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Image provided by: Wisconsin Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
Northern tDisconsin Slfowtiger TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR Tackle Time IS HERE SO IS Our New Stock OF HOOKS, LINES, POLES, BAIT SPINNERS, REELS, BASKETS, EVERYTHING TO MAKE THE FISHERMAN HAPPY. GIVE US A CALL WABENO HARDWARE CO. WABENO, WISCONSIN SPRING IS DRAWING NEAR • and the pleasures of motoring will soon commence. Your car should be in first class condition to start in with in order to evade the many lit tle inconveniences caused from in cessant wear on various parts. We | already have a number on our wait ing list whose cars will be gone over at our earliest convenience. Your | car as well as theirs will need a little | work in order for it to perform and | operate right. Our Motto of Fixing not Faking guarantees you efficient I workmanship with right prices. Wabeno Motor Car Company WABENO, WIS. W / > II *■] BATTERY CSE gfjf I fm $4 lEh SHI if 1 Bjg|§lli|||gglM Columbia Dry Bat teries work better and last longer —foe bells and bmxew —for thermostat* —for gas engines —for ignition on the Ford while starting —for dry battery light ing in closet, cellar, garret, bam, etc. The world’s most famous dry battery. Used where group of indiridual ceils it needed. Fahnestock Sprint CUP Binding Posts at no extra charge No;6 - COLUr‘ r B lA iGN-.roi* Fix that bell today! Gef one Columbia “Bell Ringer” Bat tery, or two Columbia "No. 6” Batteries, and make the old bell happy. Columbia Dry Batteries are better for every purpose. More power and longer life at little cost. Used everywhere for doorbells, buzzers, heat regulators, alarms, etc., for gas engine and tractor ignition, and for quick starting ignition on non-self-starting Fords. Columbias are for sale ail around you —electricians, hardware stores, general stores, auto supply shops, garages, im plement dealers. Insist upon Columbia. Hry Oa.ttes*ies fy they list iO& jct WABENO. WISCONSIN. FRIDAY. MAY 5. 1922 BIEVER MOTOR COM PANY HAS CARLOAD OF CHEYROLETS ENROUTE Chevrolet is the Lowest Priced, Fully Equipped Car in the World and ? Is Selling Wonderfully. The Bierer sflbtor Company agents for Nash and Chevrolets automobiles have a carload of Chevrolets on the road. Some of these cars have been sold before they even have arrived. This is because they offer more value than any otner oar on the market: The touring car sells for $695.00 de livered, including war tax and comes fully equipped. This is only about SBO more than a Ford when it is equipped with demountable rims and starter and yet Chevrolet has in addition a power ful valve-in head motor, regular three speed transmission with clutch, emerg ency brake, speedometer anew rear axe and differential, non-skid tires all around, tire rad'k behind, four door body’ one man top, rain vision wind shield, robe rail, foot rest, and comes equipped with timkeus bearings. Be sure and see and ride in a Chevrolet be fore buying a car. Write the Biever Motor Company and have them take you out. adv. Death of Mrs- Anton Carriveau The funeral of Mrs. Anton Carriveau was held Tuesday morning from St. Ambrose Church with burial in the Catholic cemetery Lev A. L Buj taert officiated at the last rites. Mrs. Carriveau passed away last Sat urday evening at the age of 35 years. She was the daughter of Mr and Mrs. John Langlia. Besides her husband she is survived by eight children ranging in ages from 2 vveekN to 14 years. Also two brothers, Alex and Frank, of O conto Falls, one sister, Mrs. Henry Dunk. Those from out of town to a ttend the luneral were: Mrs. Alex Douville of Bay Settlement, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Noel of Oconto, Mr and M rs. Joe Carriveau of Oconto Falls, Mrs. John Dugan of Sampson, and Mr. Theodore Carriveau of Oconto. Notice to Clean-up Now is the time to clean up all waste and rubbish wherever found, in base ments, attics, closets, yards alleys, area-ways, sheds, and barns. Theresore, the town board of the town of Wabeno does hereby designate and proclaim the week beginning May 15th as clean-up-wev k and appeals to the pride of each citizen to cooperate. The town will provide teams and wa gons for the purpose of removing all rubbish and waste material that can not be burned, from the premises pro viding that such material to be remov ed is placed in boxes or barrels and placed in a convenient place so that it can be gotten at without unnecessary trouble. Town Board of the Town of Wabeno Frank Mischo Town Clerk. A. BIERBAUM REMARKS ABOUT HIS NASH CAR Wabeno, Wisconsin, March 17,1922. Biever Motor Company, Laona, Wisconsin. Gentlemen:— I take great pleasure in recommend ing the Nash automobile to any pro spective buyer. I have a Nash car, which I bought of you, which has giv en wonderful satisfaction. I agree with you that Nash leads the world in motor car value. Certainly the expense and upkeep of my car has been very low. had no trouble with it, and it operates with o much ease and comfort that I secure much pleasure in driving it. Yours very truly, (SIGNED) A. A. Bierbaum. Notice of Teachers* Exam inations Teachers’ examinations will be held in the Wabeno high school building, May 9 and 10. Anyone wishing to take the examinations is requested to notify the county superintendent of schools not later than May 5. If at that time there are no candidates for the examin ations, the examination date will be postponed until August. Since no spec ial permits are to be granted to teachers in Wisconsin this year, examinations will not be given to anyone with less than a year of professioaal training, unless such person has previously held a teachers' certificate ia Wisconsin. Linda E. Rowlinsom, 1 County Supt. of Schools. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Baseball practice at the ball park Sunday. Louis Rummel went to Milwaukee Wedneseay. Mrs. Chas. Lemke was a Laona visit or last Friday. Jake Scailleman returned last week from a Green Bay hospital. Walter F. Mayer went to Shawano Saturday to remain indefinately. Mrs. Otto Neuman of Sou Crossing, visited with relatives here a few days this week. Thursday evening the Y. P. A. of the Lutheran Church meets at the par sonage. Mrs. Lauiont, county supervising teacher, was over from Crauuon a lew days this week. “it is one medicine that does all tnat's ciamiec. for it,.” Thousands have saul it. about lunlac and so will you it you try it. M. \J. Doenm. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jtiolsaple accom panied uy Teari Sinclair Urove over iroiu lilies bunuay and spent liie day wild Liesier f legal and iainliy. i am now taaing oruers ror hard anu iaoit coai. All orders must ue in by J uue 1, 1922. C. F. Kieiz Motor Go. Men Wanted: For common laoor at J-lpier by tne j.ipier-fjroasman Jobr. bo. Good wages and steady woi'K. i\eat cottages ror rent iur men witn famil ies. auy. JL lie county ooard last week Voted a bund issue or S23,UUU. to Laae caie oi protective state Highways. This tne oonded indeotedness oi Toreal uuunt* szyb,UoU. doe Oiiampo had the uilsioitune to hurt ootn Icet last wees while at, woia on tne bank ouiming. fie was nauiing aand and ill buine Way slipped and the load passed over both leet. Ihe Cheuhall family arrived last week from Indiana to make a per man cut x'esidenee nere. Mr. Chenkali and nous, George, Thomas and Vv iliiam came up last summer, but returned to Indiana last laii. John W Arniy, Opt. D. Optical Spec ialist, will make his next visit to Wab euo, at hotel, Wednesday p. m. and Thursday a. in. May 10 & 11. ex amined free. Difficult coses solicitcq. Lowest prices. Adv. Excavating for the new home oi the State Bank of Wabeno has been com pleted and work on the foundation is progressing nicely. W. H. Dean oi Minneapolis is foreman for the con tractors, A. Mooreman & Cos. of Minn eapolis. Will trade a good six foot McCor mick binder, a good 2 year old lioau bull for a good sound reliable work horse or mare of good size. Address Madison MeCoilum, Soperton, Wis. camp 4, on Bay Shore road 12 miles east of Wabeno. For Sale: 80 acre farm. 4£ miles north west of Wabeno. About 40 acres ciaered of which 20 aares is without stones or stumps. Fair buildings. Would sell on account of wishing to take charge ol the old home farm. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Rogge, Wabeno. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Rogge returned Wednesday from Seymour where they were called by the death of the formers brother , Herman Rogge, who died at a Green Bay hospital last Saturday. Deceased was 54 years of age and res ided on a farm near Seymour. The Sehlaike & Berndt Baking Cos. recently opened in thepostoffice building is doing a nice business and the goods they turn out is giving entire satisfact ion. They have anew oven of the lat est make and keep their shop in a neat and sanitary condition. Walter Henry of Minneapolis, experieneed in all lines of baking, is their baker. Ted Schlafke is local manager. JOHN W. ARNEY O. D. Registered Optometrist Member of the Wisconsin and National Association of Optometrists. 921 Main Street - - GREEN BAY, Wis. Mr. Arney was educated at Albion College, Michigan University, Philadel phia Optical College. He has had over 35 years of expert Optical practice in Ann Arbor, New York City, Chicago and Wisconsin EYES EXAMINED FREE All work MADE TO ORDER. GUAR ANTEED, and AT LOWEST STAND ARD PRICES. At Wabeno May 10 and 11 WABENO DRUG STORE The Last Touch to the Finished Toilette A Pure Soft Fine Delicately Scented TALCUM # Prominent Amongst the Big Variety which We Always Carry are our SIX BEST SELLERS Cara Nome Dazira Gentlemen’s Midi Bouquet Ramee Jonteel Each Peculiar unto Itself As to Its Odor and Daintiness May We Add to Our Pleasure and Yours In Showing Them to You M. O. BOEHM The Rexall Druggist WABENO, ::: ::: ::: WISCONSIN You’ll Be Interested In The TASTE OF YOUR Home Ba! cers Bread For there will be no other bread with a flavor so fascinating as you* Home B; her. You’ll like it’s crisp buttery ciust and you’ll like the way the snow white mouth fuls melt. $ It’s indescribably delicious. Schlafke & Berndt B akery WABENO, WIS. compare THE Fisk Premier Tread is a tire which yields an honest, generous measure of service at a low price. See this tire and compare with any at a competing price. It is your best pur chase if you want a low priced tire. It is a FiskTire,and is Fisk character clear through. There’s a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size, for car, truck or speed wagon FISK k. TIRES A NO. 39 $1.50 A YEAR 30 x 3Fisk Premier Tread 110.65 30x3^—Non-Skid Fabric . 14.85 30 x 3J-3 Extra-Ply Red-Top 17.85 30 x 3H— Six-Ply Non-Skid Clincher Cord . . 17.85 30 x 3J4 —Six-Ply Non-Skid Cord Straight Side 19.85 31x4 —Six-Ply Non-Skid Cord 27.00 32 x 4 —Non-Skid Cord . . 30.50 32 x 4^ —Non-Skid Cord . . 39.00 34 x 4J-3 —Non-Skid Cord . . 41.00 35 x 5 —Non-Skid Cord. . 51.50 •! 0 LNI.M. Time to Re-tire? (Buy Fink)