OCR Interpretation

Orange County observer. [volume] (Hillsborough, N.C.) 1880-1918, September 15, 1894, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042052/1894-09-15/ed-1/seq-4/

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In. Tune rf this year 16,000,001 chi!
Cvt'ii vycro for.n 1 to be enrolled ia tlie
cLoc!iO' the Unite 1 S'ates.,
The Terrible Experience ( a Well Known
Onirlalk Wile A ftary Ttiai Ap
peal lo crr .Mather Km I lie
Vrrrn IhChnUaruja, Tmn., fre$i.
No founty official in East Tenneese-e is
t--ti r known nn'l more highly esteemed than
Mr. J. (', Wihon. Circuit Court Clerk of f 1 tins, all bearing upon improvement
K.v.i County, nt Inytou, the home of 'Mr. j of th'f' State's agriculture By dissemi
ViNon. Ho enjoys tLe eojofl no an1 re- nating this information, and through
hj."t of all flasks, and In tb" tntins com- the Fertilizer fj'ofctrol, th station has
r.ntiity hU word !s hs tfood ns his boa J. Just saved millions of dollars to the farmers
now Mr. Wilson is feci v in g he.irti t er'on
j.'r.it'jt.'it!orii IrrAi hn numerous fricn Is be
raiyse of t fi' frt'oMtion to robust health of
his tirn li.-li wif!, who h.is for ynnn teea a
h'jlj.lifut liirnlil. Mrn. Wilson's high Stan !
in;? in fo -My, an I her rniay lovable trait?
of character hrtv won her a host of friends,
mi 1 htr won ierful recovery Las attract!
wl'lej,reri l nttectJon.
As the J'rrnx was the medium of bringing
to t!m invalid lady's attention the remedy
tha: h.is eff'-ete Ther rdmnrk.ihle cure, a re
porter was ,.-nt to Dayton to interview Mrs.
Wilson, in order that the genera! public;
luiyht have the benefit of the sufft-rer's ex
peri i;;e nad be made aware of the treatment
that wrought so -h ; marrelous change in
l'.er fori Ition. The reporter was welcomed
t tt." Wilson horo nnd th- enthuhiiialio
Id !y wuh bee.T,iri t ruiu"tnc (rave the his
tory of her .iHli' tion and the manner in
.whieh h was r-lt'Ml:
"Y-,' H.ii 1 Mrs. Wtl-on. "I was for 8
years an invalid with one of the rr ost dls
t rising afflK-tionH womnii can suffer. For 8
y ar I rciopil aroun 1. dragging mys-lf wil fi
-ililll -ulty and pun out of teid. My liitlo
o:ii 'ffi'n! untrained and were greatly n-g-(te!.
whil'vl looke I lifttb-ssly and help
l'"iy at the eheerlev prospect before me
i d l hem. . I suff-red the mo-t intense pains
. in t h maH of my b.t'k, an I tin-Re seemed
vn rmer in t he region t,f ' n" stomach,
ejp-n ling !own to tlm groins. I huffero 1
agony s e-pmg or awake.. l)spair is no
wor l or )!i" !-. ling eaused by that dreadful
1 1 : i : ii ji f we.'ikuefti and h'-lplenaness I
eon-t iiitiy -xper.enee 1.
"1 wa treated or tuy trouble I y several
local ihv-l'- linn, but they were able to give
me only temporary reiii t,y the use of so a
tiV' and nar-on'M. 1 had almost giv-n up
ali hope of ever e.-urlng permanent relief
wl n I s iw r.n a 'oum in the J're n.i of a cure
whi 'li I)r. Whliarns Pink 1'ilUjhnd r-iTected.
I !ei i ie. to try them, as I knew the lady
who had been cure l nnd had great coufl-eii-e
in h-r wiiiumi-iit. I began to take
the pi!U in tJ.eoTeT, 1H'J3, an.l in two months
1 wa doing lignt tiovwwurk an a'ten Jing
to th'i i-lnldreii without any ba effects or
"wreikneh. (.ii'-h as I had formerly cxperi-enc.-d.
Hitherto; I had been unable lo re
run any food, but now my appetite grew j
uronger, and with it came back that old, !
: ln-aithy and hewrty tone of the atom icli. Dr.
Wiliia i:'. l'ink 1'uU oair-d me, and I assure
you t !.e .ure lias brought a k'reat change iu
v our home. I enn now rejoice in my hus
band'n vucee.sH, tor 1 feel that I have, so rne-
thing to live lor. Who has a better right
to leel this thjui a mother? One thing more.
1 have recommended these pilVs to others,
and many of iho women of Dayton have
taken them with good results, and it is my
greatest pleasure to recommend to every'
differing woman a remedy that haa done so
much tor me."
An anaiys s proTc that '.o. TTilliams'
I'ink JmIs .or I'ale People contain in a con-
lensel form all the elements necesbary to
iglve new life and ricliness to the bloo 1 nnl
rect ore shattend nerves. They are an un
" lading HpeeiM' ir in,li disea-ses as locon;o
tor ataxia, partial paralynis, St. Vit uV dance,
sciatica, n ura'gin, rheumatism, nervous
liea lache, the alter effects of la grippe, pui-
( pita! ion ot tiie heart, pale nnd sallow cmn-
plexions, that tired feeling resulting Irom
nervous prosi i at ion ; all diseases retu t ng
fro'ii vitiate, t hiiiiKtrs in the blood, such as
hcrofiila, chronic erysipelas, etc. They arc
also a sp- eilb; for i roubles peculiar to fe
males, such !ls suppressions, irregularities,
and all fonr.s of weakness. In men they
effect a radical cure in all cases arising from
mental worry,' overwork, or excesses ot
wh oever nature.
Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale people
nre now manufactured by the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.,
and aro sold iu boxes (never in loose form
by the dof.en or hundred, and the public
are cautioned against numerous imitations
oi l in this shape) nt 50 cents a box, or six
bnxe for i'2. .'(), and may be had of all dru.r
gis, or direct by mail from Dt. Williams'
Medicine Comp;uiy.
Bostos will hare' an elevated railroad.
The citizens voted in favor of the Meigs sys
tem. Walter linker Ar Co . of "Dorchester. Mn.M.,
i lie largest niaiuifiu-ttirer" of mirif l.U.h
Hon el.einh
IV trea eU ( (N'oa.s an 1 CboroUte
oil mis i-Otit liient.
i . . . : : . y - -
hil0 i at , art- . . T tlx
eiKnei i.ono-H at t !.e itlvinter Fair in San
rmncir.i. Hie printed ru!e govrrnin. the
.lii.lk-s at ih" Fair, stoes that "One hundred
Iim cut it es the exhibit to a sjw al award,
er Dii. ..ni. ..f H ner.- The scale, ho vever. is
plated jm. hiKh. thev mv 'that it will l ati in.
d orily in in,t exceptional case-.'"' AU t
tl iii H,it ,V '.' m eivf-l one hmi,i"rr!
p-O.f... fr,f,r.inj tlitm to tnc ncUil uuvi-.i ataUd
n fir ru.V,.
Stitistics of the recent strike show that
the railroads lost $355,912 in cars burned tr
fc. : a
A Good ApDetite
IS esent
n itur il 1
to too 1
1 i-
n. and wVn 1 1
one .tren:t !i will
a; petite, tu ilJeMif m.
other trtu:'le- of ad-
parilla ren.. :v 'i .
tire. It
M'.i t.-n--H t'e kt..na,-!i ant
"re t! I, m.-ry. " p. sure tv .-et
makes "ne
Hood's an '
vu. it. o 1
- S i r tpsrid.
Hood's Pills .n imri.y wirtal-
Van he mulr worliin s for
crsi no o.a
rv aij t .- . !
tar h ih - -u'itr a l t.
h ti : i, . n .: -fr y. X
trw f AMUi'lri !tl l . All a 1. 1
h i f .Ki i uirae;, r will nnl
.ill e
1 1. ; n .
V met :
.( ..r.s r uimy r r r liblr e.u-
ar- h'U! '" b u- I to pv 1 JriIi-
K. I- JlU .V ft..
U nud Mam !., tticlnuend, V.
1 I'V'J 1 litu., No. ;..A.LuaM .Hiii. I A-
lcr in
In m oner I bJdet otter VtJaaMe
prvm utu to esl sruerr. Hunr.
Dill llaalrrr rnlrk - -
l-r In l (I i I. iMi liii'M ..- , ...
V.ll. IM.v.T.cii rm :c Kgj-t.- ra
a .1 f.i i wi.cu artotiUia -4 ml in 'f3 vl
Shut j.ias H.a in taiUntore
rxixv.-nc' 1 Utr who
SMnj ie ant -r.oet cbmta.ir teat ( a as i it. at on.
Jlr. J. IL Ua;ejs, 7,v CftXfjUtca Art . liaiila w,
so..n fail. I', r ",o. '
Hi'ii he.-i "ache, ai. I
Fl ood s
Sars ip iri:i i i t
Matters of Interest and Vafoe to Farmers,
Special! Prepared for This Paper.
Tliis institution was organized by
legislative enactment in 1877, and has
for sixteen years been laboring for the
bf-t interests of the agriculture of
North Carolina.
The fetation has issued daring thee
j years a million arid more copies of bul-
of North Carolina.
- 'lha fund for the support of the sta
t;m is l-rivetl from the general gov
ernment, and Tit appropriation in re
ceived by it from theState. Thestation
desires and net-ds the active co-operation
of... all people of the State, &r w ith
out this co operation it can do but lit
tle effectual and permanent work.
Letters of "inquiry from any. person
upon any agricultural subject vill be
encouraged. Replies to same will be
made at once by the member of the
t-tation MatT mof-t competent to do bo,
in whose pjecial field the question lies.
All questions must invariably be ad
dressed to "The N. C. Agricultural Ex-
;i-r:r:i"i t.ixion, i.aieigu, . v.
i)u htions and replies of general inter
est will be hIso printed in these col
for the benefit of all readers.
The bulletins of the Experiment Sta
lion are sumilied free to those resident
e ii .-A I l i. L A I
oi ine r;xaTe wuo recjiiesi' lueiu nuto.
really de-ire to read them.. The regu
lar bulletins contnin such subjects of
immediate interest and value, and aro
written in plain language for. popular
reading. Technical bulletins are issued
h1o, and contain result of scientific and
technical investigations. Application
should be made to Dr. II. B. Battle,
1'irector, Raleigh, N. C.
A bulletin was written to be read by
fnrmerH. The subject was one which
nil fanners wish to learn more about,
and was chosen for that purpose. It
was writteu from the" farmers' stand
I int and will be supplied free ip all
farmers who write, for it. If you do
not want it, don't send for it.
Tin- bulletin is No. 79, of 24 pages,
i-Mied by the N. C. Agricultural . Ex
peiiment Station at Raleigh. Every
man who farms should become ac
quainted with the structure of plants
and the forces exerted by them in
growing; how thev take up food from
the soil and nir, and how they store it
i.t . i m i i ' 1
awav, anu-tiie iiest plans lor ineir cul
tivation and care; how stable manure
mav be preserved and utilized; how
lime acts upon the soil, and what soils
are most benefited by its application.
All these are treated in a plain, practical
way iu this bulletin. Green-manuring
is also fully described, as well as the
valne of recuperative crops and the
proper rotation of crops. Some may
av thnt a discussion of these matters
i not truly experimental in their char
acter, and does not belong in the bulle
tins of an experiment station. It ia
pretty well settled, however, from the
favor with which the farmers have re
ceived this bulletin, that they appreci
ate its pages.
1 "Gapes" is a disease well known to
most gl owers of poultry, and often des
troys whole broods of young chicks.
The disease is caused by a very slender,
tbj -end-like, reddish nematoid worm,
scientifically known as syngamus tra
cheitis. This worm is characterized by
the permanent union of the paired
sexes, and canuot be parted without
rupturing the bodies. The female
greatly exceeds the male in size.
The matured worms are found only
in the wind-pipe of fowls to which they
cling leech-like on the walls, sucking
the blood of the parts. The female of
each pair produces 2,000 to 3,000 eggs
which remain within her body until
she dies.
The best remedy is prevention. Keep
the fow ls on dry permeable 6oil. Feed
The worms mav either be withdrawn
or else coughed out by the chick.- -Gerald
McCarthy. Entomologist N C.
Experiment Station.
A Catawba county farmer writes to
the X..C. Experiment Station at Ral
eigh "lam glad to receive all the Bul
letins as I have always found them of
vulue and interest."
"on must make a separate applica
tion for the bulletins of' the X. C. Ex
periment Station nt Rabigh. Write on
be spiinkled twice daily with water, to
each quait o.f which add four fluid
ounces of commercial snhdiuric acid.
Whf-reoiily a few fowls are affected
a bit of camphor about the size of a
grain of wheat may be forced down the
throat of each and will by its odor kill
the worms. One -drop of turpentine
dropped into the throat has given good
results, i owdercil asanit'.da, 10 grains
per head, may be fed in a mash of corn
meal. C ho'ppe.l garlic or strong smell
ing onions w illaUolu? found beneficial.
turpentine rubbed on the outside of
the throat will sometimes cause the
orms to let go their hold. The use of
a small feather or hair loop, dipped in
turpentine and thrust down the wind
pipe of the sick fowl is often effective.
generously, including chopped onions
or garlic occasionally. a.h oat the
water trough or pan daily with boiling
water If gapes is present among the
lowis, separate the sick ones, add to
each quart of drinking water four fluid
ounces of a solution of salicvlic acid.
made l.y dissolving lb erases of the
dry acid in -four fluid ounces of clear,.
boilei rain water. The ren in which
the sick fowls are kept chould be as
dry as possible, and the ground should
ft pottaVcard. A list of names sent by
one person cannot be entere 1 on . the
mailing lists of the Station. Thetheory
is that if a man really wants the publi
cations he will gladly spend one cent
for the information contained in them.
A farmer in Warren county, X. C.
eayg of the bulletins of the X. C. Agri
cultural Experiment Station, "I ap
preciate the good work you axe doin
and wifeh to prufit by it.
Why not build a silo. It will pay
if vou have as manv as 8 or 10 head of
stock. The corn crop is the beft to
make c nul.ige of, and in this way there
is nf waste. Bulletin SO of the X. C.
Agr. Experiment Station. describes the
construction of a hilo with bill of laa
tcrifils. Send for it.
An artificial man is a misfit.
Idleness is fixat lieutenant to temp
tation. Good impulses may spring from very
bad sod.
We could nse most of the advice re
give away.
A lie is the hardest thing in the
world to keep within bounds. .
There is a deal more in a dollar
sometimes than a hundred cents.
A man is either a fool or; a knave
who. spends more than he makes. )
Cupid oueht to throw away his a
rows and fill his quiver with cash.
One eood woman can turn more
! steps heavenward than forty preachers
It is sheer laziness that would re
move all the uphills from life's path
way. You always make more enemies than,
money talking politios oo the street
corner. .-
To make progress along the road to
success, you must rise early in the
The man who never reads the papers
may be happy, but He always lives a
miserable life.
If you can't get rid of the lightning
rod agent any other way give him a
The man who considers buying on
credit an easy way to get things is not
a safe man to credit.
The' real happiness of life cannot be
bought with money, and the poor may
have it as well as the rich.
If the grumbler would only
straighten himself out he would find a
great deal less to complain of.
Only one nraitcan take a woman'
heart away fronv-her, whether or no;
if another gets it, it is of her own giv
The man who thinks he can do any
thing finds it difficult to do something,
and generally winds up by doing noth
A Redwood Lumber Camp.
There is something of the pictur
esque in a redwood camp, but there is
little in the life of a woodsman to
make it attractive, and only those who
are accustomed to hard work find
their way thither. The camp consists
of half a dozen or a dozen rough shan
ties, each provided with sleeping
bunks, besides a cook house, which is
the imposing structure of the settle
ment. In this "mansion meals aro
served to all the workmen on the
claim, the Ions? rough table -beinsr
abundantly "upplied with wholesono
food by the company or individual
who "runs" the camp. The cook-
usuallv of the sterner sex is the ora
cle of the camp. Next to him, per
haps, is the ox teamster. Then coma
the choppers, the sawyers, the chain
tenders, water carriers, etc., the crews
consisting of from twenty to fifty
men. The programme of exercises is
about the same in all camps break
fast at six; work; dinner at twelve;
wori; supper at six; smoke; goto
i . . -v- . - . . -
oeu. vot an exciting ine, out a
healthful one to those who escape ac-
cment, ior now ana tnen some poor
fellj)w meets (tenth between the huge
Ings, or beneath some falling tree or
limb, or from a flying "dog" which
slips its hold.
Breakfast (or dinner) over, all Hands
make their way up the hillside or
gulch w here thev have been at work
lor weeks or months and where axes
an 1 saws and jack-screws have been left
lro:n day to day. The boss of the
cam?) directs operations, and the work
oi destruction goes ou with more sys
tem tuan one would -imagine. If the
logs are very large an 1 too heavy to
handle the si lver is brought into rise.
cartridges incite 1 and tri- log blast
e 1, w hen it is dragged away iu sections
to the d. imping
rroun Is. Cassler'
Poisoning by tlu l'lalfpu.
The Australian crresnou tent o" ti3
tuancet writes: -'lae maivcus a is
always eea a most interesting aubn;,
occupying, as it doos.'an lutenae liat-j
position between reptile, bir is aa.i
mammals; on the hiul lim of taj
ma.e is a ipmow curve i s : c a jv.i-
niciting witu a shia i ia .ii' i'ig ia
inuca :u- a u- wav as -i s ia tang
oi uMi.e is cjaat;;.ea .. uj u.' p 1
producing- sn.ivarv ian 1. At tue las:
uieeiwig o; iao icioriaa oriaca
.- .1 1 - -. i 1
the British Medic il Associativa D-.
Lalor ma le a preiiinluary co.am'ina
tioa sagge.-tive o: tae itjt that tae
gland oi the plat vims also secretes
puisuj. iie aarraa me case 01 a
ij . . 3 1.
man wno was wounded in the hand bv
thisspar of the platypus and felt staag.
Leiiamus of tno -im followed, and
acute bloo t voi on ag. The subject
is to be further lavcstiate l. bat. of
course, it is qaite politic that the
symptoms can be accounted for uv the
inoculation of a bingic wound witutaj
orakdma's ruxismxE-vr.
"Can't Ben div me a peath, grand
roft?" whimpered little Betty Brown,
wistfully following her brother from
the goose-yard, where the cross old
gander was still scolding and mumb
ling a great rough "pit" Ben had
thrown at him, down to the porch
where grandma was darning stock
ings. '
"Peach, Ben! Why, what's the
child teasing . about f. There aren't
any peaches nearer than Ma'an?
"Ben's dot some a whole potick
ful an he won't so much as let me
smell of 'em!" complained Betty,
twirling her hat by the strings aiid
scowling a little.
'Why, Ben, you can not have been
down to the Thomes's peach-tree?"
and grandma held her darning-needle
aloft and looked at Ben severely.
"I fouud 'em over the wall, any
way, side of the road, in the tansy.
Don't peaches and things in the road
belong to folks?
"Why, yes. they belong to folks
that own the trees, certainly, Ben
not anvbodv coinc aloncr the wav.
. - ri O - O m
How many have you got?" and
grandma put down the "elpuded foot
ing" and thrust her hand, darning
needle, thimble and all, down into
Ben's swollen nockeL
"Three four six nine! My pa
tience alive! " There's enoush to buv
Ma'am Thomas a pair of kitchen
aprons! and she so poor, tool How
could you, Ben?"
"But grandma, I didn't know I
didn't think " began Ben, in groat !
"I feel sure you didn't, "said grand
ma, helping him out "It is true, the
road is laid through her little place,
and whatever is needed to keep it in
repair is right to be used. But no
one has ft right to the fruit that hangs
ovur or drops into it, any more than
if the tree were in the middle of her
garden. She needs evory one of
these peaches dear now, to buy her
"I've eaten one, grandma, "said Ben,
"Well, dear boy, I'd carry the rest
back, so the luscious thiugs
couldn't tempt me any more. I know
just how 'tis, deary," said grandma,
sympathetically. "I remember a les
son I once had when I was a little
girlftnd ft severe one it was; but I
think it did me good in the end and
taught me to respect the rights of
I was staying with my Aunt Merriam,
helping to take care of the babies and
.going to school. It was a new town
then, and there weren't many apple
trees. Aunt Merriam had only two
'marm's graft' and 'pa's raft, they
were called. Marm's graft did not
bear at all that year, and pa's graft
only had a few apples in the very tip
top late ones.
'Like all children I was fond of apples
as a hungry pig. On my way to school
there was quite an orchard belonging
to Deacon Horr. To be sure, the ap
ples at this time of year were green
and puckery, but thafHidn't mako
any difference ; I ate them, cores and
all. not only picked them up. by the
roadside, but I'm ashamed to say, Ben,
I got over the wall into the orchard,
I was so greedy I
"Itwent on sometime, till orte day
while mending my dress Aunt Mer
riam found ftpple cores in the pocket
that I had laid by to nibble after I
went to bed. r
"Well, there was a reckoning, and
the truth came out Auut Merriam
was greatly shocked, for sSe was very
strict in matters of right'
"And how do you think she pun
ished me?" asked grandma. "She
tied my feet together when she sent
me to school next day I could just
take 6hort steps so that I couldn't
jump the walls, she said.
irtu 1 - ,3 t
ou, uu Duuuicti x was; ior me
children laughed at my awkward
shufflings. Ma'am Lyddy, the teacher,
pitiedme. She sent me home at noon.
and Aunt Merriam took off the hate
ful bands, after talking to me kindly
of my fault.
He who would sral 1 pin
Wo aid teal a bigger thin;-.
I hope isn't always true, dearies, bat
there is-no danger of being too careful
in looking after the small sins. Re
member, 'tis the little foxes that spoil
the vines." Youth's Companion.
Wild Honey.
It is reported that while workmen
Vere digging a well on a farm near
Ban dora, Texas, they unearthed 0 pet
rified tree at a depth of forty-six feet
The tree was hollow and the cavity
vtss filled with honey. The comb was
in a perfect state of preservation, and
the Cells were filled with honey that
tasted tweet, fresh and pare. New
York World.
1 1
A SIDE from the fact that the
JL cheap baking powders contain
alum, which causes indigestion and
other serious ailments, their use is
It takes three pounds of the best
of them -to go as far as" one pound
of the Royal Baking Powder, be-
thev are deficient in leavenine
There is both health and econ
omy in the iise ot the Royal Baking
Traveling: Dairy School.
The Canadian Government sent out
Isst vear three traveling dairv schools
to teach the farmers how to make de
cent butter. Lectures or practical il
lustrated talks were given in various
places, -usually uuder the patronage of
the local iarmers' institute, which at
tended to advertising, etc., the in-t-trnctors,
with-outlit, driving from
ptace to place. The work was contin
ued until the middle of December.
Theouttit of each travelingdairv con
sisted of an eight-boitle Babcock milk
tenter; a Daisy churn No. 2, lever butter-worker,
scale?, butter print, ladles,
cream caus, setting cans, cold water
box, pail, etc., everything required
to make good butter, except cream,
ice and water. These were supplied
by persons near the different places.
The instructors found it necessary
to explain that they were not agents
for any of the implements used, had
no patent process for making butter,
and wee not trvmg to induce farmers
to make butter at home instead of
sending the milk to factories, but had
simply come to discuss the matter and
help those interested iu dairying in
every way possible. New York World.
American Riamisid Cutter.
Diamond cutting hus. been carried
on successfully .r i the United States
since 1873. In Id'i'J, according to tha
census of 189 J. there were sixteen
firms engaged in cutting diamonds,
and in Massachusetts there were threo
more. Cutting has also been carried
ou in Pennsylvania and Iliinoi", but
was discontinued after a time. In
New Yor"k City, according to the cen
sus statistics, there are 1 5f men em
ployed in diamond cutting, who ro
ceive wages that amount annually to
$133,1$'J. New York Sun.
Iu 1877 composite portraitk were
first taken by Francis Dalton.
No Use. to 'Cry.
No use to fret and worry and itch
and scratch. That won't cure you.
Tetterino will. r Any sort of skin dis
ease, Tetter,, Eczema, Salt-Rheum,
Ringworm or mer.) abrasion of the
skin. Cot-ts oO cents u box, at drug
stores, post paid by J. T. Shuptriue,
Savannah, (in.
Of 473, 20G persons of school age in
Mississippi only '214 are of
Beware of Ointment fir Catarrh That
Contain Mercnrv.
as mercury wi 1 surciv de-Uror the "n of
sm-ll and completely oraMs;et tie whole system
w hen entering t through t he mucntj nurface.
Suth art:clei bh ui'l Kvcr h UfM-d etcejit on
ptescript io'is t rorn rt-putahlf phyician, us tin
dam.ie th-y xmIi 1o is ten fold tntliepoo-lyou
can po!ib'y derive from t hern. H1.;'h Catarrh
t nrp maiufa'-t on-d liy F. J. :hnv & Co.,
Tololo. ()., Hintains no mercury, and is taken
internally, actinu d;rectly upon tho bloM an i
mucous eurface of the iv.icm. In"Huyin(;
Hall's ''at.srrh Care bo Hurtnu'"t fhegntinine.
it in taken interna. iy, an I is made in Tolwlo.
0 r. by J. I'Letiey & o. T- timoniaK t rec
t3TSo.d by Drujftoista, price Tic. per bottle.
New IlAxrsHiBK has C30 colored popuU
Karl's f'over Root, the great blool purifier,
etves fre-Iiness and clarness to the complex
ion and cure constipation. 5 ct-.. ") r ti.. 41
fimraiB roof jrardens are becoming popu
lar In the large cities.
Th- True Laxative Prlneila
Of the plant used in manufseturing the pleas
ant remedy. Pyrap of Figs, has a permanently
benrflcikl effect on the human system, whiia
the cheap vegetable eitrarts and mineral solu
tions, usually oM as rr.edirines are perma
nently injurious. Reingr well Informed, you
will ue the true remeiy only. Manufactured
by the California Fig y rup Co.
Thxex promises to be a lively war between
the buiiet-proof coat stars this season.
If a!2t-Tfd with f.'f tjm a-Iir la-Thorn
son a Er water.r-ti.-git t g. Dr ittifl
T.i Iiret Sianuficturcra t.t
" oil ratr Uol at the
r! t h .m; breakfast cocoa,
t;jA l I f ff kirk. aj IWm.
far tktrr f ' "... t.M t . . ...
C3w3 CT CHCtr.
floa!cr ol iho Magnolia.
The umbrella ma;uoli of Cevlov
bears leaves tint arc to largi that a
Mngle one may s ai?time.s serve a a
shelter for fifteen or twenty persons
One of these leaves carried to Englan I
als a specimen was nearly tiiirty-tix
feet in width.
When the petal.-i of the great aurel
magnolia arc touc!iJ, however
lightly, tin result is a brown spot,
i Inch developi in a few hour. ThiK,
fact is t iken a UauUg.' of by a 1nm
who tills a magn dia liow r, an 1 ou
tine of its pure white pct.'.s writes, a)
motto or message w ith a hur l, sh-ir
pointed pencil. Then he sends the
iiower, the young laly puts it in a
yaso of water and iu thtee or four
Hours the message written on" the leaf
becomes visible and remains so.-
Sau Fraucisco Chronicle.
of disease and de
rangements have their
origin in torjr of the
liver. Deranged ar
Eetito, constipation,
eadache, sour stom
ach, gassy belching,
indigestion, or dys
pepsia, are due to
sluggish liver.
Mr. Jon A. Db
riEURY, U. S. Inspect
or of Immigration
at Buffalo. A 1",
writes on followa:
From early childhood I offered front n ilu
tfieh liver. Doctors' prescriptions and patent
medicines afforded onlr temporary rtfief. I
tried Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet, taktn?
three at nigrht and two after dinner every day
for two weeks and then one " Pellet " every
day for-two months. I have in six months in
created in solid tlcfih. twenty-six pound. J
am in better health than I have been since
childhood. Drowsiness and unpl'nunt feel
ings after meals have completely disappeared.
' ! Respectfully yours,
&S U. 8. Inspector of Immigration.
W. L. Douclas
$3 SHOE N08QukARNi
I Tea can aave money r wearlnv
WH.. Doaclaa 83. OO Shoe.
Reeaose. we are the largest manufacturer of
r this rra4sof4hoe la tb world, a&d ruaraatr lhtf
vaiuo bytampl&g t&e same ana prico on u
bottom, which protect you again t hih prlcea a&4
tlje middtensaa's prcSta. Our shoes equal coatam
work la styls, eay tttlnf and wearing qualities.
Wabavetbera soli Terywbre at lower prleeafos
tba alae riven than any other roaka. Tak no aub
Siltuta. IX your daalar caauoi supply you. we caa.
rT. Arm 11. im.
tit t&n-
aa anil ta!
aoiZrd iron.
Tf Uai, on
lnf de of t b
otVr. with
l(ft hrmrt-ri
tVm Vr etM
;art f truit.
which drop
t8rusi Into r a
1 a 1 1 n. t'S -T
tiiit-i It uU-uX
rittt, directly t,r'',t
U. y.r 0 BKJth.
"It Has ff-r.?t
tr . i&btirirtf,
t-Tr!hi. in it 9
o:, never gets
fool, and r-kltu
throwins t.i - . ..
thrll '? ,,f r .'
-ty -nr
the habit
h S fJ 3i
"177; rrr
aa4 eoU
sjrhe have weak taacso Ajah-
, atcoU as Piso's Csn foe
j Oonjar-.ptioe. It has eaireat
m. fihae DoaiBjaf-
aaca It U cot bm-1 to taaav
It lata ecaeoeahsmpw
; :2 erywbar. tk.
1 Hi
otVr. with I M
tVire f .r etM Ji i 2 IfJi' 2

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