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VOLUME LII I The Cook IH I always feels I coufideni of II IIS I pure and wholesome | |f o o and wlien using | I c " ‘ * | Baking Powder | || A Pure,G rape Cream I mg Baking Powder | Suffer Fire Loss. The Dornfeld-Kunert Cos. suffered a se vere loss by lire last Monday evening, their plant being damaged to the extent of nearly SB,OOO. The fire department was quickly on the scene and at the time of their arrival the roof of the machine shop and blacksmith shop was a mass of flames. The interior of the two shops was badly damaged. Some of the ma chinery in the machine shop was also badly damaged. The fire evidently start ed in the machine shop, it being discov ered by the nightwatchman, but it got beyond his control. How the fire origi nated is not known. The buildings were insured. The fire is unfortunate to the company, particularly for the reason that there will be a delay in finishing contracts, as considerable machinery was partially completed. Fred Sell, residing in North Church street, met with an accident during the progress of the fire. Ho was struck on the leg by a piece of piping. A gash was cut which required several stitches. The fire department was called out Tuesday night on account of a blaze in a hogsunad of straw on Second street, which had evidently been set on lire by some mischievous person or persons who were anxious for a little excitement for the benefit of the fair visitors. Agents Wanted. A young man or woman who can de vote all or part of his or her time driv ing through the country and taking or ders for an article of value to every farmer. No investment required. Posi tion permanent with an assured good income. Applicants will please give the names of three responsible business men for references as to ability ami character and at the same time state whether you can devote all or part of your time to the work and what territory you can cover. P. 0. box 907, Des Moines, lowa. / v / \ / / 1 \ tj |P/wf J VS? ■“ ‘■*• I : ! ii I /)) '(!! piitb/" (; i \ ill f : Herman Wile Sc Cos. ' 7< d ,v U Buffalo, N.Y. , THE. WATERTOWN LEADER. The Storm Sunday Night. * A heavy thunder and electrical storm lasting for hours struck this section Sun day night and rain came down in tor rents. The lightning illuminated the sky continuously during the storm and several places were struck and consider able damage was done in the city and vicinity. The barn of John Laurnsdprf on Little street was struck and destroy ed, also two animals killed by the bolt, occasioning a loss of over SSOO, covered by an insurance policy in a company represented by Charles J. Wenck. The residence of 11. F. Oestreich was struck and the chimney demolished and the roof partially destroyed; fortunately no one was injured. The home of Mrs. Louise Ziebell, 012 Jefferson street, was struck, but not damaged very much. Sev eral trees in the city were struck and the heavy downpour of rain washed mud upon the sidewalks bn Main street and filled a couple of basements, earning but slight damage. Those of weak nerves were mighty glad when the storm sub sided and they could go to sleep. A Wonderful tscape. Mrs. Albert Schoechcrt, who resides on rural route No. 3. was slightly injured Sunday evening by stepping off an in ternrban car at Southeast Watertown while the car was in motion and was thrown into a ditch. The car was stopped and the injured woman brought down into the city, received medical treatment and was sent to her home. That the lady escaped with only slight bruises and a few loosened teeth is a marvel and she has reason to congratu late herself that she escaped so luckily. Arnold Rentier got away from the Gas and Electric Light office one day last week and visited Milwaukee and the State Fair. Arnold does not get many days off during the year, his duties keeping him busy at the desk. SUCCESSOR TO THE WATERTOWN REPUBLICAN. WATERTOWN. JEFFERSON COUNTY. WIS.. SEPTEMBER 22. 1911. News of the Diamond. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Team — Won. Lost. Pet. Eosciuskos I*s 5 .7*52 Watertown 15 7 .1582 Weinbrenners 14 7 .6*U5 Burghardts 10 9 .526 McG reals 10 10 .500 Oconomowoe 8 9 .471 English Woolens 8 12 .400 Sisson & Sewell 7 18 .350 Speer’s Bonfields 4 15 .211 RESULTS OF SUNDAY’S GAMES. Sisson & Sewell’s, 4; Kosciuskoe, 2. Weinbrenners, 7; Oconomowoe. 3. Watertown, 3; Burghardts, 2. Speer’s Bonfleld, 4; English Woolens, 2. WATERTOWN 3, BURGHARDTS 2. Heavy hitting in the eighth inning gave the Watertown team a 3 to 2 victory over the Burghardts at Watertown. George Richards twirled a fine game for the champs as did Joe Shabert for the Burghardts. The score: Watertown 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 x—3 Burghardts 1 0 00000200— 2 Summary: Two-base nits — W. Rich ards, Schmidt. Three base hits —G. Rich ards, Krouitz. Bases on bails —Oi£ G, Richards, 2; off Schabert, 1. Struck out —by G. Richards, TANARUS; uy Schabert, 7. Stolen bases —Aoei (2), Ruedig, Etonian, O. Jeske. Bauble play —Jaive to L. Jeske* Umpire—Laahs. Time—l:46. The Waternovvn Bittners were victor ious Sunday, winning from Columbus in a game played in that city by a score of Bto 5. The batteries were Heitz and Maerzkefor the BittnersaudMueller ami and Kublitz for Columbus. Mueller was formerly a city league pitcher, pitching for Uconomowoc. Each team had eleven hits to their credit and five strike- outs each. The Van Camp base ball boys took another game from the Brandt-Dent team last Saturday by a score of 12 to 13, ten innings being played to decide the battle. On Saturday, Sept. 30, the Van Camps will try conclusions with the 1 L. Henry Cos. team. A Fierce Night Alarm, is the hoarse, startling cough of a child, suddenly attacked by croup. Ofteu it aroused Lewis Chamblin, of Manchester, 0., [R. R, No. 2] for their four children were greatly subject to croup. “Some times in severe attacks,” he wrote “we were afraid they would die, but since we proved what a certain remedy Dr. King’s New Discovery is, we have no fear. We rely on it for croup and for coughs, colds or any throat or lung tr >ubie.” So do thousands of others. So may you. Asth ma, Hay Fever, La Grippe, Whooping Cough, Hemorrages fly before it. 50c and $l.OO. Trial bottle free. Sold by Gamm Drug Cos. Mrs. Gran Griggs of Milwaukee, moth er to James R. Griggs, 201 Warren street, who had beeu here for a month visiting him and his family and friends at Hub bleton and Lake Mills left on her return home Saturday. Mrs. Griggs and her husband came to this section sixty-five years ago from Switzerland and kept a stopping place at Hubbleton for many years and was esteemed by all who knew her for her gentleness and kindness. She and her husband were among those who came here with the parents\of our veter an policeman, L. Bruegger, from the land across the ocean. John Whyte has gone to New York, having accepted the position as instruct or of German in the university in that city. Mr. W. is one of the best scholars in that language in this country. HT* Isc HER clothes are not confined to men of one age, each individual taste and de" sire is instantly and satisfactorily met, from the dashing, daring College Chap to the quiet, sedate dresser of subdued requisites. Most important is the fact that FISCHER clothes while second to none in quality, are extremely moderate in price and purchasing can be done at our Store without the strain ing of purse strings. We look forward with pleasure to your early call which will permit us the opportu nity to display to your inspection FISCHER clothes of fashion and let you judge for your self their many merits. Respectfully yours, CHAS. FISCHER & SON CO. A Communxation. Editor of the Leader: I see that the common council is con sidering an ordinance to close the sa loons at 11 o’clock p. m. and keep them closed until 5 o’clock a. in. What use is there of passing such an ordinance? We have a state law covering the same ground and the state law takes prece dence and would conflict. Is this ordi nance to be passed (when the state law covers the same question) to give the of ficial paper more work? or to make the voters think that the members of the common council are earning the $8.33 per month which the people pay them for their valuable (?) time. But if it is to give the official paper something to do, it is probably for that reason that the city printing was awarded without giving it to the lowest bidder, as the law requires, for the same reason. Our city fathers have employed a city official to advise them, who cannot hold the office legally (as the law says a man cannot hold two offices that are incom patible) at a salary of SIOO.OO per month. Is it any wonder our taxes are high ami getting higher every year? When our city fathers spend the taxpayers money thus extravagantly, is it to be wondered at? Should our city officials wish to close tlie saloons at 11 p. m., Sundays and ou election days, stop minors, both male and female, from frequenting them, remove them from the vicinity of the schools, churches, parks and play grounds, they will find ample laws to do it without waiting to pass an ordinance. No Crank. Southland Sextette Concert f The concert given Monday evening at the First M. E. church by the Southland .Sextette, was indeed, a rare musical treat and thoroughly appreciated by everyone in the audience. The singing was natural and unaffected, and showed that each member of the company was an artist. It would be hard to particular ize, as all did well including the pianist. It is seldom that our people have oppor tunity to hear such excellent vocaliza ing. The music covered a wide range and was good from beginning to end which came too soon, although it was quite late when the concert ended. Inhaled Gasolene Fumes. The four year old sou of Emil Dobbratz of Lebanon, while playing about a gaso lene tank, put his mouth to the spigot and inhaled a large amount of the fumes. In a short time he became wildly delirious, remaining so eight hours. Dr. W. F. Whyte of this city was summoned and under his treatment the lad was soon made comD rtabie and restored to his normal health. A Price Reduction. The Milwaukee Journal, Wisconsin’s big daily newspoper,on June Ist reduced its subscription price by 'mail to $2.00 a year. At this price. The Journal is the biggest newspaper bargain in the country. Subscribe now, ami take ad vantage of this big newspaper bargain., Accident at the Fair. Ed. J. O’Byrne had the misfortune of spraining an arm while at the fair yes terday afternoon. While riding on the merry-go-Tound, owing to a defective rod, onto which he was holding, he lost his hold, and fell in such a manner as to meet with the injury mentioned. Mr, O’Byrue was hurried to town to receive medical assistance. In the Social Realm. Miss Millie Moldaner very pleasantly entertained a few of her friends at cards last Friday afternoon at her Main street home. s A goodly number of beginners took part in the dancing school opened by Prof. Halstead in Military hall last Fri day evening. Emil Behl entertained a number of friends at a “stag” Sunday evening in honor of Mr. H. Keppler of the New Com mercial buffet. A farewell party was given at the home of Mrs. Lenart Kohlhotf last Thursday evening, before her depaiture for Merrill, Wis, Miss Anna Smith was guest of honor at a six o’clock dinner given by Mrs Emil Tanck last Thursday evening at her North Washington street home. Mrs. Edward May entertained a com pany of friends at her Montgomery street home last. Monday afternoon in honor of Miss Anna Smith who will shortly be married. The Watertown Social club gave a very enjoyable dancing party at Hie Ma sonic Temple on Wednesday evening. The inspiration was* furnished by the Weber-Stube orchestra. On Thursday evening last, the Sunday school teachers of the Congregational church enjoyed a social time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Skinner, c mibining business with pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kohloff celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary last Sunday afternoon and evening at their North Second street home. Music and games were the diversions and a sump tuous supper was served. Several of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. William Kohls treated them to a sur prise last Monday evening at their Col lege avenue home, the occasion being in honor of their twentieth wedding an niversary. Music was listened to and cards played, after which a tempting spread was served. The teachers of the public schools of Watertown, were pleasantly entertained last Thursday evening by the members of the Epworth League at the M. E. church parlors. The rooms were hand sonely decorated in yellow and white. An Interesting musical and literary pro gram was rendered, after which light refreshments were served. Members of the German M. E. church tendered the retiiiug pastor, Rev. H. Karnopp, and his wife a farewell recep tion in the church on Monday evening. Nearly the whole congregation attended. Attorney Nicholas Thauer spoke the fare well words wishing Mr. and Mrs. Kar nopp contentment and happiness in her new home, Appleton, where Mr. Karnopp has been appointed to preside over this district. Mr. Karnopp responded feeling ly and said he regretted leaving the pre sent pastorate and his friends in Water town. Mr. and Mrs. Karnopp left for Appleton yesterday morning. In Circuit Court. In circuit court at Jefferson in the case of Richard E. Oberst vs. George Troegcr, the jury awarded the plaintiff SSO. The case of Edward Buroff et al vs. Edward W. Schnitger will be tried September 29 at 9 a.m. A jury w r as em panel led to try the action. The case of F. W. Lehmann vs. R. P. Koenig and George Koenig is now on trial. The following from this city have been drawn to serve as jurors at the September term of the Dodge county circuit court, which opened at Juneau Tuesday morning: Henry Bruenig, Wil liam Otto. Kills a Murderer. A merciless murderer is Appendicitis with many victim, but Dr. King’s New Life Pills kills it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis, curing Constipa tion, Headache, Biliousness, Chills. 25c at the Gamm Drug Cos. Drop in Barley Malt. Barley Malt took a drop Tuesday even ing, occasioned by a passenger train on the Milwaukee road running into a freight car loaded with malt, scattering malt along the track for quite a distance. The locomotive was put out of commis sion and another engine was required to take the train to Chicago. Fortunate ly no one was injured. Denies He’s Guilty/ Frank Ewald of Chicago, was arrested in Columbus Saturday morning by Chief of Police Block. The complaint alleged that he is the person who was implicated in the robbery at Watertown Junction, July 20 when a pocket-book was stolen Louis Becker of Columbus. Ewald denies he is the party. He was brought before Justice Stacy Saturday morning and his examination set for September 25. He furnished bail in the sum of $2OO. Into the Shadows. Theodore A. K:ahn, a well known young man, passed away Thursday after noon at the family home, 140 West Spald ing street, following a sickness of two weeks duration. Heart trouble was the cause of death. Mr. Kralm, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krahn, was horn in Wa tertown, April 30, 1885. He received his education in the local schools and en tered the employ of Bourhaus & Gloger company when 16 years old and remained with the firm until his late sickness, tilling a period of ten years as a most obliging salesman. His parents, four sisters and two brothers survive. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock to St. John’s Lutheran church where services were held at 2 o’clock. His deatli was a shock to the members of his family and friends in Watertown by whom he was greatly esteemed. He made many friends by his courteous maimer. He was a young man of fine character and habits and his untimeh death is a loss to the community. Mr. Julius Raasch passed away at the home of his daughter in Milwaukee last Thursday. For many years he conduct ed the well known Tri nglo cafe, and was quite well known hi Watertown. .Marriage Licenses. Frances L. Schlegel of Fort Atkinson, to Lowell yn L. Cannon of Janesville. Albert W. H. Kramer to Hattie Ulrich, both of Watertown. Wm. Sell of Ft. Atkinson, to Hattie Cramer of Helenville. Amelia Engeihart of Watertown, to Andrew Hanagan of Milwaukee. Wm. Thiede to Agnes Schultz, both of Watertown. Theodore A. Hartmann of Chicago, to Edith M. Gums, of Jefferson. Arthur G. E.sner to Adela K. Zautner, both of Sullivan. Evan 0. Edwards of Genesse, Wis , to Frieda L, Foljahn of Ft. Atkinson. Robert Roehl to Helen Helem, both of Lake Mills. Extensive Poultry Fattening. A bulletin entitled “Fattening Poul try”, describing successful methods of fattening poultry on a large commercial scale and giving complete data on the feeding of over 100,000 birds, has just been issued by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. U gives informa tion of operations on an ext eusive scale and so far as known is the first publica tion showing the cost of producing a pound of gain in poultry. “The successful feeding of poultry de pends largely on the ability of the feeder to notice the condition of the chickens on feed,” is one of the fundamentals laid down by the bulletin, “The common practice in poultry packing houses is to feed each lot 17 days or less. Most of the milk-feed chickens are fed 14 days. Practically all of the special feeding in this country involves the use of milk, which produces the ‘milk-fed chickens’ of the market. Milk, while the least expensive, seems to be the most essential constituent of the ration, and when a feeder cannot get milk in some form he generally does not attempt to fatten poultry commercially. “Crate feeding from troughs is the method employed in this country by most of the large fattening establish ments, with 6 to 10 fowls in a crate. Birds fed only for a short time may be forced on highly concentrated feeds, whereas if fed longer they may need a ration containing a greater variety and less concentrated. “Milk seems to have a very important influence on the digestive process, keep ing the fowls in good condition under forced feeding. Beef broth is used to some extent but it is not as good as milk. At the beginning, fowls should be fed lightly for two or three feeds, gradually increasing the amount until they do not clean up all that is given to them. The main object should be to keep their appetites keen and at the same time have them consume as much feed as they can assimilate. By feeding a small amount often, they will eat a greater quantity and their appetites will remain keener.” The conclusions reached by the inves tigation show that general purpose fowls make more economical gains in fattening than the Mediteranean class. The average person will get better re sults iu fattening by feeding three times rather than twice daily. It was found that the average cost of feed and labor per pound of gain for a large lot of poultry was 9.o9.cents and the cost of the feed alone was 7.10 cents. It was also observed that hens made less gain than chickens, iu crate fattening and that low grade wheat flour was more economical feed than oat flour at the pres ent prices of grain. A copy of this bulletin may be obtained by addressing a request to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., for Bulletin 140 of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Here to the Fair. Yesterday, 200.0 r more visitors to the fair came from Johnson Creek and other points south on the C. & N.-W. road, reaching here in the afternoon and hur ried to the fair grounds to take in all the attractions they could in the limit ed time before ret oning honm. View the Exhibits. Chief of the Fire Department John Glaser and Charles Xlenow, of the coun cil committee on fire department, accom panied by Joseph Lange, A. Bursinger and Charles Straw, were in the cream city Wednesday and were more than pleased with exhibits of lire apparatus at the chief engineers association’s an nual convention. Want Gaibage Wagon. A petition is being circulated and is to be presented to the city council, ask ing for the iunnovation in Watertown of a municipal garbage wagon. The peti tion is being quite generally signed. Johnson Creek Among the visitors to the State Fair were the following: H. E. Bcnnecke, W. A. Christians, H. J. Grell, Emil Drews, John Grahlmann, A. E. Green wood and sou Ernest, Paul Knoll, Fred Wolff, J. J. Zimmermaun, O. C. Wegner, Mrs. F. C. Mansfield and her mother, Mrs. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reimers spent last week with relatives in Milwaukee. Mrs. B. F. Zilisch and daughter, Elsa, of Watertown, were visitors at C. E. Lowe’s Tuesday last. Miss Estelle Murphy of Watertown, spent a few hours in the village Tuesday evening of last week. Mrs. Wm. Stiehm entertained the Ladies’German club, Thursday after noon. Mrs. C. E. Dowe went to Delavan one day last week with her daughter, Gret chen, who will attend school there again. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schofield of Fort At kinson, spent Thursday of last week with their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Trust. Fred Grell was a Milwaukee business visitor Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Grell were over Sunday visitors with Milwaukee rela tives. Miss Dowe returned to Watertown, after spending some time with her brother Chas. and family. The Misses Isabel Greenwood and Elizabeth Stiehm spent Sunday with friends in Watertown. Mrs. W. A. Christians and children were Watertown visitors Saturday af ternoon. Mrs. H. C. Christians visited with relatives in Watertown, Saturday. During the severe wind and rain storm, Sunday night, the barn of John Grahiraann was struck by lightning; the stroke being a cold one but little damage was done. Three miles southeast from hero a cyclone swept the country, tearing down windmills, unroofing houses and barns and doing considerable damage. Mrs. Wm. Peters, a resident of this community for many years, passed away Monday morning at 4 o’clock, with all members of her family being near. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the residence on Union street. Wisconsin Inventors The following patents were issued this week reported hy D. Swift & Cos., Patent Lawyers, Washington, D. C., who will furnish copies of the above inven tions to any of our readers for ten cents each: C. Bernet, Germantown, Pneumatic elevator; J. Birchard, Kenosha, Fluid gage: Albert Brooker, Lancaster, Vehicle wheel; F. Brune. Milwaukee, Conductor hook; A. M. Georgeson, Carburated air mixer; J, E. Hilgers, Middleton, Pipe forcing jack; W. D. James, Fort Atkin son, Stanchion supp irting frame; J. M. Johnson, Madison, Pipe; W. F. Walther, Milwaukee, Ajustable reamer. Burglars Know the Hiding Places IT is a common practice to conceal money and valuables about the House in places which are supposed to be secure from burglars. Expert house= breakers seek out these unusual places and are often handsomely rewarded for their search. You can avoid taking all chances against theft or fire by renting a Safe De= posit Box in our burglar and fireproof vaults at $2.00 to $).00 per year according to size. Each box renter has his own private keys and per sonal access to his box. R.ent a box now and forget your worry. NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL <r SURPLUS $300,000.00. NUMBER 5