F, Martin s mill so far was hauled by Leslie Bonnell, coni ting 2,500 feet of ! buss wood, VO),. •’ Mi). 2< ! . Soo Line. time table. Cuyoiir. east bound. A ' 93 : ■....; m . - p. m. bust mown. I’aeifii*. Liiuilori ... u. in, 9 ' ... in. U. C. Simi'Kiks. Agent. Office*::. of tLc Tow of Crandon. '■ iv i;\ Cluiiriiiail > . or John Rave! be vV m. Tut !; Clerk Henry P.-,. y.. .^..'Treasurer John KrUmm Asse,-sDi F. i-• C ;ok Justice L. W. . ; “ 0. T. H, Riggs ** S. L. Wiiy’orow , “ Josejib fi ;;u C nsl do 0 Joseph Poises ...... .4. H. Ilaile.v 11 School Officers. TOW. 02 GRAND vv. L. S. Wii X , . L resi J- Vt il.v svw '. : ' res; F. W. Manii: •c4t H f >C; C. 0. tr, Nofc ; vy -übvc Wabeno. wisconsinj O i;.} V **“ Hoi: A Wabeno . . . ■. CR . / . or SamrJe ftoosti la COaaectlon. wabeno win F i rst- .. j .4^ J. W. PiNCHt Physician and Surgeon-. un.LuV'f, \\ • k Sp.x:ii 1 utt uitio.) pel cilis 1 along the ivlondyke Division of the ( '. & N. W. RV line. Cihil ’.ost Hotbi l-ori. A.iy L-fu: :'k>ase. YALCHIL'O . G iicit - Wisconsin, Buildin ;■ Re*mbdeled, Good Accommodations, Sample Room In Connection. Emil BirkteJ Tcnsorial Artist, Workmanship First-Class, laircutting shaving hi V sham pooing done iu the best manner. (Shop in Hotel Wabeno.) SUBSCRIBE kok mi AdvertisgK s'•so Per In Atom*