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From the Galaxy,-March 15. j MISS DOROTHEA Iik DIX. "who she is and what she has done. "Who is Miss Dix? The nam has, For over a quarter of a century, been a household word in our land as a sym bol of philanthphy, of unselhsh, heroic devotion in alleviating the sufferings of humanity. Yet how little does the public know of her personalily, her hab its. where she was born, or where she resides. Like Shakespeare, she has lost her individuality in the greatness of her work.' tier presence is felt nut not per ceived, iust as a single trrain of subtle Perfume fills a whole room, but is itself n. mi r T-v 1. Knf unseen, ouu, xuiss uix. is no m m, uk only a flesh and blood marvel. When her achievements are 6tated in the ag gregate they suggest miraculous power, butare, in facla practical illustration of whst one woman can do in thirty years when inspired by a noble purpose, and working unceasingly for the good of the race. She has been instrumental in estab lishing thirty two public hospitals tbr the insane one in Kome, one m Dal matia, another one on the Isle of Jersey, one in Nova Scotia, one in Newfound land and the remainder chiefly iu our own country. With the episode of four years and a half of service in the mili tary hospitals during the rebellion, this stupendous labor constitutes the story of her life. Her career as a philanthro pist is all that the world has any right to know, and yet, apart from any vul var curiosity, it feels a natural desire to learn something of the personnel of this augel ot mercy. Her curte de ctstte is seen in none of the shops, few people seem to have met her, and the sketch given of her in the American Encyclope dia is very incorrect, was written by one who never saw her, and even mis states the place of her birth. Boston is the city of her nativity. Her grand-father was a physician, but her father, owing to delicate health, jiever adopted a profesion. Gen. John A. Dix. is not, as is often stated in the papers, her brother, but is a near blood relative. Miss Dorothea L. Dix was once a young lady of the American Athens, in affluent circumstances, and, like a thou sand others, in a situation to lead a life of aimless ease. Like John Howard, she had, when young, a very frail and impaired constitution. She was sent to England, and on several voyages to warmer climates, to recover her health. When she first arrived in Livprnonl sh was prostrated with illness, and it was eighteen months before she was be borne in the arms of her nurses to the home bound ship. It is probable that she rescued herself from chronic . invalidism by her sroug will and the inspiration of the philanthropic labors which she began before her girlhood was ended. One Sabbath, as she was coming out of Dr. Lowell's church in Boston, the steps were crowded in front, and she overheard two benevolent gentlemen . talking about the horrible condition of the jail in East Cambridge, where there were a number of young prisoners awaiting trial. Early that week, al though under the care of a physician, she visited this institution, and there found in addition to the other inmates, thirty insane persons, in the most wretched state of filth and rags, breath ing a pestilential air, shut up in dark, damp cells, and receiving no treatment whatever. The surroundings of the others con fined there were not much better. She began her task by conducting religious services in the jail on the Sabbath, which had been wholly neglected. Soon after, she set about relieving the physi cal sufferings of these unfortunate out casts of society. As the accommodations for the insane were insufficient in her own State, she applied to its legislature, and on the facts being brought to their knowledge, an appropriation was made for enlarg ing their asylums. In her younger days Miss Dix was very intimate iu the family of William Ellery Channing, the celebrated Unitarian divine, but it does .. not appear that he gave direction to her philanthropic enterprises, for while sympathizing fully with their purpose, he rather opposed her exhaustive exer . tions on the ground that she would de . stroy her health. But she had receiv ed a thorough education, which had taught her to rely on her powers, and when her resolve had been deliberately , formed, opposition only increased its 0 , After her success in Massachusetts she went on a visit to Washington, and .-while there examined into the condition . of the insane, and found sad need of re formation. She called on John Quincy Adams, then a representative in Con gress,, after having held the highest office in the gift of the nation, and the sympathies ot the old man eloquent" were at on2 excited. He secured, at her suggestion, the passage of a bill making a very adequate appropriation r-jor the cure of the insane in the District of Columbia. Her. life work was now fairly begun. She comprehended its scope and mag nitude; she prosecuted it with system, practical method, and indomitable ener- - gj. . iijij vjuacu pcioioLciiuy viiab ex celled no opposition, and a persuasive earnestness which won the support of those whose aid she required, she gave ' up her home, her friends, quiet ; reaounc- . red the literary leisure for which she had a decided taste, the joys of domestic life, the fascinating pleasure of societv he . consecrated everything which ; 'had in it any element of selfishness to - " VJ Solvent Powee op Movtxg Wa- teb. It is a proverb that the falling of drops of water will hollow out a stone, but experiments lately made in Paris have developed surprising results. Pure water was piaucu in veoci vuuiaiiimg some feldspar, and rapid motion was given by attaching it to the machinery of the Imperial tobacco manufactory. -The result was that the feldspar was ' came alkaline, both potash and soda be ing discovered in it. The result is thought to indicate a novel and cheap way ,to bleach linen. Salt water had '-no action on the feldspar when submit ted to this operation ; and a new field f investigation is opened by these ex- periments. Geologists will "draw from it important consequences in regard to the action of the waves on the rocki CorjNTBRFKIT NOTES IX ClBCTTULTIOSr How to Detect Them. The city and the conntry are getting fairly flood ed with counterfeit United States bank notes, and the adroit rascals who ven ture so much in making and vending imitations and alterations of national bank bills are evidently reaping rich harvests. Investigation shows that for half a generation there has not been so much " queer," as the dealers call it, afloat as at the present time. Careful, observant people can ordinarily detect it, but the poor and the laboring classes, who handle little money, and are so easily deceived, are victimized largely, and suffer in proportion. Within the last forty-eight hours more than forty persons in all sorts of business have had the bill "shoved" on them. It is of the denomination of live dollars, an imita tion of that of the People's National Bank, Jackson, Michigan. It is a rough ly executed wood engraving, badly done as compared with the original, and yet well calculated to deceive in its gen eral appearance. But it is easily de tected by even a casual inspection when attention is called to it. The signa tures of both president and cashier are printed, while in all genuine bills these names are invariably written. The let ters "t" and "s" in the title "Pres't" in the original are separated by an apos trophe ; in the counterfeit they are join ed, with no apostrophe. In the coun terfeit the neat figure of the t wo females, sitting, on the lower right, is almost iu visible : in the genuine it is very clear and distinct. The back of the bill is still more bunglingly made than the front. The green is pale and poor, and in the true bill no letters along the top touch on the green border, while in the spurious the words are partly printed on the green entirely across. The pic ture plate is too large for the green bor der. There are several minor differ ences, but these will be a safeguard if observed. The plan of operation in getting counterfeits in circulation should be un derstood in order to save the public. Let it be known, then, that this bill on the Michigan Jackson Bank is not the one that is intended to be shoved. But it is another bill on another bank, prob ably in a totally different section of country, that will be extensively print ed from this same plate, with only the name changed. First comes the " fiver," and when that is "started," detected, exposed, and everybody is looking for it. all of a sudden out comes the " mate," and before any one suspects it the mis chiof is done, and victims uselesly mourn by thousands. So in this case, " Look out for the second bill !" Dis trust all " fives," and keep close to the Bank Xote Reporter, for the rogues are about and watching every chance. Spot them at the very first opportunity, and the harm they would do may be materially interfered with. Ihere is also in circulation a danger ous counterfeit " ten" on the " Flour City National Bank of Rochester, New lork." It is well executed, but the si natures of the officers in this, as in the other, are engraved, instead of being written, as inev are m the genuine bills The bad bill is half an inch longer than the good one. Care will detect it ine litties," compound interest notes, are also imitated very successful lp, although they have " a scratchy ap pearance." there are certain character istics of counterfeits which enable an expert to detect them at a glance. It is the uninitiated that generally suffer, and those who can least afford to get swindled. But everybody should know now that they never see anything but paper money, enough, to be suspicious Ihe paper of genuine bills is always extra nice, and counterfeits "never. "It is invariably the rule that spurious bills are printed on coarse and inferior pa per, totally lacking the finish of bank note paper. Then the ink is generally poor, anu me green ana rea colors are never to clear, fine and decided as the genuine article. Herald. The New York Evening Gazette un- gallantly calls the new weekly paper, which in tu ue managed exclusively by lovely and accomplished women, "a publication of the feminine gender." It further says : " Two female phonograph ic reporters ironi i.onuon have been imported to do the city affairs. The editorial staff is to consist of Mrs. Anu b. Stephens, JMrs. Calhoun, Mrs. Croly IT 1 -I r rn i J' aura, i anon, ana Jirs. lerhune. Miss Ulive Logan will be dramatic critic 1 A T-w , t anu Auua uicKinson loreign correspond ent." HOW TO ITOLD T1IE FERTILITY OP TnE soil. gypsum attracts. It is not only uiauuic iu useii, uut it attracts tiie manure n om tue atmosphere that comes in contract with it (which i3 abundaant in windy days) but it catches and holds the fertility of "the ground that in some soils escapes. Lime win aiso ao tins so will clay. Clay, dried and powdered, is an excellent thing to put on a barn-yard or to cover a compost heap with, or work through the heap hence, we use gypsum and lime in our stables and priv ies. Gypsum is best, it 1ms the most attrac tion, Desiaes otner properties. A little siiouin oe Kept by every tanner for use, even at a high cost, as the benefit is sometimes more important than the high price. But we waste our manure. We not only permit its strength to escape, but we areelad to sret it out of the way. The same recklessness extends to the land It is well our soil has a good proportion of clay to hold its strength. We must conserve The time is not far distant when we shall be compelled to do it. Already there are symp toms of lack m our soil ; we do not raise as heavy crops as we used to; here and there a field ; here and there a farm, is les3 product- It is not so much that we need plaster here in the West to hold the strength of the soil, as to use it to abstract from the atmos phere, and to save the ammonia of ol barn yards and stables. For this, let us al wars keep a little on hand. Let us save and Tim! prove our mannre-and thus save ou? farms Coleman's Rural World. wnieh Irl Iand'. Arkansas- the members of JLgenUIne SOns of Ank' Seven of eight feet five inches, or within a fraction of an average of six feet four. Their average AbovV; w hun.flred and thirteen SEE ad hya?f r- enJ-thi,family is fee SIS . J" lnC h,gh' and weiSb9 on hun dred and 81xty.five poun(g T Zl: Ji l .vnea nnnter, and according to the Fort Smith Herald, the jolliest and best hearted fellow in the Western SL. Who was Jonah's tutor! brought him up. Th whale who Why is a kiss like a rumor I goes from mouth to mouth. Bseausa It 'LlBBRTT AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, OXB AND inseparable." Daniel Webster. RAJJZI&TJ. IS. C. SATURDAY, APRIL. 6th, 1867. The Sentinel New York Times, and Tribune on the Situation. The Sentinel affects to be concerned be cause, in its opinion, " a large portion of the colored people were temporarily deluded" by the whites who took part with them in the late Convention. The Sentinel also as sumes to advise the colored people as to what they should do. That paper may as well reserve both its concern and its advice. The colored people have not asked for either, and they are too intelligent and too loyal to be deceived or misled by a rebel journal. The Sentinel charges such gentlemen as A. II. Jones, Thos. Settle, David Ileaton, Alfred Duckery, C. It. Thomas, K. P. Dick, Calvin J. Cowles, John Norfleet, D. 31. Carter, Jas. Sinclair, and others, who participated in the Convention, with " hypocrisy" that is the word because they acted in Convention, and expect to act hereafter in good faith with the colored pcoplu. We say to the rev- eiend brother, so-called, of the Sentinel, " Judge not, lest ye be judged." Who made the Sentinel a searcher of hearts I Brother Pell, so-called, well knows that " Hypocrisy is the only evil tlmt walks Invisible, except to God alone." He must not judge others by the standard he has set up for himself. The Sentinel says it expected a portion of the Northern press would be deceived by the movement. In other words, it knew that every sound Republican press in the country would be gratified by the movement, and would do justice to those who took part in it and this it calls deception. The Repub lican press, like the colored people, can take care of itself without the advice of the rebel Sentinel. But the Sentinel copies the following from the New York Times, a pretended Republi can paper, and lays much stress upon it: "Information has been received herefrom North Carolina that the recent so-called Union meeting held at Raleigh was sold out to the rebels. Of the ten white men selec ted as Committee on Resolutions, nine could not take tli oath required by law. It was not a Delegate Convention, and only fifty three of the eighty-nine counties in the State were represented. The members were selec ted by Governor ITolden, and a few of bis friends, w ithout regard to political qualifi cations, other than that they were willing 1o endorse - the policy of the Iloldenites. A Convention of the unconditional white and black Unionists will soon be called, and there will be two tickets for delegates to the Constitutional Convention to be organized under the Reconstruction Bill, one of the Holdenites and the other of the Unionists." There is no truth in the above extract. There were no rebels iu the Convention. There was no selling out, and no thought of it. The members were not selected by Gov. Holden, but were invited by the Union members of the Legislature. Gov. Holden, being called upon for suggestions, suggested that such gentlemen as B. S. Iledrick, D. R. G.wdloe, R. J. P.iwcll, A. W. Tourgec, A. B. Chapin, David Ileaton, and other " iron clads" be invited. We know of no " Hol denites." The writer of this has no " poli cy" but unconditional Unionism. If there is to be any discord in the Republican ranks in this State, it will not be our fault. We shall not quarrel with friends in any event. If strife should spring up, we shall be cer tain to keep out of it. We are not author ized to speak for the colored people of the State, but we have no doubt they will cor dially and unanimously endorse the action of the late Republican Convontion in Ra leigh. It is not true that of " the ten white men selected as committee on resolutions, nine could not take the oath required by law." Five of these ten arc unexcluded by the How ard amendment, ami can both vote and hold office under the Sherman act. The other five have been, and are as loyal a9 any in the South. If the ten colored men who served on the committee had no objection to urge, we do not see what the Times and Sentinel have to do with it. All the permanent officers of the Conven tion were " iron clads." In striking contest with this extract from the Times is the following admirable articl from the last N. Y. Tribune a paper whose fidelity to the Republican cause has never been questioned : " The Republican Party in the Sotttit. The Freedineu, at every meeting they have held since the ililitary bill became a aw, nave siiown that thev know what citi zenship means, and that in accepting its privileges they are ready to discharge its du ties. In takinir the ballot thev have nroved that they understand how to use it. The power they suddenly cained thev show no disposition to abuse, and there is not a soli tary instance in which colored speakers have appealed to their people to revenge at the polls the wrongs of the slave-mart, the whipping-post, or the brand-iron. They do not speak of the laws which deprived them of education, of marriage, of property, nor of the fugitive slave law. nor of the New Or leans massacre. Their theme is the freed om they have, not the slavery from which they have been redeemed. But, while they are ready to forgive, they have not forgot ten ; while they arc willing and anxious to join with their old masters in rebuilding the prosperity oi me ontn, tney are resolved not to become in liberty what they were in bondage the unresisting instruments of Southern land-holders. With the power to vote they exercise the rieht to think, and those who do not already sue the beginning of a new political era in the South are blind tne moral of the ereat meetings at Raleigh, Savannah, Montgomery, Macon, and the many county meetings hld in al most every Southern State. Of equal importance is the readiness of the loy men to unite with the al white colored men on terms of absolute equality. At Raleigh this was especially evident. In ether States the meetings have declared He publican principles,' but the State! Conven tion ne -Nv.rth.nnrnliniL embodied them White'and black delegates had equal share in its deliberations and offices. It may be held certain that in every Southern State the platform of the North-Carolina Convention will be adopted, and tnat ine ncpuiau party in the South will know no distinction rf men nr rolor at the doIIs or in civil offices. The Freedmen would not take less; the loyal white men we hope would scorn to otter less. In the North the Republican party is pledged to this creed imDartial suffrage in every State Union. What is cod for North- Carolina must be good for New York ; the mistake of Connecticut will not be repeated At T?nlpi(rh thft Convention organized the Republican party in the State ; at Savanah, Montgomery. Slacon. Jacksonville, Charles ton, they adopted resolutions equally decis ive, hut. left formal organization to future State Conventions. It is in the triumph of this party, which knowsno difference between man and man. that the South will be re deemed. Whatever party seeks to perpetu ate distinctions of race or color, in the South, aims at the perpetuation of jealousy, and strife, and poverty. The negro is ready to do his duty, and whatever doubt may have exited of the readiness ot thewnite man xo accept absolute political and civil equality is lessened by the example of such men as lien. Dockery in North-Carolina, ana vov. Fatton in Alabama." Confiscation. We learn that there is some alarm among the people in relation to confiscation of lands by the general government. We are not presumed to know more than others on this subject, but we will state briefly our opinion as to what may be expected. We feel sure that the lands of the great body of the Southern people are in no dan ger yet of confiscation. They would have been in no danger in any event, if the States had accepted promptly the Howard amend ment and returned to the Union. But the lands of the instigators and leaders of the rebellion have been in danger from the first. Recent events have not diminished that dan ger. We can not predict wuat will Le done with the property of these leaders. They may save it yet, if they will ; but we confess, from our knowledge of their proud, stub born and defiant disposition, that we can have but little hope that they will. We ap prehend they will continue in a course which will complete their own ruin, as they have ruined their country. But one thing is cer tain, the property of tlte loyal is in no danger. Treason must be shown both im intent and act, before the title will vest in the national government; and even if it should have ves ted by a technicality in law, those who are unmistakably loyal will not, in the end, lose it. The government will not punish its own sincere friends and supporters. It will rather protect them and build them up at the ex pense ot wicked, unrepentant, " conscious traitors." If it be true that the pardons granted by the President will not save, in the last resort, the property of theperson pardoned, it is clear that the property of those who are unpardoned will be confisca ted, for Congress lias forbidden the Presi dent to grant any more pardons. Mr. Stevens has solemnly declared that he will devote lm remaining strength to the work of confiscation. His influence in Con gress is well known. The great body of the Northern people, and many of our own peo ple feel, that it would bean act of gross and crying injustice to free the slaves and give them no lands ; and that, to say the least, it would be better that the large bodies of land held by Southern rebels be cut up into small farms for the poor whites and the colored people. Revolutions never go backwards, and this revolution has not yet run its course. It is natural, under the circumstances, that persons about to purchase land should be careful about the titles. But we repeat, the property of our loyal people is in no danger. They can make good titles, as there is no reason to fear that in any event confiscation will fall on them. Russian America The Russian government has agreed to sell its possession in North-America to the United States for 7,000,000. There is ter ritory enough in Russian America to make nine States as large as North-Carolina, and it has a sea coast on the Pacific and Arctic Oceans as long as the Atlantic shore of the United States from Eastport to Brownsville. There are several large rivers flowing through the country, navigable to vessels of deep draft. The principal exports are furs, oil and ivory from seals, otters, beavers, mar tins, whale, seahorses, &c. The climate is in tensely cold, and the soil for the greater part of a sterile character. The inhabitants are estimated variously from 60 to 75,000. There are some 10,000 whites, partly of Rus sian or Siberian descent, and the balance arc Indians. There are a number of islands at tached, lying in the Pacific Oceau. There is also an exalted mountain range, extending to the Arctic Ocean, and having peaks reach ing near 18,000 feet in altitude. It will be remembered also that Behrihg's Strait sepa rates Russian AmericaTrom Asia, and is about 36 miles wide. The chief town is New Archangel, fortified and containing about 1,500 inhabitants, and is situated on Sitka island in the Pacific Ocean. The pre vailing religion is the Greek Church a bish op residing at New Archangel ; where there is also a Lutheran minister stationed. The Russian American Fur Company has hitherto controlled this country under a charter grant ed by Emperor Paul, in 1799. Floods in Louisiana. A telegram from New Orleans of April 2nd, states that the levees along the 3Iissis- sippi have been broken by the great floods, and the richest portion of Southwestern Louisiana is certain of being devastated. The grand levee, one of the largest of its kind in the world and but recently comple ted is broken. There is hope that the Ro man crevasse may be closed. There was a bill introduced into the 39th Congress, appropriating three millions of dollars for repairing the levees of the Mis sissippi, Due owing xo tue reneinous conduce of the people of Louisiana, the bill was laid on the table. Had that people conducted themselves in such a manner as to recommend themselves to the Congress of the United States, their present calamities might have been averted. There are others who may draw a moral from this lesson. Gen. Sheridtn writes that a faithful en forcement of the law will necessitate further removals. The Republican Convention atHaleigh ' We, publish to-day the most important part of the proceedings ot ihe Convention which assembled in the City of Raleigh last wsek to organize a party for the purpose of assisting- in the work of restoring North Carolina to the Union. In company with two prominent citizens of this place (Wm. R.. 3Iyers, Esq., and Dr. C J. Fox,) we went to Raleigh and were present at all the sessions of the Convention. We did not go as delegates and neither did we presume to act as delegates, because, 1st, we were not delegated by any one, and 2d, we make no claim to peculiar " loyalty " but we went for the purpose of meeting and conversing with personal friends and ac quaintances from all parts of the State, and also for the purpose of witnessing the pro ceedings and giving whatever influence we might exert in favor of harmony, concord and a speedy settlement of difficulties which have so long embarrassed the citizens of our native State. We preferred to form our conclusions, and decide as to how we should hereafter act, from sight and not from faith or hearsay representations. The language used in the resolutions which were adopted may not meet the approbation of all the citizens of the State. Such a thing is not to be expected. But we must not for get the changes that have taken place the peculiar and extraordinary circumstances, which surround us as a people the fact that it is our duty to submit t the conquering power and get the best terms possible, and the all important truth that unless restora tion is speedily effected by those who are considered loyal by the majority of Congress, worse terms will be forced upon us hereaf ter. After much reflection about the matter, and after gaining all the information we could in regard to the views, wishes and de termination of the leading Northern Repub licans, we are prepared to say that the reso lutions of the Raleigh Convention arc the best that could have been adopted by that body, and are more liberal than we expected. They were framed and adopted by white and black men men of extreme and mod erate views but all professing and declar ing that they desired peace and harmony and no further injury to those who sustained the Confederate cause, provided acquiescence was given to the Congressional plan of re construction. Believing, as we honestly do, in order to get the State restored to her rights as one of the States of the Union, and to stop all further military and congressional interfer ence with our affairs, that the class of men who assembled in Convention at Ra leigh are the ones who will be recognized by Congress, we say that we feel it our duty as a friend of peace to co-operate with the movement and support the men who may be designated by that party as loval and accep table. We warn the people to be prudent and cau tious to give up all old prciudices and look at the situation us it is and not as we would have it. Let those who cannot conscient- ouslv assist in reconstruction on the princi ples of the Republican party be willing to silently acquiesce and engage in no conten tion and strife. We tell our readers, one and all, that if the State is ever restored to the Union it must be done bv the influence of such men as assembled iu convention at Raleigh last week, and by such as claim to be Republi cans. We want no office from the people, and neither have we any favors to ask of the State or National Governments, but we do want peace and good feeling to prevail be tween all sections, and especially do we want to see the prosperity of our beloved State re established. In regard to the conduct of the colored men who acted as delegates in the Conven tion, we will sav that we were gratified and surprised gratified at the gentlemanly, kind and liberal deportment manifested, and the good feelings expressed for their former masters, and the people with whom they have always lived ; and surprised at the" intelligence and ability displayed by many of them. There is no doubt in our mind but that the controling party in Congress sympathise with this movement, and arc determined that reconstruction shall be carried on in that way before admitting the State into the Union. Therefore, in conclusion, we unhesitating- : ly say, on behalf of ourselves and the gen tlemen mentioned above, that although we are proscribed by the Reconstruction lawsr we intend to give our aid and support to the-, men that will be acceptable to Congress.. By this course only can we ho)e to prevent, further trouble and calamity. We don't intend to quarrel with any one- , who may differ with us in these views , every man is entitled to his own opinion but "if our contemporaries in this State would permit us to counsel them, we would, be"- them to acquiesce and use no violent or insulting language towards the members of the party organized at Raleigh on the 27th Let us all wait until the State is admitted in the Union before engaging in contests for ofiices. Charlotte Democrat. Charlottonians and the late Convention Our esteemed cotem. the Raleigh Standard,. in answer to our article the ther c5ay in reference lo the standing of the citizens of Charlotte in regard to the reconstruction, movement, and the fact that we did not. know of any "rebel leaders" in this section,. and that we were all good unionists, says: that if leaders and people of the Charlotte section are altogether like three gentlemen of that city who visited Raleigh during the session of the late con vention, but, under the circumstancesv took no part in its deliberations, though approv ing what it did, we shall be glad to hear itr and will draw thence the most lively hope? that the work of reconstruction will not be. hindered, but aided in that part of the State, We presume the three gentlemen alhutecL to are Mr. Wm. J. Yates, (of our cotempo rary, the Democrat,) Col. Wm. R. 3Iyets, and Dr. C. J. Fox. And we can assure our Raleigh cotemporary, that, in conversation with our citizens generally, we have not found one but is ready to accept the issue, and to acquiesce in the programme as set forth by the Raleigh convention. As for ourself, that is the position we take. We heartily endorse all the Democrat said in its last issue about this convention. We can see no good in any other method, but much harm. It should be the aim of our citizens everywhere to do that by -which the most good can be accomplished, and, in our opin ion, if there be contrary acts to those set forth by the Raleigh convention, much harm will result to our people. We want harmo ny we want co-operation. We want all to combine upon the platform of the Republi can, party, and get back into the Union. We want our representatives in Congreis ; we don't want to pay taxes and be unrepre sented, but we want to have a voice in the National Council. That's our platform. We must bring order out of tlm chaos, and the only way that we can see for it to be done is to acquiesce in what has been done at Raleigh. Some ef the presses in this State are pursuing a different fine, but we trust they will find out their suicidal policy ere it be too late. But of this we will have more to say hereafter. Let us all act harmoniously, and stay worse measures. This is the one and the plain duty of every Southern man. " Choose ye this day," ere it be too late. Charlotte- Guar dian. The foregoing articles from the Democrat and the Guardian reflect much credit on those journals. Their course in this crisis is patriotic, and is the only one which can' bring peace and prosperity to our people. If the Sentinel, ot this City, would act with the Democrat and Qjiardian in, this crisis, we should soon have quiet in the State, and there would be ground for the most confi dent hope that restoration would be effected under the Sherman act, without further dan ger of confiscation. False Reports. A number of false reports have gone out about the late Republican Convention, all emanating from that magazine of lie and treason, the Raleigh Sentinel. We now state that all the reports as to re plies or retorts made by Mr. Harris to Mr. Settle, Mr. Sinclair, and others, are false. No such scenes as described occurred in the Convention. They are purely imaginary. The last Newbern Journal of Commerce says: " Jas. H. Hauris, vs. D. 1L Carter. Capt. D. M. Carter, late of the Confederate army, in a speech protesting his love for the colored men, as well as his ultra Radicalism, in the recent Convention, was taken down in the following handsome style, by Jas. 11 Harris, colored. After Carter had concluded, Harru took the floor, and addressing him self to the President, asked, referring to Carter: "What meat hath this our Csesar fed upon, that he should have grown so fat," we understand that the first orator wilted under the scorching rays of an ' African wn.' Three cheers for Harris." The foregoing is also an unmitigated false hood. The very best feeling prevailed in the Convention between the two races. Gen. Sickles and the Elections. Gen, Sickles has decided in the case or a vacancy in a Sheriffalty in one of the districts of South-Carolina, that a successor will be ap pointed, and that no elections will be held until the voters are enrolled. We observe that Gov. Worth is still mak ing appointments. Has he a r ght to do this ? Have we not had enough of rebel rule ? Jlessrs. Branson & Farrar have consolida ted their book business with the North-Carolina Publishing Company. The business is continued by the company at the old stand of the N. C. Book-store, under the direction of Rev. L. Branson, who has for five years past conducted the business of Branson & Farrar with greater success than that of any other book house in this State. The Danville Register, noticing the late Re publican Convention in this City, says : "This is the first mixed convention of any magnitude that has been held in the South the first straight out political amalgama tion, in which respectable white people of character and ability participated. There have been meetings to be sure in other towns and cities, whereat a few obscure whites join ed with the blacks, to give exprewion to doctrines which the bulk of neither class approved, and there have been elsewhere nromiscuous assemblages addressed by ora tors ot both colors; but in this convention they I deliberated and worked together, the whites and the blacks, men who are distinguished in North-Carolina politics, alongside the re cently enfranchised freedmen. Settle, Dick and Dockery are names not unkuown to the general reader." Radical Congressional Committee. We clip the following from the Washing ton Evening Leader of the 1st inst. : It is with grut pleasure we announce the organization of the Congressioual Committee, with General Robert C. Schenck as chair man of the executive branch thereof. Sena tor Morgan, ot New York is the general chair- , . . i i , - , . . man. ucnerai ocnencs s souiiu luugiueut, industry and enthusiasm fit him particularly for that mott responsible position, involving as it does, such vital interests to the Radi cal party. The remaining members of the Executive Committee are J. Broomall, of Pennsylvania ; Z. Chandler, ot Michigan, John Conness, of California; Oakes Ames, f Massachusetts, John A. Logan, ol Illinois, and William D. Kclley, of Pennsylvania. All of these gentlemen bring to the pop- nilaritvofthc Committee great weight. Hon. Thomas L. Tullock is the committee's Secre tary, and the genial cashier of the First Na tional Bank, W. S. Huntington, Esq., is the Treasurer. The committee will begin its labors at once, and great good will be done. The New York Tribune gives a con densed account of the late Republican Con vention in this City, and adds : "Fuller accounts of the Republican State Convention in North-Carolina show it to have been remarkable for its Radicalism and harmony. The delegates, of whom 100 were white and 50 colored, met on terms of abso lute equality, and were equally represented in the offices and committees. The address es made by the colored speakers were just as good as those made by the whites, and both were excellent. The colored speakers were especially earnest in advocating uniou with the Republican party and the resolutions call upon every loval man in the State to sup port it. We hold this Convention to have been the most important held in North Carolina for fifty years, and its example de serves to be emulated by other States." Political Excitement. We are well sat isfied that this is no time for political excite ment. Congress has passed laws not sub mitted propositions and these laws must be obeyed. It is not for us to question the wisdom, iustice or policy of these enactments, The time for discussion has passed, and that of action arrived. THe way is plain we must fulfill the conditions, or Congress will not approve the constitution, and consequent I'.y this state of things will be prolonged. We care little now for platforms and still I ess .who may stand on them. We are will i ng to stand" aside, to use the classical lan ruage of tlm Standard, take a back seat, and 1 et the old ship be taken into port by any a vho will be acceptable to Congress. As I 4ee surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse, u re surrender now. The principles tor which w re fought are buried beneath the ruins of tl lat Constitution which Washington framed, a ad we await the resurrection morn with a bout as much hope as the Irish or Poles do. V Fe are now struggling for mere existence. O ur little ones are crying for bread. We ai e not now in a condition to fight on dead is. sues, rnougn on ooara, we win iaKe no pi irt in handling the old ship. She has been ta ken out of the control of the old experienc er 1 pilots, ana enven up to lanasmen. ajci . . - . . 1 T . A. th iem navigate her through the storm : dis antled and leaky, the hull is still lett. fter awhile skillful mechanics may repair e damage so that she again may become iworthv. Then let all upon whom the iioritv of Congress look with an unfriend- 'eve. stand aside and give place to the "u nmistakably loyal." Cluirlotte 'limes. Newbern, April 3d, 1867, , s.t a republican meeting of the Union Re- u. blican Association of this city, held last eve ning at their Head Quarters, the follow iug resolution was unanimously adopted 2 lesohed, That this Association approves the proceedings ot the Republican Conven tion r held in the city of Raleigh oa the 27th and ;B8th of March last, and that we fully endtii -se and ratify the platform adopted at said ( lonvention. C. A. NELSON;, 8ec'y. THE RECORD. Extracts from the Raleigh Sentinel, shoicin its treasonable disposition, and its hatred to the colored people. For the benefit of our Republican friend? and especially for the edification of the col' ored people, we reprint the following ex" tracts from the Sentinel for 1806 and iS(j- grossly reflecting upon the Congress, the Ke' publican party and the Union men of thj. State without regard to race or color. In doing so, we call upon every intefJirren gentleman to bear witness that the SfonJari does not desire to stir up further strife revive anything said or written in the pa" calculated to increase political excitement"" ' the public mind at the present time. But the Sentinel will not allow us to remain silent 1 It has voluntarily chosen these weapons of offence and defence, and it is natural, there fore, that we should retort to the use of tliem And we further esteem it a duty wu"idi . owe to God and our country, to expo the reverend hypocrite, who is continually feed ing the fires of disloyalty and treason through the columns of the Sentinel, with a pertinacity worthy of the devil himself. What is he now engaged in doing f Every article in his paper aimed against the Repub lican party of North-Carolina, is a step to wards confiscation Who urges him on! Gov. Worth and his friends f Do secession ists, who are large land owners endorse his course ? Hitherto they have supported Lim and voted with him, against the Union, tlJe Republican party and the colored people of North-Carolina. With a few exceptions, w9 state that this has been their position. Do they not now perceive whither he has led them ? The Republican party of the nation hold them responsible for the past, and are not in a humor to suffer them, through the Sentinel and other papers, to re-inflame the popular mind against the government, with out inflicting stern and summary punishment. Let them come, out squarely. If the Senti nel will not listen to tbeir remonstrances, let them crush it by withdrawing their support for we tell them to-day that every line of his paper containing treasonable sent itnentx is equal to an acre of tlteir land. We present these extracts to our Repnhli can friends, with the following advice: pro claim them upon every stump in North-Car olina, until the Union men of this State, without regard to race or color, shall mark the Sentinel down as Lis wort enemy. Read, circulate and preserve. They are arguments unanswerable by any man or before any au dience. The following is a sample of its abuse of Radicals and universal suffrage, which it styled a "degrading concession, insulting and humiliating." The Sentinel of June aotn, iot, sam : I " When the war terminated the South un- murmuringly submitted to every demand imposed upon her. All the State Legisla tures unhesitatingly responded to every ex action that- bad been made upon them. The spirit of submission, and almost of servility, which our people exhibited, instead of in spiring the Radicals with magnanimity, made them more cruel and vindictive. Grant the degrading concessions which the Radi cals now demand, and they will soon invent new expedients for insult and humiliation." The following is a specimen of its language towards the Standard, May 7th, I860 : " The whole tone and temper of the last issueorthe Standard is " unmistakably" Rad ical. It objects to the term " malignants," as applied to the Congressional Jacobins ; it virtually apologizes for their course of op pression and ruin, and declares that things are ' getting worse and worse" in North- Carolina. It publishes, without comment, an article from the Nashville Press justifying the disfrancisement of a large class of the people of the State of Tennessee, which fact, coupled with it3 quasi-endorsement of the report of the star-cliamber Committee, is conclusive that it favors a similar programme of proscription and oppression in North Carolina. If we could be astonished at anything in these degenerate days, we should be surpris ed at the fatuity and blindness of the Stan dard. In its persistent perversion of the feelings of our people, it undertakes a task more desperate than that of Sisyphus. His stone rolled back whenever he had carried it to the top of the hilL The Standard's stone will not only roll back, but crush it to the earth. A newspaper which deliberately misrepresents the sentiments of the people of North-Carolina, in spite of every declar ation and protestation they can make, must be considered as signing the death-warrant of its own position and usefulness " "The Standard, of Saturday, not only pub lishes, without comment, the article from the Nashville Press, to which we have elsewhere alluded, but also a communication over the signature of " Yankee? which is an insult to this community, and the source of which would have been sufficiency manifest, with out being disclosed by the signature. ' It is an ill bird," truly, that befouIs its own nest.' " The following is aimed at Gov. Brownlow and the Tennessee Republicans, April, 28d, 1866: " More than this : Gov. Holden has en dorsed Gov. Brownlow, of Tennessee, and his policy, calling him that "glorious old patriot," whom every true hearted American must despise and denounce as tue most un mitigated tyrant in the Lmon;lar worse than Sumner or Stevens. Nav, in the last Standard, it speaks of the late action of Brownlow and his copartners in tyranny, approvingly, except that some good Union men have been treated ur justly by the action. Let the reader note it. The Brownlow Leg islature of Tennessee has disfranchised every Tennesseean who took up arms in the late Confederate service, and has adopted tlie most odious measures for the degradation and ruin of three fourths of the people of the State; ana yet tue standard, tuougn it treats some Union men improperly, thinks it all right, as " it will not be likely to injure tne prospects of Tennessee for admission to her full privileges in the Union." And now we invite the attention of our colored friends to the following. Observe how the Sentinel oi April 23d, 1866, stated that it desired to restore the Union, ai it was before the tear. Of course that paper de sired the rcestablishment of Blavery,else what does the following language mean T That paper copied as follows from the Louisburg Eagle, and then comments. To the comments, we invite especial attention ; M To the Union of our fathers ve hate al ways been loyal. Not a shadow has ever fall en upon our devotion to the principles of the Federal Constitution as interpreted by Story, Kent, Tucker, Webster, and that embodi ment of human greatness and political rec titude, Henry Clay." Lauuburg Eagle. To which the Sentinel replies as follows: " We presume there are but few Southern men, who cannot sincerely endorse at less1 the first clause of the above sentence. If t' Union ofourfathers had been maintaineo and fullv carried out, it is doubtful whether any Southern man. would have dhed any ' J