I 1.1 A i 'jf; 1! V. i 7 6' 44 il :1 : I 5r : 1 Ml 1 i f II II 14 Hi OK. WOK COUNTY OBSERVER. ? U L L S B O il O U G II , N . C . ; .r"mTMiVY.'T. 7-- Nov. ls'. ; i hi. ' . -. - - L'vt-pv TlITJKSPAl HARRIS, Publisher PUHLlsHKl .JOSEPH A. and Owner. 'House ior Rent ! Apply to. 1 Josiah Turner, ihe Saddler. l I See aderusement ot an excel 1 lent farm tor sale by J. E. Jones. 1 Mr. J. W. Dodson has qualified A r r V 1 WITKli; a9 Administrator, with will annexed, 1 1' ALl yv- , Andrews, bee wrnf'K. !OI JiafJ auu " I . r- , ' notice. i Our Slock ot Fall and Winter, Rea(J tte cew advertisements ! Goods is complete in all lines, and j , Uniou Mercaolili. Oo and ot vca ofTW to the public oods-on their merits, andat:paper I prices as low aa the lowest T T any or all of g t,. Whitled, colored, in this Mr. Sally Roeenoond was taken - . i lyjiujuu i n nTk 5 ; II i am riipB ill Willi ; RANK NASH, ATTOKSKY-AT-LaW, oftlee. near tli' hott 1. A. V. GRaUAM, Attokn v.y-at Law, Oxtord. X. C. ' ' i. v ' " VAX iccsas iuw viTFTS nnite ick very suddenly last Sun DRESS G0?,Db' he was JeporteJ " II1TIIDC IS APPEALING NDKIIWEAH, COMt O KTS, . Xhen lat heard from. 1 HAIUnt 10 MrrLMLIHU t I'hici".) women have started movement to h',w hubM-ntial ap. t.reriat.on of the services ot (ten-;.r-tl Kitzhu-h Log and dt-neral Jos. Wheel.-r. ! UNPKI I NOTIONS, &c. I We have a lull and complete STOCK OF CLOTHING, made by first class tailors, warrant--i ed to fit and give hatistaction, and at a ! prices to suit it you want to buy. . . . -it -Ilev. E. W. i ox, paeior w.u nQ p must be gotten nl ot ; iney w u, preacblnthe Methodic church at FOR HELP. ,VWhf K this place next Sunday. Nov 12,h JtioJotvntnljind Ml U1IFMU11G SIGH THAT ."KS: helo until it is impossible to get alonp without the .,.rt' uif mut. it Boils-ana p mi pies iu'",vu v ovm accumulatinr impuntw wnicn C must be gotten rid of ; they are an urgent appeal for assistance . M. SATTIS. time means muic r- M 0nrt.1i M.M. ."- I .. ., lion. i no ti-rtiis ot the htirrcLuer have not yet been nride publij. .Tnde Sirnonton'rt decision in the railroad tax assessment cses is a very surprising ami a very imjiorjant one. lie holds that the Corpora tion Commission of North Carolina has no authority to assess railroad property for taxation. Charlotte Observer. It matters not how high our sta tions in !ite, it t us not assuuo that porcupine- selfishness ihat will cause every one to stand aloof from us. Ono of the vjreatest complime-its that can ho paid to a person of hih estate is that he is ailable and eusy of approach. ' Tho State Auditor has received reports of taxable values of real es tate and personal property for the year lhM from filty seven counties. The returns from these counties fchow an increase ot S0,GS3,27f) over the returns from tho name counties last year. Of the fifty seven coun ties so far reporte I, not one failed to show an increase, the county ot Mecklenburg leading with au In crease ot $1 ,200, COG Wake and thirty-six other couniies are yet to hear from. It ik estimated that the increase in tho total amount ot tax valuation for the year will bd in the neiijhboi hood ot twelve million dol lars. This is significant becaubc there was a shrinkage of twelve million in the taxable valuations of property in the Stale from the year to lCDi. From 18U7 to 1393 a gain of SS.OOO.COO in valuation was made. This year the increase has been greater already, with thirty Mven counties to hear from, than in many previous years. ti. WltAPS. A. nice line that will suit the La dies and Miese?. SHOES. Tlie best and cheapest line in Or ane County. Moat of it at old prices. WAGONS, BUGGIES, HAR NESS, GUANOS, CROCKERY, TIN WARE, GLASSWARE, "&o. We keep everything you want. A nice, full and complete line of GROCERIES. Don't fail to see our large and beautiful STOCK OF FURNITURE. We have a large warehouse full of all kiuds of Furniture. We are offering special bargains iu an odd lot f Shoes. Shoes that cost ii.50 per pair, now going at 75 cents per pair. See box of Shoes that we are of fering at oO cents per pair. We charge nothing to show our goods. Call and examine tbem, and i if prices and oods don't suit, you needn't invest one cent. JAS. WEBB, JR. & BRO. . J -t. trr I'll 1,1 lf fill at I i a m aiiu i u. iu. viw - . . , . - . , dialfy invited. Ske -Joseph G Brown, of. the Vance ! unable to withstand the many - auu Mnnnment Committee, savs that the 1 prevalent during spring Wash , - Mjr,.u Mrs. L,. veuiii, -y. - - - n., . whirh T was afflicted tor a long ume vltli Bu.vvi; Ex i Lout us Like Stanley and Liv.innstonc, found it hartlcr to overcome Malaria, Fever and Ague, and Typhoid dis ease germs than savago cannibals; but thousands have found that Elec- Tho enumeration required by the census act will begin on the 1st day of June, 1900, aud must be com pleted within two weeks in all cities for which 8,000 or more were re ported in 1890, and in all other dis tiicts un or before the 1st day of July next thereafter. Chamberlain's Pain Balm Cures Otiizrs, Why Not Yod ? My wife has been using Chamber lam's Fain Balm, with good results, for, a ianie shoulder that has pained her continually for nine years. We have tried all kinds of medicines and doctors without receiving any bene fit irorn any of them. One day we saw an advertisement of this modi trie Bitters is a wonderful cure tor! all malaual diseases. If you l ave j we did with the best of satisfaction chiMs with lever, aches in back of j She has used only one bottle and neck and head, and tired, worn out ; her shoulder is almost well. Adolr.h feeling, atrial will convince--you. of j L. Millett, Manchester, N. II. For W . A. Null ot Wohb : ailo Lv W A ITo., X :. i M .. 1 : 1 1 ,f i -. .uy cnuoren suticreu tli'.'ir merit 111., wiitch lor mort? than a ye ir with chills and No gentleman, in God's sight, fever; hen two bottles ot Eletti ic j will approve of the step that Kng l.itlers cured ihem. Only 50 cents. land has taken to drive the poor Try them Guarat.teed. Sold by j Boers from their native home. She W. A. Hives. 1) rU','Mt. t hli(i bettor tfllco parfl nf h&r r.rtrhf ot : I homo. The way I understand the The st Jtrway leading to ihe tower j word that was given by the inspira f the Philadelphia city hall con-1 tion" of God, there is a time-when tains ;9S steps and is sani to be the I man or men can rule over others to ; I'liest continuous stairw ay in the I their own hurt. wol id. IN USKI) I.Y BlUTlSH Soldikks Africa. ('apt. C G. Dennison is well known all over Atriea 3s commander of the f otces that captured the la mous rebel GaUshe Under dale oi Nov. 4, lv97 tom Vryburg, Iiechu analand. ho writes : "Before starting n th3 last campa'xjn I bought a piantity oi Clnlio and W. II. NEWMAN. Six Frightful Failures. Six terrible failures of six differ ent doctors nearly sent Wm. H. Mullen of Lockland, O., to an early grave. All said he had a fatal lung trouble and that he must soon die Bat he w ss ured to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption After taking fie bottles be was en- ChatnberUin's Colic I lireI' cure;'1- is positively guar Diarrhoea Remedv ' anl0tM lo cure a'l diseases of Throat, which I used myself when troubled ! ht'l aml U!1os! including Coughs, with bowel complaint, and had iven I Lo!ll!' La Grippe, Pneumonia, Bron to my me provei mo by W . A Hayes, Druggist. ! lra mottles free at W. A. Hayes' w drug store. m comp;atnt, mul liad given i "''"ppe, i ueumonia, uron en, and in everv case it i cn.,l"l,, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup, ot beneficial" " For sale 1 nooPln Cough. 50o and 1.00. Freezing weather in the territory contiguous to New Orleans is be- tever m that section. Qaaiamine h3s been raised. A shirt factory is to be t-utablish-: vd at 'Scotland Nerk V C. ........ . . M'l'ClHI lO DO 111 ODOrrtiinn lv last of December, and will ime em ' iicvei 10 have wund up the yellow ployment to lu"S people. Dr. H. H Haden, Summit, Ala , siyv 'T think Kodol Dyspepsia l ure is a splen1ul medicine. I pre scribe it, and my contldence in it grows with continued ue." It digest.- what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and iiidigtetion. W. A. Ha)e. It was suowiu last week in trip Panhandle country, of Texas, and a b!:zard vifeiu-d " northern Texas This is the earlitst winter known there in many years. Ei if J. D Bridges, Editor "Demo crat," Lancaster. N. II , says, -One Minute Cough Care is the best rem edy for croup I ever used." Imme diately relieves and cures cough, cold?, croup, asthma, pueumouia brouchitis, grippe and all ihroat and lung troubles. It prevents con sumption. W. A. Hayee. General Wheeler writes that be will take his seat in Congress wbeD that body meets. iaKWrt m-a, iv-tj tURU HHtKt AH (K( LfC B,i CvuKh Sfrup. Tsw Gt Vm . . . l f u Vnne statue will bo reauy n jiartu or April, and that in ali probabiljiy ihe unveiling will occur at Raieigb on May -20th, 1900. ue wilt s iicu iiuzt. jJw'l...O.. her. It is the besi salve in Amer ica " It heals evervthinir and cures ail skin diseases. W. A Hayes. Mr. R. L. Steele, the well known mill man ot Rockingham, is at the head of a movement to buiid a large bleachery iu that section. It is probable ihat the bleacheay wiil be located at Hamlet N. C. "I wouldn't be without De Witt's Witch Haztl Salve for any consideration," writes Thomas B. Rhodes, Centerfield, O. Infallible tor piles, cuts, burns and skin dis eases Beware ot counterfeits. W A. Hay 68. A statement of the tobacco sales at Wiison, N C, has been is sued by the tobacco people of that town. The sles for August, Sep tember and October aggregate near ly ten million pounds The to: il sales for the season will reach fitteen million pounds. Dr. W VVixon, Italy Hill, N Y., Hays, "I heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It gave my wife immediate relief in suffocating asthma." Pleasant to take. Never fails to quickly cure all coughs, colds, throat aud lung troubles. W. A. Hayes. It is now stated as a fact that the Seaboard Air Line Railroad will build a line to Greensboro next year. It is probable that the line will be extended from Pittsboro to Haw River and thence to Greeus boro, and it may be continued to Winston. "I had dyspepsia fifty-fcmen years and never found permanent relief till I used Kodol Dyspepsia Core. Now I am well and feel like a new man," writes JS. J. Fleming, Murray, Nen. It is. the best digest an; known. Cures all forms of in digestion. Physiciane everywhere prescribe it. W. A. Hayes. Warren Coleman, of Conoord, President of the negro cotton mill at that place, says it will be about six weeks before the mill begins work The mill will have 7,000 spindles and 150 looms, and will employ 350 persons Coleman says the employes, all negroes, have beer, elected. There are two white "bosses" and one negro boss. savs : mm lol A hacking cough is a grave-yard congh; the sooner yon get rid of it the better. Don't wait until it develops into consumption, but use the cele brated Dr. John W. Bull's Cough Syrup at once. It is a wonderful remedy for all throat and lung affec tions, and will cure a deep-seated cough or cold in a few days. si tali Sum Will cure a Hackinq Couqh. Dow are small and pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. Price 25 cts. At all druggists. N E V AD V E RTIS E M EN TS. B BOSTON MODERN LOW PRICE TAILORS Cut and .ftt you in trie very latest styles of 199 ami UX. Vhv"dy.i spetui your money for everything that? cracked up before you. haif cut and ma! that'. cnUe.1 clothing, when vou can call on s. L. Whitted an.l exitum his complete line of Fail and Winter samples, just received, of the Ltt-t. hec and cheapest, ami place vour or der? Pants or Overcoats m ole to or der. Call and see me and s,iv' mnnev. S. L. WllilTKtl" General Ajrenr. IIii;txro. N. (, for G. II. Corthell, Boston. Ma. i. - . n ,flrorv .mnovine. as tney aibUKmcu L - After usinc: many other remedies in vain and thoroughly cleansed my blood, and - . . . - 1 J 1 . a Wd complexion, which I never fnaa -u. nv lace ieanuuj . sjcpr'v jr . S S. S. promptly v"f I now I rejoice iu SV -7 " jr7 m do ATTnUNKY-AT-I.. W, Hillbi.ro, N. C. rrat tie-s in State ami V". ' r ii r. ,v.. I'lotDj't attention : ais -e-cial att-nlii t l'roba! ! -:: JOHN W.f.KUHM. I'AVI . ".UAH.l, RAUAM & tillAilAM. i Attoujikis-at-I-.aw. great pain and annoyance. My bTood seemed to be 1 YrT TiVa rrrfrrn an.1 Af litnr. T i l WUU1V1VU. UVLIllilt: X LtHI.V ' T 1 1 I T rt . 1 . I . - ..... anv trood. Six hottlp of S S S or n r teiice in I lie t oui.t ! . u.ui i-ti j wiwu uoa uccu iciict.u uuic v ex since i , , . J 1 , and i :in( am, 1 a n v i: U , S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD E fDWAKD I,. Cuol.KV, is the best blood remedy, because it is rurelv TPcptAhla and is the "only one that is absolutely free from potash and mercury. It promptly purifies the blood and thoroughly cleanses the svstem, builds tin i Il - 1 1 l.L 1 .L T.. r. . - . ' e I we general iieaan auu sueugin. it cures ocroiuia, trCzema. Lancer. Rheuma tism, Tetter, Boils. Sores, etc., by going direct to the cause of the trouble and forcing out all impure blood. Books free to any address by the Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga, Notary l'i m.ir ami ,irn' i k ri l'KACr. Chill Tonic It Tasteless and Guaranteed to Cure Chills and Favor and. all Qalarlal Troubles. Does Not Contain Quinine Nor Other Poison. Does Not Injure the Stomach Nor Effect the Ilearing. W. A. McLarty & Son, Dime Box, Tex., say: "Ramon's Pepsin Chill Tonic is the best we have ever handled. My son prescribes it in his practice, and sayg it is the only Chill Tonio which a child can take without injury to the stomach." Price 50c. BROWN MF'G. CO., Prop'rs, GreeneviUe, Tenn. Hill-bote, N C. Ollicc at oolfy's Fundi ore Roou;. IIom 'J a. m. to 1 i. to I p. m. W.tVl am ! f" -" om. Okntist, IlilUboro. N ' o:i Cliurfrn -.if. FOR SALE BY W. A. II AYES. "rixii: wiaoxJbiT of it ajli. The new Hook, the Rotary Motion and the Ball Bearings make the "WHEELER & WILSON Sewing Machine Easy Running, Quiet, Rapid and Durable. A perfect machine for diesmakers. Has the only Tucker thai works satisfactory. Best Ruffle r. Adjustable-IIemmer. V EARTH." If you want something worth buying, wrtie me a card add I will do the rest. J. M. HAYES, WTith Oneida Stork, Graham, N. C: "You all know hrn." P KOVIDE FOR YOUR WIFE AND CHILDREN. You can do so by taking out a life policy with thf lVopt'' Mutual Be nevolent Association of North Carolina, the cheapest insurance known, ami yet as ooil as any. You can't afford to he without protection when you can jjet it so cheap and life heinj; so uncertain. it is a dot jou owe your, family to sec one of our Agents and iut in your application at orn-e. Our 'ollicers for the Orange Divi-ion lor Orange atii. Durham Counties arc as follows : Tiesi'letit SHmuel M. (iatti-S ; Sec retary ami Treasurer I f irry L. Par ih : Directors .John K. Hughes. ThotDas .J. Oldham. L. B. W'hit te.i, J. Frank Craw lord. II. L. McDade. W. L. McD ide. N. V. Raw i. For iest. r. M. Sykcs, W. T. Wilson. D.-s. Milh r. H. A. Hod-e. U". . York. Thos. M. Cheek. .1. Frank Fickard, M. A. McCauley ami K. L. Smith. Division Aeut A. C. Griftin. Local Agents D. F Crawford and A. A.Murdock. -pOSTEI) LAND. All person aie warned not to liunt with dos. un. net or axe or trespass iu any way opoit the lam!- of the heirs ot ihe late Isaac IL Sir. iv horn in Ilills horo townhip. All perous so tres-pa--in will he dealt with as the law direct.-. This 21 t div of October, ISW. CII A K LES s, I J a YIIORN'. Look in Your Mirror Do you eee sparkling eyes, a healthy, tinted skin, a iwett expression and a grace ful form t These attractions ara the result of good health. If they ar absent, there is nearly always some disorder of the dis tinctly feminine organs r-resent. Healthy menstrual organs mean health and beauty everywhere. fficELREE'S WmeofGsuraffani -pos 1 ED LANDS All person are w irne 1 not to hunt w it ii un. dos net or axe, or trepasg in anv wa upon out land in Chapel Hill township. All er-o si Ires-ja-sinif will oe dealt wish as tlie law dlieeis. 'l'his Jlst dav of Octoher. lW. MKs. J. Mc AL LEY. MKs. J. O D v.VILL, W. D. NEVILLE. j makes women beautiful and healthy. it Mrwes ai nie root or au tneir trouble. There is no menstrual dis order, ache c-r pain which it will r.ot cure. It is for the budding pirl, the busy wife and the matron approaching the change of life. At every trying crisis ia a woman's life it brings health, strength and happiness, cost3 $ r.oo of medicine dealers. For advice i:i casts rejuiTing special directions, address, giving symptoms "The Ladies' Advisory Department.' The Chattanooga ilexficine Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. MRS. BOZENA JjnriS, nf Oonarllle. TexSA, stvys: "I was tn.ubltd tt rriOi'iy Intervs.. with trrrsKe rnt,i in mir and back, but hav been cnUreiy rcwveti ty Win of CkrduL I ark- k'c f !'.ljie!h Fui nijn.re sii.rc JJjK. S. K.U'Foi: I. Thk Dl'kham Kt:; Srit iAi.i-T. I xaniin ition free. Iet of r t r i . c. Oiih e Wright l.uildin, Durh:.tu. N . SO UTI LE 1 RAIL AY AY. THK STANDARD RAILWAY OF Til JK HOIITII. The Direct Line to All Toints. TLX AS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, (HJILV AM) rORTO RICO. Strictly firii-cLiiR equipment on all Through arsd Local Tiainj I 'j 1 1 -nan Palace .Sleeping Carn tn ail Niht TraitiS ; Fat and Snfc Schtd- Uh'M I'ravel by the Southern and you -ire affined a Safe, Comfortable ai d Kxpeduiou? Journey. Apply to Ticket Acentw fo- Tirno Tables, Rates and General Intorma t ion, or add r ess R. L. Vkkxox, F. R. 1)ai:i:y, T. P. A ( C P ct T A , Charlotte, N. C. AheH e, N C. No Tioubie to AntiHcf (i'iestiof!? CAROLINA Mi: JpOSTED LA NT. AH peron will take notice, that tbev are h reby torbidd-u under H.-nMlty of the law. u hunt with i:iu, do.. net or otherwise tre-pa.-- up,;! our land In iiol-rK,ro Iowi-h p. J lo JJi day of October. l?h L T. W. TAI'P, K. II. SHARE. .IOIIN K. HI LEY W. p. KI LEY, A. T. RILEY. TKI LANIi. 'pHE NOICIII TL'AL AND PROVIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION. For relief and protection in time of ! need csH on S. 1 Whitrefi and h:tve j him to write up your application for membership tn the nlmve Association ! wh'u h pays sh k and immediate bt-ne- 1 , ot "'vfient. disat.ihty or! A valuable farm, 2 miles northwest 'ALL ABLE FARM FOR SALE. hwest j ;5, alM eeKiv does from ." tn .Vt .t 'of H ttUtforo ersr.t i!,Hi- nr. . .1 ui Mvineiii oenent-iron l.O) n nectsry r.nthouv. farm building,! flOUO per week. Death endow men!? J Ac. well wntered and timbered, willhei trom 30.00 to fV20 (). : sold on reasonable terms. " j s. L. WFirrrt'ii r,-.r c.tii fit;,..,i..M ( Ageu, Riliiboro, N. C. U. IL PARISU. i All person are waroed not to liunt with do. nun. net or ax, or tr-pa in any way upon our Sands in - Little River township. All person- tre-pa-Uig will he dealt with as the law direct. This Uih day o! October, 1 fJ. N. E. JOHNSON. TII'is. II. JACK SOX. W. II. B A' ON. GYAt W. CRABT REE. ( i kro berry, jno. il Jackson, JiJHN BERRY. T. A. FA UcElTE. JOHN K. TURNER. JOHN McKEfALU W. F. J.CKON OEOftCiE LAWS for LOUISA TURNER. W. II. MURDOCH. FRANK S GANNON, ad V P Gen. MaM. J M. GULP Trat Man. W A TURK, i P A V hjhIi I ii tC on, y. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially disrM th- and aid Nature in strengthen in..' ar: i r'-con-itmctio(r the'zbau-t'-d d -t;ve w yans. It h the !ate,t d j-'-ov r -d :?"t inland tonic. Noo!h-r ; repiranon ran approach it in t-ir.rf-rry. It !n Uantlv relieves and r-rrn;i.v'r.t!rcure Dyprr.ia. Imliif-tion.. H'-artturn, Flatulence. Sour um.vl. Nauv-. Sick Headachf ,Gast ra! jn 'ra n. ; aod illotherresuitof rui rf-rtdr--v.otL Prepared by E C. DtWitt 4 Co . CC'42 V. A. HAYLs. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDE" -1 r.-.-n -1 nrf. ZA1.TIAIOU S2TFor ale at Hillsb A. ilaycs, Droggtsl.