Newspaper Page Text
j PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY WILL I A ill W. HOLDER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. THE CONSTITUTION AND TUB UNION OK TH STATESTHEY "MUST BE PRESERVED.' VOLUME XI. NUMBER 546. TERHIM3 PEIt ANNUM, RiLEIMH. IV. C. WtiDttSDtV, APRIL 2, 1 849. PA YJ1BLE IN ADVANCE. TERMS. THE NORTH CAROLINA STANDARD IS PfBLlSHED WEEKLY, AT. ' TITREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. Those persons who remit by Mail (postage paid) Five Dollars, will be entitled to a receipt for Six Dollars or two years' subscription to the Standard one copy two years, or two copies one year. For-jr copie.. : : : s JO 00 twenty' . : : : : 35 00 The same rate for six months. ny person procuringand forwardingfive sHbspribers with the cash ($15), will be entitled to the Standard one year free of charge. fi overtisembvts, not exeeedinpiwj-feen lines, will be inserted one lime for One Dollar, and twenty-five cents for each subsequent insertion ; those of greater lenzth, in proportion. Court Orders and Judicial Ad vertisements will be charged twenty-five per cent higher than the above rates. A deduction of 331-3 percent will be made to those who advertise by the year. 33" If the number of insertions be not marked on rhcm , they will be continued until ordered out. Letters to the Editor most come free of postage, or they mav not be attended to. . LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at the city of Raleigh, for the quarter ending 31st March, 1S45. New York City Advertisements. R. HOVEYS TRUNK MANUFACTORY, 188 PEARL STREET, (Opposit cedar street) NEW YORK. LE ATHER, Seal, Hide, and Canvas Packing Trunks, Ladies' and Gentlemens' Hat Cases and Travelling Bags, valises, Carpet Bags Hobby Horses, Velocipedes, &c. Russia, Black, Green. Russet, and Sole Leather Folio Trunks, suitable for the Army and navy, on the most favorable terms. Sold Wholesale and Retail in quantitos to suit Purchasers. Q&- Citizens and Merchant J from the Country are in vited to call as above before making their purchases. April 9. 544-ly. Lamps to Burn Camphene." HORN'S PATENT SOLW BOTTOM GLASS FOUNTAIN LAMPS for Campheneot Chem ical Oil, have become universally celebrated and sought after, as the most perfect "Lamps" ever invented. They meet the approbation praise of all who use them. Try all others, but do not fail to try the best, the chea pest, ami above all, the Lamps that will give the great est light with the least expense. They are the most simple and easy to manage and trim, cannot corode or become heated while burning, easily cleaned inside and out, and not afiected by a draft or current of air. Less than half a cent per hour will give you a splendid light! ! ! "Try one" Manufactured wholesale and retail by J. 0. Fay, No. 136 Fulton street, (Sun Buildings,) New York, viz. : Stand Lamps for Parlors with or without Lustres ; Suspending Lamps for Stores, Hotels and Churches; also Chandeliers, Side Branches, &c. &.C.. in any style desired, or made to order. N. B. Ladies, it you wish to preserve your eyesight to a good old age, or want a strong and beautiful light to sew or read by, do not tail to procure one of these Lamps. One in the centre ot a large parlor will enable you to read the finest print in the most remote corner. March 19, 541-l3t. SPRING GOODS-1845. HALLOCK, MOUNT fc BILLINGS, 173 PEARL STREET, (One door above Pine Street, NEW YORK, ARE now receiving by late arrivals trom Europe, and from Home Manufacturers, a large assortment of FANCY and STAPLE DRY GOODS, adapted to the Spring Trade, which they offer by the piece or package, on :avorable terms. Their stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets, Vestings, American Prints of all styles, Brown and Bleached Muslins, various styles and prices, Irish Linens, Linen Lawns, Scotch Ginghams, Printed M'islins and Lawns new styles, Balzorines, Alpacas, Lustres, Silk and Cotton Work, Silk anci Cotton Velvets, Fancy French and English Gambroons, Spring Tweeds single and double width, Check Gingham and Merino Cassimere, Drab D'Etes for summer wear, American Pantaloon stuffs, Brown Hollands, Silesiasand Paper Cambrics, Cotton Hosiery bleached and brown, Fancy and silk handkerchiefs, Ribbons, sewing Silk and Twist, Corded Skirts, Table Covers, Linen Thread, Jaconets, Camorics, Gloves, &.c. &c. QCJ- Merchants buying goods for Cash will find it to their interest to buy of us. March, 1845. 540-17t. NEW SPACING CSUOD. RICHARDS, BASSETT fc ABORN, 148 PEAK L ST. NEW YOlK, Are receiving and ofler.for sale, at the lowest market prices, a very large slo"k of Cloths, Cassimeres, TVaistcoatings, and FANCY DBT GOODS, OF ENGLISH AND FRENCH MANUFACTURE, Including giras and trimmings of eveiy description, for Outfitters audi Merchant Tailors All those who resort to our market for their supplies will find it to their interest to visit our store and exam ine our stock. New York, Feb. 4, 1845. 537-8t. FR IN GES, TR I'M M I N'GS, &c. 13. A. BOOTH, 100 WILLIAM STREET,. NEW YORK, Importer and Manufacturer OF FRINGES, for Dresses, Curtains, Carriages, Rugs, &c. Gimps, Dress Cord and Tassels, Ze phyr Worsted, Canvass, &c. Coat Cords, Cloak Tassels, fee. All kinds of Bindings and Fancy Trimmings A large assortment of Whi'.e Cotton Fringes, ice &c. He invites attention to his assortment, which will be kept full during the season, as he will be receiving the newest and most fashionable styles. Offered by the Package or otherwise. Terms and prices shall be such as to give satisfaction. fjCJ- All kinds of t.immings made to order. January 29. 1845. 534-13t. DIRECT FROM NEW YORK! THE subscribers are opening a new and beautiful as sortment o SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Superfine Blue and Wool Black CLOTHS, Blk French " Browns, Olives and Green of various shades and qualities, Oxford and Cadet Mixed " Plain and fig. blk French DRAP D'ETE, CASSIMERES, . Ught " Fancy CASSIMERE GAMRROON, London DRILLING, Plain blk and fancy stripe Silk-velvet Vestings, . push m " " and striped Silks and Satins, Fancy CASHMERES and CHALLYS, White and figured MARSEILLES; ALSO, - Plain and bowed Bombazine and Satin STOCKS, " blk and figured Satin SCARFS, " " Cravats and Ties, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Bosoms and Collars, Blk and light Kid and Silk Gloves, Silk and Merino Shirts and Drawers. Believing that the nimble sixpence is better than the slow shilling, the above goods will be sold very low for cash, or on their usual short, credit to punctual cus tomers. Call at their old stand on Fayettevi lie street, three doors south of Williams, Haywood & Cora Drug Store. SMITH k. BIGGS. Raleigh, April 10th, 1845. 545-Ct Allen, John Allen, Anderson Avery, W A Anders, Miss Martha Anders, Caswell Alexandria,- Wni J Adams Alias B j Bonner, Mrs Eliza Brown, Sion , Blalock, William I Bagolen, Nath. i Benbury, Mrs Penelope L ' Browning, Wm Bonet, Miss Eliza Buffalo, John Baskerville, Miss Mar garet Barbour, Sam) R Blaney, William Barclay, Miss Leocadia Burr, Austin Burton, James Briggs, John Bozman, Jos L Barkly. William Blake, Mrs Mahalatt Barham, Mrs Wm Brooks. Nat G Beavers, Tho ' Beasly, Daniel Blount, A . Bledsoe, Stephen R Bed en fie Id. Botsford, S N Burgwyn, H K Barkly, William H Bet ts, Jos Beits, E G C Clark, Miss Lucy N Copass, Ira G Crabtree, Susan Collins, Jas Craving, Mrs Lucy Crocker, John Coule, Josiah Culbreth. D 3 Clark, Mrs Aramanta Cooper. John R Carpenter, John W Crawley, Jas M Cope, Chas S Cotten, Mrs Margaret Caldwell, Jacob C D Doubt, Rev Peter 2 Doub, Wm C Davis, Raner Dickinson, P K Du Pre, Jas Dunston, Erasmus Dawson, H C 2 Dickinson, Jas S Drake, A G E Ellington, John F Earpe, Mis Elizabeth Eiten, William Exum, Jos Evans, William Emerson, C N Ei her i dee, Caleb Evans, Jordan Ealman, Minchbury E-irp, Warren Eddiug, Maihew P Fields, Benj'n Fowier, W L 3 Freeman, Ewell G Guyther, David C 2 Gusius, Solomon Gidily, MissJanuett Gianbury, Maj J Grimes, John George, W H H Hutchings, Mr Hamiick, JY 2 Halliburton, Robt Harriss, Moses Harrington, Thos Harris, H H Harrison, Ransom Hawley, Ferriaa Hughes, John Havwood, Mrs. Nancy Horne, Jas Hamilton, Andrew J Horah, Jas 3 Hogg, John Hunnicut, David Holland & Rowland Hunter, Caroline Haywood, Robt Hayes, Geo VV 2 Hintoo, Geo M Hinton, Miss Anna House, B I - Irvin, Montgomery Ingle ton, Sapron Johnson, Mrs Mary Jones, Miss Sallie R Jones, J R Jackson, Jessee James, Israel E 2 Jenkins, Henry W. Jones, Benson F Johnson, Mrs- Emily Justice, David Jones, William Jones, Alex K Kinney, Cbas R King, Mrs MaLendy Knight, Noel Knowlton, E A. L Lamb, G Lane, Bn'tton Lougee. Augustus S Locust, Patsy Langiy. Ceo Leak, Miss Mary C Lewis, Wm 2 LasuT. Miss E valine Laws & Co Lee, Miss Ann M Moss, Jos McMillon, A B More, Augustus 2 Morse, Jackson -Myatt, A Manuel, Wm Munday. E Murry, For Moses, A F Miles, Washington 2 Marby, Mrs Martha Murphy, Delily Miller, Dolphus More, Jas Marriott, R M Mangum, Absolum McGee, Thadus Mclntire, David McKinsee, E W McCullars, Sophronia Myatt, Mrs Ann Massey, D B Miller, Hiram Moody, Y M McCartbey,. Jas May, William More, Jos W McKeltern, Mrs Fran ces M McConnebis, A McLin, Miss Julia Meiish, Miss Anna G Mens, Wm JQ Moring, Hines Mitchell, Wm N Nance, Simeon Norris, Ignatius Nine, Mrs Sally . Outlaw, Dr J B Otey, J W Powell, Caswell Polk, A Poiify, Nicholas Pender, Josiah 2 Pool, Henry 2 Pollard, Joshua Price, Jas A Pool, Miss Aly Port, Mrs 2 Parr, Thos Perkins, Ch Perry, Willie Page, Chas Pool, Jobnatban R Reves, Thos Richards, H S Robinson, Benj'n Reeves, R R 3 Smith, Miss Milly Sneling. Sytvaneous -Singletary, E B Snead. D V Smith, Henry 2 Smith, Richad S Steen, Jacob Sfebeck, Ann E Stewart, Jordan Smith, Mrs Nancy Skelton, Wm T Stanly. Jacob Sorrel!, Alus Spikes, Starling Smith, Anrohn Spain, Jacob Seapak, A 2 Sutieff. L M Sandfod, J W Spriibury, David Sims, Miss Mejva S rrell, Denpey Sluvart, Miss Susan T Turner, J W Thomas, W H Townseod, Miss Corne lia Taylor, Miss Louisa N U-V Upchurcb, B Vaugharn, John W Wheaton. Mrs Mary R Wilkins, Jos Wyatt,Jas While, Wm W Williams, W M Warren, Wm Wilson, W C While, John , Winslow, Warren Winby, Josiah Wiatt, William Woodall, David C Important to Lumber in en. rgHE subscriber, having witnessed the very soccess I t fnl operation of HOTCHklSSS VERTICAL rwATER WHEELS, af Archibald Graham's Mill in Favetteville, in May and June 'ast, were induced to pur chase the Right for the entire State of North Carolina, and now offei individ a I Rights tor sale on very reasona ble terms. They have now on hand Seventeen full sets of Wheels, and have made arrangements o keep a con stant supply. . Besides being generally adopted in the Northern States, there are already twelve saws in successful operation in ttiia Rtnt and piirht nlliprs in nrnr.pas o! erection. The astonishing power and speea of these Wheels have been witnessed by hbndreds ot citizens of this State, with j universal approbation. And we desire all who may feel ! an interest in the subject to examine the Mills of Arch d i Graham, Col. Aiex'r Murchison, Christopher Munroe, Alex'r Williams, Arch'd McLaurin, J. McDaniel, John Cade, Mrs. Effy McFadyen, in this County; Lot Jotin McLaurin, in Richmond County; T,hos. C. Smith in Bladen County; and Hardy Royall in Sampson County; to each of whom we refer for information as to the prac tic 1 ope-alionof these Wheels. Persons who apply soon for Rights can have them put up by workmen who have been instructed by Mr. Hotch kiss himself The Proprietors of the right of this Wheel in the State of North Carolina, have received the following certificate: Fayetteville, Feb. 3, 1845. We, the Subscribers, residing in the County of Cum berland and State ot North Carolina, having been en gaged in the manufacture of Lumber for many years, leel fully wan anted instating, thai Hotchkiss's VERTICAL WATER WHEELS, and their appendages, are worthy of the patronage of all mill owners, and that we have full confidence in their superiorly; that the valre of Mills will be very much enhanced by their introduction. They are more durable, and easier kept in order when properly put together than the common Flutter Wheel they will save at least one-third of the water, and run well in back water when there is a head above. The speed of the Saw is increased from one-half to double the strokes per minute. ALEX. WILLIAMS, DUNCAN MUNROE. CHRISTOPHER IMUNROE, JOHN McFADYEN, C P. MALLETT, ARCHIBALD GRAHAM, JOHN McDANlEL, ALEXANDER MURCHISON. ARCHIBALD McLERAN, DANIEL McDIARMID, ANGUS CAMERON, (Millwright.) JOHN C. McLAURIN, (Richmond County.) THOMAS C. SMI TH, (Bladen County.) They have also received a certificate from Col. Alex. MurChison, (which will be published hereafter among others in handbill form,) in which he speaks of this as " the greatest improvement made on Saw Mills in my his time;" says that his Saw will cut 5000 feet in a day; it actually cut on the day before he wrote, 4683 feet of 1 1-4 inch Quarter Boards; makes 240 strokes ia a minute; that one-half of the water is saved.; and con cludes by recommending its adoption to Mill owners. Other certificates, which have been promised will be published hereaftei , ARCHIBALD McLAUCHLIN, DUNCAN McNEILL, ALFRED A. McKETHAN Fayetteville, March 15, 1845. 545-4t. The following article fiom the N. Y. Tribune of the 4th alt., will show in what estimation these Wheels are held by the high authority of the American Institute From the J. Y. Tribune. HOTCHKISS'S WATER WHEEL. This Wheel, after having been adopted by some hun dreds of mill owners on the Delaware, Susquehannab, and other lumbering regions, was presented lor compe tition at the late fair of the American Institute, and there was awarded two premiums by different Committees first as the best Water Wheel for Saw Mills; secondly, as being one of the five best inventions submitted at the Fair. It has been extensively adopted in the great pine districts ot the South ; and its rapid and smooth execution, perfect immunity from ice or hack water, and Other econ omies, are secuting it a very general preference. The Inventor is now on his way south, and may he addressed at Augusta, Ga., or at his residence, Windsor, Broome county, N- Y. Its advantages are summed as follows : 1. The Vertical Wheel, when -used for Saw Mills, re quires no gearing to produce from 175 to 300 strokes of the saw per minute. 2. They are as cheaply constructed as the common Flntter Wheel, and will do double the business with the same advantage of the water. 3. Backwater is no impediment when there is a head above. 4. Ice cannot form on the wheels. 5. They occupy less space than a Flutter Wheel Mill. 6. The increased speed of the saw makes better lum ber, cuts the same distance with less resistance and the saw-dust is freely thrown off, which often returns with the saw, causing it to bind and heat, with slow Mills. 7. They can he placed on the shaft, of a common Flut ter Wheel Mill if in good order, and hung upon the same bearings if sufficiently strong to sustain the power of the wheels. ' 8 The wheels being of cast iron, will last an age. They also constitute the requisite Fly or Balance Wheel, securing a uniform motion, in all parts of each revolu tion. 9 The introduction of mills is reduced to a plain sys tem, so that if the head ot water is knowiy, the result is a mathematical certainty. 10 Any workman having the patterns, a model, and table ot calculation, can adapt mills to any location with perfect -seccess. .11, The improved mode of feeding is much approved of by those who have adopted it. SPEECH OFJUr, A JOHNSON, - OF TENNESSEE. In the House ef Representatives, Jan. 21, 1845 In Committee of the Whole House on the state of the JJnion in reply to Mr. Clmgman, of N. Carolina, and Mr. Brink erhoff, of Ohio, and in which he gives some of the reasons why he is in favor of admitting the republic of Texas into our federal Union. Mr. A. Johnson obtamedlhe floor. After some preliminary rematks, in which he referred to the wide range the debate had taken, and gave notice that he should not feel obliged to confine himself entirely to the direct question Lefbre the committee, he proceeded to refer to .the remarks of the gen tleman from Ohio, Mr. Giddings The man ner of the gentleman was a very remarkable one. He believed medica-1 writers contend, d that there was such a disease, as monomania, under the influ ence of which the mind that was laboring was perfectly" sound on -all subjects save One. If a striking instance of this complaint had ever been exhibited to the House, or to the country, he thought U waa in the gentleman who had just taken his seat. He cared not what subject was introduced into this House, if the gentleman from Ohio got the floor, his cry was abolition ! aboli tion 1 The gentleman had made another remarkable discovery, viz: that Texas, if she came into our Union, laid down every attribute; and; from thai fact, thai the general government became liable for her debls. Was the general government, he would ask, responsible for the debts of Ohio? Some of the propositions before the committee were to ad mit 1 exas as a Suite ; and would she not ihen re tain her sovereignty, and owe and be resnonsible still far her own debt? He thought it was. clear that she would. Another gentleman from Ohio Mr. Brinker hofT had given them a very learned, unexpected. and (lo some on this floor) interesting discourse. He had apparently made a great discovery, and found that the old hero of the Hermitage could be made to speak so and so. The gentleman had given them reasons why he was for, and reasons why he was against, the annexation of Texas: but the conclusion of the whole matter was, that while his speech was against it, he was for it He had announced to them that he was a great military man: and he had said that if there was any such an insect as a humbug, this argument that Gen eral Jackson was made to make was a humbug. General Cass, who occupied a prominent position before the country, and who had distinguished himself both as a soldier and a statesman, had said that Texas was important to the country as a mili tary position. Andrew Jackson, who had distin guished himself in every position he had occupi ed, both in the cabinet and in the field, took up the subject and showed conclusively its impor tance in a military Doint of view. Here were iJpnori ! Tip lonn o nrl rinnnrol (.ifo ah t-i n nn side, and the distinguished military gentleman from ! 'Zu xr u y 3ge a"G T? T-eare? I kick him in the face. He was in hopes the gen tleman would not consider this personal to him- . reach of all sack assaults, coming fi om pretended friends or open enemies; his history was his coun try's legacy, and it was for the people to defend it against all such attacks; and palsied would be the Impious tongue that would dare calumniate his great name; powerless and withered will be the hand -that rudely attempts to plack one feather from his cap, or sully one of the sparkling gems which compose the brilliant chaplet that now en circles his illustrious brow. But he would leave the distinguished military gentleman from Ohio, who bd scarcely ever smelhd burning powder, on one side, and Gen. Jackson and Gen. Cass on the other side. Mr. J. alluded lo another portion Mr. Brink erhoff's speech, that Mr Polk was not support ed in his State in conseuence of the immediate an nexation o Texas to the United States. Rather in site of it, the candidate of that State for govern or had advocated the project for annexation broUgln forward by a gentleman in the other end of the Capitol, (alluding to Mr. Benton.) He spoke from his own knowledge of what had taken place iu nis section oi me &iate. jmt. S. said Mtat ref erence ta a few facts would set this matter all right From the official returns, as published in the newspapers of that State, in Richmond county, (this he believed, was the county in which the gentleman resided,) one of the three counties composing his congressional district, he, Mr. Brinkerpoff.) who was-in -favor of and advocated the proposition of Mr.- B nton's bill, submitted to the Senate of the United States last summer for the annexation ofTexastothe United States, received 5,004 votes, while 3ov. Polk, .in. the same county, who was supported in spite of immediate annexation, recrived 5.574 making a difference in favor of Gov. Polk of570. In the whole district composed of the counties of Rich mond, Marion, and Delaware, it will be seen that Mr. B. received 8,466 votes in the late congress ional election; in the same counties, Gov. Polk teceived 9,071 a difference in favor of Gov. Polk of 605. This is what the gentleman calls, with a sneer, supporting Gov. Polk "iw spite of Hrtimediate annexation." This comparison mitrht be pushed stiil further. Th President elect re ceived 2,600 vptes more in the Slate of Ohio than the candidate for governor, Mr. Tod--this, too, all " in spite of immediate annexation" This com parison shows thnt the democratic party of Ohio were in favor of the immediate annexation of Texas to this Union. It shows" still more, that the people wpre ahead of the politicians of the country. While those thai should have takeo the lead were hesitating and faltering in their course in relation to this great measure, the people were in advance, and far ahead. Mr. J. said the boldness of the gentleman's attack upon General Jackson reminded him of the old fable of the beasts in the forest. When the lion was in health and strength, the surrounding beasts trembled at his very roar ; but now, when he was lying pros self. It was but the other day hey had . a speech I Kenner, Mrs I) Young, Miss Nancy Youngue, Willis Persons calling for any of the above mentioned Letters, will please say they are advertised. THQS. G. SCOTT, P. M. April 5, 1845. 4o4-3t. APRIL, 1845. 3 IIAE V. ftmiTA. , Importer of China and Earthen Ware, SYCAMORE ST.t PET4SilSpJtiG yA. HAS received direct frsm the Potteries, his S PRING SUPPLY OF GOODS for tbe country trade, which are offered as .low aa they can be had from any Northern Importing House. Merchants and others in want of any article of CHINA-, GLASS, EARTH EN OR STONEWARE, will find U to thetr advan tage to give him a call after looking through the market, and examine for themselves, aa to quality, style and price. FAUKlaN li wtll oe stnciiy aucnueu m u war- rented equalRothat of anv other nouse in tne country. On- Call at the SIGN OF THE PITCHER. April . 544-3t NOTICE TO CAPITALISTS. IN the prrsent depressed state of the farming interests, a favorable oppor unity is now offered for the profit able investment of Capital. The subscribers havintbe come sole proprietors of tbe Factory Ac iTIills, At the big Falls off Tar River, Are desi rous ol extending their business, and for this purpose are willing to sell, on reasonable terms, a portion of their interest ; or they will receive subscribers for forming a company, (for which they have a favorable charter) if so preferred by those who wish to invest their funds in manufacturing interests. The fitness of the location for all kind-of Manufactur es is so well known as to render a description unnecessary- Those wishing for further information on the subject are referred to"R. H. Battle, Esq. Rocky Mount, Edge combe Co. VV. H. & B. D. BATTLE. March 8. 1845. 545- 8t. NEW BOOK STORE STIL.1L. in SUCCESSFUL OPERATION! Cheaper than ever! THE Subscriber, having just returned from the North, where he has been purchasing large additions to his former stock , takes pleasure in returning his most sincere thanks to the citizens of the State, and his friend" gen erally, tor the continued liberal patronage which he has thus Jar received, and most respectfully solicits a con tinuance of the same, trusting that, with his present ex tensive assortment, he will be able to give general: satis faction. - , Constantly on hand, a general assortment of SCHOOL BO OKS BLANK BOOKS, STATIONARY, MU SIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS tfc 4r. Orders from the country earnestly solicited, and promptly at tended to, at the old stand, 3 doors above R. Smith's O. L. CLEAVELAN: April 14. i 545 ly Attention! Wake Cavalry! PARADE at the Capitol Square, on Saturday, April 2&th, at 1J o'clock. By order of the Captain, . C. W; D. HUTCHINGS, O. S. Ohio on the other side. The country would judge between them. General Jackson had been made to say 1 It was a slander on his name, a libel on his character, he cared not whence it came. And when e democrat would travel so far out of the line of debate as son, who stood in an disinterested iu,nnlr.. anA . ; :e a HUiecareiui how he spoke ot that ocnt terest. and sav that General Jack.W nronment ; SPpr.cb: .who ha4 recently distinguished himseif on this subject was a humbug, Mr. J. said it came j J T TT?" T?" unkindlv from the democrat rnnU nd the orn-! he had no. disposition to debate questions of this J . . . ' ' nnttl TP in himc, f that tvno rrf nf i r rr a HK.a i wui.av.' IIIIHv' i y iijui TUO VVIIUUtLlllg U Ul Ul IKs : under circumstances too warm for one possessing ; as cold a (emperament as himself. The very idea j of beino thrown in contact with cold steel, or being ai wouiu travel so mr ; r ., , - t . j- - to attack Gen. Jack- 'TV-JT gl,eman wY rePJe8ents Huncowbe it- knowing n ested position before j lf ftf C"A" L3 but ,he r;jkoned "?e mnst j ler the go io it,nprm,nrnt in ' be a Uilc carebil how he Spoke of that gentleman's i best calcuh tleman who couid take such a position he should .judge must be in transitu between ihe democrats land the whigs; and the attraction for him must be much the stronger in the quarter whither he was going. He said that there was nothing that he could say, the hut- blest of Tennesse's representatives, that would add anything to the already large space occupied in the public mind, and anections of the people by General Cass; his nets, both civil and military, had become a part of the his tory of the country, and were familiar to all; his moral and political reputation had become too firmly established lo be now affected by inuendo visited by one of those leaden messengers which j ride upon the speed of fire,- was well calculated lo j produce a strange disposition and convvlsive, j contortion of the muscular and nervous system; jand of course he would be very guarded in what j be was going tp say in reply to the speech of the ! chivalrous gentleman from North Carolina. In that singularly delivered speech (for it was singu lar in its delivery, but the subjects discussed were in the plural) the whole South was assailed in-the srossest -manner. They were told that, if the or open assaults at mis late aay irom pretended ! goulh reCeived offices and rewards enough To sat democrats, or open enemies. The bold and dect- :sr hm thw wnnld rpudu m hmi . ,h sive stand taken by him in the file presidential J presenl ta'rjff; fte wouu rcad" the gentleman's .uii.aK, me spuu uuti rwcij'y wiui wuicu iic en-: teffcd the contest, and the manner in which he con- j April, 14, 1845. 145. tribtited his time and talents to promote the great measure of the democratic party, and secure the triumph and election of the man who had been chos n the standard bearer of the democratic prin ciples in that excited contest, bad given him 3 po sition and standing in the confidence and esteem of "the great republican party of this Union, that was well c&lculatrd'to excite, envy, and even jeal ousy, in the bosom of those who had been vacil lating and counting the chances of Success or de feat. And at that critical and momentous juncture when it was important to give the nomination made by the Baltimore convention the proper im petus and most weighty and certain direction to meet and receive the undivided approbation and support of the great democratic family of this Union, who had taken a less decided but more passive stand in the contest, then just begun ? The people were not like politicians in the main, un grateful for past favors ; but would, in due season, render unto him the things that were his, and that would be a verdict in his behalf of " well done thou good and faithful servant;" you have been frtithful over " a few things, you shall, be made master of many. Mr. J. said it was .not necessary for !iim to speak of Andrew Jackson ; a mere recital of his acls stamped him as one of the greatest civilians and military chieftains the World had ever pro duced; eulogy detracted from, instead of adding any thing to, his great name; he had performed thcimnortant'task assigned all-wise and in scrutable Providence ! . The measure of his coun try's glory was now full; he was deeply embalm ed in the hearts of a grateful and prosperous peo ole : he was now in retirement, in the bosom of his adopted State, surrounded by Tennessee's na tive forest, enjoying the domestic sweets of his own Hermitage, there reflecting upon the varied i and checkered scenes -of his eventful life, which J has been devoted exclusively to the promotion, of his conntry a. good. How consoling the medita tion in this, bis very, eveningof life, while the lamp is sending iorth its longest and brightest blaze, which is soon to sink down to rise rib .morel and, in the hour of death, bow strengthening to the b.ope of being crowned with eternal happiness beyond, the gravej Why this uncalled for and unkind allusion has been made to this great and good man, slas somewhat strange to him, coming from the quarter it did. Mr. J. thanked his God that his reputation stood above and beyond the own words : "Judging from-the action of the House on this subject, what is to become of the repeal of the ta riff! I can tell you, sir. IfJd f ew individuals tnat I could name sucn ounces as they desire, he will thereby effect such a modifica tion of the tariff as to render it acceptable in the main to the chivalric majority of the State of South Carolina. ' Did the gentleman mean to. insinuate that South Carolina could be bought up, and induced to support a certain measure upon the bare offer ing and acceptance of a little office? He consid ered this an unpardonable attack on the South, derogatory to the southern character, and unbe coming a southern representative to make. He an error, tile estimate was too low. By a refer ence to the Blue Book and Other mean of infor mation, the statement would be sustained. He thought the number might be put down at eight hundred; divide this number by two hundred and twenty-three, (the number of members in Con gress,) and it would give nearly four of those of fices to each congressional district in the twenty six States. There is not a congressional district in the Union but what can furnish its proportion able number of. officers, as well qualified and equally as pure and incorruptible as those hangers-on about this city. The people hare them to pay. and if the government have become a source of profit and honor, he could not see why tbev should not be distributed equally among them. He was not in favor of proscription ; but when ' . , a . i one. set ot individuals had had tne omces and the emoluments of office lone enough, he could see no good reason why they should not be turned out and others permitted to enjoy similar benefits a corresponding length of time. Some of the States had treble their proportion of these officers, while others comparatively had nono. As an in stance of what he was saying, Ohio, with twenty one members upon this floor, had only eight of these officers, while Maryland .with only six mrm bers. had one hundred and thirty-three, and Vir ginia had orte hundred and fourteen. He gave this case merely to illustrate. He thought none of these States could reasonably complain whose citizens had enjoyed thet benefits every way result ing from those offices so long, nt now being re duced to their fair proportions, and thereby permit the olher States to furnish their quotas, and be come equal participants in the patronage of the federal government. He found, he was digressing, and would pursue this idea no longer. What he had said upon this point was merely thrown out as a suggestion, and might be considered as a parenthesis. But some gentlemen talked about James K. Polk as if he was a mere cipher. He would tell those speculating gentleman that they had mistak. en the maii; and that James K. Polk, when he came into power, vould beihe master spirit of his administration in defiance of machinations of in triguing politicians, and jn defiance of the United opposition of the whole whig parly. He thought the late nomination of the Balti more convention of James K. Polk, nnd the man ner in which thnt nomination was sustainrd by the people, had taught a"" few old party hacks, or hunkers," as they are called by some, a lesson to be long remembered by them. Governor Polk did not owe his nomination tp the intrigue and management of a few wire-working politicians, dr to being in what is called the line of safe prece dents ; but to the fixed and settled determination .of the people to lay aside and dispose of some of those incubuses that had fastened themselves upon the body politic. The people, through the Bal timore convenuon, had bounded clear over party management and intriguing politicians, and went out among themselves for their candidate for the presidency, and they have succeeded in electing him; Consequently he is under no obligation to this or the other faction. He is the people's Presi dent, and will come into power unincumbered, o faction, but determined to adminis- government upon those great principles best calculated to do the greatest good. He said Gov. Polk, was the plebeian President, and he hoped and trusted the country would have a ple beian administration for once. A little fuilher on iri the gentleman's speech, Mr Clinomax's, which was, he presumed, iu tended for ihe elections fIoith Carolana next sum mer, he found another singular position assumed. The gentleman, in reference to the Pennsylvania elections, used ihe following language: A singular state of things was exhibited in Pennsylvania and I heard democratic member of this House speak laughingly, of seeing in that State, numberless banners with the inscription borne on them of " Folk, Dallas and the Dem ocratic Tariff ofl 842.' Yes, sir, and when the j whigs altempted to set this matter right, they were told by the honest but ignorant yeomanry oj tntil State, that they could not believe that Mr. Polk was opposed to the inriff, because they had been assured by their leaders, ihe men in whom thty had been accustomed to confide, that he waa much more favorable to a protective tariff than was Mr. Clav. presumed that the gentleman .who made these charges was inclined to measure the corn of others by his own half bushel. But the gentle man further said : "Should these persons, however, fail to get such portion of the spoils as they consider their due, viz. the lion's share,' then the tariff will be found so intolerably oppressive that human nature cannot bear it, and must be nullified. Be not deceived, sir, by all the declamation which we hear from time to time ; for all this is merely tbown out to frighten Mr. Polk and his northern friends into a good com promise with respect to the distribution of the offi ces.'' r To frighten Mr. Polk and his northern friends into a proper distribution of the offices of the gov ernment! Was South Carolina threatening about office? Was Alabama? or Tennessee? He tbonght not ; and ft Was a slander on the southern reputation to say that she can be bought by any office in the gift of the executive. It was siil) a greater slander to say that JnmesJK. Polk, recent ly elected President of the United States, was ca pable of using such unworthy means to obtain support-for his administration. Mr. J. here spoke on tbe subject of the offices and dfBce-hofders in this District, and suggested the manner in which be would havethem filled, viz in equal proportions for all trie congressional districts in the Union. He said he had seen a table pub I ished in some of the newspapers showing the number of officers employed in the different departments at Wash ington City, arid those acting in diplomatic and consular stations abroad, who received compensa tion by salary and, for the year 1844 they were between seven and eight bundled. He had no doubt of the correctness of the table. If there was It ia understood that tho duel of Mr. Clingirian hsd a peculiar effect open his system, Jtc. 44 'the honest hvl ignorant yeomanry of Per.n- l svlvaniaf A few words on this subject. But K.Polk will give toa , he would first observe that, in another portion of this conundrum, which was before him, the gen tleman saiq that his party had got all the intelli gent portion of the community ranged under their standards. He would examine the facts bearing on this position, and see how far the gentleman was correct in his assumption. Now the States that voted for James K. Polk gave 170 electoral votes, and those that voled for Mr. Clay gave 105. Of the States that voted for Mr. Polk, there were 323,3C6 who could not read and write; and of the States that voted for Mr. Clay, there were 224,444 that could not read and write. Take the aggre gatey and it would be found that there was a greater proportion of the population which enn read and write in the States that voted for Mr. Polk than in the States that voted for Mr. Clay. He said, by dividing the whole number of persons in the States, who cannot read and write, whe cast their eltctoral votes for Governor Polk by the 170 electoral votes which he received, and it would make an avragc of 1,896 for each elector who cannot read and write. Divide the whole number of persons In the States which cast their electoral votes for Mr. Clay, and it makes an av erage of 2,448 to each elector who cannot read and write. By deducting the 1,896 from 2.448, it shows 552 more persons who cannot read and write for every Clay elector. Then multiply 552 by 105, the whole number of electors voting for Mr. Clay, and it makes 57,9b0 more, in pro portion, voting for Mr. Clay, than vdled for Gov. Polk; and, unfortunately for tbe grntleman, th State which he represents in part, (North Caroli na J has a greater proportion of persons who can not read and write than any other State in the Union- whig or democrat. Yet the gentleman said that his party had withUiern all the intelli gent portion of the community. Mr. J. then made a comparison between Pennsylvania and North Carolina, showing in the former, which voted for Mr. Polk, there was a greater proportion ol tha people who can read and write, than in the latter which voted for Mr. Clay. Pennsylvania had only one in 22 persons who could riot read and write, while North Carolina bad one to every four. So much for intelligence,, and so much for igno rance. He would be the last man to say any thing derogatory to North Carolina, which had a strong hold on his own heart, becariae fr waa the Umi af hit birth ; Hut the !rotlt aatr?t be il a-