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X odljcrn lUisconsin SUioertiser TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR Pride of Ownership With Goodyear tires on your car you know you have the best—your friends know it— the whole world knows it—and your speed ometer proves it. tHESE famous quality tires are )tainable in the 30x3—30x32-- Lx4 Clincher sizes for light cars. ther Sizes in Stock. oodyears Cost No More and Our xpert Service is Free. Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes— Best —Yet— They Cost No More WABENO HARDWARE CO. WABENO. WISCONSIN WHEN IN TROUBLE WITH YOUR CAR CALL ON US All Work Guaranteed PRICES REASONABLE Full Line of Tires, Tubes, and all Accessories Carried in Stock. WABENO MOTOR CAR CO. WABENO, WIS. Sooner or later you will use a De Laval 1,091 First Prizes During the past forty years the De Laval Cream Separator has been award ed a total of 1,091 grand and first prizes. These prizes have been based on efficiency of construction and efficiency of operation. The question of cream separators has been settled hundreds of times by the world’s best judges, thou sands of times by the world’s best creamerymen, and millions of times by the world’s best farmers— all in favor of De Laval. EDWIN A. VOELZ & COMPANY WABENO, WIS. WABENO. WISCONSIN. FRIDAY. JULY 14. 1922 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Al. Metzke returned Saturday from Suring. New velvet rug for sale B^xlo3^. Mbs. W. J. Pibeaux. Richard Rurby and family have mov ed to Long Lake. Surveyor N. H. Smith returned to Lakewood Saturday. Harold Miller of Crandon was a call er in town Saturday. Phil. Mielkeof Carter was a business caller here Saturday. Art Strohm and family are visiting relatives at Crandon. Tanlac is a scientific triumph. Results prove it. M. O. Boehm. F. J. Rogers of Crandon was a busi ness caller in town Tuesday. Harold Brigham of Crandon is visit ing at the G. F. Strohm home. Harry Carlson of Milwaukee, is visit ing at the home of his mother. , Postmaster Anton Schiesl of Laona was a Wabeno visitor Saturday. Miss Aldina Krueger of Shawano, is a guest at the Thos. Bartlein home. Mrs. Andrew Rietz returned Saturday from a visit with relatives at Mountain. Mrs. Al Metzke and children return ed home Monday from a visit at Suring. The Switzer families visited the Cherry Country in Door County over Sunday. , Joe Kimla and family motored to West Bend last week on a visit with relatives. Mike Schraw returned last week from a visit at Green Bay, Oconto and O conto Falls. Art Enders and family returned Sat urday from a few weeks visit in Wash ington County. F.d Hammes and a cousin, of Eagle River and J. F. Hammes, of Padus, were in town Saturday. FOR RENT—Four room house in city. For particulars see Joseph Smithena, Wabeno, Wis. Mrs. Ogren and Miss Andrews, of Chicago, are guests at the W. E. Ma this home for a few weeks. Miss lone White, who has been visit ing at the parental home the past week, returned to Wausau Monday. Miss Effie Bierbaum, who has been a guest of her parents; returned to her duties at Milwaukee Monday. Miss Emma Strohm is assisting at the Kommers store while Mrs. Kom mers is visiting at Wisconsin Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luisier cf Mil waukee are visiting with relatives here, the Charlton and Schwartz families. Throw off that tired, run-down feel ing and build up your strength by eat ing nourishing food. Tanlac does it. M. O. Boehm. There’s no excuse for getting half sick and run down when Tanlac will make you well, sturdy.and strong. M. O. Boehm. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Robinson return ed to Chicago last week following a visit at the W. E. Mathis home, near Otter Lake. Gordon Neider and family motored to Iron Mountain, Mich, last week Wed nesday and visited until Friday. While there they attended the American Leg ion celebration. Mrs. John Pichotta and daughters, Mary and Helen, returned Wednesday from a few days visit at Marinette, Pound and Walsh. Chas. Zielke and family have moved to Tripali to remain for the summer. They have sold their residence property here to Dr. Reddick. Mrs. Will Huettl and daughter left for §loquet, Minn., Monday, where they will reside. Mr. Huettl will join them in a few weeks. Drs Murphy and Poppy, of Racine, motored here last Friday to spend a few days fishing around Fifield. Mrs. Murphy is a guest at* the H. E. Me I Graw home during the doctors vacation. Albert Koehler of Hardin, Mont., a i former clerk at the Boehm drug store, j was here over Sunday, renewing old ! acquaintances He and Mrs. Koehler motored from their home to Shawano. H. M. Nelson has accepted a position as principal and instructor of agricul ture in a high school near Ashland for the coming school year. The Nelson famity have Made many friends during their residence in Wabeno and all will regret to see them leave. They will move in a few weeks and will reside in the teacherage at the schoel. Price of Picric Acid Drops “Due to a 10 per cent reduction in freight rates, the new price on picric acid effective July Ist will be sll 20 per hundred pounds” is the word that has been received from the State Land Clearing Department. This is good news for it shows that someone is on the job and is getting results. On all orders which have been received at the former price of $11.70 per hundred pounds a refund of fifty cents will be made. In order to show what this material is and what it will do, the first series of picric acid demonstrations will be held next week. This is the beginning of a land clearing program to be put on by the Forest County Development Association in opposition with the State Land Clearing Department. The demonstrations will be held at the following places: Wednesday morning, farm of M. Kazmierozak, Blackwell; Wednesday afternoon, farm of Fred Alderton, Cavour; Thursday morning, farm of R. B. Rose, Newald; Thursday after noon, farm of E. F. Brown, Armstrong Creek; Friday morning, farm of Wm. Mathas, Soperton; Friday afternoon, farm of John Volk, Wabeno. Demon stratons will commence promptly in the morning at 10 o’cloek and in the afternoon at 2 o’clock. Picric acid is the most economical explesive we have ever been offered for land clearing purposes If you have land to clear, here is your oppor tunity The amount that we are able to get in Forest County will depend upon the interest and attendance shown at these demomstrations. This will be our last chance to get some of this war-salvaged explosive. It will pay you to investigate it. Plan to be with us at the demonstrations next week. Lek Stewart, County Agent. GOOD NIGHT A. Isabelle Gibbons The little birds chirp in the trees and the bushes, The sweetest of good night songs. Forgotten their quarrels, their bicker ings, their troubles, Forgotten all trespassing wrongs. The trees wave good night, they are nodding and chanting, “Good night, little birds,” the gruff bullfrog is panting, Then softly the mist with a silence enchanting Steals overall; good night—good night. The moon smiling broadly, a gleaming path making Wherever a glint of her laughter is breaking In myriad lights on the clear lake awak’ning, Is twinkling a gentle “good night, Good night, a long sweet good night!” The hush of the swoodlands a spell weaves about me, My head in reverence I bow; My quarrels, my sins, my grievances, my grudges, Will they be forgiven, and how? Will my night settle o’er me, the little -birds siujjiig As homeward their flight they are anxiously winging? And what of the message that night time is bringing; Will it be a sweet good night? And will the Great Master, His love and grace beaming, Lead me from this world to a bright highway gleaming, In that far land of which my soul has been dreaming As I breathe a last gentle “good night? Goodnight, a long sweet good night!” Crandon Banks Consolidate Otto Voelz and J. E. Himley attend ed the special meeting of the stock holders of the Citizens State Bank of Crandon, at Crandon Saturday evening. More than two-thirds of the capital stock of the bank was represented and all were in favor of liquidating the bank and consolidating with the First National Bank of Crandon. The change will be made at once whieh will give the ehunty seat one bank with a capital stock of $50,000. iiiiHiiiiiunininiiniHiiHiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ANNOUNCEMENT I have opened up a tailor shop in rooms over Rusche’s store and am prepared to do up-to-date tailoring for lad ies and gents. Dry cleaning, pressing and alterations. Spe cialty made to order suits. Call and see samples. L. J. NAMOVICH. WABENO DRUG STORE Doctor Nurse Dentist All have put their stamp of Approval on the Quality and Virtue of FIRSTAID PRODUCTS Manufactured in our own Laboratories under Rigid Inspection Adhesives,.Gauzes, Bandages, Cotton, Plasters, Supporters, Firstaid Kits, Enamel Ware for Sick Room, Certified Clinical Thermometers > SOLD ONLY AT M. O. BOEHM The Rexall Druggist WABENO, ::: ::: ::: WISCONSIN The First National Bank of Crandon CRANDON. WISCONSIN The largest and oldest Bank in Forest County. Resources over $700,000. A home Bank owned by home people. We are in position to make real estate loans on improved farm lands at all times. We make no charge for services of any kind, issue drafts and letters of credit without any charge whatever. A checking, saving or certificate account with this institution may be carried with the highest degree of safety. We solicit town and school treasurer accounts. 0 Cashier. AVERY good tire at a very low price. Just another instance of Fisk extra value. As true with the Fisk Premier Tread as with the Fisk Cord —compare with competitive tires and you will find extra size, strength and resiliency in the Fisk. Comparison proves Fisk Quality; it also proves common-sense buying. There's a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size, for car, truck or speed wagon j 12 SO*s'/z FISK PREMIER TREAD ML Afßtm NO. 49 51.50 A YEAR Bfiffiasl