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Northern llliscotisin SAiterfecr twenty-fourth year HOW TO SAVE ON CLINCHER TIRES THE one sure way to save money on tires is to buy the tire which has the greatest possible value built into it and then get that value out. The tire made cheaply to sell at a low paict, and sold without service behind it, cannot meet these specifications. The fact that “More People Ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other Kind,’’ is due largely to one thing. Instead of building tires as cheaply as it ean, Goodyear builds them as Good as it can, putting into them all possible value. am ■ ' * Hr /V y = R * YY\ 3 =4 5 \AA/$ Ml I WABENO HARDWARE CO. WABENO, WISCONSIN WHEN IN TROUBLE WITH YOUR CAR CALL ON US All Work Guaranteed PRICES REASONABLE Full Line of Tires, Tubes, and all Accessories Carried in Stock. WABENO MOTOR CAR CO. WABENO, WIS. Sooner or later you will use a ; 7. 'm Ask your neighbor about his De Laval There are probably a number of the 2,500,000 and more users of De Laval Cream Separators right in your neighborhood. It will pay you to talk to some of them. Ask them if the De Laval gets more cream, turns easier and requires less attention. Ask them particularly about the De Laval wearing qualities. They will tell you the reason for the universal satisfaction which the De Laval gives. EDWIN A. VOELZ & COMPANY WABENO, WIS. And we as Goodyear dealers make a sincere effort to help Goodyear users get out of these tires all the value the factory has built in. Goodyear tires are lower iri price and better in quality than ever before. Asa result you can enjoy from Goodyear tires with our service behind them not only greater tire satisfaction and less tire trouble, but also lower final cost. WABENO. WISCONSIN. FRIDAY. JULY 7. 1922 Joint Game Meeting Held About fifty men attended the joint ! meeting of the Game Protective Assoc | iation at Lake Wabi-kan (Rat Lake) ' last Sunday afternoon. Representatives from each of the five rod and gun clubs of Forest County were present. The meeting was called by Game Warden Clawson of Laona for the pur pose of getting the views of Forest County sportsmen regarding the pres ent game laws and any changes desired, 'these views will be presented to the Conservacion Commission at a meeting of all state game wardens to be held at Madison on July 12th. H. W. Rich ards of Wabeno was elected chairman of the meeting and Mr. Wilson of Cran don secretary. The meeting recommended that the open season for pickeral be made on the same date as the bass season. That thore be a closed season for two years on prairie chickens and that the open season for partridges be extend ed to fifteen days with a limit of three birds a day. It was recommended that the rabbit season open on Oct Ist. The present deer laws were satisfact ory except that dogs should not be a llowed in the woods for ten days prior to the open season nor for five days af ter the deer season closes. It was recommended that a perman ent game warden be placed at the For est County Game Refuge near Argonne and that the state be urged to purchase the balance of the land in the refuge as fast as the timber is removed. Mr. Clawson was selected to repre sent the several associations of Forest County at the Madison meeting. OPENING OF A NEW SCENIC ROUTE TO YELLOWSTONE PARK Through the Heart of the Rockies and the Last of the Old West The new scenic Teton Mountain route from Lander, Wyo to the Yellowstone opened July 1. Large, easy riding m it or busses take you through the Shoshone Indian Reservation, along the pictur esque Wind River, which is crossed and recrossed many times, to wonderful Brooks Lake, with the world's greatest trout fishing. Other attractive features of the trip are unequaled views of the Teton Mts., considered the most majestic of all ranges in the Rocky Mountain Region; and a ride through the Jackson Hole and Lake Region; the greatest big game country in the world. Anew booklet, entitled “Teton Moun tain Route to Yellowstone National Park," is just off the press. Ask for a copy. Then you will want to go. For fares, train schedules and full information, ask Agents, Chicago & North Western Ry. PADUS D. C. Forrest was to Wabeno Mon day. J. H. Hammes was to Wabeno Mon day. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hammes Friday. Mrs. Chas. Wettstein of Wabeno was a caller here Wednesday. J. H. and J. F. Hammes returned from Green Bay Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fosdick and Bon, Stanley, returned from Madison Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller and Mrs. Gentleman returned to Gary, Ind Sun day. Rupert Fuller of Townsend spent the 4tb with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. John son. Miss Emma Cameron and daughter, Marie, and Bernice Hawley left for Langdon, N. D. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Carter of Rhinelander visited at the D. C. Forrest home Tues day. Notice to Farmers in Town of Freedom I have received the White Arsenic ami banana oil which will be used to poison the grasshoppers You may call for this poison at my home. I will allow you (10) days after publication of this notice to call for your allotment; thereafter anyone needing any more can have some by calling for same. Please bring pails to put the powder into, and bottles for the banana oil. Glenn m. Braun, Town Clerk of Freepom. HOW’S THIS ? HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by ca tarrh. We do not recommend it for any other disease. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces of the system, thus reducing the inflamma tion and assisting Nature in restoring normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, Ohio. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs Andrew Rietz is visiting rela tives at Mountain. M. J. Dickinson was to Tipler Wed nesday and Thursday. Miss Elsie Fieck came home from Green Bay last Saturday. Malcolm Chinnock is clerking in the Dickinson store at Tipler. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Noer returned to Madison last week Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dana Richardson re turned to Milwaukee Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Aug I wen returned last Friday from a visit at Algoma. Chas. Zielke has anew Ford sedan purchased from the Rietz Motor Cos. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Tallier went to Green Bay Saturday to spend the fourth. Ed. Strohrn and family of Tipler were guests of relatives here over the Fourth. Mrs. L. P. Kommersand son, Donald, left Monday on a visit at Wisconsin Rapids. Ms. A H. Strohm and daughter of Mountain were Wabeno visitors last Friday. The Y. P. A. of the Lutheran Church held an enjoyable picnic at Trump Lake July 4th. K. J. Berndt, ofCrandon was in town Wednesday looking after business in terests here. A1 Metzke went to Suring Saturday to spend the 4th with his family whoaie visiting there. Mrs, Otto Neuman and children of Soo Crossing passed the Fourth here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. Brumn and son, Clar, of Medford, are guests at the G. F. Strohrn home. Ed. Strohrn and family and their guests from Medford, were Craudon visitors Wednesday. ; Miss Mabel Charlton, who has been home for the Fourth returned to Mil waukee Wednesday. Many times Tanlac has done what was thought to be impossible. It’s worth your trial. M. Q. Boehm. The L. Y. P. A. of the Lutheran Church meets at the home of Mr. Ed ward Nierman Thursday July 13th. Think of it! In a few years the fame of Tanlac has gone round the world. The reason is merit alone. M. O. Boehm. Mrs. Zado's mother, Mrs. Boda, and her brother, John Deruine of Fond du Lac were her guests of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Deruine and two children of Escanaba, Mich, were guests at the home of his sister* Mrs. A. Zado. The married people’s dance at Mc- Donald’s hall the 4ih was a success. A large crowd attended and every one had a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. John Allman and son, Harry, and Adam Allman, of Medford, are visiting at the home of their sister, Mrs. G F. Btrohm. Don’t wait until your horse is stolen before locking the barn door. Protect your health now by taking Tanlac. M. O. Jioehm. Mr. and Mrs. J. Zimney and Mr. and Mrs. J. Kinder of Milwaukee motored up Saturday and spem, a few days with Mrs. Zimney’s mother, Mrs. Toutlotf. FOR SALE: Kitchen stove (Stewart) Heater (Silver Oak) and several other household articles pru ed to sell. H. M. Nelson. LOST: Between Wabeno and my home yesterday afternoon over $32 00 in money tied in a handkerchief. Re ward if returned to Mrs. Joe Neisius. The Misses Mildred and Ruth Larson of Chicago were guests of Miss Hazel Dickinson this week. They left Wednes day for Pine River where they are camping. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bourassa and Mr. and Mrs. John Krueger motored to Menominee, Mich., in the Krueger Car Sunday morning, returning Tues day evening. The Wabeno base ball team added two more victories to its string the past week. Sunday they defeated Long Lake 12 to 13 and on July 4th took the Hiles team into camp 22 to 2. Ed. Rosso has recently made a num ber of improvements on his property here. The building has been repainted, reshingled and a basement built under the entire building. Mr. and Mrs. O. Anderson motored to Menominee and Marinette on the 4th accompanied by Ida and and Alma Han son of Suring, and attended the dance at Kelly Lake in the evening. On their return they were accompanied by the Misses Andrina Olson of Marinette and Ida Hanson_of luring. WABENO DRUG STORE Doctor Nurse Dentist All have put their stamp of Approval on the Quality and Virtue of FIRST AID PRODUCTS Manufactured in our own Laboratories under Rigid Inspection Adhesives, Gauzes, Bandages, Cotton, Plasters, Supporters, Firstaid Kits, Enamel Ware for Sick Room, Certified Clinical Thermometers SOLD ONLY AT M. O. BOEHM The Rexall Druggist WABENO, ::: ::: ::: WISCONSIN ATTENTION MOTORISTS! You Want Dependable Tire Repairing Your Tire Is Still Good. It may be a blowout or a rim cut; It may be ragged or tread worn; If the fabric is sound, skillful repairing will make it good for many miles. We repair, rebuild, retread, and reline all makes of casings, whether fabric or cord. ALL WORK GUARANTEED PRICES RIGHT WABENO VULCANIZING SHOP TELEPHONE 1012 WABENO, WIS. Vacation Fares Lower Than in Many Years To San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles and San Diego, Cal.; Portland, Ore.; Seattle and Xacoma, >A/ash. To Salt Lake City, Utah; Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo.; Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain and Glacier National Parks, also to important points in Wyoming and South Dakota. Wide choice of routes. Favorable stopover privilegees, liberal return limits. Splendidly equipped through trains. Escorted all-expense tours to Yellowstone and Colorado every week during Park season. Ask for particulars. Let our travel experts plan ynur summer itinerary. De tailed informaiion. Sleeping car accommodations, etc., upon application t % a Ticket Agents, Chicago & North Western Railway. VFRY SPFCIAI New Scenic route to Yellowstone National Park via Lander now open. Takes you through the historic In dian country, Jackson Hole Region and Teton Mountains to the Southern Entrance. Five grade Holstein, fresh milk cows for sale, very reasonable prices. Herd too large. Bankable paper accepted. Farm locared ten miles north east ot Lakewood, Wis. at Me Caslin Mt. Owen Smith. Lakewood, 3t45. NO. 48 A YEAR Art Strohm came over from Owen la6t Saturday to pass the Fourth he>e with his family. Art holds a good posi tion as grader in the mill at Owen ani is packing their household goods pre paratory to moving there.