' 3? via a m. a a a mm w a a a i m -v . . . -v i ar a. a i . a m m , f-k. k a mi a a a a a a w . a, l a v l i a i . ri - a i i a.ar - j v r- av , - - ' PUBLISHED WEEKLY. wi.. ..;-. It 51 S-S 3- P JB a "A N ftf OHlp.. EDITOR JJJ JPROPMl txM jE NORTH CAROLINA STANDARD taVnIBKD WEBKLT, AT i TU&ES DOLLARS PER xSKVUlTBTAlVCM ' v Mail (posUr ' td) "Fire ? L!1 .b.oc fptFon to the Ir,n.rd-Mm.: co- ror M cop.-.. ; ; : oS tern 35 00 ! -t person proenring and fomtrding fivetubscti Vs with the euh ($15.) will be entitled to the Stand- A one yearrec y cnurgc r ,,Tf:B.TisBMCXT8 not exceeding fourteen iioet will H inserted one time for One Dollar, and twenty. fire (rnt for each subsequent insertion ; those ot great er length, in proportion. Court Orders and Judici rf JdoertisementM will be charged twenty-fire per cent higher than the abore rates. A' deduction of jjl-S per cent, will be made to those who advertise by tl,e year. ' Qcj-If the number of insertions be Dot tnark (joa them, they will be continnedvintil ordered out. t,ltff to the Editor must come free'of postage ot they jy not be attended to' mmmamamamamaammammmmmmmmS!rmmmmmm Taller Pledges;1 Or tlie Tiglit abont A Sally Spillmoix. 1 It aint natural 'for a feller to tell of his ghtm' licked, but I must tell yoir about that : thar fight between me arid Jess Siout--rit war a screamer, by thunder I and ef I did gin in, ; it warn't , in the course of human natur' to do any how else. That nl spontenaceously hankered arter Jess, and be atfes held. piled 'Dp the affection. in 'her, by an imazing long spell of courtin'. , I did kinder edge into .her, Hkin', and gin -to , speckelate. big on ihrowin' Jess, but that fight knocked my caicula lions all to fritters.; I'm some in a bar fight, and considerable among janterst but I warn't no tokar in that fight with Jess. In course I'll tell you Voys, so sot yourselves round, and pass along that p juice, You s every time come up from.Lusiane, found Jess hangia' . round that gal, Sally Spill man, look in' orful sweet, and a fellar couldn't go near her without risiu' his danger he was as jealous as a ben with young chickens. I sot my eyes on her, to find out what Jess saw; in her so imazin mucin', and I svvar ef a close examina tion, didn't make me yearn arter her' like a wean ed yearling. She was all sorts of a ga! thar warn't a sprinkling1 too much of 'her she stuck out all over jst far enough without ; cushinio' bad an eye that would make a fellar's . heart try to get out of his bosom, and then such Aar her step was as light as punter's, and her breath sweet is a prairie flower. In my opinion the mother of all human natur warnt an atom slicker model; ihe desarved the pick 'of a' whole creation, and I jtst felt that I was made a purpose for her ( At all the frolicks round the country, down in ibe Missouri bottom, or up the Osage, Jess was Iwngin' arter that gal, lookin' honey at her and fizin at the fellars who spoke pleasin' to her. I :hart I'd trv mv hand at makin' him oneasv. so one night, at a frolkk, I sidled up to her and axed ' her how she wur, aod ef that ailin' nigger of her iiddy'a wur improvin', what 'ud be the probable j Mount of the old man's tobaccer crap this season, ti some other ' interesting matters of talk. -She Wthat he was thrivin' as usual, the nigger-wur omin' on as well as could be expected, and the id man's crop promised to be purty considerable, j Nolhin' could be more sntisfyin', 'so I kept on a ; alkin' and she got to laflin , and Jess begun a j icowliu. I seed be warn't pleased, but I didn't estimate him very tall, so kept on, got a dancin' J vitb Sally, and ended by kissin' her good by that night, and makin' Jess jealous as a pet pinter 1 I wur agoing to start to Lusiane next day with iflit load of tobaccer ' and other groceries, and jfoie I went I thort I'd send a present of my pet ' 'bar cub over lo Sally, jest to have a sorter hitch oa her, till I'd git back ; so I gits my nigger Jim j ind gins him the fullowin note, witn the bar cub, .j i j ' . i . i. ... ... . A r ina special aiiecuuu ituu uc nut iu guc kli to Sally, herself. .....:. Paintr Cair, nkar Bar Dicgins, Juin twenty 4." cm ' To the captitalin' Miss Silly Spillman! ' 'Your tender adorer, Sam Crowd-r, sends you ' liefollowin' fust trophy of a hunt on the Osage; lie condition of this bur arc something like him, he bar are all fat, he are all tenderness ! Hopin' j .'iat you will gin up a small corner of your heart ; a the writer, while he is mong the furiners of' T it m m 1a vt all ovor ram oinKp vnn nnrl t tiird I not to forget to bring a pledge of affection from the south to bind our openin' loves. . . Yours, WA stream, or agin if, Sam Crowder.' , 'Istuddved that out with considerable difficulty, od writ it with more, and ' stick me on a sand-: bar ' ef dial Jesse didn't waylav Jim and read the J note ! maybe it dia nt stir up nis auuviai uouuiu hr his love for Sally the varmint's countenance looked as the old Missouri in a June rise. 'Off I started next day, with my flat, for the imporium of the south, and as I were floating ilong, I couldn't help turning over in my mind what a scourgin smart family the Crowders ould be, when Sally and I agreed upon annexa tion. I jest thort I "could see young Sam,' the j first boy, standin' on the other eend of the flat, j firing' as a bar and eve like an Injrin spry as a famoont fair as Sally, and keen as his daddy j itwar k ycueu riwj uui, iuiukiu uu . While I was , in this wayroliin in clover, by picturin'- what was to be; they wur trarin my character all to chitlins up at home. My perlite Bote was --raisin' a perfect -freshet of wrath agin mo. That display, of larnin,' about bringing home 'pledge. of affection from the sunny south, most oaaccountably oversot my whole fimily prospects. It war a stumper to Sally, so. she got. Jess to ex pUin it, and the way he did it was enormous. 1 Why don't you see,' sei Jess," ' he meahs to bring you up one of his nigger children, from the tooth, to nuss V Nothing can be plainer thar aim ao other 'pledges of affection ,j than' child irei that lltnowda.' . r' ' ''".'''." " 'V ...... .... j; Well, I swar if she didn't believe him; ;t: The nasty dog.? ses Sally, does he think Fm 'goin to nuss any of bis ybllcr pledges--ef them ll)ar is all he's got to ofler,' he aint wuth-Auci, nd cf you don't lic him . for ftiV, onmannerlj aote, you aint wuth shucks, nuttier 'Not dream in' of the row at home J. was a fiatin' through Nob Orlins,' for presents fur Sal-T-: I bought a' roll of rbbon, . a , racket fulf of e, and bran. rier shining silk;' parasof, and. was roio' along, slo w and easy, by the St. Louis Ex- jnangc, when I heerd Major, JBeff cryjn' 9 "or field hands. " I lest sauntered in as. he was yuiuir up Tears old. a plcaninny 'yaller gal nbou five The little gal had no mammy livin', ! and looked sorter sicklv.r so nobod v flecmed anr- iouto git her.', thoilered, fifty doiipr8,. and the ijjuicuru up waen sue see wug wus atiddip.; I didn't look , liko a sugar; or - cotton Slanter, and the creatur seemed glad that I warn't ome cotton fellar here bid, sixty dollars, ;and she wilted rite down I thort :what a slick present she'd be fur Sally, and how welt she'd do to tend the children, so 1 sung oat seventy dollars; she knew my Toiee, and 1 could see her eyelids trim ble. No sooner did the, Major drop the hammer on seventy dollars, than she looked wuth a hun dred, she was so . pleased at my , buy in1 her. She was a nice Jtttle creatur', but her Aar was oncomi mon straight. j - i : ,f I started up home next .day, with my pur chases, and such a time as I bad on the' way. ) I got dreamin' so strong about bein married to Sal ly, that 1 was. eternally walk in' up huggin' and kissin' the pillows, as if they were gals at a husk in', At last I got home, tickled all to death at my future prospects. , I met Jess at the landin' he gin me a Starr, looked at: the little yaller gal, and then spread himself ;wUh a guffaw, as ef he was gpinV into rlts. il riled up a little,1 but thought tbat wur time enough to serve him 6ut, so I pass ed on. The fcllars in the settlemenf seemed to be allfired pleased .at my gettiu' back, fur they kept a grinom ana, oowin and lookiu at. my little yaller gal.. ! ;i v ,: , . Wont you take a little suthin', Sam,' said Jim Belt, a crockery keeper. ',;...! Not now, I thank you, Jim, ses I. 4 What, you aint a go in' in for temperance pledges, too, are you ?' asked Jim, and then the boys all hollered as ef they'd bust thar heads. Not ex-a-c t-ly V . ses I, rather slow, try in' all the time to find out what the fun war, but I couldn't get it jbrougb my kiverin' of Aar, so I gin it up and went home, . ..Next day thar wur to be a campmeelin' down in the bottom, and all the boys and als wur agoin to- it; so to make a shine with Sally, I sent over word that I would call that morn in .and, bring my first pledge of affection, meaning the parasol, and hoped it would be to her mind both in texlur and color. Back came this note in anser: Kune Holler, Juli 8. Miss Spill man's compliments To Sam Crowder, Esq., the fust pledge of his J affections is a little too yaller, and the texlur of : its k&r is too tight a curl, and mor n that, she amt ? make up a paper, we will agree to give them one their paltry little ambition, in denouncing and de ambitous to hev any of his pledges ef they wur all j entire Globe," if necessary for the exhibition of I spising this shameful paltering. To show up the tchiie. , ; 'Sally Spillm an. 'I nigh onto bust with madness I I could feel send them in? 1 -every Aaron, my head k ind Jin' at the eend, 'cause j But to return from this digression. What, with 1 knew sum cussed lies had been told her, and I jail the diversified calls and claims upoq on editor, blamed Jess for duin' iL -1 jest swor a bible oath : is he to do? Our opinion is and we have en l'd spile his pictur so he couldn't enjoy camp-jdeavored to square our practice by it that he meetin much; so next morn in' bright and airly, I 'should follow his own best judgment take a high accidentally fell in with Jess, goin arter-Sally, 'straight-forward, honoruble course, act indepen with all his Sunday kiverin on, lookin as nice jdently of the conflicting notions which are enter as a 'stall fed two year old.' I rite up and asked tained by his multitudinous readers, and do his him whal he meant by tellin lies to the gals about best to catch up and express the true spirit and mo; that I'd beam on 'em all over the settlement. ' sound sentiment of the people. 1 The editor who 4 haint told no lie on you,' ss Jess, 1 fur what's ' is r.o ' better qualified than ' his ordinary readers told, you told yourself el-you hev nigger, babies ., in the south, you needn't insulrdecent white gals by oflerin' to let 'em nuss 'em ' I didn't wait till lie 'finished, afore alongside his smeller, and went into catamount: fashion. The thing had now cum to ' a windin np pint this war to eend the matter about Sally, and as I didn't want to gin her up easy, x iciiu uiyscti out iwr a puny lung wcn. , fx u .iT 1 ,i X Xn uja laid mvself out for a purty Ion? spell, l kalkulated upon a party big chunk of a fight, too, ! 7 . J J . . . ; so we bom began to save ourselves. ; i naa a iee- . tie the advantage of Jess, for he didn't want : i - u:. c i c ... u : I i A:A cuss for my old boat suit. When I'd grab his i -, t iij j trowsers and gin em a hitch, he d ease on, and ; t. .,. i . J. ' K op then I d lend hnn a staggerer, which was genet. , ally follered by his makin me fly. round like a weasel-cre-a-uon, how tough he war 1 While we were havin a r,S"1 Srn.Ir5 ,m0 to"' gether, nary one of us seed Sally ridin along . down the wagin track, looktn out fur Jess, but she seed us, hitched her horse, and climbed into a stump to see the fight out. As I war carefully j reachm for Jess s ear with my grinders, I heard her sing out Teech it ef you dar you nigger cannibal 1' Her hollerin gin Jess an advantage and help ed bis strength powerfully, fur the next minit l . wur on my back and him right astradleon me, m m m " j i Sock your teeth into him Jess 1' screamed Sal- j ly. and about then, le e-e-minnv, fellars, l leaped as ef lightnin' had hit roe, fur his grinders had . jj hts hefore uimj and with : the standard periodi met through the flesh she called his attention to. ! cals from men 0f profound science and learning, I squirmed, and struggled, and chawed meat, but ; be musl bg a duu sch0lar, indeed, who does not he held on I grabbed his new trousers, and tore j stliher up sufficient knowledge and intelligence to iiieiu imc pauci uc wuj uSuhi iu ICi i i his coat tails over the torn place, but sally holler- j ed out agin Whip the varmint fust, and then I'll mend 'em up 1' I squealed enough ! rite out it warn't no use a fightin' agin such odds. Arter' Jess let me up, Sally looked at m and puckered up her mouth as ef she had been eatin unripe persimmons "Enough? ses she ; well, may I git ager fits, if you're fit fur anythin' but to be farther of yaller pledges!' ' ' , St. Louit Reveille. JV haling . Gun. . We saw yesterday, nt the store of Capu E. W. Gardner, a very curious con trivance for; killing whales. It is a short gun, weighing some twenty-five pounds the stock be ing of solid brass from which a harpoon is to be fired, into the animal. The handle of the harpoon goes into the barrel of the gun about a foot, and a line is fastened to it of course outside of the gun by which the whale is to be held. There is also a bomb lance? for tha purpose of killing the animal. The. insirument is loaded with powder, and a slow match'is. led from ihe magazine, through the handle, to the .end. which goes into the gun. When the lance is fired into the whale the slow match ignites; and in about, half a minute the fire reaches the powder id the head of the instru ment, which instantly explodes, killing the ani mal outright. At least this is what the article is intended to do. The whole apparatus is certainly very iingenious; whrther or not it is really an im provement on the present mode of killing whales, is more than we are able to say. That is a ques tion which must be settled by thewhalemen them selves... ... Mm'Mtiwfc 7 'Gen. Butler. We observe that this -distinguish-ed'soldier attended a,oarbeco. in, Plucky .n fejr day9ffo. :"We,V8 glad ",to hear, tha$- th. wound he received at the storming of Monterey is slowly healing but he is still compelled to use crutches. - fj- : -- - i lllaL"MW"fc-fcfcaa tiffhts ana' PrcrbsriitiTM nf tha , ..IVs.Vee reversiasr the former. rule now make or unmaka wuuura wi. noiiucians. joining can oe more true. , And such will bq.in futqiq,, an under the new' constitution, .'still more $ e casp .than now" in this State. Professed poIitfcia,us are shorn of their former influence, ,Tho . sceptre of jpatronage has departed. ', "The smiles of those who , formerly wieldrd it ' have lost their power to. charm? Hence forth Ihey wiH have , their dye influence andno more.. And it will bb perhaps best, for all parties that the tone of domineering control towards the press, which in some instances the force of habit still leads them to indulge, should now be aban doned. But it is really of little consequence whe ther it ' is or not The ' world will 'probably go round just the same." Rochester American. . There is much good sense, , as well as plain truth,' in the above extract;;' Every one admits the po wer of the Press'; yet few readers oV politicians seem to .' understand what are its ' legitimate and rightful prerogatives - Nor. is this, perhaps? very remarkable.; For,1 if there are "many men of many minds,"' 'so theije are";i many ppliticiaris.of many kinds ;" ' and :each having his own foibfe lo be flattered, 'his owh interests to be subseived,"'6r his 'own prejudices to be gratified, it'is not sur prising that they "should often' complain' of the manner in which' the" public Press is conducted. If one individual has an object to gain be. it fair orf foul the Press which he patronizes ( that is to say, by paying two cents for a newspaper that costs the proprietor from tr-n to twenty,' according to the size : of the edition, exclusive of advertise ments) must enter-into his scheme, under the penalty tf losing their powerful patronage' and perhaps his good will besides. But in favoring tbat one, the editor offends, perhaps, a dozen oth ers, whose interests lie in an opposite direction. And if an editor attempts to please all, he is sure to please none. We should ' like, for the curiosity, to see one newspaper made up in accordance with, and that should embody, the opinions, whims and caprices of all its readers. It would be a greater curiosity than Tom Thumb, the Chinese Junk, or the won derful sights disclosed in the celebrated " Moon hoax. " And if each of our readers will send us a written specimen, not to exceed, say twenty or thirty lines, or thereabouts, of what thev consider the legitimate and proper' matter with which to their several tastes and wishes. Will our readers possioiy can oej 10 ueciae as 10 nsauues ana pre- rogatives who does not know Tar better than they f what" course to pursue who has not the discrimi- 1 hit him fcj7". al'on to know what he should publish and what him af-b'ttirs;r'iect"19'no1 c 10 s'1 'n an e(l,tor,a' chair to wield A,' X auditorial pen. Nor is this claiming for him ! more than he can or ought to be. We speak not now of the mere casual scribblers for the press ; but of those who" are editors' by profession nnd t .u li u I J practice who have been thoroughly schooled in ihrt Kiiciruta nnd ivhn nrp infpllirrfnl nhsrrvmor. V10 o"""?. common sense men. Such editors ' : iiiuoi s is in uic; vciv uuui w vi mv utivi mm 9 w . m sKa avv niln r w IhA hfittor 1111! m as derstand their duties tnan tneir readers possmiy Not lhnt thare more ,earned' more 8'fted or more proiounu 111 uiuiiy uiuts, or so uiuui su. ' ri",VJ perhaps, as many of their readers. But their fa- IitieSPa're greater-through their widely extended & and sentiments, they must necessarily catch the. spirit of the xvorld at a glance, and partake of its impulse at every mo- mcnt They hflve before tiiemj a8 ,t were, the conccntraled intelligence and wisdom of the world, Tnere are papers breathing the spirit of the peo- , 0f all parties, of all creeds and, all classes, in lh. n.IPftnni:. ftr RrtSnn thfr . the same from New Orleans here, the same from Montreal and St. Iiouis from the Stale of Maine and from Ore- iron from Nova Scotia and from Mexico and f n inlermediate places : the same from Hong - a t Kon and from Bombay from the Island . of Grea gritain to the Isles of the Pacific in short, n nfirla nf trio rivili'fvA Ivor Id. With these have .ome io imnart to others, it is nis vocation tQ Elud an(j analyze, and sift and combine, ail tnese eiemenis oi ngm aim khuwicu ui moral science and political economy. He must necessarily read and scan the political opin ions of both friends and opponents ; he must be come acquainted with the sentiments of the people, as reflected through these varied channels. And yet, with all these superior facilities and advantages, the editor is often amused, if not an noyed, by the complaints of some tyro in politics or learniogf'.who having mastered one Idea; hav ing glanced at one side ol the question that be has made his hobby, fancies himself master of all 'branches of politics and learning, and forthwith assumes the prerogative of dictating-whoi is prop er, arid of instructing the wayward editor in the discharge of bis editorial duties ! But the intel ligent and right-thinking editor , has this fact to console him that these complaints and dictatorial proffers of advice rarely if ever como from the mora intelligent and sensible' portion of his read ers. These may occasionally make, it is true, a friendly and enlightened suggestion, such as every reasonable editor is always gratified to receive, and ready to profit by, , but they never, assume he attitude of. censors or dictators. It is the emptiest barrels thai make the most, noise."; ,; . .. Every profession t has its peculiar prerogatives and rights. ' If you go to a competent attorney for advice on,, a legal point although he may be inferior to yourself in some other' branches of learning, yet in . legal knowledge he is your, su: Serior ;, because he has ;made the, science of law is study, arid you have, not ; you admit that it is his prerogative to counsel, and your duty to follow that, counsel, . You. go to a, man of like compara tive standing in the medicairprofeysion ; you may know more, perhaps, of theology or law than, he, but he is more competent to mend ft broken leg or ctirq a' diseased liver than yqu it's hisvocatipn. So with' the sensible editor - while he is daily ad din" to tils stock of knowledge, arid never thinks hhwofjtoodjttor. too. wise : to learn, and while bo i always thankful for friendly advice and use f' ugestions-.yet there are certain prerogatives in the conduct of a paper which he alone intist be auoweo ia:exercise.;ti oJ v..:, htw :av? : u: Buv we. perceive that we, have, like: many a bel ter sermonizer, stra.ved Somewhat from our text Yet in these random reflections we may havesug- gesieu some siray,tnought that, will be edifyiogj if not beneficial to our, readers, j.rr N..Y Globe. Northern NuIUficatiou. ; . ' The corruption and .heartlessness of a place hunting politician, we do : honestly believe, is the very last and extremest refinement on human wickedness. . For what but Darricide should be named for its enormity in the same dav with the crime of a wilful prostitution of the honor of one's country, and through bis. degradation, the break- mo; aown Ol that National -forr nf rhnrnrtor which is a tenfold surer resource to the citixpn than all.the military strength, .or all the treasures of an overflowing! exchequer, which his country might boast ' Yet everywhere North and South. rast ana west, throughout thi land,, we see such hopeless contradictions in the. 'conduct of pub lic men such vile tergiversat'ons in. the would-be oracles of political truth such facile conversions wherever mammon preaches his, golden doctrines, that we have been 'constrained to believe that the only hope for this government, is for the people to suspect and distrust this class of men, and to throw oil the strong delusions, by which ' their minds have been completely subjugated . to the miserable dictation of these parasitic creations of the trea sury. . 1 It is vain to say that these palpable discrepan cies in the opinions and conduct of public men are to be extenuated, if not justified, by change of cir- cumbisnces in me country, anu those mutations in all things human which are to be looked for, but which cannot be provided for' by prudence or fore cast. 'Tis all stuff and twaddle, and the circum stances of our unworthy public men, and not the circumstances. of the nation, must furnish the key to all this erratic patriotism and public misconduct. We may be censured as using heated and intem perate language., We'hopc we do speak strongly and plainly, for - it is ihe treason implied against our best interests, by a refusal on the part of pub lic men to do so now, that justifies us and all others who love the whole country better than present unfaithfulness of these " men on the watch towers, let us remember their conduct when, a few. years ago, the Southern States, after beseech- Ling, after exhausting argument,': after vindicating ineir remonstrances against the course ot the Uov ernmenton the tariff of 1823, by a splendid array of facts and deductions that have never been met never will be gainsaid till God confounds our judgment that " we may believe a lie" felt them selves we say, literally forced to end this ten years' agony by the last resorl what then was said? Why, Mr. Webster who trimmed, no doubt, many a blue light in the last war. nnd during that whole ; contest was found nowhere either (as Poiridexter ; saiajm in iront rnnic or the rear rank ot the de blenders Af'tho country,., was willing to take his ; place where blows fell heaviest and thickest, in j this crusade against his own brethren, who were resisting to the death oppression of his own be- getting, far worse than that tax on Glass and Paints and Tea, that his fellow-citizens, once upon a lime, so patriotically felt and resisted. Then it was that these men were willing to die, or at least . lo Snfi lis In htf Ihniis.inns in hnir niftn nl, hp . unhallowed bounty which they beset the Federal nt r AT . . I roncnrir t.- w I hn Ihnif wo ! a nolrlntiA lrtti1- i v w iv u tj.j aw uuiiiuhv uava momnea in ineir oeience oi tne ionsiiiuiion, ot tne Un.on-so much so, tha t it was said 100,000 men i uuu tun c luiivuiu. ciiruucu iuc:r uunies. nieujjru i ' to make the rush on South Carolina when the word was passed around. All this, too, that the ! South should bear, and bear cheerfully, an Alger- I ine extortion, by ivay of tribute to men already rich enough to buy a principality of such as we. i How is it now, . when the North, still meditating the same aggression and faithlessness that had well-nigh wrecked us before, finds she can't place us in the attitude of Nullifies to help out her ' schemes against us. at least auite so soon as she wished ? Why, with as little good faith, and we J are quite sure with as little modesty, as the famous J Potentate of i unis, wc find some eight or ten of these sovereign States laughing at constitutional , obligations, and wondering to see us such fools as w . w - j even to suppose that they felt their binding force, Like the notorious Marsh, they think, too, that constitutional scruples never broke any man's bones, or confined any one in a mad house. What now says Mr, Webster to his own State's perjury in violating tne law ot U)6t respecting persons escaping from their masters? What says he now ? ' and all those who the b.ne mention of nullification used once to throw into political spasms? What word of thunder for Pennsylvania, that has actu ally taken the law of 1793 and enacted a couuter and hostile law, line for line, which enacts a pen alty against any judge or magistrate that assists in the recapture and return to his , master of any slave escaping to her borders exacts, we say, a penalty of not less than $500 and as much as $1000 ? Where now is that portentous roll of 100,000 brave and loyal hearts once panting to be bared against treason and rebellion ? Still still ; as still in their pulsations as a cradled infant, The South should know it ('tis useless to tell the North) that one half of . these States are now, this hour, guilty of open, daring rebellion against the Constitution ;', not hypotheiicully, not so from bad logic, from passion, from necessity ; not so even from interest; but from a long nursed hate; from no cause but what . God has given ; because our sun shines gloriously on a teeming soil, on which, like men arid 'not like beggars, we are willing to rely, and live if we can, and starve if we must, without ever calliog on the government for a crust. If it is anything but this, what is it? We . have wronged no , man ; . we told the, Nprtb (or our fithers told them) before we put our hands to,' ihe bpnd " that we were to hold our slaves; that they must be represented .both as persons and property in due ratio.;.3l Alii this was conceded, or there never would.', have , been an Abolitionist to fight at thjs day. God only knows what all this thing is to end in. ., We awfully.' fear neither in peace or re-assured fraternity. Already has the soil of Pennsylvania drunk the blood , of an inno cent roaster who - sought his'.'slare.'in .hcir.mMst The Constitution: could Jiot save , this, victim, of Northern 1, perfidy, and lawlessness, j, -W.e, , had thought that, so armed, the citizen had a shield to oppose to jiis epeinie .that like Miner.va's. would turn them to stone. . ButMarsh laughed at it on the floor of Congress ; "and who so lowly as to do it reverence. " That ma'n Is a datinff foof-af int as omy an insensate root can oe wno aeqies the m.yeoivj ui iiiiumi biju cuueertra-action on iqra matter. And with'homble'pride we call on those oi our own brethren at the South, that with such alacrity and emphasis denounced Carolinaand who even to this day have rankling and festering in their hearts a hatted of some of her public men for; the part they took' in ' State resistance lo be just ns open, we say at least as emphatic; 'in their condemnation ' of the downright treason 1 (if this term can be made appropriate) of Pennsylvariiaus regards tne law or -u and of nine other States now in league to override the South' and the Constitution at the same time in their course on the Wilmot Proviso. Macon (Go.) Telegraph. A Coon Hunt in a l?eucy Conutry. " Tis really astonish in, jvhat a monstrous sight of mischief is in one pint o rum.;- If -one of 'em was to.be submttted to ananahzation, as the doctor calls it, it would be found to contain aU manner of devilment that ever Centered ihe head of man, from cussin' and stealin up to murder arid whip- pin his own mother, and nonsense enun to turn all the men in the world out' of. their senses. If a man's got any badness in him, it'ilibnng it out list as sassaffas;' tea.; does the measles, and if he s good for. oothm-sort of a.feljeri without, no bad traus pertickler, u 11 bring out all bis gieeneness. It a fleets d i fie rent people rin dinerent .-ways fit makes some men monstrous brave and full of fight, and some it makes, cowards some it makes rich and happy, and some poor and miserable; and it has dinerent enect on dinerent peoples eyes- some it makes so blind, that they can t tell them sel ves. ; Due of the worst cases of rum foolery that 1 ve heard of for a long time luck place in, J.,ine ville last lall.Vt .'.'..,' ..J ; ',' .?f Bill Sweny and Tom Culpepper is the two greatest old coveys in our settlement for coon huntin'.' The fact is, .they don't do much of any thing else, and when they can't ketch notbin you may depend coons is scarce. . Well, one night they had every thing ready for a regular hunt, but owin' to soriie extra good for tin,' Tom had got a pocket-pistol, as he called it, of reguIar(old. Ja makyj to keep off the rumatics. After; takin, a good startin' horn they went out on their hunt, with their lighlwood torch a blazin,' and the dogs a barkin and yelpin' fike forty thousand. . Every now and then stoppin' to wait for the dogs, they would drink one another's health, till they began to feel very comfortable, and chatted away '. bout one thing and another, " thout mihdin much which way they "was gwiriel Bimeby they cum to a fence. . Well over they got, ' thout much dif ficulty. - .-. " Who's fence is this ?" ses Bill. ' . . . . . , ; '. U Taint no matter,'' ses Tom; " let's take sum thin ' to drink." ' "'" - After takin' a drink they went on wonderin' what on earth had cum of the dogs. Next thing they cum to was a terrible muddy, branch. After pull in' through briars and, getlin' on tother side they tuck another drink, and after gwine, a little further they cum to another Jence--a monstroos high,one this' lime. .V-f.' ? fj-..-. .; : Whar upon yearth is. we got to, "Culpepper, ses Bill ; 'f 1 never seed sich a heap of -branches and fences in these paru." . " Why," ses Tom, " it's all old Sturliri's doins you know he's always-bilden .fences and makin' internal improvements, as he calls 'em. But never mind we's through 'em now." . ; "The devil we is," ses Bill; ts here's the al fi red est tall fence yet.". , r j Shore enough,' there they was, right again an other fence. By this time they began to be con siderable tired and limber' in the jinst and it was sich a terrible high fence-Tom dropped the last piece of the torch, and thar they was in the dark. " Jow you is done it, ses Bill ? Tom know'd he had. but he thought it was no use to grieve over spilled milk, so ses he: " Never mind, old boss cum ahead, and i ll take you out," and the next minit kesplash he went into the water. Bill hung on to the fence with both hands. like he thought it was slewin' round to throw him off. " Hallow, Tom," ses he, " whar in the world is you got to?" , tl Here I is, ses Tom, spouting the water out of his moutfi, and coffin' liko he'd swallowed some thing.' . ' . . " Look out, thar's another branch here." " Name o' sense, whar is we?" ses Bill. ' If this isn't a fency country, dad fetch my buttons." " Yes and a branchy one too! ' ses loin, "and the highest and : the deepest and thickest that I ever seed in my borne days." -; " Which way is you ? says Bill. , " Here, rite over the branch." ' , The, next minit in Bill , went, up to his middle in the branch. " Cum ahead," ses Tom, a and let's go home." " Cum thunder 1 in sich a place as this, whar a man haint more'n got his tail unhitched from a fence ' fore he's over head and ears in the water !" . After gettin' out and feelin' about in the dark a little they got together agin. After takin' another drink thev sot out for home, cussin the fences and mf n all sumo. 1 1 another btanch. After gettin'. through the branch and gwine bout ten steps, they was brung to a halt by another fence. . . ' , ." Dad blame ray picter," ses Bill, f1 If I don't think we is bewitched. ' Who upon yeafth would bi Id fences over creation this way?" ; 4 It was .'bout a 'riwer's job to get over this one, but after, they got on. topjhey found the ground on loiher side 'thout much trouble. This time the bottle was broke, and they, cum raoustrous near havin' a fight 'bout' the catasirofyv But it was a very good thing, it was, for after crossing three or four more fences jt got to be daylight, and they found put that they had been climvC the same fence all night, not, more'n a hundred yards from whar they first come to it . ; . ,-.':; r , iBill Sweeny ses hecan't account for l no other way but that the licker sort o' turned . ther; heds, ana .ne sea-oe upes reany uciree . ! uuu , (jm out they'd been climbinL that same., fence, and wadin' that same branch vit , ' Bill promised hb wife tojine the Temperance Society if she wouldn't say no more 'bout that Uoon..tunJt, j; ti;., . f L Western Continent. , . . : : r-V: ' " l Slanderous. iSomehodr- who har been disap pointed in matters connected 'trith thrr tender1 pas sions, ihu34isc6rirses,in'tt,VVesterwptper;. -i? TWii "Mun' has little CSuse (a fear I r . -Whose purse U filUd with gold i "-' For. ladies' hearts, like merchandize,- Is'daily booght with gold." ihe branches, and helpin one another up now and then ; but they hadn't got more'n , twenty yards ' fore the brung up all standin' in lhe middle of riiriiAatomeWxim iLv i ne-i tiott are iq'159 Though much i waat -what most woofJ bve, i rHTet still my mind forbids torvej .ciwiiJ .i i.viQ'.-u.u i-im I.f.d r. corneal to nve, inn j my iif y , ni X seek no more than may sumce; . ..,:-! FT 0 'Vr " Wiuij Bjej j v,r :,.. ( .t Look, what"! lack my toiod appiieM . . Lb thu liriomnh.'like.akinKi. ,:" -v "4 T v . Contest with wfeaf my miad doih'brihgllf'i ! : . . 'A ..v(tM!i (.vitViMa'i a tt; -l see how plenty .surfeits oft, j;uj jil;'i" Aad hasty: climber aooatsi Jfall i.. ul'u . I see. that such as;ri aloft, t .17r rvni -Ut "... Mishap doth threaten most of , alii' These get with toil, ad keepiTipar.jj ; J, Such cares YnV mino Could never' bea V-( - ; No prineetypdmp,' wd weaflrby store T '"-.f i '. . li No force to. wiu -the victory?-Z'K ' L Nowily witioaaltB:asoreLn!i vttoi? y r No hape io"!wia.a.loyr?B-ye jo -o! ti.it ; To none ott l yield AthfaUt'f i tjr.i x.xv They lackjJ le&di iheypiae,l liveiun jifi I laugh riot at anotbeit lossTiJ,f: 1, .fVf 0, I grudge not at another gain j ;, . I loath tth not life, ndr: dread mide? eadi"-'l7Ml l! m I joy hot in no earthly blhsv v. -iji ;.;.'i1va i, , J weighi not Croesus' , wealth t straw f1, ..',Vj ;. For care, I care aol what its n.ti I fefa r not fortu pe'a fatal la v i : , . ., :; . ,r ;n j a My mind is such as may nofmbyef.' .. j : For beauty bright,' of fdree of ioVe: r I wish but what I have at tvil.V '"' ri I wander not lo seek for moVe'!' I like the plain, i climb the. hill ;1 .i A : .: In greatest btoroas i sit on shore,; And laugh at'ibem that toil jn vai ti . .lo get ( what must be lost agatnv,.,, , I kiss not where I wish to kiljt ; . J. ,1 'l feign not lover-wheTe'mbst'l hate; I 1 luck no sleep to Win lfwiiI,'', ' ' . ' " -1 wait not at the miVbiyrs gatef . I scorn no poor, 1 fea aarichf tr. ' I feel no want; uoi have too much, v The court nor cart I like jior loathe;; , 'i j , Extremes aV'e counted wprse. than The golden rriean.betwxlhem bpjui' .j.i',OVf 'J v Doth surest sit, arid fears no fall : ' .' ; This is mv choice for whv? I tm" ' 1 .JVo wealth like a quiet mind;- ! "'J'1' 'f . -i My wulth is health, and. perfect ease f i " " . , xlyconscien:cIear ror chief dt-fence'pTs'V .1 never seek by hribes4o,file4e, t yHi Nor by desert to give offeace.,; J;11 i"i Thusdo l.live, thus wiuMl.die;., fjr ,.0,i. Would all did so, as well as 1. . ""- v American Battle. The "folio wins' ate ihe Co :omparative ' losses of the batifeVof tho- Revolo ion, arranged according to priority . ;c2 '!:0 v'- t-:i- v... v -Bf.' UM' ' 'An. '1mm 1 Uon, Lexington; April 19, 1775. - & -Bunker Hill, June lTr 1773 ' 273 ''L:;8t' 4: 4054 :! - H453 i 400 it tif-srl" 200 U 4005 -4 4001: ,1000 , i ' , 9 ): Klatbush, August ,14,' 1 77S, i l While Piainsj Aug. 26, '7tJ, Trenton, Dec. 25, 1776, Princeton. Jan. 5, 1777, 400 .100 , 800 '1200 : '350 J 1200 ...1.; -.-.iil Vh(.32'.:t . ?l30 r ,211 ,400 .100.. Hubbardstown, Aug. 7, 1777, V180' :u; j Bennington, Aug. 16. 1777, 800 ' - 500 ' 600 . i 600 6752 sur. 500 :; t-: Brandywine, Sept. 11, 1777,. Stillwater, Sept. 17, 1777,- Germantown, Oct. 4,-1777, ; ciaratoga. Oct. 17, 1777i. Red Hook, Oct. 22, 1777, - Monmouth, June 25, 177S, 400. Rhode Island, Aug, 27, 1778, , 260. , . . Brier Creek, Maich 30. 1770, 13 ' ,f Stony Point, July 15, 1779, -600 V, Camden, August 16, 1780, ,, 375 .' ; 610 . 06 King's Moon tain, Oct: 1, 1789 50' ' Cownens, Jan. 17, 1781, -800 ' "72; -400 ' 400- 550 j Guilford C.H. March 15, 1781, 523 ' Hoblcirk's Hill. Ap'1.25, 1781, ! 400' Eutaw Springs, Sept. 1781,- ? 1000 Vorktown, Oct. 19, 1781, 7072 sur. Total, 1 Barney. It means to make them hold their jaw . J. What is Mr. MafSi to be silenced for ?; 4 ; B. Because he has just got married. ' ; j. Why la me ! isn't it right for ministers' td get married ? ' : f v ; ' ' ' ' B. Yes it is right enough ; ' b' y( ? you y W,t6vf when men get married they have to hold Ihcit tongues and let their wives talk.-; 1 ' " Negro Logic. "I tell you Sam,. I "hacT a onstrus 'spute wid roasSa dis riV6rnih'down m the babbcige patch:'; ' " , . ' u You don t sez so ! what yoa sputebp.ut t " Why, massa sed dar 'was only on6 person in Noah's ark, and I sed daf was more; but t prove ittdhlmIdldmunv ';' : : VV . 'V. " Hotr, Ccear?" ; ' -;; Z' - yhy, it is strictly sel ' down in the Bible, dat Noah came fourth, an ob courso dir mu?t .haTQ been tree bders cbrrie out fore hini oafcrf iW't'l'tetl you i prove h, nonej i Ceesar, you is a mighty wintelligerif piggah youisj".;', . . : 5, r- fc; A lady was told tKe other day by ' .a i fra veiling gentleman that) iri cerVain , country, evefyi lady who had a sinall mouth was provided viib a hus band by the gove'rninent..';. 'llth jt potbibulf taic "the, lady, making hsr mouth as smallas possibi The gentleman', added,' .'' that if, a lady bad ; a Iarg mouth she was provided with two husridU." y gracious," .(exqlaimcd, thaJadyVi at the aaiqf ti rrie throw ing . her . rpouth - open i .its fu 11 extent, .The genileriia .became alarme, rnade, his escape atmqst immediately r ana , has not , been beaid of since.'. .. .. ,i, . .. .,'f-.'..', -.'Siifthih M-nx ..- Non. Combatants. Two duakers in:Vertaont had a ; dispute : they wished to fight h but it j was 1 against their principles ; they grasped each -othef; one threw ana sat: on the backiOtjthcotherivaa squeezing his head .irt the mud; taid;J. oavfhy bel ly shall thoq :tawl and .dan i thou haU at all tbeday of i ihy .lifel'L.LTho other lobn gained the victory, and hen ihe! had-, auaiaedo tfce'jaarie position, :.aajd-ritt . is writtenr-ihe secd lofahe woman shall bruise the serpent's head I" tumor anq aaeoi wis execuent cuiiiuwi- .nbt'kriowtfi'butlitlsnu'otcd'byaa-autbbr .'as well knownypToductiph-. 'iu;')a '. AVfaexedsalrthIy''Mf!, ;: Tfiat Qod ofoalurehai isaiiaedt?' A Some hae'too rhncuet'Vtl tiefttiief f I. little have, yet seek no nioTe, They are' but poctflhb' much they hive, 1 i:'i. And lam rich wiih lhtle Btore-u v' c"-ft .'.Thev Door. i Tich: thev besrJ Iire i'r t itio wonuiy care iuv iuiiiu ctu ius . I dfook wnat is suuuirr s uaue ; . 1 fpftr ntot'fdeJ nor ifiWii' mi Ifrieiitt'"1 -v.l3i 0,697 1 i o