tUisconsui SUtoertiser TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR * Pride of Ownership With Goodyear tires on your car you know you have the best—your friends know it— the whole world knows it—and your speed ometer proves it. tHESE famous quality tires are )tainable in the 30x3—30x3i — Lx4 Clincher sizes for light cars. ther Sizes in Stock. oodyears Cost No More and Our xpert Service is Free. Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes— Best —Yet— They Cost No More WABENO HARDWARE CO. WABENO. WISCONSIN WHEN IN TROUBLE WITH YOUR CAR CALL ON US All Work Guaranteed PRICES REASONABLE Full Line of Tires, Tubes, and all Accessories Carried in Stock. WABENO MOTOR CAR CO. WABENO, WIS. Place Your Order Today To insure Delivery of a New Ford Car This Summer! Do not delay. Ford cars are becoming more difficult to get evtry day. There is a shortage throughout the country. Ford prices, however, have not advanced. Touring cars still sell for $505.72 fully equipped. F 0.8. Wabeno. Should you not care to pay all cash on delivery, we recommend the M. A. C. time payment plan. You pay $183.29 when thecar is delivered and the balance at the rate of $30.54 per month, no more. This priee ineludes insurance against loss by (Ire and theft for one year. 4 Get Your Order in Promptly Do It Today! Do It Now! Com* im—lot’s talk it over- It will pa j you to investigate- C. F. RIETZ MOTOR COMPANY WABENO WISCONSIN WABENO. WISCONSIN. FRIDAY. AUGUST 18. 1822 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Ed. Young was a Crandon visitor Sun day. Max Longlais has anew Nash tour ing car. Harold Martin of Carter was in town Tuesday. Walter Lemke motored to Underhill last Sunday. Hector Marsh of Mountain was in town Saturday. Fay Marsh of Crandon was a Wabeno visitor Sunday. Josephine Simonson is visiting her father at Laona. Miss Verena Nellis arrived home from Milwaukee Saturday. Wm. Rogge of Oconto Falls was a caller in town Tuesday. T. A. Richardson of Tiplerwas a call er in town last Friday. Mrs. Otto Neuman passed the week end with relatives here. Miss Graee Brooks returned from a visit at Laona Tuesday. Albert Gillis of Oconty Falls was in town on business Monday. Many people are now motoring to Mountain for blackberries. Henry Zielke and family of Tipler were in the village Friday. The Board of Review met Tuesday and adjourned to Aug. 23rd. Wm. Hartman purachased a New Maxwell touring car Tnesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brady of Cran don were Wabeno visitors Monday. Miss Amelia Marsh of Mountain is here visiting her brother, Jack Marsh. G Wolski is having a cement walk built in front of his residence property. Mrs. Sensiba returned Saturday from a few days visit at Chicago and Green Bay. Frank sharnock and family returned last Friday from a visit at Powers, Mich. Mrs. John Dickinson of Santa Rosa, Ualif. is a guest at the M. J. Dickinson home. Various Gibson Instruments can be seen at Mrs. Roy H. Lenthall’s resi dence. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Wisconsin Rapids are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Robt. Morris. Miss Anna Hardwick has gone to Houghton, Mich., for a few weeks vis it with friends Miss Laura Baumgartner is home from New London on a weeks visit at the parental home. W. E. Switzer returned Tuesday from his trip to Yellowstone Park and other places in the west. Will Huettl left last week to join his family at Cloquet, Minn, where they will make their home. Cos. C. Ist. Infantry, W. N. G. return ed Monday evening from a two weeks stay at Camp Douglas. John Enders and family left Tuesday morning in their ear on a weeks visit in Washington County. Mrs. Nernuis and son, Frank, Mrs. Nellis and Mrs. Hebert drove to Rob insville, Wis., last Sunday. Julius Gentz returned Saturday from Green Bay where he attended the Wis consin Banker’s Convention. A special car carrying strikebreakers passed through here Tuesday repairing engines on their way south. Mrs. Chas. Pleshek of Shawano arriv ed Saturday on a visit with her parents, Ur. and Mrs. Wm. Hinzman. Miss Linda Bergner returned to her home st Underhill Sunday following a weeks visit here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and sons, Eth erel and Russell and Mrs. Mary Hasse motored to Wausaukee Sunday. Mrs. Lawrence Christenson of Osh kosh and Alma Hanson of Suring are visitors at the O. Anderson home. Harry Knutson and son, who have been guests at the Ralph Rnutson home, returned to Chicago Tuesday. Richard Connor of Laona and A. M. Andrews of Marinette attended the Board of Review meeting here Tuaa day. Mr. and Mrs. faig fred Seek of Mad ison are visittng at the Beek home here and at the Oeo. Marsh home at Moun tain. Sister Edesta same home from St. Joseph's Convent at Milwaukee and is visiting her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Jim * Moore. Mrs. John Kufner and daughters, Miss Anna Hardwick and Josephine vis ited with Miss Floyd Chainey at Flor ence Sunday. W. E. Mountain, Coanty Clerk, and E. O. Woodbury, Register of deeds, were over from Crandon last Friday and Saturday. Matt Roehm accompanied by Thomas Sersiba and Harold Pichotta motored to Shawano and back Monday and Tues day in the Boehm car. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Eruser and Len Mathew who have been visiting at the L. P. Kommers home returned to Wis consin Rapids yesterday. S. D. Switzer and family and the Misses Hildegard Aderholdt and Edith Richards returned Tuesday from a camping trip at Waupaca. Piece makers wanted for work at Tipler for Tipler-Grossmad Lumber Cos. Board $5 a week Camp 2 on Pine Riv er 5 miles from Tipler. 4 t 2. A. F. Johnson of Blackwell was a businese caller in town Monday. Mr. Johnson is moving onto a farm he pur chased some time ago near Breed. Dr. Tenley and daughters, Miss Vir ginia and Mary-Louise and the Misses Ursula and Mamie Kimla motored to Rat Lake for supper Sunday evening. Mrs. August Pirenux and Mr. and Mrs. Arther Pireaux and son, Lloyd, of Green Bay, are guests at the home of their son and brother, Walter Pir eaux. Mr. Richards and Chas. Switzer and Masters Lilborn Tenley and Ralph Morris left yesterday morning for Whitefish Lake on a two weeks camp ing trip. Mr. Mallow and sons, Jack and Lewis and daughters, Elizabeth and Crystal and Mrs. Roy Lenthall returned Satur day from De Pere where they had been to see Mrs. Mallow. A fine crowd attended the dance from here Friday evening as well as from Crandon, Laona and Blackwell. The music was exceptionally well rendered and at midnight a light lunch was ser ved. M. L. Henes, Clem Lefave and J. E. Himley motored to Antigo Sunday and attended the ball game between Antigo and Monawa. The game was a real in teresting one and ended 5 and 3 in favor of Antigo. Mr. and Mrs Dickinson motored to Argonne last week Wednesday to meet Miss Anna Carlson who came from Butternut where she had visited a few days on her way home from Stevens Point Normal where she attended sum mer school. MY TEMPER A. Isabelle Gibbons Sometimes when I get awful mad I think I’ll write and say. This is the durndest place I know, I never have my way. For just when things are goin’ smooth An’ life’s one gay bright song, Someone says somethin’ mean to me An' sets the whole day wrong An’ then I tear around and howl An’ yow that I will show Some people just where they get off, An’ they’ll not think me slow. An’ pretty soon I'm lost in work, Life’s made me for this thing; An’ by an’ by that awful cut Has lost some of its sting. An’ then when I go home at night An’ eat an’ rest a bit, The things that I was goin’ to say Have all marched out an’ quit. An’ somethin’ whispers in my ear, “You weren’t hurt, you silly, "Twas only your tired other self," Then folks don't seem so pilly. An’ when my temper smooths itfelf, I’m glad that I kept still, For after all the world won't miss My literary thrill. A. R Ankl&ra New Superinten dent of Schools Mrs. W. S. Rawlinsen has resigned her position as eounty superintendent of schools of Forest |County and state superintendent Callahan has appointed A. R. Anklam of Argoane tc fill the vacancy. Mr. Anklam is a graduate of the Un iversity ef Wisconsin, Oshkosh Normal and the University of Chicago. He has taught shkool the past fiftsen years and has resided at Argonne the past ten years. FOB SALE 8 horsepower International Gas En gine, good as new, will sell reasonable. Inquire of Geo. Humtly, Breed, Wis. WABENO DRUG STORE The Klenzo Treatment Morning And Night Keeps the Teeth Shiny and White WASH THEM WITH THE PASTE RINSE THEM WITH THE LIQUID Each in 25e and 500 Sizes at THE REX ALL STORE Klenzo Products Really Cleanse the Mouth M. O. BOEHM The Rexall Druggist WABENO, ::: ::: ::: WISCONSIN The First National Bank of Crandon CRANDON. WISCONSIN t The largest and oldest Bank in Forest County. Resources over $700,000. A home Bank owned by home people. We are in position to make real estate loans on improved farm lands at all times. We make no charge for services of any kind, issue drafts and letters of credit without any charge whatever. A checking,' saving or certificate aceount with this institution may be carried with the highest degree of safety. We solicit town and school treasurer accounts. Cashier. Vacation Fares mmmm Lower Than in Many Years To San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles and San Diego, Cal.; Portland, Ore.; Seattle and Tacoma, Wash. To Salt Lake City, Utab; Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo.; Yellowstone, .Rocky Mountain and Glaeier National Parks, also to important points in Wyoming and tbe Black Hills of South Dakota. Wide choice of routes. Favorable stopover privileges, liberal re turn limits. Splendidly equipped through trains. Escorted all-expense tours to Yellowstone and Colorado every week during Park season. Ask for particulars. Let oar travel expert# plan your summer itinerary. Detailed information, sleeping car accomodations, otc., upon appiica tion to Ticket Agent#, Chicago A North Western Railway. rpov CDPri M New scenic route to Yellowstone VLKI J! LV/lAL National Park via Lander now open. Takes you through the historic Indian country. Jackson Hole Region #nd Teton Mountains to the Southern Entrance. Wisconsin has 333,754 Autoa At the end of the year 1922 there will be one automobile to approximate ly every six persons in Wisconsin. On Jane 80 there had been licensed by Seeretary of State Elmer S. Hall, 333,764 passenger cars and 24,214 trucks. At the end of tha year it is estimated the total numbar of motor vehiclea lic ensed will have mounted to 893 009. ffi. A. Platb, Chiropractor, Reeae bldg Wabeno. Adv. MO. 2 <1.60 A YEAR