OCR Interpretation

Orange County observer. [volume] (Hillsborough, N.C.) 1880-1918, July 07, 1894, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042052/1894-07-07/ed-1/seq-4/

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Tftt : "If the 'r fall toward the tmth or
nwMin"..,rtn. In th Dlae where th
In, fallen there it shall be.-Ecclestaatef
i. , 3.
Thre ! a hoverlnar hp In the mind- of
a vaM mnltlftilethar there will t an nn.
rrfunfty In tb next world to correct the
mla'afc. of thU ; that If we rfo make 'wn."
r.W hfpwrvk r.ur earthly e It wilt he
a hr,r., tip whlh mar wllc to a r,n!
: that, a a defendant may J- hl caM
Jn the ernir OIlrt ftn,, 0,rry ,t nr) fo th0
r rm urt or ,-o.irt of ehanerv and e-et a
revr-al of ju!irmnt In hfa rhalf nil th
mwt Uinp thrown nvrnn the other Mflr
rC k.T f" n lh" "rth,Trial. w. mar f"
hhl?WjnrMMIr,n of efemltr rmv th
.in Ijrnsent of the lower -oUrt t mH all
th rot, rmhM. an i we mar U vioriotn
defendant forvr. Mv ohje in thl er
mon Info row that 'OTwnon norxo a well
mr text rflArrn, that nh nn -xpwtatlon
Is himTl"il. You ay that the Impenitent
man. hivinirpot into the next world and
"Hr,J? th disaster, .will, as a wilt of that
dlafer. turn. the pain th o.nofhl
reformation, lint von ran inl 10 000 in
tanr. in fh,a wor,,i of mtn wbo We don
wronsr. an;l ditr "overtook them nd-
-ny. i'li ine nlfctregg heal them'
lbv writ rlffht on.
.n, Hi;"? of 'ijlpatl'yr.. "Yon
j...M. .irinKini', gal l the doctor, "and
. u, ,awr. ro.i nr laHInt-. or it will
nWtroy.you. The patent -ufW piroxram
..-r ,.-.r'.v"m. mu under Bklilf.il medical
rii n:Lm " r"?ln- to lt up, own to walk
' room, t.euin to t
Co to hnsineas.
Ani. lo. h (tnrH hak to th
for his morning dram, and his eyen dram
nnd the drams hef ween. Flat down airaln
Sarr.e doetor' Same physical flnffulsh' Rame
same srroar-shop
"'"r: anio PhyWI flncroUh! Rame
" w,7 ,n-. w th nines., i more
.-.,in nvAr 19 moiftgfihhorn. th
miJr.. ,rnin'.iA. anl therJItivA or
Kara nr mor r-MUloin. nut aft Af a while
. ...ji a,n. Koo r,aok fo the iranwhop
In"'.' ltTVh"t h,"; ',?wnw nr,e i rrjin
Intfl.U hoiwf.hoM:that hi life I, a nornAf
Tim Krj.jryaln-t hl marring vow : that
. r noan woman Is po unlike the
-'I-... ..inf wita whom he marrlo. that
. m-nooi males fn, not reeoynlze her
i L s ";,r,s.nro ,r tannte.1 for a lifetime
j ..m: nuf.Ar ininkenness: that thedajich-
. ........... nun lire u nnr the Bcarmcn
iTlo inVpfh''r ''T'piness. their prospect
lor tMs life, an 1 perhnn forth urJ l -
mi ..4 H niftreriiiraMA nnxuitA,
( , MIX 1 M'H,
Hometin.es nn Hpr-reelatlon of what re is do
intr comes upon him. His nervous vt.rr1 i
an a-tanirle. From erown of head to sole of
w. . " ncninff. rasping rrucifvlnir.
vmm. ii rerorrn him7
After awhile he has delirium tremens, with
a who JlinKi of hlssinsr reptiles let out on
i..nw. nn-i Ms streams horrify the
, . our or his bed. cry.
Jns-. I ak. these thinirs oft me r As he slta
Tale and convalescent the doctor saya :
Now. I wanf to have a plain talk with you.
rny dear fel-ow. The next attack of this
-i -1 V. . ' you WUI feyond all medl-
"". an.i you will rtje." He ets tetter
nnUoeH forth into the same flKht aaln.
l fl time medicine takes no fr f..i
tation of physicians aree in saying the5e is
no hope, Death ends the scene.
',J:'?r?sso.f 'nTiation, warning and
,..r,,, JS oins:on within astone's throw
e?ln 1 ln ftM thR UelflrhboThoods of
j .. -n-miom. rain does not correct. 8uf
Win does not reform. Whst Is true fa one
V 1,1 son9'!, nn(1 will forever be
o. and yet men are expeotlnjr in the next
purk'aiorial rninvonKil ti.
rnl in "Jrl rr,ort,s of the prisons of the
I nlted htat.-s. an 1 you will flnj that the
vast majority of the incarcerated have been
there lefore. some of them four. Ave six
imes With 1.0(10,000 Illustrations all work
ing the other way in this world, people are
expecting-:hat distress in the next state will
be sal vnt,,ry. You cannot imagine any wore
torture livfuiy other world than that which
--me men nave NUfTer.vt here, and without
onv salutary consequence
tlo,,UinliVr,Tmn,,.,ho IT0 f 1 reforma
tion in fhe next world is more improbable
mil a re.ormatlon here. . n this world the
..." -..ine., w., innocence of Infancy,
"""'WP'wl the other life will open
wit.i all the accumulated bad habits of many
5e.irs upon him. Surely it is easier to build
-V i ,T., . 7 "".0 uw "mber tban out of
.... . .. .ru.,. ...hi nas i.een ground up in the
, innocence to begin with
in thin life u man does not become godly
prospect ,s there that in tho next world
?J. lth. M"' thro wouU1 b a seraph
r.r,-V, f , -'uipior nas more
Pro-.H-tof n,.kliig a flu 8tatue out ot R
At V.1 . . W,,1IW 1 ,irUn niarble than out
i.1n.V,'l..,,,'l0k ro'k Hd ani cracked
Murms or a half century.
f -
Ii7 m " 1 V m iauiy, the next
life willsueoeod. though it starts with a dead
"Burl- sr.ys some one, "I think we ought
Jo have a chance i:i ,tu, nPXt ,lf bo,au,
this life is so short it allows only small on.
around between era IK-and tomb, the wood
o; tne one almost touching the marble of th
other." But do you know what made the an
cient deluge a h.-essity It was fhe lonee-
'tj fn the ntit.liluvians. Thev were worse
In the sc., ,,, j century of their firetlme than
In the firt ,Un irel years, and sti;l worse in
mettiird century, and still worse nil the way
On to 100. MXlaud 000 year- nn,1 ih. ..L
had to t wa-he-I and "scrubfec,! aaJ sonked
and anchorrvi clear out of sight for more
iun a mourn wore It could be n ade flt for
veceni people to live in.
iuik-eMn never cuns impenitency. All
j-.v. iiniK represent n;m With a
ijcythe to cut. t ut I never siw any picture of
i.u.r. n a case or mediclncH to heal.
Beneca says that Nero for the first Ave years
v.. u. j uunc ,nc wa, Pet Up ior an example
of clemency and kin dness. but his Path all
the way descen led until at 6 A. D he be
came suicide. Ifsoo years did not make
antediluvians anv better, but only made
.mem worse, the ages of Eternity could have
v " iei ecep; prolongation of depravity.
uut. say sirae one. "in the f lture state
r-il surromrdlngs will le withdrawn and
eievate,! mnuencea suttitute1. ;ind hencf
expurgation and sublimation and gloriflca-
w'u. r.iu tne rigmeous. all their sins for
given, nave pwM on luto a tatlflc state,
and coneqUctiy the unsavevl will be left
alone. It cannot he-expected that Dr. Duff,
who exhaustei himself in tea?bin Hindoos
ine way to heaven, and Dr. Abeel. who gav
his life iu the evangelization of fhina. and
Auoniram Judson, who toiled f?r tb re
demption of lron should be sent downhv
some eelesti.il missionary society to educate
inoe who waste 1 all their earthly existence.
.iv,i-u- .iu 1 Biiaaioairy eaorts axe
ende,!. The entire kingdom of tb rcorallT
tvaiknipt by themsive, where are the
Mvatory influence to coase LroajV Can one
speckle.1 and tad apple in a brr-l o! dis
eased apple turn tbe other aprles good,'
Can those who arc themselves down help
?, r.9Ur" n tho who hv ixalve!s
laile-t In the business o! the s?ul pay the
d'f lsof their spiritual insolvents? Can a
million wrong make one right?
IWropoiis was a city wher K n; Philip
ot Tbracia put. all the bad people of his
kingdom. If any man had opeJis) A primary
chool at I oneropolis. I do not think the
parents from other cities would have sent
their children there. Instead of amendment
m the other world, all the associations, now
that the gao I are evolved, will be degeuera-
Uag sod down, you woqj cot wxt to send
Sll relv
upon a clean white ht of paper it Is easier
to write :i , eedora will than upon a sheet
of paper all s-ribblM and blotted and torn
rom op to bottom. Yet men seem to think
that, though the life that hon
a man to a cholera or yellow ferer hospital
for his health, and the reat lazaretto of the
next world, containing the dJseasd an-l
pl&gue struck, will be a poor place for moral
recovery. It the surroun Hnsrs In this world
were crowded of temptation, the surround
ings of the next worl i, after the righteous
have pasd up and on. will be a f human 1
per cent, more crowdel of temptation.
The Count of Chateaubriand made bin lit
tle son sleep at night at the top. of a castle
turret, where the win Is howled, and where
ipeeters were mH to haunt the plaee. and
while the mother and sister? almost died
with fright thesoniells u that the process"
b'hva him nrvAs that con 11 not tremble an I
a courage that nvr faltered. But I don't
think that town nt darkness an ! the spec
tral world swept by siroro anl euroc'3-don
will AVer fit one for the land of Aternal sun-
hln. IwondArwhat is the curricnlnm o7
that college of Inferno, where, after propt
preparsfion by the sins of this li'e, the can
didate enters, passing on from freshman
?fa of depravity to sophonTor- of aban lon
ment. and from opbomrto junior, anl
from junior to senior, an i dar of gradua
tion co-res. and with diploma signel by
isn, ine presi-jenr. anl othAr professorial
demoniac, attesting that the candi late has
been lone enough under their drill, he
passes up to enter heaven! Pindemonin-n
a preparative course, for heivcnlv admis
sion ! Ab. my frien 1, sifan and his eoherts
have fitted uneountM million's for rulD, but
nver fitte I one onl for happiness I
FnrthermorA, it would not b safe for this
world If men had another ebmce Jn the
next. If it had been annouavi that, how
ever wickedly a man might act in this world
he could fix it no all H-hr In
society would be terrirdr demoralized, an 1
the human race demolished Jn a few yean.
The fear that if we are bad and unfortriven
here it will not be well for u in the nAjt ex
istence is the chief influence that keeps civil
ization from rushing back to semfharhar
im. and Bemibarbariom from rushing into
mlehty savagery, and midnight savagerv
from extinction, for it is the astringent Im
pression of all nations. Christian and
heathen, that there Is no future chance for
those who have waste 1 this.
Multitudes of men who are kept wUhin
bounds would say "Go to. now? Let me
get all out of this life there Is in it. Come,
gluttony and Inebriation and uncleanness
and revenge and all, sensualities, and wait
upon me ! My life may be somewhat short
ened in this world by dissoluteness, but that
will only make heavenly indulgence on a
larger scale the sooner possible. I will over
take the saints at last and will enter the
heavenly temple only a little later than
those who behaved themselves here. I will
on my way to heaven take a little wider ex
cursion than those who were on earth pious,
and I shall go to heaven via gehenna and
via sheol." Another chance in the next
world means free license and wild abandon
ment in this. "
Suppose 3-ou were a party in an important
ease at law, and you knew from consultation
with judges ani -attorneys that it would be
tried twice. , an 1 the first trial would be of
little importance, but that the (second would
decide everything, for which trial won Id von
make the most preparation, for which retain
the ablest attorneys, for which be most anx
ious about the attendance of witnesses? You
would put all the stress upon the second
trial, all the anxiety, all the expenditure.
sayinir, "ihe first is nothing, the lost is
nerai, post sepulchral, and the world with
one jerk be pitched off into impiety and god
lessness. Furthermore, let me ask whr n choi.tt
should be given in the next world if we have
refused innumerabie chances in thU? s.-r...
pose you give a banquet, and you invite a I
L?A,.IVicntjer of'rienJs. but one man de-
iu .uuiuur ireais vour invitation xcifh
indifference. You ln the course of twenty
years give twenty banquets, and tho same
man Is invited to them all and treats them all
in the same obnoxious way. After a while
you remove to another house larger and bet
ter, and you again invite your friends, but
send no invitation to tho man who declined
or neglected the other invitations
Are you to blame? Has he a Hi?ht
to expect to be Invited after all
the indignities he has done von? r.o,i
this world has invited us all to the bancmet
rf X7 1 .... . T 1 1 . - . ... 1
Kim.--, no invitea us uy lils provi
dence and His spirit 365 davs of everv irnnr
since we knew our right hand from our left.
If we declined It every time or treated the
Invitation with Indifference and gave twenty
or forty or fifty years of indignity on our
part toward the bnnnuerer. and at last He
spreaas tne banquet in a more luxurious and
kingly place, amid the heavenly gnrdens,
have we a right to expect Him to invite us
Hgain, ana navo we arltrht to blame Htm if
e uoes not invite us.'
If twelve gates of salvation stood orn
twenty years or flftyr years for our admis
sion, nnd at the end 6f that time thev are
closed, can we complain of it and
These gates ought to be ODen acain au
us another chance?" If thesteamnr U to OJii
for Hamburg, and we want to iret to (W-
many by that line, and we read in everv
evening and every morning newspaper that
It will sail on a certain day, for two weeks
we have that advertisement before our eyes
and then we go down to the docks fifteen
minutes after it has shoved off into the
stream and say: "Come back! Give me
another chance ! It is not fair to treat me
in this way ! Swing up to the dock again
and throw out planks and let me coma nn
board 1" Such behavior would invite arrest
as a madman. . .
And if, after the cospcl shio has lain at
anchor before our eyes for years and years,
and all the benign voices of earth and
heaven have urced us to eet on boar.t
she might sail away at any moment, and
after, awhile she sails without u a
common sense to expect her to come back?
You might as well go out on the highlands
at Navesink and call to the Majestic aftor
she has been three days out and expect her
to return as to call back an opportunity for
i.cncu wuen 11 once nas sped away. All
heaven offered us as a gratuity, and for a
lifetime we refuse to take it, and then
rush on the bosses of Jehovah s buckler de
manding another chance. There ougot to
be, there can be. there will be. no such
thing as posthumous opportunity. Thus
our common sense acrtees with mv text rr
the tree fall toward the south or toward the
north, la the place where the t re- f.ilierh
mere shall be. .
You see this Idea lifts this world un fm
an unimportant way station to a n! :i;..r n .-.
MiP"ndrtt !" 1 - .t-
whirl around this hour. But one trial for
which all the preparation must be made in
this world or never made at all. That pile
up all the emphases an i all the climaxes an t
-ill the destinies into life here. Vn m;-r
hance' Oi, how th-it ausrmeuts the valu-s
nn 1 importance of tfei- chance !
Alexander with hi-army use I to surround
1 city and th-m would lift a great Jiht in
"oen to th- p-op!e that if they f-urrea iere-t
'e:or. ttiat light went out all would be weilj
but if fa the licht went out tiien the bat'
termg rams womd swing a.uat the wall,
in 1 demolihoa and disaster would follow!
'!!. all We nee.1 do for ,v." r,i ,n l
verlatlng s-ifety is to make surrender to
C hrist, the King and Conqueror surren ier
of our heart?, surrender of our lsv? sur
render of everything. And He keep a gret
icct turning, tight of g.-stl invitation licht
iaaie,i wan tte wo.il of the c-,-,ss and
Saxisg up again.: the dark sight of our tis.
'3d sorrow, hurreisder w'!- .
tgfct continues to turn, fsr after it e or
here will b- c other opporuuiiv of making
peace with Gol through our Lord Jens
Chrs?f. Talk of anorht-r chsnce ' wn. k,
s a uprrnAl chan ge !
In the time of E iward VI.. xt t- kutu .-
. - , ...... ' . mil
he harl of Hunt'cv had lot hishe'mf tool:
off his own hel-ret an 1 tu; n nnon th'hd
o? the ea., an 1 the be.vi of the private o.
ler. uncorere-J, he was soon sUin. while
us commander ro je safely out of th ttt
But in our case,' instead ot a private soldi-'
Offer) DC helmet to an ejirl it Vi- -
tbg His crowa upoa aa" us worthy subject,
everything." Give the race en assurance of I Indians take kindly to European cook
. ", 1 mi yui inai in tne 1 mg uiensus una aula to comfort anl
subsequent life, and all the preparation for itLmifp w.mm, t auu
eternitv would be "r.n. 1 w Jtj 'iiiHe.iommou ior an expioriatror
the Xlnar dying that we might lira. Tell It to
an points or the compas. Tell ft to nlebt
and dar. Tell it to all earth nd hron.
Tell it to all centuries, all ace, all millerm!-
Luffis. tnat we have suehamacniaeenf hanc
iq tnis world that we neen no other chance
In the next.
I ani ia the burnish'! jadirmeiit bail cf th
last o:ay. A great white throne is lifted.
out tne juiee nas not yet taken it. While
we are waiting for his arrival! hear Im mor
tal spirits in conversation, "what are yoa
waiting here for? says a soul that went nn
irom .Madagascar to a -soul that ascended
f - A : rw 1 .
awn siuitrrntat. 1 11 ieier says, "i came
from America where forty years I heard th
gospel preached and Bible rad, and from
the prayer that I learned in Infancy on mr
mother's kne until my last hour I had gos
pel aavanTnge, t.ut for some reason I did not
mase ine Lnrntian efco c. and I am her
waiting for the judge 0 e;Vj m, R nf,T trial
and another chance." "grange! sir the
otaer. "I had but one gospel callla Maia-
gascar. and 1 acceptei n, ani r co not neM
"Why are you here? says one who on
eartn had reeb'e.t intellect to one who had
great brain ani silvery tongue and ser-ters
or innuence. The Jattf respond? : "Ob I
knew more than my feliow. I mastered
libraries and had learned titles from cr
iege. and my name was a synonym for
eloquence and power. And yet I neglected
aiv soui. an l I am here waiting for a sew
trlaf. "M range, snys the one of the
feeTde earthly capacity. "I knew but little
of- worldly knowledge, but I knew Christ
and made Him mj" nirtner, and have no need
of another chance. '
Sow the ground trembles with the ap-
proacning chariot. The great folding doors
or the hall swing open. "Stand back?" ery
the celestial ushers. '.-?tan 1 back, and let
the judge of quick and deal pass through !"
He takes the throne, and looking owr the
throng of nations He say?, "Come to judg
ment, ine last judgment, tbo holy judg
ment? By one flash from the throne allthe
history of each one flames forth to the vi
sion of Himself and all others. "Divider
says the judge to the assembly. "Divide !'
echo the walls. "Divide!" cry the guards
And now the immortals separate, rushincr
this way and that, and after awhile there is
a great aisie between them, and a grat
vacuum widening and widening, and the
judge, turning to the throng on one side.
Lsays. "He that is righteous, let him be right
eous still ; and he that is holy, let him be
holy still," and then, turning toward the
throng on the opposite sid-. Ue says, "ire
tnat is unjust, let him be unjust still . and
he that is filthy, let him be fl'thy still," and
then, lifting one hand toward each group,
he declares. "If the tree fall toward tho
south or toward the north, in the. place
wnero tne tree laiietii there it shall be. '
And then I hear something jar with n great
sound. It is the closing of the book of
judgment. The judge asecn !s the stairs be
hind the throne. The hall of the last assize
is cleared and shut. The high court of
eternity is adjourned.forever.
The Sionx Dinner Pot.
"There is n verv peculiar distort!
amoiiij the Sioux Indian," said Emau
nel French, of Bismarck, N. D. "The
picnic party to trade off kettles, fry
ing pans and the like for skins or curi
ositier,. A cooking utensil thus ac
quired becomes practically the com
mon property of the tribe, on tho
Kneral understanding, however, that
'whoever borrowa it shall war for. its
pay for its
use oy leaving in it a portion of the
food cooked. As the Indians seldom
waste any time in washing or cleaning
eating or cooking vessels, this prac
tice has; some conveniences from a
red man's point of view, and often
a sauceis returned with quite a
large quantity of moat or potatoes
clinging to tho "bottom, and perhaps
covering up some of the remains of" a
preceding and entirely different prep
aration. r 11 . . ,
j. jo uui long since mat an explor-
incr partv i was out with low it
tie, which had evidently jolted out of
tho wagon on the bad road. After
considerable hesitation, one was bor
rowed from a friendly s(piaw, and,
after tho water had been boiled in it
three or four times, and it had been
well scoured out with sand, it an
swered its purpose admirably. "When
wo were through with tho kettle,
wo thoroughly cleaned it again
and returned it, and it was not until
an Indian guido explained the custom
that ive understood tho look of su
preme contempt which came over tho
red lady's face when, on looking into
the inside of the kettle, she saw that
it contained no relic whatever of our
evening feast." St. Louis Globe
Democrat. Mourned Like a Human Beitif.
There is something pathetic about
the account of the death of the female
chimpanzee which Professor Garner
brought from Southwest Africa. Tha
names given by the professor to his
friends were Aaron andElishaba, anl,
much to his regret, Eiishaba has fallen
a victim to the severe English weather. .
She really died in the arms of poor
Aaron, the mate, who hal been most
assiduous in his attentions to his con
sort during the whole of her illness.
Professor Garner was present during
the last moments of the chimpanzee,
and when he put his hands t her heart
to see if it had ceased to beat Aaron
put his han 1 there too, looking up in
the professor's eyes as if inquiring if
dhat was all they could do for her.
Aaron would not suffer his depirted
love to to be taken from him, and
clung to her body with such tenantv
that the professor was compelled to
lay it down on its bed of straw, whin
thh distressed husband release 1 hi
h6ld. When Professor Garner visited
his protege next day poor Aaron woald
not be coasoled Until he hai his hand
in that of the professor, and by soaacfc
and signs was telling him of "his dis
tress. A Diminutive Breed of Cattle.
: The Dextr Kerry is a diminntira
breed of cattle, but they are very well
in their way, and not mereiv tovs.
cow standing thirty-nine inches hih
and oned by the Earl of Robrrv
gave aixter. quarts of milk in one dar,
which yielded fifteen per cent of
cream. For one month she gave lif
quarts of milk per day. For Citv an i
viilaga residents who, wish to keen a
cow the Dexter Kerry has t,
wuuucaa 11. American Far
DwfiQg trees ia a fine art in Japan.
The photograph was recently put to
use as a witness in a London damage
Next to the lion and tiger the jag
uar is tho largest member of the cat
Twenty-eight big ocean passenger
steamships belong to the British aux
iliary nary.
The people of England and America
average taller than any other repre
sentatives of the human family.
A copy of the first Chinese diction
ary, made by Chinese scholars in the
year 1103 B. C, i3 still preserved at
Pekin. I
The tambourine is a "combination of
ythe dmm and rattle. It is found rep
2000 B. C.
A small boy at McCooL Neb., caught
two catfish in the Bine Hirer. Their
combined weight is reported as thirty
two pounds.
The largest artificial stone in the
world forms the base of Bartholdi's
Statue of Liberty, Bedioe Island, New
lork Harbor.
In New Zealand there are miles npon
miles of forests of kauri trees, which
average over 200 feet in height and
nfty feet in girth.
The crerra of the trumpet, and all
instruments of the trumoet familv.
a. v
was the cow's horn, used by savages
as a signal to furnish a noise at their
A very larsre American eazle has
been killed ot Landers. -Col., after
making havoo among the lambs there
abouts. It weisrhed fourteen Donnds
ana measured eight feet from tip to
H. H. Piper, a painter, fell from
the steeple of St. Mary's Convent, in
St. Louis, and suffered no other injury
than a scratched cheek, although the
fall was sixty feet and Piper weighs
a 1 o pounus.
A rainbow trout weierhincr six Bounds
find twelve ounces dressed was caught
by George Plummer at Melrose, Wis.,
the other day. This is said to be the
largest fish of the sort ever caught in
The Laconia (N. H.) State Fish
Hatchery will turn out about 1.200.-
000 trout fry this year. New Hamp-
snire aoesn t propose to lose the sum
mer boarding trade if plenty of trout
can avert such a misfortune.
In 1745 Dr. Watson stretched a wire
across the Thames, in Enzland. and
sent an electric shock through it from
one observer to another. He was ac
cused of "witchcraft and had much
trouble in proving his innocence.
There are six continents : Eurone.
Asia, Africa, North America. South
America and Australia. Some geog
raphers say that there are only five
continents, giving Europe and Asia as
one continent ; but the number first
given is the usual number.
ine Age or mcci.
The Eiffel Tower, built wholly 'i
metal, is an example, and a good ex
ample, of a step in the direction
which architects will be driven to fal
low in the future.. The great railway
"""""i cAuiwuou ouuaings and
other structures ox steel, concrete
paper. and glass, which the needs and
inventions of our day have called in
to existence, show which wav flows tho
stream of tendencv. Tho now lti i 1 1
ing material has come to stav. In an.
other century houses mav not. momlir
be built with steel girders; they may
be made of metal frames bolted tn.
gether, nnd gripping walls of papier
mache. Then the acre of - tho tanf win
return. A man will buy his house
from a manufacturer and will hi
site to set it upon. When he moves
from one place to another he will tL-o
his home with him. Building leases
will die a natural death. Towns will
wander about, and a great many curi
ous results will arise. StV Louis Star.
Seyings, ; ,
Hall' Catarrh C ure
Is taken internally. Price 75o.
Axothe Insurrection in Cuba fa immi
lat-' "'over Hn-t th mil
gives frcHhiicss and clearness to the complex
ion and rures constipation, ct 'i cts., L
Thb annual cost of the British narr la
70,000,000, of the army f 55,000,000.
- If afflicted with sre eyes nee pr. Isaac Thomp.
son's Eye water.Drugglsts sell at 25c per botti
It Is Not
What We Say
But What
Thtit Tells the Story! It3 !
record is unequalled "in the )
j lutuitllic. i-f CII, A
Sarsa- i if
parilla 1 1
Hood Sirsa
f ix for V.
'trr-1 oaSt byt. 1. l'.iol & -
i k, A ')a ri .. lrc,l, M.t-. U. !A.
Uo4' t'llt A t tarsooaJooaly mtz nol &
a?ir.l xi I -?f ta-ll a&4 e2; iv.
Highest of all in Leavening Powers-Latest U.S. GtRcpoxt
Iforean Sporty
Onrator Stuart Calin.of tho TTnlrer
ity of Pennsylvania Museum, who ha
gathered together the fluent colleotion
of Ramos ever made in the world, hal
ma le an tnterestin'i discovery in hi
study of Korean pports. Tho Chihes
games are all marked by a literarj
character, the gama of logomachy, ot
word-building, which has gained suck
popularity in this country, having
been played long ago by Korean school
children. 'A number of their games
ho declares "ha l their origin front
mystic concepts. Many of the child
ih fports had orginally a seriout
divinistic' or expiatory signiQcance.
The tug of-war, for instance, was
played by tho- people of villages
and districts to ascertain which would
be tho luckier. Kites were used as
scapegoat', being released with in
scriptions to the effect that they were
carrying away misfortune. Mere toy
wero not numerous. Some of the
games possess a decidedly ethnic char
acter, and their study promises to fur
nish conclusions of some importance.
Philadelphia Record.
A Hank's Capture ot a Pigeon,
A hawk captured and killed a carrier-pigeon
in Druid Hill Park after a
protracted chase. The lightning-like
movements of the pursuer and pnrsned
were a revelation to those who were
not versed in the flights of birds. Tho
pigeon., oh long" as it kept in a straight
line, beat they hawk flying, but on W
coming frightened and confused it be
gan a zigzag course and was then an
easy prey. Captain Cassell frightened
the hhwk so that he got the pigeon,
but the pigeon was dead when it strucii
thj ground. Baltimore Sun.
The oldest epitaph in England is
found in a country churchvard in Ox
fordshire, dated 1370. Its obsolete
.language is almost unintelligible
Miss O. F. Crawford, of Umrntone, Me
writes: "For years I suffered monthly from
periixuc pains whlcn at
times were so acute as
to render life a burden. 1
began using Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. I
used seven bottles in aa
many months and de
rived so much benefit
from it and the home
treatment recommend
ed in hii Treatise on
Diseases of Women, that
I wish every woman
throughout our laud,
suffering in the same
way. may be Induced to
pive j our medicines and
treatment n fair trial."
"Favorite Proscrip
tion " is a oowerf ul. in
Miss CnUwroiiD
vigorating tonic and a soothing and strength
ening nervine,' purely vegetable, perfectly
harmless. - It regulates and promotes all the
proper functions of womanhood, improves
digestion, enric hes tho blood, dispels aches
and pains, Lrinzs refreshing fWp, and re
stores health and vior. For evrry "femalo
complaint," it is the only rcim-dr so sure
that it can le jmaranrei. If it doesn't
cure, you havo your money back.
Ill'NTEItIefil 'IKE. M.D., Pre.. JOS. A. WHITE. A.M.. H.'ll.. frr.A Trraa.
r....,.,M,lnwi.lll0 I W I 1MKI'K.N LKT I'i.l'AHl MKNT3'
The Krgolnr Sewion beuii ."eptrmber 1Mb iimi rouiitim- een month.
For rntnlegne ndtlrew r. J. M.I.IMIN lltIMil. Tor. rr'y, K Irhmonil. Va.
for I
HON. AM linn
....... .
aim . ;i i.HKie r -. vii.Tr .'
KINti IN FKA I lll.ltl.n KHiil'.
1'ItI f;K l)OOMi:i TO Il A 1 II
Hl'l-A IAM IMi tilltl.H,
(IMII 1'or Iv A V A K' A I tliir.
' 5 ' " All. IDOKS IH.ATII ! wSf sr ,. Mm wr!.
Tr.eer-.iirr:Ffca are very KAMI- IIA.MKIIA ( OI.I.IH.K .otiaf a y. .
wMi.m.Un.,, l-hruKbt M l' NT AVKM'i;...... . Tn. iv,,..i r ,,, , -
wh u, aa SI racb- A I I V E II ICI VI I A IH IU II H u t h KlL.'t 4!
F'T r.' al a.r t r til r.. n a r. l. ..in i j
- - -
- I id rii,a-r?in n, .1. ni i .
r ..i t II a. I t .lilff;4'. JAM
. """.p.-kOVELL ARM8 CO.,
ZlZl Z Z
n nt ruo
rvL n Uv-
Denmark's Wealth ia !IpUc.
The most remarkable crown jewel,
and silverware are to be found in DQ.
mark, a country not generally regard
cd as exceptionally wealthy. Ta
are the result of 300 years collect ba
and resemble nothing "that canbesn
anywhere else. Part of the throne 'if.'
self consists of three solid silver lions,
life size, and" in the chancel 'of th
royal chapel there are solid siWet
6tatues of the Twelve Apostles.
There is also an equestrian statue ia
solid silver of King Christian IX.,
mounted or hor.eba?k, withgroapsoa
the base representing th various arts
and industries "which go to make Den
mark prosperous. Ths country hw
been reduced in area and importance
by various ways but the royal dignity
has remained unimpaired and is m
many respects greater than that of
monarchs of very much larger coun
tries. San Francisco Chronicle.
T Cleaaa tha grates
Effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious.
r wbn the blood U impure or BluggWx.to per.
mantntly cure habitual constipation, to
tn the kidneys and liver to a hcalthr activity,
without irritating or weakening them. todi!
pel headaches cold or farers, use Syrup of
rrsx' Review of Trape reports coa
Unued Industrial improvement.
t'rouri ol 111 llnolnr Co-Mark era.
"Vc. I ri'.il proud of the fpleudid ltly J
ncn nnd wktihmi w- h. t' i ri-s-nt u- in 1 1,
t":l-iATI lt:irl. itt I I.., j-.tnfil ft ' tt.-..ftl.. ......
Tna revival of speculation Is expected to
have a strong hening Influence on themonev
Mm THK PKRK-L'Y I.Yt'Kl'M. Nrw Yonn (itt.
Kitt-nih yJ.r l.c.lr n t .Um . ilnl hur 1 KF.F.!
roOK-KF.Kl'lNO 1 ( 1 1. ONLY. Kay hme u1y,
Wonierf; lokv ixwittvrl.' "lf QMructlx-.
tnal "d. AH-frii!Matiin m. otherwise actuklty
worth S.AO. JJAf.N WW. 1TK. to., iw-troll, Mk-a.
' Quirk, tlrunr, trakle A
'rrllaWlr. Sav trauitutic la
'box, lit-nce only one man re.
linrrd with l"reii.-- !aclwr hat
'only to raine bundle to start an&
ifullow blerk in antomntlrally
Klfipucd. AK'iaule M't'r'a of tha
m.-rl hn1 Ideal liny lre .
'rtfrru Mft.l'o.,r O Bos t, ttri Itllmn. Hla.
Casaaiatlvea and uktl
whokava weak laogaor AMk
raa. aboaU oh Plso'a Car for
Consanptloo. It has ar4
tkoataad. ft baa not lojar
done. It. la Dot bad total.
ine Deri eout n syrup.
ooia Tcrrwhar.
4 V
f ......... .........j... ..ami,
j unions the InM m-;i and wmie-n that eve
walked tl. id. and wih t-mjliv n !
more." Tin i the explanation tdut .Nfr. H K,
. .lohitMtn. of iln tirtn of 15. K. .lolitivon '.,
Kit lunoiid. V;i.. K'vc.-of lh ir adwr ll-i im nt
-w PS
ia tv3 m
ill . - j m .
iiiri-Ti tut f
4 Charming History and Magnificent Gallery of Views
TbU Ilifhtf-jl new History of Hawaii ,y Hon. Jnhn S!c-otan4
rror. V. L 0on just out U mt highly n.!ci.l hy Hnat-.i wmta.
Hoar, Krye, Hon. V. A. lioutelle. Chaunrf y M nejw, lipr. JoliO C. Viotrnt.
D. !., Irof. lavid Swlnjf, ftc. ' '
ii tun i . . .t ,k. t.. . ... ... ..
. "V. .-.. ii. . i I'm - 'r i tv
. ''isiimn'i'ifr .f (- ! '-'!.'"
tr3!.i. ft,,. .A" rt.
' f a! Vrf.f.
. . ., -H i- ill ill,- It if , 1 ,r ,
aa-. . s-B T
..: . ... . ...
l( t - 'l'iri 1' r ..... .....
Diamond Cycles
latai.. BOSTON.
- '
: '. .. . - . i

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