OCR Interpretation

Orange County observer. [volume] (Hillsborough, N.C.) 1880-1918, April 09, 1903, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042052/1903-04-09/ed-1/seq-4/

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" I was very poorly and could
hardly get about the house. I was
tired out all the time. Then I tried
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it only
took two bottles to make me feel
perfectly well." Mrs. N. S. Swin
ney, Princeton, Mo.
Tired when you go to
bed, tired when you get
up, tired all the time.
Why? Your blood is im
pure, that's the reason.
You are living on the
border line of nerve ex
haustion. Take Ayer's
Sarsaparilla and be
quickly cured. fift3fi:.
Ask your doctor -what he thinks of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. He knows all aboutthis grand
old family medicine. " follow his advice and
we will be satisfied.
j. c. Atek CO., Lowell, mass.
cartridges and shot shells
are made m the largest and
best equipped ammunition
factory in the world.
of U. M. G. make is now
accepted by shooters as
"the worlds standard" for
it shoots well in any gun.
Tour dealer sells it.
The Union Metallic
Cartridge Co.
Bridgeport, - - Conn.
Nothing will "lay
you- up," "play you
out," "put you to
bed" quicker than
a maney com.
Thousands feel the
first effect of cold
in the kidneys;
back-ache, rheu
matic pains, urinary
disorders, retention of
urine, infrequent and
too frequent urinary
discharge tell of kidneys out of order,
Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kidney
ills from common back-ache to danger
ous diabetes.
A. T. Ritenour, owner of the wood
vard at 125 East Cork street, Winches
ter, Va., says: "Ever since I had la
grippe I have been a sufferer from kid
ney troubles, which made themselves
apparent in racking pains through the
region of the kidneys and across the
small of my back. The pains were al
ways severe, and sometimes so sharp
and biting that they compelled me to
take to my bed. The kidney secretions
furnished further evidence of disorder.
They were off color, irregular and pain
ful of passage. Added to this there
was an annoying weakness. The news
paper advertisements of Doan's Kid
ney Pills attracted my attention, and I
procured a box of that remedy at
Franck Baker & Sons' drug store. The
relief I experienced was magical. The
pills lifted me from my bed of sick
ness, placed me on my feet and made
me a well man. I can work as well as
ever. Doan's Kidney Pills, I believe,
saved my life. They are a great rem
edy to stop kidney troubles resulting
from colds."
A Fkek Trlax of this great kidney
medicine which cured Mr. Ritenour will
be mailed to any part of the United
States on application. Address Foster
Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Fob sale
by all druggists. Price, 50 cents per
The Dying Man's Joke.
The antiquary stood in the Union
League, contemplating, his hands be
hind his back, the excellent portrait
of Thaddeus Stevens. ."Whenever I
study this painting of my old friend,"
he said, "I am reminded of a jest
that Stevens made when he was
dying, to two of the attendants at
the c'apitol at Washington. Up to
almost the last Stevens insisted on
participating in the sessions of Con
gress, and these two' men carried him
daily from his hotel in a great chair to
his desk. He was worn down to skin
and hone at this time; it was clear
he was not much longer fbr this
earth; but his two servitors were
huge, lusty and young men. Hence I
think that there was a good deal of
delicate humor and pathos in the re
mark he made to them one day, as
they were carrying him, as usual, over
to the Capitol. What will I do he
said, 'for carriers how will I get to
my desk safely and comfortably
whpn vou two giants are dead and
gone.'" Philadelphia Record.
The cry of the penitent sinner has
always been and still is for mercy.
Nothing but mercy from an omnipotent
God can redeem us.
The uiQrtiTiea usner. .
Tn rm of the boxes at r. social
fair at the Waldorf the other evening
were two or three young women rath
er thinly clad. Their chaperon called
to one of the ushers.
"I wish you would have that win
dow behind us closed," she said.
"Certainly, madame," he responded
politely, "I will send for a man to do
it without delay."
The party waited a quarter of an
hour, and then the chaperon made
another complaint to the usher.
"I will see to it at once," he said.
After ten minutes more she called
him again. "I shall have to close that
window myself, unless it is attended
to immediately," she exclaimed.,
"By no means, madame," he said,
with the utmost deference: "Unless
the man comes very soon I 'will do it
And the condescending individual
was only a minor member of the great
society of flunkies, at that. New
York Mail and Expresi.
FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
NerveJUestorer.!is2trialbottleand treatise free
Dr. B.B.KUXE, Ltd., 931 ArchSt.,1 ila.,Pa.
A married man
from a bachelor.
always resents advice
Mrs.Winslow's SoothingSyrup for children
teething,sof ten the gums, reduces Mamma
tion,allayspain,cures wind colic. 25c. abottle
Some people are so polite that it seems
as though they want to borrow money.
I do not believe Piso's Cure for Consu cap
tion has an equal for cough3 and colda John
Jb . JioiEB, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15, 1933.
White to Dr. Taber Mfo. Co , Pooria
111., for free sample Taber's Pepsin Com
pound, the guaranteed cure for Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and all stomach ills.
Some people run into debt and then com
plain that they were pushed in.
'Putnam Fadeless Dyes color
goods, per package, than others."
Miss Gannon, Secy Detroit Amateur
Art Association, tells young women what to
do to avoid pain and suffering caused by
female troubles.
" PEA RS- Pinkham : I can conscientiously recommend Lydia E.
Pinkiiam s Vegetable Compound to those of my sisters suffering with
female weakness and the troubles which so often befall women. I suf
fered for months with general weakness, and felt so weary that I had
hard work to keep up. I had shooting pains, and was utterly miserable.
In my distress I was advised to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, and it was a red letter day to me when I took the first dose,
tor at that time my restoration began. In six weeks I was a changed
woman, perfectly well in every respect. I felt so elated and happy that
.iTltV8rtogetweUasIdid.,,--Mi88 Guila Gannon,
359 Jones St., Detroit, Mich., Secretary Amateur Art Association.
?lis C,leIy shown in this young lady's letter that Lydia E.
Pinkham s Vegetable Compound will certainly cure the sufferings
of women; and when one considers that Miss Gannon's letter is
only one of the countless hundreds which we are continuallv
publishing in the newspapers of this country,
the great virtue cf Mrs. Pinkham's medicine
must be admitted by all ; and for the absolute
cure of all kinds of female ills no substitute
can possibly take its place. Women should bear
this important fact in mind when they go into
a drug store, and be sure not to accept anything
that is claimed to be " just as pood " as Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, for
no other medicine for female ill3 has made so
many actual cures.
How Another Young Sufferer
Was Cured.
U2AR Mss. jixtvIia:i : I must
write and tell you what your Vegetable
Compound has done for me. I suffered
terriblv ovatv mrmtli rf. Hmn
rtruation, and was nt able to work. Your medicine has cured me of
tny trouble. I felt relieved after taking one bottle. I know of no med
toe as good as yours for female troubles." Miss Edith Gross, 169
-"Vater Street, Haverhill, Mass
Remember, Mrs. Pinkham's advice is free, and all sick women
are foolish if they do not ask for it. ISo other person has such
vast experience, and has helped so many women. Write to-day.
S5Q00 oLlVSr ure,
. Itfdia E. Piukkaia Medicine Co., Lynn. SXaaa
CataiTli Cannot Be Cured
With local applications, as they cannot reach
the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood
or constitutional disease, and in order to cure
it you must take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acta
directly on the blood and mucous surface.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It vras prescribed by one of the best physi
cians in this country for years, and is a reg
ular prescription, It is composed of the
best tonics known, combined witn tne best
blood purifiers, acting directly on the mu
cous surfaces." The perfect combination of
the two ingredients is what produces such
wonderful results in curing catarrn. bend
for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, priee, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A reput&tiorv exterwiind over
. iA5y-5iA years ana our
guarantee are bark, of
Ncy vuiinciib vcuiui uir
I I IS I IsJl I.
There are many unitations.
De sure or ine name
"i"j-vn.r 4.1 i a
v i utytK on ine puttona.
v K Hl J
I t
ffiTVffl i
"Pc-ro-na is an Excollcnl Spring Gatarrb
Remedy I am ao Well as Ever."
lean eonsetentiouslu re
around good medicine to th
ncea or a catarrh
has been commended to mehH
tarrh.For those .:e
" l icnoio of
better. ,fH. W. Ogden.
vv. hi. wnntn. Uoncan, TeTa,
"I suffered &nm iT' fxai
" uuin l ,t i
many years. I took Peruna
pletely cured me. I think vStA
best medicine m the uVm
been in years." W. V. dSnl? ID
3. w;i. I
My general health is much impZ5ri
use. as I am much strong X
Hon. Dan. A. Grosvenor, Deputy Auditor for the War Department, in a letter written
from Washington, D. C, says:
"Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived from
one bottle of Peruna. One week has brought wonderful changes and I am
now as well as ever. Besides being one of the very best spring tonics it is
an excellent catarrh remedy. DAN. A. GROSVENOR.
In a recent letter he saya:
t(l consider Peruna, really more meritorious than I did when 1 wrote
you last. I receive numerous letters from acquaintances all over the
country asking me if my certificate is genuine.' I invariably answer
yes." Dan. A. Grosvenor.
A Congressman' Let. .
Congressman H. Bowpn t....
well County, Va., writes: UWJa'
"J can cheerfully reconimeni
vu.iwui,KTfrmeuy,rerunL tot
wnv tujjsnng watt catarrh
. VJ , permanent i
ejfevn-uc uv,re." u. isowen,
Mr. Fred. D. Scott, Larue, Oh
uualu vi ia" j- uutuau -t villi Tt-..
Peruna at the head. I have used it
&cii. lUi ,vjiKko auu Laidiiu 01 tile h
llia&'S a sivn. pciauu vvcu ill a SflOrt
x give j-ciuutt xxx j Ai.ccu.tj liiuorserjiei
Xien. Ira C. Abbott, 905 M street
''I am fully convinced that vov.r ,
is an excellent tonic. Many of rmd
have used it with the .most beneficial
trouble." Ira C. Abbott.
Mrs. Elmer Fleming, orator of piesenJ
Council No. 168, Northwestern Lem0jl
HonT, of Minneapolis, Minn., writ f J
2535 Polk street, N. E.: "
"I have been
troubled all .my;WWw
life with catarrhj
in my head I took
Peruna for about
three months, andj
now think I am
permanently cured. J
I believe that for
catarrh jn all its
fofmi Peruna is
the medicine of the?
It cures when
A County Commissioner's Letter.
Hon. John Williams, County Commis
sioner, of 517 West Second street, Duluth,
Minn., says the following in regard to Pe
runa: "As a remedy for catarrh I can cheer
fully r3commend Peruna. I know what it
is to surfer from that terrible disease and
I feel that it is my duty . to speak a good
word for the tonic that brought me imme
diate relief. Peruna cured me of a bad
ease of catarrh, and I know it will cure
any other sufferer from that disease."
John Williams.
A Congressman's Letter.
Hon. H. W. Ogden, Congressman from
Louisiana, in a letter written at Washing
ton, D. C, says the following of Peruna,
the national catarrh remedy:
all other remedies?
fail. I can heartily
as a catarrh reme-'Mrs. Elmer Flemin
dy." Mrs. Elmer Minneapolis, W
i -
Treat Catarrh in Sprinc
The spring is the time to treat catatii
Cold, wet winter weatner otten retards
cure of catarrh. If a course of Pernm i
taken during the early spring months tU
cure will be prompt ana permanent. 1
can be no failures if Peruna is taken kit
gently during the favorable weather
As a systemic catarrh remedy Pantf
eradicates catarrn irom the system wW.
ever it may be located. It cures catri
of the stomach or bowels with the ami
certainty as catarrn ot the head
If you do not derive prompt and saw
factory results irom the use of JPeruna
at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full stain
ment of your case, and he will be pli
to give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of Ikf
Hartman banitanum, Columbus. Ohio,
5 Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein
nature's Gn
Remedy loi
Ii 4"&m3a all Throat and Lung Troubles. Thoroughly
JUglS, WUiu, iffsc; for 80 years. All Druggists. 25c, 50c andSl.DK
No man ever yet succeeded in taking
the- gilt off the world's pills without
absorbing their poison.
Aclilnjr Bones, Shifting: Fains, Itching
Skin, Pimplea, Hating Sores, Etc.
If you have Pimples or Offensive Erup
tions, Splotches, or Copper-Colored Erup
tions, or rash on the skin, Festering Swell
ings, Glands Swollen, Ulcers on any part
of the b6dy, old Sores, Boils, Carbuncles,
Pains and Aches in Bones or Joints, Hair
or Eyebrows falling out, persistent Sore
Mouth, Gums or Throat, then you have
Blood Poison. Take Botanic Blood Balm
(B.B.B.) Soon all Sores, Pimples and Erup
tions will heal perfectly. Aches and Pains
cease, Swellings subside and a perfeet,never
to return cure made. B.B.B. cures Can
cers of all kinds, Suppurating Swellings,
Eating Sores, Ugly Ulcers, after all else
fails, healing the sores perfectly. If you
have a persistent pimple, wart, swollen
glands, shooting, stinging pains, take Blood
Balm and they will disappear before they
develop into Cancer. Druggists, $1 per
large bottle, including complete directions
for home cure. Sample free by , writing
Blood Balm Co., 19 Mitchell St., Atlanta,
Ga. Describe trouble and free medical ad
vice sent in sealed letter.
' Since 1861 the Bible Societv of Scotland
has issued nearly 22,900,009 copies of the
Ask Tour Dealer For Allen's T"oot-Eae,
A powder to shake into your shoes; rests the
feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swoollen. Sore,
Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet and In
growing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease makes new
or tight shoes easy. At all druggists' and
shoe stores, 25 cents. Sample mailed Fbee.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeEoy, N. Y.
Natural Flavor
Corned Beef
We take our choice corned beef, cook it and season
it all done by experts better than is possible"
home.. When just rieht we put it in cans to m
'- it right until you want it.
Keep it in the house for emergencies for suppers, for sandwiches for any time wn
you want something good and want it quick. Simply turn a key and the can is open.
appetizing lunch is ready in an instant.
Libby, McNeill & Libby. Chicago, gljjg&affifri'g-
Cures Nervousness
10c, 25c, and 50c. at Drugstores
L. Douglas makes and setts
mors men's Gooa&sar Welt nana
Sewed Process) shoes than any othet
manufacturer In the world.
$25,000 REWARD
will be paid to anyone who
can disprove this statement.
Because "W. L. Douglas
isthe largest manufacturer
he can buy cheaper and
produce his shoes at a
lower cost than other con
cerns, which enables him
to sell shoes for 33.50 and
equal in every
way to those sold else
where for $4 and $5.(X).
The Dousrlas secret nrr-
ceas or tanning the bottom soles produces abso
lutely pure leather ; more flexible and will wear
longer than any other tannage in the world.
The sales have mora than doubled the past four
years, which proves its sc-oeriority. "why not
give W. Xu Douglas shoes atrial and save money.
Aotioe Increase Sales: !13,303,88!5,1
tu Business : 1903 Sales: SU,024:,340,0
A gain of in Four Years.
Worth S6.00 Compared with Other Makes.
'The best imported airi American leathers. . Hen I'm
Patent Calf, Enamel. Box Calf, Calf,,Vici Kid, Corona
iwr, ana national Kangaroo, Fast Color Eyelets.
f!S!IT!nn 'rhe genuine have "V7. I. DOUGLAS
wuutiwu name ana price stamped on bottom.
Shoes by mail, 25c. extra, lllus. Catalog free.
V . TU. UO C6LAS, BJaOCK.X02tf. &IASS.
GsEnine stamped C C C. Never sold ia talk.
' Beware of the dealer who tries to sell
"something just as good."
I DR. Hi
Does'nt that word ex
press your condition?
Aren't you depressed,
tired and all fagged out?
Ever stop to figure out
why you feel that way,
and how you can get over
it? Well, we have done
the thinking for you and
can give you relief. For
50 years
has been curing people afflicted just as you are. It's the greatest
preparation for toning up the system, building new blood and muscles
What you need is just this medicine, and it's your advantage as
well as ours that you take it at once. Commence taking it today
50c and $1.00 per bottle. Dr. Thacher's Liver Medicine (dry) 25c
Yes, your druggist sells it Be sure it's Dr. Thatcher's, though!
Write our Consultation Department, explaining symptoms, and
receive free confidential advice.
TI1ACHER KEBlCItlE CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. k
1 v ii yr makes a iai r" i
( y r A fertilizer withoiiti'
Dt5)I?C) potash (
I A III V is not complete.
. Oor books are complete treatises
on Iertilizers, written by -men
who know.
Write for them. d!folr
i i GERMAN S dsW
HSo. 14.
'5 3 Xir A aB0ceE3. havoc j j
. " Jv and cares. -iz3fi
BOUMTI. Mist .Solfj
. J issued to soldiers of any J -aA
I f BANK H. Rt-GB. P.g -J
k I - p i ip ill
Tel evits where fiSBtb'
m Best Cough Syrup. J

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