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Norton tUiscottsin SUtoerfeer TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR So instead of building tires as cheaply as possible, Goodyear builds them as good as possible. That is one reason why we sell Goodyears. At prices as low as those asked for unknown brands— the Goodyear Clincher gives you an opportunity to get the greatest tire value ever offered. And our service helps you get out of your tires ail the value built into them. Why gamble with cheap tires? Buy Goodyears—plus service. WABENO HARDWARE CO. WARENO. WISCONSIN WHEN IN TROUBLE WITH YOUR CAR CALL ON US All Work Guaranteed PRICES REASONABLE Full Line of Tires, Tubes, and all Accessories Carried in Stock. WABENO MOTOR CAR CO. WABENO, WIS. Sooner or later you will use a De Laval The most simple,easiest running, longest lasting separator ever made The De Laval Separator excels all others in thoroughness of separation, ease of run ning, simplicity and durability. There is nothing about a modern De Laval Cyeam Separator which requires expert knowledge or special tools. Nor are there any parts which require frequent adjustment in every-day use. EDWIN A. VOELZ & COMPANY WABENO, WIS. 111111111111111111111 Final Cost and Clincher Tires There are two ideas of econ omy—which do you want? Low First Price or Low Final Cost. With its immense organization Goodyear could build tires to sell at as low a price as any one. But Goodyear believes that tire buyers want the lowest final cost and the greatest possible freedom from tire trouble. This combination wrench is the only tool required in using the De Laval. De Laval Cream Sep arators havd the only auto matic oiling system, which means an easier running and a much longer wear ing machine. WABENO. WISCONSIN. FRIDAY, JUNE 16. 1922 LOCAL AND PERSONAL A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nolan Monday. Rutherford McCauley of Oconto Falls is visiting friends here. Ted Schlofke made a business trip to Rhinelander Wednesday. Mrs. E. Hemenway of Carter was a caller in town Wednesday. Mrs. A1 Bauman visited relatives at Newald the first of the week. Ben Slowe was down to Shawano on a business mission last Friday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Miller last week Thursday. Miss Clara Saffron of Mountain was a guest at the Rietz home Saturday. Josephine Simonson was to Laona a few days this week to visit her father. Miss Leona Langteau left for Green Bay yesterday where she will remain to work. Miss Emily and Flora Mattler went to Menominee and Marinette for a visit Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Aderholdt of Gillett are visiting at the Henry Ader holdt home. G. Schmitt returned to ,Marshfield Wednesday following a visit at the J. C. Reese home. Dance at Me Donald’s hall this even ing. Music by Cavia’s orchestra of lion Mountain, Mich. You can bring the color to your cheeks and the sparkle to your eyes by taking Tanlac. M. O. Boehm. Fay Marsh has returned to jWabeno from Green Bay and resumed his posi tion at the Henes barber shop. Francis Nolan, who has been attend ing Marquette university at Milwaukee, is home for the summer vacation. Mrs. Geo Eklund, who has been vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Moore, returned to Gillett Monday. N. W. Johnson of Laona was in town the first of the week on business for the Carter and Wabeno Telephone Cos. Dr. and Mrs P. J. Noer motored to Madison last week to attend the comm encement exercises at the state univer sity. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hopper left Wed nesday for Sturgeon Bay to remain in definitely, Mr. Hopper being employed there. Mrs. and Mrs. Chas. Pleshek and baby of Shawano are visiting with Mrs. Ple shek’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ilinzman. Tired, overworked, rundown men and women find in Tanlac just what they need to regain health and strength. M. 0. Boehm. Mrs. Joe Juneau and daughter, Mrs. Frank Bayee were called to Buchanan, Mich, last Saturday by the death of the former's mother. You can make no mistake in follow ing the advice of millions who have been restored to health and happiness by Tanlac. M. O. Boehm. For Rent <>r Sale Cheap: 40 acres pasture land 1£ miles south of Wabeno. Inquire of Mrs. L. Schmidt, 1136 So. 10 th st. Manitowoc, Wis. 3t44. The base ball game Sunday at Moun tain between the Wabeno and Moun tain teams was a one sided affair, the score being 14 to 0 in favor of Wabeno. The Gagnon-Pollock shows are here this week, presenting anew play each night. The company is larger and bett er than in former years and are being greeted by good sized crowds. M s. John Kufner and daughters, Anna Hardwick and Josephine, and the Misses Beata Haasch, Floyd Chainey and Ruth Fritsch returned last week from a camping trip at Silver Lake. Five grade Holstein, fresh milk cows for sale, very reasonable priees. Herd too large. Bankable, paper accepted. Farm locared ten miles north east ot Lakewood, Wis. at Me Caslin Mt. Oven Smith. Lakewood, 3t45. The high school graduating class and Prin. W. F. Switzer and A. E. Lawr ence returned last Thursday evening from their motor trip to southern Wis consin They report a very enjoyable trip. The out-of-town ministers who at tended the Rhinelander conference here last week were: Rev. H. H. Heid el of Crandon, Rev JoS. Rrusbaek of Eagle River and Rev. Riehard Seigler of Watertown, Wis. For Sale: Ten meres cleared land with two story dwelling house and hay barn. Adjoining Soperton, thirty rods from store and like distance from school. Also feed team horses, cow, and farm machinery. Inquire of Joe Sobcro, Sop erton, Wis. 4t44. For Sale: 80 acre farm, 4J miles north west of Wabeno. About 40 acres clear ed of which 20 acres is without stones or stumps. Fair buildings. Would s.dll on account of wishing to take charge of, the old home farm. Mr. and Mis. Rogge, Wabeno. 6,000,000 TH FORD BUILT MAYTH. Four out of Five Ford Cars and Trucks Sold Since 1908 Still in Operation. The six millionth Model “T” Ford Motor was produced May 18th, in the Ford Factory at Detroit. In other words, from the time back in 1908 when the Ford Motor Company began marketing the new famous Model ‘T” Motor car until May 18th, 1922, a total of six million Ford Cars and Trucks have been produced. Out of this total 5,517,956 were delivered to purchasers in the United States alone, and according to the latest statistics, <1,478,248 of these Ford Cars and Trucks are in daily ser vice. Thus, it will be seen that out of ev ery five Ford Cars and Trucks sold to retail purchasers in the United States alone during the past fourteen years, four are still in actual daily use, which is really remarkable when the hard ser vice of commercial cars is taken into consideration. This seems to forcibly confirm the popular knowledge of the longevity of Ford cars. That Ford products have been quite evenly distributed throughout the United States is born out by the fact that through the sparsely settled com munities in the West to the densely populated cities of the East, practical ly the same ratio of Fo~d Cars and Trucks to population exists. Ohio leads with a total of 290,769 Ford Cars and Trucks in daily use: Ill inois comes second; Pennsylvania third; Texas fourth, and Michigan fifth, with a total of 234,081. New York, lowa and California follow in the order nam ed, each having more than 200,000. An idea of the important part played by Ford Cars and Trucks in the daily transportation of goods and persons in the United States can be rained by re alization or the fact that with the Ford cars now in operation, averaging a minimum of 5,000 miles per year each, they would pile up a total of Twenty five Billion transportation miles e quivalent to more than a million trips around the world. Adv. CHIROPRACTIC Keeps You Well Every Day In these Twentieth Century days of hustle and bustle, and hurry and worry t ins Outeiv necessary that you keep yourself fit all the time. If you do not enjoy health you are in no condition to cope with the world. The present day man and woman must be healthy. The boys and girls of today must be healthy for they will be the men and women of tomorrow. Chiropractic is your safeguard. When given a fair chance it will make you healthy and keep you healthy. This seems a large order but try it and find out for yourself. When your spine is normal you are healthy. Is yours nor mal? E. A. Plath, I). C., Tel. 226 Chiropractor, Crandon. Wabeno Girl Makes Excellent Record at River Falls Normal Rounding out another successful year, the River Falls State Normal School this week is fittingly observing the graduation of one of the largest class es in the history of the School. Among those who have made an ex cellent record in their work in the Nor mal school is Miss Isabel Dupuis, who Is completing the special course for Primary Teachers. The Booster Trip v The Booster Trip for the purpose of securing members was made to Crandon, Mole Lake, Argonne, and Hiles last Monday by the Forest County Develop ment Association. The Laona band was along and added pep to the doings. A similar drive was made to Cavour, Armstrong Creek, Long Lake and New ald. The third trip will be made Mon day, June 19th. to Laona, Blackwell and Wabeno, followed bjr a supper and program at Wabeno. Some able men have been engaged to talk on subjects that will interest every one and a large attendance is looked for. The Association is endeavoring to de velop the satire county in avery way and if all the people eo-operate much good cam be accomplished. Gome to the supper and meeting on J une 19th. WABENO DRUG STORE Save Your Straw Hat Keep it New all the Time Give it an occasional coat of Elkays Straw Hat Dye Complete Assortment Of Fashionable And Standard Colors THE COST IS BUT A TRIFLE Complete Instructions for use with each Bottle 25 CENTS For sale only at M. O, BOEHM The Rexall Druggist WABENO, ::: ::: ::: WISCONSIN .. w ■■ FISK a. TIRES A Time to Re-tire? v /T^jy / Yfc'l (Buy Fisk) 1 /faff/ / % Ka. T \ Trade Mara Ee*. U. S. Pat. Off /I (pail _ Vf £O7 <JSK/ /\ Br H .... ffflf If RED-TOP 30 X 3 I A Extra Ply of Fabric—Heavy Tread Price $17.85 FOR poor roads, for heavy loads, for hard use anywhere the Fisk Red-Top cannot be equaled for small cars. An extra ply of fabric and a heavy tread of extra tough red rubber make a strong tire built to meet exacting conditions. Time after time one Red-Top has outworn three ordinary tires. Its distinctive looks indicate your selection of a high-grade tire while its extra mileage more than justifies your choice. 'There’s a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size, for car, truck or speed wagon HIMLEY ABSTRACT COMPANY C. G. HIMLEY, ABSTRACTER (Successor to Walsh Abstract Company) Crandon, Forest County, Wisconsin ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Carefully and Promptly Compiled. FIRE I NSU RAN CE—Strongest Companies Someth’ng new in AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE— “The Popular Prem ium Policy”—iusures for the FULL VALUE of the car. Applicaiions by mail receive immediate attention. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY TRINITY EV. LUTHERAN: Services (German) at 10 Bunday June 18th. Sunday ichool at 11. No Services June zsth. Rev. Wm. R. Hutm, Pastor. ST. AMBROSE. Mass every Sun day at 8 and 10:15 ’clock. Baptism at !(SO. Sunday school at 2. Benediction NO. 45 51.50 A YEAR at 8. Father A. L. Buytaert, Paator. PRESBYTERIAN. Regular services every Sunday 10:30 a. m. and 7:30. p. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. The public is invited. L. B. Sherwin, B. D., Pastor. Neat Job Printing at This Office