Newspaper Page Text
ft PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY VOLUME XI. NUMBER fr. TERBMlljptANNVS, WILLIAM W. HOLDE1Y K . VEOKiAV, AFKIL 16, 1845. jvf table tjr ju-rj&rex. hi 1 tDlTOR AND PROPRIETOR -. j ' TERMS THE NORTH CAROLINA STANDARD IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. Those persons who remit by Mail (postage paid) Fire Dollars will be entitled to a receipt for Six Dollars or two years' subscription to the Standard one copy two years, or two copies one year. Forr, : I : : . fig 00 :: f j : ; J o The same rate for six months. iv. Any person procuring and forwarding five subscribers rith the cash ($15), will be entitled to the Standard one year free of charge. AnvFRTisEMEWTS, not exceed ing.Wieert lines, will he inserted onetime for One Dollar, and twenty-five cents for each subsequent insertion those of greater length, in proportion. Court Orders and Judicial Ad vertisements will be charged twentv-five per cent higher than the above rates. A deduction of S3I-3 percent, will be made to those who advertise by the vear. fO- If the number of insertions be not marked on them , they will be continued until ordered out. Letters to the Editor must come free of postage, or they may not be attended to. , . - ' -' - r .IST OF LKTlliKS Remaining In the Post Office at the city of Raleigh, for the quarter endfng 91st March, 1845. New York City Advertisements. R. HOVEY'S TRUNK MANUFACTORY, 183 PEARL STREET, (Opposit cedar street) NEW YORK. LEATHER, Seal, Hide, and Canvas Packing Trunks, Ladies' and Gentlemens' Hat Cases and Travelling Hags, valises, Carpet Bags Hobby Horses, Velocipedes, &c. Russia, Black, Green, Russet, and Sole Leather Folio Trunks, suitable for the Army and navy, on the most favorable terms. Sold Wholesale and ReUil in quantites to suit Purchasers. flrj- Citizens and Merchants from the Country are in cited to call as above before making their purchases. April 9. 544-ly. Lamps to Burn Campnene." HORN'S PATENTS OLID BOTTOM GLASS FOUNTAIN LAMPS for Camphene or Chem ical Oil, have become universally celebrated and sought after, as the most perfect "Lamps" ever invented. They meet the approbation and praise of all who use them. Trv all others, but do not fail to try the best, the chea pest, and above all, the Lamps that will give the great est light with the least expense. They are the most simple and easy to manage and trim, cannot corode or become heated while burning, easily cleaned inside and out, and not aflected by a draft or current of air. Less than half a cent per hour will give you a splendid light ! ! ! m Try one." Manufactured wholesale and retail by J. 0. Fay, No. 136 Fulton street, (Sun Buildings.) New York, viz : -Stand Lamps for Parlors with or without Lustres ; Suspending Lamps for Stores, Hotels and Churches; also Chandeliers, Side Branches, &c tc, in anv style desired, or made to order. N.'B. Ladies, it you wish to preserve your eyesight to a good old age, or want a strong and beautilul light to sew or read bv, do not tail to procure one of these Lamps. One in the centre ot a large parlor will enable you to read the finest print in the most remote corner. March 19, 541-13L SPRING GOODS 1845. HALLOCK, MOUNT fc BILLINGS, 173 PEARL STREET, One door aboTe Pine Street,) NEW YORK, ARE now receiving by late arrivals from Europe, and from Home Manufacturers, a large assortment of FANCY and STAPLE DRY GOODS, adapted to the Spring Trade, which they offer by the piece or package, on favorable terms. Their stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimercs, Sattinets, V eatings, American Prints of all styles. Brown and Bleached Muslins, various styles and prices, Irish Linens, Linen Lawns, Scotch Ginghams, Printed Mnslins and Lawns new styles, Bdlzorines, Alpacas, Lustres, Silk and Cotton Work, Silk anil Cotton Velvets, Fancy French and English Gambroons, Spring Tweeds single and double width, Check Gingham and Merino Caasimere, Drab D'E tes for summer wear, American Pantaloon stufls, Brown Hollands, Silesiasand Paper Cambrics, Cotton Hosiery bleached and brown, Fancy and silk Handkerchief, Ribbons, sewing Silk and Twist, Corded Skirts, Table Covers, Linen Thread, Jaconets, Camoncs, Gloves, &c. ice. fjc- Merchants buying goods for Cash will find it to their interest to buy of us. March, 1845. 540-17t. i:U SPKIiVO GOODS. RICHARDS, BASSETT fc ABORN, 148 PEAKL ST. NEW YOTK, Are receiving and offer for sale, at the lowest market prices, a very large stock of Cloths, Cassimercs, Waistcoatings, and FANCY DRY GOODS, OF ENGLISH AMD FRENCH MANUFACTURE, Including giras and trimmings of every description, for Outfitters and Merchant Tailors. All those who resort to our market for their supplies will find it to their interest to visit our store and exam ine our stock. New York, Feb. 4, 1845. 537-8t. FRINGES, TRIMMINGS, &c. 1. A. BOOTH, 100 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, Importer and Manufacturer OF FRINGES, for Dresses, Curtains, Carriages, Rugs,&c. Gimps, Dress Cord and Tassels, Ze phyr Worsted, Canvass, &c. Coat Cords, Cloak Tassels, &c. All kinds ot Bindings and Fancy Trimmings A large assortmeut of White Cotton Fringes, &c. Jtc. He invites attention to his assortment, which will be kept full during the season, as he will be receiving the newest and most fashionable styles. Offered by the Package or otherwise. Terms and prices shall be such as to give satisfaction. 90- All kinds of t. i minings made to order. January 29. 1845. 534-13t. Alien, Job a Allen, Anderson Avery, W A Anders, Miss Martha Anders, Caswell Alexandria, Wm J Adams, Alias Bonner, Mrs Eliza Brown, Sion Blalock, William Bagolen, Nath. Benbury, Mrs Penelope L Browning, Wm Bonet, Miss Eliza Buffalo, John Baskervilte, Miss Mar-' garet . Barbour, Saml R Bianey, William Barclay, Miss Leocadia Burr, Austin Burton, James Briggs, John Bozman, Jos L Darkly. William Blake, Mrs Mahalatt Barham, Mrs Wm Brooks, Nat G Beavers. Tho Beasly. Daniel Blount, A Bledsoe, Stephen R Bedenfield. Botsford, S N Burgwyn, H K Barkly, William H Betts, Jos Belts, E G Clark, Miss Lucy N Copass, Ira G Crabtree, Susan Collins, Jas Craving, Mrs Lucy Crocker, John Coule, Josiah Culbreth, D 3 Clark, Mrs Aramanta Cooper, John R Carpenter, John W Crawley, Jas M Cope, Chas S Cotten,Mrs Margaret Caldwell, Jacob C D Doubt, Rev Peter 2 Doub, Wm C Davis, Raner Dickinson, P K Du Pre, Jas Dunston, Erasmus Dawson, H C 3 Dickinson, Jas S Drake, A G t E Ellington, John F Earpe, Miss Elizabeth Etten, William Exum, Jos Evans, William Emerson, C N Etheridge, Caleb Evans, Jordan Eatman, Minchbury Earp, Warren Edding, Mathew Fields, Benj'n Fowler, W L Freeman Ewell Guyther, David C 2 Gustus, Solomon G id Jy, Miss Jannett Granbury, Maj J ! Grimes, John George, W H H Hutchings, Mr Hamiick, J Y 2 Halliburton, Robt Harriss, Moses Harrington, Thos Harris, H H Harrison, Ransom Hawley, Ferriss Hughes. John Haywood, Mrs. Nancy Home, Jas Hamilton, Andrew J Horah, Jas 3 Hogg, John Hunuicut, David Holland & Rowland Huoter, Caroline Haywood, Robt Hayes, Geo W 2 Hintoo, Geo M. Hinton, Miss Anna House, B Irvin, Montgomery Iogleton, Sapron Valuable Property for Sale. By virtue of a Deed ot Trust executed to me by Mr. Franeis L. Walthall, for certain purposes therein men tioned, 1 shall proceed to sell on the 16th day of April, . . . a . 1 1 ' T a. a. . 1845, on me premises, tne iouowing rropeny io wu : HIS HOUSE AND LOT, situated in the eastern suburbs of the Citv of Raleieh. Also, TWO WE GROES a girl, and a woman ; together with all his Household and Kitchen b urniture. Among tne n orni ture are one splendid Mahogany Sofa, one Mahogany Centre Table, one splendid Piano rone, besides two Clocks, two Walnut Tables, and two Bureaus. The sale will be continued from day to day until ail is sold. Terms of Sale. House and Lot at six and twelve months, with interest from date. Other property, credit of sixty days for all sums of ten dollars and upwards. Cash for all sums under ten dollars. Selling; only as Trustee I shall convy to purchasers such title as may be vested in me, which is believed to be good. Those persons indebted to Francis L. Walthall are hereby notified to come forward and make payments to me , as no other person is authorised to give a discharge ; otherwise they will find their notes and accounts in the hands of an officer for collection. Also, To hire, at the same time and place, a Negro man by the name of Allen, for the balance of the year. W. WHITAKER, Jr. Trustee. March Z2, 1845. ; S42-4t. Johnson, Mrs Mary Jones, Miss Sallie R Jones, J R Jackson, Jessee James, Israel E 2 Jenkins, Henry W Jones, Benson F Johnson, Mrs Emily Justice, David Jones, William Jones, Alex K Kenner, Mrs D Persons calling for any of the above mentioned Letters, will please say they are advertised. THOS. G. SCOTT, P. M. April 5, 1845. - 464-3t. Kinney, Chas R King, Mrs Malendv Knight, Noel Knowhon, E A L Lamb, G Lane, Britton Longee, Augustus S Locust, Patsy Langly. Geo Leak, Miss Mary C Lewis, Win 2. Laster, Miss Evaline Laws & Co Lee,. Miss Ann M Moss, Jos McMillon, A B More, Augustas 2 Morse, Jackson My ait, A Manuel, Wm Munday, E Murry, For Moses, A F Miles, Washington 2 Marby, Mrs Martha Murphy, Delily Miller, Dolpbus More, Jas Marriott, R M Mangum, A b solum McGee, Thados Mclntire, David McKinsee, E W McCullars, Sophronia Myatt, Mrs Ann Massey, D B Miller, Hiram Moody, Y M McCarthey, Jas May. William More, Jo W McKeliern, Mrs Fran ces M McConnehis, A McLiu, Miss Julia Melish, Miss Anna G Mens, Wm J C Moring, Hines Mitchell, Wm N Nance, Simeon Norris, Ignatius Nine, Mrs Sally Outlaw, Dr J B Otey, J W Powell, Caswell Polk, A Punfy. Nicholas Pender, Josiah 2 Pool, Henry 2 Pollard, Joshua Price, Jas A Pool, Miss Aly Port, Mrs 2 Parr, Thos Perkins, Ch Perry, Willie Page, Chas Pool, Jobnathao R Reves, Thos Richards, H S Robinson, Benj'n Reeves, R R S Smith, Miss Milly Snelinsr, Sylvaneous Singletarv, E B Snead, D V Smith, Henry 2 Smith, Richad S Steen, Jacob Strebeck, Ann E Stewart, Jordan Smith, Mrs Nancy Skelton, Wm T Stanly, Jacob Sorrell, Alus Spikes, Starling Smith, A-brohn Spain, Jacob Seapak, A 2 Sutieff, L M Sandfod, J W Sprigbury, David Sims, Miss Melra Sorrell, Deupey Sluvart, Miss Susan T Turner, J W Thomas, W H To wnsend, Miss Corne lia Taylor, Miss Louisa N U-V Upchurcb, B Vaugharn, John W Wheaton, Mrs Mary R WUkins, Jos Wyait, Jas White, Wm W Williams, W M Warren, Wm WHson, W C White, John Winslow, Warren Winby, Josiah Wiatt, William Woodall, David C NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. OLIVER &PROCTER, MERCHANT TAILORS, TJAVE just received and are now opening at their M K store, five doors south of Williams, Haywood fc Co's Drug Store, a complete and elegant assortment of uooas in rneiriine, io wnicn mey invire aiieuuuu, cm bracing blue, black and fancy CLOTHS, of every de scription ; plain and fancy CASSLMERES, double and single milled; DRAP D'ETE.plaip and figured, for summer coats and pantaloons ; DRILLINGS of every varietv; SCHALLTS, SATINS, figured SILKS, and MARSEILLES ; together with a general assoitment of Fancy Articles, to Wit : Stocks, Scarfs, Neck -ties, Gloves, Suspenders, Shirt Oollats very elegant, Ate. Sic. The above Goods will be manufactured to order at the shortest notice, and ean be recommended with great confidence, having been selected by Mr. Omvb in person in the Northern markets, within the last two weeks ; and Wrl be sold from twenty to twenty-five per cent, less than ordinary credit prices. Recollect that Olives &. Procter nave reduced the prices of clothing in this city, since their commencement in business, twenty five per cent ! We now return thanks to our numerous friends, for the very liberal support we have received at their hands, and hope, by attention and a desire to please., to merit its continuance.. OLIVER & PROCTER. P. S. The latest London, Paris and Northern Fash ions, just at hand. Raleigh, March 25, 1845. 542-6 1. IN tIMEI One Hogshead prime HlOLASSESs If not very superior, return it. A large lot of SPUN COTTON, made from new cot ton aad pore white numbers not altered. Also, several dozen ladies' dark assorted Kid Gloves, and black do. , just from New York. Terms. Six months credit for good paper, or 6 per cent, discount for the cash. T. H. SNOW. March 25, 1845. . 542- NOTICE AT a meeting of the Literary Board on the 1st of April, 1845, it was Resolved, That there now be distributed the sum of FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS among the several Counties of the State, according to law in part of the nett income of the Literary Fund lor this tear. That the Statement on the Journal of the Board, of the amount of Federal Population of each County, and the sum to which it is entitled as made on the 1th of April 1844, when a similar sum was distributed, be adopted as the basis of this distribution. And that the secretary furnish the Comptroller with a certified copy of that Statement and this order. Ordered, That the Resolutions be published in ths Raleigh Register, Standard, Star and Highland Messen ger for three weeks in secession. HENRY W. GRAHAM. Secretary ot Board. April 9. 544-Sw. Young, Miss Naney xoungue, Willis APRIL, 194$. in porter of China and Earthen Ware, SYCAMORE ST., PETERSBURG, VA., HAS received direct from the Potteries, his SPRING SUPPLY OF GOODS for the country trade, which are offered as low as they can be had from any Northern Importing House. Merchants and others in want of any article of CHINA, GLASS, EARTH EN OR STONEWARE, will find it to their advan tage to give him a call after looking through the market, and examine for themselves, as to quality, style and prices. rAvatrw will De sincuy auenaea io ana war- rented equalto that of any other house in tne country. (r Call at the siuw w itit nitwfcK. April . 144-8t A Bargain in a Raleigh Farm, 1AY be had by applying to the Subscriber on the lv M. premises, or to Isaiah Respass Esq , in Washing i ton, in this.State, in that handsome, healthy and well im proved Farm with 370 acres ot land in a body, cajled i Margareita ; adjoining the City lands, and only a few i minutes ride or walk distant from the Capitol, Public ! Offices. Court House, Banks, Stores. Churches and schools oi tne iuy oi naieign, naving me v,uj open io view. Than which, there is not a more desirable fami ly residence, nor one capable of greater profit, near the seat of Government. The Landscape is beautiful, the air balmy and healthful, with delicious spring water issuing from the Rocks in the lawn near the Dwelling house. This is a well built, well finished and showy house containing seven good rooms, earh with a fire place, beside cellar, porticos, piazas, closets, and China presses, and in ihe midst of spacious, well shaded and ornamented yards. The out houses are numerous and excellent of their kind. 'I he Und in its present neg lected condition is capable of making 250 barrels oi corn a year, besides other crops. A little pains in a .Maikf.t Garden and Dairy would enable its owner to sell io the City, every day in the year, 2 worth, or upwards, of Milk, Cream, fruits and vegetables. The farmhands, at leisure times, cook) make en the farm 91500 worth of bricks, for Market. At a very small expense, a Grist Mill, fitted for grinding Meal and Cobs, Corn and Shucks, ran be erected on the Mill branch, in the farm where has been a Mill, and the dam and stones are still there and being fed by Springs .1 could grind 8 hours out of every 24, and pay all of $8 in toll daily. Rock Cotters say that a surface Quarry of the finest building granite can be opened in the front field, which would pay a rent of several hundred dollars a year. A rock wall encloses a part of the front of the farm and may be cheaply extended at pleasure. There is wood enough on the land for the use of the farm, and some say, $1000 worth to spare. Mr. Charles Parish paid for this land in woods, nearly SO years ago, more than 6,000, as his Deeds in my possess ion, show, and he certainly expended more than $4,000 in its improvement. His Overseer says he raised on the Farm some years, 350 barrels of corn and 40 bales of Cotton, beside crops of wheat, oats, peas and potatoes, all of which and clover, grow-well on the land ; and it being mostly red land, it rs susceptible of high and per manent improvement by proper culture. Any man who will work it right, can support the family and stock on the farm and nett $2009 a year from its yield ; and the property is obliged to steadily increase in value. As a mere investment, it would be highly profitable property, or to a gentleman in the sickly couutry, who had, or had not, children to educate, and desiring profit ae well aa health, it would be a very valuable acquisition, or for the Deaf And Blind Schools, no place could surpass it, aad certainly none can be had, that would answer so well, at twice its cost. This entire property, with firm -title and immediate possession, can be had at $3,000; one third Cash in hand, and one and two years credit on the balance, with inter estor all would be taken in North Carolina Bank Stock, or in Rail Road Bonds endorsed by the State, or in ap proved Notes, of sums beyond $100. Or as the land can be advantageously divided into three parts, I will so divide and sell each part separately, if soon applied for: The front land to the Mill branch, and op the branch to contain 100 acres, with the Man sion house and its oat houses including the Mill privi lege and granite formation. On about 2-3 of which, 1 25 barrels of corn beside other crops, were made three years ago. The price of this pan separately, is $25 per acre, payable halt in cash and half in one year, at inter est, if well secured. Although Mr. Parrish paid for much of it $44 per acre, when in bushes, and lands ad journing it have recently sold from $33 to $55 per acre, with little or no improvements on them. 1 he land of the mill branch, contains about 220 acres part of it is finely wooded, and has the Overseers houses , two Gran e ries, and Threshing Machine. The tenant now (here expects to raise 100 barrels of corn beside other crops, on less than half the open land this year. The City is open to its view, and a fine spring very convenient. It may be made a beautiful family residence. The price of this part, separately, is $6 per acre; alt ho' adjoining hands have lately sold for $15 per acre. The third di vision would be about 50 acres on the Race Tract Road, adjoining Mr. Rorke's and Mr. Boylan's lots ; there is a handsome eeite for building on it, covered with a grove of trees, the land is excellent and would make a fine farm, and when Mr. Boylan's lot is cleared it would have the city'in view. The price for this part separately , is $15 per acre, half in cash and half in one year. Ad joining lands nave often sold ftom $80 to $50 per acre, unimproved, and will do it again. ' ' JOSEPH B. HINTON, Agent. Raleigh, N. C. March 1st, 1845. 543 3t. Encourage Home Hannfactn GARDNER & McKETHAN, HAVE lately made considerable im- Krovement in-their style of Work, and ave now on hand a GENERAL AS SORT M ENT, consisting of Carriages, Barouches, Buggys, Gigs, SiilReys, Waggons, Sue. Which for the elegance of Shape and finish, and durabil ity, will compare with any made in the United States. Persons wishing to buy, would do well -4o call and examine our work, as we have determined to sell LOW for Cash or approved notes. Having in our employ first rata Smiths, we are pre pared to do aay Iron work in the above line on moder ate terms. We warrant all our work to be of good and faithful workmanship and materials, for one year. 09- REPAIRING faithfully executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Fay etteville, February 8, 1846. 548 It THE Summer Session of the Subcriber's Select School, twelve miles from Hillsborough, will begin on the twenty-third of May, and Cnd on the sixteenth or October. W. J. BINGHAM, Prin, -Hillsborough, April 9. 544-5 w. CATCH THE SCOUNDREL. On the night of the 12th of March. 1845, a notorious scoundrel who called himself at my house William Jones (though bis real name is understood to be Yancy Winningham) stole from me a bright boy -race mare, with a snip on the end of her nose, a knot en one of her ankles, and is about 14 1-2 hands high, together with a saddle, a bridle, and martingals. The saddle has a quilt ed seat, and the skirts are double, but not quilted, with blue casinet housing and sweat-pad, and is bound round behind with black leather. The bridle and martingals are of black leather, with ivoiy rings, and red spotted plush in the breast, and abroad btowband. The said Winningham is about 20 years of age has a very light beard, sandy hair, tolerably red complexion somewhat freckled, with yellow eyes, and would weigh about 130 or 135 pounds. He is quick spoken, swears very frequently, and generally tellsi When he goes to a settlement new to him, that he has been caught and in jured in a fulling Mill. l win give ten dollars to any person Who will appre hend this man and commit him to Stokes Jail, and also a reasonable- reward for the recovery of the property. In addition to this the people of Old Town, Stokes county, offer twenty dollars reward for him ; the people ot Lexington, Davidson, offer twenty dollars reward for him ; and forty dollars is also offered for his delivery at the Jail at Hillsville, Virginia. 99 On the same night Winningham stole a silver Watch from a Horse-Driver, and some money how much it is not known. My residence is. on Reddys River, in Wilkes county. North Carolina, eleven miles west of Wilkes bo rough, on the stage road. ALEaA.MJEK G. WH1TT1WUTUN. April 2, 1846. 543-3t. . Fifteen Dollars Reward. TBAN AWAY from the subscriber about the 10th of ! January fast, my negro man Hector complexion Very black, about twenty-five years old, speaks qaick when spoken te, and is about six feet high. When he went off he wore dark homespun clothes and has en his back a very bad scar, caused by fire when small. I sup pose he is lurking in the neighborhood of Averysboro' in Cumberland county. I will giva the above reward to any person that will deliver him to me at my residence in Wake county, N. C, or confine him in any jail so that I get him again. Residence nine miles west from Raleigh SARAH EDWARDS. March 26th, 1846. 643-St. COTTON ! COTTON! The Subscriber, as Execu tor to the last Will and Testa ment of Ransom Sanders, dee'd, will on Tuesday, 29th instant, sell at the late residence of said deceased, seven ty bales of COTTON. Six months credit will be given, bond and approved security required. A. SANDERS, Executor. April 1st, 1845. 544-St. Fresh Garden Seed, Of the Crop of 1844, just received and for Sale at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS HAYWOOD, &. Co., Raleigh Feb. 1845. 536-4m. ?CT Blanks for sale at tills Office . From the N. Y. Broadway Journal. We have had frequent requests within the last ten days, for a copy of " Florence Vane" a little poem recited by Mr. Poe, io bis late Lecture on ihe Poetry of America. To oblige our friends, therefore, (and ourselves,) we publish the lines, from memory, as accurately as we can. FLORENCE VANE. BV PBIUF r. COOKE, OF WINCHESTER, VA. I loved thee long and dearly, Florence Vane ! My life's blight dream and early Hath come again. I renew in my fond vision My heart's dear pain' . My hopes and thy derision, Florence Vane. The ruin lone and hoary, The ruin old, ...... Where thou didst hark my story, At even told That spot the hues Elysian Of sky and plain . . I treasure in my vision. Florence Vane. Thou wast lovejifr than the roses In their prime ! Thy voice exceiVd the closes Of sweetest rhyme ; Thy heart was a river Without a main Would I had loved thee nevtr, Florence Vane. But fairest, coldest, wonder, Thy glorious clay Lieth the green sod under ! Alas the day ! And it boots not to remember Thy disdain, To quickeD love's pale ember, Florence Vane. , The lilies of the valley By young -graves weep i The pansies love to dally Where maidens sleep May their bloom, in beauty vieing, Never wane, Where thine earthly part is lying, Florence Vane. Port of Baltimore. The folloiving; vessels ar rived at this port during tho last month : From foreign ports, 2 ships ; 1 barque ; 1 3 brigs ; 9 schrs. Coastwise, 1 ship ; 8 barques; 26 brigs ; 99 schrs. Total, 3 ships; 9 barques; 33 brigs; 108 schrs. Whole number 153 ofthese, 148 were American. 3 British, and 2 Bremen. There also arrived during the same month, 41 canal boats from the interior of Pennsylvania. t -Rcad the advertisements. A contemporary gives the following good advice to newspaper read ers. " People in every station of life should read the advertisements, not only to ascertain what is going on in the world of life and business, but take ad vantage of the many favorable opportunities pre sented by them for benefitting themselves." CIRCULAR. To the 'Voter of Caswell, Rockingham, 8iokesf Srrf, Wilkes and Ashe. Fellow-citizens ; The term for w hrch I Was chosen your representative has expired; and I con-' form to the custom which has heretofore prevail ed in bur district, of noticing some of the aubeets which have engaged the consideration of the fast Congress. When 1 entered" upon (he duties as signed me, 1 entertained fears that I should not be able to discharge the trust with satisfaction to jny self, or to those whose kind partiality had made me their representative; and now, after my duties have ceased, when I reflect, upon the momentous and complicated questions upon which I have been called to act, t am free to say that those feats have not vanished. Embarrassing and perplex ing as many ofthese questions were, I have avoid ed no responsibility. My conduct has been prompt ed solely by a desire to promote the honor and welfare of the country; and fully recognising the accountability of the representative to bis constitu ents, J leave with you to freely condemn what ever in my legislative course you may find to be wrong, and to approve whatever you find in it to be rights At the first session a bill was reported by (be Committee of Ways and Means to modify the tar iff of 1842. Although this bill did not provide for as great a reduction as I desired, yet I voted for it, because it was preferable to the present tar iff The southern and northern whigs, joined by a portion of the democrats, from the North, voted! against this bill, and defeated it in the House by a majority of six votes. Upon this important question, to many of you my views have been of ten and freely expressed. Subsequent reflection bas not changed those views. A tariff is, in fact, a lax bill, and ought in detail to be so arranged as to equnlizeas nearly as possible, the burdens to be borne by every section of the Union and by all classes, having due regard to the ability of . each to contribute. I fancy that all who are opposed to conferring exclusive privileges upon a favored few will assent to the correctness of this position ; and if it be right, then the tariff act of 1842 is clearly wrong, as all who impartially examine its operations will be able to discover. To collect a duty on foreign importations Suffi cient to defray the legitimate expenditures of gov ernment is what no one objects to ; but a tariff which taxes one class to enrich another, is unjust, and ought to be abandoned even by those for whose benefit it was enacted. We are told by those who favor this policy, that their object is to protect the American manufacturer against the pattper labor of European nations. When asked how they wish to effect their object, they al lege that it is impossible for our manufactures to compete with the cheap labor of foreigners, and that it is gross injustice to sutler their goods to be brought here and sold, to the exclusion of those manufactured at home. It is unnecessary to re mark that if they were to succeed in keeping out all foreign articles, there would be nothing re ceived at our custom-houses upon which to collect a duty, and the government would then have to resort to direct taxation to raise a revenue to de fray its expenditures a measure to which all are opposed. The fact is, that although the duty on many ar ticles is so high as to prevent their importation, yet the amoun of importations under the present tar- in lor the year ending June 30, 1844, was one hundred and eight millions of dollars; and the question is not whether foreign merchandise shall be admitted into the country ; but, after it is ad mitted, as it is under that act, whether we shall be compelled to pay a high or a low tax on it It is contended by many of the friends of the measure that high duties do not enhance the price of the article to the consumer; and to maintain this posi tion they point to the fact that many manufactured articles are lower now than (hey were some years ago; and, without proof, assume that the tariff is the cause. In this it is clear they are mistaken. But, suppose) for (he sake of argument, we as sume (hat (he tariff has made goods cheaper : and then see what will be the result You know they tell us that the tariff protects the farmer and plan ler, as well as (he manufacturer! It is known to every one (hat, since the passage of the tariff of 1842, the articles raised by the far mer and planter have fallen much more (han (he manufactured fabrics; so (hat, if the tariff is enti tled (o the credit of causing the one to be lower, it must bear the blame of the great reduction in the price of the other. If their facts and argu ments be untrue, they prove nothing ; if true, they prove the tariff' to be wrong, -Some take the J round that, because other countries lay heavy udes upon our products, we should retaliate by levying heavy duties on (heirs; and contend that (be consumer does not pay the duty, but that it is paid by the foreigner who sells us the article. Let us examine this position. The onerous duty on tobacco in England is often cited to justify the policy of retaliatory duties. Now, it is no doubt true, that if the duties on tobacco were repealed, it would leave the people there less tax (o pay on the article, which might enable them to buy and to consume more of it, and thereby increase the demand and raise the pi ice to a limited extent This would be true in regard to any other arti cle in a similar situation in any country. But if it were true that the planter who made the tobacco paid the duty, and not the British sub jects who consume it, (hen a good crop of tobacco would ruin any of our planters, and (he worst of it would be, that the more tobacco they made, the greater would be the ruin! To illustrate: sup pose A raises four hogsheads of tobacco, which he sells for seventy-five dollars each, and they are exported to Engl md, where they arc consumed. The duty paid there, on these four hogsheads, would be at least three thousand dollars I Now, can it be pretended that A, whose tobacco was on ly worth three hundred dollars, bas paid this British tax of three thousand dollars? The idea is preposterous. For A no more pays this tax than B, who sells the same quantity of the same article, and at the same price, to be consumed at home, and upon which the British duty is never levied. The consumer pays the duty ; and those who insist on retaliating duties are in effect say ing that because Great Britain taxes her subjects almost to starvation, to " retaliate," we rkust tax ourselves in the same way I The people, it is hoped, are not willing to give their sanction to any such system of retaliation. Nothing is more fallacious than that the foreign er who brings to the article to this country, and not the consumer, pays the duty. It must be re collected that we are only one of the great family of nations, end get the products of other countries by bidding as high a price as others arc willing to give. If the doty on the foreign article is so high, when added to the price at which the for eigner fsable to furnish it, that our people ean not afford to buy it, then the consequence M-that ho seeks a market in another quarter, or employs his capital and labor in other pursuits, I will state an example to illustrate the miqtfity of the present tariff t Under (hat act, tmdyed cotton goods, coat" ing under 20 cents per yard, are valued at 2Q cents per yard, and a duty on goods costing. 10 cents per yard-is & cents per yard, or 00 per cent It will be seen (bat he who consumes the coarser article is taxed 60 per cent 1 while be who con sumes the finer article is taxed 30 per eeotf But the injustice does not slop here. Suppose the far mer goes to the merchant and buys a dollar's worth of this foreign goods : in this case he pays 37 1-2 cents ol it to the treasury. But sup pose he then buys a dollar's worth of the same U'md of goods, differing in no respect except that it it of domestic manufacture, for which be pays the same price. Now upon this purchase he pays the tax of 37 1-2 cents, or 6 cents per yard, as well as on the other, but with this important dif ference : that in the former case the 37 1-2 cents tax was paid to the treasury ; in the latter, it goes into the pocket of the manufacturer. I do not pretend to assert that upon every domestic article consumed (he price is enhanced (he amount of the duty on (he foreign article, for the -duty, in many instances, greatly exceeds (he value of (he article, and in those cases it cannot be imported. When this is the case, the treasury derives no revenue from the article; and if the tariff affords it any protection, whatever it amounts to is all paid by the consumer to the manufacturer. But, as a general rule, where the duty is not so high as to prevent the importation of the article, then the amount of the duty is the amount of (he tax paid by the consumer j and when . paid on the foreign article it goes into the treasury ; but when paid on the domestic article it goes (o the manu facturer. In the case I have put, if there was no duty on the article, the foreigner would be able to sell his goods at 10 cents per yard, just as he now does ; and to enable the American manu facturer to sell goods, he would have to put them at the same price. But when the duty of 6 cents per yard is laid, it raises the price of the foreign article up to 16 cents, and that enables the A merican manufacturer, who pays no duty on his goods, to raise his price up (o 16 cents, which he compels the consumer to pay. Thus it will be seen that (be farmer, the planter, and (he laborer, being (he consumers, are not only made to bear (he principal burden of supporting the govern ment, but are also compelled to contribute mil lions as a bounty to the manufacturer. I will here remark, that I entertain no unjust hostility to? wards the manufacturing interest On the con trary, I desire to see it left free to prosper and flourish with the other great interests of the coun try. But when it demands exclusive privileges, and exacts unjust contributions from the agricul turai and laboring classes, it shall not receive my countenance or support to enable it to perpetrate such iniquity. It is a matter of some astonish men t to see the mechanics in our southern towns and villages supporting the protective policy, and declaiming against those who oppose it, and alleg ing that the low price of foreign goods prevents them from selling their own manufactures, when if they would but take the pains to inquire, they would ascertain the fact, that in nine cases out of (en, the article with which the merchant under sells them is manufactured, not in Europe, but in the northern and eastern States, and by the very men whom (hey seek (o protect, and upon whom they endeavor (o bestow additional bounties. The Secretary of the Treasury, in his last annual re port to Congress, says : " The existing rates of duties on imports and tonnage, with the other sources of revenue, would according to the best estimates, after keeping down their interest until the 1st of July, in the year 1853, and after paying the ordinary annual expenditures for tbe support of government, and after discharg ing the loan of $7,000,000, redeemable 1st July, 1853, leave an accumulated surplus of not less than $50,000,000 ; and the same rates and sources of revenue, if continued until the year 1863, would after defraying the ordinary expenditures for the support of government, and discharging the prin cipal and interest upon the debt then redeemable leave an accumulated surplus in the treasury of not less than $112,000,000." Thus h will be seen, in addition io the objec tions already urged against the system, that a large surplus of revenue is anticipated j and this will have a tendency to produce corruption and extravagance in the expenditures of government Before dismissing (his subject, I will allude to a vote which I gave shortly after the bill to modify the tariff was defeated. When that clause of the civil and diplomatic appropriation bill which mode an appropriation for the purchase of stationery for the use of the House of Representatives was under consideration, a tariff member offered an amend ment, requiring the stationery purchased to be of the growth and manufacture of the United States, provided the quality and terms were equal to that of the foreign article. It being the duty of the clerk to purchase the stationery of suitable quality, and at the lowest price, I saw no necessity for the amendment, and voted against it After my return home last summer, I found that, for this vote, myself and about twenty other were denounced in a pamphlet, written at the North, called ' The Whig Text Book:' as being inimical to American interests, and disposed to favor British policy I This denunciation was reiterated by some whig newspaper scribblers in my own State, who appeared to be regardless of every other consideration except that of pulling others down to the level of their own political de pravity. Under the whig tariff act of 1842, the paper maker bas a protection of from 30 to 90 per cent, while the article out of which paper it manufactured has a protection of only 6 per cent! I then thought, and still believe, that if, after re ceiving this protection, the paper maker could not successfully manufacture the article, it was high time to stop legislating for his benefit, till we had done something for the other interests of the country. The amount of (he purchase was in considerable ; but it was the principle to which L objected. But few of my constituents are paper makers : they are all paper buyers ; and, as their representative, I take this ground : -if one of my constituents carries abroad, or sends, by bis agent or merchant, (which amounts to the same,) his to bacco, cotton, wheat, beef, wool, or other article, and exchanges it for paper, or any other commod ity, no matter where it was manufactured or what it be, it in fact becomes as much the product of his Labor, as much the property of an Amrrican citi zen, and as much entitled to the protection of the government, as though it had been manufltc(ured I