Newspaper Page Text
: " , "It J -.. II 1 jftl '''' I 1 3 ri .' I .t . . r. 1 'if Mi i i! I? RELIGIOUS READING. A Farmer' Vlfw f the C'linrch. Wf, wife, I've had a roi&d with Wayns "Jtout jinin' our rburr-h; He trx-d the so. piio d'Ape oa me, The ftrpum-;nt of srnirrh. fSava he. "I.ook at your mmber nov, Thcn-H .Ton got 'trunk, an' bwm Will 'h'-nt n friend to nifike a trade; Ain't I a fA as th'-mf"' Svs I. "A Imf' h' r huyinf- stoz-k- . f),rf-. j 1 1 -1 th wav you do; H hunts Mr"'!r'l tut rattle yard. And find-th nit-ant twy; 7hn -vry ofT.r that r mik"111, An' v'ry i ii" h',' h-ars, Ii roupled with th sri'-nri' word-- '.Tst look at th-m to styr-i!' 'You j.i' k Hie rri'-an-t ''hri'tinn-: out, An' th-n with truky y f-T, Y"u run the whole ohurtli dfwn by that '.--f lo jk at thf-in two .r-'.' No farmer's fo -J'l lv that oM tru-, An" o you i-ant afford To ri'-k vour soul in t i virr it I toii th" nil w i-f Lord."' L. R Cake. I nrKliinK thf ! ?. Ahout a v-nr airo f went to a neighboring f-itv to ( nn old -iMoni"r of mine, who Viw-'l a lifilar-'-e of amount, lose if he would t.riv !.. 1 hfi-l ii' tifl that the payments , ft-u m,'i'h- with treat lif!i' iilt v. arid lor Rome mont lis i;nd repsfd altogether. I had henr'l h had 1 ''ii unfoj tunat I!" !!-. 1 nt the hotel nt my reriiKS. I faw nt one.-? that he wns r, he had lot his vim and theielastie sj.ints of oM were, removed by the dull, heavy vdlenn-.-s of ilppair. I stated niv bus nes, I uf be for I had fini-hed be so i x' I m' with the "fio-itive word that he had nothing in the u. rid that he eouM ijw in f.avment : and th. ri he told of his looses nr.d v rfy . his wit- kein foirlers;he in del t km i and ae: all us-(l tin. Me was bound hand and foot helpless. . I fug L'eMed n t'e e:i-c. "How i . in 1 le re!en-e b with r to pay w it h ' ' ' ' 1 w ill nk f t von ." "V"-, but th'-v'will not do it witr out some thintr "' 'inly a-k through m.- I will intereede for v"ii, and yet you may be released a free man ' I ha long -ine' lost nil hope, but pr- hnt.s t here is a h ince vet:' anl with tears he h-M mv bond for the parting. hu-rv firm sjii'-d a legal release, and I flit it to him w it h a h-ltr of encourage ment: and what a htter 1 trot in return! fie is now in buines. happv and hojieftjl. 1 have of fen Ihought it illustrates our ron -lit;on. W e are all helpless bountl with the nidsf,f sin; a pardon awaits us, if we will a-k, through the interi es.sion of Christ. How messages haeb'n f-ept to Christ on the wings of prayer, m thankfulness for the re-leaM- from the bondage of sin!-Am. Mes senger. illioiit 1 1. nil. "There an- some gonl men w ho seem to to without haiiils nltogel her. 'They have hands, but thev li.mdle not , fei-t have they, but they 'walk not. From il.iwnof lif until dusk they do not h:nr -xpres" ly for Christ. All the d iv pris--, t hus in idleness with them, as to work. TIh'V eoii. work with lands, bi enii-.c they do, in othe.r things. They will express themselves (and no harm) enthusias tically, and you can see that the enthusiasm is sincere, about a song or an oratorio; their sou! flows out at. owe on waves of music; or th'V can strive manfully enough in a politi ral striigglf, or in a cjue-tion of social right; or they are as diligent as the moments of th. day in their business. But as sf on ns they come up to any expressly Christian work both hands drop down, and there they .tand without hands. I know the excuses that will be pleaded, and the bars that will hi put in for arrest of judg ment. It will be said, and truly, 'It is not all unwillingness. We ar afraid. We do not like to make a high profession which might, not bo substantiated. Wo do net-like to 1 -gin w( rk w Iik h might stand liku an un finished tower to reproach us, and re'illy lw perhaps a hindrance rather than a help to the cause ' Well, well; let these things 1 Mstheymnv. I am not judging. 1 cannot iudge" Yu must judge; and that vou may, am pointing mi the fait that there you stand a brother or a sister, as wp hopei, in the great family which (iod is gath h ing h tne and t ynu have nothing to av t those . without, sorno of them just on the thre-hdd, h nmng to .nm in, waiting but -a wi.rd f welcome ir the touch of a friendly hand; and you are without hands, without voice, almost without form, to them. There you stand, m the heart of thi agoniz ing w or Id .in 1 he great toil and strife of w hieh f veil t he 'pi iiicij aht ie an 1 powers.' both of the light and id the dai kness, are ?minglinf? w it n all nn'iiib of action within e:isy reach "f Mm. and t idle, doing nothing ex pirsslv for Cliri-t without hands.' nh, nl'ers in(iod's busy world, hear these wi nl and Iwstir out s'l os. "l.i work in f y me aril today,'1 says the I.ord who bout lit you with lltsbloo.1. iict your work and do n with "W' hand at first, if vou will; then, jx j ' hance, . ai w ill prove ti e joy of Christian service, and en '-' not till vu ex Tfrience the de-per j" the pontile luxury --of putting both hands to the pi ugh anil f rving lel with all i ur -.might, "with 1 1 cth har.'ls earnest I v." Footsteps r f Truth . illovv alllp Ttfrtll2 1 Fe'h -tv shij' within 1 h' (hui ch i quite nt rtiitit Ms f.-H.iwship nni'ing different chiircht-.s. So thinks 1 'r. Wahiiitcn (ilads den, nnd he x'iisst hmisclf ?ur,r,-tively UK-n th nut j.-.-t in the volume entitltHl !'iri.h ii hi. ins. Sti. h ti ni.-. tiM tnnv well le he'd on the M t!di exftiii fi llinviPp: f-vcrv coni i' ii. tint there tuny he nj.jort mil v fcr .the i::' !llli'! nf tl'.e i hui h to iuet unv who in.iy hix hrn it.-ned into the chtirch on the I 1. . sl'tiu' d;i It Is cften the ,'nM that .n 'id 1 s t tins t i -i ( d i 1. 1 v e no earl v ortor- 1 unit w ith t tiinkm t. I'l' 1 f thoe W Ihlll 11' x lt.r into "-ovennnt: nml t 1 1- th -i 1. inn ' !! are ken hy to tl is (incn.'iiit Bi'wr i ! tH t - U n.-th.-.n I- Uer than mmk I , x 1 h ti w hn h 1 1 - !l!ll h:t e II 1! ,'liii i tnutii:il ac'i'.Viint.-in. i istoi . on t t-h ilf 1 if ni" way i' prtv f i,iM)dshii. thn 1 romiseil h'nm its Ire in n '-. hi some churches th the church. ex'eiul! to the t iindid;it s tl 1 ii,x hand of foliow.liii I lit it is w.-M It the in. 111 .-r (lit. H! T llttd to t xi r s, t!i o : t tnssin th irumi -vav If itfefonnl in. ..-i;ent to devt te n w h.o! evrM' k; to this t i i.s.. it ttf l- .rrict'nt. t lix e to it 1;mH "f ih.. h ,ir , f the pud w.-k M r li t- Ill ti e W, . k fo 1. -w niC 'he fcfli rBtuetit. Put if the i 1 ut . h 1 ,m ! I iotjht to eon -ider the nritfi i, it wultiot k.rudc; m vh'de online. I'ti'i1 in two inoHth-. f-r the (i tneiitif; of it own unity, f. r th in re jht (m t 1 1 nh. at i 'ti i t that ou'inunti-n f Mints wlin h it- 1 T'A s !.fir! f3rn. hn- which its j rm-ti'e o ini 'rfH-t lv illustrates Th enduot of this ii..?iii should l. nltopthr informal It w ill l w .-11 to pcnl - a - lift I t'ittK in 'iif iiti'l r-er at the Uinning,; nnd if tin re me ni. inN-rs of the church wh can lt trust. s to vMk tudicioulv nd heartily a'id lii.tlv of the friendshij 5 "w hich thechii'ch fosters -and consrcrate, of th tienerlts And joys of Christian fra ternity, n few words from thrn may l-e helpful and welcome. If the tvnrk of correspondence with absent memlrs has K-en organimi; thi? will be? the time for the reading of extract from letter that ha ve hen reoeive-i froni them. The list of absent iiionU' duvjld nisi (,a read for correction, and if a pa er f ir their welfare should follow the readmp, or a verM of a hymn, celebrating th facmlnes and strength of Christ an lo-ve. should h- ?ung, the meaning of this relation might be more deeply imrrcs-sed upon many minds. WISE WORDS. Happy is he "who has no friend to feed. Borrowers and beggars are half brothers. Pleasure and action make thp hours leem short. ,x Trust the cat when the buttermilk is Dn the top shelf. We should not imacrine that all are friends that flatter, or enemies that cen mre. The more we know the es positive we Decome it is only tne ignorant tnat never h-tve any doubts. It is better to have thorns in the flesh with trace to endure them, than to have no thorns and no jrraee. Po.erty is not dishonorable any more than sickness ; it is only the cause off it lhat may be dishonorable. i Ten thousand of the greatest faults in our neighbors are of less consequence than one of the smallc-t in ourselves. He who works for the public has a thousand masters, each one of whom in sists, upon heincr served in a different nav. One man ran see into futurity just as far as another can, and none of them can tell whether or pot will the world be in existence to-morrow. "Art is not a sermon and the artist vl not a preacher.- Art accomplishes by in direction. The beautiful refines. The perfect in art suggests the perfect in conduct. Truth bein? foundci on a rock, fou may boldly di,? to see its foundation; but falsehood, being built on the sand," if you proceed toexamijne its foundation you cause its fall. ' FOxert your talents, and distinguish youiself, and do not think of re1SffTg" from the world until the world will be sorry that you retire. Hate a fellow whom pride or cowardice or laziness drive s into a corner ; and who does noth ing while he is there but sit and growl. Let him come out and bark. Suicide By Self-Smotlicrin?. Dr. D. F. Chadwick, of Binghamton, writes to the Chicago Timet to say that the case of the man Ayres, who is said to have committed suicide in Omaha by holding his breath, is not the first one'of the kind that has cometoh;s knowledge. ,VT remember," says he, "to have heird of no less than three such cases before, though it has never been my good fortune to be present at one of the autopsies. Dr. Ifrieto, who was for many years one of the best-known physicians in the West, and whose woid and judg ment were as good as anybody's, once told me of a patient who came to him when he was the physician in charge of the medical springs in I a Salle County, III. The patient was a very great suf ferer from nervous troubles and had been sent there by her husband, who waa, I think, a merchant in Chicago, but whose name I have forgotten. One day she attempted suicide by cutting her wrist, but she was discovered before she had lost much blood. Dr. Prieto or dered her placed tinder constant watch, and she, after vainly trying to kill her self in many w ays, finally said to her at tendant; if you think you can keep me from killing myself you are mistaken.' Mie thereupon turned over in bed and bv sheer force of will held her breath until she was past resuscitation. The at tendant did not even know what-she was doing until a heaiing oT the bed - lothes, caused probably by the involun tary action of the respiratory organs, was seen, but it wa too late to revive the unconscious patient. Pr. Prieto, when he related this incident-to me, said that he had heard of but one other case that of a woman of whom Dr. Kasfman. also an old Illinois practitioner, had told him. It was Ir. Prieto's opinion that a man could not exercise will power enough to commit suicide in this manner, and I myself believed that only women ( ould do so until I read of this Omaha eae.'' "Yes; 1 shall break th? engagement." she said, folding her anus and looking defiant; ' it is really bto much trouble to 'inverse with him; h's as deaf as a post, and talks like he had a mouthful of mush. Besides. ' the way he hnwksand spits is diszus ing " "Ion't break 1h engagement for that; tell him to take Jir. Sage's Catarrh Remedv. It will cure him completely." "Well. I'll tell hun. I do hate to break it off. for in all other respects heJs quite to.chrmine.'" f course it cured his catarrh'. I'r. Pawson Hums, an eminent authority, estimate that (Meat Britain's drink bill in lTT was about 'ij.).ooii00'i, or $10,000,001 more than in l5. Hrmniknhlp Surgprr. The s. len. fvof surgery has made sui h won derful progress in mlern times, that lha most intricate and dehcato oitrations . now undertake 1 and carried t a tuccessfnl issue. Th"ie are now several well authenti cntl ciss of what is as pnenmotonv. mat is to say, tne. removal of iisensl por ti-uis of "the "lungs in (ases of consumption While, h meter, this delicate operation has sometimes I Mi'-i ssfully pertorme.1. the risks attniling it are sogreat.and theohani-es of lecovery '.so flight, that it is seldom re sorted t-v The safest plan in consumptive i flMs i t" ik I'r 1'ieree's (.'oldfn Me1i-Al IhsiNivcrv. Tht-twill Always -ure the disease in its earlier stages, thoroughly arresting the ravages of the terrible .malady, by remoing 'ts causes and healing the lung-. By a late iciMon of the S'iprrn Court ol Fennsvlvama.-salivon krs are made re .pnir'e for any intury, l-ss c,r dimai fif teifl ty tht'it pat i oris fn the saloons, cr as a conse-iuivv ot th-ir visits there- Thf fn Ttlie lnr, ! is eartj ly sou kht for. rea l with pl-Hir , r lisappiintnient. is thn t'sp.j nsi ). a,.l f.-r j otU-n Mat lad is who rt'&d t -f I r lirtf's Favorite Tn'rii t ion. r.n o!n f,.r thev iiis-nvfr in n vimii' mng; tprw n nie en--irr ...f joy to tin stitTertnc fnm fun-tinnl tiera!vemnts t any of th- painful disoi-Ws or weakness pnhar f. th-'ir IVriili cal jwiin. 'internal inflani'nati.n antl ul.ra tion. readilv yu-M to its wurid-rful rnrative and halinf: pMv rs It is the ..nlv libvii nie for women. I y ilrvgtists, ,;- i jti tir ifuirtnf from the m.inutai-tnrer. that it will tve sa jsfaotin i 1 er cs. or m uiey will l- refundl This cuamntw has Nsen printe.1 on th lttle w rap:r. and faithfully oarritsl out for rr.anv years Mnn - ttr.'sjorn r.itk" Irm :r.rr tetrj blcthan a:iv t cist its tlif wi!i-.rnej If affln-te.1 w ith sore eyes us I)r, Th"Pi - n's Ke water. fM tiistssl) afJV. r itt A x (rK-.m n IVi t on I Oil a itirvi..n f . . ' . v ' (. ,t - . V V names of stations. or VIRGINIA SENSATION Tke Extraordinary Experience of a Prom inent Klchmouder. Ixchmod Pa.) $tafe. A. A. Arnold, of the "V alley Virginian.'" Staunton. Ya, writes the follovrrn' remark ab'e letter. th truth of which is attested bv many prominent Staunton citizens. i Mr. Crawford, however, is so well known '. in Richmond that no affidavits are necessary m his Vvise. Hi$ remarkable experience is ! well worth perusal to th end: j 'T was teaching s hool at S"hrando; on the morning of the early part rf February, j lr.. as 1 pisvd the vilhce tavern the hired : boy mforrcM me thit there was a gentleman j at the hous d vmg an 1 that h hid sent for j m scivra! times I H" said that his phvsiejan hid told him he i had Hri'.'ht s Ihsnse shortl v aftr midnight j his cfin i u'-ions u so severe and in such rapid succe-sion the nurs had expect him to die e pry hour, and he wa at this moment j sinking rapid y. How anv b-ing ccuid suer as he did and i five is and always wilt Ik a mystery to me. i. His proin-s could be heard at a great distance. I h-inks to a kind Providence a 'change came, i and after a few days he was aide to bete moved to his lioup at Sunimerdean. Foi many months he wa- hoke. i upon as no betteT than a dead m n Imagine mv surpris then when a few months ago I met him in Staunton looking in letter health th in ever. I imagine l h j was , pat-he 1 up," but I was mi-taken. f i j you mi;ht meet -'"O healthv men and not hi d one in th' l"t who present-; more the app n arifeof a perfectly health' iijmthan he. II gives nie the following additional paiti cu!ar: 'After rea- hing mv h'ni I too'-c my b 1 and the outlook w is that when I left it it wou'd 1? for a march to the tomb ' Conr ulsion followed convulsw.; in my agony my clenched hands drove th' mils oi my fingers into thef!e-h of my jvilms "Kve. y physirian of note :ti th;. neighboi hrod and several from Staunton were sum moned, but for Hright's disease they couid giie no r:-!ief, mu' h less a cure. "'1 w o eminent physicians were called from Fhiladclph a . alter examining m oue as';ed 'I wonder, w hy he sent for Us.' Why, he's a dead man now ' ; U'I hus I lay -uTerin . All was gloom A'5 last some kind angel sugge-ted that I u-t Warner's safe m e. ' It was administcie 1 to rn" and the fourth bottle had not been exhausted before Mini goo. I e(t. ts sluiw-il themselves. While thus lay lerween two wii Ids I han- ed t read in im of Warners advi-rlis"in.eiis 'vome i onstitut on- are )iib! to const ii a tmn. When this is the case take Wat n"r safe pibs.' .M y w if-; sent fi r some and I too! a dose, and s:oon ther" dter I swine 1 a reatiire in a ne v world. I felt and knew ! was cup d, and o 1 was, fo - now after lapse of man' years I am sound as a dollar with no symptoms of my old trcu'il", an have only Warner's safe cure and Warner': safe pills to thank for my health, w hieh. Co I s provid -ii e, I have renamed and I tak great pleasure; in adding my testimony tf. that of others as to its etlicaoy. I owe my lit to the ns" of those most excellent medi -ines. " iDec. '.'fl, st , W. T. t. it a w KOK i. Mr. Craw foul, senior partner of Craw for : & Lai ley. of the St. Chail -s Hotel, is a man ivhos word is pre-eminent lor probity ali over the South'. When the above thrilling story w as sent ii by Me srs. Warner v: Co. they authorixeil u: to oiler )"ot) to any v rfui who will proie that any t stinionia! us?d by them is not strictly true ?o far as they know. They also say that wonderful as is the above, they can produce many thousands of similarly strik ing proof's of permanent cure when a.'l othei agencies taiieu. In Ceneral Debility. Euiaelnliop, CONSCMPTIOX, AND WASTING IN' CHILDREN. SCOTT'S EVIULSION of Pure Cod Liver Uil ui-h Hypopho.sjdiites, isa most vnlnable food and tnediciue. It create, an appetite lo food, strengthens the nervous system, an i bml Is up the body. Pleas, re id: "1 tried Senit'.s Emulsion on a young man whom Physicians at times gave up hope, Since heliegan using the Emulsion his Cough ceased, gained flesh and strength, and f r m all appearaneo h's life will be prolonged many years" John Sullivan, Hospital Steward. Morgan?, Pa. Conftiimptlon Surrly Cured. Tothe Editor: Please inforrn your renders that I have a positive remedv for the above named disease. By its timely u thousands of hopeless enses have en ermanently eurenl. I shall b glad t send tvro bottlesof my remenly fhfs to any of your readers w ho have consumption if they W1ll send me their Express and P O. address. Respectfully, T. . SI.UCUM. M I) , is) IVarl St.. N V. NERVES! NERVES!! Wh at t'ruVil" viii.ns. tins littl? word bring' befirr tin- rr- ( ih nervous. Heaacke, ticuralgic, Indigestion, Sleeplessness, Nervous Frostrafcion All stire thi m the fie. Vet all these nervoui irtufcks can be curev by using f V If sPmbouRd I For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TONIC A!r ccntair h?t r'-end'e. Yrr r;- ditions cf th- Kidneys. Liver, and Blood. )..h alwav arf crnparv r'rvr t.e.-tihle. It iv .1 Ni-tv lnan: , A!ter-it , v-, I .Tvatr, ani a li-.irct ;". Thit is u-hv- it CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. f,oo a Bottle. Sernl fir f'sA WELLS RICHARDSON rS CO . Prepnetors. BURLINGTON. VT. CCAv . vra r lirl nt om lor - atJCOLD IN HEAD. i i ki:s CATARRH- Vni n I . I i ti I d o r n u fl . Appt vl'.a'ni int.,-.a, n n,tri1 I- ly Its -arUUVXXX. but 1. mil mi g. . box by dn rja " a vrwf lel Writ, Mlr r.- 1 MARVELOUS Hnlli anhlt- nrilfiri! .,,,, 'I uif il ntirtrl v ? niter ng. 4nv hook l-Mrn-fl In on - irwrl t. I 1 .iO0 I'hlUd-lpM.'t. 111.' .,t , , .itHt..r.. turv-iU of. ii-..! tA i ., ,.',.,; ,t, . Ul' W',).-,.!! ,Mti p-vr-it,- no m,; , l.-in I HIH-r.iH.1 h.niUmiH. ' j',, I I Ht. Hvi-.f p... t.!. ,h. s. in, ,, ,r; v :A M i - K. Im N sTit-f .. ,,r.r. O (.."... ... isM l rr - .,, . ... -.s;., r,,. , . , r I ' s. I , ' , I I II, . .. V V I I. 'want 7f f m ? T J 17 !lll $ 1 3 S Ha J 1 i- t ; '4 & f, ... ir AJ t.1 .1 1 .9 m l a IN EVERY ONE A CUKE. TJgReturiI Or ?AL . AT DRUCGI LTS -. 1 S TA t f R L"". The Giias-A-V a g lllh tz Bait o - M 2 SwampKoot, BEAD SYMPTOMS, and CCNriTICNS This Eeniedy -will Believe azd Cztq. If Yflll nro tbrentrnr-d with, or nlre-lv have II I UU I'.i'iyht's (list .;us-., (,r I'nnary toiul le. If Ynil navp dimcnt in unnc like brick dnM. II I UU iremjent il is fr i tcliK m. -u-ilh uiiut's-s ur 1'ies.siire in iiic j-m is. If Ynil 1;1vf' f :irT"v fa. k. Kheunittistn, Sting II IUU in Acl.m J'ain.s in side ur hi; s. If Ynil navo I'iabetesor Propey, or scanty or II IUU hih t olured in ine. If Yflll ave Malaria. Torpid l iver. Pvspppjtla, II I UU Ouil tone, Fc( 1 and Avne, r .out. If Ynil have Irritation, Spasmodic btiicture, II I UU or ('atari h ot t he .Uladder, If Ynil navo 0nn burners. Pimple, Ulcers, II I UU Seminal Weakness?, or Jsypbilis, If Ynil navr Ptonein Kidnev.or O ravel in Hlad II I UU der, Muppage ot urine or Inbblii.r, If Ynu ave vr Arrv,itf. n?d Ta?te, Foul- II I UU breath, or iNTHAj.Mime fever, RllilHc ;'P quietly a run-down constitution. . DUIIUO I 'n t neudei t rarly pymptoms. ElFKT I(SE Corn BlGIIT TO THRtPOT ! rrrpnrf-t t Vsrnsnrr :ivf.mnnnW by ropr.wnd t . vsi. inns -'Ini!i.1',unlet4i lit .lifcii' I w. Ailvuefree genuine have Pr. Kilmer's likeness on outsiilc an 1 inside wrnppers. Sold by nil Hiu-ukists. e.n-i Dr. Kilmer a Co.. Innifh;unlm, N. V. $1.00--8ij Bottles $5.00 I-. I.I A I i I ii.. . ! i' r- in" ! i N I I 1 I i -:il I ! 1 1 ..-ii (Ml.. eyit unirH'. .N iliiii- ir '. I i etVi'-ii-pt. be i- Ii- i ii i I l-al i liy r-'ni n m ;i i - .- i : pllliTs. II. It. JON !, i i . I .i'ii DISm'a RSI breat enwi'h Gout n DEaEl S I SllSt Rheumatic Kemttfy. U?al Uux,:Wi loiiutl, 11 Pills. EOLD,'. T h:n:' .hi i in b, u; ,r- in .ti- nt nTtyTli-.tir I ' Tins 1 1: I 111 ill!" V A I'll - ! ! 1 I'll- I 1.1 I A n. : $85 SOLID GOLD WATCH FREE! 1 Mb .f!nil!i!, oM.I c M. Irmiinc i nt; Ii. n n-.w .M i- r S5 ; RI lla I rni' it Ti. - fc l.yiL'Mt'i in !!' t-- . '111!! i !:;!r!y It coul'i no! 'it-"jr. Ii -I (or 1"' th.nn S !'' . -l ' l-..i!il i dim' finl CftiU i with wniL? :i'l .;! ! '':!il vuln- 'E I'KKMIX . 1. I... . H-t i!r.- ,-n li " flrpant wat. hMnl.5..iui"lv K IS I'!-'.. ' i--s ',!. Ii-mny l. det'Pn !! on. not fiti ! v i.- i"l t; - '1-1. l.-i- -1 -1 . -r ? t!. " ir.'.jt perf... t. ( -n' t an.l i i.?!1'!'- tiin- k i hi i h. . r i'i. i Rk li-. is ll.s. w..i'! . : ii ' f-'.u-r - fl.,. . r - --'it fnp pr-n in -ai h l.-i a'nv t-i k- p i'i th' m l:..iii. . iri'' s!i"i t i those w hn all. a com t !'! lin- ! t'tif ji itiobh- i .! v.-rv n- HI 1101 sHiO! 1 P .lll l.f 5 ; th..-i f-iri'i I. . a. .! a. ili"eih, me fnilABWHU.IV 1 i: f K . n 'r 1 u tt r y - !i It a K.'.ih-!n n riur fur 2 ni'inthi., ftni h"vri th' i:t t-i lli-'.r- vl..j niii l:ave calle'l. thfv heroin? i-u!. -!' ..ur.iii .. p-r-'v; it ! pi-.-f'ht to tr.akr thi pnat i'!:mr t!t tdiil IVotCh "ri'l liirct. lin f f valual.'e Mni-!" fhl- E. Ivt tha T-at'.nthat th li'.iri "f th. F.ntti.i - in mi. 1--' fllity. al.iny results in a larjfe trri.!-. t r n . at't- r f vntii"" Ii i ' I n m a locality for a ni'Mith -r t-.o, hup!lv it Iroin ?l,n--:to f.V"1'in trail ft:m th" mii.'U'vbr ..nii'ry. 'I tn..- livr!t to n at on' e in r.'-.t'a fhut h t t,t 1 . r f . f i cly aT oi tn-ultl. 'I the in- "i"-' l-. i! ' an ! hl.-rn! rl.T r known, in maiie in oril-r ir va!ual.l l!.u-li"l. ;iin.!' i may l.f -la-fil at i n.-n w hi" th-y ran . -n. all " it Anv ii ra :' rra-ler, it rv:!I l.f. hardly any t r y "ii t . lno thi in ! thof vrhc may i all pt our Ii- in. an.l .nt r r 1 t !'! in- ni t atifa tnrv. A f.o-ral 9r.l.t,ii li:-h to wn!" t... r..?t5 l.iit I cent, and if. rffti-r y.J know all, ya (i-.riot rr t.i p't l-.i ih.-r, why no harm is done. I'.nt if yon ! nil y i r a l li'. at onif. tou ran foire. I Rt k, as 1 I F'. NT h'tl i!' -oi l, lli'MiMi-i ak. Watch an 1 our Mrei, fni.-t. l:n-f :: hle i!)i viin ti Sami-ik. W j all eni.icf li '-:Ut, eic. JLddrea, ST i'm. t t o., hux 41.7 i oitlaud. Maine. W7a i INVALIDS' HOTEL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, 663 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. Thr trontmciit of Ilrato of tli Air IaaKC iiii'l LiniCN u h 11- limnii aiarrli in ' Il ad, l,ar) nt:li., Itront li ili. Asthma, anil i o m it 111 p t i o ii, both tbtnuL'h ,( .1 r ; ! ii. Mini nt our institutions. i -nt M ut' - ;t?i inif' f-iM ' i.tfe v. Wi' I'lililish ttir-' "s ii ir;it- tmoks n Nasal, Throat AND Lung Diseases. Na?al. un-l Lunir Jhs-a-. s, whi.-h iriv- tnu h v;ilu;li; i formiif l-nt. mv .: t A ,i'r.:ii'-- .hi ' Ti-itnpt i-.n. iifritis ;hi1 Hn in.'hit is ; in.'. p.-t p.n-i. i n 'iits. A Tr-;ttis. i n Asthma. pn. fir rut mn-. irw mir I'tit hisj. . y i iiij- ii'-w l sp.-.'.-stii i!iid. tt-n t i nt, i ' A To on ( hioiiic prio pi'st-paiil, twi ii nt" I) p psin, tkf.ivfr t,iiplai nt. h tiiialt' n: i i on. lironit li;n-filt-a. 'r;iM""Wirill, :i!id kitidn -i .o-'' t:-.ris, ar- .t n i f i r tii'-s.- h.'oiiio -ii .t-- ni t':. - i - l ssful tl' It'll' Ut t f W tl i tl '.UT SlH 1 i.ihsts tr. .-itt.i.ri'd tr ' -at sim-" ". ..tupl. Tr'nti-i-i- i !if- iv 'it His v-i'l t' r lit to any a-ldfi - Diseases of Digestion. On IMa-!!. 't on n-o ipt nt- i;i p'-t.i." amp th f t- u Kidney J Diseases. itHi.ur" ihm;si;, niAin: ktf.'llt "d III t i it. ll;iM' - t f! t TV !,!!.' and uri - .to-io-i j r i t had I'i j . r . . -1 ' 1 1 j r d . t t v h n:;t-,il a-i.-ilw., personal taniina' ! 'ti i j tti-nt-. ' . . r . - ...... teuerally ti 11 - t'i ii 1 1 iff ;ut Th ftudy mi I tint; exaruination -f tit rvff r nif to t orr- t t i'i! .ii lit- i w'ii. d to . i I'll ;r i ut't- in sis. tx-ramo far p.. in th; 'a. -, i d' .Us. ti is th- ui i- Tht-s. i-t 1 1., i ! tit ot .id d:s. n. -I i 'i i v s -!..!. :d i- t OTl- ! r " it. on t ' i t vv , 1 ' i d f'V t . .! Caution. i :tO. IV Cwhi-h t an t.fslv ! :-.s-- i f. on i.pi.-al xa'nuiat ;..'n ! t.ii" i:: s t'UnitiVf i?T s! -Ii'- Ot tf;d.tffl H' s-ikT ;n . .'T;s?au? n . q.t . ,f tor work -n th n.'.r ur- .t'i-1 -uia i:t Ftv- tt l t-a-iiv uii ! r-t'-.t 1. vvo tratt-i Trt - !t!- dis. i dr-s.s on r-f ud "f t u - nt- in i- Oi. i?a a.' - Bladder Diseases. im i. ii vnov or imu. mom: in iiii. (iratrl, i:nlaru'l ICeti-ntioii of Irine. and kit.-in-' at' a - t!"o. tua !- iu-l'-t ;':::! th's.- hi t?..- un .t u in. i i .11 r -? i !- 'ni. hi hiv vis! tr--itr- dinarv ei, nss. Th-- ;,rr ' I til'.v tri - .i't I'amphi. t ii L"t:tiarv I .. -n--s. Stricture. MitirTi itrv Tl I, S. Hu-: o. . o. I- of in'jM7"i"0'-od j.'o urm arv Ti-r u ! i-. a- t r f an ' nr.- TV fkill "f .t;r sr.v. tj fniO-d Tr-ati-- t' To witni? th: i i a dan'! riios in.. in- arid -'.rv- r t f..T:i'!'"1i-' . ' d " - I fl"-.--s1 t V . I'S'I !,'?!.. ? . a- - T" p;iv Minv a o-itids n, nu . i r rt ! ' v .,, ... .. i.-r.'k ,!;?;,; t r. -rs- in - !' W t! i::u.-frau-. An Instrument of Torture. The Institute of Jamaica, in the West Indies, has a library, a reading room ami a museum. The library i? well tilled, and contains a great collection of works on Jamaica, both ancient and modern. A moor; the interesting things in the mu seum are a bi iron ce, about the size and shape of a man. in winch criminal mi old times. were swun in the air and left to haU:r there till they starved to death; and the b?Il of the old church of P. it Poy.t!, whith was swallowed up bv the s-ca in the reat earthquake of P'.N" Tlie be.l 1 ty on the bottom of the ocean for many y- as. and vs at len-th fh out. .V- - I 77 . 0, A (iool Het to Hold. Pumlev ' rr-iwn w;in?s to bet me one hundred dollars th it in ten years more New Yf.rk nil! have a population of over tw iirMi ms." l,'obi;;on icxc'.tcdly . --"Take hirn up. I Mimley. t ike him up, and let me hold the lU 'liey." I!i:tf. f OUGHo TRADE MARK Gene Vhere the Woodbine Twineth. Ilarr are smart, hut "Knueh n Fats" hAt th in 1 le irs out Ha. Mi-e, Koarhec. Wain Pufc-s. .f'iie. 1: etles-. Moths, Ants. Mooquitoea, H 1 l;s, lo-n Li e. Insectp. Potato Fug, tort-s. M.nk.. V ael, 0phei, Chip Mu!s. Musk Flats, jAok KiLbili, bii!ire!g. :- ai.d Zc.. Pnipgistft. "UOrcjil ON PAIN Plaster, ToroeH. lte " ROUGH ON" COUGHS." CouRtis, ooldii. 25vl AIJi HUMORS CURED BY 1HITCH - "Pvii.-hon lb h" Omtment rnren Ftln Hn nu rs. Pimples, 1 Worms. KinzWnnn.Trt fer. Salt Uheum. Frosted Feet. ( 'hiU lains. Ib h. 1 w Poison, Bailor's It eh, S.-ald Hend. Kczema tV. l'ni. or mail. K. S. Wwi t., Jersey Oitj 1PILES tir?p T'Hpr or IfeTnon-hold", Itbler, rrotnjti triir, l'.edinp. Ineni-il and external remedy In each package. Fur cure, 5("V. Dmpgtat or mAil. E. B. Well-, Jersey City, N J The BUYEBB' GUIDE is issued March and Sept., each year. It is an ency clopedia of useful intor- piation lor all who pur chase the luxuries or tho necessities ol lite. We can clothe you nr.d lurmah you with all tr:o neeesr-ary and unnecessrry pppliancos to Md, -.vnlk. dance, fdeep, e:t. ll:ih, Imnt, work, go. to church, or ft'iy nt home, and m various ftt?es, ftyles and qunntitieM. Jut llguro out vtl;-.t. is required to do all these things' COMFORTABLY. nd ycu cqii make a lair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' GUJDE, whibh v1ll bo 3int upocl reccint ot 10 cents to nav postapo, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111-1 11 MicHi.Tim AvfjijUfj. ChicuKO, Ul. I-'- Nervous Diseases. rr mi hi hi ; i'niv. pi -- t'lit.trrii m r."' 1 1 1 ;t' i ; Diseases of Women. - . - Tl. ;.!!! Radical Cure of Rupture. iv tr- Hit-.). ;t- - whi' : It, - d.- t; M-aii'is ,t -ud ':. .r-. "-f f-.itt-.j. . r o ;!-!. - f ft.- liroi.'. w:'.out a tn ai. ilirntorr, I . . I , . ....... ti .ii Hifir 1 , 11 1 ! . l ! .: ! ' ' 1 d (- pr ' Si t T i'i' ? f "O - ! ii i !v ! v a , ! Men. .?s-!;o. i- -t.l' 1 , it i ar d j- Tf-n l . IfH ti to ;! t: ot f t t i T' . ' ' t .;-(t trd liiii 'our:' ;t it-.. ul '1 a - n i! t ' -ta 'i; We Offer Ho Apology. thi: HI.1- lil.tldil U. I'roMatf . laiitl, tr.t r.t on u it k ..j. mrg- onriil ltTiHtrir:" . "ill ai: 'ii' ;thTw!f- tt.m l" - ! ? in oir !isi-trH-1 . v. - I'll t. in -t.irrds-- m ritiNAiiv . ' , - ir'! n . r- FIV- XT jl 1 1 V rs iiT d -I t'..- ni anv'l ttitur . ri-. t a is. aruiiT ! t-i I- . - r t U h:'h w . ,t.- ..f :: tr; , f,li-- f-l-'-a.'. iliv . -i-.-'iit u t--r . . . . . !. 4. r f .. . -tt.-t K-i .r sM. . r. t-r t. :th t'd"- -loan ''At- ! - t.n ru:ra-i f' r tht-:.- tM"'i . -r.t.!..:.:- - i-y bURLQ AT nUML iv t n -rr. ard x - f t fi - .r.n Why We Win 'T - -ar,irsr;!l t msli, -ti an t ri., .!r.,r I nnfyin r.--m lie, -f tfbo tins. lom. t,i !tsf'f. !vr PfS-'Mct-- t 1 t'- ,sRiv p,., .,. re -ai 1 i ,i,.,.-s n- ,c V ir Stren-th and Economy cms. c ".-t r.-rti riN .-jrnli .... .M. .11 )"7 I r rr.-iif .r; t..t f t!i n.; "1,1 J- Ic h.Vt.l.' b. In 1!j.t' t-- ii.iM- pift ril .-' rn"r in; In' Mi. . i 1 , .r,. !...- r-.. r .... 1 m.ik.. 1 s.' iic nir, j anOi - U ricrl.. I -H'.i'i r !.rvl- s ir .1; !rl!!,i ' ,n Honest IVtedicino til, ni. -l'r I' - .is- 1 - it tip:) in t i ii n fsirsr,;) ftv t t. r- . -r' ' v r a'-- v Hood's Sarsaparilla S ! t l.v . 1 Ir 1. ! ' t 1 '! 1 . 1 s, r. r t'i t-v I. V.-.". I 4 , IOO Doses One Dollar SWITZERLAND sum' Hi,.,. 'iifn. i 1 ji hI Hotel le In l"nl. , ( ..iri .v, r iMn-r II. til, ai t 1m br !t' U Y ji K. r..: ri- n t inol't-. I ,.iln'((T. - .r 'n t l. rl r .n H..!ft tir.i " l'.ti!.", lii-cl llnt I :v. li ,,n in,., ,i .( flr i' ,, m. 1 -IHm'lun, I'g' li 1 iiu i- lr.k t.i . !(' 1 l It 11 I w n 1 . sw lt;t-r nn 1. 1 ;f iron v" m. ill vi i i i ui ,!; . Ui! ''itl nt r ': V !'-.! ! 1 1 1 1 1 in t ! i ii.- i i V i -in in h"". v i i j . . -i, i i, 11 .'i if . .i .1' i 1 n i f..i lull si .ti. n ' i. li-.tint-l li'if th'-miili t..i-t : -: ini; .ir, i r ' i fci .t OI..'i li.-it- .nv "i m 'tii 5. .f.-n !'i Ki". Ti.-'set, r.t r? V' 1" iv ni i . ii- firul nt ('.' s mil ii i , ' i t"l"- itl .ill I i .'! ti''i'l',T' . Al 1 l .iri .l . I's tl-.H I U ' iiri.ii ''!. M!l ip t;iii' ;.i. ft . if.,,i nvi'iin 1 ' mi'.-i iiiii'ii'i ii'i.iit ir.i .-, ii, ..ic i t v "t !' i ". i ri.'il '-r 1 v U ;t - i 1 1 r ORGANS. TT,eM Fl'tin, at all Urrat Wf.rM'n Fth'Mttcrs t'f- 1W ii Ktils. 2-i to X10. For n,h, Lf I svirfcu. cr Henud. Ctdk.jup, 40 pp., 4io. frte. PIANOS. Mtson 4 TT mllr do pot hesitate te trsk n'rirrifta arv cIv.ti thtt thir ar svj;,irirr 10 s!l r-thr-. Thi thov attrihnio (.r..v In th rn atttsMc trvrveri rv.l It.t roi'ii .i1 t v them in is.i) rtmv krur stb- ' V.SO A HAMLIN riAKO 6TKIJNGEK." Full artlcnlsr b BOSTON. Trpmont Pt. CHICAOn. m? Wabah . NEW YOftK. 4 Eact 1th St. iL'r Hn f-iarf j. HUGHETOBTIC CF.HTiW Ilr.MF.PY FOR (HILLS AND FEVER IT WILL Cure the Most Obstinate Gases. Ad an ALTERATIVE, H H msc the vtem and n-ltevea l!liu disorder. As a TONIC, It Klves tone and atrength. TRY IT! rr"rrt,t"T hiT man. letters ttifytng to tli r,crif of thl valnnhtp rtrnHr In yinlnrlnl dint rlrto eery family ahould ha !t In th holism always rrndy for use. Price per bottle, $1. O bottles, SB. or a.ilo ly DriiKglats an4 Ofnr.-il Mtrrhant. -A. PLEASANT 1 ! 'mil h i ! In..) liMmiT!,i REMEDIAL POME. FULL BTAFF OF EXPERIENCED PHYSICIANS S SURGEONS. Many CHRONIC DINKANKH Hue ccHHfiilly Treated vtltliout I'crHminl CoitHultatlott. n "IVF. ohtain our know 11 of xho patient"? 41 -hp- liy iipi'li nt inn. to thf jinu'tlc of mr-lif in-, of w 11-f -Malilishf l print ipR-p of nioi1'rn Pcitnr-.. Tlif- ni'tnt arnpl- r'-Fonrf-s for trf-ntinir lintf' rinsr or hroni- diH-ajw p, ani tho jrrfH'ft Fkill, Hr thuH plnrffl within the f-aByxrnr'i f invalidp, howovr r Mutant th y may r-i'lf. Vrit" ai.rl dprrilo your pympfonis. ln loainir Ur, cnts in Ftarnpe. anl a ornpl t' tr-atiM, on your par ticular fiiwa"'. w ill N- Knt you, with cur opin ion as to its nntmr- pn1 't urnMhty. Jpileptir Con viirlon. or Fltp, Pa riSyl or Iali, Lotomnlor Ataxia, St. Vllun' Dam e, liiomula, or inability to f-l'p. and tlir at n'd itiharuty. NertrouB Delillil), iind r-vt-ry ari t- of n rvous affer titin. rt trt iitt-il bv our tiI. -flllJ? f'ir th'-f dl- i iis - with tniiRual put nurn'-rouf oh-b r p''it-d In our di!T"i"'it lifiir-rTatt d fiauiptilt tf on n-riuh tJiH-aw h. any en'1 of whith '11 t h nt for ton fVrifa m poftfair' 8tari)p. whn njtieet for tin n h a ouipHniftl with a tM-m-rit of a t-as fi r "n?ulta t H in. ft tha wt- may know- whi h on if our Trati to M-nd. AV. hnxf a St ial ix-partrn nt. d-rot"1 fjrhirtif X th tnattiK-nt t f WntiiMi. Y. rv -- fonfuit injf tuir fi ialj. l;-th'r 1 Jt tt r .r iti rn. i tfiv n trt rtit -rttiil an'l t'.ntitlrHtf- HtTriTi.n. Im i rT.iTit raw? 'an'l w. if t fw hnlj Imvf ri'-t nin alv LafTl'-d th f ki.i f all Ih- horn pheinarif.' ha- tfi- I n fit f a 1 ii H oupt-il of fk;lil f-!Hhtf'. lu.nip f'-r ladi in th Invalids' Hoti-1 ami Mirtru-H' ln-titnt- ar vry pnat-. Sn1 tin nta in ftanspf for iir t?u.plt Tr-atiM n Int-aMP f f U n. illuftrat-d with wKl--ut uud .)t.rd j Jat ili pa''. li:ilM.4 tllrr at hi. or ill PTI Ili:, no matt r "f h- w J nir ftindms'. or of what nf, pr rni t!v ho' pi-rmmif nth riirrd t r cur " m llliont Ihf Klllff and without di'peiidfiirt upon lrntft. At iih'Jttrst nt r'-n' . S nd t n nt f r "iir I iiiit-t mt'-d Tr:atlw. I'll.IA. 1 1ST! I..!, and othr t!iaKf BfT'ttinv th' lo-w-rr t-.w i-, if tri:t"1 w ith w iirid rl nl 1 h- won av ' f i k" tu'f.or-. ar i rriari htlv -ur-l in fiftn to t ny daj n. - n d t n itiit" ? r liiut.rat-l Tn ati"-. ucHTiir ntukr.t, r;.rvr.i2B d t r-r inn'tir" d. isi t- i t tti- n Kt,i -r. iriv i iiiMry lrf'. it? f nir d rr: rfT. u- r.tal Hnii'fy. Ht-n'- -f ill f.w r. ni hiti ti H . w k tm k,' and i nt!'--ti.-rs" arifinir ft'-rn iittrfut indt" r fff ar;d j-r-n,,;..,lt fc,.!;fr praVti'. an- t-tiJ . tti futiLly ....I. rrtr,, tfr..i:.d a !-t.!fll Ii-partm r-t t r th !.M-f!s.- i.i.'It tfi rnr:Hifrnr;i f "fT!' of i'ht iar. at.d urr on -ri or ,-taTT. m r-rdT to u rtu'w'it rt'O' ms tr,- hjv anion t ci a U offr ri" ar-d-cy f r i-x'-tir? f much ar ntit.ri o th" T: vl t-' !-" of Av-ntr, X li v:rir thrtt n-i rditioh f humanity t t.-i rndt'l T' rnrit th1 'iyrnithy ani tt -tv of th- noM pr-f-eion to whih wt- t-i-rv. Why any rnfiral man. iiA and a!i'Mnt!rt PuHrr.wr, rhuuhi hun noui'i onid-r rit't hortoratd'- to inr tb- wort -a. of ... .. a. x.r..l - ri1 tit tit !! i.tki rr ft a-" whuh aftlKt mankind thr- i prott.Jy nw- at-fjt f'(f' thv'i'iani m f wral rra'tir- know httW-. We ehall, tt.'r. .r-. crntinu a t on of on-, to tn at with our l-t n- . k". . . .Will nil r.r.lw-ufsta hn mrc- kliftiirinn Qon"at- - n--r. vj.t f,r tn-t. f-a -an i' t r-H"-i oy u wnen at a Jitan- a wl! a. If b'-r in ponton. omplele Tr?allM lafi patrr' on thw J-Ii-tf t1ivar- u. :t -tU'1. in fi.ii'i firrU'j, rrrurr frr,m o'lArrrafm. on ir-ooipt in tamr. fo,r rtair. All taf em nt made - o i' u wm r n n ro rm wreuy font'wntni. 1 letter of inquiry, or conultation. ."hould U- nAtfA to WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Tio. 663 TJain SfVBl'FFAJLO, Y. If ! I LU ) I 'i