Newspaper Page Text
Selections. Ti vttt a "v Cokn-. Mr Lindsay, who dates from Abinerdon. Va.. has been ad virtiinT P-Vvntian torn, ami farmers havt been baying it, paying fire dollars for ton grains, sent in a letter. What w as the merit claimed by th ven dor for the corn pccu we Know not ; hut or i ;ii"nlv the fanners aforesaid have been a'dtf to discover none. The experience of JStr. John W. McCue, of Albemarle, is as follows : He planted the ten grains in rich land half a mile from other corn. Nine grains came up, crowing each to a 6ingle straight stalk, like other corn, and each having one single ear of corn very indifferent yel low corn. So ranch for Lgynlian corn at live dollars for ten grain ! Colonel J. Marshall McCue, ofAn crusta. whom we all know, had a simi lar experience with Mr. Lindsay at live dollars for ten grains. Now, Lindsay presumes upon these grains of success, nn.l tantalizes the cultivators of the Egyptian with a further proposal, through a pamphlet which comes along with the corn, to cure any kind of dis ease, and, furthermore, for twenty-five cents to " srive instructions by which the -'commonest metals can be convert ed into "gold!" This Lindsay is a great wag. Mr. McCue says he has learned that L. is a farmer in easy circumstances, living near Abingdon, and that lie re sorts to these tricks upon the credulous " merely for amusement." Now, he is a capitol fellow this Lindsay. He has certainly great talents. ITe should not hido his" light under a bushel in the ob scure part of the world from which he dates his advertisements, but should appear on a theatre more worthy of his genius. Richmond Disjmtch. m m ItnSTOCKIXG lllVEHS WITH FlSH. Legislatures in the Eastern States are all co-operating heartily in the effort to restore choice varieties of fish to those rivers in which they have been exter iru'.vted through the agency of mill dams and other artificial barriers. In almost every State commissioners have been appointed to study the habits of fish in the ascent of rivers to their spawn ing beds, and laws have been passed to Becuro the pijeatory tribes in the rights of propagating their specios. In Massa chusetts, with the approval of the New Hampshire commissioners, substantial progress has been made by construct ing fish-ways on the Merrimae River at Lowell and Lawrence. That at Lowell is of the kind known as the " double stair," consisting of parallel lines of tanks, each of which is twelve feet square and a foot higher than the one next below, all built of masonry and timber, to resist the ice and freshets. The fish-way at Lawrence is a kind of sloping dam, twelve feet wide, with a fall of one foot in ten, and intermediate tanks in which the fish may rest. On the Connecticut no fish-ways have yet been built, but the proprietors of the new dam building at Turner's Falls have been notified that fish have rights that must be respected, and a fish-way at Hadley Falls is in contemplation. The New Hampshire commissioners have planted about 20,000 salmon ova in the Pcmigewasset. These are ex pected to hatch next spring. Croup. In the early part of spring many children dio of croup. In only forty-eight hours it may carry a child from perfect health to the grave. It originates iu a cold, and in a majority of the cases, is the result of exposure to dampness, either of the clothing or of the atmosphere. Hall's Journal of Health says they should be kept as warm clad, at least until May, as in the depth of winter, they should not be allowed to remain out of doors later than sundown, when they should be brought into a warm room, their feet examined and made dry and warm, their suppers taken and then sent to bed, not to go outside the doors until the next morning after breakfast. During February, March, and until the middle of April, especial ly when snow is on the ground, chil dren under eight years of age should not be allowed to be out of doors at all later than four o'clock in the afternoon, unless the sun is shining, or unless they are kept in bodily motion so as to keep off a feeling of chilliness. The com monest sense dictates the instant send ing for a physician in case of an attack from croup, but the moment a messen ger is dispatched have three or four flannels, dip them in water as hot as your hand can bear, and apply them successively to the throat of the child, hot all the time, so as to evaporate the matters, which, if retained, cause the clocking up inside which soon stops the breath. Hot water should constantly De added to that in which the flannels are thrown,, so as to keep it all the time hot. Keep the water, from dribbling on the clothing of the child, and see to it that the feet are dry and Avarm, Most likely the child will be out of dan ger before the physician arrives, and it is pleasant to be able to turn over the responsibility o him. Loose couch freer breathing and a copious discharge 01 pniegm indicate reuei ana saiety, Peace or "War in Europe. An almost universal apprehension seems to prevail that a great war is imminent m Europe. After the nine days' campaign of last year, by which Prussia became a first clas9 power, it appeared that everybody was dissatisfied. Italy and Prussia, thongh successful, had not gained all they wished ; Austria had lost on both sides ; France had gained nothing, and Kussia nothing. But when peace was established, all the powers loudly proclaimed their desire for permanent peace, and at the same time set to work earnestly to augment their armies and supply them with needle-guns. This process of augmenta tion has been going on, until the arma ment is greater than ever known before. and is quite aa expensive as flagrant war. As an instance, oweden is men tioned, which, with a population of five millions, has a standing army of 500, 000 men. All the 6mall powers have taken the alarm and fear being absorbed or annexed, and hence their gigantic preparations. But their augmentations are only in ..proportion to their. more powerful neighbors. If -war do not come to relieve the situation, or unless the nations of the earth come to some understanding for the redaction of their armies, universal bankruptcy must be the consequence.' Official. J AWS OF THE UNITE1 STATES. Patted at the Firtt Seuion, which va begun and held at the City of Wathington. in the Dittrict of Columbiu,on Monday, the fourth day of December, A. D. 1SC5, and ended on Saturday, the ttcenty-eighlhday of July, A. D. 18G8." PUBLIC ACTS. Andrew Johnson, President. LaFayhtte S. Fostkr, President of the Senate. La Fayette S. Foster was elected President of the Senate pro tempore on the seventh day of March, and so acted until the end of the Session. Schuyler Colfax, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Chap. CCCI. An Act to authorize the Use of tho Metric System of Weights and Measures. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re presentatives of t!ie United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the passage of this act it shall be lawful throughout the United States of America to employ the weights and measures of the metric system ; and no contract or dealing, or pleading in any court, shall be deemed invalid or liable to objection be cause the weights or measures expressed or refer red to therein are 'weights or measures of the metric system. See. 2. And be it further enacted, That the tables in the schedule hereto annexed shall be re cognized in the construction of contracts, and in all legal proceedings, as establishing, in terms of the weights and measures now in use in the United States, the equivalents of the weights and meas ures expressed therein in terms of the metric system ; and said tables may be lawfully used for computing, determining anu expressing in cus tomary weights and measures the weights and measures of the metric system. a a a . n a o o Em CS aa O CO W PS 3 CO W i 3 ? i WW c t- a o a -3 - Z t C3 to c S3 cc ?s C3 ft W o to CO t-i HIS O i) O l u a a S-St; EEs V o U a cj 2 3 3 V V H i r- S2b 653 Coo OO r-. o O wi 1 n n u o o- ss -5,3.3 fii!&:Iii ; u v C3 i C -J tm 4 I 1 w a . . A . m cc c m 3 O g -3-5 3,2- 2 o o" ?i o o o 'A O A ?, O X a 3 3 3 3 on s a 3 CO a -3 '. '.T z -3 H SK a J s o a' H 3 a e 3 a o 3 2 5"-. ?? ?? 00 --2 o o - J 4 ,- -i " a a a -3 w a a . o q a . J w a a 3 - 3 3 a a a a g a a o a a o a m a a uO o a o a u oS M D a ji O 'A o X a P 3 3 ja a SOOrl 2 3 -2 a i E ft S 1 ".H.2 S o a. -p i- rs - C -r i-11 r -t -n rO -r o q i unrs o c" ai oi d s 2 S 21 51 rl O O a, a "3 "3 2 3 ?. 23 a n .i ei 2 : a 5 g a 2 I a? a a a B 1 Q X t A O H SK 4 m H a CD w U i iiaps as'O a ao a 3 hhohhohI'o OOOOOOi-t SS8SSrt o u tn a a 3 3 U) ft 800H O H a H a a a 3 H s a) ft S B g is la Approved, Jul 23, 1866. RESOLUTIONS. No. 3. Joint Resolution in Relation to the Industrial Exposition at Paris , France. Whereas, the United States have been Invited by the government of France to take part in a universal exposition of tue productions of agri culture, manufactures, and the fine arts, to be held in Paris, France, in the year eighteen .hun dred and sixty-seven : Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That said invitation is ac cepted. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That tho proceedings heretofore adopted by the Secretary of State in relation to the said exposition, as set fortii in his report and accompanying documents concerning that Bubject, transmitted to both Houses Of Congress with the President's message of the eleventh instant, are approved. Sec. 3. Ana be it further enacted, That the general agent for he exposition at New York be authorized to emplo 8Qch clerks as may be nec essary to enable him to requirements of the reg ulations of the imDerial commission, not to ex ceed fonr in number, one of whom ehall receive compensation at the rate of eighteen hundred dollars per annum, one at sixteen dollars, and two ai lourteen Hundred dol nm Sec. 4. And ha ft. fnrthoi. raniA That the Secretary of State be, and is hereby 'au thorized and requested to prescribe such general' nota tions concerning th nnnrfnnt r.f k.., re lating to the part to bo taken by the Unite."1' Htates in the exposition as mav to proper. Official No. 1 A Resolution authorizing the President to divert certain Funds heretofore appropriated, and cause the same to be used for immediate Sub sistence and Clothing, &c., for destitute Indi ans and Indian Tribes. T?cKnl-i!.l hv the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America iu f;nnrri'ss assemhled. That the President of tho United States be and he is hereby authorised to cause to be expended under the direction of the secretary or tlie interior, lor me linmeuiaic uu- 1 . 1 . . 1 ' J. .1 Inrlion Q n A In. sibieiiee aim eiuiuiug ua ucsiuuic ..n In dian tribes within the southern supcriutendency, and for agricultural iuiDlements and seeds for the same, a sum not exceeding live hundred thousand dollors of the unexpended balauce tn the treasury of appropriations Heretofore made " to enable the President ol the United States to carry into effect the act of thu d of March, cigh tee huudred and nineteen, and any other acts now in force for the suppression of the slave- trade" : Provided, That the accounts of such ex penditure shall be laid before Congress during: the present session : Ana provided aiso, mat an articles to be furnished to said destitute Indians and Indian tribes shall be delivered to them ou or before tho first day of July next Approved, Dec. 21, 1805. No. 2. A Resolution for increasing the Bond of the Su perintendent of public rriuting. Whereas the amount of money which can be advanced to the superintendent of public print ing under existing law is not sufficient to enable him to meet the current expenditures of uis ol fice : Therelorc, Resolved by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the United States of America iu Con gress assembled, That the said superintendent be requested to furnish a new bond, iu the penal sum of eighty thousand dollars. Approved, January 12, 1SGG. FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY RALEIGH X. O. V. If PESCUD, Agbi, IS PKIIPA.UBD TO ISSUB POLICIES OF INSURANCE IN the following Companies, whose combined Capital and Assets amounts to $2,000,000, viz: Phoenix Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Atlantic Fire Ins. Co., Brooklyn, Ji, Y. Valley of Virginia, Winchester, Virginia. The above. Companies are well known as lirsi class Companies, and pay their losses promptly. For particulars apply to P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, N. C, March 9, 1SC6. NEW ARRANGEMENT ON R. & G. RAIL ROAD. Rixninu Ji Gaston Railroad Co., 1 Superintendent's Officii, V Raleigh, Nov. -JSth, 1SC0. ) ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 39th, 1806, Trains on the Raleigh and Gaston Rail road will run as follows: Mail train leaves Raleigh, 7. 15 a. m. " " Arrives at Weldon, 2.00 p. m. " leaves Weldon at 11.00 a. m. " Arrives at Raleigh, 6.00 p. m. Accommodation train leaves Raleigh 8.00 p. m. " Arrives at Weldoii, 2.S0 a. m. leaves Weldon at 7.15 p. m. " Arrives at Raleigh 6.30 p. m. The mail trains connect with P. R. R. & S. & R. R. R. Ji Old Bay line Steamers goining North, and with N. C. Railroad, going South. Accommodation train connects at Weldon with train on P. R. R. going North making through connections to New York. Accommodation train leaving Weldon at 7.15 p. m., connects with trains from the North on P. R. R. Ji 3. Ji R. R. R. Ji Annamissic line, and also with train from tlie South ou the W. Ji W. R. R. and at Raluigh with train from the West and South on N. C. R. R. Persons having business in Petersburg or Rich mond can take 8.00 p. m.. Accommodation train and spend the neit d.iv in Petersburg, or Rich mond and return, arriving in Raleiirh the follow ing morning to bruakfasL Mr. U. LIS WIS, Gen. Sup't De. 1, '.S66. 110 tf. it. w. pulliah. ir. n. iosns. cao. vr. swinoi PCLLIAM, JONES & C0., Wholesale Grocers and Commission IVX E RCIIANT S, TJAVE IN STORE A LARGE STOCK 07 GROCERIES, which is offered at the lowest cash prices. They respectfully solicit orders from the Merchants ot North-Carolina. PULLIAlf, JONES & CO. Raleigh, May 1, l-SiiO. 30 tf. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING BY WM. n. VAUGIIAN. nALEIGII, N. c. TW" Ordrrs from neighboring Towns and Conn tits solicited. All sucli will be promptly atten ted to, and the work performed cheaply and ell.3 Fb. Z, 1SC7. 141 tf A ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. HAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMISTRATOR with the will annexed of all and singula- the goods and chatties rights and credits of Henry D.' Tur ner deceased at February Term 1867, of the Court of Pleas md Quarter Session for the County of Wake, all persons indebted to the estate of the deceased are required to make immediate payment and ail having debts or demands against the same are hereby notified to present the same for pay ment or this notice will be pleaded in bar. WM. S. MASON. Adm. Ac. Kaleigh, March S, 1SC7, ISO tf. Important to the People. A. W. FRAPS, OBALOB IX VUMTURC, West Side Eayettcville Street, Xext to JuAJcr'a Jewelry Store, and oppotitt the Market, INVITES ATTENTION FROM CITY AND country to his large and elegant etock of funiturc. on hand and to arrive, consisting of complete chamber Setts, Mattrasses ot various designs una qualities, suitable for Cottage or Palace. His supply of SOFAS, PARLOR, DINING ROOM and OFFICE CHAIRS, &c., Jcc., if not excelled in the State. UNDERTAKING. He respectfully announces that he has addad to his other business, that of Undertaking, and is now ready to supply those who may require them. Coffins of any desired quality. He has the best material for wood-work elaborate silver plain mountings, plating, etc., and a new HEARSE, ot modern patern and finish. He is therefore in con dition to furnish everything requisite for funeral occasions and will attend to all orders for his ser vices, in this line, with proiutituJc October, 2fith. 05 tf. jyj-OTICE. The Committse of Finance for the County of Wake, having been appointed by the County Court of Wake, February Term, 1867, to ascer tain the indebtedness of said County, hereby ro- niifftt. nil nprsonR liRvinp- rlninift ntrninef the- rntm. ty of Wake, which have not before been presen ted, to present the date and amount of such claims to the committee, at their office in tho Court House, in tlie City of Raleigh, on Monday and Tuesday of the Spring Term, of the Superior Court, or to either one ot the Committee previ ous to that time. N. J. WHITAKER, ) G. W. NORWOOD, VCom. M. B. ROYSTER, j Feb. 30, 1867. 9 to. VALUABLE CITY PROPETY FOR SALE. ONE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE HOUSES and Lots in the City (front of Nash Square) lately occupied by Mrs. Rullin Tucker, Deceased. The House contains 10 rooms, all well furnish ed, lot about acres, grounds beautifully orna mented with shrubery, conservatory filled with the, and gardens of fine vegetables and choice fruit trees, all necessary out buildings and well of good water. Possession can be given im mediately. w . m. b tv. s. i uuhuk. Raleigh, March 2, 1867. 148 tf COTTON IMPLEMENTS. CALL AND SEE SOMETHING NEW AND the best, Bagleys Cotton Planter, Seaparks Cotton Plow, at B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO. MaroHaa, 1867. New York Advertisements,. ; JULES JAKEB'S "Email De Paris." The New Beautifier of the Skin TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEBRATED LA DIES: The secret of beaOtifvinethc skin being known only to Messrs. J-.ired !c Rene, they honestly state that it differs from all other preparations. It gives to the most harsh and freckled skin both the color and texture of polished ivory, removing all discolonitions whether appearing us ireckles, tan, morphew, moth, or black-worm specks, and is especially successful in smoothing out the marks ielt oy small-pox. Theasrentsof "l.'Email de Paris" most con fideutly 6ubmitto the publie the earnest endorse ments ol sucn distmguisncu ladies as Signora Ristori, M'lle Felicita Vestva Ii, Miss Maggie Mitchell, Mrs. D. P. Rowers, Lucille Western, Mad. Ponisi, Mrs. Emma Waller, Lncy ltushton, Noemie de Marguerrittcs, Miss Agnes Perry, and many others, whose high standing In the profession gives tlie 6tamp ot trutuiuiness to their intelligent anu genuine approval. The Beautiful Lucille Westeru says: I fiud that the " Email " produces all the bril liancy of rouge and lilly-white, with the great and peculiar advantages of perfect harmlessness. It really adds to the softness and beauty of the skin. The Masrnificcut Vestvali says : I have suffered so much from the various white lotions, &c, which my theatrical profession ob liges me to use, that I consider it a perfect bene faction to find a preparation which gives the ne cessary whiteness to the skin, and leaves the skin cool ana smooth. Miss Maggie Mitchell says: I have tried the skin beautifier, "L'Email de Pans," and found that it instantly imparts natural bloom and freshness to the complexion "Jared Email do Paris" is used as a delicate beautifier of the skin for Theatre, Saloon or Ball Koom, by the most reuned una scrupulous ladies; froducing all the beautifying effects of rouge and ily-white, without their vulgar glare or injury to the skin. Sold by all first-class Druggists, Perfumers and Ladies' Hair Dressers. L. Isabeau. 822 Broadway; Denias Barnes & Co., and F. C. Wells & Co., New York, and Eu gene Jouin, 111 South Tenth 6treet, and John ston, Holloway ife Cowden, Philadelphia, Agents. Orders by mail sliouid De addressed to JARED & RENE, General Agents and Impoiters, New York. Dec. 20, 1S0O. 118 Cm. M ONEY FREE AS WATER I 10,000 ACTIVE LOCAL AND TRAVELING Agents, Male or Female, of all ages, are wanted to solicit trade in every City, Town, Village Ham let. Workshop and Factory, throughout the en tire world, for the most saleable novelties ever known. 500 per Cent, profit and ready sale wherever offered ! ! Smart men and women can make from $5 to $50 per day, and no ri.ikofloss! A small capital required of from f20 to ?100 the more money invested the greater the profit. So Money required inailvanee wc first send the articles and receive pav afterwards! If you actually wish to. make money rapidly and easily, write lor tun particulars ana aaaress M1LXOR CO., (From Paris,) 210 Broadway, New-York City, January 22, l.StJ7. 130 Jy, Newspapers eopying will be liberally dealt Willi. 'ME BROOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE CO., HAS DECLARED TO ITS POLICY-HOLDERS a cash dividend of forty per cent., to be paid at the next settlement of theiranniial pre miums, with an ample surplus, sullicicLt to have made a dividend ot tiltv per cent.; but the board of directors' looking to the scenrity of the Com pany, ana to tne interests ol tlie assured, deemed this large dividend of forty per cent, ample with the assured, and prudent men seeking Life Insu rance and looking for security, this course should be approved. The excess over the 40 per cent, stands credited to the assured, to be applied on imure dividends. Dividends are paid Annually. POLICIES & PREMIUMS NON-FORFEITURE. Tldrty dags grace given in payment of premiums. Montague Street, near Court, Brooklyn, and III Croadw&, X. Y. PllESIDBNT, CHRISTIAN W. BOUCK. SECRETART, RICHARD II. HARDINO r AGENT, P. Tf. PESCUD, Ralbigh MEDICAL BIASIIXBH, D. WM. G. niLL, Ralbigh. Raleigh, N. C, April 3, 1S00. T U. T. r. CAIUIAUT, U. WUITFOni), J. B. VAK WAGEKEN A. T. HAMILTON. Carhart, Whitford& Co., JiANlTACTUltEKS A WHOLESALE SEALERS IN Fins Medium and Coarse Clothing American Express Building, 55, 57, 59 & Ol Hudson Street, NEAR DUANE, NEW-YORK. December 15, 186G. 117 Cm. JOY, COE & CO., PUBLISHERS AGENT'S, TRIBUNE BUILDINGS, New York, BROWN'S IRON BUILDING, Philadelphia, are authorised to contract for advertising in our paper, March, 18G7. . 14S-lf. F. C. LIGIITE & CO., (Late Lighte, Newton & Bradburys,) Mannfactnrers of First-Class Pianor Fortes. Highest Premium at the American World's Fair ana n.xiiibiuon ot tne industry ol all Nations. This well-known establishment is nowcontinu ed by F. C. LIGHTE and LOUIS ERNST, at tne old stand, -m isroomc St., bet. (Jrosbyand Jiim, .New lort city-. may l l'j-iy NV STAFFORD, 66 Tnlton Street, New York, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer la STENCIL STOCK, Indelible Ink, Brushes, Zinc Frames, Brass and German Saver Chcks, Jiey lags, Bteel Kings, . encil Dies, fee., &e. tPSendfor ClrouU.fl ' W.rhJ, ISP. 14-Jmw. JNSURANCE AGAINST FIRE, And the perils of inland trans- portation. - UNDERWRITER'S AGENCY, Composed of the Germania, Hanover, Magia and Mepublxc 1'ire insurance companies, JNew York. Coital over $3,000,000. JOHN G. WILLIAMS, & CO., oct 6 tf 10 Agcote. THE RALEIGH NATIONAL BAAK OP North-Carolina. directors: Rout. W. Phlliam, President ; W. H. Willabd, Geo. W. Swepson, C. P. Mbndbnhaii W. B. Gdlick, Cashier. (1 OLD AND SILVER COIN, EXCHANGE, X United States, State and Railroad securities, bought and sold. Also, uncurrent money. Agent for the sale of Revenue Stamps. 21 ly "Wholesale Druggist, 28 POLIiOK STREET, NEWBERN, TV. July IT T6t City Advertisements- IRON, NAILS AND SHOES. 5000S3'8'4'5'AND10 Swedes Iron 10,000 lbs., all sizes, Reilucd Bar Iron, 2000 lbs., X aud Round Iron, S5 Kegs Old Dominion Nails, all sices, 25 Kegs Mule Shoes, 10 Kegs Horse " 100 lbs., Horse 8hoe Nails, in store and must bo sold. . B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO. Raleigh, March 23, 1SC7. M ATTRASS MAKING ANP THE SUBSCRIBER AREPREPARED TO CAR RY on the above work in the best style, and ,i-;n. ,iicnn-ii trasses will be made out ot raw materials, or old ones will be taken apart and doue up so as to raa&e mem as goou as irew Now is the time to have your mattrasses over hauled, repaired, and renovated. Also, cushions and solas of all kinds repaired and renovated. The subscriber are working at Jow rates for cash. He may be found on the premises former ly occupied by Mr. Shepard, just above the Rail road bridge, on llillsboro' street, nearly opposite Judge Saunders'. Orders from persons at a distance, living on or near Railroads, are solicited. Work for such customers, as well as all others, will be promptly done and forwarded. RUFUS HARRISON. Raleigh, July 31, 18CG. 57 tf y osT. ON THE 22nd INSTANT, BETWEEN THE Wake County Work House and this City, a Colt's Repeater. On the breach are the initials " J. Q. II." It had a common leather case and belt with gilt button. As it is a relic of the late war the liuder will be liberally rewarded by re turning to me at the said Work House or leaving it at this office. W. J. HOLLEMAN. Raleigh, March 26, 1S67. 1 2tpd. Ladies,' Misses' and Infants' Hats. A SUPERB STOCK CONSISTING OF STRAW LACE DRIVERS, SPLIT STRAW STARS, 11 END ROLL CANTON SONTAG, PEDAL, RISTORI, PATTI, CANTON ALMA, PEDAL GLADIATOR &c, &c. W. U. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. March 28, 18C7. 2 tf. LUCK IS A FORTUNE. LAST WEEK, PRINTS AND OTHER DRY Goods fell in New York from. 1 to 2 cents per yard. We bought a large Stock. Since thwn prices have again advanced : This may be called IiUCK) it so, our customers shall also be in Luck by hav ing the benefit of our cheap purchases. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. March 28, 18C7. 2 tf. GENT'S HATS, HATS, nATS. A FULL STOCK OF IIAT3 FOR THE Spring Trade. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. March 23, 1SC7. 2 tf. Parasols ! Parasols t ! Parasols ! 1 1 A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT. W. II. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. March 3S, 1SG7. 2 tf. THE YA.KBR0UGH HOUSE, Fayctteville Street, RALEIGH, N . C . I HAVE THE PLEASURE OF ANNOUNC ING to my friends, and the travellinff oublic. that 1 have leased the YARBROUGH HOUSE. for a term of years. The house will be Repainted and Furnished with new and elegant (urniture at onee. I return sincere thanks to my patrons for their very kind and liberal patronage, received while in charge of the EXCHANGE HOTEL in this City. .a promise uku uiu i arurougu House snail liavo no superior in the South. J. ai. -tsLAUt. March 23, 1SC7. 150 St. C ITY TAX LIST. Mayor's Office, Raleigh, March 20, 1S07. I WILL ATTEND AT THE MAYOR'S OF FICE, in Raleigh, on Monday the 1st day of April 1S7, to take the City Tax List for the pre- eui year. Persons failing to render a list of their effects subject to taxation, will be liable to a double tax. All white and colored men residing in the Citv. between the ages of 21 and 45 years, arc required to enrol tiieir names lor a roil lax tortile year 1SG7. WM. D. HAYWOOD, Mayor. Raleigh, Mwrch 21, 1807. 155 td. WHISKY AND BRANDY. OA BARKELSJRECTIFIED WHISKY, fLJ 10 Barrels N. C, Corn Whisky, 10 Barrels N. C. Apple liranay, which we will sell very low to close. ii. f. W1L,L.1A31SUIS' S vu. March 23, 1SCT 0 ITRRANTS, Citron, Pickles, Canned Peaches, a fresh supply at UPCUURCH & DODD'3. B. ?. WILLIAMSON & CO., GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND AUCTIONEERS, dealers in Hardware, Cntlery, Rope and Bagging. Raleigh, Sept. 20, 1SG7. T9 tf RALEIGH & GASTON RAILROAD. THROUGH FREIGHT TARIFF, 1867. NOETH AND SOUTH. 1867. By the AirJJne Route. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SniP ALL kinds of freight through to New York. Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore, or through bills of lading giving through receipts at the low est rates. THIS IS THE LINE FOR SHIPPERS. Your goods will be handled only once; through connections close ; no delay ; time and expense less than by any other route. Insurance, trifling compared with' other routes. We take goods to and from Columbia, S. C, and all intermediate stations, with more promptness and dispatch than any .Express company. TAKE NOTICE I Persons shipping goods South will ship throneh the following Agents, and by the following Steamship Companies, and NO OTHER : From New York, by the Atlantic Coast Mail Steamship Company. Livingston, i ox Co., Agents, No. 88, Liberty St, or Pier 36, North River. N. Y. From Baltimore, by Baltimore Steam Packet Company. L. 13. f arks, Agent, loot ot Union Dock and bv Brandt's line of Steamers. From Philadelphia, by the Philadelphia and Norfolk Steamsiiip company. vv. a. ciyao & Co., Agents, No. 14, North Delaware Ave nue, Philadelphia. From Boston, by the Boston and Norfolk Steamship Company, h. Sampson & Co., Agents, end of Central Wharf, Boston. Consim Your goods to Railroad Agent. Ports mouth, Virginia, and City Point. Goods coming by the way of City Point and Petersburg must be so marked. C. B. ALLEN, Freight Agent, R & G. Railroad Co. Dee. 4, 1806. Ill tf PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT JUST RE ccived and for sale low at Watson's Photograph Gallery. Members of the Legislature, visitors and citl sens are invited to call at WATSUJN'S fHOTO tiRAPH GALLERY and hear of something to their interest. J. W. WATSON. Raleigh, Nov. 3S, 188. 106 tf. YARNS, PLAIDS & SHEETINGS. BUNCHES COTTON YARNS, Ollu 1000 Yards Osnabnrg Plaids, very heavy, 1000 Yards Minions Plaids, 1000 Yards Shirtings and Sheetings, on consignment. B. P. WILLIAMSON & CO. March S2, 1657 Prospectuses THE NORTH-CAROLINA STANDARD ! BY W. W. HOLDEN & SON. Published Trl-Weekly & Weekly In mTTE STANDARD IS AN "UNMIS I takablv" loyal Union paper. It is in favor ot the re-organization of the State, so that our people inav liave permanently a loyal civil gov ernment which will protect the lives and prop erty of all, and do justice to all. The motto of the Standard is "Libbuty and nwiOM NOW AND FOHBVER. ONE AND INSEPA V A RT H ' Tn ndrlitinn tn its nolitical information, the Standard will contain choice reading matter, the latest news of all kinds, the markets, dec. TEllMS: Tri-Weeklt, per year, ?6 00 " six months, 3 00 Wjseklt, per year, 0 " Riv months 1 50 Tivn ionics of the Weeklv one vear. $12. Ten copies one vear. $22. Persons sending clubs of live or more will be entitled to the paper one year free of charge. The subscribers appeal to their friends to aid them in extending the circulation oi tue paper. W. W. HODDEN fc SOJV. Jan. 19, 1867. 129tf. rpRE NATIONAL QUARTERLY RE- J. VIEW. VOL. XIV. No. XXVni. March, 1867. COMTBNTS: I. Alfleri, His Life, Writings and Influence. IL Oliver Uromweu, uis unaracter anu uov ernment. III. The 'Icmpotal Power of the Pope. IV. Chattertou and His Works. V. Poisons mid Poisoners. VI. Negro Rule in Hayti, and the Lessons it lcaelies. VII. The Sun and its Distance from the Earth, VIII. Insurance Good, Bad and Indinerent. IX. Notices and Criticisms. General Agents -AMERICAN NEWS CO. specimen copy sent, 10 any pan oi io luiwu States, postage paid, by tne unuersigncu, on re ceiptof $1,25. Subscription $5 a year in advance. Editor and Proprietor, No. 61, Broadway, New York, rpiIE RED STRING, X TUB Official Organ of the H. 0. A. LETTER TO THE MEMBERS OF THE ORDER Buethrbx: It having been decidtd fit and proper, that this order should have an oflieial or gan in this jurisdiction, a contract has been con cluded with the Union Publishing .Company at Greensboro, N. C, for publishing a small week ly paper to De entitled THE RED STRING. The terms of subscription have been put at the lowest possible rates, in order to put it within tue rcacu ot an, viz : One Copy One year, 75 cts. Ten " to one address, 2q .( 4 Payment invariably in advance. No subscrip tion ior less man one year received. Subscriptions, communication?, &c, to be ad dressed 10 tne UNION PUBLISHING CO., Greensboro. N. C. The first number of THE RED STRING will be published as soon as 800 subscribers have been received. All officers of the n. O. A., arc herebv con. stituted agents for the "Red Siring" and are re quested to give earnest ana immediate attention to securing its circulation. Aud it is expected that every member will give it his cordial sup port. Ail earnest :mu uiuu'd action among Union men Is now essential, ana tins oners, in our judg ment, the iK-st means for sreuring that end. It will be devoted to the political questions of the day and tlie interests ot tne uruur. io declara tions of principles is necessary, as the political faith of tlie Order is well known to friend and foe. By order of the Grand Council, G. U. S. L., H. O. A The subscription books arc now opened at this office, and persons desiring the first number of the "Red fairing" should address us immediately, ITVTlV PITHT T'illlV -- Greensboro, N. C. THE SALEM OBSERVER. A NEW PAPER, To be Published in Salem, If. C. ON TnE FOURTH DAY OF JANUARY next, (18C7,) the Subscriber will commence, u this place, the publication of a Larsre Weeklv Newspaper, to be called The Salem Observes. llie People s frees" will not be issued after the second week in December. I shall assume editorial duty with a proper ap preciation of its dignified responsibility, and with the firm resolve to be of unselfish service to my Country and my Native State. The chief objects for which I shall labor are A SPEEDY RE-UNION OF THE NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN STATES and the advancement of all the inter ests op North-Carolina. I shall adopt and de fend such political measures as will aliord us the best and safest means of re-welding the broken links that once so happily bound us together in a Glorious and Powerful Union, believing that our only nope ot luture prosperity must be based on a re-establishmcnt of the principles foujjht for and obtained by our immortal fore-fathers. Aside from these cardinal features, The Ob server will be an interesting and instructive Lit erary, JJuxiness and IakoI Journal : and no paper in tue ataxe can ue a oeiier medium lor advertis ing, it win oe printed on pertectly new aud elegant material, and subscribers will find it one of the cheapest papers in North Carolina. TERMS : For one year, f 3.00 For six months, .... ?1.50 For three months, .... $1.00 Payable positively in advance. Address JOHN II. BONER, Editor oy the Observer, Salem, N. C. Raleigh, Dec. 4, 1SG6. Ill tf. DEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGA ZINE, universally acknowledged theMod el Parlor Magazine of America ; devoted to Orig inal Stories, Poems, Sketches, Architecture and Model Cottages, Household Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (inclu ding special departments on Fashions.) Instruc tions on Health, Gymnastic, Fquestrian Exer cises, Music, Amusements, etc., all by the best authors, and profusely and artistically illustrated with costly Engravings (full size,) useful and re liable Patterns, Embroideries, Jewelry, and a con stant succession of artistic novelties, with other useiui ana entertaining literature. No person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of taste, can afford to do without the Mo del Monthly. Single copies SO cents ; back num bers, as specimens, 10 cents; either mailed free. Yearly, S3, with a valuable premium ; two cop ies, $5.50; three copies, $7 50; five copies $12, and spleudid premiums for clubs at $3 each with the first premiums to each subscriber. Address W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, No. 473 Broadway, New York. Demoreit's Monthly and Young America to gether, $4, with the premiums for each. Marcu zi, ioo. 155 tf. rpHE UNION REGISTER. On the first of December following IIia TTninn Publishing Company will commence the pub lication of THE UNION EEGISTEE, at Greensboro', N. C. The above named Journal will be a Weekly, of large size, and printed with new type and material, devoted to the consistent and manly vindication of true Union principles, "with malice toward none, and with charity for all." It is believed that a J ournal of such charac ter is emphatically demanded by the Union men of this portion of the State, and we desire to sup ply this need, and at the same time afford to all a newspaper worthy of patronage, as a literary and business Journal, alive to the interests and welfare of all classes of readers. The Union Register will have no political utterances to ignore or deny, but will be, from the beginning, thoroughly and unreservedly 103-al. Greensboro' has been fixed on as a point favor able to the publication of such on account of its central location, and peculiar telegraph and rail road communications, and the well known enter prise of its inhabitants. Terms of Subscription. For one year, 6ingle copy, - $ 3 00 For six mouths, single copy, . 2 00 For one year; clubs of ten, 25 00 Payable invaribly in advance. Address UNION PUBLISHING COMPANY. Greensboro', N. C Nov. 10, 1866. . 101-tf JOOMS FOR RENT. THREE EXCELLENT ROOMS TO RENT in & plersant part of Raleigh. Apply at tne Mandara otnoe. . 148 tt, , .-- Ealeigh Provision Market. 'f 'COKKXCTIO WBJKLI BI WM. C. UPCUURCH, GROCER, RALEIGH. FLOUR .'....-.'...- .14 0015 00 CORN per bushel $1 20 MEAL per bushel 1 30 BACON per pound 18 LARD per pound 20 CHEESE per pound 25 COFFEE per pound, 30 35 SUGAR crushed 35 extra C 30 best brown 17 brown., 12i15 TEA per pound 2 00 BEEF perpound 1215 PORK per pound 13 PEAS red, per bushel 1 00 white 1 20 FODDER per hundred 1 50 SHUCKS per hundred "i5 HAY per hundred 1 00 OATS per hut'dred 1 W) POTATOES Irish, per bushel... 1 502 00 - aweet, per ousnei., SALT per bushel CANDLES adamantine, per lb... SOAP turpentine PEACHES dried APPLES dried, per bushel green, CHICKENS apiece EGGS per dozen 1 00 1 25 30 ao s 00 2 00 3 00 30(5,35 10 110 HULLEllS per barrel,. MOLASSES-per gallon (new crop,) 75 SODA per pound 20 BLUE STONE perpound 25 COTTON (yarn) 2 25 COTTON per pound, 22 26 SHEETING 4-4 35 RICE per pound 1820 STARCH 20 PEPPER black 50 SPICE 50 GINGER 40 NAILS 10 TALLOW 12 BEESWAX 20 TURPENTINE per gallon 65 Ealeigh Money Markets. JOHN G. WILLIAXS & CO., Brokers, RALEIGH, N. C. prices ot nortu-caroltna bane kotbs. Gold 130 Silver r5 Old Coupons 45 Old Sixes 50 Bank of N. C, gold 25, silver 26, G. Backs, 35 " Cape Fear " Charlotte " Lexington " Graham " Roxborough " Wadcsborough...'. " Thomasville " Wilmington ; 21 13 20 33 21 30 18 10 5 10 4 6 23 25 ti Commerce Washington Fayctteville Clarendon Yancey ville ". Miners' and Planters' Bank Farmers' Bank, Greensborough Commercial Bank, Wilmington , 18 Merchants' Bank, Newberu. 40 Greensborough Mutual 5 EALEIGH KATIO.ML BAXK OF IT. CAROLINA. BUYING RATES. Gold , Silver, large North Carolina Bonds , North Carolina Railroad Coupons North Carolina Coupons , New York Exchange, (selling) .. 133 .. 125 .. C5 53 NORTH-CAROLINA BANK NOTHS Bank of Cape Fear 26 24 15 3 10 10 24 37 Charlotte " Commerce " Clarendon Fayctteville 1 Lexington " Lexington at Graham ; North-Carolina (Gold) 35 curre Koxboro' " Thomasville ' Wadesboro' , " Wilmington ' ' Washington Yanceyville ... a ... 35 ... 24 ... 21 ... 5 ... 7 .. 12 new 10 ... 6 . . 25 ... 45 Commercial Bank of Wilmington , Farmers' Bank of Greensboro' Old 25 Greensboro' Mutual Merchants' Bank of Newborn Miners' and Planters' Bank W. F. HENDERSON, ATTOKXEY AD COrjVSELLOK AT LAW, LEXINGTON, N. C, WILL ATTEND THE COUNTY AND Su perior Courts of Davidson. Davie. Rowan. and Randolph. Business entrusted to him will be promptly and faithfully attended to. JC1. 7, 150T. 137 if. STOLEN FROM THE SURSCRIBER, near Fish Dam, Wake County, one GRAY MARE, seven or eight j'eare old, in good order; near five feet high, black mane and tale. She was a U. S. nag, and there is the scar on her left shoulder where the brand was put out. Also, a dent in the forehead, near the left eye. Any one that will give information to me about said nog, so iuul x gck uer, win ue iiueriuiy rcwaracu. ALEXANDER COLCLOUGH. Feb. 6, 1S67. 128 tf. BRITISH PERIODICALS. The London Qnaiterly Review, (Conser vatrYe.) The Edinburgh Review, (Whig.) -The Westminster Review, (Radical.) The North British Review, (Free Church.) AND Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, (Tory) TnESE FOREIGN PERIODICALS ARE REG ularly republished by us in the same style as heretofore. Those who know them and who have long subscribed to them, need no reminder; those whom the civil war of the last lew ybars ha deprived of their once welcome supply of the best periodical literature, will be glad to liavo them again within their reach ; and those who may never yet have met with them, will assured ly be well pleased to receive accredited reports of the progress of European science and literature. TERMS 3TOI8, 1807. For any one of the Reviews, ?4 per annum. For any two of the Reviews, 7 " For any three of the Reviews, 10 " For all four of the Reviews, 12 For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 " For Blackwood and one Review, 7 " For Blackwood aud any two of the Reviews, 10 " For Blackwood and three of the Reviews 13 For Blackwood and the four of the Reviews, 15 " CLUBS. A discount of tictnty par cent, will be allow ud to clubs of four or more persons. Thus, fourcopies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address tor $12.80. Four copii-6 o'f the four Reviews una Blackwood, lor 48.00, and so on. POSTAGE. When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but tweutyfour cents a year for " Blackwood," and but eieht cents a year for each of the Reviews. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New subscribers to any two of the above Deri- odicals for 1807 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one of the Four Review for ISMS. New sub scribers to all live of the Periodicals for 1807 may receive, grans, DiacKWOOQ or any Iico OI UiO 'four Jieviews" loriy0. These premiums will be allowed on all new sub scriptions received before April 1, iSG7. Subscribers may also obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz : The Sorth British from January, 1SC3, to De cember, 1806, inclusive; the Edinburgh and the WeislminKter from April, 1864, to December, 1S0, inclusive, and the London (Quarterly for the yeara 18C5 and 1806, at the rate of $1.50 a year for each or any Review : also Blackwood lor 18C6. fop $2.50. Neither premiums to subscribers, nor di. couut to Clubs, nor reduced prices for back num- oers, can oe allowed, unless the money is remit ted direct to the Publisher. No premiums can be given to Clubs. THE LEONARD SCOTT POLISHING CO., 88 Walker St., N. Y. The L. S. PUB. CO. also publish the FARMER'S GUIDE. by Henrt Stephens, of Edinburgh, and the late J. P. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols., Royal Octavo, 1600 pages, and numerous Engravings". Price $7 for the two volumes by mail, post paid, $8. 133 U. 4