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Wausau pilot. [volume] (Wausau, Wis.) 1896-1940, March 15, 1904, Image 8

Image and text provided by Wisconsin Historical Society

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~jg* T r gp m l HIBIHB ill I
NEXT SATIIREIAV, MARCH I'ftli. If s Our Birthday
THE FIRST YEAR’S WORK, its done. Standing upon the threshold of the second, we lookback
upon the year just completed with that pride and satisfaction that is the reward only of a good work
well performed. We have conscientiously served you to the very best of our ability, never fora moment
losing sight of the platform upon which we first and last solicit your patronage,,the one thing above all
things that we consider our special mission in this market, namely, to furnish Better (foods for
the same money, or the same goods for less money than elsewhere.
1 ■ n
Now. then, we feel grateful to the ' - Tiic - i m To Be Given Away TW*f
people of Wausau and ir. order to show A | ppp i? wi+n M
our gratitude in a substantial manner, we MV fU IPi I L „ J 'l I (j§ I
shall devote next Saturday and next week H| iJeHMl'l ■ Purchase of 81.D.00 iLJiLj!
toaGREAT bargain and GIFT SALE l iiI'UJ'lflTIT or over, one of these
which shall be in all respects a benefit to handsome chairs' ex
our customers. We propose in this way to ■ act 1 y 1i k e cu t ftin- pPSfrl
pay our customers a dividend on the in
vestments they have made here during ishet.l ill golden oak I I il ]
the past year. or mahogny. 1
Anniversary Sale
Neckwear 15c
The greatest values you have ever seen in
puffs, tecks, narrow and wide four-in-hands,
all 25c, 39e and 50c values. All new ties. 300
do/en in the lot. They're the surplus and
sample stock of a bijj manufacturer, made for
this season s trade to sell at 25c, 39c and jr.,
50c. Our Anniversary Price. - - IJu
Half Hose 5c
We have taken 50 dozen of our 10c cotton half
hose -and marked them for our special c-
Anniversary Sale 0w
Fancy Shirts 48c
Men's fancy stiff bosom shirts in six different
styles, with long - or short bosoms, sizes 14 to
18. made of fast color, percales and woven
madras, 75c values, Special Anniversary 48c
Boys’ Stockings
Bovs’ heavy fleece-lined ribbed stockings —
double heel, toe and knee. 25c value at I9c
Nobby Shirts 98c
Men’s swell colored shirts in all the up-to-date
patterns, small figures and neat stripes,
blacks, pinks and blues, hand-laundried. neat,
dressv *1.30 >hirts. Anniversary AQft
Price, oOU
Boys’ Spring Caps
Boys' spring caps in yacht and golf styles,
made of ail wool materials, a bargain, ac.
at only - - - ZW
Men’s Suspenders
Strictly high grade goods they come in all
style of buckles ami widths, all the latest,
fancy and plain webs, regular .‘l9c quali- or*
ties. Our special low price. - fcdu
R. Lyon. Dentist, will make Cold Aluminum or Rubbar Flatos.
The very best grade of goods during this Anniversary Sale at a saving to you of 25 per cent,
In every way the greatest money-saving sale of the year. It will eclipse all past bargain events
Gentlemen’s very nobby suits, handsome worsteds and the new
Scotch mixtures and over plaids which others call ~
bargains at $15.00. Our special price,
Gentlemen’s swell suits, made of strictly all wool, black and blue
serges, cheviots, unfinished worsteds, and fancy checks, stripes and
plaids in an immense variety of weaves and colors, d? ~
others offer them at $12.50. Our special price, V* V^
Gentlemen's good business suits, splendidly made, big assortment
for yon to choose from, all new fashionable suits, equal
to the suits in other stores at $lO. Our special price, 4* /
Gentlemen’s fine top coats, made of finest vicunas and whipcords
in box and medium styles, many of silk lined, usn- ~ ~
ally sold at S2O. Special anniversary price here,
Gentlemen’s toppy top coats, in black, grey, tan and biown shades,
made of fine cheviots and covert cloths, best silk
sleeve lining, a regular sls value. Special price,
Gentlemen’s spring top coats, splendid values, both long and short
styles, all the new colors so popular this spring, real ~ /x
$12.50 values. Very special anniversary offer, -
Ihe krincetun Men's nobby trousers, made of handsome, stylish worsteds and
JrJuTtweeds, the most up-to-date fabrics, everv pair finelv rvft
4.4 tailored. Priced at “ 'Po # V 0
Headquarters for boys' confirmation suits, a vast variety of the most perfectly made confirma
tion suits for boys of all ages. Xow is the time to buy them as communion day comes on
Double breasted suits, ages Bto 10, $| 98 $6 00
Three piece suits, ages 9 to 17, $2 98 1° $7 50
Long pants suits, ages 11 to 20, S3 98 to sls 00
Youths and young men's suits, ages 14 to 20, the greatest m
variety in the state, choice foieign and domestic novelty suitings, M
everv weave in blues, blacks and oxfords, hundreds ot patterns,
$5 90 $7 90 S9 90 sl2 50 sls 00 $lB 00
Boy’s three-piece knee pants, ages 9 to 10, blues, blacks and ,
fancy checks, stripes and plaids, in an immense variety of weaves V
and colorings, made in the latest .Q . £** CO
style, vast assortment, prices
Boy’s two-piece and norfolk suits in serges, cheviots and sw el lest v fgyk
of tweeds, in the finest qualities in every . (jjA aa
shade, tremendous assortment at
Buster brown suits for little tots, ages 2A to 7. material, shape el
and trimming adapted to ages, made only by the ls?st makers ot r 7 T I
boy’s clothing in the world, price $2 98 $3 98 $5 00 S6OOI , MW
Boys knee pants, ages 3to Iff, immense assortment ot * fcc
swell spring patterns, all good 7,5 c values, special at - j§. 1 :
Anniversary Sale
Stylish Hats $1.48
100 dozen soft and stiff hats, new stylish shapes,
black and other colors, made by a manufac
turer to sell at $2.00. Our special /in
anniversary price, - *ru
Swell Half Hose
Very fine quality of cashmere and woolen half
hose in black, natural and brown colors, full
regular made 35c qualities offered here nr.
as a special bargain at - ZOu
Kid Gloves 98c
Men's new spring gloves, grey mocha, fine
English cape goat and dog skin, for dress,
street or driving, marked specially low
at - 00 b
Boys’ Caps 48c
A great variety of patterns, caps of every
description for boys and girls—golf, Eaton,
yacht and Tam O'Shanters, a big assort- yjn ft
ment at 4ul
High Grade Hat $3
They are known the world over and the Conti
nental is exclusive Wausau's agent, the self
conforming styles are here, they equal in
style and appearance, the best in the world.
We show 30 different styles at the nn
standard price ot $0 UU
Swell Neckwear
Spring neckwear in all the swell up-to-date
styles, four-in hand imperials, tecks, strings
and bows, made of all the best imported
silks, same qualities and styles as sold
at 50c elsewhere, special at - - - Obi#
Underwear 98c
Men s extra quality spring underwear in derby
ribbed, natural and fancy plush back, excel
lent for service, soft and comfortable to QOp
wear, exceptional value at - - - but#
Las visited Wausau for the past SIX YEARS,
Once a Month, will again be In
Wausau, at Hotel Beilis, Tuesday, March 22
and Every Fourth Tuesday Thereafter.
flu Specialist J§ :?
ALL I Respect, and the
BECAUSE HE CIVEs' ■PH®5r". “*•
YflTTNfl MPN If TOO arc troubled with
* U U ITU IVI XL iT nervous debi'ity.s.upid
cess, or are otherwise unfitted lor business or
study, caused from youthful errors or excesses,
you should consult this specialist at oucc.
Don’t delay until too late.
M A —There are thousands of
lUAIt aili U yon troubled with weak,
aching 1 backs and kidneys and other unmis
takable signs of nervous debility. Manydieof
inis difficulty .ignorant of the cause. Themost
obstinate cases oi this character treated with
unfailing success.
ATT TITCT7 A CT7C of delicate nature—
flUL, UI OHrIOCO inflammations an 1
kindred troubles—quickly cured without pai i
or inconvenience.
P ATARDU wll *ch poisons the breath,
bn 1 nlinil stomach and lungs and
paves the way for Consumption, also Throat,
A PAW Pfllnt* * Ist—The doctor gives his persona! attention to each Individual
* 1115 • caße- 2„d —All business conducted on a professional basis and
strictly confidential. 3rd—Names and pictures never published unless requested to do so.
*th—The doctor's patrons are his friends.
your troul>les if livl “P away from city. Thousands cured at home by enrrespoad
" ence and medicine Rent as directed. Absolute secrecy in all professional dealings.
Address all letters, giving street and number plainly. Send stamps, for list of questions.
DOCTOR TURBIN. 6049 Madison Ave., Chicago, 111.
C ■■■■—■■■ ■" ■ 0
—W. G. John spoilt Wednesday in
Stevens Point.
—Henry Kreul/.er of Athens, visited
in the city Thursday.
—Geo. vVerheim, Jr., was in Grand
Rapids last week on business.
—Mrs. A. A. Hooper and children
visited with Merrill friends last week.
—F. A. Engberry, of Ltevens Point
spent a couple days in Wausau last
—State Senator D. E. lliordnn, of
Eagle. River spent Thursday evening in
the city.
—John Kuebler spent a portion of
last week in Milwaukee, returning
home Friday.
—Mrs. Fred Genrich has returned to
her home in this city from a visit in
Grand Rapids.
—Louis P. Gilman, of Oshkosh spent
Wednesday and Thursday in the city
among old friends.
—W. W. Albers spent Thursday in
Stevens Point on business connected
with his store in that city.
—J. C. Clarke spent part of last week
looking after his property at Bradley
station, near Tomahawk.
—Rev. Wieting, pastor of the Gor
man M. E. Church, attended revivai
meetings at Merrill last week.
—Geo. Glenn returned home Thurs
day morning from Sumpter, Ala.,
where he has spent the past four months
it. cruising in the woods.
—John Mathie attended a meeting of
the Wisconsin Brewers’ association held
last u’eek in Milwaukee. Ho returned
home Thursday evening.
—Rev. Hail), of Merrill, was in the
city Friday and conducted the funeral
services at Zion's Lutheran church over
the remains of Wm. Dommick,
—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ruder spent a
few days last week in Milwaukee. The
former attended a meeting of the Wis
consin State Brewers’ association.
—W. H. Trumbull, editor of the
Rhinelander Vindicator, spent part of
Friday in the city on his way to visit
friends at his old old home in Marsh
—W. H. Griffith, of Green Bay, on*' of
the proprietors of the Continental stole
in this city, spent a portion of last week
hereon business connected with that
—Win J. Morgan, of Milwaukee
promoter of business enterprises in the
West in which Wausau parties are in
terested, spent a portion of last week in
the city.
—Jos Reiser spent a few days in
Stevens Point last week on business
connected with the building of the
Carnegie library, for which the Wer
heirn Mfg Cos. is furnishing the interior
Mesdames L. N Anson, S. Mandel,
J Van Hecke and L. Fried and Misses
Mae Anson and Stella Heinemann, all
of Merrill, attended a party given by
M.s. Benj. Heinemann Wednesday
—Charles MeCrossen came over from
St. Paul Friday and spent until Sunday
night visiting with relatives and friends
It took up all his time, for Charles has
many friends in this the home of his
boyhood days.
If you are going to build or make any
change in your residence, haw your
heating plant put in right and your gas
work and plumbing done up in a mod
ern way We do ail kinds of repairing
in these lines. A. B. Wheeler <& Son.
616 Third Street. tf
“The remarkable development of the
water power of the upper Wisconsin
river is a matter which should be ex
ploited,” said Mayor Bert Williams of
Ashland at the Hotel Pfistcr. ‘‘At
Rhinelander they are building very
pretentions plants for a paper mill
which will have cost in the neighbor
hood of 11,000,000 and at Grand Rapids
improvements to the extent of §1,200,-
000 are being made. The people in
that part of the state are greatly in
terested in the prospects The improve
ments are the work of local companies
largely, at Rhinelander Congressman
Brown being interested with others
It shows that the paper mill is to sue
ceed the sawmill as the leading indns
try in northern Wisconsin. The
water power on the Wisconsin river i 1
wonderfnl. Dams can be built almost |
every ten miles or so as far down as j
Kilbourn City When one stops to!
think of the trouble the manufacturers j
on Fox river hsve in getting power, it j
is surprising that more attention has)
not been directed towards the great j
power that has been going to wate on j
the Wisconsin rirer. At Grand Rapids I
M 0,600 was paid for the riparian rig its j
in building the dam alooe. The oppor-1
tunity for developing the Wisconsin 1
over is almost unlimited.”—Milwaukee j
Evening Wisconsin.
Liver, Heart, Kidney, Bladder and all con
butatioual ~udinternal troubles; also Rupture,
Piles, Fistula, PisjHpsia, Diarrhea and all dis
eases of the stomach and bowels treated far 1m
advance of any institution In the country.
Scrofula, Tumors, Tetter, Eczema and Blood
Poison thoroughly eradicated, leaving the
system In a strong, pure and healthful state.
T A TAT Is Q ~ you nee suffering from per
bnil 11-0 sistent Headache,Painful Men
struation, Uterine Displacements, Pains In
Back, and feel as If It were impossible tor you
to endure your troubles and still be obliged to
attend your honseht Id tnd social obligations.
There are many women doing this to-day.
However, a great many have taken treatment
of this specialist, and he can refer you to those
who have been cured by him. Give the doctor
a call. Ho can give all the encouragement In
the world and will cure you if you trust your
self to his care.
The sale of “Blue Ribbon’’ flour ex
ceeds that of any other brands at the
stores of Max K. Boehm. jlfl-tf
Residents who arose early Sunday
morning saw a number of crows Hying
over the city. Their appearance al
this Sisson is always considered a har
binger of the approach of spring.
The Ilirseh & Schwontkofski saw
mill near Rib hill completed its winter's
cut last Friday. About I,OOO,tXH> feet of
lumber was manufactured at this mill
during the presents swing season.
11. J. Matzki, the b'akcman, who
suffered the loss of both legs in a rail
road wreck on the St. Raul road near
Merrill a week ago, was later removed
to the home of his aunt, Airs. C. W.
Walters, in this city.
In another column of the Pilot can
tie found a letter from the Wisconsin
Workshop for the Blind If any of our
readers know of families in which there
are blind children, they will ho per
forming a deserving act by cutting the
article out and sending same to such
Just at present the Merrill Advocate
is getting lots of free advertising. The
Advocate in January stated that a oe.
tain editor had had a second hand sew
ing machine palmed off oil him by
Montgomery Ward & Cos. The Chi
cago department store is nov flooding
Wisconsin with a circular '.otter deny
ing tlieTharge.
i (’has. F. Gill, of this e- t v. who ropro
senls the Uphaiu t& Agler Lumber Cos.,
of Chicago, has purchased for his com
pauy 4,()(0,D0C feet of mixed lumber of
the Quaw Lumber Cos. at Edgar ; 800,000
feet of the same stock of Gardner Bros,
of Flan tier, and 1,AQ0,000 feet of elm and
birch of the Heinemaon Lumber Cos. of
Saturday forenoon the Plumer mill,
operated by Arnt Arntscn, was closed
down for the balanoe of the season after
a successful run since early in the
winter. This mill was stocked by the
Wilbur Lumber Cos. and besides this
stock quite an amount of custom saw
ing was done. The total cut for the
season will aggi egate approximately
a,000,000 feet.
Dr. Turbiu, the eminent German
specialist and surgeon, will be at the
Bel' : ' House. March 22.
Henry t'egner, Frank Chesak, Fred
Damon, Geo. Blccha, Cbas Kiebl, R. A.
Gnlke, Henry Bruts, Gus Engerbrecht
and Paul Degner, all of Alliens, have
formed a corporation to be known as
the Degner Heading and Stave Cos.
capitalized at §20,000. They will
operate the stave factory of that village
but will increase the output by putting
on a night crew.
The present winter has been so favor
able to the operations of lumbermen in
this section that many of the smaller
I concerns have completed their work
and broke camp. The large dealers,
| have plenty of timber to cut from are
I still busily engage in hanking logs and
expect to still have several weeks haul
! ing from this date, unless there comes
and early break-up to destroy their ice
L. E. Spencer, M. I)., office in the
McKinley block, corner Third and
McClellan streets.
A two inch water pipe, leading from
Jefferson street into the store of the
Montgomery Hardware Cos., froze up a
week ago and ou Friday was thawed
out by the W ausau Electric Cos. The
water had been frozen so solid that the
pipe was bursted, and some time after
it had been thawed out the water
worked its way through the ground to
the surface, ar.d soon the street was
flooded. The valve was later closed
and the broken pipe replaced by m new
Friday afternoon a crew of men re
sumed work on the new power plant
of the Wausau Electric Cos. Inasmuch
as about sixty tons of steel will be put
into the building a larger-derrick is
needed and odc of greater strength is
being erected. The old stone pier of
the Jack Clarke mill wdi be removed
and the contractors an anxious to start
work on the new Jam Every day of
delay in :be construction of the plant is
a loss to the company, for it can sell
any amount of power after the new
power house is completed
Climatic Cures.
The influence of elinialic cond'tion* in
the cure of consumption is very much
overdrawn. The poor patient and the
rich patient, too. can do murh better at
j home by proper attention iq food digeg
i lion, arid a regular use of German Syr
j up. Free expectoration in the morning
i is made certain by German Syrup *oi*a
good night's rest and the absence of that
\ weakening cough and debilitating night
! sweat. Restless nights and the exhaus-
I tion due to coughing, the greatest dsn
: ger and dread of the consumptive,.can
tie prevented or stopped by taking Ger
man Syrup liberally and regularly.
Should yon be able to go to a winusl
clime, you will find that of the thou
sands of consumptives there, the few
who are benefited and regain strength
are those who use German Strop. Trial
bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c. At all
druggists. *

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