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lUisconstn SWuertiscc twenty-fourth year So instead of building tires as cheaply as possible, Goodyear builds tbem as good as possible. That is one reason wby we sell Goodyears. At prices as low as those asked for unknown brands— the Goodyear Clincher gives you an opportunity to get the greatest, tire value ever offered. And our service kelps you get out of your tires all the value built into tbem. Why gamble with cheap tires? Buy Goodyears—plus service. WABENO HARDWARE CO. WABENO. WISCONSIN WHEN IN TROUBLE WITH YOUR CAR CALL ON US All Work Guaranteed PRICES REASONABLE Full Line of Tires, Tubes, and all Accessories Carried in Stock. WABENO MOTOR CAR CO. WABENO, WIS. Sooner or later you 'will use a Be Laval v; JiKffH Three cows and a De Laval make more money than four cows with other methods Thousands upon thousands of cow own ers have already proved this statement. If you are selling cream or making but ter, and have no separator or else an inferior machine, we know if we could put a De Laval on your place we would be doing you a personal favor. A De Laval costs only a little more than the cheapest separator, and will save you twice as much and last five to ten times as long as others. EDWIN A. VOELZ & COMPANY WABENO, WIS. Final Cost and Clincher Tires There are two ideas of econ omy—which do you want? Low First Price or Low Final Cost. With its immense organization Goodyear could build tires to sell at as low a price as any one. But Goodyear believes that tire buyers want the lowest final cost and the greatest possible freedom from tire trouble. it separators in H Minnesota are j| > De Lavals. if WABENO. WISCONSIN. FRIDAY. JUNE 9. 1922 Forest County Development Associatisn. Meets Second Meeting Held at “The Planets” at Stone Lake May 29 Avery fine supper was served to forty members, who enjoyed the “Get together” meeting. The following bus iness was transacted. Motion made by Mr. H. Kieth and seconded by Mr. Elder, tbat the Board of Directors take up the matter of se curing funds from the County Board to establish Camp Sites. The motion was carried Motion made by Mr. J. Fielding and seconded by Mr. Rogers, that the Chair appoint a Committee of three to get out a booklet to advertise our County, and that said committee be instructed to work out some plan to finance it. The motion was carried. Motion made by Mr. Hale and sec onded by Mr Germer, that we amend by laws to read as follows:—“All Mem berships for Companies $25. each; Pro fessional and Business Men $5. each; and all others sl. each.” The motion was carried. Motion made by Mr. Flanner and sec onded by Mr. Fielding that the Chair appoint a Finance Committee, consist ing of three members. The motion was carried. Motion made by Mr. Flanner and sec onded by Mr. M-jGraw, that Mr. O’- Brien; Mr. Germer; Mr. Rusch; and Mr. Flanner go before the County Board and solicit funds to promote this or ganization, and to get out a booklet for advertising purposes. Motion carr ied. Moved by Mr. Hale and seconded, that the chair appoint a Committee of three to work in conjunction with the County Agent, to workout a land clear ing proposition. Motion carried. Motion made and seconded that the Chair appoint a Publicity and Member ship Committee. Motion carried. Motion made by Mr. Hale and sec onded that Mr. Rogers report to the Finance Committee the available Camp Sites in the County* and the cost of putting them in condition for occupancy. And thte Finance Committee ask the County Board for sufficient funds to take care of this work. Motion carried. It was moved and seconded that this Association go on record, giving their support to the Game Warden, Mr. Claw son, and backing up the Fish and Game Laws of the Country and that they are enforced. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that we publish these minutes in the three county pap ers. Motion carried It was moved and seconded that we extend a vote of thanks to our host, Mr. Buss, for the fine dinner he served, and the excellent service and hospital ity. Motion carried. It was moved and seconded that we hold our next meeting at Wabeno, on June 19th at6:3o p in. Motion carried. S, D. SWITZER, Secy, Forest County Development Assn. In accordance with the wishes of the members present at the meeting at Stone Lake, President W. D. Connor Jr. appointed the following committees Committee of County Promotion: O'- Brien of Hiles, Germer of Crandon, Rusch of Wabeno, Flanner of Black well, and C. Irish of Laona. Committee on land clearing: Flanner of Blaokwell, Maislein of Tipler and Moore of Crandon. Committee on tourist trade: F. J. Rogersof Crandon, Bruss of Stone Lake and R. M. Connor of Laona. Committee on Finance: H. Kieth of Crancon, Quinlan of Soperton, Puech ner of Laona. Committee on Publicity and Member ship: Fielding of Crandon, Dr. Brown of Laona, Himley of Wabeno, A. E. Hess of Cavour, A. M. Rogers of New ald, and Hartman of Freedom. Most of these committees have ar ranged for meetings for this week. They will report back to the president the results of their meetings and he will call a meeting of the directors in order to get things under way as rapid- HIMLEY ABSTRACT COMPANY C. G. HIMLEY, ABSTRACTER (Successor to Walsh Abstract Company) Crandon, Forest County, Wisconsin ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Carefully and Promptly Compiled. FIRE I NSURANGE— Strongest Companies Something new in AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE— 'The Popular Prem ium Policy”—-iusures for the FULL VALUE of the car. Applicaiiens by mail receive immediate attention. ly as possible, and present a report of these committees to the members at the nextimeetiog at Wabeno on June 19. A membership drive will be started soon, and every live, wide awake citi zen of Forest County is expected to join this association which is endeavor ing to get the towns of the eounty co operating to put Forest County on the map in every way. LOCAL AND FLKSONAL Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Newton of Oak field are visiting at the Frank La Rrck home. Mrs. Otto Neuman came down from Soo Crossing yesterday on a visit with relatives. For Sale: Gibson mandola and guitar. Instruments may be seen at my house. Mis. Kuy H. Lunthali. Jake Bath and his father-in-law re turned yesterday from a few weeks down around Kewaskum- Miss Linda Bergner left for her home at Underhill yesterday. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Geo. Grant and children. For Sale: Two acres cleared land with two story dwelling house and hay barn. Adjoining Soperton, thirty rods from store and like distance from school. Also good team horses, cow, and farm machinery, inquire of Joe Sebero, Soperton, Wis. Lloyd Collins, the siv yearold son of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Collins of Carter, blew the ends of his thumb and two fingers off by the explosion of a dyna mite cap Wednesday evening. Dr. Ten ley was called th attend the lad and olso found several pieces of th cap lodged in the boys face and right leg. Wabeno Wins from Goodman 17 to 0 The interest of the Wabeno Base ball Fans was given life last Sunday when the locals shut out Goodman and counted up 17 runs Manager La Fevre has been fortuna e in getting together most of the last years crack team and with the addition of Elmer Koenig who is starring at the bat there are good prospects for the coming season. The game was interesting as the lo cals played baseball like veterans. Al tho Marsh for the locals was touched for four safe hits one a two bagger, and there were four errors counted, only 28 men faced him. This was made possible by fast infield work and good work by Catcher Collins. Home Runs Anderson 1 Three Base Hits Koenig 1 Struck out by Marsh 10 “ “ “ Stapleford 4 “ “ “ Farmer 2 Score by innings Wabeno 40146101 - 17 Goodman 00000000 - 0 Eight Graduate from High School The Commencement exercises of the Wabeno high school were held at Nei der's hall last Friday* evening. The •following young people had completed the regular four years course of study and received their diplomas: Margaret Adams, Hazel Dickinson, Isabel Rusch, Susie Doolittle, Elmer Koenig, lyern Schilleman, Wm. Larson, and Edward Derrah. The address of the evening was de livered by Mr. Goodknight of the Uni versity of Wisconsin and his talk was highly appreciated by the large aud ience. Isabel Rusch was valediotorian and Edward Derrah was salutatorian. The high school graduating class, accompanied by W. E. Switzer and A. E. Lawrence, left Monday morning on a motor trip to Madison and the Wis consin Dells. Lutheran Church Notes Remember our conference services Monday evening, June 12th, beginning at 8. Rev. J. Henning of Enterprise and Rev. Jos. Krusbaek of Eagle River will preach. Rev. Wm. Huth, Pastor. WABENO DRUG STORE Save Your Straw Hat Keep it New all the Time Give it an occasional coat of 4 Elkays Straw Hat Dye Complete Assortment Of Fashionable And Standard Colors THE COST IS BUT A TRIFLE Complete Instructions for use with each Bottle 25 CENTS For sale only at M. 0. BOEHM The Rexail Druggist WABENO, ::: ::: ::: WISCONSIN Schlafke fk? Berndt Baking Cos. Our store is generally crowded. But not with bargain hunters. Our trade is a satisfied, con tented class of trade that is particular about the cleanliness of articles that go on their tables. THEY GET QUALITY THEY GET SERVICE THEY ARE SATISFIED THEY KNOW AND APPRECIATE WHAT CLEANLINESS MEANS In short —Truthful Advertising backed by good, clean quality goods has built our business. We don't cut one article and raise another. Is there any reason why you shouldn't trade with us? Schlafke & Berndt Baking Company WABENO, WIS. (Reprinted from Milwaukee Journal) Twelve Golden Rules for Real Sportsmen Anglers By Cal L. Johnson “Be a sportsman!" is the cry of our many outdoor magazines and rod and gun clubs, and the importance of that cry is realized in the depletion of many of our waters today, through the unfair way in which game fish have been taken. Hundreds of fine waters are useless as far as angling is'con cerned. Spears, nets and dynamite are the weapons that have helped turn a way a good lake into fishless mud holes. Spawning season finds the sneak, arm ed with a shotgun or pitchfork, along the shores of the streams shooting or spearing large quantities of game fish that are on their way to the spawning beds. Hundreds of small fry are killed with the taking of each fish at this time. KILL YOUR CATCH If you are a sportsman you will not lower yourself by such methods. But lest we forget, just paste the following 12 “golden rules of angling'’ on the inside of your tackle box. No. 1. Always kill your catch immed iately after landing. Unnecessary suff ering in the bottom of the boat, or dangling at the end of a stringer, hung over the side of the boat, cause undue torture. Remember the fish gave yon a good thrill and did his best Show yout appreciation by not letting him suffer. No. 2. Use fair tacties in capturing your fish. He also enjoys his way of living. Dynamite, spears, guns, or nets are never used by a sportsman. No. 3. Don't fill your boat just be cause the fish are biting well. Take the limit if necessary, bat no more. You may want to fish the same place again. No. 4. Obey your state angling laws. NO 44 51. 50 A YEAR Don't be afraid to report a violation to the nearest warden. The laws are fair and for the good of the game. No 5. Join your home angling club and help plant the fry. It is one of the most important things you ean do if you want your children to enjoy the experiences you have had. Fish decrease rapidly when heavily fished and need restocking. REMEMBER OTHERS No. 6. Don’t be a daredevil while in a boat with others. There may be one that can’t swim. If you enjoy rocking 1 the boat, do so alone. No. 7. Never raise a disturbance in the water just because you are through fishing. Perhaps someone else wants to fish. Always respeet you fellow ang ler. No 8. Don’t let your fishing part ner do all the rowing. Possibly he en joys a few casts also. Go fifty-fifty. No. 9. Don’t curse your tackle if you accidently step on your rod or get your line into a bad birdsnest. Maybe, you are to blame. Keep smiling and your difficulties will soon be remedied. No. 10. Always kill your live bait before putting on the hook. A frog dangling on the end of a spoon hook alive brings no bette-i results than a dead one kept moving. Give all the helpless creatures a thought. No. 11. Be courteous to brother ang lers. Help them if in trouble. Don’t let jealousy over a larger catch than yours cause undue feeling. HOW’S THIS ? HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by ca tarrh. We do not recommend it for any other disease. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces of the system, thus reducing the inflamma tion and assisting Nature in restoring normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. P. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, Ohio.