Newspaper Page Text
ORANGE COUNTY OBSERVER. II I L I, S IS O R O U G II , N . C . Saturday. - - May 2. IH-v. JOSEPH A. IIAKKIS, Editor and Proprietor. . . . ... . ffii r hnt.ndatthe ost umce ai iiiiis- ( i,orou-h, i.., as wecouu ciat matter. I Thf Ohih'if. County Observer The Democratic (convention tL: hb ,l iiLr puldinhtd in the ; fcr this (4th) Congressional Dislriel C.,uf, ami ,ir to A'j. Mtt, 1 87, 1 will be hejd al Uaieigh next Tues vth,: o!., r,j,..r in the County a 9Uj h .g lhoUfiht thal ' " '"'" jMr.B.IL Bonn, of Nash, will be jm: l.A i i:. r. nominated. The next day, Wednes The new eipUol c-',ti00,00j The Now York State Democratic Convention in-truete1 the delegates to St. Louis for Cleveland. Iu the United .States and Canada, during last week, there were 180 IhilurtF, against 201 the previous week. The war cloud in Kurope is still dark. Russia suspects England and Germany to be combining against her interests. It is staled on good authority that the nomination of Melville W. Ful. ler to be Chief Justice, will be con firmed at an early day. The Southern Baptist will meet , next year in Memphis and Rev. J 1. Greene, of St. Louis will preach the introductory -sermon. The great flood in the Mississippi river, which has boen without pre cedent in the destruction and suffer iug created, is slowly abating. Gov. Robert L. Taylor, of Ten nessee, was nominated on the 40th ballot as Democratic candidate for Governor. The Convention was in session seven days. The cah balance in the Uu'tcd States Treasury on April 30th was $110241,90'.), as shown by the Treas urer's statement, an increase of 5, f;00,H)t .luring the month. The Southern Methodist Publish ing House, the largest of its kind, outside of the large northern cities, is now entirely out of debt, and has a cash surplus in bank of 10,050.90. There . are in America over 4,000, 000 farms, larjje and small. They covei neanv acres ot im proved" land, and their total value is something like 810,000,000,000. These liyures are not, of course, very 'comprehensive. They simply con vey the idea of vatness ot area and equal va-tntss importance. The estimated value of the yearly pro duets ot these farms is between $2, OOlHIutt 0UU nju $3,01)0,(100,000. , The ;reat debate, on the tariff is no- ended, Mr. Carlisle making the closing spveeh. 1 1 i s hanlly neces sary to say that the remarks of the Speaker, who is one of the ablest men in the country, on this subject which lie has made the studv of his hletiine and on which ho is gonerallv .idmiiti'd to bv thoroughly intormed. will be w'll worth the reading of ) are llie bctlcr enabled to ward oil any man interested in the' welfare of j l"u danger and "postpone the mo .the country, a welfare that a viially j mt'nt when surrender becomes inev ailectcd by the system ot taritYiax I" many instances the in- ation. llaUiyh Xews attd (bsvrctr.oreui sfengllj of the body suffices - . to enable it to oppose the tendency The California Republican delc-1 toward death. Many however have .ition have enpaed foity-five rooms ' these foiees to such an extent Ht the Leland Ilotcl in Chicago. there is little or no help. In They will brinp: their own band and : other cases a little aid to the weak ti eases of wines, tfce. They are ! encd Lnngs will make all the differ pu pnin; tor a bij drunk. Wil- ce between gu lden death and ntinyton Star. j many years of useful life. Upon tbie 'fust symptoms of a Com.n (.l.rm- f i'Al)l' 1'KMAI.K KK(;i - i y ' . - AS,M,,fll! Ior WomHU'wj Profuse, Sop- Such as Painful, pressed, Scanty and Irregular Men-1 struation or Monthly Sickneaw. If taken during ll CHANGE0011? , i r lour, per barrel. ie OV LIFE, great suffering and danger ; will be avoided. j Send for book "Mess.vgk to Women," -mailed free KliADFIKLl) IiK?ULATOU Co., Atlanta, (la. Delegates to the Democratic. State Convention at Kateigb will be j passed orer the railroads at excur-, sion rates for round trip tickets. j TKn I'o! T?,eina Visitor i ! of May 22i, says : The Republican - t i c ihia i uongrewiona. onuuuu - j the 4tb diMnct, assemuicu ai iue j court house today at 1- ociock , . The following were appointed dele gates from this district to the Na tional Convention at Chicago: J. C. I L. Harris and John II. Williamson. II. C. Long and W. L. Mitchell : were chosen alternates. W. A. Al- ; bright, of Durham, was chosen elec tor for the 4th district. No nomi- j nation was made for Congressman and no choice expressed. Convention will meet and hold its sessions in Slronaeb's Warehouse, which hs?3 been tendered with the compliments of Mr. W. C. Stronacb, its owner. We have only this to say : It the Democrats wish to carry the State, they will nominate Daniel G. Fowl? for Governor. We know of oidy one or two Democrats in Orange who oppose Fowle. Give us Fowle, and we don't believe there will be anv doubt about the Democrats carrvinj; the State next November. The State Prohibition (third party) Convention of North Carolina met in the city of Greensboro, May 10th, and nominated its candidates for office as follows: For Governoi. Rev. W. T. Walker ot Greensboro, (a minister of the Christian Church) ; Lieutenant Governor, Moses Ham mond ot Randolph; Treasurer, Hugh M. Dixon of Alamance; Auditor, J. M. instead of Greensboro ; Super intendent Public Instruction, N. C. English of Randolph ; Congress, Fifth District, S. J. Montague of Winston ; Seventh District, C. P. Frazier ot Randolph. No nomina tious were made for Secretary of Stale or Attoniey-General. The Convention was harmonious and en thusiastic. Dr. Deems 3nd Rev. Sam Small addressed the people at night. Progressive Fanner Hal ti'jh, May '1'lnd. The Durham Recorder of Mon day, May 21st, says : This morning about eight miles from here on the Durham and Oxford road, Messrs. Henry Emery, John Slater and J. W. Holder were sitting near a keg of powder. Emery was trying to wmoke, his pipe did not operate ; he threw it into the powder. Result, three men flying through the air. Emery has both hides badly burned, and otherwise injured ; Slater had his neck, face and hand burned ; Holder had both hands burned, While none are dangerousiy injured, all are badly hurt. 1JOARD OF EDUCATION. The next regular meeting of lhe County Hoard of Education will be held at' Hillsboro on Monday the 4th day of June, 18S8. Any matter relating to the interest of the public schools of the County, may be brought before tho Hoard at that tune. 1 ho petitions to form new 1 . . i .. iistncts ieretolorfi nrpspniPi tn thnl11'""" io nurcnase a comti tie nut- Board will be a.'tnd nnnn upon. J. L. CURRIE, Secretary of Board. HO W MEN DIE. If we know all the methods of 1 alProac'n adopted by an enemy we ' :U,y troUu!e of tbe Throat or Lui.cs,: give thut old and weli-kuown rem-1 j edy Uoschcc's German Syrup, a I ; careful trial. It will prove what! thousands say of it to be, the "ben efactor of any home."' HILLSBORT) MARKET. Corrected Weekly. Apples. leeswax, Butter, 1 20 ; 8 to j 15 to 2.") j Go j 10 j S4.;.0 lo $1.00 to $1.50 0. '2o to i0 lo to CO ' S5 to $1.50 C to S 2o to f0 I 901 Chickens, Coffee, v.1!' ' . -ar Lime, rock, Meai Molasses, Oats, Salt, Sugar, Syrup, . Wheat UUiii uuu.A x- - addregg wm be deliv. ere(J by TTon p d. Winston, at HornerV School, at Us closiDg exer- cises Alay olst Dnrhnm Recorder : Mr. J. S. Carr's $30,000 residence is nearly (arrs fcoU.UUU " 3'd It is one 0f the finest . . g wv v v. . Bishop Key has appointed Rer. Frank L. Reid Presiding Elder o! the Raleigh District in place of the late Rer. N. II. D. Wilson. Cjncord Times : A iargeiDoraber of colored peopie left here last Fri day night for California. The num ber in town is thinned out consider ably, and more will go. The Oak Ridge Institute will hold its aunual Commencement on May 28th and 29th. Hon. Mat. W. Ransom will deliver the oration and Rev. J. A. Cuninggim will preach the annual sermon. rPtio ( !nmmon(pmPrit, rnrrisPR of i o i t.1 -.ii mi iJ me caiern remaic v..m w... place June iJtn auu uui. me calaureate Sermon wi'l be preacned kinds, and cannot be solu in eompeti n SnnHnv mornincr. June 3rd. bv tion with the, multitude of low test. I'Uv ThnmftH 1 fume. D. D. ' I Mai. Wm. A. Smith, of Johnstonj Uounty, aiea in menmoua, v a., on Wednesday, May 10th, from cancer of the stomach. He was widely known, having been a prominent politician in this otate in past years. Lenoir Topic : Five hundred col ored people left the line of the Western North Carolina Railroad from Salisbury to Asheville for Cal ifornia, under fair promises of bet tering their condition, during the past two weeks. Person County Courier The fol- lowinji item was handed us a few days ago by a friend with the re quest to publish : "Drunkenness ex pels reason, distempers the body, di minUhes strength, inflames the blood and causes wounds internal, exter nal, incurable. There is no end to the drunkard's hell." Charlotte Democrat : There has been a disposition in some quarters to carp at the University and to array public prejudice against it ; but we believe that it is lodged in the hearts of our people, for it is doing a mighty work, and its pros perity is no less essential td North Carolina than the administration ot our government. The commencement exercises of Greensboro Female College occur on May 30th. The annual sermon will be preached by Rev. W. S: Creasy, of Wilmington, and Bishop C. B. Galloway, of Mississippi, will deliver the alumni address. The graduating class numbers thirty-two. The, literary address is by Rev. Thomas Hume, D. D., of the Uni versity. The Supreme Court shas affirmed the decision of the lower court in the case of the State against W. A. Potts for the murder ol Paul Lincke, in which Potts was convicted and sentenced to be hanged. It is only necessary now for Gov. Scales to set the day of execution. The reorder, which occurred in November last in Beaufort county, and the subsequent trial of Potts, a lawyer, caused in tense interest at the time. A special dispatch to the News and Observer from Oxford, T. C, dated May l"5tb, says : The Com monwealth Club closed at 5 o'clock this evening a contract for the im mediate erection of a $30,00C brick hotel in Oxford. Capt. J. A. Wil liams goes on to New Yo?k to a. l i I fit." Joy is universal and onboond. ed. Union and co onpriiinn nr d tuii co operation are uo incr tho wnrV fnv Ov n,,l n. . - a I r V . . - first time. v-w iiuio uaau iuuu iu ui'iui, lor tat? SO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD fiti tnTEOCl The majority of the 111 of th ; ioay arl from a dUeased Urer. Bim- raons Liver Regulator baa been the mean cf restoring more people to health and Lappiesa by giving thera a heallhj Liver than any otLcr agency on earth. SZE THAT YOC GET THE GEXTTJCC A N I D l.' OO youn-; Leas. Higbust mar ket price paid. C M. PARKS. J GACQa, CA.( I PHILADELPHIA. I gs I Price, ONE Dellif I if Absolutely Pure. 1 his powder never vanes. A marvel of puritv. strength and wholesomeness. More economiciil than the ordinary hort weight, alum or phospnate pow- uers. Sold only in cans. KOYal Bak- ino Powoek Co.. 10G Wall-st., N. Y. ft) Ernt Scatbsrn Rszsdj fcr iO B0WELTR0UB1.ES, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, &c. Also CHILDREN T JTHIN 61aple a4 PlMt to Take Bat few tnllN the test that In th little! purpl hoeUebercy. or whortleberry, growinc tlongvlde our mMvttr,m and hills, and which aol i many tunrm oaten In moat every aaapo, ware is ai i orinoisls having- a wonderful effect on tho bowels. Dr.BJffcnrr Huckleberry coram is just tau in a vary eonoentrated and palatable form and 11 Chatera Urtu.-hstiaof gwanorstala fruit urodooes fermaatatltmlntha stomach, which! .1 iiutafcla Cholera Xorfaaa. Thlaoordial will mautrallae tho ?.' idisy or tne stomaon. Huokleberry Cordial is tho weapon. Cholera Infantum. Any cMid can take this, without the evil effbots many medicines proauoe in anooklns; the bowels too suddenly, reaulttn- In posms. Keep the oordial in the house. DyMntervv-Chronlo or aeuto is enssidarad oaa of tho most dangerous diseases that can aflsot tho bowels, eertalnly tho most weakening. This Huekloberry Oordial will urely oure it. Diarrhoea. This Cordial win check It gredu-1 ally, not leaTing the bowels In a oonstipatad state j as many preparations do, and will remove the in. I nammation from the bowelsi Try and prore it. The) Teeth Ins Child. The wearied mother. losing; sleep nurains; the little one wasttne; away I firom the drainage upon its system, snouux use tnisi Cordial, which will relieve it and withont danger, j It la Important that XVKUT HOTTSsTHOT.P j should vrovide themselTes with some speedy relief against sudden and dangerous attacks. A dose of this Cordial wm relieve uxe pain ana ssto ceiling s i physlolanand thereby muoh anxiety. Prepared by The W . A. TATLOB Oo., Atlanta. Oa. Price oo cents a Dotue. BoiaDyauoruggists. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and! Mullein will sorely oure cougns, croup end Con-1 sumption. 36c. 60o. and f 1. a bottle at druggists. I Try Taylor's Premium Cologne Pomoua Hill Nurseries, POMONA, X. C. rpVU AND A HALF MILES WEST JL OF GREENSBORO, N. C. The main line of the, JiieTirnond S: Danville Kail Koad passes through the grounds and within 100 feet of the of- nee. aaiem trains inaKc regular stops I .t . i . i t twice dai y each way. hose interest eu miruit HMU "un KIUV1,,K reeor ,iinii i,,,,ifn,i ft . ti.n 1"""' "V"1 nursery in tne rotate ami one 01 tne I largest in ine nouin. ouk'k cunsisi. 01 Apwles, I'each. Pear, Cherrv. Plums, Japanese Persimmons. Apricots, Nec tarines, Mulberries, Quince. Grapes, Figs. Raspberries, Currants, Pie Plant. Knglish Walnuts. Chestnuts, Strawber ries, Koses, Kvergrcens. Shade Trees, &c. All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones which n?y new Cata logue for 1SSS will show. Give y our order to mv authorized A sent, or order direct from the Nursery. Correspond- eiu-e solieited. Uescrlntive (.'ataiowiif ence soiicitetJ. uescnptive cataioirue free to applicants Address. J. VAN. LINDLKY, Pomoua, Guilford County, NC. C-Reliable Salesmen wanted in every County. A good paying commis- sion will be given. N :r r c k Having this day been appointed Ad ministrator ilpon the estate of Alexander ;ratt, deceased, I do hereby"give no ice to alt persons indebted to said es tate to come forward and make prompt payment, and to all persons having claims against the same to present them irk the time prescribed by law or this Ukice wdl be pleaded in bar thereof. This 15th day of May. JAMES NOR WOO H? AdministnUor. SPL'P.GEON, DENTIST, llillwtojro, IV. O. t1icenext door to Dr. Ilooker's ' I'rug btore. Open every day, BUY OWL " BRAND JFOXt TOBACCO FOR SALE AT V O. 0131K Ac SONH COMPANY'S SPECIAL CO MP OUN 1) "FOE, TOBACCO. Reliable in its manufacture. SPEC I A L attention given to the mua- ufacture ol every pound, ataiuvtra Profitable in its results. Has been Virginia and North Carolina furXthirtt years. ly proper cultivation. care and management, it insures you BACCO. Try it this year if you 1 nirT a nnr VT Kt. li x vi usun sands ol planters who have used it FOU C. M. PARKS, Hillsboro, N. C. F. R. WARREN & CO., Prospect Hill, N. C. D. W. K. Hurdle's GEOHGE K. MSSK.N OO., WAGON MANUFACTURERS, SALEM, N. C. CcT Acknowledged PRICES. to be lhe AMES B. MASON, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W, Chapel Hill. N. C. Practices in the State and Federal Court's. - i tWUoiiection of Claims and Kevenu' n.Tj. ...... . a specialty. ar taxes paiu on land, prosecuted. Send receipts Jno.-W. Gkaiiam. Tiioa. Ruff in. GRA A II AM & KUrrLN, ATIORNKYS-AT-LAW, IIII.LSBOBO, K. C. Practices in the Counties of Ala manee. Casu-p.l. Durhsim f:n;itrir1 Rockingham, Person and Orange, g AMU EL M. GA'ITIS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HILLSBORO, N. C. V Will practice in Orange and adjoining Counties. Collection of claims t rompt- ly attended to. Office in the' Court House in the rxm latelj-occupied by A. W. Gralirm. LE OF LAND. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Orange County to me directed in the ca of Louimj Swain vs. Ella Atkins and Lou Atkins. I will sll Ut the highest bidder, on the 4th dav of June. 18.S8. in front of David Mc Cauley's store in Chapel Hill, a lot of and in Chapel ililh bounded on i orth oy Kosemary street, on south by Frank- Mrs. Salina Thompson, contaUiing otte acre more or lee. Terms : One-third ca-h, balance in 6 months. This 20th day of April. 18$.- JAMES B. MASON, Commissioner. Yyi- WILLIAM LYNCH, DENTIST,, IV. C MTOfflce in the Parish buildinc on Matfgura Street. AND GHain IIILLSBORO BY CENTRAL WAREUOUm: jusiine same, yuicfc m its tu-toi. used successfully by the farmers cf a crop of rINL ihLLOW TO- want a crop of GOL.DLN BRIGHT morlrot W rnfor mi t .! ... - .w... jw- - v.. year after year. SALE IiV JOHN L. M AUK HAM, Dn'ham, N. C E. LONG, fc 1IKO, R'iKshy Fork, N. C. RICHMOND, Mill, N. C. best. WRITE TO THEM I WHISKE . I AM NOW M AN U FACT C li i N ' pure article of f CORN AND W1IKAT WHfsKKY. that I offer for sale at the prfces : CORN, per gallon. WHEAT, 'Mi" I only manufacture FUUE WIIIHKKV, made by opn furnace h ut. 1 ' best process known fr puj::y H -fljivor - Started hnsine.- January Uih. with only f'JS.OO. 'f EST WH HTKD'S U N C I : n K I '1 " BACCO at cost. JAMES A. ' HI KK . Hiil-rM.i'-. ( AND SALE. Bv virtue of a nvrt:;'- :, ,-. V ted to me by T. 3f. Ro r-'- i I will sell to the highe: u vi-.-r ;.. at the court house door i: 11 Orange County, N. C " 2nd day of June lPe. ! V . , tract of land wheren M"r : ; now lives, adjoining tl :t! 4 . Moore and other-. r''';;.:.1,:," acres, more r less, thf ''',,:": .' I f T. M. Robenon, tosau-: and cost. This April 30th, 1 ! KIVATB BOARDING H' You can get goo.1 lard .".,'.vi week or month, by applying 1 ' dor west ot Lynch K'rlrv HENRY R1-HAKI-- KEW DISCOVERS -X CONEY SAVED by 'J jSJL Rdey .t Cos ' ' ' t.r f!pninr i-lritfiPS. .:it!,-i ' " r . i !0 anv part ot the l-'nifd Mat- r ; of ten cents. Maruilac tun-t ' SMITH, Kl"- Aiy-