Newspaper Page Text
THIBET, YY VIVD XJIVIOIV, IXOVV yJVI FOREVER, ONE AJN INSEPARABLE."-Daniel Webster. Vol. II. RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY,' JULY 11, 1868. No. 154 -4 IIOLDEX. J. V.". 1IOLDEX. W. W. HOLDER & SON, sriTous op the stano vkd. and of goncrituwiit adeerlis. ,nents. v or vST T&S paper indicates the ex Ten lines or one incb. 6pace to constitute a square. One square, one insertion $1 00 Each subsequent insertion 50 Liberal deduction made, by special contract, to large advertisers. Court advertisements will be charged 25 pei cciU. luUer than tlie regular rates. Special Notices charged 50 per cent, higher Bates of KabscrhHion. "' -T I I TKRMS Cash ix a pvance. i 1 "' i-.uiiij paper, l year ?H uo ' It 1 11.. O Ml Jl "t " 3 " 2 o Vper, 1 year 3 00 "j-niontli3 .. 1 50 ..4 1 00 irfs 1 year.... 12 00 f 1' .... 22 00 1 tt : y i Kates ot Advertising. than ordinary advertisements. For advertisements inserted irregularly, 25 pel t'i cvut. higher than usual rates will bo charged. "' No paper in the South has advertising facilities - BllPcrir to the Slmidard. ' i Letters must be addressed to W. V. Holdex, ) V. W. HOLD EN it SON, J. IV. Holds, f Kalcigh, N. C. lieadqnarlers, Jliiiiary !)i:.tittt, Cuaulestox, S. C, June 20, VMS. GENERAL OKOEIiS, ) No. 117. ) Tlie following law of the United States is jiub lihcd for general information : AN ACT To admit the States of X--th-(.'ivoUn, South Carolina, Louisiana, Ucoruii. Al'tutma, n ml FloriJa to J?(j'reriif.itim in C-'ihyris. Wiiekeas, the people t North-C;.ioiimi, SoutH-Curoiinn, Loinr-iana, Georgia, Alabama and Florida hare, in pursuance oi the provis ions of an act. entitled " An act for the in re tlSicieiit government of the rebel Slates." pass ed March second, eighteen hundred and mxU seven, and the acts supplementary thereto, 1 ramed constitutions of State government which are republican, and have adopted such contitu tions by large majorities of the votes cast at ihe elections held for the ratification or rejection ot the same; Therefore, Jl: itenacte I by the Senile and House nflvi)i ttentnlivex of the United Statin of America in l.'ou fre uxxeiiililcJ, That each ot tlie States of 'North-Carolina, South-Carolina, Lousiana, Georgia. Alabama, and Florida sti li be entitled and admitted to representation in Congress as a State ot the L iiton wlien the .Legislature ol such (State shall have duly ratilied the umeliduien lo It'ie Constitution of the United SUts proposed v the Thirtv-Niuth Congress, aud known as article IVntrten, uj.on the following fundamen- . tal conditions : That the constitutions o! neither ot said States shall ever be so amended or changed as to deprive any citizeu or class of citizens of the United States ol the ri.y ut to vote in said State who are entitled to vote by the constitution thereeflicreiii recognized, except as n puuishmeiir for such crimes as are now felonies at common law, whereof they shall have been dulv convicted under Jaws equally applicable to all the inhabitants of said State ; I'fovidtti, That anv alteration of said Constitutions may be made with regard to the time and place ot rest-dei-.ce of voters; aud the Siate ot Georgia shall only be entitled and adiiulieii to l epieseniaiion upon this luitiier luiuiaiiii ntai coi.iiiiioii : uiai the ; irst a .d third sun divisions oi see! .on sai-.i- teen of the li'.th article ol I lie con.-uu:non oi slTMt.. i vecnt tlie froviso to the lnl sub division, sliail be null and void, and that ihe General Assembly of said Stale, by solemn public act, shall declare the assent ot the Stale lo the foregoing condition. Section 2. Ai.- lbt- it further ahieted. That if 4i... Hi-. .I tint tirst meeting ot the Legis lature oi timer o! said States, by the Con ph Legis tuvntv davs fro in th i time this act ia::es eueei, unless the Governor elect shall -ooner convene the same. Section 3. And be it further enacted. That the fi-st section of thu t.lch State, except shall take clleft as to Georgia, when such State Kimll. lv its Legislature, duly ratilv nrticie lOUrieeu t!lt.a ttn,lM,d ;v ud l;v the ti.m ot we ," r Georgia. 4.1 T.lie LllOCU r , 'H. i. f :oii Teas, anu 1 Zin it shall, in addition give the assent as ?ai'" from holdin .wlerany State, bv Section , ot tlie propo.-.e(i mnendment to the Constitution ot the unutu c.t,. known as Arllele i-nnrleen. snan ue any otiiee iu either ot said S ;. ned eligible to Ktates. unless relieved from disability as pro- siid amendment. And it is heieoy vided in de the ou ' -""-, r i . ...7 r receni" - ----- . salu nniei'unn'iii oy me jeis- d States, to isue a procia- tact. (llmxva -June i-. econd and third sections ng aniU rq'iTrrr.s Stan's cnioiacca vene at the end oi this Act takes effect, shall sooner convene eXkviit that when any State Sture, duly ratily Article Four ninendments to the Constitution ol States, proposed by the Thirty-ninth Coiigre -j , tUlljifjL.(i nnder the C'onstitu ion i ..,.toll inaugurated without delay,' thereoi, fls (lispi.lisjn!r w th t urc rc'a Y)y the law ol .July 2, the oatn ot otlice 115:2, so tar an it l,ru" ,rs the members elect o- the Legislature coce (jis,ju;iniic I bv th constitutional w!l :-ueit known as Article Fourteen. Ae aineti!'' g( mueli ol the provisions of General cordn'SJ0 0f May 2, 1S0S, and No. 8:j, of O r I cJ -ggj as requires the lneiubers elect ot Mllv Jcral Assembly of the States of North t!,u ,u and South-Ca-.dina, respectively, to J:,rt",',e oah ofoflieu prescribed by the Act of take),'1 ig(,2, before entering upon Ihe discharge JuI,'''i.iti"S of th irolliees; is Iicreby revoked. onHCmn"..dol c I Wior-General En. R. S. Canbit: ivt- WJ LOUIS V. CAZIAHC, Aid -de-Camp, Aerg. Asst. Adjt. Genl. Photographs. qjjJAT INDUCEMENTS VfATSON'S GALLERY, j'OB iVfVG A LARGE STOCK. Or FRAMES -1 f,d Climes on hand, I have determined to ,iT-enj' stool; bv selling frames with pietures n, iViilete lor about om-i.nil the usual price, n' Wishing a l'hotogiaj.h in a tine frame at a I uos , . very stitution or Ordinance uiereoi, .-.i.m or have so nearly arrived beloie the passage ot tl is Vet, that there shall not be lime lor the Legislature to assemble at the periou tiscd, lntiii-R sua I convene at me cini ui .i . 44 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) ri ' rci i j-'i :ii ii dunon t e sane dtbereupon the offi 1,!iPof eae "State, dulv elee.eU and qu ilitied nn dthelo sTitutiouthereo., shall be immgura without delay; hut "-..l'V!-?',':: , iii.i. miner lie; e nui'i tjimv, ... attar 111 hit CM, I J lera f.. cii.? " ...tiB-li .lime :'4 I .tr. ... L. ..'O 11 FINANCIAL KALEIGII NATIONAL liAKK ov V OUTII-CAKOIINA.' boaui of niitECTous: U-. W.l'ui.i.iAK.ViwiV.; (imuW. Swfi-son, W. U. Wi lla it o. W. J. IIawkin s, A.. S. Meuuimon. Chas. Dewey, Cashier . John Blake, ZeWr. DEALS IN EXCHANGE, SIGHT DRAFTS, Gold and Silver Coin, unil Government ami other Securities. Uncurreut Bunk Notes bought at highest prices. Packages sent by Express will be remit ted for promptly in curreney, or iu New York luuds at par. JJCckkest, February 21, 1S68 : Bank'-I?n!iie Fear 28 30 4 ..ivnWlotte 7rCl'"endon tt ' ' N bommeree ....................... .y.tteyille Lexlnfei, (old) . i (new) i,ex'.non' Pable at Orfthani, . North-Carolina-.. J. ...... ... " Roxboro -. ' " Thomasville " Wadesboro' 41 "Washington ' Yauceyville '17-1 10 IS 10 B2 60 00 oo 2(i 3 a 27K " m ilmington Co-.mnereiai Jiank of Wilmington tanner's Rank of North-Carolina, told,) " " 44 " (new,).... Greensboro', Mutual Insurance Company,.. Merchants' Rank of Newbein .., Miners' and Planters' Bank March 21, 1S0S. fiS tf TO rillS:cSA?,S AI DElfitlSTS. DRUG- STORE FOR SALS. ""VW'IXG TO CONTINUED ILL HEALTH Vaiid being advised bv my physicians that more aetive uie is necessary for me, I olfer lor sale my L)nig Store, Stock, Fixtures and good will, or the Slock, Fixtures and iood will alone. This is one of the oldest establishments in tin State, and has had tor the past ten yiais second to none in the Southern Stales. To a physician it is one ot the best openings in this part ot the S'.ate as with this establishnu nt ic can control thu practice of the 'lown and country for several niiks around. A physician coming here can go at once into the practice left by Dr. J. ). Jones which was tlie best. The prospects of the university are better than they have been since the surrender, the Agricul tural College having been located here, as a part ot it, and the land given it by Congress having been sold for one hundred and thirty-three thou sand dollars, this w ith appropriation directed by the Constitution will be ample to secure a competent Faculty acid ensure a large attendance ol students, and will malic tm one of the most desirable locations in the Slate for a j Drug Store or for a 1'liys.iciau. As li i'.iors can only be sold on physicians' pre- j sciiplioiis a gcioil proiit can be made bv adding J the sale of them to the Drug business. I will exchange tor a farm near any town on a prominent Rail Road, in a healthy location, or tor mules and plantation supplies, or 1 will sell low for money. All enquiries promptly answered. R. 15. SAUNDERS, Chupcl Hill, N. C. July 2, 186S. 150 I m. 3 3 .XXI&?G OUT AT NEW YORK COST! Dry Goods, t& -mm- .-m .-rta Crockery and Hardware. WING TO CONTINUED ILL HEALTH, and consequent, inability to give pr per attention to iny business, 1 have concluded to od'er my entire Stock of DRY GOODS, easy Me Clotling, BOOTS AND SHOES, Notions and Hosiery, HARDWARE, AND At New York Cost for Cash. All who are in want of jjood and fashionable Goods would do well to call ai once before the Goods aio picked over. jLm- KL.INE, Corner of Faycttcvillc aud Hargctt St. Raleigh, N. C. June 25, 1868. 147 liu. Scaled Proposals, TN DUPLICATE, EACH ENDORSED AVITU I "terms ot liidders, and date, will he received it this OlMce, nt the Garrison Military Post, Goldsboro'. N. C, or through the mail, directed to the undersigned, until 12 o'clock, At., on the isiird.iv or Jiilv, instant, tor supplying this Military Post with WOOD for bnc year from the jot h day of July, inst. The Wood to be supplied to be Merchantable Hard Oak or Ash, cleft, and to be cut Four (4) feet long; to be delivered at the Garrison, Golds horo' N. C, in such quantities as may be re uuirc 1, not exceeding Two hundred Cords i anv One month. The contractor to receive o er'nment Vouchers from Quartermasler in payment for number of Cords accepted in each inonth. Proposal will be opened at this Otiiee on the loth day of Julv, inst, at noon. Bidders are invited to be present at the time of opening 11 revive pro., . . liy order ivi v' : . .,i vn J Cht. Quartermaster 2d nl. Dis't. 1. HATHAWAY, 2d Lieut. 40th -Inf., Bvt.;apL A. A. Q. M., L- S a. July 7, 1SGS. IVirs. Lacy's Schocl for Young Ladies, ItALEKJIf, N. C. rniTF FIFTH TERM OF THIS SCHOOL T"ni commence on Mosdat, theSd of August, ISMS, and continue twenty "weeks. ,.,i(irc Six pupils can be accommodated as boarders. Circulars sent on application. Dr. Lacv's School for Boys w il l e d -continu-d. He will give such instruction in the girls School as may be desired. July 9, 1868. lo3 td. NOTICE. ON SATURDAY. 25T1I OF JULY EXT, I shall expose to public sale, at the dwcll in.r bouse of Robert Hatcher's, in Johnston County, Horses, Cattle, and Hogs, nud about live hundred acres ol land, or so much terco) as will satisfy the United States tax iu my hands tor collection. -SIMON GODWIN, Deputy Collector. June 25, 18fiS. .1-17 lawSt. 1 r 0 ! BROOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. . ISSUES POLICIES OF ALL, KINDS, LIFE AND ENDOWMENT. AIISUMJTEI.Y NO KKKTKICTION UPON TJIAVISI, Oil RESIDENCE ! Dividoiuls 3 ;i i l Annually in Cash. ALL POLICIES POSITIVELY NON FORFEITABLE. 22?" Part ol the premium loaned, and no loon or premium note is a lien or claim on the pol icy iu case of death after the second year.J3 ",, . rpiIIS COMPANY OFFERS PECULIAR ADVANTAGES TO THE SOUTHERN people. It is the most . . - LIBERAL COMPANY IN THE UNITED grTltTES. Its rates being lower than those of other Companies. Office No. 141, Broadway, New York City. WM. M. COLE, Secretary. CHRISTIAN Y. BOUCK, Fieaiaeut. . j. ' Infonaation Gladly Furnished in detail, by A. W. LAWRENCE, of Raleigh, N. C-, General Agent for the State of North-Carolina. D. -vVM. G. II ILL, Medical Examiner, Kaieigu, N C, May 12, lSltt. CIIANiK OF SC'HUDt'LU. IALCIGH A- ; ASTON RAILROAD CO., ) M'i'EKiTEMF.N r'.s OKrici:, ') Raleigh, N. C , May J'.iih, iMiS. ) On and after May 2m!,, tM'iS, Trains will run i on the Raleigh A" Gaston Railroad as follows: j .dad Irani leaves Raleigh 51.15 A. M. Arrives at v'i hion .' 2.40 P. M. Mar Train h aves Weldon 10..55 A. M. Arrives at K:i eigh 3.15 P. M. Freight Train leaves Raleigh... 1.15 P. M. " " arrives at Raleigh.. 10.05 A. M. The Mail Trains make thkocgh connections with all points North and South. A. B ANDREWS, Supt. of Trnsportation. May 21, 1S68. v 132 tf. tmia.YGTO.Y IXD trEf4D0.V B. C. Office Chiof Eng. & tlenrrsl Snpertntendent, "WiLMixcTos, N. C, May 9,. 1S0S. CIIiGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER MAY 10m PASSENGER '1' rains on this Road will leave Wilmington at C.OO A. M. and tr:-30 P. M., and arrive iu Wil mington at 4-.:;0 A. M. and K:15 P. M. Leave Weldon at 10:30 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. ; arrive at Weld. m at 5:15 A. M. and 3:00 P. M. I'iJ" The day train will not run on Sundays. The day train connects with "the Annamessic and Rav Lines all are quick to th North. S L. FREMONT, 'ruincer it- Supt. May 14, im. 129 tf. 'TO SHIPPERS. ALL STATE RAILWAY LINES 1 (that used TO UK !) The Old Kaleigh & Gaston Rail Kod, Tbe Shortest, Quickest, Safest and Bevt Line, North a&d South, to be left out in lue Cold, unless Shippers Specially say Via. &. G. XI. R ! VAT?' INAUGURATED AND ARE THE j VV Great 7 hrvnth Inland Air Line. Monte, to; all the Northern Markets, and have successfully ! worked the Line to the entire satisfaction ol ,' Shippers, North and South, for t he last ten years, j as the Un Thousand Shippers in North and South Carolina will testify. We paid the State near Seven Hundred J honsand Uollars tor lier inter est in this Road thereby saving the people Irons Taxation for all time to come 10,000 per year; and we unhesitatingly declare that we ean and will give more dispatch to ill points, North and South, than any other Line. NOTICE! The Great IiiUml Air Line Freight Rontc, Via TXIE KALEIGII & GASTON HAIL I'.OAI), is the Short Line for Shippers, and you are re quired xo to direct your Vreighix, or they will be taken by another Route ! To insure your Freight being carried over this Great Inland'Air Line safely, direct yonr consign ers to mark your Freight. Care of Rail Road Agent, Portsmouth, Va., or City Point, Va., via Pideiijh it h'axlon Jiail litad, and to ship as fol lows: FROM BOSTON: Mere! nuts' A Miner's Line, end of Central Whart, K. Sampson, Agent. FROM NEW YORK: Old Dominion Steamslvi.p Co., Shipping Point, Pier :rr. North River Fool Reach SI., Ollieo 1ST, Greenwich SI., Corner Dey; N. L. MeCrcady, President. FROM PHILADELPHIA: (Via Annamessic,) Phila., tVilmington and Baltimore Depot, or Clyde's Line of Steamers, 14 N. Delaware Avenue, W. P. Clyde, Agent. FROM BALTIMORE : Baltimore 8tenm-Pa.-kct Co., Bay Line Steam crs, Foot Union Dock, L. B. Parks, Agent, oi Powhatan Steam Co., O0 Light Street. Wharf.- C. B. ALLEN, Freight Agent, Raleigh, N. C. Aug. 6, 1C7. 57 tf. N0RTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. THUOIGII MXE TO CALIFORNIA, Airi lnri MTiiir 1 J i ilioivtl EW AEEANGEMENT. SAILISO FROM HEW TORK ON THE 5th & 20tli Every Month. Or the day before when these dates fall on Sunday. PASSAGE LOWTItiTlTAN BY &XY OTHEK LINE. For information ntdress 1J. N. C A RRIXfiTON, Agent, Pier 40 North River, K. Y. W. II. WEBB, President. CHAS. DANA, Vice. Pee. Olliec ol.Excliaugc Place, New York. June 4, .RSC8. SIS tjaulo, '00 111 1 I Sif I Suit !;sl5 I Wir:Y rwr.ruirciMMiwaiu TririMfwwBBBM m i t i hi hi mm mh ii nm mnm mtm mm mm mmum 123 ly. r NATIONAL FREEDMK.VS SiVl;S AM) TRl'ST OJIPANT. Chartered by Special Act of Cungiessj March, 18(55. ! 1? RANCH AT RALEIGH, NORTH-CAROLInI, FajettcTiilc atrocf. 4o. 9. ' OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY and from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M., mid Sati days until 7 P. .M. Deposits of any amount rt ceived from any person. Inlercst payable eeiil amiually January and July. All 'dcpiisitofc must subscribe to the rules and rcgulations of tli1 Company. Principal ofllcc at Washington, D. i For further information apply at this olb'ee. . ' w W. BROD1E, Vaxliier- March 31, 1SG3. 131 ti. Circular. FISEEDMAS'S SAVING AND TltUST Co.'s BANK. Save yonr .Uoney .' 1 S.tve yonr Mouey ! Fellow Freetimf.n Cvu Frkemen. The Con gress of the United Stiles, in March. 1S115, "eon sidering the interest aid elevation of the Freed nien.' Chartered an institution called ' Freedman's Saving and Trust Conpany,' tiic Mother Bank being located in Washligton City, D. C. This Rank is establishing Hunches throughout the South. One has b en Icstablisiicd in this, the City ot Raleigh, N C. Its otliccrs are composed ol some of the ablest and best gentiemeu of this City, whose names arc lurcto annexed. We call upon every male and female to deposit their little earnings. Deposits are received from any one. Old or young, ym can deposit from one dollar up to thousands. We give live percent interest on the dollar, if it remain six months. It you hayi- money laid ly put it in here, and it will not only he sate, but it will be making you somethingall the time. Remember, you are poor save your Mosey. You want homes save yonr Money. You win t education save yonr Mosey. You vant to live comfortably save your Jloxnv. "Mark tlis," that industry, so briety, economy, and a good moral character, lead to wealth, education, influence and power. Now don't wait until you get a large amount to deposit; but deposit thcsmall amounts, they will toon grow large ; small beginnings make large endings; the small streams swell the large riv ers, seas and oceans. See what ten cents of each working day deposited at this interest wonld amount to in ten years. For 1 year, - - - $31 20 " 2 - - - 33 07 " 3 " - - - - 35 05 " 4 " - - 37 15 " 5 " - - - - 39 38 '- - - -41 74 " 7 " - - - - 44 24 " 8 " - - 4(5 !K) 41 - - - - 49 71 " 10 " - - - 52 09 At the end of 10 years, he will have 411 13 In 20 years, - - - 1,147 IS You can at a glance Fee liow fast, your small means will enlarge don't delay I beg yon, but come immediately and commence to save. Let no trifling excuse prevent you. Don't hesitate, but come to the Saviug's Bank. Come everyone, come, come. OFFICI5ES : Gov. W. W. HOLDEN, Phepiofnt. Hon. Geo. "W. Swepson, Col. R. W. ?n.uA, Col. J. T. Dijwekse, Hon. J. H. Hakims. G. W. BRODIE, CoKhur. Ifotice to Salesmen. JT. WIS H TO EMPLOY A FEW FIRST class NOTION SALESMEN to sell 30 day cash trade. We want, men of experience in the business and only such as can control a good trade. To such men we are williug to propose most liberal terms as to pay aud means of increasing trade. Our House is well and generally knowu as the largest and cheapest net cash general notion establishment iu the country, aud with onr large stock of goods, and nietho'd ol extensively ad vertising our business, we do more than any other to assist our salesmen to make and hold a trade. Parties making application will be patticular to state the locality, arid aetua1 amount ol trade they can 'jontrol, having the taeilities of a large stock to sell trom. Engagements will be made for any time after July 1st, 1S0S. We will consider all communi cations as strictly confidential. Address - NOTIONS, Box 1845, Philadelphia, Pa. June 18, 18G8. 144 6t. District Court of the Cnlted States,. ( For the District of N. Carolina. Raleigh, June 19th, 1SCS. SPECIAL TERMS OK THIS COURT ARE hereby apDointed to be held for the District of North Carolina as follows: At Salisbury, Rowan County, to commence on the first Monday in August next ; and at Ashville, Buncombe County, to commence on the second Wednesday alter the first .Monday in August next. There will be a grand and petit jury in attend ance upon these Courts. Ouoered, That this order be published in the Raleigh Standard and Ashville Pioneer. G. V. BROOKS, U. S. Dist. Judge 140 td. lor Dist. of N. Carolina. Business Cards. JOHN G. wiLLTTOTGO Exchange and Collection Office, FAYETTEVILXU STREET, RALEIGH, N. C, Dealers in Bank Notes, Coin, &c. PKOMIT AND Particular attention given to the Collection of Notes, Drafts, te., in ull parts of the Country. Refer to National Bank of the Republic, N. Y. fjune27. 14S lOtpd. ALBERT JOHNSON, Grocer and Commission Merchant, Xo. 12 Fayette villc St. Between P.FPescnd's and Brlggsjt Sodd. '"' RAiEI5H,'N.'c. Jtzi KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND AN AS SORTMENT of heavy and fancy, groceries. HVillpay strict attention to the sale of country produce or anything entrusted to his care. He offers his stock of dry goods and notions at cost, to ckwe'out goods in their liue. Reference the citizens ot Raleigh generally. February 18, 18i;8. -86 tf. X. fe Trl. MAHLEE, Manufacturer of all kinds of Gold and Silver Ware, and Engraver. ALSO DEALKit IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, I JF.WELRY, Silver aud riiitcd M ure, Fine Cutlery, &c, ie. ZZ'F" All Masonie Goods Maniilactured to order. OPPOSITE CITY HALL, R A I, KI If , N O UTf I-CARO USA. June 2, IStiS. 107 i!ni. W. U. JONES. JAS. A. MOORE. W. H. JONES & CO., GROCERS, AUCTIONEERS, ANT General Commission Merchants, New Store, South of National Bank, Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, iV. C, Offer their services to the public. January 4, 1868. 119 tf. C. W. TT. Wt'TiJIlINGS . CUO., MANUrACTTJRERS, VVHOLESALB AND HETAII4 DEALERS IN I A DIES, GENT'S, BOYS AND WAGON SAD jl dies. Coach, Buggy, Cart aud Wagon" Har ness, Bridles, Vartingales, and all other goods usually kept in a regular Saddlery S ore. We will, for a limited time, sell for cash, at a small advance on cost, in order to reduce our heavy stock now on hand. Country Merchants, citizens and strangers visiting the city who w"ih1i to pur chase goods in our line of business will do weii to look at our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Any goods not on hand put up promptly to order. Repairing done iu the Lest manner and with dis patch, 4th door north of the Post Office, and op posite Market Square, Favelteviile street, Ra leigh, N. C. Feb. 8, lSOS. 88 tf THOMAS H. BRIGGS, DEALER IN Hardware and Cutlery, IRON, STEEL, HOUSE FURNISHING Goods, Carriage Material, Paints, Varnishes, Colors, Oils, Cine and Glass. Also, Agent for the sale of Burr and Esopas' IVIXXjXj STORES, Bolting Cloth, India Rubber and Leather Belting, CIRCULAR SAWS, Iron Verandahs, Fences, and all kind of ORNAMENTAL. IRON WORK. jTTwo doors below Southern Express ofllcc. Raleigh, April 20, lsiiS. 14S tf. JAS. XI. Bookseller and Stationer (turner's old stanh,) RAI4EICJII, NORTII-CAROUNA, WILL SUPPLY ANY ORDER FOR ANY Book or Music, at publisher's lowest cash priec. tTy" Has the largest stock of Books, Station ery, Music, etc., for sale in' the State. Jgf Blank Books and Binding done to order. JAS. 11. ENNISS. January 2, 1S0S. US tf. S. M. PARRISH, HOUSE AND SIGN 1'AINTER, (LAZIER, &c, &c, IETURN3 HIS THANKS TO THE PUBLIC j generally for the VERY LIBERAL patronage bestowed on him, and hopes by re nwed efforts on his part to merit a still larger ehare. ggs- Shop in Rear of A. D. Royster's Store, Raleigh, N. C. February 12, 186S. 91 tt. WALTER CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices in the Courts of Halilaxnnd ad joining Counties. Also, in the Federal Courts and Court of Bankruptcy. January 28, 1S0S. 78 tf. W. M. COLEMAN. JOHN T. OEWEESK. COLEMAN & DEWEESE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH, K. C, Will practice in the State and Federal Com is in Wake County, and attend promptly to all business with the departments of the State and National government. Special attention paid to the collection of Claims, Conveyancing, Drafting, tec. Oflice in the Standard building, on Ilargett St, January 9, 1868. ' 121 tf. - . i a . ."-Hi Lr J itiJ-'fep tfyr Groceries, Etc. WILLIAM G. UPCHURCH WILLIAM H. DOOD. Mnps CORN ! CORN I ! COUA X I I 4- OHO BUSHELS OF CORN ARRIVING jl JJJ aud to arrive at u roiiUItUIi K UUUU ti. COFFEE ! COFFEE ! ! BAGS MORE RIO COFFEE at UPHURCH DODD'S. 20 Sirf.MR t SUGAR ! ! OA RBLS. EXTRA C 8 UK A It inst received V at UPCHURCH & DODD'S CANDLES ! CANDLES ! ! 71 BOXES ADAMANTINE CANDLES for I KJ sale by UPCHURCH & DODD. LARD I LARD ! t C(f hBS- FAMILY LARD, in Tierces J J J J mul Kegs, for sale liv UPCHURCH & DODD SOAP ! SOAP ! ! 2,500 -Ii LBS. ROSIN" SOAP, just received urciiUKCfi jjoiju a. SALT r SALT ! ! SACKS MORE FINE SALT, at UPCHURCH A DODD'S. 100 MHTIIFK ! LEATHER ! ! LARGE SUPPLY OF HEMLOCK LEATHER, at UPCHURCH & DODD'S. r,VC0Y! RAC0!! 5,000 LBS. SIDES AND SHOULDERS, at UPCHURCH A DODD'S. r.SSECE OF COFFEE! ANOTHER SUPPLY OF ESSENCE OF Cofiee, just received at UPCHURCH & DODD'S. Raleigh, June 23, 1868. 146 tf. . BACON .' BAC01V ! ! , F OR SALE BY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at low price by UOUU1.A3 CIiL.Li. June 27, 1863. 148-tf. 2r HALF BBLS. ROE HERRINGS; SO " " Cut " 20 UaU.buls.- Labrador Herrings, for sale low by DOUGLAS BELL. June 23, 1808. 140 tf. 1 AAA BirsiIELS PRIME WHITE 1UUV CORN, now arriving at 7 DOUGLAS BELL'S, Raleigh. June 23, 1808. 146 tf. GEO. L. TOOTOFFSKI, Grocer and Commission Merchant lsro. 31 FAYETTEVILLE ST., (Near Tncker Hall,) K EE PS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, A well selected Stock of Choice Groceries, Confections, Fine Wines, Ales, Liquors, Cigars, &c. Consignments solicited. Personal attention given. Liberal advances made. Commissions light. FRESH TOMATOES, in Cans, at 80c, at TONNOFFSKTS. 81 Fayettevibe street A FULL SUPPLY SPICES, at TO NN OFFSETS, 31 Fayetteville sAreet. C1ROSSE A BLACKWELL'S CHOW J chow and Pecallili, at TONNOFFSKTS, "1 Favettevillc street. 1TARYI.AND HAMS, at jM. TONNOFFSKl'S, 31 Fayetteville street. TEAS ! TEAS li a large snpplv at TONNOFFSKl'S, 31 Fayetteville street. COFFEES I at TONNOFFSKrS, 3f Fayetteville street. Raleigh, March 18, 1868. 120 tf. FEW URLS. A, B AND C SUGAR XX. fori form the Kichinond refinery, in store, at TONNOKKShJ'S, 31 Fayetteville btreet. C AN DIES ! CANDIES ! ! at TONNOFFSKl'S, 31 Fayetteville fctreet. ALE ! ALE ! HALF CASKS "COCKADE CITY," JLV very superior, received this day. A supply always on hand. W. n. JONES & CO. Raleigli, January 25, 18rt8. 7S tf. PALMER'S IMPROVE!) PATENT CHE UN, -Vrw ON EXHIBITION AT W. H. JONES J A Go's. Makes 20 per eent. rjtore bu'ter than any other Churn, and in from three to six minutes. County rights for sale. Call and examine the Churn. w. u. Jones & co. Raleigh, April 21, 1868. . 149-tf. OA BOXES ADAMANTINE CANDLES OV for sale by DOUGLAS BELL. Fayetteville St. 141 tf. June 11, 1868. HERRING I HERRING ! X ef BBLS. CUT HERRING; JLJ 10 dx Gross Herring, very cheap DOUGLAS BELL. Raleigh, June 27, 1863. 147 tf. -il PACKAGES GREEN & BLACK lJ TEAS for sale by DOUGLAS BELL. 141 tf. J.une 11 1808.' mm HUGHES' PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, Martin Strrrt, below the Tost Offite. Comlortable rooms and good board, t low rates. Raleigh, June 80, 1S0S. 149-3t. BOARD. MEMBERS OF TOE GENERAL ASSEMBLY can obtain Board on very rcnsonuble terms, by applying to . - Mrs. R. H. WHITAKERi next door to the Methodist parsonage. Raleigh, June 27, 1808. 148 tf. YOTJIYGPS 7-- BOARDING HOUSE, Near the Yarbrough House, -t FAYETTEVILLE STv, , , ,r.r It ALEIGH, 1."' O'i i-- J; I -Board, per day,.:if -;r;::.s.,?j?l&&1i7 ""Liberal deductions -made on Board hf the- it - . - . . . 1 ' ' .:".- 4u.uui.ii. awius, large, comlortau)- j4 wU lurnisnea. , abe qoos. June 20, 1S63. r ' "i'iJii-iBuT; BOARD, ; ; By the Day, Week or Montii At Reasonable Kates. VjTY TABLE WILL BE SUPPLIED WITH lVL the best t he market affords. Transient per sons charged two jvu.i.ahs per day, deductions for a longer lime. Members of the approaching Legislature nil! do well to call before engaging elsewhere. GEO. T. COOKE. June 25, 1S08. 147 tt. Mrs. H. W. MILLER'S BOARDING HOUSE. Day, Week and Month. June 6, 1868. 189 lm. AGENTS WANTED. LL AGENTS WHO VKOPOSR TO : SELL, J. and all 1 arties who propose to buy a life of Gen. Grant, should nnderstiind, that the. PER SONAL HISTORY OF General Grant, Bt Albeut D. Riciiaiidson, Author of " Field, l)nn?eon & Esfaite," & " !!f yond'tlie Mississippi," was written with Ihe sanction of fne illustrious Gcm-rai, and is tint only fully authentic and au tlioiizcd Biography of him, and will con I am a mass of imjioi biiil aud iuleresling mutter no other book has or can obtain, la.-. i 111 i lies 0 the Unconditional Surrender and other letters and documents from President Lincoln, Generals Grant, Buekner, Lee and Others, from originals entrusted to the author, and matters of the high est importance, relating to flic cfviJ government since the war, never made public, ami an elegant steel engraving and condensed life of SCHUY LER COLFAX. 25 Full Page Engravings. The Author is widely known as one of the most truthful as well as brilliant writers. He was with General Grant during most of his Western Campaigns, and as a Journalist writing from " Headquarters in the Field," was one of his e irliest supporters. He writes from per sonal observations and from material gathered from channels opened to h'.m by GENERAL GRANT nnd his friends. Its contents will prove its su periority over all others. Don't sell or buy an inferior work. Look at this liret. Complete to 1st of JuiiP,.iid will contain en gravings of the Chicago Convention.' Circulars sent, and highest commissions paid. Address, AMERICAN PUBLISHING Co., Hartford, Ct. June 30, 180S. 149 4t. Chatham Railroad Company , Raleigh, June 22, 1S68. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 8TOCK holdcrs of the Chatham Railroad Company will be held at the otlice of the Companv, in the City ot Raleigh, on Monday, Julr 20, l)fe8. W. W. VASS, Treas. & Sec'v. June 25, 1868. 147 td. Raleigh & Caston Railroad Company, Raleigh, June 22d, 1868. rpHJl ANNUAL MEETING ot the Stock X holders ot the Haieigh & Gaston Railroad Companv will be held at the Office ot the Com pany, in'the City of Raleigh, on Thursday, July 10th, 1SCS. The transfer books will be closed from 1st to 20th proximo, inclusive. 14(jtd. W. W. VASS, Treas. & Sec'y. (Jflice North-Carolina Railroad Co., Company Shops, N. C, June 18. 1868. THE NINETEENTH ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the North-Carolina Railroad Company will be held in the City of Raleigli, on Thursday, the 9th day of Ju;y next. Stockholders who cannot attend in persoa will please furnish their proxies. The transfer books urc closed lrom the 1st of Juue until alter the meeting. F. A. STAGG, Secretary. June 20, 186S. 145 td. COPT. TreasBTj Department, Office of Comptp.oller of the Ccukekct, Washington, Jine 18th, JSoU, "T7"HEREA8, by satislactory evidence present Y ed to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the State Aational Bank of Raleigh, ; in the Citv of Raleigh, in the County of Wake, and State ol North-Carolina, has been CWr or ganized under and according to tb refjaiTementa ol the Act of Congress entHed "an act to provide "Viatlrinal r.ii-riu4.v &cpnrf1 llV fL 'Bledlft United States bonds, and to prwThh5 fr' tlie circulation and redemption thereoi," approved June Sd, 1864, and has complied wHJj all the pro visions of said Act. required to be complied witu before commencing the business of Banking ud aer said Act. jVow therefore I, Holand R. Hulbnrd Comp troller of the Currency, do hereby certily that the Sta e Aational Bunk of Raleigh, in ihe City ot Kaleigh, in the county ot Wak, aud State of North-Carolina, is authorized to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony wheseof witness my hand and seal ot office tbtas eighteenth day of June, 18C8 HILAND R. HULBURD, SEAL. Comptroller of the Currency. STATE HATIQNAL BAHK, RALEIGH, N. C. dibectoks : John G. Williams, President, W. E. Anderson, Cashier, Win S. Mason, W. W. Vass, Jas. H. Dealers in Exchange, sight and time bills. Gold and Silver coin and bullion. Government and State Stocks, Rail Road and other securities. Uncurrent Bank Notes bought at the counter or remitted for on receipt by Express on the most favorable terms by check or in currency. Deposits received and a general Banking busi ness carried on in all its branches. July 2, 1807. 150 tf WM. H. TURLINGTON,"" Commission and Shipping JH:fcanr WILMINGTON. N. C, Solicits consignments of Cotton, Naral, Stores, Timbe, Lumber, Bacon, Floor, Grain, &. My ware honsc being convenient to the W. A W. R. R. Depot enables me to make chargeslight. Oct. 9. 1867. 40-wly liUl'-V-'l