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Ayers 20 th Century Almanac (Not the ordinary kind) mmumunwmvirwmwmmdfmm,mmmr ru.wmeii A handsome year-book filed with beautiful illustrations, and a complete calendar. It is sold on all news-stands for 5 cents, and it s worth fve times that amount. It is a reliable chronology of the progress of the 19th century and a prophecy of what may be expected in the 20th. Here are a few of the great tnen who have written for it: Secretary Wilson, on Agriculture Sen. Chauncey M. Depew, on Politics Russell Sage, on Finance Thomas Edison, “ Electricity "Gen. Merritt, “ Land Warfare Adml. Ilichborn, “ Naval Warfare “ A1” Smith, “ Sports You will enjov reading it now, and it will be a book of reference for you through the years to come. Sixty-four pages, printed on ivory fmsh paper. If your news-dealer cannot sup ply you with it, cut out this ad. and send it with three one-cent stamps and receive this elegant book free. Address J. C. Ayer Cos., Lowell, Mass. Rev. A. E. Dunning of Boston, speak ing at a forefathers’ day celebration, told the Congregational club the heri tage of the Puritan is expansion. The Christmas Issue of the Lake Shore Book of Trains is aoinething entirely out of the ordinary A the way of railroad literature and will of interest to all. Copy will be on receipt of -1 cents m r,.\ ;. w \ chi ‘it. < I 1' A IJieveianii. ''"it ‘ ’A n ii ■ ■ -S ".V-SJ* H'li vent ion. 'ijp-at Im the Children lirink? give them tea or coffee. Hare yiY tri< 1 tile new food drink called G®AIAA>V It it- delicious and nourish inl an<l takes the place of coffee. Ths pij-f Crain-O you give the children the jporf L* alth you distribute through their Systems. Crain-O is made of pure grains, and w n properly prepared tastes like ( the choice grades of coffee, but costs ' about ! . as much. All grocers sell it. loc and. line. The cabinet discussed the Alaskan situation and it was decided that ex iting conditions required the immedi ate attention of congress. AMBER’S MERCY Always Anxious to Save the Little Ones from Suffering. Lack of Proper Care in Childhood Lays the Foundation for H .bitual Constipation. Causing Lifelong Suffering. Nothing so sweet and touching as a moth er's care for her little ones. What a lender, watchful eye her anxiety keeps on the young hopefuls. In the yong nearly all ailments are dl reevly traceable to stomach and bowel com* plaints. Physic and purges are the most common ami most dangerous of all medicines. Nearly all contain opiates or mercurial and other mineral poisons, which permanently affect the tender bones and tissues of the child. The only proper laxative for a child is a gentle, positive vegetable liver stimulant, like Oascarets (’andy Cathartic. For the babe-in arms the mother eats a cft sea ret. it makes her milk mildly purgative, and benefits the baby. older children eat a piece of a Cascaret like andy. They taste good. make the liver lively, prevent sour stomach, purify the blood, and regulate th bowels perfectly. <io buy and try Casearets today. It’s what they do. not what we say they do. that proves their merit. All druggists. Inc 25c, or rOc. or mailed for price. Send for book let nod free sample. A hires* Sterling Kern* ,dv Cos.. Chicago: Mo. treal. Can., or New Yor' ®This i> tin* CASCAKKT tablet. Fv*ry r iblot of the onlv genuine Caecarets bears the mafic letters •*CCC." Look at the tablet before you buy. and beware of frauds, imitations and substitutes. ‘WINCHES^ Send your name and address on a postal, and we will send you our 156- psge illustrated catalogue free. - *CHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO, Winchester Avenue New Haven, Conn. JV.-r.' Pl'B FASHION THE FOE OF SONG BIRDS. -' AV \ Woman—tender-hearted woman—de mands each year the sacrifice of 200,-1 000,000 birds to furnish ornaments for headgear. It is civilized women, too,, not sav- j ages, who deck themselves with these j trophies of cruelty. Each year feath-' ers become more and more a feature 1 of millinery. This season the fashion ‘ is at its height. h eminine vanity demands the whole- sale slaughter of birds of every kind. No hat Is correct that has not de spoiled some of the feathered tribes for its adorning. Whole birds and heads of birds, breasts, wings, aigret tes, feathers, quills are seen on almost every fair woman’s head. In the neighborhood of Broadway and Twenty-third street a New York World reporter took snapshots of some of the hats that passed. He secured pictures—of thiee hats with whole paroquets, two hats with owls’ heads, one cluster of humming birds, one hat trimmed with the wings of nine hum ming birds, five bird of paradise plumes, one red bird, the wings of six blue birds, a robin red breast, six starlings, two mocking birds, four doves, the wings of a gold-finch, seven blackbirds and sixteen sea gulls, be sides the wings and breasts of many birds of unknown species. As fashions change the demand for birds varies. Seagulls are the latest millinery favorites and form the trim ming of the popular walking hats. The whole bird is worn bodily, either in’ front or at one side. This fashion has seriously alarmed ornithologists, for these birds are our coast defenders. They constitute a winged Board of Health and clean the waters of decay ing matter. These sea scavengers are the friends of coast dwellers, and wher ever they are exterminated sickness in creases. Even the albatross, the bird of wheih the Ancient Mariner says: And I had done a hellish thing, And it would work ’em woe, For all averred I had killed the bird That made the breeze to blow, does not escape. Entire hats are now seen made of albatross feathers. The extent to which the slaughter of birds is carried in the United States is astonishing. A factory at Wantagh, L. 1., owned by William L. Wilson, where the skins and plumage of birds are prepared for millinery purposes, was recently destroyed by fire. There were burned in the factory 10,000 sea gulls. 20,000 wings of other birds and 10,000 heads of birds representing many varieties. This establishment had men at Cape Cod, the islands on the Maine coast and along the shores of Virginia, Georgia and Florida busy filling orders for birds. A numbe- of gunning parties have already been sent out from the factory for this wir.ter. One party went out in a sloop to hunt nothing but water fowls, another went south with a naphtha launch to explore southern rivers for'birds and another went to search the Florida coast. One hunter killed 400 nesting birds in four days and another shot 14,100 in Florida in one season. In every quarter of the globe fashion's bird tax has been levied. Even the turkey buzzard contributes his quota. It is true a law In this country prohibits the killing of these scavangers, but since their quills have become popular ornaments they are trapped and the quills pulled out, after which they are turned loose to starve. Women, who are said to be respons ive to others’ woes, do not betray that quality when it comes to millinery. There is no trimming for hats more popular than fluffy aigrettes. These aigrette plumes constitute the wed ding dress of the male and female heron. Only during the honeymoon are they worn. Then these sociable birds gather in companies. There are usually several hundred in a rookery. The plume hunter has only to wait. The birds out hunting food for their young soon return. One by one as they come they stop to rest on the lookout perch. There is the sharp crack of a rifle. The bird falls. Instinct brings every bird back to the trees where their young birds starve. So complete has been this heron slaughter that these birds are now practically exterminated in Florida, and th- plume-hunters have had to go to Souu/ America. A Florida hurrier once boas ed that he had killed 300 in an afternoon. Birds of paradise are also disappear ing. They, too, put on their beautiful plumes during the nesting season, when they gather in droves and have their dances in the trees. It is then tnat they must be shot in order to get their nuptial ornaments. ■ This work pays well. Aigrettes are worth their weight in gold. Spoonbills, ibises, brediug plovers, sandpipers, terns. boat-tailed blackbirds, gray ring-birds, owls and hawks bring from 10 cents to $1 a carcess and from 20 cents to $2.50 a skin. Here are some other prices: Gulls 10 cents. Egrets (back feathers) 40 cents Snowy heron (back br’st, head) 40 cents Ardea rufa (back) 40 cents. Ardea rufleolis (back ... 10 to 15 cents. Ward’s heron (head and backi 75 cents. Roseate spoonbill (whole skin) $2.00 to $2.50. The pleasure boatmen at Barnegat and Beach Haven. N. J., stopped boat ing to earn SSO a week killing terms for women at 10 rents apiece, together with crow blackbirds. red-winged blackbirds and snow buntings. Ic a New \ ork wholesale hat store 20,000 skins of these birds were offered for sale at one time. The trade list of a recent London sale of birds and plumes showed that the following stock would be offered: Osprey feathers 6.800 ounces. Peacock feathers 22,107 bundles. Peacock neck-feathers. 878 bundles. Parrots 35,497 skins. Hummingbirds 24,956 skins. Ja y s 16,107 skins. Bee-Eaters 2 ,216 skins. Impeyan pheasants 1,317 skins. Kingfishers 1,327 skins! Trogons 1,403 s ki ns Cocks of the Rock .... 587 skins. 1 anagers 815 skins Argus pheasants 122 skins. Paradise birds 15 skiHs^ ? rioles 32 skins. 1 brushes 73 skins. Toucans' breasts 29 skins. \ arious birds 7,595 skins. The “osprey” feathers are aigrettes or herons plumes, and the weight given may be roughly estimated as rep resented in the neighborhood of li,P*o birds. At another sale going on at the same time was offered: Aigrettes .. v 11.352 ounces Peacocks' feathers ... 21.5,051 bundles. Birds of Paradise 2,362 skins Parrots 228,289 skins. Hummingbirds 759 gfcfcjg. Rollers and Kingflshes 116.490 skins. Owls and Hawks 7,163 skins. A conservative estimate shows that the feathers and skins offered in one day represent the loss of at least 600,- 000 birds’ lives, and yet every bird has its use. Without them the earth would not long be habitable. Swallows, swifts, fly-catchers and vireos hunt j the air for insects, while thrushes and I sparrows are busy on the grounl. At j night the hawks and whippoorwills search for nocturnal insects. On land and on sea feathered creatures are busy. QUEER CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS. In England:—That fine old cere mony, the bringing in of the boar’s head, is observed at Queen Victoria’s table, at Rugby, Eton, Winchester ant; Harrow, and at Oxford anil Cambridge universities. It dates from the Pagan age, when the ancient Britons killed a boar at the winter solstice and offered its head to Freyr, the God of Peace aud Plenty, who was supposed to ride upon a boar with golden bristles. In Spain:—ln old Seville and the other beautiful cities of Spain Christ mas Is largely an out-or-door celebra tion. The Anglo-Saxon idea of hearth and home is foreign to the Latin tem perament, and the gracious climate lends itself to al fresco merry-making. All is movement, color, tumult, dance, song. The great plazas are kaleido scopes of human movement. The cathedrals and churches are thronged. Piety and gayety mingle. In Italy:—lnspired by the ancient poetical thought of cheering the Virgin during the pangs of maternity, young men and maidens throng on Christmas eve before her shrines, and play upon their guitars and mandolins, singing songs of praise. It is their part, too, to decorate the beautiful old churches most profusely—a loving service at which they spend the greater part of the night, refreshed by a collation after midnight mass. In Germany:—This is the land of Santa Claus —the home of the beautiful legend of Kris Kringle, which is a cor ruption of Christ Kindlin, or Christ child. While the good child finds its little stocking laden with Kris Kringle’s gifts, the naughty child finds nothing but a birch rod placed there by the avenging Pelsnichol —“St. Nicholas with the fur.” Such an experience makes the small victim intensely mis erable. In Mexico:—To eat cakes on the Norhe Buena (Christmas eve) is the immemorial right of tne Mexican belle —and they are all sweet-tooths. The Mexican confectioner is an artist. His show window at this season presents a rich and rare array of such things as make the mouth water —such elaborate combinations of creams, glared fruits and the like as transcend the imagina tion even of the New York matinee girl. In Sweden: —One of the earliest ann quaintest of Christian legends is ah article or taith among Scandinavians. They believe that even as the ox and the ass of Bethlehem are said to have fallen upon their knees when Jesus was born in the manger, so all domes tic cattle on the stroke of midnight that heralds Christmas Day prostrate themselves in silent worship. This be lief gives rise to a kindly feeling to ward the brute creation In Australia: —It is the midsummer season. The mercury may register 100 j degrees or more. Families, instead of j being united, are divided, for this is the time of the long vacation. Still. English traditions are preserved. Plum pudding is the dessert and holly the decoration. Moreover, the Aus tralians have a decoration of their own —a crimson-flowering <shrub which th"y call “Christmas bush” and which blooms only In December. A NEW YEAR EPISODE. ‘’What wretch profane,” the preacher said. ■’ “Is raving in the room o’erliead Quite leud enough to wake the dead?" "Be not amazed.” his hostess eried; “Forbear to criticise or chide,- Nor at repentant sinners scoff — That is my-husband swearing off!” —Atlanta Constitution. Prosperity Tor 1900. - Indications point to great prosperity for the coming year. This is a sign of u healthy nature. Ttii- Miecoss of a country, as. well as of an individual: depends upon heal lit. If you have any sltmiacli trouble try Ilos tetter’s Stomach Killers which cures dyspep sia, indigestion an J biliousness. Rev. A. C. McGiffert was mildly cen- ( sured by the New York presbytery, but will not be tried for "heresy.” I>ryi *\g preparations simply devel- ] op dry catarrh; they dry up tire secretions which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely’s Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will he mailed for 10 cents. Ail druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers. 50 Warren St.. N. Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or canse sn 'zing. It spreads itself over an irritated a 1 angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely’s Cream Balm you ore armed against Nasal Catarrh and Huy Fever. Fire destroped the factory and ware house of the Duluth (Minn.) Shoe com pany. Loss. $150,000. One fireman was killed and two injured. SIOO Reward, SIOO. The readers of this papev will b ■ pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has hecn able to cure in all its stagea and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is theonly positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, therein destroying the foundation of the disease,and giving the patient strength by build ing up tlie constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so touch faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F..). CHENEY A CO., Toledo,O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Frank N. Doubleday is to withdraw from the Doubleday & McClure pub lishing house. New’ York, and form a new publishing firm. Try Grain-O! Try Grnln-O: Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a package- of UUALVO, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without injury as well as the adult. All who try it like it. GRAIN-O lias that rich seal brown of Mocl.ii or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach re ceive- it without distress. (, the price of coffee. 15c and 25c per package. Sold by all grocers. Former Congressman James Nelson Pidcock, for twenty years a democratic leader in New Jersey, died at his home in the white house, N. of paralysis To Cure n Cold In One liny Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. A dispatch to Senor Pulido, the Ven ezuelan charge, states that the revolu tion is crushed and Hernandez’s force is completely destroyed. Lane’s Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. lit or I rlo let healthy this is necessary. Act- I: oh the liver ami kidneys. Cures sick he I h • Price 25 and 50c. The United States board of engineers recommends fixed weirs at the head of the Niagara river to regulate the levels of the great lakes. ill is. Winslow’s Soothing Svrup for children teething softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. The Michigan legislature held a special session to consider railway tax ation. Actsoeni ny on tmk. Kidneys, Liver and Bowels , leA nses the System „, ds' , f t |Ei „s OVERCOMES \rrO ~ - IIVJML PERMANENTLY Buy the genuine - m ant o sy (AL'IvRNI*[TG,SmKS -^s?^ 0 AU 9T All 01.- Ti ASil c fi will. Captain h DEWEY'S FLAG-SHIP OLYMPIA—CAPTAIN GIhDLEY, COMMANDER. Mrs. Grid ley, mother of Captain Grid fey, who was in command of Dewey’s flag-ship at the destruction of the Spanish fleet at Ma nila, says of our remedy, Peruna: ••At the solicitation of a friend / used Peruna, and can truth fully say it is a grand tonic and Is a woman's friend, and should be used in every household. After using it for a short period I feel like anew person.” Ann E Grldley. Nearly all our ills are due to catarrh. We arc liable fo have catarrh of the bead, catarrh of the throat, catarrh of the lungs, -stomach, kidneys, bladder anti pelvio •rgans. Peruna cures catarrh wherever locate i. Address Dr. Hartman, Colum bus, Ohio, for fret; book. SAVE CtT AD ™ YOUR <3 I #4IT TAGS “Htar” tin tags (showing small stars printed on under side of tog), “Horse Shoe,” “J. TANARUS.,” “Good Luck," “ Cross Bow," and “Drummond” Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in securing presents mentioned below, and may he assorted. Every matt, woman and child can find something on the list that they would like to have, aud can have FREEt TAG*. 1 Match Box *26 2 Kii fe, one bludtv good steel 2' 3 Hci-sorit, 4 H iiuiios 2ft 4 Child'** Net, Knife, Fork and Spoon 2.> 6 Stilt mid Popper Het. one each, quad ruple pV.te* on white metal.. 60 6 lY‘*nu)i Briar Wood Pipe 26 Razor, hollow ground, flue Buglinh steel 60 8 Butter Knife, triple plate, bent quality 6o 9 Sugar Shell, triple plate, In-nt qual.. Ho 10 Smi*up B x. aterling silver 70 11 Knife, "Keen Kutter,” two blades.. 76 12 Butcher Knife, “Keen Kutter,’' 8-in blade 75 l't Shear i, ‘ Keen Kutter " Mnoh 76 | 14 Nut Sot, (’lacker and 6 Picks, silver i piped Hfl 16 Base Ball, “Association, *’ boat qual. 1 0u ( lfl Al’irni (’lock. nickel 160 17 Six Genuine Rogers' Teaspoons, l>est i late 1 g. oils 160 lx Watch, nickel, Htein wind and Net.. 200 19 Carvers, good steel, buckhorn j handler. 200 20 six Genuine Holers* Table Hintons, host plated goods 260 21 Six each. Knives aud Forks, buck horn handles Mo 2? Hix each. Genuine Rogers' Knifes ami Forks, tiest plated goods. 600 THE AROVE OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 3Qr„. 1901. Cnorinl Nntirn f Blaln " Star ” Tin Tags ithat U, Star tin fn * with no sin'll OfJnUlal IsUtll/U . stars printed on under side of tag), an* n/ ./><* for pmrnt*. —. but will 1* paid f> i’in CASH on the Da- is of i went y cents per hundred, If received by us on or Iwfore Vla’ch Ist, |Qtni. MTIUIAK IN >ll Nit Ihm n dime's worth si STAR PLUG TOBACCO will last longer and uflonl mure pleasure tliun u dime’s worth of ntty brand. MAKETHETE9T! Send tags to < OVri VIiVIAI- TOKVCCO CO.. St. Louis. Mo ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ The Wisconsin supreme court or tleretl the removal of Captain Bean as assignee of the Plankinton bank and the appointment nf Herman Hermann, the creditors' choice. Attend the Oshkosh Business Col lege and School of Shorthand and Typewriting. BEST IN EVERYTH INCH Business Practice in Book keeping and Shorthand from start to finish. Educates practically and supplies busi ness houses with competent assistants. Established Sept, i, 1867. No Vacations. For Catalogue address W. W. Daggett, Onhktmlt, Win. The Charles A. Vogler company. Bal timore. manufacturer of St. Jacob's oil, assigned. NEW TOURIST SLEEPING CAR LINE TO BOSTON VIA THE WABASH. Dftciidicr 14 the Wiitiasli innugtll iitril a weekly line of tourist -leepern between ( lie 1 ago null Koslou Tim tourist sleep-r will leave ( bienifn every Thursday at 13:1 ! noon on the famous ( ootiuental Limited mil nr- , rive Boston 5:50 lo id.iv evening. Betlh rate, 1 Cllieaffir to Itostou, yt.lHI. Berths le-erved in advnuee. Tieket Oftiee. 07 Adi ui“ HI , I Chicago. The federation of labor returns to its former system of assessments for strike funds. A 56 piece china tea net free to Indies for nelling teas anil eoffecs. Ten stores in Mil wiiukee for twenty years. Reference, any hank here. Write for particular- In It Die:, | son A Cos., Milwaukee, Win. I The democratic national committee | will meet in Washington Feb. 22, lu > decide upon the convention place and date. l*io*n Remedy for Catarrh 1* not a liquid or a miiiff. ft quickly relic Ten C>ld in the Head, Headache, Ktc., and realty cure* 1 < ntarrli. 50c. Sol. Smith Russell, the actor, broke down on the stage in Chicago, due to nervous dyspepsia. Coughing Leads to Consumption! Kciii|'( lbiUiiin will atop the rough at once, (to to your drugi'ist to-day mid get a ‘ample bottle free. Hold in 25 hikl 50 cent bottle*. Goiitonee; delay* arc dangerous. f he Milwaukee city council passed a four-eent street railway fare ordi nance. m TAOS. 23 Clock, 8-day, Calendar, Therinoni eter, Barometer 6co 24 (bin uaso, l>ntbur, no better mail*. 500 26 Revolver, nutomatiu, double action. .S3 or 38 ruliber 600 26 Tool Net, not playthings, but real tool* . 650 27 Toilet Not decorated porcelain very handsome non 28 Remington Kith* N..4. 2J<r S2 - al . BWI i 29 Watch, sterling silver,full jewt led Bwo j 30 IM’phmSup Case, leather, handsome and durable . loou 31 Newbie Machine. Ilrs’ i hiss, with all attachments !sau 32 Revolver, Colt'a, iW-cullbtv, blued *f eel. , 1600 •W Rifle, Colt’*. 16-shot, 22 cull >e.\ ...HUM 34 (luitnr (Washburn), rosewood, in laid 2(NM .'l6 .Mandolin, very hatnlHotiie 2090 36 Winchester Repenting Hhot Gun 12 i;aufte 2oou 37 Remington, double barrel, ham mer Shot Gun, 10 or 12 gauge 2000 38 Bicycle, standard make, ladfea or gents 2600 39 Shot Gun. Remington, double bar rel, liauiinerlesH 3000 40 lteglna Music Box, laty inch Disc ‘<\Mo DO YOU 1 [OOUCH dont-delayJ mm balsam! It Cures Colds Cough*. Sore Throat. Croup. In fluenza Whoop n(jCou(|h.BronchitisandAsthm. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a sure relief in advanced stages. Use at once You will see the excellent effect after taking the first dose Sold I v dealers every where Largs bottles 2B cents and 50 cent: KVlillions of Acres of Choice Agricultural uKTfd | Land* now opened for settlement in Waiters < i niida. Here is grown \mK I lie celebrated No. | Hurd gjfv "h‘ f which brings the V* highe t price in the mar- C/ J kef* of the w r and. Thoii- L-. ■ Miiuli of cattle lire fat .. <1 for imirKef without being fed grain, and without a day’s shelter. Send for information and secure n free home in Western Canada Write to I- I’edley. Supt. fin mi 'rm ion, Ottawa, Canada, or Hi" mid rsigned, who will until you atlases, pmn pllleu. etc., free of cost: c ,1. Broughton. I’i’23 Monad nock Bldg.. Chicago III.; T O. Currie, Stevens Point, Wls., Agi*. for Gov’t of Canada. Dr.Bi it’s ■ ’i ho bo.- i remedy for Consumption. Cures ® Coughs, Colds,Grippe, Syrup bronchi lit*, tloai nt>- J * ness. Asthma, Whooping cough. Croup Small don# * ; quick, sure results. l)> . Hull j Jills curd C oHS/t/tulum . 7 rial, ?oJursc, CARTERS aNK Bring your children ► up on it. “ORANOK BI.OHHOMB" contain* advert bornenU of many refined nnd wealthy f*op'e wishing to marry. Bend stamp for copy, box 1857, N, (IN HFHFIPT of 80 r " rtMn ' Addreasss nrdjJ Ull lILULir I iii stamp* ws will mid ~ I 'd'l ■ ->f ibjmifs I •e-rif^^^H quick, at.'l A. VXII.IIHIM) Jb±TS PISP’S CURE For (itifffSWHtK: ALL usTfSiS urii t ouch byri.ii. Ta-teaUu3 In t:'t.n ■ccMmtMp-r