Newspaper Page Text
hh.lsbouog--- N. c. I IKIAY. - - - May 23, IHHU. sL;JJ K'l'TIOX KATES : t, .r to be PaU1 in. advance, HI""''-, .. U . M fi.oo 50c 2c ADVERTISING : for for the firt . jiu for each Bubs-eiueut pub- . . . '.II .i.rtlul .jinre (one men; TOLITICAL POINTS PERSOXALS. If there is to be a "dark horse" Mr. 1. 15. Henderson, el Wil- for Governor let it be Julian S. Carr. mington, spent a few days here the He at one time declined to allow fim Qfthe week. his name to be used for Uovernor, . but for the sake of harmony now and I victory on election day, Mr. Carr could not refuse to serve his party. Editor Orange County Observer. In 1884 Blaine received 182 elec loral votes and Cleveland 219 37 majority. In 1888, with hia good, honest, patriotic record, Cleveland in: ".r...:V i ought to beat the badly "tattooed . . . 1 hi: v hit, or iy correspond f"'jK OFFICE OF THE Oil- "V;E COUNTY OBSERVER j"()N CUURTON ST., OVER HAVES' DRUG IIjli..-1501'wO Tost Oftice. Office i.ourc from 7 1-2 a. m. to 8.15, p. m., , vi rv 'lay except Sunday, and on Suinlay lrom 12 m. to 1 p. m. II. L. PARISH, Post Master. I ITEMS') ASl ITEMS IS AND AltOUSl TOWS. Never acquiesce in immoral or j,t rn;f i(us opinions. '.-It, la a good rule to bev deaf uhrn a hlandercr talks. -See important notice concerning ti.t listing of town property. We haVe been having the long wet teaion in May. Overcoats and tires were in detnaad. The Orange Hotel property was old at public auction Monday to Mr. I). C. Parks for $3,000. -Rev. C C Newton, pastor, will I , ; a f ; h in the Baptist church at this place next Sunday at 11a. m. and :i. p. in. Gen. W. R. Co is very popu in Orange County. Who knows but what he may be nominated for CuiiM s next Tuesday at Raleigh. Mexican Sherbcrt, Milk Shakes, S nl i Water and other delicious ):w i :iges dispensed at Laws1 store from Hih beautiful Soda Fountain. Call and lake a glas. If you want nice licsh milk, fxitteriuilk, Or butter, you can be supplied by Mth. Dovereux Turner, at lier residence on Churton Street, MMiih of Court House. I The 3rd Quarterly Meeting lor fiio llill-boro Circuit of the M: E. Church, Rev. W. S. UlacH, Presiding V'.'; ib r, will be held at New Sharon n Si'. u rd ay and Sunday, ,lune l)th ami 10th. There will bo two ?er mi'iis on Sunday. l'he c.loMnjj exercises of Orange Ac.vlemy, Mr. C. W. Massey, 1'iincipal on Friday, May 18ih, Addresses J. L. Cur at:d C. E. Nelson B. F IRST 3sr. ATIONAL wt'it; well atteii'letl. ic delivered by Revs. fit id W. II. Puekctl. 1 ' it . ., and Prof. Henry ot the State Univerpity. The Justices of the Peace .are ti meet at Hilltduno on the first Monday in dune to levy taxes for Mi"trer ear, elect County C mruis . i ers and a Superintendent of Public Instruction. No Magistrate can be elected a Commissioner tin- ln the act of the last Legislature. The lit. Rev. Theodore B. Ly. man, 1). 1)., Rishop of tho Diocese of North Carolina, is to visit St. Mary's Chapel, Orango County, on Tuesday, May 29th, the service be ing at half after ten in the morning. Oti the fame day, at quarter after eight in the evening, he visits St. Matthew's Church, Hillsboro. Visi tor at both these churches always welcome. - t - rr man irom Aiaitie ai least, iuu votes. The revolt amongst honest Republi cans ought tdP he great enough to se cure that desired result. The popu lar vote was 4,848,334 for Blaine, and 4,911,017 for Cleveland a ma jority of 62,63. It ought to be a half million this year. Mr. Tilden carried the country by 156,900 over all candidates and 250,707 over Hayes Wilmington Star. The farmers of the country are presenting the name of Alexander as their choice and they compose the great bulk of the party. I bey have stood by the party through thick and thin, and have been modest in their demands in the past, but they will now feel greatly disappointed it they fail to be heard in this instance. We are in favor ot the nomination of Mr. Alexander, however not be cause be is a farmer, but because we believe that ho will prove the strong est man with the masses of any man yet mentioned. lie bas no record to defend and is fully able to cope with any candidate that may. be put against him, and the masses will raily to his standard, if nominated, and give to Democracy a rousing victory. We believe that the nomi nation of Alexander would insure the success of the Democratic party in North Carolina. Hickory Clip per. It appears now from the best in formation that we ean get that Fowle will go into the Convention with the votes of the central and the northwestern part of the State. That is, the votes of the counties around Raleigh and north of the North Caioliua and the Western North Carolina railroads to ArIic ville, and part of' the extreme East em counties. Stedman will have the votes ot the Cape Fear section, and the counties along the frailroad from Wilmington to Goldsboro and from Goldsboro to New Berne, up the Carolina Central and the coun ties beyond Asheville in the West. In our judgment there will not be a very great difference iu the tmt ote of these two leading candidates. Alexander will start with some votes from ail sections of the Stale, and will have suflieient strength to prevent a nomination on the 'first few ballots. What will take place when the break begins no man can now tell. The lucky man may be Fowle, may be Stedman, may be Al exander, and may be some dark horge. Iu the latter case Judge Gilmer would most likely be the man, and a strong' candidate and ex eellent Governor he would be. A'eicton Enterprise. -i : Blckle.vs Aknica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and positively cuies Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 2f cents per box. For sale by W. A. Hayes, Druggist. HIE liEST OF ALL. v Of all the medicines I ever, heard ot or used, I consider Dr. Biggers Huckleberry Cordial the best medicine for all bowel trouble and children teething ever used. A. J. Stine, Oxlord, N. C. Mias Annie Wilson, daughter of Dr. Thomas J. Wilson, of Chapel Hill, Is visiting Miss Maggie Brown. -Uev. Joseph W. Murphy is at tending the Episcopal Convention at i Salisbury. He will return to Hills boro Saturday. Col. James I. Allen continues very ill at his home in the northern part of Orange County. The Col. has many warm friends who would be glad to hear of his early recovery. Capt Walter S. Witherspoon of the N. C. Div. of the R. fc U. R. U., spent a few days with his rela tives fast wf ek. We were glad to take him by the hand and to see him iu excellent health. Sheriff John K. Hughes has re covered from a recent spell of sick ness. He -has been in town this week looking after his official busi ness. We congratulate the County Alliance on their selection ot so ex cellent a gentleman as Sheriff Hughes tor President. Cn ALTERED NOV. 9th, 188' CAPITAL $100,000. OFFICE 11,' IS J. C. s. s. CARft, BRYAN. -. President.! LEO:D. HEARTT, - Cashfer. Vice-l'resident CHAS. A. JORDAN, - Teller. D I It K C T O K S f WANTED! WE WANT TO EXHIBIT TO OUR FRIENDS A WELL SE LECTED The delegates of the different subordinate Alliances in the County met in the court house at Hillsboro on Friday, May 18th, and organized a County Alliance. The following officers .were elected : Presideut, John Knox Hughes; Vice-President, Thomas J. Oldham : Secretary, W. V. Andrews ; Treasurer, N. D. Bain ; Chaplain, R. G. Tinnin; Lec turer, A. P. Cates ; Assistant Lec turer, W. Q. Robfion ; Doorkeeper, J. R. Whitaker : Assistant Docm- keeper, W. F. Andrews ; Sergeant at-Arms, J. W. Strowd. Several important Committees were elected and a great deal of business trans acted. The Connty Alliance is well omcered and we trust will accoml plish much good. The next meet ing will be held on first FViday in July, and regularly thereafter every threO months. J. S. CARR. H. X. SNOW, J. T. MALLORY. J. W. Y BRYAX, Y. W. FULLER, K. J. PARRISIL T A. U. STOKES, C. S. BRYAN. ALKKR, JAMES I). J OX EN Stock oi HlItIIVCi mid 8UMMEU Jr O O 1 H A. General 1J nuking- Busiacss Trnnmiotcd. ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, 3 ANKERS, CORPORATIONS AXl) IN DIVIDUALS RECEIVED OX FAVORABLE TERMS. vL.jninv.nicjur I'uumi, oearm 4 per cent, interest, issued upon money to remain on deposit with the FiR3T National Bank G or 12 months. COLLECTIONS made direct on all accessible points in the UniUd State, and remiueu ior promptly at lowest rates. PARTICULAR attention paid to the business of Correspondent.. THIS KANK, being recently organized, is in condition to do all classes of AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE liariKing liuiness upon as tavorauie terms as any other Bank in the State. rSAMLM SLCURITl. The United States Government requires that a full Statement ot the Liabilities and Assets of all National Banks shall be made anuVsworn to by at least three of the Directors every few weeks, and beshle this rauk examiners are sent out at the pleasure ot the Government, whose duty it is made to thoroughly examine into the condition of the Bank, hence National lianKs anoni a larger measure of protection than auv other Banking system uiiAKAfi'tK .au UAlTfAL The character of the Oflieers, Directors and Stockholders of the First National Bank is the very highest, and each Stockholder is. under the National Bank law, responsible for double the amount oi ins stock, jso Bank has more character or credit, or better facilities than the t iri -auonai. PRICES FOR CASH OR BARTER t We are receiving WE WANT;a; SHARE OE YOUR BUSINESS. WE SOLICIT YOUR PA TRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE ENTIRE SATISFACTION IN ALL BUSINESS INTRUSTED TO OUR CARE. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FARMERS, "ATTENTION I" Our enterprising tobacco buyers, Messrs. R. L. Crisp and A. J. Cam eron, have accepted the agency for the "Owl', brand tobacco and grain fertilizer, with headquarters at Ceo tral Warehouse, where they can show samples of goods. You can't do better than by giving these gen tleman a call before buying else where. Wo take pleasure in recom mending them. The hall of the St. Louis Exposi tion Building, where the Democratic National Convention is to be held, will havo a seating capacity ot 13,000. It will be illuminated by 1,400 electric lights. A Sound Legal Opinion. E. "Brainbridge Munday, Esq?! County Alt y, Clay Co., Texas, says : Have used Electric Bitters with most happy results. My brother also was very low with Malarial Jb ever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use ot this medicine. Am satished Electric Bitters saved bh? life. Mr. D. I. Wrilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, sayine: : He positively believes he would have died, had it not been for Electric Bitters. This creat remedy will ward off, a? well as cure all Malaria Diseases, arrd for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorders stands un equaled. Price 50c. and $1, at Wr. A. Hayes' Drug Store. Near Burlington, in Alamance county last Tuesday, Mr. William Burnes. a noted breeder of fine stock, was seriously cut in the abdo men by a colored man in his employ Mr. B's physicians pronounce the wound very serious. The colored man made his escape and is still at large. HONEST OPINIONS. Candor compels us to admit that some one has long known the ingredients of B. B. B. But since it has never been put before the public and since one ot the present proprietors originated the prescription and used it for years in hi practice, it is original. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE SAFEST MEDICINE To have abont the house at all times i Simmon? Liver Regulator. It will hinn no one. It will W'nefit all h- may have attacks of Biliousness, 1 sia. Headache, Constipation. ailments' resulting from ered Liver or Stomach. Keen u always in the house, and you will have a family physician uear who udl save you many dollars and much Buffering. The genuine al ways has on the wrapper the red Z Trade-mark aud Signature of J. H -Mim A Co. CTICE.-M AGISTR ATES OF OR- ot older tl iort are m Don't Esi'erimkv-t You cannot afford to waste time vM-enmenung. when your luns nanger. Consumption alwav? seems, at liwt, only acold. Do not rermit any dealer to impose upon u wuh .erne cheap imiution of Dr. Kings Now Di6Covery fur Con sumption, Cough, and Colds, but be ure vou get the genuine. Because "nr something ,uSt 8 0od lvJ,Ti uh0 6ame- Dont 'i u J,u. i t Dlscov"y, which is T - ro l l g,V0 rVlr io all Trial lHrtU-f ffci l)n, . ,ee M A. Haves' AXGE OOUNTY. The Magistrates of Orange opunty are requested to meet at the Court House in Hillsboro on Monday June 4th next, lor the purpose of levying taxes, electing County Commission ers, County Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction, and to transact such other business as may be presented. N. P. HALL, Chm'n, County Commissioners. NOTHING TO EQUAL IT. Zalaiia, Fla., June 27, 1S37. X. E. Vcnahlc t Co. : I have been using B. B. B. in my fam ily as a blood puntier. Have never used any xaedicine to equal it. Re spectfully, Mks. R. M. Laws. Iiichmoud Xtailx-ocid Danville Co. PIEDMONT AIR-LINE ROUTE. CONDENSED SCHEDULED IN EFFECT SEPT. 4, 1887. Trtitns Run by SHOES, HATS, HARDWARE 4 Mcridian Time. 2outtttouncl. Duilv .4 Dallv No 52 4 30 p id 6 m p n y 4 a p m 11 00 p m 3 OOani Lynchburg 5 50 p m I 5 20 a m No 50 New York 12 15 a m Philadelphia 7 20 a in 4i Baltimore i 45 a m " Washington II 24 a m Charlotteville '.I 35 p m Richmond Burkeville Keysville Drakes Br'eh Danville Greensboro John L. Sullivan has purchased a one third Interest in John B. Doris' circus, and will accompany the show, on its summer tour of the United States, starting about the 1st of June. A FEATHER 1 1 poor wearied MAKES AN OLD MAN YOUNG. P. S. I bought 3 bottles of your Be tanic Blood Balm from my friend II. D Ballard, at Carnpobello, S. C. I have been using it three weeks. It appears to give me new life and new strength. If there is anything that will make an old man 30 on g it is B. B. B. I am wil ling to sell it. I can earnestly and honestly recommend Botanic Blood-Balm. THE BEST PURIFIER MADE. Damascus, Ga., June 29, 1637. I have suffered with catarrh for about j four years and after using lour bottles of Botanic Blood Balm 1 tind niy gen-r erai ntauu greauy improveu, anu 11 1 could keep out of the bad weather I would be cured. I believe it is the btst puritier made. Very respectfully, L. W. Thomson. OF REAL ESTATE UNDER MORTGAGE. Your poor wearied wife losing sleep night after night nursing the little one suffering from that night fiend to children and horror to pa rents, croup, should have a bottle of Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein, an undoubted croup preventive and cure lor coughs, colds and consumption. THE REV. GEO. II. THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., says : "Both my self and wife owe our lives to Shi loh's Consumption Cure." ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. WHY WILL Y'OU cough when Shiloh's Cure will give .immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 5fTct8., aud $1. SHILOH'S CATARRH REM EDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Cauker-Mouth. 'H ACKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant nertume. Price 25 and 50 - a cents. SHILOH'S CURE will immedi ately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complain you have a printed guar antee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vi talizes It! never fails to cure. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle oT Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. ' Price 50 cents. Fr sale by E. S. Merritt, Chapel Hill, and W. A. Hayes, Hillsboro. " Goldsboro " Raleigh " Durham Chapel Hillf -4 Hillsboro w Salem 4i High Point u Salisbury 3 10 p m 2 30 a iu 5 17 ym 1 23 a m 5 57 p m 5 05 a m G 12 p m 5 21 a m S 50 p m 8 05 a u 10 44 p m 9 48 a m 3 30 p in 8 10 pm 5 50 p m f 1 00 am 0 52 p m 2 37 am 8 15 p m 7 25 p m I 3 32 am f" 20 p in J ii 30 am 11 16 p m 12 37 am 10 1G a m 11 23 a m Ar. ,4 Statesville Asheville Hot Springs 11 .11 p 111 5 38 p m 7 35 p m Lvc Concord 44 Charlotte u Spartanburg ' Greene ville Ar. Atlanta Lvo Atlanta Ar. Greenville 44 Spartanburg " Charlotte 1 2Gam 2 25 a m 5 2!ain G 43 a m 1 20 p m IVor't Jitonnt. Daily No 51 7 00 pm 1 01 am 2 13 a m 5 05 a m vi ui p m 1 00 p n 6 .51 p m 4 43 pm 10 40 p iu Daily No 53 8 40 a m .14 p m 4G p m 25 i) m Conconl 44 Salisbury X High Point 44 Gieensboro 6 00 a m G 44 a m 7 57 a m 8 23 a m 25'p m 02 pm 1 1 p in 40 p m CROCKER, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, SHIN- GLFIS, fcc, Ac. And don't forget that we keep the best GUANOS on the market, and the celebrated GRAIN DRILLS at your own prices and a tine line of BUGGIES and STOVES way down in prices JAMES WEBB, JR. & BRO. rpiIE. CELEBRATED SPaNLSH X JACK vPEDRO,' the largest in this section": aud formerly owned bv Messrs. Cameron and Blackwell c.iu be found at my stables one mile north of Hillsboro. THOMAS D. TUliXEIL ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having this. day qualilh'd as Admin istrator ot Harriet-Jiws, (l(ce:is-il. thi-i is to notify all persons owing the esUatrt to come forward and settle, and all per son having claims agaiu-t said estalo must present them for collection within twelve months lrom this dale, other wise this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. This I3th dav of April. 18. CHARLES HARRIS. Administrator. 44 Salem " Hillsboro 4 Durham " Chapel Hillf " Raleigh 14 Goldsboro " Danville 11 40 a m I fl2 34 am e 1EDA II GROVE ACADEMY 12 0G p m 12 45 p m 8 15 p m 2 10 pm 4 35 p m f2 44 a m f t 05 am G tJ5 a m 11 45 am 10 10 a m Drakes Br'ch 12 44 p m 11 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ue $1. By virtue of a mortgage deed execu ted to R. L. Walker bv Sterling Day aud his wife' Elizabeth Day, and regis tered in Book D., page 3G6 of the Reg ister' office ot Orange Countv, I w ill sell for cash at the Court ifouse door in Hillsboro on Monday, June 25th, at 12 m., a tract of land in Cet ar Grove Township, Orange, County, ad joining lands of Thomas IL Hughes, Marion Hesse. James Scott, Jerry Swep .son and others, and containing 3$ acre, more or less. The. sale is made to satisfy the said mortgage and costs. This 21st day of May 1S8S. . JOHN K. HUGHES. Agent for Mortgagee. TWELVE YEARS AFFLICTED. BLUFtTON. Im., Feb. G, 1387. I have been afflicted with Blood Poison for 12 years. Have used pre scription from physicians offered me during that period. Through the drug gist, W. A. Gutelius. I ' procured one bottle of B. B. B. and -inee have used three bottles, and am satisfied it has done me more good than anything I ever used. I am almost well, and am sure, within two or three weeks I will be perfectly well, alter twelve years suffcriug intensely. Write or audress Joseth Feist, Baker and Confectioner, Well's. Co., Ind. A. W. Graham. r RAH AM & WINSTO KJT R. If. W STOW, INSTON". Kevsville Burkeville Richmond 1 00 p m I 1 40 p m I 3 45 p m j 20 p m 4 4 a m 3 03 a m 3 55 a in G 15 a m Lynchburg 1 15 p m u Charlotteville 3 40 p m Washington, 8 23 p m Baltimore 11 25 pm " Philadelphia 3 00am u New York G 20 a m Daily. fDaily, except Sunday. 2 00 a m 4 10 a m 8 10 a m 10 03 a m 12 35 p m 3 20 p m READ THIS. All who desire full information about the cause and cure of Blood IVnhk Scrofula and Scrofulous Spellings, Ul cers, Sore, Rheumatbm, Kidney Com plaints, Catarrh, etc., cau secure by mail. f'e. a copy of our 32-paspk.Jllus-trated Book of Wonders, rilled '-Jti the most wonderful and startliyri roof ever before known. Address BLOOD BALMJTO AtIarv4jAja. ATTO R N E Y S-AT-L A W , Oxford, N. C. Practices in the Counties of Gran ville. Orange, Person' and Durham. ! JM PORT a NT N OTIC E. ! Having been appointed ll-t taker for j the town of Hillsboro ior the pm-ent year. lSs all perns are fiereby noti i "fiet! that I will be at my office at the i Orange County Observer printing office I during the mouth of June, tur the purpose of lifting property, both per sonal ai real. All persons liable for poll, are also requirel to giVe in the same. All lax-payers mast see that their property is properly listed. A double tax will be entered against all persons failing to give Iu as required by law. This 21st day of May, JOSEPH A. HARRIS. Li: Taker. SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On Trains 50 and 51. Pullman Buffet Sleeper between Atlanta and New York. On Trains 52 and 53. Pullman Bullet Sleeper between Washington and Mont gomery, ashington and Augusta. Pullman Sleeper between Richmond and G-eensboro. Pullman Sleeper be tween Greensboro and Raleigh. Pull man Parlor Car between Sali-bury and Knoville. Through tickets on sale at principal stations, to all point. For rates and information, apply to any agent of the Company, or to SOL. HAAS.. J. S. POTTS. Tragic yinnaqey. IHv. Pas. A'jl Richmond. Va. W.A.TURK. JAS. L. TAYLOR, IHv. Put. Agent, Gc. P7. Agent. N. C. MALE AND FEMALE. Ten month' Sc.-moii open- the lir-l Tuoday in September ot each year. Terms fier rnontli. EnlUh Brain-he. $2.50 to f..(HJ. Chivied CuuiM. f I.O0. Board h.m. Muie, witli ueof Instru ment, f 3.W. Ten per cent. dHemint on tuition, fchoubl more than one attend from the same f tmilv. ' B. . PA'l'i'ON. Prlnf 'ual, Cedar Grove, Orange Co., N. C. CABLE LaND FOR SALE. The Duncan Carrington tract. G miles east ot Hillsboro. containing about 2XJ acres, well watered, well timbered and jart in a desirable state ol cultivation. Well adapted to tobacco, com, wheat, oats and grass. Term ay. Apoly to Geo. I Douglas who will take pleasure In. showing any penon, wishing to buy, over the premise ; or to A. W. GRAHAM. Sept. 1. 1887j fc5le?t IluiIinK- V JLy WIol lor "Vouuic XtHClIM ul tlo H I LLSBOKO, N . C. rpiIE MISSES NAM I AND 51IS.4 X KOLLOCK w ill re-tune tne exer cie of their hol on Friday, iOtli d.iy r.f irv. l-. J I i.l: i.n tor d.y -ho?.irl $ Q.(f) x irrii! -ej,t itpplit ..tioo. Raleigh. FOUTZ' S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS SALE OF VVLlTVIUl: l have for sale a trsct of land of about i SO acres, known as the Armstrong lau.1. ! which I will i-ell in whole or in differ- ent tracts, acconling to priee offered..! The said land u about msies trom Hillsboro. and adjoins the lands of Rob- ert J. Cardeu. Je. Hughes, Sim. J. j Hall ami others, and is well timbered, j and is adapted the growth of tobacco and grain. I ask bids lor fcuni ianu. Post Office, HHUboro, N. C. SALLIE E. EFLAND. May 15, TTr.M f! ! fcttc. Ivr or Lts Tw c!.ir' Potrlem ". prTr.t 0n l lu f;jaui foter wiU Ism rtm- IA r,t nVlT rr3s la:7 jxr ter.:. sUml l ut l-u taOcr trt oqu- eo4- win ror of Ket teiort r tixt f:ftf fovtXK WIU 1 k TlLCri. DAVID S. TOZTZ. Proprltlftr. BA I.TIK08JE. X Q. ITFor sale at HilUboro by W. A. HAYES, Dnt-giu