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Image provided by: Wisconsin Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
ATTENTION MOTORISTS! You Want Dependable Tire Repairing Your Tire Is Still Good. It may be a blowout or a rim cut; It may be ragged or tread worn; If the fabric is sound, skillful repairing will make it good for many miles. We repair, rebuild, retread, and reline all makes of casings, whether fabrio or cord. ALL WORK GUARANTEED PRICES RIGHT WABENO VULCANIZING SHOP TELEPHONE 1012 WABENO, WIS. HERE WE COME! ALL NEW BUT THE NAME WABENO--Week Com mencing Monday June 12 _ . - ——— —— ——— . • •• : :: '. .. •' The Gagnon- Pollock Show Oldest, Biggest, Best Equipped, and Most Favorably Known Show of its kind in America. BIG RAIN PROOF TENT THEATRE All New Plays; 2 Funny Niggers 2; After-Show Concert; Follies of 1922 BIGGER and BETTER THAN EVER REDUCED PRICES: Children 25c. Adults 35c. Jit JMuddy Your complexion is muddy. You look hag gard and yellow. Your eyes are losing their | lustre. The. trouble is with your liver. Take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will correct that. Then avoid meats, hot bread and hot cakes, take Frequent baths and a long walk every day, and you will soon be as well and as I beautiful as ever. Price 25 cents per bottle. Chamberlain's Tablets NEAT JOB PRINTING DONE AT THIS OFFICE NORTHERN WISCONSIN ADVERTISER, WABENO. WIS. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. L. 9. Mallow of Laona was a Wabeno visitor Monday. Mrs. A1 Bauman returned from a visit at Newald Monday. Russel Phillips is assisting at the Wabeno Vulcanizing shop. Albert Oillis of Oconto Falls was a business caller here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Btronach of Tipler were callers here Wednesday. Chat. Byrnes has anew Oakland six purchaaed from the Suring garage. Chas. Martin and L, D. Tucker of Carter, were callers in town Monday. Surveyor N. H. Smith of Lakewood came up Tueseay to do some surveying here. Mrs. Wm. Allie left last week for Marshfield on a months visit with rela tives. Chester Allie has returned from Lena where he built the foundation for a building. A oae day road school session for all county patrolmen was held at Crandon Monday. Miss Esther Strohm, returned home from her teaching duties at Phelps last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Fessenbecker and baby left Sunday in their car for Roberts, Wis. where they will remain this summer. Miss Emma Strohm, who has been teaching school at Kipling, returned home last week. It is a pleasure to sell Tanlac because those who buy it eome back and praise it. M. O. Boehm. Emil Birkle, who conducts a barber shop at Tipler, spent the weekend with Wabeno friends. M. Kommers of Fond du Lac arrived Tuesday on a visit with his son, L. P Kommers and family. Paul and Walter Lemke, Oshkosh normal students, have returned home for the summer vacation. Messrs. Good and Flanders of the O conto Lumber Company were business callers in town Saturday. John Gayhart is excavating for the basement of a large new chicken house to be erected just east of his barn. More people have taken Tanlac and praised it than any other medicine in the world. There’s one reason only merit. M.JO. Bohem. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kinsman and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Miller motored to Angelica Saturday afternoon for an over Sunday visit with relatives. For Rent or Sale Cheap: 40 acres pasture land 1 \ miles south of Wabeno. Inquire of Mrs. L. Schmidt, 1136 So. 10th Bt. Manitowoc, Wis. 3t Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rietz left for Milwaukee Saturday to drive back a new Essex car which the Rietz Motor Car Cos. has sold to a Blaekwell party. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Geiter and child ren returned Monday from a visit at Campbellsport and Kewaskum. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Geit er’s younger brother. Five grade Holstein, fresh milk cows for sale, very reasonable prices. Herd too large. Bankable paper accepted. Farm located ten miles north east of Lakewood, Wis. at Me Caslin Mt. Mr. and Mre. A. E. Holsaple are spending a few days with Lester Fle gal and family following a tour of northern Wisconsin and Michigan. Mrs Roy Lenthall and the Misses Haasch, Chainey and Hardwick took Miss Irene Arndt to her home at Cran don Monday in the Lenthall car. The party had their dinner at Ra ; Lake. Mrs. Geo. Eklund of Gillett arrived last Saturday on a visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Moore. Mrs. Eklunds husband has just been appoint ed postmaster of Gillett and will assume his new duties July Ist. PADUS L. P. Marsh was to Laona Tuesday. -D. C. Forrest was to Wabeno Mon day. Oeo. Johnson was to Wabeno Mon day. J. H. Hammes was to Laona Wed nesday. Mrs. Geo. Johnson was to Laona Tuesday, Helen Anderson returned to Crandon Saturday. Albert Grey returded from Milwau kee Saturday. Mrs. Glen Fosdick and children were to Wabeno Friday. Mr. and Mrs. fid. Hammes of Eagle River were callers here Monday. Ruth Tuell went to Bear Creek Fri day to visit relatives for a month. New Prices on Ford Cars & Tractors j 'llll JS B W f W&m .• BHy . .. M wnKk M 85858 Fordson Tractor Only $395.00 F. O. B. Detroit Chassis $285 Runabout $319 Touring Car $348 Truck Chassis $430 Coupe SSBO Sedan $645 These are the lowest prices of Ford Cars in the history of the Ford Motor Cos. Orders are coming in fast, so place yours promptly to insure early delivery. ABOVE PRICES ARE F. O. 8., DETROIT, MICH. C. F. RIETZ MOTOR 00., WABENO FORD TURNS OUT 6,000,000 th MOTOR Next One Comes Through Five and One-third Seconds Later Ford Motor Number 6,000,000 was lifted from the assembly line in the Highland Park Ford Plant at 9:14 A. M. May l*th. Just 5£ seconds later No. 6,- 000,001 was finished. The unusally heavy demand for Ford cars and trucks at the present time nas necessitated the building of 5400 motors daily. Those are shipped in car load lots to the various Ford assembl ing plants throughout the United States. The first model * ‘T’* Ford motor was completed on October Ist, 1808; num ber 1,000,000 left the assembly line December 10th, 1915; and number 5,- 000,000 camejthrough May 28th, 1921. Although the Ford Motor Company turned out a number of different mod els prior to 1908, the present number ing system began with the first model Cannot Camouflage Raffles Those who are still seeking loopholes to evade the Wisconsin anti-lottery law are bound to be disquieted by the opin ion handed down by W. W. Gilman, assistant attorney general, that any raffle or lottery is illegal, no matter what the excuse may be. Automobiles and other prizes are o ccasionally given away at dances to persons holding the ticket with the lucky numbers. To sell numbered tick ets for general admission to a celebra tion or dance and make a free gift to the purchaser who draws the ‘lucky number/’ is lottery, he holds. “Whenever prizes are given,” he said, “th prize winner being deter mined by chance and there being a consideration paid for such a chance, it is a violation of the anti-lottery laws. No amount of camouflage can obviate the result. The mere fact that every purchaser of a chance gets something in equal value to the price paid does not effect the question where some re ceives more for his money than others.” Exchange. Trading Stamp Law Explained To all whom this may concern:- By the terms of Section 1774 m of the Wisconsin statues, known as the trad ing stamp law, a law duly enacted by the Legislature of Wisconsin and its validity sustained and its terms inter peted by the Supreme Court of Wiscon sin in three different cases, the use by any manufacturer, packer dealer or any form of trading stamp is absolute ly prohibited with the sale of any goods, wares or merchandise, unless such trading stamp bear upon its face a stated CASH VALUE, and be redeem able ONLY IN CASH for the amount stated thereon upon presentation in amounts aggregating 25 cents or over of redemption value and only by the person, firm or corporation issuing the same. 1 I"" 1 Taken-up l our black and white yearling heifers and one red and white steer with bell. Owner call for same and pay charges. Frank Bayee, Pound Master. GRAND PLANK HOTEL BEN SLOWE. PROP. WABENO, WISCONSIN DR. 0. S. TENLEY Physician and Surgeon Telephone 56 Office at Tenley's Drug Store FRANK MISCHO FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE Tailored Suits and Raincoats Office Over the Postoffice WABENO, WIS. META R. REESE UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Furniture. Picture Framing Rear of Bank Bldg. Telephone 69 WABENO, WIS. -THE EAGLE BARBER SHOP ALL MODERN METHODS LAUNDRY JTr, M. L. HENES. PROPRIETOR First Publication May 12th. Last Publication June 23rd. 1922. SUMMONS CIRCUIT COURT, FOREST COUNTY. Charlotte Myrtle Bridge, Plaintiff, vs. Ernest Bridge, Defendant. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN-To The Said Defendant:- You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons, eielusive of the day of ser vice, and defend the above entitled act ion in the court aforesaidjand in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint. Hooper & Hooper, Plaintiff's Attorneys ADDRESS P. O. Crandon. Forest County. Wiscon sin. WM. ZINGLER UNDERTAKING LICENSED EMBALMER Team and Auto Hears*. Telephone at Our Expknsb Furniture, Sonora Phonographs, PUyer Pianos, White and New Home Sewing Machines. SURING, WIS Me Ewen & Prue DEALERS IN Fresh Pork, Veal, Mut ton, Beef, Etc. We buy home raised stock and do our own butchering. WE ALSO CARRY ALL LINES OF Fresh Groceries We Deliver to Your Door Telephone 55 W. A. WESCOTT LAWYER FIRE INSURANCE The Oldest Agency in Forest County CRANDON, WISCONSIN Hooper & Hooper LAWYERS OFFICES 7—B— B—lo OVER THE POST OFFICE HOOPER BLOCK Office Phone Residence Phone jo CRANDON CASPER MINTON DEALER IN FARM AND DRAFr HORSES Select Lot of Good Farm Horses on Hand CRANDON. WIS. Are You in Arrears on your subscription 7 You know WE NEED THE MONEY *